In this companion report to our AN-2821 "Indoor Wireless to 5G from DAS to Small Cell" we focus exclusively on 5G technology and deep dive on likely deployment options and scenarios and discuss challenges which system designers and vendors mus…
The number of companies, and the scale at which they operate, in the Augmented and Virtual Reality market is ever changing and ever growing. Companies expand their collaborations with hardware and software providers, enrich their portfolio by supporting…
フランスの調査会社イダテ社(IDATE)の調査レポート「ネットワーク仮想化から5Gスライシングまで:仮想化の可能性を解放するMANO(Management and orchestration) - レポートとデータセット」は、SDN(Software Defined Network、ソフトウェア定義によるネットワーク…
世界のIT ソフトウェアに関する調達市場情報レポートです。
About IT Software Market
IT software and services include IT infrastructure support and services, application development and maintenance, network services and support, and database…
Openwave Mobility is a specialised vendor that provides traffic management, subscriber data management (SDM) and identity management solutions to mobile operators. This profile provides an overview of Openwave Mobility’s software and services solutions an…
Last week, we attended the RAN#84 Plenary in Newport Beach, CA. In this Signals Ahead report we provide our thoughts based on recent RAN Plenary activities and key decisions impacting the functionality and timeline of the 5G standard.
That’s Mes…
South Korean operators KT, LGU+ and SK Telecom launched their 5G services at the beginning of April 2019. This report looks at the tariffs, devices and packages that are offered as well as the network and technologies that have supported the launches. It …
About PaaS Market
Buyers across sectors such as manufacturing and retail are increasingly adopting subscription-based PaaS model. The demand for cloud-based PaaS is expected to grow at a CAGR of…
This market data tracks connections, IC shipments, and revenues of the LPWA market on the basis of vertical application market and gateways.All product forecasts are segmented by region including: North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia-Paci…