


Lung Cancer Screening Market, Size, Global Forecast 2023-2028, Industry Trends, Growth, Share, Outlook, Impact of Inflation, Opportunity Company Analysis

Renub Researchによると、肺がんスクリーニング市場規模は2028年までに43億6000万米ドルに達すると予測されている。最近、癌は世界的に最も一般的な死亡原因の一つである。世界保健機関(WHO)によると、肺が... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Renub Research
2023年9月1日 US$2,490
3営業日程度 390 英語



Renub Researchによると、肺がんスクリーニング市場規模は2028年までに43億6000万米ドルに達すると予測されている。最近、癌は世界的に最も一般的な死亡原因の一つである。世界保健機関(WHO)によると、肺がんはがんの中で2番目に多いタイプである。肺がん検診の第一の目的は、可能な限り早い段階で肺がんの存在を発見することである。この検診は通常、長期間の喫煙記録があり、現在肺癌の無症状である高齢者に勧められている。医療提供者は、低線量自動断層撮影(LDCT)スキャンやX線をスクリーニング装置として採用している。早期発見の重要性が世界的に認識されるようになり、肺がん検診の需要が拡大している。


肺がん検診市場は、2022年から2028年にかけてCAGR 7.34%で成長すると予測される。


オーストラリアでは、肺がんは最も危険な種類のがんで、死亡例のかなりの割合を占めている。Cancer Australia 2023によると、肺癌の早期発見は生存率を高めるために極めて重要である。さらに、新たに開発されたスクリーニング・ソフトウェアは、治療が成功しやすい肺腫瘍を初期の段階で特定しようとするものである。2021年7月、保健・高齢者医療省とがんオーストラリアは、オーストラリアで肺がん検診キャンペーンを実施した。

さらに、世界の肺がん検診市場は、医療専門家による低線量コンピュータ断層撮影の利用率の向上とともに、多くの要素によって成長している。インドや中国のような発展途上国では、革新的で費用対効果の高い肺がん検診技術に対する意識が高まっており、市場の成長に寄与している。市場の有力企業は、住民の肺がんに対する認識を高めるため、医療機関との合併・買収を進めている。例えば、バプティスト・ヘルス・サウスフロリダ(Baptist Health South Florida)とマイアミがん研究所(Miami Cancer Institute:MCI)、ニュアンス・コミュニケーションズ(Nuance Communications, Inc.)は、肺がんの早期分析と効果的な治療のための画像検査を実施する肺がん検診プログラムを立ち上げるために協力した。肺がん検診市場は、2022年には28.5億米ドルと評価された。









肺がん検診市場レポートでは、lluminaInc、Abbott Laboratories、Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc、QIAGEN N.V.、Roche Holding AG、Medtronic percent.などが重要なプレーヤーとして紹介されています。

2022年6月、ロイヤル・フィリップスはバイオデシックス社と提携し、バイオデシックス社の血液ベースの完全肺結節危険性評価トライアウトの結果をフィリップスの肺がん罹患者管理マシン「Lung Cancer Orchestrator」に取り込んだ。

2022年8月、Intelerad Medical Systems社は、乳房画像と肺スクリーニングの生産性を高めるソフトウェア会社であるPenRad Technologies社を買収した。この買収により、Intelerad社はマンモグラフィと肺の解析のための製品提供を強化し、放射線科医のワークフローを最適化し、患者のフィットネスアウトカムを向上させた。

Renub Research社の最新レポート「肺がん検診市場、がんタイプ別(非小細胞肺がん診断と小細胞肺がん診断)、エンドユーザー別(病院・クリニック、診断センター、研究所、その他)、国別(米国、カナダ、メキシコ、ドイツ、英国、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、オランダ、スイス、中国、日本、インド、韓国、オーストラリア、ブラジル、アルゼンチン、サウジアラビア、アラブ首長国連邦、南アフリカ、その他の地域)の世界予測」は、米国、カナダ、メキシコ、ドイツ、英国、フランス、イタリア、スペイン、オランダ、スイス、中国、日本、インド、韓国、オーストラリア、ブラジル、アルゼンチン、サウジアラビア、アラブ首長国連邦、南アフリカ、その他の地域を対象としています。A.E.、南アフリカ、その他の地域)、企業(llumina, Inc、Abbott Laboratories, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc, QIAGEN N.V., Roche Holding AG & Medtronic Plc)」は肺がんスクリーニング産業の詳細な分析を提供しています。


1.   非小細胞肺がん診断薬
2.   小細胞肺がん診断薬


1.   病院&クリニック
2.   診断センター
3.   研究所
4.   その他


1   北米

1.1   米国
1.2   カナダ
1.3   メキシコ

2   ヨーロッパ

2.1   ドイツ
2.2   イギリス
2.3   フランス
2.4   イタリア
2.5   スペイン
2.6   オランダ
2.7   スイス

3   アジア太平洋

3.1   中国
3.2   日本
3.3   インド
3.4   韓国
3.5   オーストラリア

4   南米

4.1   ブラジル
4.2   アルゼンチン

5   中東・アフリカ

5.1   サウジアラビア
5.2   アラブ首長国連邦
5.3   南アフリカ

6    Rest of the World

Company Insights:

・    Overviews
・    Recent Development
・   収益


1.   イルミナ社
2.   アボット・ラボラトリーズ
3.   サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック
4.   QIAGEN N.V.
5.   ロシュ・ホールディングAG
6.   メドトロニック・ピーエルシー



1. Introduction

2. Research & Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Lung Cancer Screening Market and Volume Analysis

5.1 Market
5.2 Volume

6. Market Share - Global Lung Cancer Screening

6.1 By Cancer Type
6.2 By End User
6.3 By Country

7. Cancer Type -Global Lung Cancer Screening Market

7.1 Non-Small-cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
7.2 Small-cell Lung Cancer

8. End User - Global Lung Cancer Screening Market

8.1 Hospitals & Clinics
8.2 Diagnostic Centers
8.3 Research Institute
8.4 Others

9. North America – Lung Cancer Statistics

9.1 United States

9.1.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
9.1.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
9.1.3 Lung Cancer Cases
9.1.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

9.2 Canada

9.2.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
9.2.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
9.2.3 Lung Cancer Cases
9.2.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

9.3 Mexico

9.3.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
9.3.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
9.3.3 Lung Cancer Cases
9.3.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10. Europe – Lung Cancer Statistics

10.1 Germany

10.1.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.1.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.1.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.1.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10.2 United Kingdom

10.2.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.2.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.2.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.2.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10.3 France

10.3.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.3.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.3.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.3.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10.4 Italy

10.4.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.4.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.4.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.4.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10.5 Spain

10.5.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.5.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.5.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.5.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10.6 Netherlands

10.6.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.6.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.6.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.6.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10.7 Switzerland

10.7.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.7.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.7.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.7.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

11. Asia – Lung Cancer Statistics

11.1 China

11.1.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
11.1.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
11.1.3 Lung Cancer Cases
11.1.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

11.2 Japan

11.2.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
11.2.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
11.2.3 Lung Cancer Cases
11.2.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

11.3 India

11.3.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
11.3.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
11.3.3 Lung Cancer Cases
11.3.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

11.4 South Korea

11.4.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
11.4.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
11.4.3 Lung Cancer Cases
11.4.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

11.5 Australia

11.5.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
11.5.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
11.5.3 Lung Cancer Cases
11.5.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

12. Latin America – Lung Cancer Statistics

12.1 Brazil

12.1.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
12.1.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
12.1.3 Lung Cancer Cases
12.1.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

12.2 Argentina

12.2.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
12.2.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
12.2.3 Lung Cancer Cases
12.2.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

13. Middle East & Africa – Lung Cancer Statistics

13.1 Saudi Arabia

13.1.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
13.1.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
13.1.3 Lung Cancer Cases
13.1.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

13.2 U.A.E

13.2.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
13.2.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
13.2.3 Lung Cancer Cases
13.2.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

13.3 South Africa

13.3.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
13.3.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
13.3.3 Lung Cancer Cases
13.3.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

14. Porter’s Five Forces

14.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
14.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
14.3 Degree of Rivalry
14.4 Threat of New Entrants
14.5 Threat of Substitutes

15. SWOT Analysis

15.1 Strength
15.2 Weakness
15.3 Opportunity
15.4 Threat

16. Company Analysis

16.1 llumina, Inc.

16.1.1 Overview
16.1.2 Recent Development
16.1.3 Revenue

16.2 Abbott Laboratories

16.2.1 Overview
16.2.2 Recent Development
16.2.3 Revenue

16.3 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc

16.3.1 Overview
16.3.2 Recent Development
16.3.3 Revenue

16.4 QIAGEN N.V.

16.4.1 Overview
16.4.2 Recent Development
16.4.3 Revenue

16.5 Roche Holding AG.

16.5.1 Overview
16.5.2 Recent Development
16.5.3 Revenue

16.6 Medtronic plc

16.6.1 Overview
16.6.2 Recent Development
16.6.3 Revenues



Table-01: Global – Lung Cancer Screening Market Share by Cancer Type (Percent), 2018 – 2022
Table-02: Global – Forecast for Lung Cancer Screening Market Share by Cancer Type (Percent), 2023 – 2028
Table-03: Global – Lung Cancer Screening Market Share by End User (Percent), 2018 – 2022
Table-04: Global – Forecast for Lung Cancer Screening Market Share by End User (Percent), 2023 – 2028
Table-05: Global – Lung Cancer Screening Market Share by Regions (Percent), 2018 – 2022
Table-06: Global – Forecast for Lung Cancer Screening Market Share by Regions (Percent), 2023 – 2028





Lung Cancer Screening Market size is projected to reach US$ 4.36 Billion by 2028, according to Renub Research. Cancer these days is one of the most common causes of mortality worldwide. Lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer according to World Health Organization (WHO). The number one objective of lung cancers screening is to discover the presence of lung cancers in its earliest possible phase. This screening is usually encouraged for older people with records of long-term smoking, who are currently asymptomatic for lung cancers. Healthcare providers employ low-dose automated tomography (LDCT) scans or X-rays as screening equipment. There is a growing worldwide cognizance of the significance of early detection, which has led to an expanded demand for lung cancers screening.

According to the Lung Cancer Alliance, generally there is 5-year survival rate for lung cancers a significant decline because the disease progresses from stage 1 (with a survival charge starting from 68% to 92%) to stage 4 (with a survival fee as low as 0% to 10%). Growing number of lung cancers cases worldwide is one of the most essential drivers of the lung cancers screening market.

Lung cancer screening market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.34% from 2022 to 2028

The worldwide lung cancers screening market is experiencing sizeable growth due to the growing populace of people who are smokers & tobacco user and improvements in lung cancers screening technology. According to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), about 2.55 million students used tobacco product in 2021 and according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost thirteen out of each one hundred adults' age 18 and older in the United States had been cigarette smokers in 2020. Additionally, the growing occurrence of lung cancer is a leading contributing component to the increasing demand for lung cancer screening.

In Australia, lung cancer is the most dangerous kind of cancer, which accounts for a significant percentage of fatality cases. According to the Cancer Australia 2023, early detection of lung cancer is crucial for increasing survival rates. Furthermore, newly developed screening software tries to identify lung tumors in their earliest level, when therapy is more likely to be successful. In July 2021, the Department of Health and Aged Care and Cancer Australia implemented lung cancer screening campaign in Australia.

Furthermore, the global lung cancer screening market is growing due to numerous elements, along with improved utilization of low-dose computed tomography by healthcare specialists. The growing consciousness of innovative and cost-effective lung cancer screening techniques in developing nations like India and China is contributing to the growth of the market. Prominent Market players are pursuing mergers & acquisitions with healthcare establishments to elevate awareness of lung cancer among the population. For instance, Baptist Health South Florida's Miami Cancer Institute (MCI) and Nuance Communications, Inc. collaborated to set up a lung cancer screening program that conducts imaging tests for the early analysis and effective treatment of the lung cancer disease. The lung cancer screening market was valued at US$ 2.85 billion in 2022.

Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) accounted for largest revenue share in the lung cancers screening market

By Cancer Type, Lung cancer screening market is segmented into Non-Small-cellular Lung Cancer Diagnostics and Small-cellular Lung Cancer Diagnostics. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has emerged as the dominant driver of revenue in the lung cancer screening market. This type of lung cancer, recognized for its relative insensitivity to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, has claimed the largest percentage of monetary resources committed to screening and treatment. Its incidence and difficult nature have propelled it to the forefront of research and funding within the area. The vast sales contribution from NSCLC underscores the urgent need for continued advancements in early detection techniques and progressive therapeutic techniques to fight this formidable disease, ultimately improving affected persons consequences and survival costs.

Hospitals & clinics section accounted for largest market in the Lung cancers screening market

By End User, Lung cancers screening market is divided into Hospitals & Clinics, Diagnostic Centers, Research Institute and Others. The hospitals & clinics section accounted for largest Market. Hospitals and clinics, equipped with advance diagnostic tools and medical expertise, are at the leading front conducting screenings, diagnosing capability cases, and initiating timely interventions. This substantial market presence signifies the believe patients and healthcare provider place in these facilities for accurate and comprehensive lung cancer screening services. As the primary interface between patients and medical solutions, hospitals and clinics are instrumental in shaping the trajectory of lung cancers management and improving patient outcomes.

The diagnostic centers sector accounted for fastest developing market percentage all through forecast year. For older peoples, diagnostic facilities are an ideal alternative considering the fact that they offer individualized treatment and reduce the need for repeated health facility visits. In addition to having more manipulated over scheduling of methods, outpatient surgical procedure centers may be 45%–60% much less steeply-priced than hospitals, which advantages patients, insurance, and taxpayers similarly. As a result, compared to sudden sanatorium activities, very few surgical procedures may additionally want to be postponed or rescheduled.

China lung cancer market is expected to witness significant growth due to the rise in prevalence of lung cancer and increase in demand for early and accurate diagnosis

By Country, Lung cancers screening market is break up into United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa and Rest of the World. China has emerged as a dominant market in the global lung cancers screening market due to its amplified recognition of the advantages associated with early-stage lung cancer screening. With a large populace, China's huge reach enables a wider variety of screenings, raising huge revenue possibilities. Leveraging superior screening technologies and progressive devices, the nation has fortified its role by presenting accurate diagnostics. This dominance stems from heightened focus campaigns that spotlight the advantages of early-degree screening, fostering a proactive method to healthcare. Government assist and innovative guidelines have catalyzed this growth, nurturing an environment conducive to scientific innovation and infrastructure development. China's ascendancy underscores its pivotal function in reshaping the panorama of lung cancer screening, sponsored via a strong confluence of technology, cognizance, and strategic healthcare initiatives.

Key Players

Some important players operating in the lung cancers screening market report are lluminaInc, Abbott Laboratories, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, QIAGEN N.V., Roche Holding AG and Medtronic percent.

In June 2022, Royal Philips teamed up with Biodesix, Inc. to include the results of Biodesix’s Nodify Lung blood-based totally lung nodule danger evaluation trying out into Philips Lung Cancer Orchestrator lung cancer affected person management machine.

In August 2022, Intelerad Medical Systems acquired PenRad Technologies, Inc., a software company for boosting breast imaging and lung screening productiveness. The acquisition has elevated Intelerad’s product offerings for mammography and lung analytics, optimizing workflow for radiologists and boosting patient fitness outcomes.

Renub Research latest report “Lung Cancer Screening Market, Global Forecast By Cancer Type (Non-Small-cell Lung Cancer Diagnostics and Small-cell Lung Cancer Diagnostics), End-User (Hospitals & Clinics, Diagnostic Centers, Research Institute and Others), Country (United States, Canada, Mexico, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa and Rest of the World), Companies (llumina, Inc., Abbott Laboratories, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc, QIAGEN N.V., Roche Holding AG & Medtronic Plc)” provides a detailed analysis of Lung Cancer Screening Industry.

Cancer Type – Lung Cancer Screening Market has been covered from 2 viewpoints:

1.    Non-Small-cell Lung Cancer Diagnostics
2.    Small-cell Lung Cancer Diagnostics

End-User – Lung Cancer Screening Market has been covered from 4 viewpoints:

1.    Hospitals & Clinics
2.    Diagnostic Centers
3.    Research Institute
4.    Others

Countries – Lung Cancer Screening Market has been covered from 21 viewpoints:

1    North America

1.1    United States
1.2    Canada
1.3    Mexico

2    Europe

2.1    Germany
2.2    United Kingdom
2.3    France
2.4    Italy
2.5    Spain
2.6    Netherlands
2.7    Switzerland

3    Asia Pacific

3.1    China
3.2    Japan
3.3    India
3.4    South Korea
3.5    Australia

4    South America

4.1    Brazil
4.2    Argentina

5    Middle East & Africa

5.1    Saudi Arabia
5.2    U.A.E
5.3    South Africa

6    Rest of the World

Company Insights:

•    Overviews
•    Recent Development
•    Revenue

Company Analysis:

1.    llumina, Inc.
2.    Abbott Laboratories
3.    Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc
4.    QIAGEN N.V.
5.    Roche Holding AG.
6.    Medtronic plc


Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Research & Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Market Dynamics

4.1 Growth Drivers
4.2 Challenges

5. Global Lung Cancer Screening Market and Volume Analysis

5.1 Market
5.2 Volume

6. Market Share - Global Lung Cancer Screening

6.1 By Cancer Type
6.2 By End User
6.3 By Country

7. Cancer Type -Global Lung Cancer Screening Market

7.1 Non-Small-cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
7.2 Small-cell Lung Cancer

8. End User - Global Lung Cancer Screening Market

8.1 Hospitals & Clinics
8.2 Diagnostic Centers
8.3 Research Institute
8.4 Others

9. North America – Lung Cancer Statistics

9.1 United States

9.1.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
9.1.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
9.1.3 Lung Cancer Cases
9.1.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

9.2 Canada

9.2.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
9.2.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
9.2.3 Lung Cancer Cases
9.2.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

9.3 Mexico

9.3.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
9.3.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
9.3.3 Lung Cancer Cases
9.3.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10. Europe – Lung Cancer Statistics

10.1 Germany

10.1.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.1.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.1.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.1.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10.2 United Kingdom

10.2.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.2.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.2.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.2.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10.3 France

10.3.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.3.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.3.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.3.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10.4 Italy

10.4.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.4.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.4.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.4.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10.5 Spain

10.5.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.5.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.5.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.5.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10.6 Netherlands

10.6.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.6.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.6.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.6.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

10.7 Switzerland

10.7.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
10.7.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
10.7.3 Lung Cancer Cases
10.7.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

11. Asia – Lung Cancer Statistics

11.1 China

11.1.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
11.1.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
11.1.3 Lung Cancer Cases
11.1.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

11.2 Japan

11.2.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
11.2.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
11.2.3 Lung Cancer Cases
11.2.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

11.3 India

11.3.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
11.3.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
11.3.3 Lung Cancer Cases
11.3.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

11.4 South Korea

11.4.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
11.4.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
11.4.3 Lung Cancer Cases
11.4.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

11.5 Australia

11.5.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
11.5.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
11.5.3 Lung Cancer Cases
11.5.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

12. Latin America – Lung Cancer Statistics

12.1 Brazil

12.1.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
12.1.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
12.1.3 Lung Cancer Cases
12.1.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

12.2 Argentina

12.2.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
12.2.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
12.2.3 Lung Cancer Cases
12.2.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

13. Middle East & Africa – Lung Cancer Statistics

13.1 Saudi Arabia

13.1.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
13.1.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
13.1.3 Lung Cancer Cases
13.1.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

13.2 U.A.E

13.2.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
13.2.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
13.2.3 Lung Cancer Cases
13.2.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

13.3 South Africa

13.3.1 Lung Cancer Screening Market
13.3.2 Lung Cancer Screening Numbers
13.3.3 Lung Cancer Cases
13.3.4 Lung Cancer Deaths

14. Porter’s Five Forces

14.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers
14.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
14.3 Degree of Rivalry
14.4 Threat of New Entrants
14.5 Threat of Substitutes

15. SWOT Analysis

15.1 Strength
15.2 Weakness
15.3 Opportunity
15.4 Threat

16. Company Analysis

16.1 llumina, Inc.

16.1.1 Overview
16.1.2 Recent Development
16.1.3 Revenue

16.2 Abbott Laboratories

16.2.1 Overview
16.2.2 Recent Development
16.2.3 Revenue

16.3 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc

16.3.1 Overview
16.3.2 Recent Development
16.3.3 Revenue

16.4 QIAGEN N.V.

16.4.1 Overview
16.4.2 Recent Development
16.4.3 Revenue

16.5 Roche Holding AG.

16.5.1 Overview
16.5.2 Recent Development
16.5.3 Revenue

16.6 Medtronic plc

16.6.1 Overview
16.6.2 Recent Development
16.6.3 Revenues


List of Tables/Graphs

Table-01: Global – Lung Cancer Screening Market Share by Cancer Type (Percent), 2018 – 2022
Table-02: Global – Forecast for Lung Cancer Screening Market Share by Cancer Type (Percent), 2023 – 2028
Table-03: Global – Lung Cancer Screening Market Share by End User (Percent), 2018 – 2022
Table-04: Global – Forecast for Lung Cancer Screening Market Share by End User (Percent), 2023 – 2028
Table-05: Global – Lung Cancer Screening Market Share by Regions (Percent), 2018 – 2022
Table-06: Global – Forecast for Lung Cancer Screening Market Share by Regions (Percent), 2023 – 2028







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