ラテンアメリカのバイオ炭市場 2022-2028LATIN AMERICA BIOCHAR MARKET 2022-2028 市場の展望 Triton Market Researchの分析によると、ラテンアメリカのバイオ炭市場は予測期間2022-2028年に収益で14.98%、数量で12.28%のCAGRを記録すると予測されています。この地域のバイオ炭市場は、メキシコ... もっと見る
サマリー市場の展望Triton Market Researchの分析によると、ラテンアメリカのバイオ炭市場は予測期間2022-2028年に収益で14.98%、数量で12.28%のCAGRを記録すると予測されています。この地域のバイオ炭市場は、メキシコ、ブラジル、ラテンアメリカの残りの地域で調査されています。 メキシコは、土壌改良と作物収量の向上のためにバイオベースのソリューションを採用することに関心を高めています。これは、予測される期間中にバイオ炭の市場浸透を高めるのに役立つと期待されています。バイオ炭の生産に使用される調理用ストーブなどの伝統的な技術的手法も、経済的な制約から多くの農家で使用されています。農業部門はバイオ炭市場の牽引役となることが予想されます。畜産業におけるバイオ炭の普及率の上昇は、予測期間中の市場成長を促進する重要な要因になると予想されます。家禽類、酪農、魚類、牛肉は、この国の主要な農業分野の一つです。 ラテンアメリカの残りの地域には、コロンビア、チリ、アルゼンチンなどの国々が含まれます。2018年12月の国連気候変動枠組条約において、アルゼンチンは、エネルギー、土地利用、農業、林業、輸送の部門別計画を用いて、排出率を軽減する長期戦略を2020年に実施する計画を宣言しました。以前、アルゼンチンは、2030年までに温室効果ガスの排出量を無条件で2005年の基準値より18%、条件付きで37%削減する目標を発表しています。バイオ炭は、炭素を固定化し、温室効果ガスの排出を抑制する効果がある。そのため、政府はバイオ炭メーカーに有利な政策を打ち出す可能性がある。 競争力 バイオ炭市場の有力企業には、Air Terra、Arsta Eco、Novo Carbo、Carbofex、Renewable Carbon Resources Australia、Airex Energy、Carbons Finland Oy、Bioenergy Earth Systemsなどがある。 目次MARKET OUTLOOKAccording to an analysis by Triton Market Research, the Latin America biochar market is expected to register a CAGR of 14.98% by revenue and 12.28% by volume for the forecasting duration 2022-2028. Mexico, Brazil, and Rest of Latin America are studied for the biochar market in this region. Mexico is showing growing interests in adopting bio-based solutions for soil amendment and enhanced crop yield. This is expected to help raise the market penetration of biochar over the projected period. The traditional technological methods used for producing biochar, such as cooking stoves, are also used by a large number of farmers due to financial constraints. The agricultural sector is expected to be the driving force for the biochar market. The rising penetration of biochar in livestock farming is anticipated to be a critical factor for promoting the market growth during the forecast period. Poultry, dairy, fish, and beef are some of the major farming segments in the nation. The Rest of Latin America region includes countries like Colombia, Chile, and Argentina, among others. At the United Nations’ Framework Convention on Climate Change in December 2018, Argentina declared its plans to implement its long-term strategy to mitigate emission rates, with the help of sectorial plans for energy, land use, agriculture, forestry, and transportation, in 2020. Previously, Argentina announced its targets to decrease greenhouse gas emissions unconditionally by 18% and conditionally by 37% over its 2005 baseline by the year 2030. Biochar helps in sequestering carbon, thereby reducing GHG emissions. The government might thus formulate policies in favor of biochar manufacturers. COMPETITIVE OUTLOOK Some prominent players in the biochar market are Air Terra, Arsta Eco, Novo Carbo, Carbofex, Renewable Carbon Resources Australia, Airex Energy, Carbons Finland Oy, and Bioenergy Earth Systems.
SummaryMARKET OUTLOOK Table of ContentsMARKET OUTLOOKAccording to an analysis by Triton Market Research, the Latin America biochar market is expected to register a CAGR of 14.98% by revenue and 12.28% by volume for the forecasting duration 2022-2028. Mexico, Brazil, and Rest of Latin America are studied for the biochar market in this region. Mexico is showing growing interests in adopting bio-based solutions for soil amendment and enhanced crop yield. This is expected to help raise the market penetration of biochar over the projected period. The traditional technological methods used for producing biochar, such as cooking stoves, are also used by a large number of farmers due to financial constraints. The agricultural sector is expected to be the driving force for the biochar market. The rising penetration of biochar in livestock farming is anticipated to be a critical factor for promoting the market growth during the forecast period. Poultry, dairy, fish, and beef are some of the major farming segments in the nation. The Rest of Latin America region includes countries like Colombia, Chile, and Argentina, among others. At the United Nations’ Framework Convention on Climate Change in December 2018, Argentina declared its plans to implement its long-term strategy to mitigate emission rates, with the help of sectorial plans for energy, land use, agriculture, forestry, and transportation, in 2020. Previously, Argentina announced its targets to decrease greenhouse gas emissions unconditionally by 18% and conditionally by 37% over its 2005 baseline by the year 2030. Biochar helps in sequestering carbon, thereby reducing GHG emissions. The government might thus formulate policies in favor of biochar manufacturers. COMPETITIVE OUTLOOK Some prominent players in the biochar market are Air Terra, Arsta Eco, Novo Carbo, Carbofex, Renewable Carbon Resources Australia, Airex Energy, Carbons Finland Oy, and Bioenergy Earth Systems.
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2024/12/30 10:26 159.18 円 166.42 円 203.02 円 |