Cybersecurity Market by Segment (Consumer, Enterprise, Industrial, Government), Use Case and Solution Type (Hardware, Software, and Data), Industry Verticals, and Regions 2020 – 2025
Lookout’s technology provides threat defence for mobile devices, and is mostly sold through partners such as mobile operators. This profile outlines the company’s strategy and highlights its key strengths and weaknesses.
Increased urbanization demands and the rise of mega-cities are contributing to the fervent adoption of more smart city development projects across the world where sustainability, efficiency and citizen safety are key priorities. The increased digitizati…
Digital Transformation 2019: 5G, AI, Big Data Analytics, Blockchain, Cloud and Mobile Edge Computing, Connected and Wearable Devices, Cybersecurity, Digital Twins and Teleoperation, IoT, Robotics, Smart Cities, and Virtual Reality
What questions are addressed?
How large is the market for automotive cybersecurity software and services, how fast is it growing, and what factors are driving such growth?
What vendors offer which types of solutions, and who are the l…