
韓国自律走行車市場, 規模, 2024-2030年予測, 産業動向, シェア, 成長, 洞察, インフレの影響, 企業分析

韓国自律走行車市場, 規模, 2024-2030年予測, 産業動向, シェア, 成長, 洞察, インフレの影響, 企業分析

South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market, Size, Forecast 2024-2030, Industry Trends, Share, Growth, Insight, Impact of Inflation, Company Analysis

Renub Researchによると、韓国の自律走行車市場規模は2030年までに約31億5987万米ドルに達すると予測されている。韓国は、野心的な政府の取り組みと盛んな技術的雰囲気のため、世界の自律走行車市場で優れている... もっと見る



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Renub Research
2024年2月1日 US$2,990
お問合わせください 200 英語



Renub Researchによると、韓国の自律走行車市場規模は2030年までに約31億5987万米ドルに達すると予測されている。韓国は、野心的な政府の取り組みと盛んな技術的雰囲気のため、世界の自律走行車市場で優れている。ヒュンダイ・モーター・グループは、ヒュンダイMobisM.コンセプトカーのHyundai MobisM.VisionやロボットタクシーのHyundai Ioniq 5 KT Corporationは、自動運転車のための5G技術に注力し、現代自動車と提携している。ウェブ大手のネイバーがネイバー・クローバー自動運転車を発表すると同時に、ソウル・ロボティクスがライダー・センサを現代自動車、ネイバー、その他の自給自足車企業に提供する。韓国政府は、2030年までに自律走行車を30%普及させることを目標に掲げ、ソウルのパイロット・ソフトウェアを立ち上げ、事業展開ルールを拡大するなど、この分野を積極的に支援している。韓国の恵まれた環境とダイナミックな産業は、世界の自律走行車市場における韓国のリーダーシップを確実なものにしている。

韓国は世界第7位の自動車生産国である。運輸省によると、韓国は2024年までに国内でレベル4の自律走行車を発売するため、安全基準と保険制度を設ける予定だ。ウーバーは今後10年間、米国でレベル4のIONIQ 5ロボタクシーを配車・配送サービス用に運行し、ロボットタクシーで他の市場に進出する機会を探る計画だ。





















Hyundai Motor Company、GM Korea Company、Renault Samsung Motors、KG Mobility Corporationが韓国自律走行車市場の主要企業である。

Renub Researchの調査レポート「韓国の自律走行車市場の予測:走行レベル別(L1、L2、L3、L4、L5)、技術別(ハードウェアとソフトウェア)、ハードウェア別(受動部品、組み込みモデム、超音波センサー、オドメトリーセンサー、その他の電子機器とアーキテクチャ、アクチュエータ、HMIハードウェア、マッピングハードウェア、組み込み制御ハードウェア、V2Xハードウェア、カメラ、レーダー、ライダー)、ソフトウェアコンポーネント別(HMIソフトウェア、データセキュリティソフトウェア、マッピングソフトウェア、組み込み制御ソフトウェア、ソフトウェアコンポーネント(HMIソフトウェア、データセキュリティソフトウェア、マッピングソフトウェア、エンベデッドコントロールソフトウェア、V2Xソフトウェア)、車両タイプ(商用車、乗用車)、用途(民間、防衛、輸送・物流、建設)、推進力(バッテリー電気自動車、燃料電池電気自動車、ハイブリッド電気自動車、内燃エンジン、プラグインハイブリッド電気自動車)、企業(現代自動車、GM Korea Company、ルノーサムスン自動車、KG Mobility Corporation)」は韓国自律走行車産業の詳細で包括的な洞察を提供します。



テクノロジー - 韓国の自律走行車市場を2つの視点から分析:


ハードウェア - 韓国自律走行車市場を13の視点から分析


ソフトウェア - 5つの視点から見た韓国自律走行車市場


車両タイプ - 韓国自律走行車市場を2つの視点から分析:


アプリケーション - 韓国自律走行車市場を4つの視点から分析


推進力 - 韓国自律走行車市場を5つの視点から分析



- 概要
- 最近の発展
- 売上高









4.1 推進要因
4.2 課題


6.市場シェア - 韓国の自律走行車市場

6.1 運転レベル別
6.2 ハードウェアとソフトウェアの比較
6.3 技術別-ハードウェアコンポーネント
6.4 テクノロジー別-ソフトウェアコンポーネント
6.5 車両タイプ別
6.6 アプリケーション別
6.7 推進力別

7.走行レベル - 韓国の自律走行車市場

7.1 レベル1
7.2 レベル2
7.3 レベル3
7.4 レベル4
7.5 レベル5

8.テクノロジー - 韓国の自律走行車市場

8.1 ハードウェア部品
8.2 ソフトウェア部品

9.ハードウェア部品 - 韓国の自律走行車市場

9.1 受動部品
9.2 組み込みモデム
9.3 超音波センサー
9.4 オドメトリーセンサー
9.5 その他のエレクトロニクスとアーキテクチャ
9.6 アクチュエーター
9.7 HMIハードウェア
9.8 マッピングハードウェア
9.9 組み込み制御ハードウェア
9.10 V2Xハードウェア
9.11 カメラ
9.12 レーダー
9.13 ライダー

10.ソフトウェア部品 - 韓国の自律走行車市場

10.1 HMIソフトウェア
10.2 データ・セキュリティ・ソフトウェア
10.3 マッピングソフトウェア
10.4 組み込み制御ソフトウェア
10.5 V2Xソフトウェア

11.車両タイプ別 - 韓国の自律走行車市場

11.1 乗用車
11.2 商用車

12.アプリケーション - 韓国の自律走行車市場

12.1 民間
12.2 防衛
12.3 交通・物流
12.4 建設

13.推進力 - 韓国の自律走行車市場

13.1 バッテリー電気自動車
13.2 燃料電池電気自動車
13.3 ハイブリッド電気自動車
13.4 内燃エンジン
13.5 プラグインハイブリッド電気自動車

14.ポーターの5つの力 - 韓国の自律走行車市場

14.1 買い手の交渉力
14.2 サプライヤーの交渉力
14.3 競争の程度
14.4 新規参入の脅威
14.5 代替品の脅威

15.SWOT分析 - 韓国の自律走行車市場

15.1 強み
15.2 弱点
15.3 チャンス
15.4 脅威


16.1 現代自動車

16.1.1 概要
16.1.2 最近の発展
16.1.3 収益分析

16.2 韓国GM 企業

16.2.1 概要
16.2.2 最近の開発
16.2.3 収益分析

16.3 ルノーサムスン自動車

16.3.1 概要
16.3.2 最近の発展
16.3.3 収益分析

16.4 KGモビリティ株式会社

16.4.1 概要
16.4.2 最近の開発
16.4.3 収益分析








South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market size is projected to reach around US$ 3,159.87 Million by 2030, according to Renub Research. South Korea excels in the global autonomous vehicle market due to ambitious government initiatives and a thriving tech atmosphere. Hyundai Motor Group leads the nation's enterprise with ground-breaking automobiles like the Hyundai MobisM. Vision concept car and the Hyundai Ioniq 5 robotaxi KT Corporation focuses on 5G tech for self-riding automobiles and companions with Hyundai. Naver, a web giant, introduces the Naver Clover self-driving automobile simultaneously as Seoul Robotics gives lidar sensors to Hyundai, Naver, and other self-sufficient car corporations. The South Korean government actively helps the arena, aiming for 30% autonomous vehicle adoption by 2030, launching Seoul pilot software, and growing business deployment rules. South Korea's conducive surroundings and dynamic industry ensure its leadership in the global autonomous vehicle market.

The Republic of Korea is the world's seventh-largest producer of automobiles. South Korea will set up safety standards and an insurance system for the launch of Level 4 autonomous vehicles in the country by 2024, according to the transport ministry. Uber plans to operate the Level 4 IONIQ 5 robo taxis for car-hailing and delivery services in the United States for the next ten years and explore opportunities to advance to other markets with robot taxis.

South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market size is predicted to sign in a CAGR of 21.66% from 2023 to 2030

In South Korea, autonomous cars have emerged as a big factor in the modern-day mobility landscape, representing a transformative technique to managing demanding conditions associated with avenue safety, town traffic congestion, and environmental pollutants. South Korea, with its present-day technology sector, stands at the main fringe of self-sustaining automobile development, instilling self-belief within the skills of autonomous cars. The South Korean authorities have played a pivotal function via enacting supportive guidelines and suggestions that inspire the testing and commercialization of self-reliant cars.

Moreover, South Korea, grappling with an ageing populace, is witnessing a rising name for strong and user-friendly transportation solutions. Autonomous cars have turn out to be a promising opportunity for this need, offering stepped-forward accessibility and comfort. Also, the surging value of fuel has amplified the appeal of self-driving automobiles, recognized for their advanced fuel efficiency, providing a direction to curtail transportation costs. Furthermore, the growing preference for transportation in South Korea, fueled by ecomomic growth and urbanization, necessitates environment solutions. Autonomous cars are best to cope with this demand, presenting a more convenient and powerful mode of transportation that aligns with the evolving requirements of the South Korea.

Besides, South Korea, famed for its sturdy technology segment, has substantially invested in autonomous vehicle studies and development. Domestic tech giants are at the leading edge of autonomous riding technology, spurring hobby, and self-belief in self-using cars with their improvements. In addition to private vehicles companies’ initiatives, the South Korean government have proactively sponsored the development and deployment of self-reliant vehicles by introducing regulations and hints designed to foster fine environment for testing and commercialization, positioning the country as a massive player within the international autonomous car marketplace. Hence, South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market size is worth US$ 800.84 Million in 2023.

L2, or Level 2 automation, commands the highest share in the South Korean autonomous vehicles market

By level of driving, the South Korea autonomous vehicles market size is segmented into L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5. Level 2 automation or L2, dominates the South Korean autonomous vehicles market size, normally because of its vast improvements in safety functions. These systems include advanced drive-assistance technologies like adaptive cruise management and lane-keeping help, making them more low-cost and reachable to a wider range of consumers. This level of automation complements protection, reduces driving fatigue, and represents a stepping stone toward complete autonomy. Also, regulatory help and industry investment in L2 technologies have played a pivotal role in its market dominance, making it the preferred choice for customers and manufacturers in South Korea.

Hardware retains the highest share in the South Korea autonomous vehicles market

By technology, the South Korea autonomous car market is divided into Hardware and Software. The South Korea autonomous vehicles market keeps hardware supremacy because of its crucial function in self-sufficient car improvement. Hardware components embody sensors, processors, cameras, and communication systems critical for perception and decision-making, ensuring protection and overall performance. The commitment of important companies in hardware research and development further solidifies its dominance, making hardware the cornerstone of autonomous generation and reinforcing South Korea's management of this burgeoning industry.

Electronics and architecture are poised for the fastest growth in the South Korean autonomous vehicles market

By hardware technology, the South Korea autonomous car market size is fragmented into Passive Components, Embedded Modems, Ultrasonic Sensors, Odometry Sensors, Other Electronics and architecture, Actuators, HMI Hardware, Mapping Hardware, Embedded Controls Hardware, Radar, Cameras, V2X Hardware, and Lidar. Due to their pivotal role as the backbone of autonomous structures, superior technology, such as software, connectivity solutions, and vehicle structure, are poised for the fastest growth in the South Korea autonomous vehicle market. As automobiles become increasingly sophisticated, software is pivotal in decision-making, connectivity, and real-time records processing. South Korea's prowess in electronics and software program improvement, coupled with the demand for current vehicle architectures, positions these segments for rapid enlargement. Moreover, the convergence of artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and network infrastructure in autonomous cars further fuels the increase of other electronics and architecture, making them imperative to South Korea's management of autonomous technology.

V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) software is set to dominate the forecast period in the South Korea autonomous vehicles market

By software component, the South Korea automobile car market is broken up into HMI Software, Data Security Software, Mapping Software, Embedded Controls Software, and V2X Software. V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) software is primed to steer in the South Korea autonomous cars market size, enhancing protection and performance through real-time communication with the surroundings. The call for seamless, consistent connectivity within the dynamic, autonomous vehicles market is important, supported by South Korea's advanced telecom infrastructure and 5G recognition. V2X's position in permitting automobile-to-vehicle and automobile-to-infrastructure communication pivotal for safe, efficient and self-reliant transportation, solidifying South Korea’s dominance in the global autonomous vehicles market.

Passenger vehicles are estimated to lead in the South Korea autonomous vehicles market

By vehicle kind, the South Korean autonomous vehicles market is segmented into Commercial vehicles and Passenger vehicles. Passenger cars are poised to lead in the South Korea autonomous car market size. With a developing emphasis on improving city mobility and addressing visitor congestion, those motors provide realistic solutions for day-by-day commuters. They also gain from non-stop studies and development efforts to ensure passenger protection and comfort, making them frontrunners in shaping the future of self-sufficient automobiles in South Korea, particularly within the state's focus on smart city initiatives and infrastructure development.

Civil applications are the fastest-growing segment in the South Korea autonomous vehicles market

By application, the South Korea autonomous vehicle market is divided into Civil, Defense, Transportation & Logistics, and Construction. Civil application is the fastest-growing sector in the South Korea automobile car market size. The surge in the need for self-sufficient automobiles in public transportation, delivery services and logistics, and efficient and sustainable city mobility is a major motive. This trend is bolstered by South Korea's commitment to smart city tasks and eco-friendly transportation solutions. Civil applications embody many use cases, from self-sufficient shuttles to transport robots and smart logistics solutions, rendering them adaptable to numerous city situations. The strong infrastructure, government backing, and technological innovation in South Korea, in addition, boost the fast growth of civil self-sufficient applications, addressing vital challenges in current city environments.

In the South Korea autonomous vehicle market, battery electric vehicles, or BEVs, are the fastest-growing segment

By propulsion, the South Korea autonomous vehicle market is divided into Battery Electric Vehicle, Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Internal Combustion Engine, and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Battery electric-powered cars (BEVs) take the lead because they are the fastest-growing section in the South Korea autonomous car market size. South Korea's proactive stance in promoting electric-powered mobility, using incentives and infrastructure development, positions BEVs as the natural desire for autonomous packages.

Furthermore, BEVs resonate with the worldwide shift towards sustainability and reduced emissions, aligning with the eco-conscious customer base in South Korea. Advancements in the battery technology and charging infrastructure support BEVs' boom. Their silent, clean, and efficient operation complements autonomous vehicles, making BEVs the frontrunners in reshaping South Korea's urban and intercity transportation panorama.

Key Players

Hyundai Motor Company, GM Korea Company, Renault Samsung Motors, and KG Mobility Corporation are the major companies in the South Korea autonomous vehicles market.

Renub Research report titled "South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market Forecast By Level of Driving (L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5), Technology (Hardware and Software), Hardware (Passive Components, Embedded Modems, Ultrasonic Sensors, Odometry Sensors, Other Electronics and architecture, Actuators, HMI Hardware, Mapping Hardware, Embedded Controls Hardware, V2X Hardware, Cameras, Radar, and Lidar), Software component (HMI Software, Data Security Software, Mapping Software, Embedded Controls Software, and V2X Software), Vehicle type (Commercial vehicles and Passenger vehicles), Application (Civil, Defense, Transportation & Logistics, and Construction), Propulsion (Battery Electric Vehicle, Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles, Hybrid Electric Vehicle, Internal Combustion Engine, and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle), Companies (Hyundai Motor Company, GM Korea Company, Renault Samsung Motors, KG Mobility Corporation)" provides a detailed and comprehensive insight of the South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Industry.

Level of Driving – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market breakup from 5 viewpoints:

1. L1
2. L2
3. L3
4. L4
5. L5

Technology – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market breakup from 2 viewpoints:

1. Hardware
2. Software

Hardware – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market breakup from 13 viewpoints:

1. Passive Components
2. Embedded Modems
3. Ultrasonic Sensors
4. Odometry Sensors
5. Other Electronics and architecture
6. Actuators
7. HMI Hardware
8. Mapping Hardware
9. Embedded Controls Hardware
10. V2X Hardware
11. Cameras
12. Radar
13. Lidar

Software – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market breakup from 5 viewpoints:

1. HMI Software
2. Data Security Software
3. Mapping Software
4. Embedded Controls Software
5. V2X Software

Vehicle Type – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market breakup from 2 viewpoints:

1. Commercial vehicles
2. Passenger vehicles

Application – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market breakup from 4 viewpoints:

1. Civil
2. Defence
3. Transportation & Logistics
4. Construction

Propulsion – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market breakup from 5 viewpoints:

1. Battery Electric Vehicle
2. Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
3. Hybrid Electric Vehicle
4. Internal Combustion Engine
5. Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

All companies have been covered from 3 viewpoints:

• Overview
• Recent Development
• Revenue

Company Analysis:

1. Hyundai Motor Company
2. GM Korea Company
3. Renault Samsung Motors
4. KG Mobility Corporation


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research & Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Driving Factors
4.2 Challenges

5. South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market

6. Market Share – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market

6.1 By Level of Driving
6.2 Hardware vs. Software
6.3 By Technology – Hardware Components
6.4 By Technology – Software Components
6.5 By Vehicle Type
6.6 By Application
6.7 By Propulsion

7. Level of Driving – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market

7.1 Level 1
7.2 Level 2
7.3 Level 3
7.4 Level 4
7.5 Level 5

8. Technology – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market

8.1 Hardware Components
8.2 Software Components

9. Hardware Components – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market

9.1 Passive Components
9.2 Embedded Modem
9.3 Ultrasonic Sensors
9.4 Odometry Sensors
9.5 Other Electronics & Architecture
9.6 Actuators
9.7 HMI Hardware
9.8 Mapping Hardware
9.9 Embedded Controls Hardware
9.10 V2X Hardware
9.11 Cameras
9.12 Radar
9.13 Lidar

10. Software Components – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market

10.1 HMI Software
10.2 Data Security Software
10.3 Mapping Software
10.4 Embedded Controls Software
10.5 V2X Software

11. Vehicle Type – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market

11.1 Passenger Vehicle
11.2 Commercial Vehicle

12. Application – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market

12.1 Civil
12.2 Defense
12.3 Transportation & Logistics
12.4 Construction

13. Propulsion – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market

13.1 Battery Electric Vehicle
13.2 Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles
13.3 Hybrid Electric Vehicle
13.4 Internal Combustion Engine
13.5 Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle

14. Porter’s Five Forces – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market

14.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
14.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
14.3 Degree of Competition
14.4 Threat of New Entrants
14.5 Threat of Substitutes

15. SWOT Analysis – South Korea Autonomous Vehicles Market

15.1 Strengths
15.2 Weaknesses
15.3 Opportunities
15.4 Threats

16. Company Analysis

16.1 Hyundai Motor Company

16.1.1 Overview
16.1.2 Recent Development
16.1.3 Revenue Analysis

16.2 GM Korea Company

16.2.1 Overview
16.2.2 Recent Development
16.2.3 Revenue Analysis

16.3 Renault Samsung Motors

16.3.1 Overview
16.3.2 Recent Development
16.3.3 Revenue Analysis

16.4 KG Mobility Corporation

16.4.1 Overview
16.4.2 Recent Development
16.4.3 Revenue Analysis


List of Tables/Graphs

Table-01: South Korea – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Level of Driving (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-02: South Korea – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Level of Driving (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-03: South Korea – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Hardware vs. Software (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-04: South Korea – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Hardware vs. Software (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-05: South Korea – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Hardware Components (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-06: South Korea – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Hardware Components (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-07: South Korea – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Software Components (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-08: South Korea – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Software Components (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-09: South Korea – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Vehicle Type (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-10: South Korea – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Vehicle Type (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-11: South Korea – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Application (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-12: South Korea – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Application (Percent), 2024 – 2030
Table-13: South Korea – Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Propulsion (Percent), 2021 – 2023
Table-14: South Korea – Forecast for Autonomous Vehicles Market Share by Propulsion (Percent), 2024 – 2030






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2025/01/24 10:27

157.33 円

164.38 円

197.18 円
