![]() 欧州プリプレグ市場 2021-2028EUROPE PREPREG MARKET 2021-2028 市場展望 ヨーロッパのプリプレグ市場は、2021年から2028年の予測期間においてCAGR 9.23%の成長を示すと予測されています。フランス、ドイツ、イタリア、ロシア、イギリス、スペイン、その他のヨーロッパ諸国が... もっと見る
サマリー市場展望ヨーロッパのプリプレグ市場は、2021年から2028年の予測期間においてCAGR 9.23%の成長を示すと予測されています。フランス、ドイツ、イタリア、ロシア、イギリス、スペイン、その他のヨーロッパ諸国が、この地域の市場を形成しています。 スペインの航空宇宙産業は、国内産業GDPの5.8%近くを占めています。また、航空宇宙産業には約350の企業があり、そのうち335が中小企業である。Aernnova、Airbus、Alessis、Sener、Thalesなどがこの業界の大手企業である。また、政府は航空宇宙分野の中小企業が生産ラインを改善するためのインセンティブを高めている。 複数の企業がチタンや炭素繊維などの航空宇宙用複合材料に投資しており、スペインは航空機メーカーに最も好まれ、技術的に進んだ目的地の1つとなっています。航空宇宙産業ではプリプレグの需要が高まっており、その発展が今後数年間の産業成長を促すと期待されています。 イタリアは、欧州連合で4番目に大きな自動車産業を有しています。2017年の新車生産台数は1142万台で、前年比3.5%増となった。イタリアの自動車市場に参入している企業のうち、海外ブランドが占める割合は71%であり、グローバルプレーヤーがこの地でプレゼンスを確立しようとする関心が高まっていることがわかります。自動車生産の着実な成長と生産技術の向上により、今後数年間はプリプレグの需要が高まると予想されます。その結果、イタリアでのプリプレグ市場の発展が強化されるでしょう。 競争展望 プリプレグ市場の主要な競合他社は、ロイヤルテンケートNV、ベンテック・グループ、サイテック・ソルベー・グループ、三菱レイヨン株式会社、Park Electrochemical Corp、帝人株式会社、Axiom Materials、Celaneseなどである。 目次MARKET OUTLOOKEurope’s prepreg market is anticipated to exhibit growth with a CAGR of 9.23% over the projected duration between 2021 and 2028. France, Germany, Italy, Russia, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Rest of Europe together form the market in this region. The aerospace industry in Spain contributes nearly 5.8% to the national industrial GDP. Additionally, there are around 350 players in the aerospace sector, of which 335 are SMEs. Aernnova, Airbus, Alestis, Sener, and Thales are some of the leading players in this industry. Also, the government has increased the incentives for SMEs in aerospace to improve their production lines. Several companies have been making investments in aerospace composites like titanium and carbon fiber, making Spain one of the most preferred and technologically advanced destinations for aircraft manufacturers. There is a growing demand for prepregs in the aerospace industry, and its development is expected to foster the industry growth in the coming years. Italy has the fourth-largest automobile industry in the European Union. In 2017, it manufactured 1.142 million new vehicles, representing a rise of 3.5% from the preceding year. Foreign brands account for 71% of the companies in the Italian automotive market, which shows that there is a growing interest from global players to establish their presence here. The steady growth in automotive production, coupled with improvements in production technologies, are anticipated to bolster the demand for prepregs over the forthcoming years. This, in turn, will strengthen the prepreg market’s development in Italy. COMPETITIVE OUTLOOK The leading competitors in the prepreg market include Royal Ten Cate NV, Ventec Group, Cytec Solvay Group, Mitsubishi Rayon Co Ltd, Park Electrochemical Corp, Teijin Limited, Axiom Materials, and Celanese.
SummaryMARKET OUTLOOK Table of ContentsMARKET OUTLOOKEurope’s prepreg market is anticipated to exhibit growth with a CAGR of 9.23% over the projected duration between 2021 and 2028. France, Germany, Italy, Russia, the United Kingdom, Spain, and Rest of Europe together form the market in this region. The aerospace industry in Spain contributes nearly 5.8% to the national industrial GDP. Additionally, there are around 350 players in the aerospace sector, of which 335 are SMEs. Aernnova, Airbus, Alestis, Sener, and Thales are some of the leading players in this industry. Also, the government has increased the incentives for SMEs in aerospace to improve their production lines. Several companies have been making investments in aerospace composites like titanium and carbon fiber, making Spain one of the most preferred and technologically advanced destinations for aircraft manufacturers. There is a growing demand for prepregs in the aerospace industry, and its development is expected to foster the industry growth in the coming years. Italy has the fourth-largest automobile industry in the European Union. In 2017, it manufactured 1.142 million new vehicles, representing a rise of 3.5% from the preceding year. Foreign brands account for 71% of the companies in the Italian automotive market, which shows that there is a growing interest from global players to establish their presence here. The steady growth in automotive production, coupled with improvements in production technologies, are anticipated to bolster the demand for prepregs over the forthcoming years. This, in turn, will strengthen the prepreg market’s development in Italy. COMPETITIVE OUTLOOK The leading competitors in the prepreg market include Royal Ten Cate NV, Ventec Group, Cytec Solvay Group, Mitsubishi Rayon Co Ltd, Park Electrochemical Corp, Teijin Limited, Axiom Materials, and Celanese.
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2025/03/11 10:26 147.68 円 160.59 円 193.03 円 |