養鶏飼料用酵素とビタミン - 世界市場シェアとランキング、全体売上高と需要予測 2024-2030Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins - Global Market Share and Ranking, Overall Sales and Demand Forecast 2024-2030 飼料用酵素は、15年以上前から家畜と家禽の飼料、特に小麦や大麦を主原料とする飼料に広く使用されている。飼料用酵素は通常、菌類やバクテリアの発酵によって生産され、その後、飼料添加物として成長を促進する... もっと見る
サマリー飼料用酵素は、15年以上前から家畜と家禽の飼料、特に小麦や大麦を主原料とする飼料に広く使用されている。飼料用酵素は通常、菌類やバクテリアの発酵によって生産され、その後、飼料添加物として成長を促進するために使用される。家禽飼料用酵素とビタミンの世界市場は、2023年には5億6,200万米ドル規模と推定され、2024~2030年の予測期間中のCAGRは6.0%で、2030年には8億2,840万米ドルに再調整されると予測されている。 家禽飼料の酵素とビタミン市場は、家禽の栄養とパフォーマンスを高める上で極めて重要な役割を果たしている。酵素は栄養素の消化吸収を改善し、効率的な飼料利用と成長率の向上につながる必須添加物である。A、D、E、B複合体などを含むビタミンは、家禽全体の健康、免疫、生産性にとって極めて重要である。 この市場は、最適化された飼料配合に対する養鶏業界のニーズに対応している。酵素は複雑な飼料成分を分解し、ビタミンは適切な成長、卵の生産、耐病性を保証する。高品質な鶏肉製品の需要が世界的に高まる中、健康的で持続可能な生産を求める消費者の嗜好に応えるため、農家は酵素強化飼料やビタミン強化飼料への依存度を高めている。この市場の成長は、効率性、収益性、動物福祉の最大化を目指す業界の取り組みによって促進されている。 レポートの範囲 本レポートは、家禽飼料用酵素とビタミンの世界市場を包括的に紹介することを目的としており、家禽飼料用酵素とビタミンの地域別・国別、タイプ別、用途別の分析とともに、総販売量、販売収益、価格、主要企業の市場シェアとランキングに焦点を当てています。 家禽飼料用酵素とビタミンの市場規模、推計、予測は、2023年を基準年とし、2019年から2030年までの期間の履歴データと予測データを売上数量(トン)と売上収益(百万ドル)で提供します。量的および質的分析により、読者がビジネス/成長戦略を策定し、市場競争状況を評価し、現在の市場での地位を分析し、家禽飼料用酵素とビタミンに関する情報に基づいたビジネス上の意思決定を行うのに役立ちます。 市場区分 企業別 DSM ロンザ CSPC BASF 浙江製薬 陸威製薬 東北製薬 NCPC NHU ノボザイムズ デュポン ヴランドグループ エランコ アジアパック ケミン イドゥオリ サンヒ チャレンジグループ タイプ別セグメント 酵素 ビタミン 用途別セグメント 鶏の飼料 アヒル飼料 ガチョウ用飼料 その他 地域別 北米 アメリカ カナダ 欧州 ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア ロシア アジア太平洋 中国 日本 韓国 中国 台湾 東南アジア インド ラテンアメリカ メキシコ ブラジル アルゼンチン 中東・アフリカ トルコ サウジアラビア アラブ首長国連邦 各章の概要 第1章: レポートの対象範囲、世界の総市場規模(バルブ、数量、価格)を紹介。この章ではまた、市場力学、市場の最新動向、市場の推進要因と制限要因、業界のメーカーが直面する課題とリスク、業界の関連政策の分析を提供します。 第2章:養鶏飼料用酵素・ビタミンメーカーの競争環境、価格、売上高、市場シェア、最新の開発計画、合併・買収情報などを詳細に分析。 第3章:各市場セグメントの市場規模と発展の可能性を網羅し、読者が異なる市場セグメントにおけるブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのに役立つ、タイプ別の様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供します。 第4章:アプリケーション別の様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供し、各市場セグメントの市場規模と発展可能性をカバーし、読者が異なる川下市場でのブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのに役立ちます。 第5章:地域レベルでの家禽飼料用酵素とビタミンの売上高、収益。各地域の市場規模と発展の可能性を定量的に分析し、世界各国の市場発展、将来の発展展望、市場空間、市場規模を紹介しています。 第6章 家禽飼料用酵素とビタミンの国別売上高、収益。各国・地域のタイプ別、用途別のシグメイトデータを提供。 第7章:主要企業のプロファイルを提供し、製品の売上高、収益、価格、売上総利益率、製品紹介、最近の開発など、詳細な市場の主要企業の基本的な状況を紹介します。 第8章:産業の上流と下流を含む産業チェーンの分析。 第9章:結論 目次1 Market Overview1.1 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Introduction 1.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Size Forecast 1.2.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value (2019-2030) 1.2.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume (2019-2030) 1.2.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Price (2019-2030) 1.3 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Trends & Drivers 1.3.1 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Industry Trends 1.3.2 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Drivers & Opportunity 1.3.3 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Challenges 1.3.4 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Restraints 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 1.5 Study Objectives 1.6 Years Considered 2 Competitive Analysis by Company 2.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Players Revenue Ranking (2023) 2.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Revenue by Company (2019-2024) 2.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Players Sales Volume Ranking (2023) 2.4 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Company Players (2019-2024) 2.5 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Average Price by Company (2019-2024) 2.6 Key Manufacturers Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Manufacturing Base Distribution and Headquarters 2.7 Key Manufacturers Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offered 2.8 Key Manufacturers Time to Begin Mass Production of Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins 2.9 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Competitive Analysis 2.9.1 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Concentration Rate (2019-2024) 2.9.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Revenue in 2023 2.9.3 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins as of 2023) 2.10 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 3 Segmentation by Type 3.1 Introduction by Type 3.1.1 Enzyme 3.1.2 Vitamins 3.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type 3.2.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 3.2.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, by Type (2019-2030) 3.2.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, by Type (%) (2019-2030) 3.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Type 3.3.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 3.3.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume, by Type (2019-2030) 3.3.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume, by Type (%) (2019-2030) 3.4 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Average Price by Type (2019-2030) 4 Segmentation by Application 4.1 Introduction by Application 4.1.1 Chicken Feed 4.1.2 Duck Feed 4.1.3 Goose Feed 4.1.4 Other 4.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application 4.2.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 4.2.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, by Application (2019-2030) 4.2.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, by Application (%) (2019-2030) 4.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Application 4.3.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Application (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 4.3.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume, by Application (2019-2030) 4.3.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume, by Application (%) (2019-2030) 4.4 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Average Price by Application (2019-2030) 5 Segmentation by Region 5.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Region 5.1.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 5.1.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Region (2019-2024) 5.1.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Region (2025-2030) 5.1.4 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Region (%), (2019-2030) 5.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Region 5.2.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 5.2.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Region (2019-2024) 5.2.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Region (2025-2030) 5.2.4 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Region (%), (2019-2030) 5.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Average Price by Region (2019-2030) 5.4 North America 5.4.1 North America Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.4.2 North America Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.5 Europe 5.5.1 Europe Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.5.2 Europe Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.6 Asia Pacific 5.6.1 Asia Pacific Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.6.2 Asia Pacific Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.7 South America 5.7.1 South America Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.7.2 South America Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.8 Middle East & Africa 5.8.1 Middle East & Africa Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.8.2 Middle East & Africa Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 6 Segmentation by Key Countries/Regions 6.1 Key Countries/Regions Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value Growth Trends, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 6.2 Key Countries/Regions Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value 6.2.1 Key Countries/Regions Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.2.2 Key Countries/Regions Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume, 2019-2030 6.3 United States 6.3.1 United States Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.3.2 United States Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.3.3 United States Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 6.4 Europe 6.4.1 Europe Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.4.2 Europe Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.4.3 Europe Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 6.5 China 6.5.1 China Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.5.2 China Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.5.3 China Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 6.6 Japan 6.6.1 Japan Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.6.2 Japan Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.6.3 Japan Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 6.7 South Korea 6.7.1 South Korea Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.7.2 South Korea Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.7.3 South Korea Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 6.8 Southeast Asia 6.8.1 Southeast Asia Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.8.2 Southeast Asia Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.8.3 Southeast Asia Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 6.9 India 6.9.1 India Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.9.2 India Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.9.3 India Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 7 Company Profiles 7.1 DSM 7.1.1 DSM Company Information 7.1.2 DSM Introduction and Business Overview 7.1.3 DSM Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.1.4 DSM Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.1.5 DSM Recent Development 7.2 Lonza 7.2.1 Lonza Company Information 7.2.2 Lonza Introduction and Business Overview 7.2.3 Lonza Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.2.4 Lonza Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.2.5 Lonza Recent Development 7.3 CSPC 7.3.1 CSPC Company Information 7.3.2 CSPC Introduction and Business Overview 7.3.3 CSPC Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.3.4 CSPC Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.3.5 CSPC Recent Development 7.4 BASF 7.4.1 BASF Company Information 7.4.2 BASF Introduction and Business Overview 7.4.3 BASF Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.4.4 BASF Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.4.5 BASF Recent Development 7.5 Zhejiang Pharmaceuticals 7.5.1 Zhejiang Pharmaceuticals Company Information 7.5.2 Zhejiang Pharmaceuticals Introduction and Business Overview 7.5.3 Zhejiang Pharmaceuticals Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.5.4 Zhejiang Pharmaceuticals Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.5.5 Zhejiang Pharmaceuticals Recent Development 7.6 Luwei Pharmaceuticals 7.6.1 Luwei Pharmaceuticals Company Information 7.6.2 Luwei Pharmaceuticals Introduction and Business Overview 7.6.3 Luwei Pharmaceuticals Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.6.4 Luwei Pharmaceuticals Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.6.5 Luwei Pharmaceuticals Recent Development 7.7 Northeast Pharmaceutical 7.7.1 Northeast Pharmaceutical Company Information 7.7.2 Northeast Pharmaceutical Introduction and Business Overview 7.7.3 Northeast Pharmaceutical Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.7.4 Northeast Pharmaceutical Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.7.5 Northeast Pharmaceutical Recent Development 7.8 NCPC 7.8.1 NCPC Company Information 7.8.2 NCPC Introduction and Business Overview 7.8.3 NCPC Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.8.4 NCPC Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.8.5 NCPC Recent Development 7.9 NHU 7.9.1 NHU Company Information 7.9.2 NHU Introduction and Business Overview 7.9.3 NHU Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.9.4 NHU Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.9.5 NHU Recent Development 7.10 Novozymes 7.10.1 Novozymes Company Information 7.10.2 Novozymes Introduction and Business Overview 7.10.3 Novozymes Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.10.4 Novozymes Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.10.5 Novozymes Recent Development 7.11 Dupont 7.11.1 Dupont Company Information 7.11.2 Dupont Introduction and Business Overview 7.11.3 Dupont Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.11.4 Dupont Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.11.5 Dupont Recent Development 7.12 Vland Group 7.12.1 Vland Group Company Information 7.12.2 Vland Group Introduction and Business Overview 7.12.3 Vland Group Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.12.4 Vland Group Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.12.5 Vland Group Recent Development 7.13 Elanco 7.13.1 Elanco Company Information 7.13.2 Elanco Introduction and Business Overview 7.13.3 Elanco Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.13.4 Elanco Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.13.5 Elanco Recent Development 7.14 Asiapac 7.14.1 Asiapac Company Information 7.14.2 Asiapac Introduction and Business Overview 7.14.3 Asiapac Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.14.4 Asiapac Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.14.5 Asiapac Recent Development 7.15 Kemin 7.15.1 Kemin Company Information 7.15.2 Kemin Introduction and Business Overview 7.15.3 Kemin Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.15.4 Kemin Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.15.5 Kemin Recent Development 7.16 Yiduoli 7.16.1 Yiduoli Company Information 7.16.2 Yiduoli Introduction and Business Overview 7.16.3 Yiduoli Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.16.4 Yiduoli Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.16.5 Yiduoli Recent Development 7.17 Sunhy 7.17.1 Sunhy Company Information 7.17.2 Sunhy Introduction and Business Overview 7.17.3 Sunhy Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.17.4 Sunhy Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.17.5 Sunhy Recent Development 7.18 Challenge Group 7.18.1 Challenge Group Company Information 7.18.2 Challenge Group Introduction and Business Overview 7.18.3 Challenge Group Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.18.4 Challenge Group Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.18.5 Challenge Group Recent Development 8 Industry Chain Analysis 8.1 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Industrial Chain 8.2 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Upstream Analysis 8.2.1 Key Raw Materials 8.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 8.2.3 Manufacturing Cost Structure 8.3 Midstream Analysis 8.4 Downstream Analysis (Customers Analysis) 8.5 Sales Model and Sales Channels 8.5.1 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Model 8.5.2 Sales Channel 8.5.3 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Distributors 9 Research Findings and Conclusion 10 Appendix 10.1 Research Methodology 10.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 10.1.2 Data Source 10.2 Author Details 10.3 Disclaimer
SummaryFeed enzymes have been employed extensively in both livestock and poultry feed for more than 15 years, especially in wheat- or barley-based diets. In-feed enzymes are usually produced by fermentation of fungi and bacteria, after which these are used to stimulate growth as additives in animal feeds. Table of Contents1 Market Overview1.1 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Introduction 1.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Size Forecast 1.2.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value (2019-2030) 1.2.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume (2019-2030) 1.2.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Price (2019-2030) 1.3 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Trends & Drivers 1.3.1 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Industry Trends 1.3.2 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Drivers & Opportunity 1.3.3 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Challenges 1.3.4 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Restraints 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 1.5 Study Objectives 1.6 Years Considered 2 Competitive Analysis by Company 2.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Players Revenue Ranking (2023) 2.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Revenue by Company (2019-2024) 2.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Players Sales Volume Ranking (2023) 2.4 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Company Players (2019-2024) 2.5 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Average Price by Company (2019-2024) 2.6 Key Manufacturers Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Manufacturing Base Distribution and Headquarters 2.7 Key Manufacturers Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offered 2.8 Key Manufacturers Time to Begin Mass Production of Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins 2.9 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Competitive Analysis 2.9.1 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Market Concentration Rate (2019-2024) 2.9.2 Global 5 and 10 Largest Manufacturers by Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Revenue in 2023 2.9.3 Global Top Manufacturers by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) & (based on the Revenue in Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins as of 2023) 2.10 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 3 Segmentation by Type 3.1 Introduction by Type 3.1.1 Enzyme 3.1.2 Vitamins 3.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type 3.2.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 3.2.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, by Type (2019-2030) 3.2.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, by Type (%) (2019-2030) 3.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Type 3.3.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 3.3.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume, by Type (2019-2030) 3.3.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume, by Type (%) (2019-2030) 3.4 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Average Price by Type (2019-2030) 4 Segmentation by Application 4.1 Introduction by Application 4.1.1 Chicken Feed 4.1.2 Duck Feed 4.1.3 Goose Feed 4.1.4 Other 4.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application 4.2.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 4.2.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, by Application (2019-2030) 4.2.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, by Application (%) (2019-2030) 4.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Application 4.3.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Application (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 4.3.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume, by Application (2019-2030) 4.3.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume, by Application (%) (2019-2030) 4.4 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Average Price by Application (2019-2030) 5 Segmentation by Region 5.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Region 5.1.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 5.1.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Region (2019-2024) 5.1.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Region (2025-2030) 5.1.4 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Region (%), (2019-2030) 5.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Region 5.2.1 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 5.2.2 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Region (2019-2024) 5.2.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Region (2025-2030) 5.2.4 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume by Region (%), (2019-2030) 5.3 Global Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Average Price by Region (2019-2030) 5.4 North America 5.4.1 North America Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.4.2 North America Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.5 Europe 5.5.1 Europe Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.5.2 Europe Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.6 Asia Pacific 5.6.1 Asia Pacific Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.6.2 Asia Pacific Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.7 South America 5.7.1 South America Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.7.2 South America Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 5.8 Middle East & Africa 5.8.1 Middle East & Africa Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 5.8.2 Middle East & Africa Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Country (%), 2023 VS 2030 6 Segmentation by Key Countries/Regions 6.1 Key Countries/Regions Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value Growth Trends, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 6.2 Key Countries/Regions Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value 6.2.1 Key Countries/Regions Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.2.2 Key Countries/Regions Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Volume, 2019-2030 6.3 United States 6.3.1 United States Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.3.2 United States Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.3.3 United States Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 6.4 Europe 6.4.1 Europe Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.4.2 Europe Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.4.3 Europe Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 6.5 China 6.5.1 China Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.5.2 China Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.5.3 China Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 6.6 Japan 6.6.1 Japan Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.6.2 Japan Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.6.3 Japan Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 6.7 South Korea 6.7.1 South Korea Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.7.2 South Korea Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.7.3 South Korea Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 6.8 Southeast Asia 6.8.1 Southeast Asia Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.8.2 Southeast Asia Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.8.3 Southeast Asia Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 6.9 India 6.9.1 India Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value, 2019-2030 6.9.2 India Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Type (%), 2023 VS 2030 6.9.3 India Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Value by Application, 2023 VS 2030 7 Company Profiles 7.1 DSM 7.1.1 DSM Company Information 7.1.2 DSM Introduction and Business Overview 7.1.3 DSM Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.1.4 DSM Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.1.5 DSM Recent Development 7.2 Lonza 7.2.1 Lonza Company Information 7.2.2 Lonza Introduction and Business Overview 7.2.3 Lonza Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.2.4 Lonza Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.2.5 Lonza Recent Development 7.3 CSPC 7.3.1 CSPC Company Information 7.3.2 CSPC Introduction and Business Overview 7.3.3 CSPC Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.3.4 CSPC Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.3.5 CSPC Recent Development 7.4 BASF 7.4.1 BASF Company Information 7.4.2 BASF Introduction and Business Overview 7.4.3 BASF Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.4.4 BASF Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.4.5 BASF Recent Development 7.5 Zhejiang Pharmaceuticals 7.5.1 Zhejiang Pharmaceuticals Company Information 7.5.2 Zhejiang Pharmaceuticals Introduction and Business Overview 7.5.3 Zhejiang Pharmaceuticals Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.5.4 Zhejiang Pharmaceuticals Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.5.5 Zhejiang Pharmaceuticals Recent Development 7.6 Luwei Pharmaceuticals 7.6.1 Luwei Pharmaceuticals Company Information 7.6.2 Luwei Pharmaceuticals Introduction and Business Overview 7.6.3 Luwei Pharmaceuticals Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.6.4 Luwei Pharmaceuticals Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.6.5 Luwei Pharmaceuticals Recent Development 7.7 Northeast Pharmaceutical 7.7.1 Northeast Pharmaceutical Company Information 7.7.2 Northeast Pharmaceutical Introduction and Business Overview 7.7.3 Northeast Pharmaceutical Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.7.4 Northeast Pharmaceutical Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.7.5 Northeast Pharmaceutical Recent Development 7.8 NCPC 7.8.1 NCPC Company Information 7.8.2 NCPC Introduction and Business Overview 7.8.3 NCPC Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.8.4 NCPC Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.8.5 NCPC Recent Development 7.9 NHU 7.9.1 NHU Company Information 7.9.2 NHU Introduction and Business Overview 7.9.3 NHU Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.9.4 NHU Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.9.5 NHU Recent Development 7.10 Novozymes 7.10.1 Novozymes Company Information 7.10.2 Novozymes Introduction and Business Overview 7.10.3 Novozymes Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.10.4 Novozymes Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.10.5 Novozymes Recent Development 7.11 Dupont 7.11.1 Dupont Company Information 7.11.2 Dupont Introduction and Business Overview 7.11.3 Dupont Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.11.4 Dupont Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.11.5 Dupont Recent Development 7.12 Vland Group 7.12.1 Vland Group Company Information 7.12.2 Vland Group Introduction and Business Overview 7.12.3 Vland Group Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.12.4 Vland Group Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.12.5 Vland Group Recent Development 7.13 Elanco 7.13.1 Elanco Company Information 7.13.2 Elanco Introduction and Business Overview 7.13.3 Elanco Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.13.4 Elanco Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.13.5 Elanco Recent Development 7.14 Asiapac 7.14.1 Asiapac Company Information 7.14.2 Asiapac Introduction and Business Overview 7.14.3 Asiapac Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.14.4 Asiapac Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.14.5 Asiapac Recent Development 7.15 Kemin 7.15.1 Kemin Company Information 7.15.2 Kemin Introduction and Business Overview 7.15.3 Kemin Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.15.4 Kemin Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.15.5 Kemin Recent Development 7.16 Yiduoli 7.16.1 Yiduoli Company Information 7.16.2 Yiduoli Introduction and Business Overview 7.16.3 Yiduoli Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.16.4 Yiduoli Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.16.5 Yiduoli Recent Development 7.17 Sunhy 7.17.1 Sunhy Company Information 7.17.2 Sunhy Introduction and Business Overview 7.17.3 Sunhy Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.17.4 Sunhy Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.17.5 Sunhy Recent Development 7.18 Challenge Group 7.18.1 Challenge Group Company Information 7.18.2 Challenge Group Introduction and Business Overview 7.18.3 Challenge Group Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024) 7.18.4 Challenge Group Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Product Offerings 7.18.5 Challenge Group Recent Development 8 Industry Chain Analysis 8.1 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Industrial Chain 8.2 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Upstream Analysis 8.2.1 Key Raw Materials 8.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 8.2.3 Manufacturing Cost Structure 8.3 Midstream Analysis 8.4 Downstream Analysis (Customers Analysis) 8.5 Sales Model and Sales Channels 8.5.1 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Sales Model 8.5.2 Sales Channel 8.5.3 Poultry Feed Feed Enzymes and Vitamins Distributors 9 Research Findings and Conclusion 10 Appendix 10.1 Research Methodology 10.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 10.1.2 Data Source 10.2 Author Details 10.3 Disclaimer
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2024/12/19 10:26 155.94 円 162.31 円 199.02 円 |