


Wound Care Market Global Forecast Report by Wound Type (Advanced Wound Dressings, Traditional Wound Care Products, Negative Pressure Wound Therapy, Bioactive, Others), Products (Growth Factors, Foam, Antimicrobial, Alginate, Traditional Adhesive, Hydrocolloid, Hydrogel, Traditional Gauze, Film, Traditional non-adherent, Others), Application (Chronic Wounds, Acute Wounds), End User (Home Care Settings, Long-term care Facilities, Hospital & Clinics) Countries and Company Analysis, 2024-2032

創傷ケア市場分析 世界の創傷ケア市場は、2023年には203億6,000万米ドルと評価され、2024年から2032年までの年平均成長率は5.73%で、2032年には336億3,000万米ドルに達すると予測されている。市場を成長させる... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2024年8月1日 US$2,790
3営業日程度 230 英語


















創傷ケアの世界市場で著名な企業には、Mölnlycke Healthcare、Smith & Nephew、Ethicon Inc(ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソンの子会社)、Coloplast Corp、ConvaTec Group PLC、Derma Sciences Inc(現在はIntegra LifeSciencesの一部)などがある。これらの企業は創傷治療分野への多大な貢献で知られ、革新的な製品とソリューションで業界のリーダーとしての地位を確立している。


2023年9月、MiMedx Group, Inc.が創傷ケア強化ソリューションEPIEFFECTを発表し、製品ラインナップを拡大した。
2023年6月、JeNaCell社が創傷被覆材elicit balanceをドイツ市場に導入。褥瘡、糖尿病性足潰瘍、静脈性下腿潰瘍、動脈性下腿潰瘍、軟部組織病変-滲出液が低~中程度の慢性創傷がこの治療法の最適な候補である。この計算された発売は、売上を伸ばし、同社の製品ラインを広げることを目的としている。
2023年5月、Vizient, Inc.は、スミス・アンド・ネフューのPICO単回使用陰圧創傷治療システムの最先端技術契約を締結した。

創傷タイプ - 5つの視点からの市場分析


製品 - 11の観点からの市場細分化:


アプリケーション - 2つの視点での市場区分:


エンドユーザー - 3つの視点からの市場区分:


国別 - 25の観点からの市場内訳:


o アメリカ合衆国
o カナダ


o フランス
o ドイツ
o イタリア
o スペイン
o イギリス
o ベルギー
o オランダ
o トルコ


o 中国
o 日本
o インド
o オーストラリア
o 韓国
o タイ
o マレーシア
o インドネシア
o ニュージーランド


o ブラジル
o メキシコ
o アルゼンチン


o 南アフリカ
o サウジアラビア
o アラブ首長国連邦


- 概要
- キーパーソン
- 最近の動向と戦略
- 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品発売
- 売上高


5.コンバテック・グループ PLC
6.ダーマ・サイエンシズ (インテグラライフサイエンス)







4.1 成長ドライバー
4.2 課題



6.1 創傷の種類
6.2 製品
6.3 用途
6.4 エンドユーザー


7.1 高度創傷被覆材
7.2 従来の創傷ケア製品
7.3 負圧創傷治療
7.4 バイオアクティブ
7.5 その他


8.1 成長因子
8.2 発泡剤
8.3 抗菌剤
8.4 アルギン酸塩
8.5 従来の接着剤
8.6 ハイドロコロイド
8.7 ハイドロゲル
8.8 従来のガーゼ
8.9 フィルム
8.10 従来の非接着剤
8.11 その他


9.1 慢性創傷
9.2 急性創傷


10.1 在宅介護施設
10.2 介護施設
10.3 病院・診療所


11.1 北米

11.1.1 アメリカ合衆国
11.1.2 カナダ

11.2 ヨーロッパ

11.2.1 フランス
11.2.2 ドイツ
11.2.3 イタリア
11.2.4 スペイン
11.2.5 イギリス
11.2.6 ベルギー
11.2.7 オランダ
11.2.8 トルコ

11.3 アジア太平洋

11.3.1 中国
11.3.2 日本
11.3.3 インド
11.3.4 オーストラリア
11.3.5 韓国
11.3.6 タイ
11.3.7 マレーシア
11.3.8 インドネシア
11.3.9 ニュージーランド

11.4 ラテンアメリカ

11.4.1 ブラジル
11.4.2 メキシコ
11.4.3 アルゼンチン

11.5 中東・アフリカ

11.5.1 南アフリカ
11.5.2 サウジアラビア
11.5.3 アラブ首長国連邦


12.1 買い手の交渉力
12.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
12.3 ライバルの度合い
12.4 新規参入の脅威
12.5 代替品の脅威


13.1 強み
13.2 弱点
13.3 機会
13.4 脅威


14.1 メンリッヒ・ヘルスケア

14.1.1 概要
14.1.2 キーパーソン
14.1.3 最近の動向と戦略
14.1.4 最近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品上市
14.1.5 収益

14.2 スミス・アンド・ネフュー

14.2.1 概要
14.2.2 キーパーソン
14.2.3 最近の動向と戦略
14.2.4 最近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品上市
14.2.5 収益

14.3 エチコン社(ジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソン)

14.3.1 概要
14.3.2 キーパーソン
14.3.3 最近の動向と戦略
14.3.4 直近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
14.3.5 収益

14.4 コロプラスト

14.4.1 概要
14.4.2 キーパーソン
14.4.3 最近の動向と戦略
14.4.4 直近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
14.4.5 収益

14.5 コンバテック・グループPLC

14.5.1 概要
14.5.2 キーパーソン
14.5.3 最近の動向と戦略
14.5.4 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品発売
14.5.5 収益

14.6 ダーマ・サイエンシズ(インテグラライフサイエンス)

14.6.1 概要
14.6.2 キーパーソン
14.6.3 最近の動向と戦略
14.6.4 直近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
14.6.5 収益





Wound Care Market Analysis

The global wound care market has been valued at US$ 20. 36 billion in 2023 and it is expected to rise to US$ 33.63 billion by 2032, with a consequently establishing a compound annual growth rate of 5.73% from 2024 to 2032. The major growth forces that put on the market are demographic tendencies, which include the rising proportion of elderly consumers and increasing rates of chronic diseases including diabetic issues and obesity.

Wound Care Market Overview

A wound is any infringement that happens to skin or any other tissue, it can be a cut, a tear, a puncture, etc. They are classified in to open and closed and range from simple injuries such as incisions, laceration, burns to complex one resulting from accidents, operations or underlying illnesses. The normal healing starts as soon as the tissues are injured and include clotting of the blood, inflammation, tissue repair, and formation of a scar. Nevertheless, proper management of wound is essential for such healing process, infection control and to enhance the gain.

Wound care products are on the rise due to the increase in surgical procedures that take place as well as the increase in the incidences of chronic diseases across the globe. The rising prevalence of diabetes, brought by a sedentary lifestyle is one of the major drivers of this market.

Growth Factors in the Wound Care Industry

Aging Population and Chronic Diseases

One of the most important forces impacting the global wound care market is the increasing incidence of ageing populace. These include pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and post-surgical wound injuries which are more prevalent among the elderly owing to the fact that they have lean skin and slow healing ability. Also, life expectancy and the common incidence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity raise the chances of encountering complicated wounds. For instance, diabetes causes foot ulcers which if not well taken care off may become very complicated. Thus, the increased demand for more superior quality wound care products comprising of dressings, wound healing agents, and devices is proving to be on the raise as healthcare organizations seek to enhance their care delivery and patient outcomes especially for patients requiring long-term care. For instance, CDC reported that by April 2023, the total population of the United States, 3 million people have been diagnosed with diabetes and 96 million American adults are living with prediabetes.

Technological Advancements and Innovative Products

The wound care industry is on the rise due to the increase in technology and development of new products in the market. There are new materials, hydrocolloids and alginates that provide better healing networks and quick recovery, bioactive dressings. Other aspects that can be tailored are smart technologies like moisture control sensors as well as the wound monitoring systems. These innovations have extended the market for next generation of wound care dressings beyond the basic range. Besides, medical devices such as NPWT devices, antimicrobial dressings and bioengineered skin substitutes have evolved and have become quite affordable, thus enhancing the treatment processes. Ongoing research in the injured tissue care products are expected to improve further the efficiency of wound care solutions and therefore fueling the market growth. For example, in early January 2023, scientists of the University of Arizona College of Medicine have designed a smart bandage with enhanced electronics for the stimulation of the tissue regeneration process. It uses electricity, biosensors displaying different signals, for the purpose of increasing blood circulation to damaged tissues to increase the rate of wound healing and reduce scar tissue.

Growing Awareness and Healthcare Infrastructure Development

The market is growing due to the rising knowledge of wound care management amongst various healthcare assuring practitioners and patients. Campaigns and organizational crusades to promote early wound care and the risks associated with infections have put pressure and created awareness on consumers to seek enhanced forms of wound management. At the same time, the development of the healthcare system, particularly in the developing countries, has led to the availability of the required products and services related to wound care. Authorities and private sector are putting their money in enhancement of hospitals and clinics as well as wounds care centers. Furthermore, ageing population is imposing greater demands on healthcare and, consequently, on wound care costs and technologies; the healthcare insurance policies also provide patients with an ability to pay for more expensive products contributing to the industry growth. The markets which include the rural and urban markets are thus experiencing enhanced adoption of wound care.

China Wound Care Market Overview

China’s wound care market is expanding steadily because of growing aging populations, rising incidence of chronic diseases, and enhancing healthcare systems. The market includes many types of products, and domestic and import wound care firms consider the market appealing. Thus, government driven demands towards a quantitative enhancement of the quality of healthcare have fueled market growth. Programs aiming at improving the control of diabetes, as well as the management of chronic wounds have also boosted consumption of the advanced wound care markets. The general trend that illustrates the development of new generation wound care products is still largely driven by basic products with rural markets still dominating the market share. So far in 2022, the NMPA has approved 210 medical devices, with only one wound care – an NPWT kit from Nantong Changyu Medical Technology Co., Ltd.

Wound Care Market Company Overview

Some of the prominent companies in the Global Wound Care Market are Mölnlycke Healthcare, Smith & Nephew, Ethicon Inc (a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson), Coloplast Corp, ConvaTec Group PLC, and Derma Sciences Inc (now part of Integra LifeSciences). These companies are known for their significant contributions to the field of wound care and have established themselves as industry leaders with innovative products and solutions.

Wound Care Market News

In September 2023, MiMedx Group, Inc. introduced EPIEFFECT, an enhanced wound care solution, to expand its product offering.
In June 2023, JeNaCell introduced the wound dressing elicit balance on the German market. Pressure ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, venous leg ulcers, arterial leg ulcers, and soft tissue lesions—chronic wounds with low to medium exudation are the best candidates for this treatment. This calculated launch aimed to increase sales and broaden the company's product line.
In May 2023, Vizient, Inc. awarded Smith & Nephew a cutting-edge technology contract for its PICO Single Use Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Systems.
In March 2023, Bactiguard AB introduced its range of wound care products in Ireland and the United Kingdom in partnership with Quintess Medical. The corporation wanted to improve its standing in the nation through this partnership.

Wound Type – Market breakup in 5 viewpoints:

1. Advanced wound Dressings
2. Traditional Wound Care Products
3. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
4. Bioactive
5. Others

Products – Market breakup in 11 viewpoints:

1. Growth Factors
2. Foam
3. Antimicrobial
4. Alginate
5. Traditional Adhesive
6. Hydrocolloid
7. Hydrogel
8. Traditional Gauze
9. Film
10. Traditional non-adherent
11. Others

Application – Market breakup in 2 viewpoints:

1. Chronic Wounds
2. Acute Wounds

End User – Market breakup in 3 viewpoints:

1. Home Care Settings
2. Long-term care Facilities
3. Hospital & Clinics

Country – Market breakup in 25 viewpoints:

North America

o United States
o Canada


o France
o Germany
o Italy
o Spain
o United Kingdom
o Belgium
o the Netherlands
o Turkey

Asia Pacific

o China
o Japan
o India
o Australia
o South Korea
o Thailand
o Malaysia
o Indonesia
o New Zealand

Latin America

o Brazil
o Mexico
o Argentina

Middle East & Africa

o South Africa
o Saudi Arabia
o United Arab Emirates

All the Key players have been covered from 5 Viewpoints:

• Overviews
• Key Person
• Recent Developments & Strategies
• Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
• Revenue

Company Analysis:

1. Mölnlycke Healthcare
2. Smith & Nephew
3. Ethicon Inc (Johnson & Johnson)
4. Coloplast Corp
5. ConvaTec Group PLC
6. Derma Sciences Inc. (Integra LifeSciences)


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Driver
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Wound Care Market

6. Market Share Analysis

6.1 Wound Type
6.2 Products
6.3 Application
6.4 End User
6.5 Countries

7. Wound Type

7.1 Advanced wound Dressings
7.2 Traditional Wound Care Products
7.3 Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
7.4 Bioactive
7.5 Others

8. Products

8.1 Growth Factors
8.2 Foam
8.3 Antimicrobial
8.4 Alginate
8.5 Traditional Adhesive
8.6 Hydrocolloid
8.7 Hydrogel
8.8 Traditional Gauze
8.9 Film
8.10 Traditional non-adherent
8.11 Others

9. Application

9.1 Chronic Wounds
9.2 Acute Wounds

10. End User

10.1 Home Care Settings
10.2 Long-term care Facilities
10.3 Hospital & Clinics

11. Countries

11.1 North America

11.1.1 United States
11.1.2 Canada

11.2 Europe

11.2.1 France
11.2.2 Germany
11.2.3 Italy
11.2.4 Spain
11.2.5 United Kingdom
11.2.6 Belgium
11.2.7 Netherlands
11.2.8 Turkey

11.3 Asia Pacific

11.3.1 China
11.3.2 Japan
11.3.3 India
11.3.4 Australia
11.3.5 South Korea
11.3.6 Thailand
11.3.7 Malaysia
11.3.8 Indonesia
11.3.9 New Zealand

11.4 Latin America

11.4.1 Brazil
11.4.2 Mexico
11.4.3 Argentina

11.5 Middle East & Africa

11.5.1 South Africa
11.5.2 Saudi Arabia
11.5.3 United Arab Emirates

12. Porter’s Five Forces

12.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
12.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
12.3 Degree of Rivalry
12.4 Threat of New Entrants
12.5 Threat of Substitutes

13. SWOT Analysis

13.1 Strength
13.2 Weakness
13.3 Opportunity
13.4 Threat

14. Company Analysis

14.1 Mölnlycke Healthcare

14.1.1 Overviews
14.1.2 Key Person
14.1.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
14.1.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
14.1.5 Revenue

14.2 Smith & Nephew

14.2.1 Overviews
14.2.2 Key Person
14.2.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
14.2.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
14.2.5 Revenue

14.3 Ethicon Inc (Johnson & Johnson)

14.3.1 Overviews
14.3.2 Key Person
14.3.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
14.3.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
14.3.5 Revenue

14.4 Coloplast Corp

14.4.1 Overviews
14.4.2 Key Person
14.4.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
14.4.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
14.4.5 Revenue

14.5 ConvaTec Group PLC

14.5.1 Overviews
14.5.2 Key Person
14.5.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
14.5.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
14.5.5 Revenue

14.6 Derma Sciences Inc. (Integra LifeSciences)

14.6.1 Overviews
14.6.2 Key Person
14.6.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
14.6.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
14.6.5 Revenue







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2025/02/21 10:27

150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
