


Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Report 2022-2032

この調査レポートは世界の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場を調査し、オファリング別、技術別、用途別、タイプ別、地域別に2022年から2032年までの予測結果を掲載しています。また関連企業情報を提供しています... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 図表数 言語
2022年6月14日 GBP4,500
2営業日程度 461 534 英語

※上記価格は部署ライセンス(Departmental licence)価格です。





  1. レポート概要
  2. エグゼクティブサマリー
  3. 創薬における人工知能(AI)の業界構造
  4. 世界市場のダイナミックス
  5. 世界の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析
  6. 世界の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場予測、2022-2032年
  7. 北米の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析
  8. 欧州の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析
  9. アジア太平洋地域の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析
  10. LAMEAの創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析
  11. 主要企業分析とプロフィール


創薬における人工知能(AI)市場レポート 2022-2032:本レポートは、新たな収益の柱を目指すリーディングカンパニーが、業界とその背景にあるダイナミクスをより深く理解する上で、非常に有益なものとなるでしょう。また、異業種への進出や新地域での既存事業の拡大を目指す企業にとっても有用なレポートです。



- 創薬における人工知能(AI)市場はどのように進化しているのか?
- 創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の推進要因と抑制要因は何か?
- 創薬における人工知能(AI)各サブマーケットセグメントは予測期間中にどのように成長し、2032年にこれらのサブマーケットが占める収益はどの程度になるのでしょうか?
- 2022年から2032年にかけて、創薬における人工知能(AI)各サブマーケットの市場シェアはどのように推移するのでしょうか?
- 2022年から2032年にかけて、市場全体の主なドライバーは何でしょうか?
- 創薬における主要な人工知能(AI)市場は、マクロ経済のダイナミクスに広く追随するのか、それとも個々の国内市場が他を凌駕するのか?
- 2032年までに各国市場のシェアはどのように変化し、2032年に市場をリードするのはどの地域か?
- 主要プレイヤーは誰か、また予測期間中の展望は?
- これらのリーディング企業の創薬における人工知能(AI)プロジェクトはどのようなものでしょうか?
- 2020年から2032年の間に業界はどのように進化するのか?現在および今後10年間に行われる創薬における人工知能(AI)プロジェクトの意味するところは何か?
- 創薬における人工知能(AI)市場をさらに拡大するために、製品の商業化の必要性は高いか?
- 創薬における人工知能(AI)市場はどこに向かっているのか?また、どのようにすれば市場の最前線にいることを確認できるのか?
- 新製品やサービスラインに対する最適な投資オプションは何か?
- 企業を新たな成長軌道に乗せるための重要な展望とは?C-suiteですか?


- 461ページにわたる本レポートでは、270の表と264のグラフを独占的に提供します。
- このレポートでは、業界における主要な収益性の高い分野をハイライトしているため、今すぐターゲットにすることができます。
- 世界、地域、国別の売上高と成長率を詳細に分析
- 競合他社が成功した主要トレンド、変化、収益予測にハイライトを当てています。



- 2032年までの収益予測に加え、直近の実績、成長率、市場シェアも掲載。
- ビジネスの展望や展開など、独自の分析をご覧いただけます。
- 定性的分析(市場力学、ドライバー、機会、抑制、課題など)、コスト構造、創薬価格における人工知能(AI)台頭の影響、最近の動向などをご覧いただけます。



- AIソフトウェア
- AIサービス

- 教師あり学習
- 強化学習
- 教師なし学習
- その他の技術

- 腫瘍
- 感染症
- 神経系疾患
- 代謝性疾患
- 循環器系疾患
- その他の用途

- ターゲット同定
- 分子スクリーニング
- 薬物設計・薬物最適化
- 前臨床試験・臨床試験


- 米国
- カナダ
- メキシコ

- ドイツ
- スペイン
- イギリス
- フランス
- イタリア
- その他の欧州地域

- 中国
- 日本
- インド
- オーストラリア
- 韓国
- その他のアジア太平洋地域

- ブラジル
- トルコ
- サウジアラビア
- 南アフリカ
- その他の中南米、中東、アフリカ地域


・ Atomwise
・ Benevolent AI
・ Berg Health
・ Bioage
・ Biosymetrics
・ Cloud Pharmaceuticals
・ Cyclica
・ Deep Genomics
・ DeepMind
・ Envisagenics
・ Euretos
・ Exscientia
・ GNS Healthcare
・ IBM Corporation
・ Insilico Medicine



- 創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の2032年までの収益予測、用途、技術、タイプ、オファリングの各予測を世界および地域レベルで掲載-業界の展望を発見し、投資と収益に最も有利な場所を見つけることができます。

- 4地域と20主要国市場の2032年までの収益予測 - 北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、LAMEAの創薬における人工知能(AI)市場、2022年から2032年までの市場予測をご覧いただけます。また、米国、カナダ、メキシコ、ブラジル、ドイツ、フランス、英国、イタリア、中国、インド、日本、オーストラリアなど、著名な経済圏の市場も予測されています。

- 創薬における人工知能(AI)市場、2022年~2032年市場に関わる主要企業15社の企業プロファイルを含む、既存企業および市場参入を目指す企業にとっての展望。






1 レポートの概要
1.1 創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の紹介
1.2 世界の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の概要
1.3 本レポートの目的とは?
1.4 本レポートのスコープとは?
1.5 創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の定義
1.6 本レポートを読むべき理由
1.7 本レポートが提供するもの
1.8 本分析レポートが回答する主な質問には以下が含まれます。
1.9 本レポートは誰のためのものなのか?
1.10 調査方法
1.10.1 一次調査
1.10.2 セカンダリーリサーチ
1.10.3 市場評価・予測手法
1.11 よくある質問と回答(FAQ)
1.12 関連するVisiongainのレポート
1.13 Visiongainについて

2 エグゼクティブサマリー

3 創薬における人工知能(AI)の産業構造
3.1 概要
3.2 産業バリューチェーン分析
3.3 人工知能が創薬を変える
3.4 AIのためのネットワークとツール
3.5 医薬品ライフサイクルにおけるAI
3.6 創薬におけるAI
3.6.1 ドラッグデザインにおけるAI
3.6.2 ポリファーマコロジーにおけるAI
3.6.3 化学合成におけるAI
3.6.4 薬物リパーポージングにおけるAI
3.6.5 薬物スクリーニングにおけるAI
3.7 ドラッグスクリーニングにおけるAI
3.8 医薬品分子設計におけるAI
3.9 医薬品開発の高度化におけるAI
3.10 医薬品製造におけるAI

4 グローバル市場のダイナミクス
4.1 市場のドライビングファクター
4.1.1 AIは生物学とコンピューティングの最新の進歩を活用し、創薬のための最先端のアルゴリズムを開発する
4.1.2 AIのおかげで、新しい治療法の開発コストとタイムラインが塗り替えられそうだ
4.1.3 人工知能(AI)はバリューチェーンを通して医薬品分野のゲームチェンジャーとなった
4.2 市場の抑制要因
4.2.1 AIによる予測は、データセットを調査するために使用されるアルゴリズムと同程度のものである
4.2.2 AIはアルゴリズムのバイアスに悩まされる可能性がある
4.2.3 AIベースのマシンやコンピュータのセットアップには莫大なコストがかかる
4.3 世界市場におけるビジネスチャンス
4.3.1 創薬の新潮流が世界の理想を描く
4.3.2 医薬品ビジネスにおける創薬開発で注目されるAI
4.3.3 正確に層別された患者サンプルにおける疾患の分子的原因の解明は、創薬プログラムのヒットと後期効果の失敗を防ぐために重要である
4.4 グローバル市場における課題
4.4.1 データ不足は、AIを導入するすべての産業で繰り返される問題である
4.4.2 AIシステムはエラーを起こしやすく、最終的に重大な問題につながる
4.4.3 AIによる創薬ターゲット予測のもう一つの障害は、世界中の研究所で行われている従来の基礎研究をコンピューターが理解できる言語に翻訳することである。
4.5 世界市場のスウォット分析
4.5.1 市場の強み
4.5.2 市場の弱み
4.5.3 市場機会
4.5.4 市場の脅威
4.6 世界市場のPEST分析
4.6.1 政治的要因
4.6.2 経済的要因
4.6.3 社会的要因
4.6.4 技術的要因
4.7 ポーターの5つの力
4.7.1 新規参入の脅威:高
4.7.2 サプライヤーの交渉力 - 高
4.7.3 バイヤーの交渉力-低い
4.7.4 代替品の脅威 - 低い
4.7.5 既存競争相手間の競争 - 高

5 世界の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析
5.1 世界市場の展望
5.1.1 創薬における人工知能(AI)の世界市場は、巨大な医薬品需要により急速な成長が見込まれる
5.1.2 臨床試験プロセスにおけるAIソリューションの採用は様々な障害を排除する
6 創薬における人工知能(AI)の世界市場予測、2022-2032年
6.1 創薬における人工知能(AI)の世界市場分析(地域別)
6.2 創薬における人工知能(AI)の世界市場分析(オファリング別)
6.3 創薬における人工知能(AI)の世界市場分析(技術別)
6.4 世界の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析(用途別)
6.5 世界の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析(タイプ別)

7 北米の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析
7.1 北米市場の展望
7.1.1 北米は創薬におけるAIで最も成長している地域市場である
7.1.2 前臨床創薬の機械学習を専門とする北米のバイオテクノロジー企業Posteraがさらなるイノベーションのために選ばれる
7.2 米国の創薬における人工知能の市場分析
7.2.1 米国におけるAIの支出と資金調達は、必要な光を浴びている
7.2.2 AI超大国となるための競争において、米国は明らかに優位に立つ
7.3 カナダの人工知能による創薬市場分析
7.3.1 カナダは国内外のAIに特化した人材や組織にリソースを提供する
7.3.2 カナダでは企業のコラボレーションやパートナーシップにより、医薬品開発におけるAIの活用事例が加速している
7.4 メキシコの創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析
7.4.1 メキシコは世界で最初に人工知能政策を採用した10カ国の1つであり、ラテンアメリカをリードしている
7.4.2 メキシコにおけるAIの開発と利用を形成するのに役立つ政府の役割
7.5 北米の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の国別分析
7.6 北米の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場のオファリング別分析
7.7 北米の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の技術別分析
7.8 北米の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の用途別分析

8 欧州の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析
8.1 欧州市場の展望
8.1.1 研究・産業能力の向上と基本的権利の確保を目指すEUの人工知能センターへの取り組み
8.1.2 AIに関する法的フレームワークの欧州提案
8.2 ドイツの創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析
8.2.1 ドイツでは脳の自己組織化能力に基づくアルゴリズムが開発され、高騰する医薬品開発コストに対処している
8.2.2 欧州における人工知能(AI)の最前線はドイツである
8.3 イギリスの人工知能による創薬市場分析
8.3.1 英国ではAi専門家の需要が大幅に増加している
8.3.2 AIは英国経済の生産性とGDPの成長を大きく促進する可能性がある
8.4 フランスの創薬における人工知能の市場分析
8.4.1 フランス政府は医療におけるAIを支援する
8.4.2 フランス企業は医薬品開発の革新的な解決策を見つけるために集まっている
8.5 イタリア 創薬における人工知能の市場分析
8.5.1 イタリアの一部の企業は現在、特にAIに関する新技術の試験運用を徐々に始めている
8.5.2 イタリアの経済と成長に対するAIの影響
8.6 スペインの創薬における人工知能の市場分析
8.6.1 スペインにおけるAIのインパクト
8.6.2 IndesIAはスペインの産業界向け人工知能の協会
8.7 その他の欧州の創薬における人工知能の市場分析
8.7.1 欧州でAIアプリケーションを利用する企業のシェアが最も高いのはアイルランド
8.7.2 欧州委員会は「信頼できるAI」を作るために新たな監視基準の設定に期待している
8.8 欧州の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の国別分析
8.9 欧州の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場のオファリング別分析
8.10 欧州の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の技術別分析
8.11 欧州の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の用途別分析
8.12 欧州の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場のタイプ別分析

9 アジア太平洋地域の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析
9.1 アジア太平洋地域の市場展望
9.1.1 アジア諸国におけるスタートアップ文化の高まりは、特に中国やインドといった国々におけるAIの成長にも影響を与えている
9.1.2 東南アジアはまだAI導入の初期段階にある
9.2 中国の創薬における人工知能の市場分析
9.2.1 中国企業はより多くの医薬品を市場に投入するためにAIに依存し、その外挿によってより良いサービスを拡張している
9.2.2 中国企業、AI技術でゼロから開発した医薬品の世界初のフェーズ1臨床試験をマーク
9.3 インドの創薬における人工知能の市場分析
9.3.1 インドの企業Intuition SystemがAIでゲームを加熱させる
9.3.2 インドの他のスタートアップや企業も創薬AIに関して革新的な道を歩んでいる
9.4 日本における創薬用人工知能の市場分析
9.4.1 日本企業による創薬AIの強力な新用途が発見された
9.4.2 医薬品医療機器総合機構(PDMA)が日本で123品目の新薬の承認を取得
9.5 韓国の創薬における人工知能の市場分析
9.5.1 この韓国企業はAI駆動型医薬品開発の最先端を走っている
9.5.2 韓国、政府の承認によりAIを創薬に活用へ
9.6 オーストラリアの創薬における人工知能の市場分析。
9.6.1 医薬品開発におけるAIに取り組むオーストラリアの2つの大学グループの専門家が博士課程研究を監修
9.6.2 創薬AI研究におけるオーストラリアの貢献度
9.7 その他のアジア太平洋地域の創薬における人工知能の市場分析。
9.7.1 東南アジア諸国もAIを活用した開発・研究にコミットしている
9.7.2 シンガポールの大手企業がAIで大きな飛躍を遂げる
9.8 アジア太平洋地域の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の国別分析
9.9 アジア太平洋地域の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場のオファリング別分析
9.10 アジア太平洋地域の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の技術別分析
9.11 アジア太平洋地域の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の用途別分析
9.12 アジア太平洋地域の創薬における人工知能(AI)市場のタイプ別分析

10 LAMEAの創薬における人工知能(AI)市場分析
10.1 LAMEA市場の展望
10.1.1 中南米で高まる人工知能の波は、生産性の低い国々に活力を与えることができる
10.1.2 AIは創薬において様々な形でアフリカに影響を及ぼす可能性がある
10.2 ブラジルの創薬における人工知能の市場分析。
10.2.1 ブラジル下院が人工知能の法的ガイドラインを制定する法律を成立させた
10.2.2 ブラジルは人工知能の活用に秀でている
10.3 トルコの創薬における人工知能の市場分析
10.3.1 トルコは国際的なAI指標で上位20カ国に入ることを計画している
10.3.2 人工知能(AI)は近未来の新しい「石油」であり、トルコに大きな機会をもたらすことができる
10.4 サウジアラビアの創薬における人工知能の市場分析
10.4.1 サウジアラビアはAIを創薬に活用する
10.4.2 サウジアラビアはポストコロナウィルス・パンデミックにおいて人工知能イノベーションを推進するユニークな立地にある
10.5 南アフリカの創薬における人工知能の市場分析。
10.5.1 南アフリカのAIにおけるイノベーション
10.5.2 健康・医薬品開発分野におけるAI主導の未来に参画する南アフリカ
10.6 UAEの創薬における人工知能の市場分析
10.6.1 UAE政府は「人工知能(AI)のためのUAE戦略」を立ち上げた
10.6.2 UAEで発表された人工知能からの創薬パートナーシップ
10.7 その他のLAMEAの創薬における人工知能の市場分析。
10.7.1 ラテンアメリカではすでに創薬におけるAIの応用が現実味を帯びてきている
10.7.2 サハラ以南のアフリカにおけるAIの状況は改善されつつある
10.8 LAMEAの創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の国別分析
10.9 LAMEAの創薬における人工知能(AI)市場のオファリング別分析
10.10 LAMEAの創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の技術別分析
10.11 LAMEAの創薬における人工知能(AI)市場の用途別分析
10.12 LAMEAの創薬における人工知能(AI)の市場分析

11 主要企業の分析・プロフィール
11.1 アトムワイズ
11.1.1 会社概要
11.1.2 会社概要
11.1.3 当社の製品ベンチマーク
11.1.4 会社の最近の開発
11.2 ベネヴォレントAI
11.2.1 企業スナップショット
11.2.2 会社概要
11.2.3 ベンチマーキング製品
11.2.4 会社の最近の開発
11.3 ベルグヘルス
11.3.1 企業スナップショット
11.3.2 会社概要
11.3.3 当社製品のベンチマーキング
11.3.4 会社の最近の動向
11.4 バイオエージ
11.4.1 企業スナップショット
11.4.2 会社概要
11.4.3 会社の製品ベンチマーク
11.4.4 会社の最近の動向
11.5 バイオサイメトリックス
11.5.1 企業スナップショット
11.5.2 会社概要
11.5.3 製品ベンチマーク
11.5.4 会社の最近の動向
11.6 クラウドファーマシューティカルズ
11.6.1 企業スナップショット
11.6.2 会社概要
11.6.3 会社の製品ベンチマーク
11.7 サ イ ク リ カ
11.7.1 企業スナップショット
11.7.2 会社概要
11.7.3 会社の製品ベンチマーク
11.7.4 会社の最近の開発
11.8 ディープゲノミクス
11.8.1 企業スナップショット
11.8.2 会社概要
11.8.3 当社の製品ベンチマーキング
11.8.4 会社の最近の開発
11.9 ディープマインド
11.9.1 企業スナップショット
11.9.2 会社概要
11.9.3 プロダクトベンチマーキング
11.9.4 会社の最近の動向
11.10 エンビサジェニックス
11.10.1 企業スナップショット
11.10.2 会社概要
11.10.3 会社の製品ベンチマーク
11.10.4 会社の最近の動向
11.11 ユーレイトス
11.11.1 企業スナップショット
11.11.2 会社概要
11.11.3 当社製品のベンチマーク
11.11.4 会社の最近の動向
11.12 エグザイエンティア
11.12.1 企業スナップショット
11.12.2 会社概要
11.12.3 会社の最近の動向
11.13 GNSヘルスケア
11.13.1 企業スナップショット
11.13.2 会社概要
11.13.3 会社の製品ベンチマーク
11.13.4 会社の最近の動向
11.14 IBMコーポレーション
11.14.1 企業スナップショット
11.14.2 会社概要
11.14.3 財務プロファイル
11.14.4 会社の製品ベンチマーク
11.14.5 会社の最近の動き
11.15 インシリコ・メディシン
11.15.1 会社概要
11.15.2 会社概要
11.15.3 ベンチマーキング
11.15.4 会社の最近の動向

12 結論と提言
12.1 結論
12.2 提言

13 用語集
13.1 関連するVisiongainのレポート

Table 1 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 2 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Snapshot, 2022 & 2032 (US$million, CAGR %)
Table 3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Swot Analysis
Table 4 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 5 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 6 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 7 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 8 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 9 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Region, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 10 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Region, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 11 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Region, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 12 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Region, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 13 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Region, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 14 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 15 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 16 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 17 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 18 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 19 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 20 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 21 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 22 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 23 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 24 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 25 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 26 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 27 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 28 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 29 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 30 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 31 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 32 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 33 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 34 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 35 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 36 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 37 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 38 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 39 US Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 40 US Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 41 US Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 42 US Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 43 US Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 44 Canada Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 45 Canada Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 46 Canada Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 47 Canada Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 48 Canada Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 49 Mexico Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 50 Mexico Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 51 Mexico Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 52 Mexico Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 53 Mexico Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 54 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 55 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 56 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 57 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 58 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 59 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 60 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 61 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 62 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 63 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 64 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 65 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 66 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 67 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 68 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 69 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 70 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 71 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 72 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 73 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 74 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 75 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 76 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 77 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 78 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 79 Germany Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 80 Germany Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 81 Germany Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 82 Germany Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 83 Germany Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 84 UK Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 85 UK Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 86 UK Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 87 UK Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 88 UK Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 89 France Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 90 France Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 91 France Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 92 France Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 93 France Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 94 Italy Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 95 Italy Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 96 Italy Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 97 Italy Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 98 Italy Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 99 Spain Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 100 Spain Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 101 Spain Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 102 Spain Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 103 Spain Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 104 Rest of Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 105 Rest of Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 106 Rest of Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 107 Rest of Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 108 Rest of Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 109 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 110 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 111 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 112 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 113 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 114 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 115 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 116 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 117 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 118 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 119 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 120 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 121 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 122 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 123 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 124 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 125 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 126 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 127 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 128 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 129 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 130 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 131 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 132 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 133 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 134 China Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 135 China Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 136 China Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 137 China Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 138 China Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 139 India Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 140 India Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 141 India Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 142 India Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 143 India Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 144 Japan Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 145 Japan Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 146 Japan Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 147 Japan Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 148 Japan Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 149 South Korea Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 150 South Korea Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 151 South Korea Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 152 South Korea Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 153 South Korea Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 154 Australia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 155 Australia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 156 Australia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 157 Australia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 158 Australia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 159 Rest of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 160 Rest of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 161 Rest of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 162 Rest of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 163 Rest of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 164 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 165 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 166 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 167 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 168 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 169 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 170 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 171 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 172 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 173 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 174 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 175 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 176 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 177 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 178 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 179 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 180 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 181 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 182 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 183 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 184 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 185 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 186 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 187 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 188 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 189 Brazil Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 190 Brazil Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 191 Brazil Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 192 Brazil Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 193 Brazil Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 194 Turkey Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 195 Turkey Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 196 Turkey Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 197 Turkey Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 198 Turkey Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 199 Saudi Arabia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 200 Saudi Arabia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 201 Saudi Arabia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 202 Saudi Arabia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 203 Saudi Arabia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 204 South Africa Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 205 South Africa Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 206 South Africa Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 207 South Africa Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 208 South Africa Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 209 UAE Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 210 UAE Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 211 UAE Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 212 UAE Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 213 UAE Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 214 Rest of LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 215 Rest of LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 216 Rest of LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 217 Rest of LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 218 Rest of LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 219 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 220 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 221 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 222 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 223 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 224 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 225 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 226 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 227 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 228 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 229 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 230 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 231 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 232 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 233 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 234 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%))
Table 235 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 236 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 237 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 238 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%), CAGR(%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Table 239 Atomwise: Company Information
Table 240 Atomwise: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 241 Atomwise: Company Recent Developments
Table 242 Benevolent AI: Company Information
Table 243 Benevolent AI: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 244 KKK: Company Recent Developments
Table 245 Berg Health: Company Information
Table 246 Berg Health: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 247 Berg Health: Company Recent Developments
Table 248 Bioage: Company Information
Table 249 Bioage: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 250 Bioage: Company Recent Developments
Table 251 Biosymetrics: Company Information
Table 252 Biosymetrics: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 253 Cloud Pharmaceuticals: Company Information
Table 254 Cloud Pharmaceuticals:: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 255 Cyclica: Company Information
Table 256 Cyclica: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 257 Cyclica: Company Recent Developments
Table 258 Deep Genomics: Company Information
Table 259 Deep Genomics: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 260 Deep Genomics: Company Recent Developments
Table 261 DeepMind: Company Information
Table 262 DeepMind: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 263 Deepmind: Company Recent Developments
Table 264 Envisagenics: Company Information
Table 265 Envisagenics: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 266 Envisagenics: Company Recent Developments
Table 267 Euretos: Company Information
Table 268 Euretos: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 269 Euretos: Company Recent Developments
Table 270 Exscientia: Company Information
Table 271 Exscientia: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 272 Exscientia: Company Recent Developments
Table 273 GNS Healthcare: Company Information
Table 274 GNS Healthcare: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 275 GNS Healthcare: Company Recent Developments
Table 276 IBM Corporation: Company Information
Table 277 IBM Corporation: Company Revenue 2017-2021 (US$Mn, AGR %)
Table 278 IBM Corporation: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 279 IBM Corporation: Company Recent Developments
Table 280 Insilico Medicine: Company Information
Table 281 Insilico Medicine: Company Product and Service Benchmarking
Table 282 Insilico Medicine: Company Recent Developments

Figure 1 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 2 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Segmentation
Figure 3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery PEST Analysis
Figure 4 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Porter’s Five Forces.
Figure 5 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 6 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 7 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 8 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 9 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 10 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Region, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 11 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Region, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 12 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Region, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 13 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Region, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 14 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Region, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 15 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 16 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 17 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 18 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 19 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 20 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 21 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 22 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 23 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 24 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 25 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 26 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 27 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 28 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 29 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 30 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 31 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 32 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 33 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 34 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 35 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 36 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 37 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 38 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 39 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 40 US Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 41 US Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 42 US Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 43 US Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 44 US Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 45 Canada Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 46 Canada Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 47 Canada Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 48 Canada Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 49 Canada Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 50 Mexico Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 51 Mexico Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 52 Mexico Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 53 Mexico Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 54 Mexico Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 55 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 56 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 57 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 58 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 59 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 60 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 61 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 62 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 63 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 64 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 65 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 66 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 67 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 68 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 69 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 70 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 71 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 72 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 73 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 74 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 75 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 76 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 77 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 78 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 79 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 80 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 81 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 82 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 83 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 84 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 85 Germany Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 86 Germany Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 87 Germany Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 88 Germany Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 89 Germany Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 90 UK Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 91 UK Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 92 UK Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 93 UK Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 94 UK Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 95 France Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 96 France Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 97 France Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 98 France Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 99 France Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 100 Italy Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 101 Italy Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 102 Italy Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 103 Italy Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 104 Italy Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 105 Spain Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 106 Spain Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 107 Spain Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 108 Spain Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 109 Spain Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 110 Rest of Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 111 Rest of Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 112 Rest of Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 113 Rest of Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 114 Rest of Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 115 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 116 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 117 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 118 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 119 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 120 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 121 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 122 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 123 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 124 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 125 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 126 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 127 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 128 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 129 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 130 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 131 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 132 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 133 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 134 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 135 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 136 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 137 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 138 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 139 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 140 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 141 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 142 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 143 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 144 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 145 China Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 146 China Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 147 China Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 148 China Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 149 China Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 150 India Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 151 India Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 152 India Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 153 India Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 154 India Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 155 Japan Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 156 Japan Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 157 Japan Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 158 Japan Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 159 Japan Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 160 South Korea Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 161 South Korea Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 162 South Korea Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 163 South Korea Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 164 South Korea Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 165 Australia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 166 Australia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 167 Australia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 168 Australia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 169 Australia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 170 Rest of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 171 Rest of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 172 Rest of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 173 Rest of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 174 Rest of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 175 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 176 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 177 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 178 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 179 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 180 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 181 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 182 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 183 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 184 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 185 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 186 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 187 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 188 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 189 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 190 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 191 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 192 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 193 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 194 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 195 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 196 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 197 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 198 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 199 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 200 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 201 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 202 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 203 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 204 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 205 Brazil Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 206 Brazil Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 207 Brazil Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 208 Brazil Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 209 Brazil Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 210 Turkey Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 211 Turkey Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 212 Turkey Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 213 Turkey Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 214 Turkey Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 215 Saudi Arabia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 216 Saudi Arabia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 217 Saudi Arabia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 218 Saudi Arabia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 219 Saudi Arabia Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 220 South Africa Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 221 South Africa Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 222 South Africa Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 223 South Africa Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 224 South Africa Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 225 UAE Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 226 UAE Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 227 UAE Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 228 UAE Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 229 UAE Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 230 Rest of LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 231 Rest of LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 232 Rest of LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 233 Rest of LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 234 Rest of LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Value, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 235 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 236 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 237 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 238 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 239 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Country, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 240 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 241 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 242 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 243 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 244 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Offering, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 245 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 246 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 247 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 248 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 249 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Technology, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 250 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 251 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 252 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 253 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 254 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Applications, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 255 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%))
Figure 256 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (V-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 257 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (W-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 258 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (U-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 259 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market by Type, 2022-2032 (USD Mn, AGR (%)) (L-Shaped Recovery Scenario)
Figure 260 IBM Corporation: Company Revenue 2017-2021 (US$Mn, AGR %)
Figure 261 AMCOR LTD: Company Operating Income 2017-2021 (US$Mn, AGR %)
Figure 262 IBM Corporation: Company Net Income 2017-2021 (US$Mn, AGR %)
Figure 263 IBM Corporation: Company EBITDA 2017-2021 (US$Mn, AGR %)
Figure 264 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast by Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery 2022, 2027, 2032 (%)





Report Details

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Report 2022-2032: This report will prove invaluable to leading firms striving for new revenue pockets if they wish to better understand the industry and its underlying dynamics. It will be useful for companies that would like to expand into different industries or to expand their existing operations in a new region.

The Rising Adoption of Cloud-Based Applications & Services Is Driving the Market
Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as a machine that employs modern technology to do tasks that are similar to those performed by the human mind. The primary purpose of drug discovery research is to find medications that can aid in the prevention or treatment of specific diseases. The difficulties of reviewing, obtaining, and utilising data to solve difficult medical problems fueled demand for artificial intelligence (AI) in the drug discovery business. The market for artificial intelligence in drug development is divided into offering, technology, type, applications, and region. The growing number of cross-industry collaborations and partnerships, the increasing need to control drug discovery & development costs and reduce overall time taken in this process, the rising adoption of cloud-based applications & services, and the impending patent expiration of blockbuster drugs are all driving the artificial intelligence in drug discovery market. On the other side, the market’s expansion is being hampered by a paucity of data sets in the field of drug discovery and an insufficient supply of competent workers.

The Lack of Data Is a Recurring Problem Throughout All Industries Implementing AI
The shortage of data is a reoccurring issue in all industries that are deploying AI. A standard biological investigation requires a minimum of five samples to be legitimate. Meanwhile, in order to function well, most machine learning algorithms must be trained on hundreds of thousands of data points or samples. This is why obtaining high-quality healthcare data is critical something that has proven increasingly challenging over time. The challenge is due to the disorganised and fragmented health data scattered across many data platforms and organisations. Patients’ insurance and healthcare providers change too frequently, making data collection difficult.

What Are These Questions You Should Ask Before Buying A Market Research Report?
• How is the artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery market evolving?
• What is driving and restraining the artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery market?
• How will each artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery submarket segment grow over the forecast period and how much revenue will these submarkets account for in 2032?
• How will the market shares for each artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery submarket develop from 2022 to 2032?
• What will be the main driver for the overall market from 2022 to 2032?
• Will leading artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery markets broadly follow the macroeconomic dynamics, or will individual national markets outperform others?
• How will the market shares of the national markets change by 2032 and which geographical region will lead the market in 2032?
• Who are the leading players and what are their prospects over the forecast period?
• What are the artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery projects for these leading companies?
• How will the industry evolve during the period between 2020 and 2032?What are the implication of artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery projects taking place now and over the next 10 years?
• Is there a greater need for product commercialisation to further scale the artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery market?
• Where is the artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery market heading? And how can you ensure you are at the forefront of the market?
• What can be the best investment options for new product and service lines?
• What are the key prospects for moving companies into a new growth path? C-suite?

You need to discover how this will impact the artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery market today, and over the next 10 years:
• Our 461-page report provides 270 tables and 264 charts/graphs exclusively to you.
• The report highlights key lucrative areas in the industry so you can target them – NOW.
• Contains in-depth analyse of global, regional and national sales and growth
• Highlights for you the key successful trends, changes and revenue projections made by your competitors

This report tells you TODAY how the artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery market will develop in the next 10 years, and in-line with the variations in COVID-19 economic recession and bounce. This market is more critical now than at any point over the last 10 years.

Delivers exclusive COVID-19 variations economic data specific to your market.

Forecasts to 2032 and other analyses reveal the commercial prospects
• In addition to revenue forecasting to 2032, our new study provides you with recent results, growth rates, and market shares.
• You find original analyses, with business outlooks and developments.
• Discover qualitative analyses (including market dynamics, drivers, opportunities, restraints and challenges), cost structure, impact of rising artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery prices and recent developments.

This report includes data analysis and invaluable insight into how COVID-19 will affect the industry and your company. Four COVID-19 recovery patterns and their impact, namely, V, L, W and U are discussed in this report.

Segments Covered in this report

Market Segment by Offering
• AI Software
• AI Services

Market Segment by Technology
• Deep Learning
• Supervised Learning
• Reinforcement Learning
• Unsupervised Learning
• Other Technology

Market Segment by Applications
• Oncology
• Infectious Diseases
• Neurological Disorders
• Metabolic Diseases
• Cardiovascular Diseases
• Other Applications

Market Segment by Type
• Target Identification
• Molecule Screening
• Drug Design and Drug Optimization
• Preclinical and Clinical Testing

In addition to the revenue predictions for the overall world market and segments, you will also find revenue forecasts for 4 regional and 20 leading national markets:

North America
• U.S.
• Canada
• Mexico

• Germany
• Spain
• United Kingdom
• France
• Italy
• Rest of Europe

Asia Pacific
• China
• Japan
• India
• Australia
• South Korea
• Rest of Asia Pacific

• Brazil
• Turkey
• Saudi Arabia
• South Africa
• Rest of Latin America, Middle East and Africa

The report also includes profiles and for some of the leading companies in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market, 2022 to 2032, with a focus on this segment of these companies’ operations.

Leading companies and the potential for market growth
• Atomwise
• Benevolent AI
• Berg Health
• Bioage
• Biosymetrics
• Cloud Pharmaceuticals
• Cyclica
• Deep Genomics
• DeepMind
• Envisagenics
• Euretos
• Exscientia
• GNS Healthcare
• IBM Corporation
• Insilico Medicine

Overall world revenue for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market, 2022 to 2032 in terms of value the market will surpass US$919 million in 2022, our work calculates. We predict strong revenue growth through to 2032. Our work identifies which organizations hold the greatest potential. Discover their capabilities, progress, and commercial prospects, helping you stay ahead.

How the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market, 2022 to 2032 Market report helps you?
In summary, our 461-page report provides you with the following knowledge:

• Revenue forecasts to 2032 for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market, 2022 to 2032 Market, with forecasts for application, technology, type, offering, each forecasted at a global and regional level– discover the industry’s prospects, finding the most lucrative places for investments and revenues

• Revenue forecasts to 2032 for 4 regional and 20 key national markets – See forecasts for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market, 2022 to 2032 market in North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and LAMEA. Also forecasted is the market in the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, France, UK, Italy, China, India, Japan, and Australia among other prominent economies.

• Prospects for established firms and those seeking to enter the market– including company profiles for 15 of the major companies involved in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market, 2022 to 2032 Market.

Find quantitative and qualitative analyses with independent predictions. Receive information that only our report contains, staying informed with this invaluable business intelligence.

Information found nowhere else
With our newly report title, you are less likely to fall behind in knowledge or miss out on opportunities. See how our work could benefit your research, analyses, and decisions. Visiongain’s study is for everybody needing commercial analyses for the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market, 2022 to 2032 Market and leading companies. You will find data, trends and predictions.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1 Report Overview
1.1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market
1.2 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Overview
1.3 What Are the Objectives of this Report?
1.4 What is the Scope of the Report?
1.5 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Definition
1.6 Why You Should Read this Report
1.7 What this Report Delivers
1.8 Key Questions Answered by this Analytical Report Include:
1.9 Who is this Report for?
1.10 Research Methodology
1.10.1 Primary Research
1.10.2 Secondary Research
1.10.3 Market Evaluation & Forecasting Methodology
1.11 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1.12 Associated Visiongain Reports
1.13 About Visiongain

2 Executive Summary

3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Industry Structure
3.1 Overview
3.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis
3.3 Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Drug Discovery
3.4 Networks and Tools for AI
3.5 AI in the Pharmaceutical Product Lifecycle
3.6 AI in Drug Discovery
3.6.1 AI in Drug Design
3.6.2 AI in Polypharmocology
3.6.3 AI in Chemical Sythesis
3.6.4 AI in drug repurposing
3.6.5 AI in drug screening
3.7 AI in Drug Screening
3.8 AI in Designing Drug Molecules
3.9 AI in Advancing Pharmaceutical Product Development
3.10 AI in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

4 Global Market Dynamics
4.1 Market Driving Factors
4.1.1 AI Utilizes the Latest Advances in Biology and Computing to Develop State-of-the-Art Algorithms for Drug Discovery
4.1.2 Thanks to AI, the Cost and Timelines of Developing a New Treatment Will Be Rewritten
4.1.3 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Has Been a Game-Changer for the Pharmaceutical Sector Throughout the Value Chain
4.2 Market Restraining Factors
4.2.1 AI Predictions Are as Good as the Algorithms Used to Investigate a Dataset
4.2.2 AI Can Suffer from Algorithm Bias
4.2.3 Setting Up AI-Based Machines, Computers Entails Huge Costs
4.3 Opportunities in the Global Market
4.3.1 A New Wave of Drug Discovery is Setting the Ideal for the World
4.3.2 AI Has Received a Lot of Attention in the Pharmaceutical Business for Medication Discovery and Development
4.3.3 Understanding the Molecular Causes of a Disease in a Precisely Stratified Patient Sample Is Critical for Drug Discovery Programmes to Hit the Mark and Prevent Late-Stage Effectiveness Failures
4.4 Challenges in the Global Market
4.4.1 The Lack of Data Is a Recurring Problem Throughout All Industries Implementing AI
4.4.2 AI Systems Are Prone to Errors, Which Eventually Leads to a Significant Problems
4.4.3 Another Hindrance in Using AI to Predict Drug Targets Remains to Translate Traditional Basic Research Conducted in Labs Worldwide into a Language That a Computer Can Understand
4.5 Swot Analysis for Global Market
4.5.1 Market Strengths
4.5.2 Market Weakness
4.5.3 Market Opportunites
4.5.4 Market Threats
4.6 PEST Analysis for Global Market
4.6.1 Political Factors
4.6.2 Economic Factors
4.6.3 Social Factors
4.6.4 Technology Factors
4.7 Porter’s Five Forces
4.7.1 Threats of New Entrants- High
4.7.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers- High
4.7.3 Bargaining Power of Buyers- Low
4.7.4 Threats of Substitute - Low
4.7.5 Rivalry among the Existing Competitors - High

5 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
5.1 Global Market Outlook
5.1.1 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market is Expected to Grow at Rapid Pace Due to Huge Drugs Demand
5.1.2 The Adoption of AI Solutions in the Clinical Trial Process Eliminates Various Obstacles

6 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Forecast, 2022-2032
6.1 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Region
6.2 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Offering
6.3 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Technology
6.4 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Applications
6.5 Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Type

7 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
7.1 North America Market Outlook
7.1.1 North America Is the Largest Growing Regional Market for AI in Drug Discovery
7.1.2 Postera, a North American Biotechnology Company Specializing in Machine Learning for Preclinical Drug Discovery is Chosen for Further Innovation
7.2 US Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
7.2.1 AI Spending and Funding in US is Getting the Light it Needs
7.2.2 The U.S. Has a Clear Advantage in the Race to Become an AI Superpower
7.3 Canada Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
7.3.1 Canada Offers Resources to Local and Foreign AI-Focused Talent and Organizations
7.3.2 Companies Collaborations and Partnerships in Canada is Accelerating the Usecase of AI in Drug Development
7.4 Mexico Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
7.4.1 Mexico is One of the First Ten Countries in the World to Adopt an Artificial Intelligence Policy, and it Leads Latin America
7.4.2 Role of Government in Helping to Shape the Development and Uses of AI in Mexico
7.5 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Country
7.6 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Offering
7.7 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Technology
7.8 North America Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Applications

8 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
8.1 Europe Market Outlook
8.1.1 The EU’s Approach to Artificial Intelligence Centres on Excellence and Trust, Aiming to Boost Research and Industrial Capacity and Ensure Fundamental Rights
8.1.2 European Proposal for a Legal Framework on AI
8.2 Germany Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
8.2.1 In Germany, an Algorithm Based on the Brain's Self-Organizing Capacity Has been Developed to Tackle Escalating Medication Development Costs
8.2.2 Germany is at the Forefront of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Europe
8.3 UK Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
8.3.1 There is Huge Increase in Demand for Ai Professionals in UK
8.3.2 AI could be a significant driver of productivity and GDP growth for the UK economy
8.4 France Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
8.4.1 French Government Supports AI in Healthcare
8.4.2 French Companies Are Coming Together to Find Innovatiove Solutions for Drug Development
8.5 Italy Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
8.5.1 Some Italian Companies Are Now Slowly Beginning to Pilot New Technologies Particularly in AI
8.5.2 Impact of AI on Italy’s Economy and Growth
8.6 Spain Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
8.6.1 Impact of AI in Spain
8.6.2 IndesIA is a Spanish Association of Artificial Intelligence for Industry
8.7 Rest of Europe Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
8.7.1 Ireland Has the Highest Share of Businesses Using AI Applications in Europe
8.7.2 European Commission Is Hoping to Set New Oversight Standards in a Bid to Create ‘Trustworthy AI’
8.8 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Country
8.9 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Offering
8.10 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Technology
8.11 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Applications
8.12 Europe Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Type

9 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
9.1 Asia-Pacific Market Outlook
9.1.1 The Growing Startup Culture in Asian Countries Has Also Influenced the Growth of AI, Sspecially in Countries like China and India
9.1.2 Southeast Asia is Still in the Early Stages of AI Adoption
9.2 China Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
9.2.1 Chinese Firms Are Relying on AI to Put More Drugs on the Market, and by Extrapolation Extend Better Services
9.2.2 Chinese Firm Marks the World’s First Phase-1 Clinical Trial of a Drug Developed with AI Technology from Scratch
9.3 India Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
9.3.1 Intuition System, a Company from India is Heating up the Game in AI
9.3.2 Other Startups and Companies in India is on the Innovatiove Track Regarding AI in Drug Discovery
9.4 Japan Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
9.4.1 A Powerful New Use for AI in Drug Discovery Has Been Discovered by a Japanese Company
9.4.2 The Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PDMA) Approved 123 New Drug Products in Japan
9.5 South Korea Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
9.5.1 This South Korean Firm Is on the Cutting Edge of AI-Driven Drug Development
9.5.2 South Korea to Use AI in Drug Discovery as the Government Gives Approval
9.6 Australia Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis.
9.6.1 Experts from Two Australian University Groups Working on AI in Drug Development Are Supervising the Phd Research
9.6.2 Contribution of Australia in AI in Drug Discovery Research
9.7 Rest of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis.
9.7.1 Southeast Asian Countries are also Committing to the Development and Research Involving AI
9.7.2 Singapore’s Leading Firm is Taking a Big Leap in AI
9.8 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Country
9.9 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Offering
9.10 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Technology
9.11 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Applications
9.12 Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Type

10 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis
10.1 LAMEA Market Outlook
10.1.1 Latin America’s Growing Artificial Intelligence Wave Can Give Boost to the Low Productivity Countries
10.1.2 AI is Poised to Impact Africa in Several Ways in Drug Discovery
10.2 Brazil Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis.
10.2.1 The Brazilian House of Representatives Has Passed a Law that Establishes Legal Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence
10.2.2 Brazil Excels in the Use of Artificial Intelligence
10.3 Turkey Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis.
10.3.1 Turkey Plans to Become Among the Top 20 Countries in the International AI Indices
10.3.2 Artificial intelligence (AI) is the New “Oil” of the Near Future and can Provide Huge Opportunities for Turkey
10.4 Saudi Arabia Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis.
10.4.1 Saudi Arabia Uses AI in Drug Discovery
10.4.2 Saudi Arabia is Uniquely Placed to Drive Artificial Intelligence Innovation Post-Coronavirus Pandemic
10.5 South Africa Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis.
10.5.1 Innovations in South Africa in AI
10.5.2 South Africa to Participate in AI Driven Future in Health and Drug Development Sector
10.6 UAE Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis.
10.6.1 The UAE Government launched ‘UAE Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (AI)’
10.6.2 Drug Discovery from Artificial Intelligence Partnership Announced In UAE
10.7 Rest of LAMEA Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery Market Analysis.
10.7.1 AI’s applications in Latin America are already becoming reality in Drug Discovery
10.7.2 AI landscape in sub-Saharan Africa is Improving
10.8 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Country
10.9 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Offering
10.10 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Technology
10.11 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis by Applications
10.12 LAMEA Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Drug Discovery Market Analysis

11 Leading Company Analysis and Profile
11.1 Atomwise
11.1.1 Company Snapshot
11.1.2 Company Overview
11.1.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.1.4 Company Recent Developments
11.2 Benevolent AI
11.2.1 Company Snapshot
11.2.2 Company Overview
11.2.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.2.4 Company Recent Developments
11.3 Berg Health
11.3.1 Company Snapshot
11.3.2 Company Overview
11.3.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.3.4 Company Recent Developments
11.4 Bioage
11.4.1 Company Snapshot
11.4.2 Company Overview
11.4.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.4.4 Company Recent Developments
11.5 Biosymetrics
11.5.1 Company Snapshot
11.5.2 Company Overview
11.5.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.5.4 Company Recent Developments
11.6 Cloud Pharmaceuticals
11.6.1 Company Snapshot
11.6.2 Company Overview
11.6.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.7 Cyclica
11.7.1 Company Snapshot
11.7.2 Company Overview
11.7.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.7.4 Company Recent Developments
11.8 Deep Genomics
11.8.1 Company Snapshot
11.8.2 Company Overview
11.8.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.8.4 Company Recent Developments
11.9 DeepMind
11.9.1 Company Snapshot
11.9.2 Company Overview
11.9.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.9.4 Company Recent Developments
11.10 Envisagenics
11.10.1 Company Snapshot
11.10.2 Company Overview
11.10.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.10.4 Company Recent Developments
11.11 Euretos
11.11.1 Company Snapshot
11.11.2 Company Overview
11.11.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.11.4 Company Recent Developments
11.12 Exscientia
11.12.1 Company Snapshot
11.12.2 Company Overview
11.12.3 Company Recent Developments
11.13 GNS Healthcare
11.13.1 Company Snapshot
11.13.2 Company Overview
11.13.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.13.4 Company Recent Developments
11.14 IBM Corporation
11.14.1 Company Snapshot
11.14.2 Company Overview
11.14.3 Company Financial Profile
11.14.4 Company Product Benchmarking
11.14.5 Company Recent Developments
11.15 Insilico Medicine
11.15.1 Company Snapshot
11.15.2 Company Overview
11.15.3 Company Product Benchmarking
11.15.4 Company Recent Developments

12 Conclusion and Recommendations
12.1 Conclusion Summary
12.2 Recommendations

13 Glossary Terms
13.1 Associated Visiongain Reports





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