





2025/03/13 10:26

149.31 円

162.97 円

196.34 円

通信・IT 市場調査レポート

このリストでは通信・IT 市場に関する調査レポートを新刊順に紹介しています。
例えば、5Gモバイル、XaaS、IoT・M2M、機械学習、Deep Learning、XR (メタバース)、量子コンピューティング、その他のICT分野の動向に関する調査レポート (技術動向、市場規模予測)を紹介しています。

IoT Market Tracker: Public Sector
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2019年8月
This IoT Market Tracker provides highly segmented data and forecasts to support IoT business initiatives and go-to-market plans. Data for Public Sector includes an end-to-end view of the connections and revenues generated by suppliers in the IoT value c…
IoT Market Tracker: 2G
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2019年8月
This IoT Market Tracker provides highly segmented data and forecasts to support IoT business initiatives and go-to-market plans. Data for 2G includes an end-to-end view of the connections and revenues generated by suppliers in the IoT value chain. Value…
IoT Market Tracker: Home Security and Automation
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2019年8月
This IoT Market Tracker provides highly segmented data and forecasts to support IoT business initiatives and go-to-market plans. Data for Home Security and Automation includes an end-to-end view of the connections and revenues generated by suppliers in …
IoT Market Tracker: Utilities
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2019年8月
This IoT Market Tracker provides highly segmented data and forecasts to support IoT business initiatives and go-to-market plans. Data for the Utilities enterprise segment includes an end-to-end view of the connections and revenues generated by suppliers…
IoT Market Tracker: Finance
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2019年8月
This IoT Market Tracker provides highly segmented data and forecasts to support IoT business initiatives and go-to-market plans. Data for the Finance enterprise segment includes an end-to-end view of the connections and revenues generated by suppliers i…
IoT Market Tracker: 5G
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2019年8月
This IoT Market Tracker provides highly segmented data and forecasts to support IoT business initiatives and go-to-market plans. Data for 5G includes an end-to-end view of the connections and revenues generated by suppliers in the IoT value chain. Value…
IoT Market Tracker: Aftermarket Telematics
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2019年8月
This IoT Market Tracker provides highly segmented data and forecasts to support IoT business initiatives and go-to-market plans. Data for Aftermarket Telematics includes an end-to-end view of the connections and revenues generated by suppliers in the Io…
IoT Market Tracker: Metering
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2019年8月
This IoT Market Tracker provides highly segmented data and forecasts to support IoT business initiatives and go-to-market plans. Data for Metering includes an end-to-end view of the connections and revenues generated by suppliers in the IoT value chain.…
IoT Market Tracker: 4G
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2019年8月
This IoT Market Tracker provides highly segmented data and forecasts to support IoT business initiatives and go-to-market plans. Data for 4G includes an end-to-end view of the connections and revenues generated by suppliers in the IoT value chain. Value…
IoT Market Tracker: LPWA-LTE
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2019年8月
This IoT Market Tracker provides highly segmented data and forecasts to support IoT business initiatives and go-to-market plans. Data for LPWA-LTE includes an end-to-end view of the connections and revenues generated by suppliers in the IoT value chain.…
IoT Market Tracker: Insurance
価格はお問い合わせください |  ABI Research | 2019年8月
This IoT Market Tracker provides highly segmented data and forecasts to support IoT business initiatives and go-to-market plans. Data for the Insurance enterprise segment includes an end-to-end view of the connections and revenues generated by suppliers…
【調査レポートセット】5G最適化:ネットワークスライシング毎、モバイルエッジコンピューティング毎、インテントベースネットワークキング毎 2019-2024年
【調査レポートセット】5G最適化:ネットワークスライシング毎、モバイルエッジコンピューティング毎、インテントベースネットワークキング毎 2019-2024年
5G Optimization by Network Slicing, Mobile Edge Computing, and Intent Based Networking 2019 – 2024
価格 US$ 2,995 |  Mind Commerce | 2019年8月
米国調査会社マインドコマース(Mind Commerce)の下記の調査レポートのセット販売です。たいへんお得な価格設定です。 5G Technology Development and Market Deployment インテントベースネットワークキング市場:技術毎、インフラストラクチャ毎(ハードウェア、…
Mobile-first video strategies for telecoms operators: case studies and analysis
Mobile-first video strategies for telecoms operators: case studies and analysis
価格 US$ 4,999 |  Analysys Mason | 2019年8月
Traditional pay-TV household penetration is low in certain emerging markets. Operators in these markets are implementing ‘mobile-first’ strategies for TV and video content distribution because the majority of customers either do not have access to a fixed…
Subscription, advertising and transactional models for TV and video: opportunities for revenue growth
Subscription, advertising and transactional models for TV and video: opportunities for revenue growth
価格 US$ 4,999 |  Analysys Mason | 2019年8月
Revenue in the TV and video industry will grow by USD95 billion worldwide between 2019 and 2024. This report analyses how the relative importance of advertising, transactional and subscription revenue is changing.
5G、地上最大のショウ:第5版 風変わりな仲間
5G、地上最大のショウ:第5版 風変わりな仲間
5G: The Greatest Show on Earth!
価格 US$ 995 |  Signals Research Group | 2019年8月
SRG conducted a benchmark study of the T-Mobile 5G NR network in New York City where the operator has deployed the technology at 28 GHz (Band n257) along with LAA in Band 46. Highlights of the Report include the following: Our Thanks. We did this st…
Implications for Investing in a New Microprocessor: Essential Checklist
無料調査レポート |  Omdia | Tractica | 2019年8月
この調査レポートは新たに市場に投入される革新的なマイクロプロセッサについて調査・分析を行っている、OVUMとTracticaが共同で作成した無料レポートです。 As new innovative microprocessors are being brought into the market, one of the biggest drivers is artif…
AT&T API Marketplace Solution and Impacts on Telecom API Market
価格 US$ 495 |  Mind Commerce | 2019年8月
米国調査会社マインドコマース(Mind Commerce)の調査レポート「AT&Tのアプリケーションプログラミングインターフェース(API)の市場:ソリューションと通信API市場への影響」は、AT&Tのアプリケーションプログラミングインターフェース(API)の市場とそのエコシ…
Energy as a Service Overview
価格 US$ 4,950 |  Guidehouse (旧Navigant Research) | 2019年8月
米国調査会社ナビガントリサーチ(Navigant Research)の調査レポート「世界のサービスとしてのエネルギーの市場分析と予測:商用と産業用のサービスとしてのエネルギーソリューション」は、フォーチュン500に匹敵するような大規模な商業・産業顧客に特に注目して、一括請…
産業コネクティビティ市場レポート 2019-2024年
産業コネクティビティ市場レポート 2019-2024年
Industrial Connectivity Market Report 2019-2024
価格 US$ 4,000 |  IoT Analytics GmbH | 2019年8月
159-page report on the current and future industrial connectivity landscape including: Market sizing & forecast 2019 to 2024 Market segmentation by: 15 different industrial connectivity component types, including hardware, softwa…
IoT MVNOs: case studies and analysis (volume III)
IoT MVNOs: case studies and analysis (volume III)
価格 US$ 1,499 |  Analysys Mason | 2019年8月
The IoT MVNO market continues to grow and fragment; established MVNOs and MNOs are being challenged by new entrants and players from other areas of the IoT value chain. This report is the third in Analysys Mason’s series of case studies on IoT MVNOs and a…
