United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market By Deployment Type (Cloud-based, On-Premise), By Solution Type (Medical Image Management and Processing System (MIMPS), Image Exchange, Universal Viewer, Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA)), By End User (Hospitals, Diagnostic Imaging Centers, Others), By Region, Competition, Forecast & Opportunities, 2019-2029F
米国のエンタープライズ・イメージング・ソリューション市場は、2023年に116億米ドルと評価され、2029年までの年平均成長率は9.3%で、予測期間中に力強い成長が予測されている。米国のエンタープライズ・イメージ... もっと見る
サマリー 米国のエンタープライズ・イメージング・ソリューション市場は、2023年に116億米ドルと評価され、2029年までの年平均成長率は9.3%で、予測期間中に力強い成長が予測されている。米国のエンタープライズ・イメージング・ソリューション市場は、高度な医療用画像処理技術に対する需要の高まりと、医療ワークフローの合理化が急務となっていることを背景に、力強い成長を遂げている。診断能力の向上と業務効率の最適化に注力する医療機関では、医療エコシステム全体で医療画像を統合管理する包括的なエンタープライズ画像ソリューションの導入が進んでいる。同市場では、医療従事者間のシームレスな画像交換とコラボレーションを促進するため、画像保管通信システム(PACS)、ベンダーニュートラルアーカイブ(VNA)、高度な視覚化ツールの採用が急増している。相互運用性、データアクセシビリティ、患者中心の医療を重視することが、市場を前進させている。医療情勢が進化するにつれ、テクノロジープロバイダーは医療提供者の進化するニーズに対応するために技術革新を進めており、米国の企業向け画像ソリューション市場のダイナミックで競争的な環境作りに貢献している。この傾向は、業界が患者の転帰と業務効率の改善のためにデジタル化と統合を優先し続ける中で、今後も続くと思われる。
医療システムと施設間の相互運用性とシームレスなデータ交換が重視されるようになっていることが、米国のエンタープライズ画像ソリューション市場を前進させる重要な要因となっている。医療機関が患者ケアへの包括的かつ統合的なアプローチの実現に努める中、相互運用可能な画像ソリューションの必要性が最も高まっている。Picture Archiving and Communication Systems(PACS)とVendor Neutral Archives(VNA)は、異種システム間での医療画像の交換を促進し、医療従事者が重要な患者情報に効率的にアクセスして共有できるようにする上で極めて重要な役割を果たしている。相互運用性の推進は、メディケア&メディケイドサービスセンター(CMS)による相互運用性ルールのようなイニシアチブによって強調されており、データ共有の義務付けと協調的な医療エコシステムの育成を図っています。その結果、既存の医療ITインフラにシームレスに統合するエンタープライズ・イメージング・ソリューションに対する需要が、市場の成長軌道を裏付けている。
米国では、ヘルスケア分野における厳しい規制環境とコンプライアンス基準が、Enterprise Imaging Solutionsの普及を後押ししています。医療保険の相互運用性と説明責任に関する法律(HIPAA)や連結歳出法(CAA)などに代表される規制の枠組みは、患者データの安全な保存、送信、アクセシビリティに関する厳しい要件を医療機関に課しています。このような厳しい義務に対応するため、医療機関では厳格なコンプライアンスを確保するための先進的なエンタープライズ・イメージング・ソリューションへの投資が増加しています。データセキュリティに対する包括的なアプローチで設計されたこれらのソリューションには、監査証跡やデータ暗号化機能などの堅牢な対策が組み込まれています。このような規制要件に対応することで、エンタープライズイメージングソリューションは法的要件の遵守を支援するだけでなく、機密性の高い医療情報を保護する上で重要な役割を果たします。進化する規制基準への適合が主要な推進力となっているため、医療機関はエンタープライズイメージングソリューションの導入を単なる技術的なアップグレードとしてではなく、戦略的な必須事項としてとらえざるを得なくなっています。この戦略的アプローチにより、医療機関はコンプライアンス上のリスクを積極的に軽減し、最高水準のデータセキュリティを維持し、患者のプライバシーを守ることができます。医療業界がますます厳しくなるコンプライアンス要件に対処し続ける中、データセキュリティと規制遵守を確保する上でエンタープライズ・イメージング・ソリューションが果たす役割は極めて重要であり、これらのソリューションは現代の医療インフラに不可欠なコンポーネントとして位置付けられています。
米国のエンタープライズ・イメージング・ソリューション市場に蔓延する課題は、データのセキュリティとプライバシーに関する懸念である。医療用画像データの量が増えるにつれ、患者の機密情報を保護するための強固なセキュリティ対策が必要になっている。エンタープライズ・イメージング・ソリューションは、大規模なデータセットの保存、送信、共有を伴うため、潜在的なサイバーセキュリティの脅威にさらされやすい。HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act:医療保険の相互運用性と説明責任に関する法律)は厳格なセキュリティ基準を義務付けていますが、サイバー脅威の進化に伴い、セキュリティプロトコルの継続的な進歩が求められています。医療機関は、最高水準のデータ・セキュリティを確保しながら、権限を与えられた職員が医療画像に便利にアクセスできるようにするという微妙なバランスをうまく調整しなければなりません。データのセキュリティとプライバシーに関する懸念に対処することは、患者、医療提供者、規制機関の間で信頼を築き、患者の機密性と規制の枠組みへの準拠を優先する形でエンタープライズ画像ソリューションの普及を促進するために不可欠です。
米国の企業向け画像ソリューション市場では、クラウドベースの展開ソリューションの優位性が際立っており、この傾向は予測期間中も持続し、さらに強まると予測されている。クラウドベースの展開は、拡張性、柔軟性、アクセシビリティの面で固有の利点があるため、医療機関にとって好ましい選択肢として浮上している。クラウドベースのEnterprise Imaging Solutionsのシームレスな統合は、医療画像の安全な保存、簡単な共有、リモートアクセスを容易にし、現代の医療環境のダイナミックなニーズに合致している。クラウドソリューションの拡張性により、医療従事者は進化するデータ量に適応することができ、急増する医療画像データを管理するための費用対効果に優れた効率的な手段を提供することができます。さらに、クラウド展開の柔軟性により、医療従事者はさまざまな場所から患者の画像にアクセスすることができ、共同ケアや遠隔診療をサポートします。デジタルトランスフォーメーションが重視され、遠隔医療サービスへの依存度が高まっていることが、クラウドベースの企業向け画像ソリューションの需要をさらに高めている。特定のセキュリティや規制を考慮する特定の医療機関では、オンプレミスの導入もまだ妥当性があるかもしれないが、市場全体のセンチメントでは、クラウドベースのソリューションが提供する俊敏性とコスト効率が好まれている。医療業界が相互運用性、リモートアクセス、合理化されたワークフローを優先し続ける中、米国の企業向け画像処理ソリューション市場におけるクラウドベースの展開の優位性は今後も続くと予想され、クラウド技術の継続的な進歩により、今後数年間で画像処理プロセスの最適化を目指す医療機関が選択する展開タイプとしての地位はさらに強固なものになるだろう。クラウドベースのソリューションは、従来のオンプレミスシステムが抱える課題に対処する能力と相まって、医療のデジタル化という広範な目標に戦略的に合致しており、米国におけるエンタープライズイメージングの進化する状況において、成長と革新の極めて重要な推進力として位置付けられている。
- アグファ・ゲバルト・グループ
- Koninklijke Philips N.V.
- シーメンス・メディカル・ソリューションズUSA
- メラティブL.P.
- GEヘルスケアテクノロジーズ
- 富士フイルムホールディングス・アメリカ・コーポレーション
- ハイランド・ソフトウェア
- ケアストリームヘルス
- 米国の企業向け画像ソリューション市場:展開タイプ別
o クラウドベース
o オンプレミス
- 米国の企業向け画像処理ソリューション市場:ソリューションタイプ別
o 医療画像管理・処理システム(MIMPS)
o 画像交換
o ユニバーサルビューワ
o ベンダーニュートラルアーカイブ(VNA)
- 米国の企業向け画像処理ソリューション市場:エンドユーザー別
o 病院
o 画像診断センター
o その他
- 米国の企業向け画像ソリューション市場:地域別
o 米国南部
o 米国中西部
o 米国北東部
o 米国西部
Tech Sci Research社の米国企業向け画像ソリューション市場レポートは所定の市場データを基に、企業の特定のニーズに応じてカスタマイズを提供します。このレポートでは以下のカスタマイズが可能です:
- 追加市場参入企業(最大5社)の詳細分析とプロファイリング
目次 1.製品概要
11.西アメリカ エンタープライズイメージングソリューション市場の展望
Summary United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market was valued at USD 11.6 billion in 2023 and is anticipated to project robust growth in the forecast period with a CAGR of 9.3% through 2029. The United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions market is experiencing robust growth driven by the increasing demand for advanced medical imaging technologies and the imperative for streamlined healthcare workflows. With a focus on enhancing diagnostic capabilities and optimizing operational efficiency, healthcare organizations are adopting comprehensive enterprise imaging solutions that integrate and manage medical images across the entire healthcare ecosystem. The market is witnessing a surge in the adoption of Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), Vendor Neutral Archives (VNA), and advanced visualization tools to facilitate seamless image exchange and collaboration among healthcare providers. The emphasis on interoperability, data accessibility, and patient-centric care is propelling the market forward. As the healthcare landscape evolves, technology providers are innovating to meet the evolving needs of healthcare providers, contributing to a dynamic and competitive environment in the United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions market. This trend is likely to persist as the industry continues to prioritize digitization and integration for improved patient outcomes and operational efficiency. Key Market Drivers Technological Advancements in Medical Imaging The rapid evolution of medical imaging technologies stands as a primary driver fueling the growth of the United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions market. Breakthroughs in imaging modalities, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound, have led to a surge in data volumes and complexities. Healthcare providers are turning to advanced Enterprise Imaging Solutions to effectively manage, store, and analyze these voluminous datasets. Innovations such as 3D imaging, artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted diagnostics, and improved image resolution have not only enhanced diagnostic accuracy but also necessitated the implementation of sophisticated solutions capable of handling the intricacies of modern medical imaging. Consequently, the demand for robust Enterprise Imaging Solutions is escalating, driven by the imperative to leverage cutting-edge technologies for superior patient care and diagnostic outcomes. Growing Emphasis on Interoperability and Data Exchange The increasing emphasis on interoperability and seamless data exchange between healthcare systems and facilities constitutes a significant driver propelling the United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions market forward. As healthcare organizations strive to achieve a comprehensive and integrated approach to patient care, the need for interoperable imaging solutions has become paramount. Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) and Vendor Neutral Archives (VNA) play a pivotal role in facilitating the exchange of medical images across disparate systems, enabling healthcare providers to access and share critical patient information efficiently. The push for interoperability is underscored by initiatives like the interoperability rule from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), mandating data sharing and fostering a collaborative healthcare ecosystem. The resultant demand for Enterprise Imaging Solutions that seamlessly integrate into existing healthcare IT infrastructure underscores the market's growth trajectory. Increasing Adoption of Value-Based Care Models The shift towards value-based care models within the United States healthcare landscape is a key driver propelling the Enterprise Imaging Solutions market. Value-based care places emphasis on delivering high-quality care while controlling costs, and medical imaging is integral to achieving these objectives. Enterprise Imaging Solutions enable healthcare providers to consolidate patient data, including medical images, fostering a holistic view of patient health. This consolidated approach supports better-informed clinical decision-making, reducing unnecessary tests and procedures. As the healthcare industry pivots towards outcome-driven care, the adoption of Enterprise Imaging Solutions becomes instrumental in enhancing care coordination, improving patient outcomes, and aligning with the overarching goals of value-based care initiatives. Regulatory Requirements and Compliance Standards The stringent regulatory landscape and compliance standards within the healthcare sector are serving as catalysts for the widespread adoption of Enterprise Imaging Solutions in the United States. Regulatory frameworks, exemplified by acts like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), are imposing exacting requirements on healthcare organizations pertaining to the secure storage, transmission, and accessibility of patient data. In response to these rigorous mandates, healthcare entities are increasingly investing in advanced Enterprise Imaging Solutions to ensure strict compliance. These solutions, designed with a comprehensive approach to data security, incorporate robust measures such as audit trails and data encryption features. By aligning with these regulatory mandates, Enterprise Imaging Solutions not only assist in adherence to legal requirements but also play a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive medical information. The imperative to conform to evolving regulatory standards is emerging as a primary driver, compelling healthcare providers to view the adoption of Enterprise Imaging Solutions not just as a technological upgrade but as a strategic imperative. This strategic approach enables organizations to proactively mitigate compliance risks, uphold the highest standards of data security, and safeguard patient privacy, thereby reinforcing the integrity and trustworthiness of the healthcare ecosystem in the face of ever-evolving regulatory landscapes. As the healthcare industry continues to grapple with increasingly stringent compliance requirements, the role of Enterprise Imaging Solutions in ensuring data security and regulatory adherence becomes pivotal, positioning these solutions as integral components of the modern healthcare infrastructure. Rising Need for Streamlined Workflows and Operational Efficiency The demand for streamlined healthcare workflows and operational efficiency is a compelling driver fostering the adoption of Enterprise Imaging Solutions in the United States. Healthcare providers are faced with the challenge of managing a growing volume of medical images while maintaining operational efficiency. Enterprise Imaging Solutions, encompassing features such as workflow orchestration, image lifecycle management, and task automation, address these challenges by optimizing the entire imaging process. The integration of these solutions into existing healthcare IT infrastructure results in improved resource utilization, reduced turnaround times, and enhanced collaboration among healthcare professionals. As healthcare organizations strive to deliver timely and patient-centric care, the adoption of Enterprise Imaging Solutions becomes pivotal in achieving operational excellence and meeting the evolving demands of a dynamic healthcare landscape. Key Market Challenges Integration Complexities and Interoperability Issues One significant challenge facing the United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions market is the complexity associated with integrating these solutions into existing healthcare ecosystems and the prevalence of interoperability issues. As healthcare organizations adopt diverse technologies and systems, achieving seamless interoperability between Enterprise Imaging Solutions and other healthcare IT platforms becomes a daunting task. The lack of standardized protocols and the presence of legacy systems often hinder the smooth exchange of medical images, compromising the intended benefits of these solutions. Additionally, diverse imaging modalities and vendor-specific formats contribute to integration complexities, requiring substantial investments in customization and interoperability enhancements. Addressing these challenges is crucial for maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of Enterprise Imaging Solutions, ensuring that they seamlessly integrate with existing workflows and contribute to the overarching goal of improved patient care and outcomes. Data Security and Privacy Concerns A pervasive challenge in the United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions market revolves around data security and privacy concerns. As the volume of medical imaging data grows, so does the need for robust security measures to protect sensitive patient information. Enterprise Imaging Solutions involve the storage, transmission, and sharing of large datasets, making them susceptible to potential cybersecurity threats. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) mandates stringent security standards, but the evolving landscape of cyber threats demands continuous advancements in security protocols. Healthcare organizations must navigate the delicate balance between providing convenient access to medical images for authorized personnel while ensuring the highest standards of data security. Addressing data security and privacy concerns is imperative for building trust among patients, healthcare providers, and regulatory bodies, fostering the widespread adoption of Enterprise Imaging Solutions in a manner that prioritizes patient confidentiality and compliance with regulatory frameworks. Financial Barriers and Budget Constraints Financial barriers and budget constraints pose a significant challenge to the widespread adoption of Enterprise Imaging Solutions in the United States. Implementing comprehensive imaging solutions involves significant upfront investments in technology infrastructure, software licenses, and staff training. Healthcare organizations, particularly smaller facilities and those with limited financial resources, may find it challenging to allocate the necessary funds for such endeavors. Additionally, the transition from traditional imaging systems to advanced Enterprise Imaging Solutions may incur hidden costs related to data migration, system customization, and ongoing maintenance. Navigating these financial barriers requires strategic planning and collaboration between healthcare providers and technology vendors to develop cost-effective solutions that align with the budgetary constraints of diverse healthcare organizations. Overcoming these financial challenges is crucial for ensuring equitable access to advanced imaging technologies and fostering a healthcare landscape that benefits providers and patients alike. Resistance to Change and Workflow Disruptions Resistance to change and the potential for workflow disruptions represent substantial challenges in the adoption of Enterprise Imaging Solutions within the United States healthcare sector. Healthcare professionals, accustomed to established workflows and traditional imaging practices, may exhibit resistance to embracing new technologies. The integration of Enterprise Imaging Solutions necessitates changes in processes, roles, and responsibilities, which can lead to temporary disruptions in healthcare workflows. Effective change management strategies, including comprehensive training programs and clear communication, are essential to mitigate resistance and minimize disruptions. Additionally, the need for extensive customization and adaptation of Enterprise Imaging Solutions to fit the unique workflows of different healthcare organizations can contribute to implementation challenges. Addressing these concerns requires a collaborative approach between technology providers and healthcare stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition, user acceptance, and the realization of the intended benefits of Enterprise Imaging Solutions in enhancing patient care and diagnostic capabilities. Key Market Trends Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Advanced Analytics and Diagnosis A prominent trend in the United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions market is the increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance analytics and diagnostic capabilities. AI algorithms are being deployed within Enterprise Imaging Solutions to analyze medical images, aiding in the detection and diagnosis of various conditions. Machine learning and deep learning algorithms are revolutionizing medical imaging by providing advanced image recognition, pattern analysis, and predictive analytics. This trend not only augments the efficiency of radiologists and healthcare professionals but also contributes to more accurate and timely diagnoses. As AI continues to evolve, its integration into Enterprise Imaging Solutions is poised to play a pivotal role in transforming the landscape of medical imaging, offering improved patient outcomes and contributing to the overall growth and innovation within the market. Cloud-Based Enterprise Imaging Solutions for Enhanced Accessibility The adoption of cloud-based Enterprise Imaging Solutions is emerging as a transformative trend in the United States market. Cloud technology facilitates the storage, sharing, and accessibility of medical images across diverse healthcare settings, promoting collaboration and streamlined workflows. Cloud-based solutions offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, allowing healthcare organizations to overcome traditional infrastructure limitations. This trend aligns with the broader industry shift toward digitalization and interoperability, enabling healthcare providers to access patient images securely from various locations. The increased reliance on cloud solutions reflects a strategic response to the growing demand for remote access to medical data, providing healthcare professionals with the flexibility to deliver efficient and timely care regardless of geographical constraints. Focus on Enterprise Imaging for Cardiology and Oncology A notable trend in the United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions market is the specialized focus on solutions tailored for cardiology and oncology. These medical specialties generate a substantial volume of complex imaging data, requiring dedicated and specialized Enterprise Imaging Solutions to meet the unique demands of cardiologists and oncologists. Vendors are increasingly developing solutions with specific features such as advanced visualization tools, structured reporting templates, and integration capabilities with other clinical systems relevant to cardiology and oncology workflows. This trend reflects a strategic response to the evolving needs of specialized medical fields, enhancing diagnostic precision, treatment planning, and collaborative care in cardiology and oncology through comprehensive Enterprise Imaging Solutions. Telehealth Integration for Remote Imaging Services The integration of Enterprise Imaging Solutions with telehealth services is a growing trend, especially in the context of the evolving healthcare landscape and the increased adoption of telemedicine. Telehealth platforms are incorporating imaging capabilities, allowing healthcare providers to conduct remote consultations, share medical images, and collaborate on diagnostics. Enterprise Imaging Solutions play a crucial role in supporting this trend by enabling the secure transmission and storage of medical images, facilitating virtual consultations, and contributing to the seamless integration of telehealth into mainstream healthcare workflows. This trend aligns with the ongoing efforts to enhance accessibility to healthcare services, particularly in remote or underserved areas, and supports the broader goal of providing patient-centric and efficient care through the convergence of imaging technologies and telehealth solutions. Emphasis on Data Analytics and Population Health Management A significant trend shaping the United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions market is the increased emphasis on data analytics and population health management. Beyond the traditional storage and retrieval of medical images, Enterprise Imaging Solutions are evolving to incorporate advanced analytics tools that leverage the wealth of data generated by medical imaging processes. This trend is driven by the growing recognition of the value of leveraging imaging data for population health insights, predictive analytics, and research purposes. Healthcare organizations are seeking Enterprise Imaging Solutions that not only manage images efficiently but also contribute to a data-driven approach to healthcare delivery. The integration of analytics capabilities within Enterprise Imaging Solutions positions them as strategic tools for harnessing the power of imaging data to improve population health outcomes, enhance preventive care, and contribute to evidence-based medical practices. Segmental Insights Deployment Type Insights The United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions market has witnessed a notable dominance of cloud-based deployment solutions, a trend that is anticipated to persist and even strengthen during the forecast period. Cloud-based deployment has emerged as the preferred choice for healthcare organizations due to its inherent advantages in terms of scalability, flexibility, and accessibility. The seamless integration of cloud-based Enterprise Imaging Solutions facilitates secure storage, easy sharing, and remote access to medical images, aligning with the dynamic needs of modern healthcare environments. The scalability of cloud solutions allows healthcare providers to adapt to evolving data volumes, providing a cost-effective and efficient means of managing the burgeoning amount of medical imaging data. Moreover, the flexibility of cloud deployment enables healthcare professionals to access patient images from various locations, supporting collaborative care and remote consultations. The emphasis on digital transformation and the increasing reliance on telehealth services further bolster the demand for cloud-based Enterprise Imaging Solutions. While on-premise deployments may still have relevance for certain institutions with specific security or regulatory considerations, the overall market sentiment favors the agility and cost-effectiveness offered by cloud-based solutions. As the healthcare industry continues to prioritize interoperability, remote access, and streamlined workflows, the dominance of cloud-based deployment in the United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions market is expected to endure, with ongoing advancements in cloud technology further solidifying its position as the deployment type of choice for healthcare organizations aiming to optimize their imaging processes in the coming years. The strategic alignment of cloud-based solutions with the broader goals of healthcare digitalization, coupled with their ability to address the challenges posed by traditional on-premise systems, positions them as pivotal drivers of growth and innovation in the evolving landscape of enterprise imaging within the United States. Solution Type Insights The United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions market has experienced a notable dominance of the Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) segment, a trend expected to persist and maintain its leadership during the forecast period. VNA solutions have emerged as a cornerstone in addressing the complex challenges associated with the storage, management, and sharing of diverse medical imaging data. VNA provides a vendor-agnostic approach, enabling healthcare organizations to consolidate and archive medical images from different modalities and vendors, fostering interoperability and data accessibility. The emphasis on seamless integration into existing healthcare IT infrastructures, coupled with the ability to manage large volumes of data while adhering to regulatory standards, has propelled the widespread adoption of VNA solutions. As healthcare providers prioritize comprehensive and patient-centric care, VNAs play a pivotal role in creating a unified and standardized approach to medical image storage and retrieval. While Medical Image Management and Processing Systems (MIMPS), Image Exchange, and Universal Viewer solutions each contribute uniquely to the enterprise imaging ecosystem, the versatility and holistic capabilities offered by VNAs position them as central components in the United States market. The demand for VNAs is further fueled by their ability to support advanced analytics, telehealth initiatives, and the evolving landscape of value-based care. With the ongoing digitization of healthcare and the increasing importance of data-driven decision-making, VNAs are poised to maintain their dominance as healthcare organizations seek robust and interoperable solutions to optimize the entire lifecycle of medical images. The strategic alignment of VNAs with the industry's focus on data consolidation, interoperability, and efficient information exchange positions them as key drivers in the evolving landscape of enterprise imaging solutions in the United States, ensuring their continued dominance in the foreseeable future. Regional Insights The Enterprise Imaging Solutions market in the United States has witnessed the dominance of the North-East region, and this trend is anticipated to persist and even strengthen during the forecast period. The North-East region, encompassing states such as New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, has been a hub for advanced healthcare infrastructure and innovation. The concentration of major academic medical centers, research institutions, and large healthcare networks in this region has contributed to a higher adoption rate of Enterprise Imaging Solutions. The demand for cutting-edge medical technologies, streamlined healthcare workflows, and the integration of digital solutions aligns with the capabilities offered by enterprise imaging systems, making them integral components of the healthcare landscape in the North-East. Additionally, the region's proactive approach to healthcare digitalization, coupled with a higher awareness of the benefits of comprehensive imaging solutions, positions the North-East as a leader in adopting and driving the growth of the Enterprise Imaging Solutions market. While other regions, such as the Midwest, South, and West, also benefit from these solutions, the North-East's robust healthcare infrastructure, research-driven institutions, and a concentration of healthcare providers contribute to its sustained dominance in the Enterprise Imaging Solutions market. The region's commitment to staying at the forefront of healthcare technology and innovation is expected to ensure its continued leadership in adopting and leveraging Enterprise Imaging Solutions to enhance patient care, diagnostic accuracy, and overall operational efficiency throughout the forecast period. Key Market Players • Agfa-Gevaert Group • Koninklijke Philips N.V. • Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. • Merative L.P. • GE HealthCare Technologies, Inc. • FUJIFILM Holdings America Corporation • Hyland Software, Inc. • Carestream Health, Inc. Report Scope: In this report, the United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below: • United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market, By Deployment Type: o Cloud-based o On-Premise • United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market, By Solution Type: o Medical Image Management and Processing System (MIMPS) o Image Exchange o Universal Viewer o Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) • United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market, By End User: o Hospitals o Diagnostic Imaging Centers o Others • United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market, By Region: o South US o Midwest US o North-East US o West US Competitive Landscape Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market. Available Customizations: United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market report with the given market data, Tech Sci Research offers customizations according to a company's specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report: Company Information • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).
Table of Contents 1. Product Overview 1.1. Market Definition 1.2. Scope of the Market 1.2.1.Markets Covered 1.2.2.Years Considered for Study 1.2.3.Key Market Segmentations 2. Research Methodology 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Baseline Methodology 2.3. Formulation of the Scope 2.4. Assumptions and Limitations 2.5. Sources of Research 2.5.1.Secondary Research 2.5.2.Primary Research 2.6. Approach for the Market Study 2.6.1.The Bottom-Up Approach 2.6.2.The Top-Down Approach 2.7. Methodology Followed for Calculation of Market Size & Market Shares 2.8. Forecasting Methodology 2.8.1.Data Triangulation & Validation 3. Executive Summary 4. Impact of COVID-19 on United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market 5. Voice of Customer 6. United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market Overview 7. United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market Outlook 7.1. Market Size & Forecast 7.1.1.By Value 7.2. Market Share & Forecast 7.2.1.By Deployment Type (Cloud-based, On-Premise) 7.2.2.By Solution Type (Medical Image Management and Processing System (MIMPS), Image Exchange, Universal Viewer, Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA)) 7.2.3.By End User (Hospitals, Diagnostic Imaging Centers, Others) 7.2.4.By Region (South, Midwest, North-East, West) 7.3. By Company (2023) 7.4. Market Map 8. South United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market Outlook 8.1. Market Size & Forecast 8.1.1.By Value 8.2. Market Share & Forecast 8.2.1.By Deployment Type 8.2.2.By Solution Type 8.2.3.By End User 9. Midwest United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market Outlook 9.1. Market Size & Forecast 9.1.1.By Value 9.2. Market Share & Forecast 9.2.1.By Deployment Type 9.2.2.By Solution Type 9.2.3.By End User 10. North-East United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market Outlook 10.1. Market Size & Forecast 10.1.1. By Value 10.2. Market Share & Forecast 10.2.1. By Deployment Type 10.2.2. By Solution Type 10.2.3. By End User 11. West United States Enterprise Imaging Solutions Market Outlook 11.1. Market Size & Forecast 11.1.1. By Value 11.2. Market Share & Forecast 11.2.1. By Deployment Type 11.2.2. By Solution Type 11.2.3. By End User 12. Market Dynamics 12.1. Drivers 12.2. Challenges 13. Market Trends and Developments 14. Company Profiles 14.1. Agfa-Gevaert Group 14.1.1. Business Overview 14.1.2. Key Revenue and Financials 14.1.3. Recent Developments 14.1.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person 14.1.5. Key Product/Services Offered 14.2. Koninklijke Philips N.V. 14.2.1. Business Overview 14.2.2. Key Revenue and Financials 14.2.3. Recent Developments 14.2.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person 14.2.5. Key Product/Services Offered 14.3. Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. 14.3.1. Business Overview 14.3.2. Key Revenue and Financials 14.3.3. Recent Developments 14.3.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person 14.3.5. Key Product/Services Offered 14.4. Merative L.P. 14.4.1. Business Overview 14.4.2. Key Revenue and Financials 14.4.3. Recent Developments 14.4.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person 14.4.5. Key Product/Services Offered 14.5. GE HealthCare Technologies, Inc. 14.5.1. Business Overview 14.5.2. Key Revenue and Financials 14.5.3. Recent Developments 14.5.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person 14.5.5. Key Product/Services Offered 14.6. FUJIFILM Holdings America Corporation 14.6.1. Business Overview 14.6.2. Key Revenue and Financials 14.6.3. Recent Developments 14.6.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person 14.6.5. Key Product/Services Offered 14.7. Hyland Software, Inc. 14.7.1. Business Overview 14.7.2. Key Revenue and Financials 14.7.3. Recent Developments 14.7.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person 14.7.5. Key Product/Services Offered 14.8. Carestream Health, Inc. 14.8.1. Business Overview 14.8.2. Key Revenue and Financials 14.8.3. Recent Developments 14.8.4. Key Personnel/Key Contact Person 14.8.5. Key Product/Services Offered 15. Strategic Recommendations 16. About Us & Disclaimer
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