
白斑市場の世界予測レポート:疾患タイプ別(セグメント別、非セグメント別) 治療タイプ別(局所治療、光線療法、外科的処置、その他) エンドユーザー別(病院、外来診療所、その他) 国・企業分析、2024-2032年

白斑市場の世界予測レポート:疾患タイプ別(セグメント別、非セグメント別) 治療タイプ別(局所治療、光線療法、外科的処置、その他) エンドユーザー別(病院、外来診療所、その他) 国・企業分析、2024-2032年

Vitiligo Market Global Forecast Report by Diseases Type (Segmental, Non-Segmental) Treatment Type (Topical Treatments, Light Therapy, Surgical Procedures, Others) End User (Hospitals, Ambulatory Clinics, Others) Countries and Company Analysis, 2024-2032

白斑の世界市場規模 世界の白斑市場は、2023年に約6,410億米ドルの価値があり、2024年から2032年までの年平均成長率は約5.55%で、2032年には約1兆410億米ドルに達すると予測されている。この市場に利益をもた... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2024年8月1日 US$2,790
3営業日程度 250 英語




















Incyte Corporation、Bristol-Myers Squibb、Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals Ltd、Astellas Pharma Inc、Baxter International Inc、Pfizer、Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltdが世界の白斑産業における主要企業です。


- リレシチニブ(PF-06651600):ファイザー社が開発した経口JAK3/TEC阻害剤で、現在第3相試験中。

- ATI-502:Aclaris Therapeutics社が開発した局所投与のJAK1/JAK3阻害薬で、フェーズ2開発中。

- Cerdulatinib:Dermavant Sciences社が開発した局所用JAK/SYK二重阻害薬で、現在第2相試験中。

- Roflumilastクリーム:Arcutis Biotherapeutics社によるPDE4阻害剤で、白斑を対象としたフェーズ2試験中。

- IL-15アゴニスト:Immunocore社による新規アプローチで、前臨床段階ではメラノサイト刺激をターゲットとしている。

- ARQ-252:Arcutis Biotherapeutics社による局所的JAK1選択的阻害剤で、初期臨床開発段階にある。

- VTP-38543:メラノサイト分化促進を目的としたVitae Pharmaceuticals社のLXRβアゴニスト。

- アファメラノチド:Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals社による合成ホルモンで、白斑を対象とした後期臨床試験中。

- KB301:機能的なTYR遺伝子をメラノサイトに導入するようデザインされたKrystal Biotech社による遺伝子治療アプローチ。

- VM206Vilacto Bio社によるメラノサイト再生をターゲットとした新規低分子化合物で、前臨床開発段階にある。



治療タイプ - 市場は4つの視点に分けられる


エンドユーザー - 市場は3つの視点に分けられる


国別 - 18カ国 白斑患者数と市場



- AMG-714アムジェン
- ARN-4079
- ATI-502
- AX-1602
- BOS-475
- CCP-070
- セルデュラチニブ(RVT-502)
- HuABC-2
- アバタセプト
- ルキソリチニブ
- VLRX-001



- 概要
- キーパーソン
- 最近の動向と戦略
- 直近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと製品上市
- 売上高


2.ブリストル・マイヤーズ スクイブ







4.1 成長促進要因
4.2 課題


5.1 白斑市場
5.2 白斑患者数(千人)


6.1 市場シェア

6.1.1 白斑タイプ別
6.1.2 治療タイプ別
6.1.3 エンドユーザー別
6.1.4 国別白斑市場シェア

6.2 数量シェア

6.2.1 国別 白斑患者数シェア


7.1 セグメント別
7.2 非分節性


8.1 局所治療
8.2 光療法
8.3 外科的処置
8.4 その他


9.1 病院
9.2 外来診療所
9.3 その他


10.1 米国

10.1.1 白斑市場
10.1.2 白斑患者数(千人)

10.2 カナダ

10.2.1 白斑市場
10.2.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.3 メキシコ

10.3.1 白斑市場
10.3.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.4 ドイツ

10.4.1 白斑市場
10.4.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.5 イギリス

10.5.1 白斑市場
10.5.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.6 フランス

10.6.1 白斑市場
10.6.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.7 イタリア

10.7.1 白斑市場
10.7.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.8 スペイン

10.8.1 白斑市場
10.8.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.9 日本

10.9.1 白斑市場
10.9.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.10 中国

10.10.1 白斑市場
10.10.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.11 オーストラリア

10.11.1 白斑市場
10.11.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.12 インド

10.12.1 白斑市場
10.12.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.13 ブラジル

10.13.1 白斑市場
10.13.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.14 サウジアラビア

10.14.1 白斑市場
10.14.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.15 アルゼンチン

10.15.1 白斑市場
10.15.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.16 アラブ首長国連邦

10.16.1 白斑市場
10.16.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.17 南アフリカ

10.17.1 白斑市場
10.17.2 白斑患者(千人)

10.18 その他の地域

10.18.1 白斑市場
10.18.2 白斑患者(千人)


11.1 AMG-714アムジェン
11.2 ARN-4079
11.3 ATI-502
11.4 AX-1602
11.5 BOS-475
11.6 CCP-070
11.7 セルデュラチニブ(RVT-502)
11.8 HuABC-2
11.9 アバタセプト
11.10 ルキソリチニブ
11.11 VLRX-001



13.1 買い手の交渉力
13.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
13.3 新規参入の脅威
13.4 既存競争企業間の競争
13.5 代替製品の脅威


14.1 長所
14.2 弱点
14.3 機会
14.4 脅威


15.1 インサイト・コーポレーション

15.1.1 概要
15.1.2 キーパーソン
15.1.3 最近の動向と戦略
15.1.4 過去1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
15.1.5 収益

15.2 ブリストル・マイヤーズ スクイブ

15.2.1 概要
15.2.2 キーパーソン
15.2.3 最近の動向と戦略
15.2.4 最近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
15.2.5 収益

15.3 クリヌベル・ファーマシューティカルズ

15.3.1 概要
15.3.2 キーパーソン
15.3.3 最近の動向と戦略
15.3.4 直近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
15.3.5 収益

15.4 アステラス製薬

15.4.1 概要
15.4.2 キーパーソン
15.4.3 最近の動向と戦略
15.4.4 直近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
15.4.5 収益

15.5 バクスター・インターナショナル

15.5.1 概要
15.5.2 キーパーソン
15.5.3 最近の動向と戦略
15.5.4 最近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
15.5.5 収益

15.6 ファイザー

15.6.1 概要
15.6.2 キーパーソン
15.6.3 最近の動向と戦略
15.6.4 直近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
15.6.5 収益

15.7 ドクター・レディーズ・ラボラトリーズ・リミテッド

15.7.1 概要
15.7.2 キーパーソン
15.7.3 最近の動向と戦略
15.7.4 直近1年間の製品ポートフォリオと上市製品
15.7.5 収益





Global Vitiligo Market Size

Global vitiligo market is worth around US$ 641 billion in 2023 and it is expected to reach approximately US$ 1,041 billion by 2032, with a CAGR of about 5.55% from 2024-2032. The measures that are benefiting this market include enhanced knowledge of people about vitiligo, as well as the innovations that are availed for treatment.

Vitiligo Industry Outlooks

Vitiligo is a chronic ailment that is classified under the autoimmune disorders which results to depigmentation and manifest in white colors parts of the body. This condition results from either the death of melanocytes, or stop work, and therefore no skin color is produced. The cause of vitiligo though not well defined, the fatty diet is believed to be inherited though some factors from the environment.

Vitiligo management strategies encompass measures that seek to reform the depigmented skin and strop further progression. These are Topical corticosteroids and immunomodulators, Phototherapy (UVB light or PUVA), Oral medications for corticosteroids or JAK inhibitors, depigmentation in severe cases and Skin grafting or cellular grafting in certain conditions.

Furthermore, camouflage makeup and self-tanning products are effective ways of covering areas with certain skin conditions. Counseling could also help for, as vitiligo is becoming a source of stress or depression among affected people. Currently, there is no known cure for vitiligo, though the above treatments are effective in managing patients’ condition and enhancing their appearance. The need for further research means that new therapeutic interventions’ possibilities are still pursued today.

Growth Drivers of the Global Vitiligo Market

Increasing prevalence and awareness:

Currently, vitiligo is becoming more widespread and is primarily diagnosed in between 1 and 2 percent of the total global population. This rise is attributed to enhanced detecting methods and specially increased patient awareness and that of healthcare practitioners. When more people identify the signs and symptoms of the diseases, and visit the doctors, there is increase in the market for the medication. Having personalities such as musician Beyoncé or footballer Marc Batchelor come out in the open to publicly share their experiences with vitiligo have gone a long way in eradicating or at least reducing the stigmatization of the persons afflicted with vitiligo. It also increases an awareness of the conditions among people, thereby motivating them to come for treatment and the progression of the market. On the same note, the roles of patients’ organizations and informative campaigns play a vital role in informing the community, and the general public more often on vitiligo and its effects on the life of an affected patient together with the existing treatment modalities. These increasing awareness levels are expected to drive the market in the future years.

Advancements in treatment options:

The present activity of increasing research in the pharmacological sector to develop new products in the management of vitiligo is extending the market widely. Some recent advancements are Janus kinase inhibitors which have emerged to be effective in the clinical trials. These new drugs hold the potential for more effective and indeed, targeted thanks to this new generation, therapy of this and other diseases. Moreover, advancement in the source of light and technology as well as advancement in treating techniques including the technique of giving narrowband UVB and the application of excimer laser therapy in treatment have been enhancing. Combination treatments in which two or more techniques are used are becoming more popular as they provide better results. Other areas of growth involve the usage of genetic and environmental factors in developing targeted medical solutions for the individual patient including personalized medicine approaches. These new generation treatments are projected to fuel the growth and get more acceptance from approval bodies hence propelling the growth of vitiligo treatment market and attract investors.

Growing aesthetic concerns and quality of life considerations:

In today’s world where people are sensitive about esteeming concerns, looks appear to take on a social and or professional value. Vitiligo, an easily noticeable skin disorder, plays a large role in the patient’s low self-esteem and a diminished quality of life. This coupled with the increasing concern from people, treatment therapies that are non-surgical are in high demand as people seek ear treatments not only for health issues but also for cosmetic and morale boosting purposes. This aspect of the treatment with vitiligo is also beginning to shape the market significantly with patients demanding solutions to regain the lost skin color. This trend is particularly strong across the generations with increased influence among the young and in areas where the culture placed significant emphasis on the appearance of an individual. The market is using every possible product, ranging from medical, to make-up creams and dyes that address these issues. Hence the focus on quality of life and appearance will contribute to the continuous growth of vitiligo treatment market.

United States Vitiligo Market

The United States vitiligo market is today deemed as one of the most significant and promising submarkets in the global dermatology industry. Currently, it is predicted that between 2 to 5 million Americans suffer from vitiligo hence the market is ripe for expansion and development. The U. S. market enjoys a strong health care infrastructure, high health care awareness, and research and development financial outlay. Some of the leading market players are currently working on creating new drugs, moreover, most of the initiatives are aimed at the creation of biologics and targeted therapies. For instance, the latest approval of ruxolitinib cream for vitiligo therapy has given a boost into the market and thus opening up new innovations. Besides, there has been growth in the use of ‘dual-hit therapies’ as well as ‘treat the patient’ regimen.

The U. S. vitiligo market therefore has also strong patient associations that are very useful in raising public awareness and campaigning for improved therapy. These factors entailing favourable reimbursement policies along with increased focus on cosmetic and aesthetic issues are expected to help the vitiligo market in the U. S. to grow in the future years.

Global Vitiligo Company Analysis

Incyte Corporation, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Astellas Pharma Inc., Baxter International Inc., Pfizer, and Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd are the main players in the Global Vitiligo Industry.

New pipeline treatments for vitiligo:

• Ritlecitinib (PF-06651600): An oral JAK3/TEC inhibitor developed by Pfizer, currently in Phase 3 trials.

• ATI-502: A topical JAK1/JAK3 inhibitor by Aclaris Therapeutics, in Phase 2 development.

• Cerdulatinib: A topical dual JAK/SYK inhibitor by Dermavant Sciences, undergoing Phase 2 trials.

• Roflumilast cream: A PDE4 inhibitor by Arcutis Biotherapeutics, in Phase 2 studies for vitiligo.

• IL-15 agonist: A novel approach by Immunocore, targeting melanocyte stimulation in preclinical stages.

• ARQ-252: A topical JAK1 selective inhibitor by Arcutis Biotherapeutics in early clinical development.

• VTP-38543: An LXRβ agonist by Vitae Pharmaceuticals aimed at promoting melanocyte differentiation.

• Afamelanotide: A synthetic hormone by Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals in late-stage trials for vitiligo.

• KB301: A gene therapy approach by Krystal Biotech designed to deliver functional TYR genes to melanocytes.

• VM206: A novel small molecule by Vilacto Bio targeting melanocyte regeneration in preclinical development.

By Diseases Type - Market is divided into 4 viewpoints

1. Segmental
2. Non-Segmental

Treatment Type - Market is divided into 4 viewpoints

1. Topical Treatments
2. Light Therapy
3. Surgical Procedures
4. Others

End User – Market is divided into 3 viewpoints

1. Hospitals
2. Ambulatory Clinics
3. Others

Country – 18 Country Vitiligo Patient Numbers & Market

1. United States
2. Canada
3. Mexico
4. Germany
5. United Kingdom
6. France
7. Italy
8. Spain
9. Japan
10. China
11. Australia
12. India
13. Brazil
14. Saudi Arabia
15. Argentina
16. United Arab Emirates
17. South Africa
18. Rest of World

Vitiligo Pipe Line Drugs

• AMG-714: Amgen
• ARN-4079
• ATI-502
• AX-1602
• BOS-475
• CCP-070
• Cerdulatinib (RVT-502)
• HuABC-2
• Abatacept
• Topical Ruxolitinib
• VLRX-001

Clinical Study of Vitiligo Market

Company Insight:

• Overviews
• Key Person
• Recent Developments & Strategies
• Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
• Revenue

Company Analysis

1. Incyte Corporation
2. Bristol-Myers Squibb
3. Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals Ltd
4. Astellas pharma inc
5. Baxter International Inc.
6. Pfizer
7. Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Vitiligo Patient Numbers & Market

5.1 Vitiligo Market
5.2 Vitiligo Patients (Thousand)

6. Global Vitiligo Patient Numbers & Market Share Analysis

6.1 Market Share

6.1.1 By Vitiligo Type
6.1.2 By Treatment Type
6.1.3 By End User
6.1.4 By Country Vitiligo Market Share

6.2 Volume Share

6.2.1 By Country Vitiligo Patient Numbers Share

7. By Diseases Type

7.1 Segmental
7.2 Non-Segmental

8. By Treatment Type

8.1 Topical Treatments
8.2 Light Therapy
8.3 Surgical Procedures
8.4 Others

9. By End User

9.1 Hospitals
9.2 Ambulatory Clinics
9.3 Others

10. By Country – Vitiligo Patient Numbers & Market

10.1 United States

10.1.1 Vitiligo Market
10.1.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.2 Canada

10.2.1 Vitiligo Market
10.2.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.3 Mexico

10.3.1 Vitiligo Market
10.3.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.4 Germany

10.4.1 Vitiligo Market
10.4.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.5 United Kingdom

10.5.1 Vitiligo Market
10.5.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.6 France

10.6.1 Vitiligo Market
10.6.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.7 Italy

10.7.1 Vitiligo Market
10.7.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.8 Spain

10.8.1 Vitiligo Market
10.8.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.9 Japan

10.9.1 Vitiligo Market
10.9.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.10 China

10.10.1 Vitiligo Market
10.10.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.11 Australia

10.11.1 Vitiligo Market
10.11.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.12 India

10.12.1 Vitiligo Market
10.12.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.13 Brazil

10.13.1 Vitiligo Market
10.13.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.14 Saudi Arabia

10.14.1 Vitiligo Market
10.14.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.15 Argentina

10.15.1 Vitiligo Market
10.15.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.16 United Arab Emirates

10.16.1 Vitiligo Market
10.16.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.17 South Africa

10.17.1 Vitiligo Market
10.17.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

10.18 Rest of World

10.18.1 Vitiligo Market
10.18.2 Vitiligo Patient (Thousand)

11. Vitiligo Pipe Line Drugs

11.1 AMG-714: Amgen
11.2 ARN-4079
11.3 ATI-502
11.4 AX-1602
11.5 BOS-475
11.6 CCP-070
11.7 Cerdulatinib (RVT-502)
11.8 HuABC-2
11.9 Abatacept
11.10 Topical Ruxolitinib
11.11 VLRX-001

12. Clinical Study of Vitiligo Market

13. Porter’s Five Forces

13.1 Bargaining Power of Buyer
13.2 Bargaining Power of Supplier
13.3 Threat of New Entrants
13.4 Rivalry among Existing Competitors
13.5 Threat of Substitute Products

14. SWOT Analysis

14.1 Strengths
14.2 Weaknesses
14.3 Opportunities
14.4 Threats

15. Company Analysis

15.1 Incyte Corporation

15.1.1 Overviews
15.1.2 Key Person
15.1.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
15.1.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
15.1.5 Revenue

15.2 Bristol-Myers Squibb

15.2.1 Overviews
15.2.2 Key Person
15.2.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
15.2.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
15.2.5 Revenue

15.3 Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals Ltd

15.3.1 Overviews
15.3.2 Key Person
15.3.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
15.3.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
15.3.5 Revenue

15.4 Astellas pharma inc

15.4.1 Overviews
15.4.2 Key Person
15.4.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
15.4.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
15.4.5 Revenue

15.5 Baxter International Inc.

15.5.1 Overviews
15.5.2 Key Person
15.5.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
15.5.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
15.5.5 Revenue

15.6 Pfizer

15.6.1 Overviews
15.6.2 Key Person
15.6.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
15.6.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
15.6.5 Revenue

15.7 Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd

15.7.1 Overviews
15.7.2 Key Person
15.7.3 Recent Developments & Strategies
15.7.4 Product Portfolio & Product Launch in Last 1 Year
15.7.5 Revenue






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2025/02/21 10:27

150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
