熱硬化性プリプレグの世界市場レポート、歴史と予測 2017-2028年Global Thermoset Prepreg Market Report, History and Forecast 2017-2028 市場の分析と洞察。熱硬化性プリプレグの世界市場 プリプレグとは、厳密に管理された条件下で繊維強化材を含浸させて作った樹脂マトリックスと強化材の組成物で、直接製造・加工して様々な複合材料部品に使用す... もっと見る
サマリー市場の分析と洞察。熱硬化性プリプレグの世界市場プリプレグとは、厳密に管理された条件下で繊維強化材を含浸させて作った樹脂マトリックスと強化材の組成物で、直接製造・加工して様々な複合材料部品に使用することができる。具体的には,プリプレグは複合材料の半製品であるが,一定の機械的特性を有しており,この機械的特性は複合材料性能の基礎であり,基本的にはそのまま複合材料およびその構成部材に持ち込むことができる。また、複合材料のプロセス性能もプリプレグの特性によって決定される。 熱硬化性樹脂は成熟した技術と安定した性能を持ち、現在航空宇宙分野で広く使用されている。しかし、保管コストや硬化コストが高いため、中・下流リンクのコスト高が大きな要因となっている。航空宇宙の軽量化・高速化、鉄道輸送の軽量化・難燃化、電子機器の高集積化の急速な進展に伴い、複合材料の難燃性、機械特性、耐熱性、寸法安定性に対する 要求はますます高くなり、熱硬化性プリプレグに対する要求はますます厳しくなってきている。 COVID-19の流行により、世界の熱硬化性プリプレグ市場規模は2021年に2397百万米ドルの値を示し、2028年には7036百万米ドルに再調整され、予測期間2022-2028年にはCAGR17.6%と予測される。 熱硬化性プリプレグの世界主要メーカーは、Hexcel、AVIC Aviation High-Technology、Solvay、東レ、Axiom Materials(Kordsa)、三菱化学、帝人グループ、SGL Carbon、ENEOS、Jiangsu Hengshenなどである。2021年、世界10大企業は売上高で約89%のシェアを持つ。 北米の熱硬化性プリプレグ市場規模は、2021年に1億800万米ドル、中国は約1億600万米ドルでした。ヨーロッパのThermoset Prepregの風景としては、ドイツは2028年までに3億7000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。そして、アジアでは、注目すべき市場は日本と韓国で、今後6年間のCAGRはそれぞれ18.8%と17%です。 COVID-19による経済変化を完全に考慮すると、2021年に熱硬化性プリプレグ世界市場の65%を占めるエポキシプリプレグは、2028年までに4億6000万米ドルとなり、2022年から2028年までのCAGRが17.8%に修正されて成長すると予測されています。航空宇宙分野は、この予測期間を通して18.1%のCAGRに変更され、2028年には約66%のシェアを保持することになります。 熱硬化性プリプレグの世界市場範囲と市場規模 熱硬化性プリプレグの世界市場は、地域(国)別、企業別、タイプ別、用途別に分類されています。熱硬化性プリプレグの世界市場におけるプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、このレポートを強力なリソースとして利用することで、優位に立つことができるようになることでしょう。セグメント別分析では、地域(国)別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別の売上、収益、2017-2028年の予測に焦点を当てます。 企業別 ヘクセル AVICアビエーションハイテクノロジー 東レ ソルベイ 三菱化学 帝人グループ アクシオムマテリアル(コルサ) SGLグループ ENEOSテクノマテリアル 江蘇恒信 ギュリット GWコンポス パークエアロスペース 四川省新湾興 クレンペル 江蘇澳星 インプレグナテックス・コンポジティ Srl バールデイ APCM 3Aアソシエイツ アーロンEMD 種類別セグメント エポキシ樹脂プリプレグ フェノール樹脂プリプレグ BMIプリプレグ シアネートエステルプリプレグ ポリイミドプリプレグ 用途別セグメント 航空宇宙 電気・電子 自動車 スポーツ用品 建設機械 海洋 その他 地域別 北アメリカ 米国 カナダ メキシコ アジア・パシフィック 中国 日本 韓国 インド オーストラリア 東南アジア 欧州 ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア ロシア 中南米 ブラジル アルゼンチン コロンビア 中東・アフリカ トルコ サウジアラビア UAE 目次1 Thermoset Prepreg Market Overview 11.1 Thermoset Prepreg Product Overview 1 1.2 Thermoset Prepreg Market Segment By Type 3 1.2.1 Epoxy Prepreg 3 1.2.2 Phenolic Prepreg 4 1.2.3 Bmi Prepreg 5 1.2.4 Cyanate Ester Prepreg 5 1.2.5 Polyimide Prepreg 6 1.3 Global Thermoset Prepreg Market Size By Type 7 1.3.1 Global Thermoset Prepreg Market Size Overview By Type (2017-2028) 7 1.3.2 Global Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size Review By Type (2017-2022) 8 1.3.3 Global Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Type (2023-2028) 10 1.4 Key Regions Market Size Segment By Type 11 1.4.1 North America Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Type (2017-2022) 11 1.4.2 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Type (2017-2022) 13 1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Type (2017-2022) 15 1.4.4 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Type (2017-2022) 17 1.4.5 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Type (2017-2022) 19 2 Thermoset Prepreg Market Competition By Company 22 2.1 Global Top Players By Thermoset Prepreg Sales (2017-2022) 22 2.2 Global Top Players By Thermoset Prepreg Revenue (2017-2022) 23 2.3 Global Top Players By Thermoset Prepreg Price (2017-2022) 25 2.4 Global Top Manufacturers Thermoset Prepreg Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Type 26 2.5 Thermoset Prepreg Market Competitive Situation And Trends 27 2.5.1 Thermoset Prepreg Market Concentration Rate (2020-2022) 27 2.5.2 Global 5 Largest Manufacturers By Thermoset Prepreg Sales And Revenue In 2021 28 2.6 Global Top Manufacturers By Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, And Tier 3) & (Based On The Revenue In Thermoset Prepreg As Of 2021) 29 2.7 Date Of Key Manufacturers Enter Into Thermoset Prepreg Market 30 2.8 Key Manufacturers Thermoset Prepreg Product Offered 31 3 Thermoset Prepreg Status And Outlook By Region 33 3.1 Global Thermoset Prepreg Market Size And Cagr By Region: 2017 Vs 2021 Vs 2028 33 3.2 Global Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size By Region 33 3.2.1 Global Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Region (2017-2022) 33 3.2.2 Global Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Region (2017-2022) 34 3.2.3 Global Thermoset Prepreg Sales (Volume & Value), Price (2017-2022) 34 3.3 Global Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Region 35 3.3.1 Global Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Region (2023-2028) 35 3.3.2 Global Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Region (2023-2028) 35 3.3.3 Global Thermoset Prepreg Sales (Volume & Value), Price (2023-2028) 36 4 Thermoset Prepreg By Application 37 4.1 Thermoset Prepreg Market Segment By Application 37 4.1.1 Aerospace 37 4.1.2 Electrical And Electronics 38 4.1.3 Automotive 38 4.1.4 Sporting Goods 39 4.1.5 Construction 40 4.1.6 Marine 41 4.1.7 Others 42 4.2 Global Thermoset Prepreg Market Size By Application 43 4.2.1 Global Thermoset Prepreg Market Size Overview By Application (2017-2028) 44 4.2.2 Global Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size Review By Application (2017-2022) 44 4.2.3 Global Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Application (2023-2028) 46 4.3 Key Regions Market Size Segment By Application 48 4.3.1 North America Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Application (2017-2022) 48 4.3.2 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Application (2017-2022) 49 4.3.3 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Application (2017-2022) 50 4.3.4 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Application (2017-2022) 52 4.3.5 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Application (2017-2022) 53 5 North America Thermoset Prepreg By Country 55 5.1 North America Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size By Country 55 5.1.1 North America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2017-2022) 55 5.1.2 North America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2017-2022) 55 5.2 North America Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Country 56 5.2.1 North America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2023-2028) 56 5.2.2 North America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2023-2028) 56 6 Europe Thermoset Prepreg By Country 58 6.1 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size By Country 58 6.1.1 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2017-2022) 58 6.1.2 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2017-2022) 58 6.2 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Country 59 6.2.1 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2023-2028) 59 6.2.2 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2023-2028) 60 7 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg By Region 61 7.1 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size By Region 61 7.1.1 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Region (2017-2022) 61 7.1.2 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Region (2017-2022) 61 7.2 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Region 62 7.2.1 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Region (2023-2028) 62 7.2.2 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Region (2023-2028) 63 8 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg By Country 64 8.1 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size By Country 64 8.1.1 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2017-2022) 64 8.1.2 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2017-2022) 64 8.2 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Country 65 8.2.1 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2023-2028) 65 8.2.2 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2023-2028) 65 9 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg By Country 67 9.1 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size By Country 67 9.1.1 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2017-2022) 67 9.1.2 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2017-2022) 67 9.2 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Country 68 9.2.1 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2023-2028) 68 9.2.2 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2023-2028) 68 10 Company Profiles And Key Figures In Thermoset Prepreg Business 70 10.1 Hexcel 70 10.1.1 Hexcel Corporation Information 70 10.1.2 Hexcel Introduction And Business Overview 70 10.1.3 Hexcel Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 71 10.1.4 Hexcel Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 71 10.1.5 Hexcel Recent Development 74 10.2 Avic Aviation High-Technology 74 10.2.1 Avic Aviation High-Technology Corporation Information 74 10.2.2 Avic Aviation High-Technology Introduction And Business Overview 75 10.2.3 Avic Aviation High-Technology Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 75 10.2.4 Avic Aviation High-Technology Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 75 10.2.5 Avic Aviation High-Technology Recent Development 75 10.3 Toray 76 10.3.1 Toray Corporation Information 76 10.3.2 Toray Introduction And Business Overview 76 10.3.3 Toray Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 77 10.3.4 Toray Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 77 10.3.5 Toray Recent Development 78 10.4 Solvay 78 10.4.1 Solvay Corporation Information 79 10.4.2 Solvay Introduction And Business Overview 79 10.4.3 Solvay Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 80 10.4.4 Solvay Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 80 10.4.5 Solvay Recent Development 81 10.5 Mitsubishi Chemical 82 10.5.1 Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation Information 82 10.5.2 Mitsubishi Chemical Introduction And Business Overview 82 10.5.3 Mitsubishi Chemical Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 83 10.5.4 Mitsubishi Chemical Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 83 10.5.5 Mitsubishi Chemical Recent Development 87 10.6 Teijin Group 88 10.6.1 Teijin Group Corporation Information 88 10.6.2 Teijin Group Introduction And Business Overview 88 10.6.3 Teijin Group Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 89 10.6.4 Teijin Group Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 89 10.6.5 Teijin Group Recent Development 90 10.7 Axiom Materials (Kordsa) 90 10.7.1 Axiom Materials (Kordsa) Corporation Information 90 10.7.2 Axiom Materials (Kordsa) Introduction And Business Overview 91 10.7.3 Axiom Materials (Kordsa) Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 91 10.7.4 Axiom Materials (Kordsa) Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 92 10.7.5 Axiom Materials (Kordsa) Recent Development 95 10.8 Sgl Carbon 95 10.8.1 Sgl Carbon Corporation Information 95 10.8.2 Sgl Carbon Introduction And Business Overview 96 10.8.3 Sgl Carbon Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 96 10.8.4 Sgl Carbon Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 96 10.8.5 Sgl Carbon Recent Development 97 10.9 Eneos Techno Materials 98 10.9.1 Eneos Techno Materials Corporation Information 98 10.9.2 Eneos Techno Materials Introduction And Business Overview 98 10.9.3 Eneos Techno Materials Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 99 10.9.4 Eneos Techno Materials Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 99 10.9.5 Eneos Techno Materials Recent Development 100 10.10 Jiangsu Hengshen 100 10.10.1 Jiangsu Hengshen Corporation Information 101 10.10.2 Jiangsu Hengshen Introduction And Business Overview 101 10.10.3 Jiangsu Hengshen Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 101 10.10.4 Jiangsu Hengshen Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 102 10.10.5 Jiangsu Hengshen Recent Development 104 10.11 Gurit 104 10.11.1 Gurit Corporation Information 104 10.11.2 Gurit Introduction And Business Overview 105 10.11.3 Gurit Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 105 10.11.4 Gurit Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 105 10.11.5 Gurit Recent Development 108 10.12 Gw Compos 109 10.12.1 Gw Compos Corporation Information 109 10.12.2 Gw Compos Introduction And Business Overview 109 10.12.3 Gw Compos Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 110 10.12.4 Gw Compos Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 110 10.13 Park Aerospace 110 10.13.1 Park Aerospace Corporation Information 111 10.13.2 Park Aerospace Introduction And Business Overview 111 10.13.3 Park Aerospace Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 112 10.13.4 Park Aerospace Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 112 10.13.5 Park Aerospace Recent Development 112 10.14 Sichuan Xinwanxing 114 10.14.1 Sichuan Xinwanxing Corporation Information 115 10.14.2 Sichuan Xinwanxing Introduction And Business Overview 115 10.14.3 Sichuan Xinwanxing Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 116 10.14.4 Sichuan Xinwanxing Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 116 10.14.5 Sichuan Xinwanxing Recent Development 117 10.15 Krempel 118 10.15.1 Krempel Corporation Information 118 10.15.2 Krempel Introduction And Business Overview 118 10.15.3 Krempel Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 119 10.15.4 Krempel Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 119 10.15.5 Krempel Recent Development 120 10.16 Jiangsu Aosheng 120 10.16.1 Jiangsu Aosheng Corporation Information 120 10.16.2 Jiangsu Aosheng Introduction And Business Overview 121 10.16.3 Jiangsu Aosheng Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 121 10.16.4 Jiangsu Aosheng Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 121 10.16.5 Jiangsu Aosheng Recent Development 122 10.17 Impregnatex Compositi Srl 122 10.17.1 Impregnatex Compositi Srl Corporation Information 122 10.17.2 Impregnatex Compositi Srl Introduction And Business Overview 123 10.17.3 Impregnatex Compositi Srl Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 123 10.17.4 Impregnatex Compositi Srl Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 124 10.17.5 Impregnatex Compositi Srl Recent Development 124 10.18 Barrday 124 10.18.1 Barrday Corporation Information 124 10.18.2 Barrday Introduction And Business Overview 125 10.18.3 Barrday Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 125 10.18.4 Barrday Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 125 10.18.5 Barrday Recent Development 127 10.19 Apcm 127 10.19.1 Apcm Corporation Information 127 10.19.2 Apcm Introduction And Business Overview 127 10.19.3 Apcm Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 128 10.19.4 Apcm Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 128 10.20 3A Associates 129 10.20.1 3A Associates Corporation Information 129 10.20.2 3A Associates Introduction And Business Overview 129 10.20.3 3A Associates Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 130 10.20.4 3A Associates Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 130 10.21 Arlon Emd 131 10.21.1 Arlon Emd Corporation Information 131 10.21.2 Arlon Emd Introduction And Business Overview 132 10.21.3 Arlon Emd Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 132 10.21.4 Arlon Emd Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 132 10.21.5 Arlon Emd Recent Development 133 11 Upstream, Opportunities, Challenges, Risks And Influences Factors Analysis 135 11.1 Thermoset Prepreg Key Raw Materials 135 11.1.1 Key Raw Materials 135 11.1.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 135 11.2 Thermoset Prepreg Industrial Chain Analysis 136 11.3 Thermoset Prepreg Market Dynamics 136 11.3.1 Thermoset Prepreg Industry Trends 136 11.3.2 Thermoset Prepreg Market Drivers 138 11.3.3 Thermoset Prepreg Market Challenges 138 11.3.4 Thermoset Prepreg Market Restraints 138 12 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors 139 12.1 Thermoset Prepreg Distributors 139 12.2 Thermoset Prepreg Downstream Customers 140 13 Research Findings And Conclusion 141 14 Appendix 143 14.1 Research Methodology 143 14.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 143 14.1.2 Data Source 146 14.2 Author Details 149 14.3 Disclaimer 149
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: Global Thermoset Prepreg Market Table of Contents1 Thermoset Prepreg Market Overview 11.1 Thermoset Prepreg Product Overview 1 1.2 Thermoset Prepreg Market Segment By Type 3 1.2.1 Epoxy Prepreg 3 1.2.2 Phenolic Prepreg 4 1.2.3 Bmi Prepreg 5 1.2.4 Cyanate Ester Prepreg 5 1.2.5 Polyimide Prepreg 6 1.3 Global Thermoset Prepreg Market Size By Type 7 1.3.1 Global Thermoset Prepreg Market Size Overview By Type (2017-2028) 7 1.3.2 Global Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size Review By Type (2017-2022) 8 1.3.3 Global Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Type (2023-2028) 10 1.4 Key Regions Market Size Segment By Type 11 1.4.1 North America Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Type (2017-2022) 11 1.4.2 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Type (2017-2022) 13 1.4.3 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Type (2017-2022) 15 1.4.4 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Type (2017-2022) 17 1.4.5 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Type (2017-2022) 19 2 Thermoset Prepreg Market Competition By Company 22 2.1 Global Top Players By Thermoset Prepreg Sales (2017-2022) 22 2.2 Global Top Players By Thermoset Prepreg Revenue (2017-2022) 23 2.3 Global Top Players By Thermoset Prepreg Price (2017-2022) 25 2.4 Global Top Manufacturers Thermoset Prepreg Manufacturing Base Distribution, Product Type 26 2.5 Thermoset Prepreg Market Competitive Situation And Trends 27 2.5.1 Thermoset Prepreg Market Concentration Rate (2020-2022) 27 2.5.2 Global 5 Largest Manufacturers By Thermoset Prepreg Sales And Revenue In 2021 28 2.6 Global Top Manufacturers By Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, And Tier 3) & (Based On The Revenue In Thermoset Prepreg As Of 2021) 29 2.7 Date Of Key Manufacturers Enter Into Thermoset Prepreg Market 30 2.8 Key Manufacturers Thermoset Prepreg Product Offered 31 3 Thermoset Prepreg Status And Outlook By Region 33 3.1 Global Thermoset Prepreg Market Size And Cagr By Region: 2017 Vs 2021 Vs 2028 33 3.2 Global Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size By Region 33 3.2.1 Global Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Region (2017-2022) 33 3.2.2 Global Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Region (2017-2022) 34 3.2.3 Global Thermoset Prepreg Sales (Volume & Value), Price (2017-2022) 34 3.3 Global Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Region 35 3.3.1 Global Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Region (2023-2028) 35 3.3.2 Global Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Region (2023-2028) 35 3.3.3 Global Thermoset Prepreg Sales (Volume & Value), Price (2023-2028) 36 4 Thermoset Prepreg By Application 37 4.1 Thermoset Prepreg Market Segment By Application 37 4.1.1 Aerospace 37 4.1.2 Electrical And Electronics 38 4.1.3 Automotive 38 4.1.4 Sporting Goods 39 4.1.5 Construction 40 4.1.6 Marine 41 4.1.7 Others 42 4.2 Global Thermoset Prepreg Market Size By Application 43 4.2.1 Global Thermoset Prepreg Market Size Overview By Application (2017-2028) 44 4.2.2 Global Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size Review By Application (2017-2022) 44 4.2.3 Global Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Application (2023-2028) 46 4.3 Key Regions Market Size Segment By Application 48 4.3.1 North America Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Application (2017-2022) 48 4.3.2 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Application (2017-2022) 49 4.3.3 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Application (2017-2022) 50 4.3.4 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Application (2017-2022) 52 4.3.5 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Sales Breakdown By Application (2017-2022) 53 5 North America Thermoset Prepreg By Country 55 5.1 North America Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size By Country 55 5.1.1 North America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2017-2022) 55 5.1.2 North America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2017-2022) 55 5.2 North America Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Country 56 5.2.1 North America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2023-2028) 56 5.2.2 North America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2023-2028) 56 6 Europe Thermoset Prepreg By Country 58 6.1 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size By Country 58 6.1.1 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2017-2022) 58 6.1.2 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2017-2022) 58 6.2 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Country 59 6.2.1 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2023-2028) 59 6.2.2 Europe Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2023-2028) 60 7 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg By Region 61 7.1 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size By Region 61 7.1.1 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Region (2017-2022) 61 7.1.2 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Region (2017-2022) 61 7.2 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Region 62 7.2.1 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Region (2023-2028) 62 7.2.2 Asia-Pacific Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Region (2023-2028) 63 8 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg By Country 64 8.1 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size By Country 64 8.1.1 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2017-2022) 64 8.1.2 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2017-2022) 64 8.2 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Country 65 8.2.1 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2023-2028) 65 8.2.2 Latin America Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2023-2028) 65 9 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg By Country 67 9.1 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Historic Market Size By Country 67 9.1.1 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2017-2022) 67 9.1.2 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2017-2022) 67 9.2 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Forecasted Market Size By Country 68 9.2.1 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Volume By Country (2023-2028) 68 9.2.2 Middle East And Africa Thermoset Prepreg Sales In Value By Country (2023-2028) 68 10 Company Profiles And Key Figures In Thermoset Prepreg Business 70 10.1 Hexcel 70 10.1.1 Hexcel Corporation Information 70 10.1.2 Hexcel Introduction And Business Overview 70 10.1.3 Hexcel Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 71 10.1.4 Hexcel Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 71 10.1.5 Hexcel Recent Development 74 10.2 Avic Aviation High-Technology 74 10.2.1 Avic Aviation High-Technology Corporation Information 74 10.2.2 Avic Aviation High-Technology Introduction And Business Overview 75 10.2.3 Avic Aviation High-Technology Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 75 10.2.4 Avic Aviation High-Technology Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 75 10.2.5 Avic Aviation High-Technology Recent Development 75 10.3 Toray 76 10.3.1 Toray Corporation Information 76 10.3.2 Toray Introduction And Business Overview 76 10.3.3 Toray Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 77 10.3.4 Toray Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 77 10.3.5 Toray Recent Development 78 10.4 Solvay 78 10.4.1 Solvay Corporation Information 79 10.4.2 Solvay Introduction And Business Overview 79 10.4.3 Solvay Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 80 10.4.4 Solvay Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 80 10.4.5 Solvay Recent Development 81 10.5 Mitsubishi Chemical 82 10.5.1 Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation Information 82 10.5.2 Mitsubishi Chemical Introduction And Business Overview 82 10.5.3 Mitsubishi Chemical Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 83 10.5.4 Mitsubishi Chemical Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 83 10.5.5 Mitsubishi Chemical Recent Development 87 10.6 Teijin Group 88 10.6.1 Teijin Group Corporation Information 88 10.6.2 Teijin Group Introduction And Business Overview 88 10.6.3 Teijin Group Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 89 10.6.4 Teijin Group Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 89 10.6.5 Teijin Group Recent Development 90 10.7 Axiom Materials (Kordsa) 90 10.7.1 Axiom Materials (Kordsa) Corporation Information 90 10.7.2 Axiom Materials (Kordsa) Introduction And Business Overview 91 10.7.3 Axiom Materials (Kordsa) Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 91 10.7.4 Axiom Materials (Kordsa) Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 92 10.7.5 Axiom Materials (Kordsa) Recent Development 95 10.8 Sgl Carbon 95 10.8.1 Sgl Carbon Corporation Information 95 10.8.2 Sgl Carbon Introduction And Business Overview 96 10.8.3 Sgl Carbon Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 96 10.8.4 Sgl Carbon Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 96 10.8.5 Sgl Carbon Recent Development 97 10.9 Eneos Techno Materials 98 10.9.1 Eneos Techno Materials Corporation Information 98 10.9.2 Eneos Techno Materials Introduction And Business Overview 98 10.9.3 Eneos Techno Materials Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 99 10.9.4 Eneos Techno Materials Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 99 10.9.5 Eneos Techno Materials Recent Development 100 10.10 Jiangsu Hengshen 100 10.10.1 Jiangsu Hengshen Corporation Information 101 10.10.2 Jiangsu Hengshen Introduction And Business Overview 101 10.10.3 Jiangsu Hengshen Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 101 10.10.4 Jiangsu Hengshen Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 102 10.10.5 Jiangsu Hengshen Recent Development 104 10.11 Gurit 104 10.11.1 Gurit Corporation Information 104 10.11.2 Gurit Introduction And Business Overview 105 10.11.3 Gurit Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 105 10.11.4 Gurit Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 105 10.11.5 Gurit Recent Development 108 10.12 Gw Compos 109 10.12.1 Gw Compos Corporation Information 109 10.12.2 Gw Compos Introduction And Business Overview 109 10.12.3 Gw Compos Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 110 10.12.4 Gw Compos Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 110 10.13 Park Aerospace 110 10.13.1 Park Aerospace Corporation Information 111 10.13.2 Park Aerospace Introduction And Business Overview 111 10.13.3 Park Aerospace Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 112 10.13.4 Park Aerospace Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 112 10.13.5 Park Aerospace Recent Development 112 10.14 Sichuan Xinwanxing 114 10.14.1 Sichuan Xinwanxing Corporation Information 115 10.14.2 Sichuan Xinwanxing Introduction And Business Overview 115 10.14.3 Sichuan Xinwanxing Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 116 10.14.4 Sichuan Xinwanxing Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 116 10.14.5 Sichuan Xinwanxing Recent Development 117 10.15 Krempel 118 10.15.1 Krempel Corporation Information 118 10.15.2 Krempel Introduction And Business Overview 118 10.15.3 Krempel Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 119 10.15.4 Krempel Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 119 10.15.5 Krempel Recent Development 120 10.16 Jiangsu Aosheng 120 10.16.1 Jiangsu Aosheng Corporation Information 120 10.16.2 Jiangsu Aosheng Introduction And Business Overview 121 10.16.3 Jiangsu Aosheng Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 121 10.16.4 Jiangsu Aosheng Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 121 10.16.5 Jiangsu Aosheng Recent Development 122 10.17 Impregnatex Compositi Srl 122 10.17.1 Impregnatex Compositi Srl Corporation Information 122 10.17.2 Impregnatex Compositi Srl Introduction And Business Overview 123 10.17.3 Impregnatex Compositi Srl Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 123 10.17.4 Impregnatex Compositi Srl Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 124 10.17.5 Impregnatex Compositi Srl Recent Development 124 10.18 Barrday 124 10.18.1 Barrday Corporation Information 124 10.18.2 Barrday Introduction And Business Overview 125 10.18.3 Barrday Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 125 10.18.4 Barrday Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 125 10.18.5 Barrday Recent Development 127 10.19 Apcm 127 10.19.1 Apcm Corporation Information 127 10.19.2 Apcm Introduction And Business Overview 127 10.19.3 Apcm Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 128 10.19.4 Apcm Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 128 10.20 3A Associates 129 10.20.1 3A Associates Corporation Information 129 10.20.2 3A Associates Introduction And Business Overview 129 10.20.3 3A Associates Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 130 10.20.4 3A Associates Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 130 10.21 Arlon Emd 131 10.21.1 Arlon Emd Corporation Information 131 10.21.2 Arlon Emd Introduction And Business Overview 132 10.21.3 Arlon Emd Thermoset Prepreg Sales, Revenue And Gross Margin (2017-2022) 132 10.21.4 Arlon Emd Thermoset Prepreg Products Offered 132 10.21.5 Arlon Emd Recent Development 133 11 Upstream, Opportunities, Challenges, Risks And Influences Factors Analysis 135 11.1 Thermoset Prepreg Key Raw Materials 135 11.1.1 Key Raw Materials 135 11.1.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 135 11.2 Thermoset Prepreg Industrial Chain Analysis 136 11.3 Thermoset Prepreg Market Dynamics 136 11.3.1 Thermoset Prepreg Industry Trends 136 11.3.2 Thermoset Prepreg Market Drivers 138 11.3.3 Thermoset Prepreg Market Challenges 138 11.3.4 Thermoset Prepreg Market Restraints 138 12 Marketing Strategy Analysis, Distributors 139 12.1 Thermoset Prepreg Distributors 139 12.2 Thermoset Prepreg Downstream Customers 140 13 Research Findings And Conclusion 141 14 Appendix 143 14.1 Research Methodology 143 14.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 143 14.1.2 Data Source 146 14.2 Author Details 149 14.3 Disclaimer 149
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