
中東・北アフリカ建設機械市場:タイプ別(ローダー、フォークリフト、掘削機、ドーザー、その他)、出力別(<100hp, 101-200hp, 201-400hp, >400hp), 用途別 (マテリアルハンドリング, 掘削・解体, リサイクル・廃棄物処理, トンネル掘削, その他), エンドユーザー別 (石油・ガス, 建設, インフラ, 製造, その他), 国別, 競争, 予測および機会, 2028F

Middle East & North Africa Construction Equipment Market By Type (Loader, Forklift, Excavator, Dozers, Others), By Power Output (<100hp, 101-200hp, 201-400hp, >400hp), By Application (Material Handling, Excavation & Demolition, Recycling & Waste Management, Tunnelling, Others), By End User (Oil & Gas, Construction, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Others) By Country, Competition, Forecast and Opportunities, 2028F

中東・北アフリカの建設機械市場は予測期間2024〜2028年に堅調な拡大が見込まれる中東・アフリカの建設機械市場は、2022年に112.1億米ドルと評価された。力強い経済成長、エリート人口の増加、外国投資の増加、そ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
TechSci Research
2023年7月1日 US$4,400
133 英語



中東・北アフリカの建設機械市場は予測期間2024〜2028年に堅調な拡大が見込まれる中東・アフリカの建設機械市場は、2022年に112.1億米ドルと評価された。力強い経済成長、エリート人口の増加、外国投資の増加、その他の有利な要因により、今後5年間のCAGRは10.38%を記録し、今後5年間で200億4,000万米ドルに達すると予測される。2021年、中東・北アフリカ地域は日量約733万5,000バレルの石油を生産した。2021年の中東・北アフリカ地域の石油生産量は約7,335千バレル/日であったが、7,428千バレル/日であった前年と比較すると、減少していることがわかる。建設機械とは、建設プロジェクトや仕事の遂行、完成、建設、運営、保守に使用されるあらゆる機器のことである。また、道路や橋、ダムを建設する際には、土砂移動の工程で建設機械が使用される。インフラ開発の高まりと地域全体の都市化の進展中東・北アフリカ地域は、道路、橋、トンネル、空港、港湾、その他の公共インフラ・プロジェクトの建設を含む、インフラ開発の著しい成長を目の当たりにしている。この背景には、人口の増加、経済発展、都市内および都市間の交通・連結性の向上がある。インフラ整備には建設作業を行うための重機や建設機械が必要であり、これがMENA地域におけるこうした機械の需要を牽引している。都市化とは、人々が農村部から都市部へと移動するプロセスであり、これが都市や町の発展につながる。MENA地域では急速な都市化が進んでおり、特に高層ビル、複合商業施設、住宅の建設において建設機械の需要を牽引している。技術的進歩 建設機械市場は、テレマティクス、GPS、その他のデジタル技術の利用など、著しい技術的進歩を目の当たりにしている。これらの進歩は、建設会社の生産性向上と操業コスト削減を可能にしている。例えば、テレマティクスは、機械が建設会社と通信することを可能にし、機械の性能、位置、メンテナンスの必要性に関する情報をリアルタイムで提供する。これにより、建設会社は業務を最適化し、ダウンタイムを削減し、機器の寿命を延ばすことができる。レンタル機器に対する需要の高まり中東・北アフリカ地域の建設機器レンタル市場は、建設会社によるレンタル機器に対する需要の高まりにより急成長している。レンタル機器により、建設会社は資本支出を削減し、キャッシュフローを改善することができる。建設会社は、プロジェクトの期間中だけ機材をレンタルし、プロジェクトが完了したら返却することができるため、機材を購入したり、使用しないときに保管したりする必要がない。政府の取り組みMENA地域の政府は、インフラ整備と都市化に多額の投資を行っており、これが建設機材の需要を促進している。例えば、サウジアラビアの「ビジョン2030」は、国のインフラを整備し、民間部門の経済への貢献を高めることを目的としている。同様に、UAEは世界的なビジネスハブとなるべくインフラ整備に投資している。安全に対する意識の高まり安全に対する意識の高まりに伴い、建設会社は労働者と環境の安全により重点を置くようになっている。その結果、センサー、カメラ、アラームなどの安全機能を備えた建設機械に対する需要が高まっている。石油・ガス・鉱業プロジェクトの増加中東は石油・ガスの埋蔵量が多いことで知られ、現在も多くの重要な石油・ガス関連プロジェクトが行われている。こうした取り組みには、パイプライン建設、製油所建設、石油化学プラント建設、探査、採掘、加工活動などが含まれる。これらのプロジェクトには、大型クレーン、掘削リグ、パイプライン敷設用機械などの特殊な建設用具が必要である。石油・ガス分野への投資が続いているため、この市場における建設機械の需要は依然として旺盛である。金、ダイヤモンド、銅、鉄鉱石などの金属や鉱物のような天然資源はアフリカに豊富にある。多くのアフリカ経済は、経済拡大を促し雇用機会を生み出す鉱業に大きく依存している。掘削機、ダンプトラック、掘削装置、破砕機などは、鉱物の探査、抽出、加工のさまざまな段階における採鉱プロジェクトに必要な重機械や設備のほんの一例に過ぎない。このように、この地域で建設機械に対するニーズが高まっているのは、鉱業の拡大の結果である。貿易における規制政策国によって、建設機械の生産、輸入、輸出を規制する法律や規則は異なる。不公正な競争を防ぎ、自国メーカーを有利にするため、各国は国際貿易にさまざまな輸入関税を課している。自由貿易圏や共通市場のために関税やその他の障壁を低くするため、政府は通常、他国と二国間貿易協定を結ぶ。これは有利かもしれないが、海外との競争を激化させる結果にもなりかねない。貿易活動は外交問題により大きな影響を受ける。他国と意見が対立した場合、貿易協定は保留されるかもしれないし、最悪のシナリオでは、貿易を完全に制限するような制限が設けられるかもしれない。したがって、国際的な貿易政策や規制の影響は、多くの国々で建設機械市場の成長や販売を制限する要因を作り出している。手頃な価格の住宅とインフラへの注目の高まりスマートビルディングへの注目は、世界的に、特に発展途上経済で絶えず高まっている。これは、人口増加、都市化の進展、ライフスタイルの向上が主な原因である。また、所得水準の上昇に伴い、手頃な価格の住宅に対する需要も高まっている。加えて、世界銀行は持続可能な都市の開発など有利なイニシアチブを取っており、欧州、アフリカ、中央アジア全域で建設機械の需要が増加する可能性が高い。さらに、国際通貨基金(IMF)は加盟国に対し、住宅開発のための融資を実施し、緊急融資手段の利用枠を2020年から拡大した。各国の農村・都市開発プロジェクトもIMFとの緊密な協力のもと設計され、IMFの融資によって支援されている。このような取り組みにより、世界中の建設機械市場がさらに活性化することが期待される。o アラブ首長国連邦は、2023 年までにインフラ整備に 230 億米ドルを投資すると発表した。o 2022 年 6 月にサウジアラビアで開催された Zoomlion Customer Day において、Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co.o 2022年5月、Doosan Infracore Co.はサウジアラビアから75台の中・大型ショベルカーを受注した。これらの機械はサウジアラビアのネオムシティの建設現場に配備される。 o 2023年2月、ボルボCEの南アフリカディーラーであるバブコックによって、30台目のボルボA40G連結ダンプトラックがMbuyelo Mining Contractorsに納入された。 o 2022年、日立建機はSMT(SMT Holding)を新しいアフリカディーラーに指名した。タイプ別では、市場はローダー、フォークリフト、掘削機、ドーザー、その他に区分される。出力に基づき、市場は以下のように区分される。<100hp, 101-200hp, 201-400hp, and >400馬力。エンドユーザー別では、石油・ガス、建設、インフラ、製造、その他に区分される。国別では、サウジアラビア、エジプト、UAE、トルコ、カタール、モロッコ、イラン、クウェート、オマーン、バーレーンに区分される。市場プレーヤー中東・アフリカの建設機械は、強力に統合されている。この市場は、地元の競合他社が存在しないため、国際的なプレーヤーによって支配されている。中東・アフリカの建設機械市場の主要企業は、キャタピラー(Al-Bahar Construction Equipment FZE)、コマツ中東FZE、リーヘル中東FZE、日立建機中東(Hitachi Construction Machinery Middle East Corp.この調査レポートは、中東・北アフリカの建設機械市場を産業動向に加えて以下のカテゴリーに分類しています。<100hpo 101-200hpo 201-400hpo >400hp o 建設機械市場:用途別 o マテリアルハンドリング o 掘削・解体 o リサイクリング・廃棄物管理 o トンネリング o その他 o 建設機械市場:エンドユーザー別 o 石油・ガス o 建設 o インフラ o 製造 o その他 o 建設機械市場:国別 o サウジアラビア・エジプト o UAE o トルコ・カタロモロッコ o イラン・クウェート o オマーン o バーレーン o 中東・北アフリカのその他競合情勢企業プロファイル:利用可能なカスタマイズ:TechSci Research社は、与えられた市場データを用いて、企業の特定のニーズに応じてカスタマイズを提供します。レポートでは以下のカスタマイズが可能です:企業情報追加市場プレイヤーの詳細分析とプロファイリング(最大5社)。



1. Introduction 1.1. Market Overview 1.2. Key Highlights of the Report 1.3. Market Coverage 1.4. Market Segments Covered 1.5. Research Tenure Considered 2. Research Methodology 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Baseline Methodology 2.3. Key Industry Partners 2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources 2.5. Forecasting Methodology 2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation 2.7. Assumptions and Limitations 3. Executive Summary 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Forecast 3.3. Key Countries 3.4. Key Segments 4. Impact of COVID-19 on Middle East & North Africa Construction Equipment Market 4.1. Key Segments Impacted 4.2. Key Countries Impacted 5. Middle East & North Africa Construction Equipment Market Outlook 5.1. Market Size & Forecast 5.1.1. By Volume & Value 5.2. Market Share & Forecast 5.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis (Loader, Forklift, Excavator, Dozers, Others) 5.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis (<100hp, 101-200hp, 201-400hp, >400hp) 5.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis (Material Handling, Excavation & Demolition, Recycling & Waste Management, Tunnelling, Others) 5.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis (Oil & Gas, Construction, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Others) 5.2.5. By Country Market Share Analysis Saudi Arabia Market Share Analysis Egypt Market Share Analysis UAE Market Share Analysis Turkey Market Share Analysis Oman Market Share Analysis Bahrain Market Share Analysis Rest of Middle East & North Africa Market Share Analysis 5.2.6. By Company Market Share Analysis (By Value, 2022) 5.3. Middle East & North Africa Construction Equipment Market Mapping Opportunity Assessment 5.3.1. By Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 5.3.2. By Power Output Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 5.3.3. By Application Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 5.3.4. By End User Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 5.3.5. By Country Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6. Saudi Arabia Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 6.1. Market Size & Forecast 6.1.1. By Volume & Value 6.2. Market Share & Forecast 6.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 6.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 6.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 6.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 7. Egypt Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 7.1. Market Size & Forecast 7.1.1. By Volume & Value 7.2. Market Share & Forecast 7.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 7.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 7.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 7.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 8. UAE Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 8.1. Market Size & Forecast 8.1.1. By Volume & Value 8.2. Market Share & Forecast 8.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 8.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 8.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 8.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 9. Turkey Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 9.1. Market Size & Forecast 9.1.1. By Volume & Value 9.2. Market Share & Forecast 9.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 9.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 9.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 9.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 10. Qatar Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 10.1. Market Size & Forecast 10.1.1. By Volume & Value 10.2. Market Share & Forecast 10.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 10.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 10.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 10.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 11. Morocco Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 11.1. Market Size & Forecast 11.1.1. By Volume & Value 11.2. Market Share & Forecast 11.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 11.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 11.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 11.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 12. Iran Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 12.1. Market Size & Forecast 12.1.1. By Volume & Value 12.2. Market Share & Forecast 12.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 12.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 12.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 12.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 13. Kuwait Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 13.1. Market Size & Forecast 13.1.1. By Volume & Value 13.2. Market Share & Forecast 13.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 13.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 13.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 13.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 14. Oman Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 14.1. Market Size & Forecast 14.1.1. By Volume & Value 14.2. Market Share & Forecast 14.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 14.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 14.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 14.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 15. Bahrain Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 15.1. Market Size & Forecast 15.1.1. By Volume & Value 15.2. Market Share & Forecast 15.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 15.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 15.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 15.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 16. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 16.1. Bargaining Powers of Suppliers 16.2. Bargaining Powers of Buyers 16.3. Threat of Substitutes 16.4. Threat of New Entrants 16.5. Competitive Rivalry 17. SWOT Analysis 18. Market Dynamics 18.1. Market Drivers 18.2. Market Challenges 19. Market Trends & Developments 20. Competitive Landscape 20.1. Caterpillar Inc. (Al-Bahar Construction Equipment FZE) 20.1.1. Company Details 20.1.2. Key Products Offered 20.1.3. Recent Developments 20.1.4. Key Management Personnel 20.2. Komatsu Middle East FZE 20.2.1. Company Details 20.2.2. Key Products Offered 20.2.3. Recent Developments 20.2.4. Key Management Personnel 20.3. Liebherr Middle East, FZE 20.3.1. Company Details 20.3.2. Key Products Offered 20.3.3. Recent Developments 20.3.4. Key Management Personnel 20.4. Hitachi Construction Machinery Middle East Corp. FZE 20.4.1. Company Details 20.4.2. Key Products Offered 20.4.3. Recent Developments 20.4.4. Key Management Personnel 20.5. Volvo Construction Equipment AB (Al Futtaim Auto and Machinery Company LLC) 20.5.1. Company Details 20.5.2. Key Products Offered 20.5.3. Recent Developments 20.5.4. Key Management Personnel 20.6. Zoomlion Gulf FZE 20.6.1. Company Details 20.6.2. Key Products Offered 20.6.3. Recent Developments 20.6.4. Key Management Personnel 20.7. Terex Corporation 20.7.1. Company Details 20.7.2. Key Products Offered 20.7.3. Recent Developments 20.7.4. Key Management Personnel 20.8. CNH Industrial N.V. 20.8.1. Company Details 20.8.2. Key Products Offered 20.8.3. Recent Developments 20.8.4. Key Management Personnel 20.9. Hyundai Doosan Infracore (Doosan Infracore Co., Ltd.) 20.9.1. Company Details 20.9.2. Key Products Offered 20.9.3. Recent Developments 20.9.4. Key Management Personnel 20.10. Deere & Company (John Deere) 20.10.1. Company Details 20.10.2. Key Products Offered 20.10.3. Recent Developments 20.10.4. Key Management Personnel 21. Strategic Recommendations 22. About Us & Disclaimer





Middle East & North Africa Construction Equipment Market is anticipated to expand steadily in the forecast period 2024–2028. The market for construction equipment in the Middle East and Africa was valued at USD 11.21 billion in 2022. Due to the strong economic growth, a growing elite population, increased foreign investment, and other favorable factors, it is anticipated to reach USD 20.04 billion over the next five years, registering a CAGR of 10.38% in the next five years. In 2021, the Middle East & North Africa area produced about 7,335 thousand barrels of oil per day. When compared to the previous year, when oil output was 7,428 thousand barrels per day, the data demonstrates a drop. Construction equipment is any piece of equipment that is used in the execution, completion, erection, operation, or maintenance of a construction project or job. Additionally, when building roads, bridges, and dams, construction equipment is used in the earthmoving process. In addition to it being used in construction, mining also uses wheel loaders and excavators. Rising Infrastructure Development & Growing Urbanization Across the Region The MENA region is witnessing significant growth in infrastructure development, including the construction of roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, seaports, and other public infrastructure projects. This is due to the growing population, economic development, and the need to improve transportation and connectivity within and between cities. Infrastructure development requires heavy machinery and construction equipment to carry out the construction work, which is driving the demand for such equipment in the MENA region. Urbanization is a process where people move from rural areas to urban areas, which leads to the development of cities and towns. The MENA region is experiencing rapid urbanization, which is driving the demand for construction equipment, especially in the construction of high-rise buildings, commercial complexes, and residential buildings. With the increasing urbanization, there is a growing need for infrastructure and housing, which in turn is driving the demand for construction equipment. Technological Advancements The construction equipment market is witnessing significant technological advancements, such as the use of telematics, GPS, and other digital technologies. These advancements are enabling construction companies to enhance their productivity and reduce their operating costs. For example, telematics allows the equipment to communicate with the construction company, providing real-time information about the machine's performance, location, and maintenance needs. This enables construction companies to optimize their operations, reduce downtime, and increase the lifespan of the equipment. Growing Demand for Rental Equipment The MENA construction equipment rental market is growing rapidly due to the increasing demand for rental equipment by construction companies. Rental equipment allows construction companies to reduce their capital expenditures and improve their cash flows. Construction companies can rent the equipment for the duration of the project and return it once the project is completed, avoiding the need to purchase the equipment and store it when not in use. Government Initiatives The governments in the MENA region are investing heavily in infrastructure development and urbanization, which is driving the demand for construction equipment. For instance, Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 aims to develop the infrastructure of the country and increase the contribution of the private sector to the economy. Similarly, the UAE is investing in infrastructure development to become a global business hub. These initiatives are creating a favorable environment for the construction equipment market to grow. Increasing Awareness of Safety With the increasing awareness of safety, construction companies are focusing more on the safety of their workers and the environment. As a result, there is a growing demand for construction equipment that is equipped with safety features such as sensors, cameras, and alarms. These safety features help to prevent accidents, improve the safety of workers, and reduce the risk of damage to the equipment and the environment. Increase in Oil, Gas & Mining Projects The Middle East is well-known for having large oil and gas reserves, and there are still many important oil and gas-related projects taking place there. These initiatives include pipeline construction, refinery construction, petrochemical plant construction, exploration, extraction, and processing activities. These projects require specialized construction tools like heavy-duty cranes, drilling rigs, and machines for laying pipelines. Due to ongoing investments in the oil and gas sector, the demand for construction equipment in this market is still strong. Natural resources such as metals and minerals like gold, diamonds, copper, and iron ore are abundant in Africa. Many African economies depend heavily on the mining industry to spur economic expansion and generate job opportunities. Excavators, dump trucks, drilling rigs, and crushers are just a few examples of the heavy machinery and equipment needed for mining projects at various stages of mineral exploration, extraction, and processing. Thus, the region's increasing need for construction equipment is a result of the expansion of the mining industry. Regulatory Policies in Trade Different nations have different laws and rules governing the production, import, and export of construction equipment. To prevent unfair competition and give indigenous manufacturers an advantage, nations impose various import duties for international trade. To lower tariffs and other barriers to a free trade zone or common market, governments typically enter into bilateral trade agreements with other nations. This may be advantageous, but it may also result in more competition from abroad. Trade activities are more significantly impacted by foreign affairs. In the event of disagreements with other nations, trade agreements may be put on hold, or in the worst-case scenario; restrictions may be placed, limiting trade entirely. Therefore, the impact of international trade policies and regulations creates factors that limit the growth and sale of the construction equipment market in many countries. Increasing Focus on Affordable Housing and Infrastructure The focus on smart buildings is constantly increasing globally, especially in developing economies, which is majorly attributed to the rising population, increasing urbanization, and improving lifestyle. Also, the demand for affordable housing is increasing with rising income levels. In addition, the World Bank is taking favorable initiatives such as the development of sustainable cities, which is likely to increase the demand for construction equipment across Europe, Africa, and Central Asia. Furthermore, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) provided loans and increased the access limit under emergency financing instruments from 2020 to member countries for housing development. Individual countries’ rural and urban development projects are also designed in close cooperation with the IMF and are supported by IMF financing. Such initiatives are further expected to drive the construction equipment market across the world. Recent Developments o A wholly-owned subsidiary of Hyundai Construction Equipment called Doosan Infracore Co. received a contract in August 2022 to supply 62 pieces of construction machinery to important clients in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. o The United Arab Emirates has stated that it will invest USD 23 billion in infrastructure development by 2023. o Sany Heavy Industry Co. Ltd. supplied 300 pieces of construction machinery to the Nigerian China-Lagos Railway project in December 2022. o During Zoomlion Customer Day, which was held in Saudi Arabia in June 2022, Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science and Technology Co. Ltd. received orders for almost 100 pieces of construction machinery. o In May 2022, Doosan Infracore Co. won orders for 75 mid to large excavators from Saudi Arabia. These machines would be deployed at the construction site of Neom City in Saudi Arabia. o The 30th Volvo A40G articulated dump truck was delivered to Mbuyelo Mining Contractors in February 2023 by Babcock, Volvo CE's South African dealer. o Hitachi Construction Machinery named SMT (SMT Holding) as its new African dealer in the year 2022. Market Segmentation The Middle East & North Africa Construction Equipment Market is segmented based on type, power output, application, end user, and country. Based on type, the market is segmented into loaders, forklift, excavator, dozers, and others. Based on power output, the market is segment into <100hp, 101-200hp, 201-400hp, and >400hp. Based on end user, the market is segmented into Oil & Gas, Construction, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, and Others. Based on country, the market is segmented into Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Turkey, Qatar, Morocco, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain. Market Players Construction equipment in the Middle East and Africa is strongly consolidated. This market is dominated by international players as there are no local competitors. Several major companies in the Middle East and Africa construction equipment market are Caterpillar Inc. (Al-Bahar Construction Equipment FZE), Komatsu Middle East FZE, Liebherr Middle East, FZE., Hitachi Construction Machinery Middle East Corp. FZE, Volvo Construction Equipment AB (Al Futtaim Auto and Machinery Company LLC), Zoomlion Gulf FZE, and Terex Corporation, among others. Report Scope: In this report, the Middle East & North Africa Construction Equipment Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends, which have also been detailed below: o Construction Equipment Market, By Type: o Loader o Forklift o Excavator o Dozers o Others o Construction Equipment Market, By Technology: o <100hp o 101-200hp o 201-400hp o >400hp o Construction Equipment Market, By Application: o Material Handling o Excavation & Demolition o Recycling & Waste Management o Tunnelling o Others o Construction Equipment Market, By End User: o Oil & Gas o Construction o Infrastructure o Manufacturing o Others o Construction Equipment Market, By Country: o Saudi Arabia o Egypt o UAE o Turkey o Qatar o Morocco o Iran o Kuwait o Oman o Bahrain o Rest of Middle East & North Africa Competitive Landscape Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Middle East & North Africa Construction Equipment Market. Available Customizations: With the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report: Company Information o Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).


Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1.1. Market Overview 1.2. Key Highlights of the Report 1.3. Market Coverage 1.4. Market Segments Covered 1.5. Research Tenure Considered 2. Research Methodology 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Baseline Methodology 2.3. Key Industry Partners 2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources 2.5. Forecasting Methodology 2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation 2.7. Assumptions and Limitations 3. Executive Summary 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Forecast 3.3. Key Countries 3.4. Key Segments 4. Impact of COVID-19 on Middle East & North Africa Construction Equipment Market 4.1. Key Segments Impacted 4.2. Key Countries Impacted 5. Middle East & North Africa Construction Equipment Market Outlook 5.1. Market Size & Forecast 5.1.1. By Volume & Value 5.2. Market Share & Forecast 5.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis (Loader, Forklift, Excavator, Dozers, Others) 5.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis (<100hp, 101-200hp, 201-400hp, >400hp) 5.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis (Material Handling, Excavation & Demolition, Recycling & Waste Management, Tunnelling, Others) 5.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis (Oil & Gas, Construction, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Others) 5.2.5. By Country Market Share Analysis Saudi Arabia Market Share Analysis Egypt Market Share Analysis UAE Market Share Analysis Turkey Market Share Analysis Oman Market Share Analysis Bahrain Market Share Analysis Rest of Middle East & North Africa Market Share Analysis 5.2.6. By Company Market Share Analysis (By Value, 2022) 5.3. Middle East & North Africa Construction Equipment Market Mapping Opportunity Assessment 5.3.1. By Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 5.3.2. By Power Output Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 5.3.3. By Application Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 5.3.4. By End User Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 5.3.5. By Country Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6. Saudi Arabia Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 6.1. Market Size & Forecast 6.1.1. By Volume & Value 6.2. Market Share & Forecast 6.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 6.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 6.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 6.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 7. Egypt Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 7.1. Market Size & Forecast 7.1.1. By Volume & Value 7.2. Market Share & Forecast 7.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 7.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 7.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 7.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 8. UAE Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 8.1. Market Size & Forecast 8.1.1. By Volume & Value 8.2. Market Share & Forecast 8.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 8.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 8.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 8.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 9. Turkey Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 9.1. Market Size & Forecast 9.1.1. By Volume & Value 9.2. Market Share & Forecast 9.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 9.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 9.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 9.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 10. Qatar Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 10.1. Market Size & Forecast 10.1.1. By Volume & Value 10.2. Market Share & Forecast 10.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 10.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 10.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 10.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 11. Morocco Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 11.1. Market Size & Forecast 11.1.1. By Volume & Value 11.2. Market Share & Forecast 11.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 11.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 11.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 11.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 12. Iran Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 12.1. Market Size & Forecast 12.1.1. By Volume & Value 12.2. Market Share & Forecast 12.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 12.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 12.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 12.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 13. Kuwait Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 13.1. Market Size & Forecast 13.1.1. By Volume & Value 13.2. Market Share & Forecast 13.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 13.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 13.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 13.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 14. Oman Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 14.1. Market Size & Forecast 14.1.1. By Volume & Value 14.2. Market Share & Forecast 14.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 14.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 14.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 14.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 15. Bahrain Construction Equipment Market Outlook, 2018-2028F 15.1. Market Size & Forecast 15.1.1. By Volume & Value 15.2. Market Share & Forecast 15.2.1. By Type Market Share Analysis 15.2.2. By Power Output Market Share Analysis 15.2.3. By Application Market Share Analysis 15.2.4. By End User Market Share Analysis 16. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 16.1. Bargaining Powers of Suppliers 16.2. Bargaining Powers of Buyers 16.3. Threat of Substitutes 16.4. Threat of New Entrants 16.5. Competitive Rivalry 17. SWOT Analysis 18. Market Dynamics 18.1. Market Drivers 18.2. Market Challenges 19. Market Trends & Developments 20. Competitive Landscape 20.1. Caterpillar Inc. (Al-Bahar Construction Equipment FZE) 20.1.1. Company Details 20.1.2. Key Products Offered 20.1.3. Recent Developments 20.1.4. Key Management Personnel 20.2. Komatsu Middle East FZE 20.2.1. Company Details 20.2.2. Key Products Offered 20.2.3. Recent Developments 20.2.4. Key Management Personnel 20.3. Liebherr Middle East, FZE 20.3.1. Company Details 20.3.2. Key Products Offered 20.3.3. Recent Developments 20.3.4. Key Management Personnel 20.4. Hitachi Construction Machinery Middle East Corp. FZE 20.4.1. Company Details 20.4.2. Key Products Offered 20.4.3. Recent Developments 20.4.4. Key Management Personnel 20.5. Volvo Construction Equipment AB (Al Futtaim Auto and Machinery Company LLC) 20.5.1. Company Details 20.5.2. Key Products Offered 20.5.3. Recent Developments 20.5.4. Key Management Personnel 20.6. Zoomlion Gulf FZE 20.6.1. Company Details 20.6.2. Key Products Offered 20.6.3. Recent Developments 20.6.4. Key Management Personnel 20.7. Terex Corporation 20.7.1. Company Details 20.7.2. Key Products Offered 20.7.3. Recent Developments 20.7.4. Key Management Personnel 20.8. CNH Industrial N.V. 20.8.1. Company Details 20.8.2. Key Products Offered 20.8.3. Recent Developments 20.8.4. Key Management Personnel 20.9. Hyundai Doosan Infracore (Doosan Infracore Co., Ltd.) 20.9.1. Company Details 20.9.2. Key Products Offered 20.9.3. Recent Developments 20.9.4. Key Management Personnel 20.10. Deere & Company (John Deere) 20.10.1. Company Details 20.10.2. Key Products Offered 20.10.3. Recent Developments 20.10.4. Key Management Personnel 21. Strategic Recommendations 22. About Us & Disclaimer






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