
アジア太平洋地域の電動三輪車市場:車両タイプ別(旅客輸送車・積載車)、バッテリー容量別(<101Ah & >101Ah)、電池タイプ別(鉛酸・リチウムイオン)、国別、競争予測と機会、2018-2028F

Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market By Vehicle Type (Passenger Carrier & Load Carrier), By Battery Capacity (<101Ah & >101Ah), By Battery Type (Lead Acid & Lithium Ion), By Country, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2018-2028F

アジア太平洋地域の電動三輪車市場は、政府の厳しい公害規制、ガソリン車やディーゼル車の排ガスの危険性に対する社会的意識の高まり、電気自動車の普及台数の増加が市場を牽引する主な要因となっている。中国、... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
TechSci Research
2023年6月1日 US$4,400
85 英語



アジア太平洋地域の電動三輪車市場は、政府の厳しい公害規制、ガソリン車やディーゼル車の排ガスの危険性に対する社会的意識の高まり、電気自動車の普及台数の増加が市場を牽引する主な要因となっている。中国、インド、日本をはじめとするアジア太平洋地域では、電動三輪車のカテゴリーにおける技術革新や製品投入が増加している。また、同地域では多くの新興企業や合弁企業が、消費者の需要に応えて製品を導入・開発している。インド、中国、日本など、この地域の企業は新車を投入しており、今後数年間は多くの新車投入が予想される。例えば、ピアッジオは最近インドで電気三輪車を発表し、中国ではソーラー電気三輪車が発表された。長期的な自動車市場の動向としては、電動化とグリーン・テクノロジーが予想される。アジア太平洋地域の多くの国々が電気自動車に補助金を支給しており、電気自動車の需要が増加しているのも、維持費や運転コストが低いためである。通勤効率を向上させ、大気汚染を低減させるため、この地域では電動三輪車の利用が著しく進んでいる。アジア太平洋地域の電動三輪車市場は、グリーン車の採用や排出基準のアップグレードの実施により拡大している。ラストワンマイルや近距離移動のソリューションに対する需要も、市場拡大を後押しする要素である。顧客の日常生活は固定化する傾向にあり、特に毎日通勤・通学する多くの人々は、電動3輪車のような公共交通機関を好む。主な関心事は安全性、快適性、費用対効果であり、電気自動車は彼らに最適である。電動三輪車の市場は、ラストワンマイルの公共通勤の需要が増加するにつれて拡大している。電動三輪車市場は、バッテリー充電、バッテリー交換、および地域におけるその他のインフラ拡張におけるより高い技術の進歩により拡大している。公共ファースト・マイルおよびラスト・マイル通勤における電動三輪車の採用公共通勤における電動三輪車の使用は、ファースト・マイルおよびラスト・マイル通勤の両方で増加している。同時に、このような車両はメンテナンスと運用コストが低く、電動三輪車には鉛蓄電池が使用されているため、車両価格も低下している。同地域における技術革新と新製品開発の増加も有効性を高めている。同様に、多くの新興企業や他の既存企業は、市場の価格競争力に対応するために車両を内製している。中国とインドは、公共通勤用の電動三輪車の普及率が高い地域の主要国である。予測期間中、地下鉄のような長距離移動源の増加に伴い、電動3輪車によるファーストマイルおよびラストマイルの公共通勤が増加すると予想され、これらすべての要因がアジア太平洋地域における電動3輪車の需要増加に貢献する。政府のインセンティブと補助金この地域の多くの県は、新しい電気自動車の所有者やメーカーにインセンティブを提供することで、電気自動車の使用を奨励している。さらに、この地域の多くの地方政府は、電気自動車の普及を促進するために、インフラや充電サービスのプロバイダーを開発するための給付金やその他の補助金を提供している。この地域のさまざまな政府が、三輪車用の充電インフラを整備している。充電インフラの不足バッテリー交換は充電時間を節約でき、公共通勤に使用される三輪車に非常に好まれているが、この地域でのインフラとバッテリー規格の不足が普及を妨げている。農村部のインフラ整備が遅れていることも、成長鈍化の一因となっている可能性がある。同様に、各国には明確な充電規格がないことや、すべての車両に汎用バッテリーを使用していることが成長の課題となっている。COVID-19はこの分野にも悪影響を及ぼし、すべての製造・営業活動に支障をきたした。COVID-19はこの分野にも悪影響を及ぼし、すべての製造・操業活動に支障をきたした。充電ステーションの設置作業はすべて閉鎖のため停止され、その他の制限も各地域政府によって課された。しかし、ほとんどのアジア諸国では、楽観的な見方が維持され、あるいは増加している。世界中の多くの消費者が所得の減少を予想している一方で、中国やインドでは所得の増加を予想する消費者もいる。さらに、充電インフラは予測期間中に拡大し、同地域の電動3輪車市場の成長を支援する。市場細分化アジア太平洋地域の電動3輪車市場は、車両タイプ、バッテリー容量、バッテリータイプ、国に基づいて細分化される。車両タイプに基づいて、市場は乗用キャリアと積載キャリアに二分される。バッテリー容量に基づいて、市場はさらに以下のように区分される。<101Ah & >101Ahである。バッテリーの種類によって、市場は鉛酸とLi-ionに区分される。市場分析では、予測数年の市場動向を考案するために、国別のセグメンテーションも研究している。企業プロフィール翔河乾生電動三輪車工場、Euler Motors Private Limited、Omega Seiki Mobility Private Limited、Mahindra & Mahindra Limited(インド)、Saera Electric Auto Pvt.Ltd、Gayam Motor Works、Piaggio Group、Lohia Auto Industries、Atul Auto Ltd.が、アジア太平洋地域で電動三輪車を開発している主要企業である。レポート範囲:本レポートでは、アジア太平洋地域の電動三輪車市場を、業界動向に加えて以下のカテゴリーに分類しています。<25Aho >25Ah-アジア太平洋地域の電動三輪車市場:電池タイプ別:o 鉛酸リチウムイオン-アジア太平洋地域の電動三輪車市場:国別:o 中国o インドo 日本o マレーシアo インドネシアo タイo ベトナムo シンガポール競合情勢企業プロフィール:利用可能なカスタマイズ:TechSci Research社は、与えられた市場データをもとに、企業の特定のニーズに応じてカスタマイズを提供します。本レポートでは以下のカスタマイズが可能です:企業情報-追加市場プレイヤーの詳細分析とプロファイリング(最大5社)。



1. Introduction 1.1. Product Overview 1.2. Key Highlights of the Report 1.3. Market Coverage 1.4. Market Segments Covered 1.5. Research Tenure Considered 2. Research Methodology 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Baseline Methodology 2.3. Key Industry Partners 2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources 2.5. Forecasting Methodology 2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation 2.7. Assumptions and Limitations 3. Executive Summary 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Forecast 3.3. Key Countries 3.4. Key Segments 4. Impact of COVID-19 on Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market 4.1. Key Segments Impacted 4.2. Key Regions Impacted 4.3. Key Countries Impacted 5. Voice of Customer 5.1. Factors Influencing Purchase Decision 5.2. Brand Awareness 5.3. Challenges/Issues Faced Post Purchase 6. Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 6.1. Market Size & Forecast 6.1.1. By Volume 6.1.2. By Value 6.2. Market Share & Forecast 6.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Passenger Carrier & Load Carrier) 6.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis (<101Ah & >101Ah) 6.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis (Lead Acid & Li-ion) 6.2.4. By Country Market Share Analysis China Market Share Analysis India Market Share Analysis Japan Market Share Analysis Malaysia Market Share Analysis Thailand Market Share Analysis Indonesia Market Share Analysis Singapore Market Share Analysis Vietnam Market Share Analysis Rest of Asia-Pacific Market Share Analysis 6.2.5. By Company Market Share Analysis (By Value, 2022) 6.3. Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.1. By Vehicle Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.2. By Battery Capacity Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.3. By Battery Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.4. By Country Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 7. China Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 7.1. Market Size & Forecast 7.1.1. By Volume 7.1.2. By Value 7.2. Market Share & Forecast 7.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 7.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 7.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 8. India Electric Three -Wheeler Market Outlook 8.1. Market Size & Forecast 8.1.1. By Volume 8.1.2. By Value 8.2. Market Share & Forecast 8.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 8.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 8.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 9. Japan Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 9.1. Market Size & Forecast 9.1.1. By Volume 9.1.2. By Value 9.2. Market Share & Forecast 9.2.1. Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 9.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 9.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 10. Malaysia Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 10.1. Market Size & Forecast 10.1.1. By Volume 10.1.2. By Value 10.2. Market Share & Forecast 10.2.1. Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 10.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 10.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 11. Thailand Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 11.1. Market Size & Forecast 11.1.1. By Volume 11.1.2. By Value 11.2. Market Share & Forecast 11.2.1. Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 11.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 11.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 12. Indonesia Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 12.1. Market Size & Forecast 12.1.1. By Volume 12.1.2. By Value 12.2. Market Share & Forecast 12.2.1. Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 12.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 12.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 13. Singapore Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 13.1. Market Size & Forecast 13.1.1. By Volume 13.1.2. By Value 13.2. Market Share & Forecast 13.2.1. Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 13.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 13.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 14. Vietnam Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 14.1. Market Size & Forecast 14.1.1. By Volume 14.1.2. By Value 14.2. Market Share & Forecast 14.2.1. Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 14.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 14.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 15. Overall Developments in the Industry 15.1. EV Developments 15.2. Incentives and Subsidies 15.3. Battery, charger, and other Standards 15.4. New Players in the Market 15.5. Key Investments in the Market 15.6. Technological Developments 15.7. Key Takeaways 16. Market Dynamics 16.1. Market Drivers 16.1.1. Adoption of Electric Three Wheelers in Public First and Last Mile Commute 16.1.2. Government Incentives and Subsidies. 16.2. Market Challenges 16.2.1. Inadequate Charging Infrastructure 17. Market Trends & Developments 17.1. Rising Emission Standards 17.2. Surge in R&D and Technological Advancements 18. SWOT Analysis 18.1. Strength 18.2. Weakness 18.3. Opportunities 18.4. Threats 19. Porter’s Five Forces Model 19.1. Competitive Rivalry 19.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 19.3. Bargaining Power of Buyers 19.4. Threat of New Entrants 19.5. Threat of Substitutes 20. Competitive Landscape 20.1. Company Profiles (Up to 10 leading companies) 20.1.1. Xianghe Qiansheng Electric Tricycle Factory Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.2. Euler Motors Private Limited Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.3. Omega Seiki Mobility Private Limited Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.4. Mahindra & Mahindra Limited (India). Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.5. Saera Electric Auto Pvt. Ltd. Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.6. Changzhou Yufeng Vehicle Co. Ltd. Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.7. Gayam Motor Works Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.8. Piaggio Group Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.9. Lohia Auto Industries Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.10. Atul Auto Ltd. Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21. Strategic Recommendations 21.1. Key Focus Areas 21.2. Target Regions & Countries 21.3. Target Vehicle Type 22. About Us & Disclaimer





Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market is growing due to the government's strict pollution control regulations, growing public awareness of the dangers of emissions from gasoline and diesel vehicles, and a rise in the adoption of electric vehicles are the main factors driving the market. Recent Developments The market for electric three-wheelers is expanding because of the industry's increased focus on environment-friendly products because of rising emission standards. China, India, Japan, and other nations in the Asia-Pacific region are seeing an increase in innovations and product launches in the electric three-wheeler category. In addition, many new startups and joint ventures in the region are introducing and developing products in response to consumer demand. Companies in the region, including those in India, China, Japan, and others, are introducing new vehicles, and in the upcoming years, many new launches are anticipated. For example, Piaggio recently introduced an electric three-wheeler in India, and in China, a solar electric three-wheeler was unveiled. All these developments in the region are expected to increase demand for electric three-wheelers in the region. Long-term automotive market trends are expected to include electrification and green technologies. Many countries in the Asia-Pacific region are also providing subsidies for electric vehicles, and the rise in demand for such vehicles is also due to their lower maintenance and operating costs. To improve commuter efficiency and lower air pollution, the use of electric three-wheelers has advanced significantly in the area. The market for electric three-wheelers in the Asia-Pacific is growing due to the adoption of green vehicles and the implementation of emission standard upgrades. The demand for last-mile and short-distance travel solutions is another element propelling market expansion. Customers' daily routines tend to be more fixed, particularly for most people who commute to and from work every day and prefer public transport such as electric three-wheelers. The primary concerns are safety, comfort, and cost-effectiveness, and electric vehicles are best for them. The market for electric three-wheelers is expanding as the demand for public commuting for last-mile stops is increasing. The market for electric three-wheelers is expanding because of higher technology advancements in battery charging, battery swapping, and other infrastructure expansions in the region. Adoption of Electric Three-Wheelers in Public First and Last Mile Commutes The usage of electric three-wheelers for public commuting is increasing in both the first and last-mile commutes as such vehicles are not very expensive as compared with the ICE vehicle. At the same time, such vehicles require low maintenance and operational cost, and the usage of lead acid batteries in the electric three-wheelers is also reducing the price of the vehicle. The increase in innovation and new product development in the region is also increasing effectiveness; similarly, many new startups and other established players are inhouse manufacturing vehicles to meet the price competitiveness in the market. China and India are the leading countries in the region that have a higher penetration of electric three-wheelers for public commuting. During the forecast period, the first and last-mile public commute via electric three-wheelers is expected to rise with the increase in long-distance travel sources such as the metro, and all these factors will contribute to the rise in demand for electric three-wheelers in Asia-Pacific. Government Incentives and Subsidies Many counties in the area are encouraging the use of electric vehicles by providing incentives to new electric vehicle owners and manufacturers. Furthermore, many regional governments in the area are providing benefits and other subsidies to developing infrastructure and charging service providers in order to increase electric vehicle adoption. Various governments in the region are establishing charging infrastructure for three-wheelers. Government subsidies are encouraging the use of electric vehicles in the region, and the adoption of electric vehicles is expected to increase in the coming years. Inadequate Charging Infrastructure Battery swapping eliminates charging time and is highly preferred for three-wheelers used for public commuting, but its widespread adoption is hampered by a lack of infrastructure and battery standards in the area. Slow infrastructure development in rural areas could be a contributing factor to the slow growth. Similarly, the countries' lack of defined charging standards, as well as the use of universal batteries for all vehicles, pose growth challenges. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure is being built in countries such as India, China, Japan, and others. COVID-19 had a negative impact on the sector as well, as it hampered all manufacturing and operational activities. All charging station setup operations were halted because of lockdowns, and other restrictions were also imposed by various regional governments. However, in most Asian countries, optimism has remained or even increased. While many consumers around the world expect their income to decline, some consumers in China and India expect their income to rise. Moreover, charging infrastructure will expand during the forecast period, assisting the region's electric three-wheeler market to grow. Market Segmentation The Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market is segmented on the basis of vehicle type, battery capacity, battery type, and country. Based on vehicle type, the market is bifurcated into passenger carriers and load carriers. On the basis of battery capacity, the market is further segmented into <101Ah & >101Ah. Based on battery type, the market is segmented into lead acid & Li-ion. The market analysis also studies the Country wise segmentation to devise market trends in the forecast years. Company Profiles Xianghe Qiansheng Electric Tricycle Factory, Euler Motors Private Limited, Omega Seiki Mobility Private Limited, Mahindra & Mahindra Limited (India), Saera Electric Auto Pvt. Ltd, Changzhou Yufeng Vehicle Co. Ltd, Gayam Motor Works, Piaggio Group, Lohia Auto Industries, and Atul Auto Ltd. are the leading companies in the Asia Pacific developing electric three-wheelers. There are several other start-ups that are developing efficient electric three-wheelers in the region. Report Scope: In this report, Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market has been segmented into the following categories, in addition to the industry trends, which have also been detailed below: • Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market, By Vehicle Type: o Passenger Carrier o Load Carrier • Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market, By Battery Capacity: o <25Ah o >25Ah • Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market, By Battery Type: o Lead Acid o Li-ion • Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market, By Country: o China o India o Japan o Malaysia o Indonesia o Thailand o Vietnam o Singapore Competitive Landscape Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in the Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market. Available Customizations: With the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report: Company Information • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).


Table of Contents

1. Introduction 1.1. Product Overview 1.2. Key Highlights of the Report 1.3. Market Coverage 1.4. Market Segments Covered 1.5. Research Tenure Considered 2. Research Methodology 2.1. Objective of the Study 2.2. Baseline Methodology 2.3. Key Industry Partners 2.4. Major Association and Secondary Sources 2.5. Forecasting Methodology 2.6. Data Triangulation & Validation 2.7. Assumptions and Limitations 3. Executive Summary 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Forecast 3.3. Key Countries 3.4. Key Segments 4. Impact of COVID-19 on Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market 4.1. Key Segments Impacted 4.2. Key Regions Impacted 4.3. Key Countries Impacted 5. Voice of Customer 5.1. Factors Influencing Purchase Decision 5.2. Brand Awareness 5.3. Challenges/Issues Faced Post Purchase 6. Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 6.1. Market Size & Forecast 6.1.1. By Volume 6.1.2. By Value 6.2. Market Share & Forecast 6.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis (Passenger Carrier & Load Carrier) 6.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis (<101Ah & >101Ah) 6.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis (Lead Acid & Li-ion) 6.2.4. By Country Market Share Analysis China Market Share Analysis India Market Share Analysis Japan Market Share Analysis Malaysia Market Share Analysis Thailand Market Share Analysis Indonesia Market Share Analysis Singapore Market Share Analysis Vietnam Market Share Analysis Rest of Asia-Pacific Market Share Analysis 6.2.5. By Company Market Share Analysis (By Value, 2022) 6.3. Asia-Pacific Electric Three-Wheeler Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.1. By Vehicle Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.2. By Battery Capacity Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.3. By Battery Type Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 6.3.4. By Country Market Mapping & Opportunity Assessment 7. China Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 7.1. Market Size & Forecast 7.1.1. By Volume 7.1.2. By Value 7.2. Market Share & Forecast 7.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 7.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 7.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 8. India Electric Three -Wheeler Market Outlook 8.1. Market Size & Forecast 8.1.1. By Volume 8.1.2. By Value 8.2. Market Share & Forecast 8.2.1. By Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 8.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 8.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 9. Japan Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 9.1. Market Size & Forecast 9.1.1. By Volume 9.1.2. By Value 9.2. Market Share & Forecast 9.2.1. Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 9.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 9.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 10. Malaysia Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 10.1. Market Size & Forecast 10.1.1. By Volume 10.1.2. By Value 10.2. Market Share & Forecast 10.2.1. Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 10.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 10.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 11. Thailand Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 11.1. Market Size & Forecast 11.1.1. By Volume 11.1.2. By Value 11.2. Market Share & Forecast 11.2.1. Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 11.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 11.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 12. Indonesia Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 12.1. Market Size & Forecast 12.1.1. By Volume 12.1.2. By Value 12.2. Market Share & Forecast 12.2.1. Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 12.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 12.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 13. Singapore Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 13.1. Market Size & Forecast 13.1.1. By Volume 13.1.2. By Value 13.2. Market Share & Forecast 13.2.1. Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 13.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 13.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 14. Vietnam Electric Three-Wheeler Market Outlook 14.1. Market Size & Forecast 14.1.1. By Volume 14.1.2. By Value 14.2. Market Share & Forecast 14.2.1. Vehicle Type Market Share Analysis 14.2.2. By Battery Capacity Market Share Analysis 14.2.3. By Battery Type Market Share Analysis 15. Overall Developments in the Industry 15.1. EV Developments 15.2. Incentives and Subsidies 15.3. Battery, charger, and other Standards 15.4. New Players in the Market 15.5. Key Investments in the Market 15.6. Technological Developments 15.7. Key Takeaways 16. Market Dynamics 16.1. Market Drivers 16.1.1. Adoption of Electric Three Wheelers in Public First and Last Mile Commute 16.1.2. Government Incentives and Subsidies. 16.2. Market Challenges 16.2.1. Inadequate Charging Infrastructure 17. Market Trends & Developments 17.1. Rising Emission Standards 17.2. Surge in R&D and Technological Advancements 18. SWOT Analysis 18.1. Strength 18.2. Weakness 18.3. Opportunities 18.4. Threats 19. Porter’s Five Forces Model 19.1. Competitive Rivalry 19.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 19.3. Bargaining Power of Buyers 19.4. Threat of New Entrants 19.5. Threat of Substitutes 20. Competitive Landscape 20.1. Company Profiles (Up to 10 leading companies) 20.1.1. Xianghe Qiansheng Electric Tricycle Factory Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.2. Euler Motors Private Limited Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.3. Omega Seiki Mobility Private Limited Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.4. Mahindra & Mahindra Limited (India). Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.5. Saera Electric Auto Pvt. Ltd. Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.6. Changzhou Yufeng Vehicle Co. Ltd. Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.7. Gayam Motor Works Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.8. Piaggio Group Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.9. Lohia Auto Industries Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 20.1.10. Atul Auto Ltd. Company Details Products & Services Recent Development Key Management Personnel 21. Strategic Recommendations 21.1. Key Focus Areas 21.2. Target Regions & Countries 21.3. Target Vehicle Type 22. About Us & Disclaimer





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