LTE and 5G Applications and Services Market by Service Provider Type, Connection Type, Deployment Type, Use Cases, 5G Service Category, Computing as a Service, Industry Verticals, Region and Country 2020 - 2025
This 5G applications market report is the most comprehensive research available addressing the LTE and 5G applic…
Smart Buildings Market by Technology (AI, IoT, Indoor Wireless), Infrastructure, Solutions (AssetTracking, Data Analytics, IWMS), and Regions 2020 - 2025
This research evaluates the telemedicine market including technologies, solutions, applications, and service…
Actionable Benefits
Visualize the IoT opportunity in your sector of business.
Identify the target markets, applications and technologies that you should pursue.
Understand the precise make-up of the Internet of Things, to know your place an…
Actionable Benefits
Visualize the IoT opportunity in your sector of business.
Identify the target markets, applications and technologies that you should pursue.
Understand the precise make-up of the Internet of Things, to know your place an…
Actionable Benefits
Visualize the IoT opportunity in your sector of business.
Identify the target markets, applications and technologies that you should pursue.
Understand the precise make-up of the Internet of Things, to know your place an…
Actionable Benefits
Visualize the IoT opportunity in your sector of business.
Identify the target markets, applications and technologies…
5G is the most important element driving the recovery of capex following the COVID-19 pandemic. We expect that 5G capex during the 2 years will be close to that in our pre-COVID-19 forecast, with an acceleration of migration to virtualised networks.
Actionable Benefits
Guidance for Communication Service Providers (CSPs) to develop a sustainable monetizing strategy for consumer-focused entertainment use cases, as well as media enterprise applications.
Identify business models for In…
SK Telecom has a strong in-house development capability and is using AI and analytics tools to differentiate its services and offers in the market. The operator has built out its tools to provide greater levels of automation and create new software produc…
The full benefits of 5G can only be realised when MNOs deploy a cloud-native 5G core, but the platforms are still immature. Operators and vendors should work on step-by-step deployments to reduce risk and generate immediate ROI.
A key finding from Analysys Mason's new report's Telecoms capex: worldwide trends and forecast 2017?2026' is that MNOs will share RAN on an unprecedented level in the 5G era, to reduce cost. That reduces the base station opportunity for vendors, but …