


Poultry Breeding Equipment Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

養鶏設備の動向と予測 世界の家禽飼育機器市場の将来は、レイヤー飼育機器とブロイラー飼育機器市場にビジネスチャンスがありそうだ。世界の家禽飼育機器市場は、2025年から2031年にかけて年平均成長率8.2%で... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2025年2月7日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語







- Lucintelの予測では、製品カテゴリーでは、ケージシステムはかなり安価に設置・運用でき、狭いスペースに多数の鳥を収容できるため、予測期間中最大のセグメントであり続ける。
- 用途別では、ブロイラー飼育機器が、鶏肉製品の需要増加、飼料コストの上昇、バイオセキュリティ向上の必要性から、最も高い成長が見込まれている。
- 地域別では、多品種の鶏の存在と鶏肉消費量の増加により、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- 自動化とスマート技術:養鶏における自動化の応用が拡大しており、飼育用具にスマート技術が組み込まれている。IoTデバイスの使用により、家禽の環境や健康状態をリアルタイムでモニタリングし、家禽の成長を最適化し、生産性を向上させることができる。
- 持続可能性への取り組み:養鶏農家は、栽培方法にますます課題を感じており、より環境に優しい設備を取り入れようと努力している。これには、再生可能エネルギーシステム、廃棄物管理設備、汚染削減を目的とした政策手段など、環境に配慮したシステムが含まれる。
- 動物福祉の重視:家禽の福祉基準の向上は、家禽により良い環境を提供する機器への需要に拍車をかけている。農家は、家禽の健康増進のため、新しい換気、スペース、バイオセキュリティのイノベーションを採用するようになってきている。
- 高度な育種技術:家禽の特定の遺伝子をターゲットとする精密育種法の使用が、より広く受け入れられている。この傾向は、より健康的で生産性の高い品種を生産するための、遺伝子の革新と技術の進歩によって支えられている。
- 政府の支援と規制:養鶏事業の改善を目的とした政府の支援強化や有利な政策により、成長の機会が創出されている。生産性と持続可能性の向上を支援する補助金や制度が利用できるため、農家による飼育機器の購入が増加している。




- スマート・ソリューションの導入:IoT対応技術は、家禽飼育機器とその監視・管理への利用を再構築している。これらのソリューションは、環境や家禽の健康状態に関するタイムリーな情報を提供し、農家が成長を向上させ、死亡の可能性を減らす決定を下すことを可能にする。
- 生物学的安全体制の改善:ワクチン接種率が上昇し、代替の疾病予防対策や技術への注目が高まる中、こうした最新の開発は非常に重要である。より多くの飼育施設が、より良い換気、より積極的な清掃、改善された入退室管理技術を取り入れ、疾病発生の可能性を減らしている。
- 持続可能な設備革新:気候変動への関心が高まるにつれ、企業はよりエネルギー効率が高く、環境に優しい飼育設備を設計するようになっている。革新的な技術には、太陽光発電システムや廃棄物管理用機器などがあり、コストを節約し、環境に優しいビジネス慣行を推進している。
- 精密育種技術:新しい精密育種技術の出現により、農家は、例えば、より早く成長したり、より優れた耐病性を持つ市場クラスを選択することができる。これは家禽の健康と生産性を向上させるもので、バイオテクノロジーと遺伝子研究によって可能となる。
- 新興経済圏での市場拡大:家禽飼育機器市場は、家禽製品消費の増加により、新興市場を含む様々な地域で成長を続けている。企業は、インドや中国のような新興市場に、これらの地域に適した、経済的でありながら効果的な育種ソリューションを持って参入している。




- スマート農業技術の拡大:自動給餌システムや動物の健康モニタリング・システムなど、スマート農業分野の発展は大きな可能性を秘めている。これらの技術革新は、企業効率を高め、人件費を削減し、家禽の健康管理を改善するのに役立つため、今日の農家に支持されている。
- 持続可能な実践への注力:持続可能な農業に対する需要の高まりは、メーカーが環境に優しい機器を開発する機会を提供する。生態系への配慮を優先する消費者や規制当局をターゲットにするためには、環境への害が少なく、廃棄物のリサイクルを促進する製品の開発が必要になるかもしれない。
- 新興市場:新興市場、特にアジアとアフリカに重点を移すことは有利であろう。これらの地域では鶏肉製品の需要が増加しているため、飼育設備に対するニーズが高まっており、市場参入と成長のための好環境を生み出している。
- ヘルスケアとバイオセキュリティ・ソリューション:家禽の疾病とバイオセキュリティーシステムに対する関心が高まる中、メーカーには先進的な疾病管理機器を開発する機会がある。敷地内洗浄システムや空気浄化システムなどのソリューションは、家禽の健康管理の向上に貢献する。
- カスタマイズとモジュラー・ソリューション:農家に基本的な機器を提供し、カスタマイズや改造を可能にすることは有望である。このアプローチは、特に多様な農業システムにおいて、顧客満足度と市場競争力を高める。




- 家禽製品需要の増加:家禽製品需要の増加:家禽製品消費の増加は市場成長を促進する主要要因の一つである。家禽はタンパク質が豊富であるため、生産量を向上させるための近代的な飼育機器の需要は、養鶏農家にとって重要な側面となっている。
- 技術の進歩:飼育機器における自動化やIoTアプリケーションなどの新たな開発は、引き続き市場成長の主な原動力となっている。これらの技術は、作業効率、労働生産性、モニタリング機能を強化し、現代の養鶏農家にアピールする。
- 競合他社の動物福祉への注力:動物福祉に関する法律が積極的に改正されたことで、養鶏農家は動物のより良い生活環境を保証する機器に投資するようになった。この移行は、各社が動物の健康を促進する製品の生産に注力することで、市場の成長を支えている。
- 政府の介入政策:世界の多くの政府は、先進的な設備を購入するための助成金や補償金を提供することで、養鶏の近代化を奨励している。これにより、農家は生産的で持続可能な技術に投資することができる。
- グローバルな養鶏ネットワーク:家禽生産のグローバルなネットワーク化は、特に海外市場において、高度な飼育設備に対する需要を生み出す。各国間での鶏肉製品の取引は、競争力を維持するためにより効果的で均一な育種戦略の必要性を高めている。
- 初期投資コストの高さ:特に低・中所得層の農家にとっては、先進的な養鶏設備を購入するために必要な民間資本は一般に高額である。経済的な赤字は、農家が農地を再開発する意欲をそぐ可能性があり、生産性と効率性を促進するためのより高度な技術を導入する余地が残されている。
- 家禽個体数に関する障壁:飼料価格の変動はすべての飼育業者に影響を及ぼすため、生産コストを管理する必要がある。しかし、飼料価格の変動は収益性の低下を招き、その結果、繁殖用具や設備への支出は最小限に抑えられ、慎重なアプローチにつながる。
- 市場競争:家禽飼育機器市場は比較的魅力的で、多くの企業が同じレベルで競争している。このような競争環境では、企業は収益性を低下させる価格競争のリスクに直面し、自社製品に独自の販売提案を見出すことが難しくなる。




- ビッグダッチマン
- ビッグ・ハーズマン・マシナリー
- 河南Jinfeng家禽機器
- 延北畜産機械グループ
- 広州華南家禽機器




- 換気システム
- ケージシステム
- 廃棄物処理システム


- レイヤー飼育機器
- ブロイラー飼育機器


- 北米
- ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国の養鶏機器市場は、自動給餌、気候制御、その他の衛星機器などの技術の導入により、大幅な拡大を経験している。インターネットの進歩により、各社はIoTを利用してリアルタイムのモニタリングやデータ取得を行うことが可能になり、農家が繁殖や成長に最適な環境を整えるのに役立っている。さらに、メーカー各社は持続可能性対策に対応するため、広範囲で省エネの機器を開発している。バイオセキュリティーへの関心が高まっており、その結果、家禽飼育における疾病の発生を最小限に抑える高度なシステムが使用されるようになっている。
- 中国:中国の家禽飼育機器市場は、家禽の生産量の増加により目覚しい成長を遂げている。新たなトレンドとして、効率を高める高度な孵化技術やシステムの自動化が挙げられる。各企業は、飼育ユニットの換気や環境管理を改善することで、家禽の健康と福祉を向上させている。農業を変革する政府の計画も、生産性を向上させる新しい育種ツールの採用を加速させる一助となっている。
- ドイツ:家禽飼育機器市場において、ドイツは持続可能な発展と動物福祉を重視する主要国のひとつである。育種効率の新技術により、鶏の自動化と精密な育種方法が登場した。ドイツ企業はまた、飼育現場の安全性を向上させる方法を研究している。代替エネルギー源の養鶏生産への統合は、二酸化炭素排出量を削減し、環境の持続可能性を促進する国の取り組みと一致し、一般的になりつつある。
- インドインドでは、鶏肉製品の需要増と農業システムの強化により、養鶏用機器の市場が改善している。生産性を高めるために半自動化システムの導入が進むとともに、性能を落とすことなく費用対効果の高い飼育方法が開発されている。最近の進歩により、より優れた給餌システムや孵化場技術の導入が可能になり、成長、疾病管理、孵化率が向上している。市場はまた、補助金、研修、その他のプログラムを通じて養鶏を促進することを目的とした政府の取り組みによっても支えられている。
- 日本:日本の養鶏機器市場は、高い技術と品質に焦点を当てた有望な市場である。革新的技術には、生産性と家禽の福祉を向上させる自動給餌・監視システムが含まれる。メーカー各社は、よりスマートな飼育プロセスのために、人工知能とデータ分析を組み合わせたハイテク機器を開発するための研 究に投資している。環境に配慮したソリューション、エネルギー効率の高いシステム、廃棄物管理を採用する農場がますます増えており、持続可能でない農場はますます珍しくなっている。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題


4.5: ROWの家禽飼育機器市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.2: ビッグ・ハーズマン・マシナリー
7.4: 延北畜産機械グループ
7.5: 広州 Huanan の家禽装置





Poultry Breeding Equipment Trends and Forecast

The future of the global poultry breeding equipment market looks promising with opportunities in the layer breeding equipment and broiler breeding equipment markets. The global poultry breeding equipment market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 8.2% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the increasing focus on improving the designs of poultry farming equipment to enhance efficiency, the improvement in the quality of poultry products, and the boost in operational productivity, along with higher efficiency levels in scaling feeds.

• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product category, the cage system will remain the largest segment over the forecast period because it can be installed and operated fairly cheaply, allowing it to house a large number of birds in small spaces.
• Within the application category, broiler breeding equipment is expected to witness the highest growth due to the rising demand for poultry products, the increasing cost of feed, and the need for improved biosecurity.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to the presence of multiple breeds of chickens and the growth in the amount of chicken meat consumed.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Poultry Breeding Equipment Market

People's concerns about select pestilences, ideologies such as conservatism, and technological development are some of the new changes that are affecting the poultry breeding equipment market. These trends positively impact the market's positioning and create new avenues targeting both manufacturers and agriculture.

• Automation and Smart Technology: There is a growing application of automation in poultry farming, with smart technology being incorporated into breeding tools. The use of IoT devices allows for real-time monitoring of environmental and health conditions in poultry, optimizing their growth and improving productivity.
• Sustainability Initiatives: Poultry farmers are increasingly challenged by their cultivation practices and are striving to embrace greener equipment. This includes environmentally responsible systems, such as renewable energy systems, waste management equipment, and policy instruments aimed at reducing pollution.
• Focus on Animal Welfare: Improved welfare standards for poultry are fueling the demand for equipment that provides better conditions for the birds. Farmers are increasingly adopting new ventilation, space, and biosecurity innovations to enhance poultry health.
• Advanced Breeding Techniques: The use of precision breeding methods, which target specific genes in poultry, is being embraced more widely. This trend is supported by advancements in genetic innovations and technology to produce breeds that are healthier and more productive.
• Government Support and Regulation: Opportunities for growth are being created through increased government support and favorable policies aimed at improving poultry farming operations. Subsidies and schemes are available to help enhance productivity and sustainability, leading to increased purchases of breeding equipment by farmers.

These emerging trends are helping the poultry breeding equipment market foster more innovation, sustainability, and animal welfare. As the industry evolves, these trends are expected to be integrated by stakeholders to remain competitive and meet the demands of poultry farmers.

Recent Developments in the Poultry Breeding Equipment Market

Recent developments in the poultry breeding equipment market focus on the connections between technological, sustainability, and efficiency aspects. These developments are critical for increasing output while creating better conditions for the welfare of birds in various farming systems.

• Implementation of Smart Solutions: IoT-enabled technology is reshaping poultry breeding equipment and its use in monitoring and management. These solutions provide timely information on the environment and the health condition of the poultry, enabling farmers to make decisions that improve growth and reduce the chances of death.
• Improvement of Biological Safety Regime: With the increasing vaccination rates and a stronger focus on alternative disease-prevention measures and technologies, these latest developments are of great importance. More breeding facilities are incorporating better ventilation, more active cleaning, and improved access control technologies to reduce the chances of disease outbreaks.
• Sustainable Equipment Innovations: As emphasis on climate change grows, companies are designing more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly breeding equipment. Innovations include solar-powered systems and equipment for waste management, which saves costs and promotes greener business practices.
• Precision Breeding Technologies: With the advent of new precision breeding technologies, farmers can, for example, choose market classes that grow faster or have better disease resistance. This enhances the health and productivity of poultry and is made possible through biotechnology and genetic research.
• Market Expansion in Emerging Economies: The poultry breeding equipment market continues to grow in various regions, including emerging markets, due to increased poultry product consumption. Companies are entering emerging markets like India and China with economical yet effective breeding solutions suited for these regions.

These developments are positively affecting the poultry breeding equipment market by enhancing efficiency, improving biosecurity, and promoting sustainability. Further advancements in the direction of these trends will continue to transform the poultry farming industry in the foreseeable future.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Poultry Breeding Equipment Market

The poultry breeding equipment market offers several avenues for strategic growth and market opportunities in various applications. These opportunities are advantageous for increasing the productivity and sustainability of both manufacturers and farmers, especially given the growing demand for poultry products.

• Expansion in Smart Farming Technologies: The development of the smart farming segment, including automated animal feeding and animal health monitoring systems, presents significant potential. These innovations help increase enterprise efficiency, lower labor costs, and improve poultry health management, which is why they are favored by farmers today.
• Focus on Sustainable Practices: The growing demand for sustainable agriculture presents an opportunity for manufacturers to create eco-friendly appliances. Targeting consumers and regulators who prioritize ecological concerns may require the development of products that are less harmful to the environment and promote waste recycling.
• Emerging Markets: Shifting focus to emerging markets, particularly in Asia and Africa, would be advantageous. The increasing demand for poultry products in these regions has created a need for breeding equipment, thus generating a favorable climate for market entry and growth.
• Healthcare and Biosecurity Solutions: With growing attention to poultry diseases and biosecurity systems, manufacturers have opportunities to develop advanced disease control equipment. Solutions like washing systems for premises and air purification systems contribute to better health security for the flock.
• Customization and Modular Solutions: Offering basic equipment to farmers and allowing for customization or modification can be promising. This approach increases customer satisfaction and market competitiveness, especially in diverse farming systems.

Such growth strategies are crucial for meeting the changing needs of the poultry breeding equipment market. The ability to sustain innovations in poultry farming production processes is key, and this is supported by quiet but essential leadership from stakeholders.

Poultry Breeding Equipment Market Driver and Challenges

The drivers and challenges, which include but are not limited to technological, economic, and regulatory factors, must be considered by any parties concerned with such business if they want to succeed in this highly competitive industry.

The factors responsible for driving the poultry breeding equipment market include:
• Increasing Demand for Poultry Products: The increase in poultry product consumption is one of the major factors driving market growth. Due to the protein-rich nature of poultry, the demand for modern breeding equipment to improve production has become an important aspect for poultry farmers.
• Technological Advancements: New developments, such as automation and IoT applications in breeding equipment, continue to be the main drivers of growth in the market. These technologies enhance operational efficiency, labor productivity, and monitoring capabilities, appealing to modern poultry farmers.
• Competitors' Focus on Animal Welfare: Positive changes in laws regarding animal welfare have encouraged poultry farmers to invest in equipment that guarantees better living conditions for animals. This transition supports market growth as companies focus on producing products that promote animal health.
• Government Intervention Policies: Many governments around the world are encouraging the modernization of poultry farming by offering grants and compensation for purchasing advanced equipment. This helps farmers invest in productive and sustainable technologies.
• Global Poultry Production Networks: The global networking of poultry production creates demand for sophisticated breeding equipment, especially in foreign markets. The trade of poultry products among countries drives the need for more effective and uniform breeding strategies to stay competitive.
Challenges in the poultry breeding equipment market include:
• High Initial Investment Costs: The private capital required to purchase advanced poultry breeding equipment is generally high, particularly for low- and mid-income farms. Economic deficits could discourage farmers from redeveloping their sites, leaving room for more advanced technologies to drive productivity and efficiency.
• Barriers Related to Poultry Population: Fluctuations in feed prices affect all breeders, making it necessary to control production costs. However, the volatility of feed prices can lead to reduced profitability, which results in minimal expenditures on breeding tools and equipment, leading to a cautious approach.
• Market Competition: The poultry breeding equipment market is relatively attractive, and many companies compete at the same level. In such a competitive environment, companies face the risk of price wars that erode profitability, making it difficult for firms to find unique selling propositions for their products.

Overall, these factors create a dynamic situation for the poultry breeding equipment market, requiring strategic responses from both manufacturers and farmers.

List of Poultry Breeding Equipment Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies poultry breeding equipment companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the poultry breeding equipment companies profiled in this report include-

• Big Dutchman
• Big Herdsman Machinery
• Henan Jinfeng Poultry Equipment
• Yanbei Animal Husbandry Machinery Group
• Guangzhou Huanan Poultry Equipment

Poultry Breeding Equipment by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global poultry breeding equipment market by product, application, and region.

Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Product [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Ventilation System
• Cage System
• Waste Treatment System

Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Layer Breeding Equipment
• Broiler Breeding Equipment

Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Poultry Breeding Equipment Market

The development of the poultry breeding equipment market has shown a progressive growth pattern due to technological advancements, the increasing need for poultry products, and a focus on enhancing operational performance. Key markets such as the United States, China, Germany, India, and Japan continue to experience rapid development of tools for breeding, feeding, and monitoring poultry health. These developments are expected to maximize output, safeguard animal welfare, and promote sustainable techniques in poultry farming.

• United States: The poultry breeding equipment market in the U.S. is experiencing significant expansion due to the introduction of technologies such as automated feeding, climate control, and other satellite equipment. The advancement of the Internet has enabled companies to use IoT for real-time monitoring and data acquisition, helping farmers create an optimal environment for breeding and growth. Additionally, manufacturers are responding to sustainability measures by developing broad-spectrum, energy-saving equipment. More attention is being paid to biosecurity, resulting in the use of advanced systems that minimize disease outbreaks in poultry rearing.
• China: China’s poultry breeding equipment market has been growing tremendously, thanks to the increasing production of poultry. Emerging trends include advanced incubation technology and systems automation, which enhance efficiency. Companies are improving poultry health and welfare by implementing better ventilation and environmental management in breeding units. Government plans to transform agriculture are also helping accelerate the adoption of new breeding tools, which enhance productivity.
• Germany: In the poultry breeding equipment market, Germany is one of the leading countries with a strong focus on sustainable development and animal welfare. New technologies in breeding efficiency have led to the emergence of automation and precise breeding methods for chickens. German companies are also investigating ways to improve security at breeding sites. The integration of alternative energy sources into poultry production is becoming more common, aligning with the country’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote environmental sustainability.
• India: In India, the market for poultry breeding equipment is improving due to the increasing demand for poultry products and the enhancement of farming systems. Cost-effective breeding methods are being developed without compromising performance, alongside a growing adoption of semi-automated systems to boost productivity. Recent advances have enabled the incorporation of better feeding systems and hatchery technologies, improving growth, disease control, and hatchability. The market is also supported by government initiatives aimed at promoting poultry farming through subsidies, training, and other programs.
• Japan: Japan’s poultry breeding equipment market is promising, with a focus on high technology and quality. Innovations include automated feeding and monitoring systems that improve productivity and the welfare of poultry. The export of Japanese equipment is not limited to existing models, as manufacturers are investing in research to develop high-tech implements combining artificial intelligence and data analytics for smarter breeding processes. More and more farms are adopting green solutions, energy-efficient systems, and waste management, making non-sustainable farms increasingly rare.

Features of the Global Poultry Breeding Equipment Market

Market Size Estimates: Poultry breeding equipment market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Poultry breeding equipment market size by product, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Poultry breeding equipment market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different product, application, and regions for the poultry breeding equipment market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the poultry breeding equipment market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the poultry breeding equipment market by product (ventilation system, cage system, and waste treatment system), application (layer breeding equipment and broiler breeding equipment), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Poultry Breeding Equipment Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Global Poultry Breeding Equipment Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Global Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Product
3.3.1: Ventilation System
3.3.2: Cage System
3.3.3: Waste Treatment System
3.4: Global Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Application
3.4.1: Layer Breeding Equipment
3.4.2: Broiler Breeding Equipment

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Global Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Region
4.2: North American Poultry Breeding Equipment Market
4.2.1: North American Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Product: Ventilation System, Cage System, and Waste Treatment System
4.2.2: North American Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Application: Layer Breeding Equipment and Broiler Breeding Equipment
4.3: European Poultry Breeding Equipment Market
4.3.1: European Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Product: Ventilation System, Cage System, and Waste Treatment System
4.3.2: European Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Application: Layer Breeding Equipment and Broiler Breeding Equipment
4.4: APAC Poultry Breeding Equipment Market
4.4.1: APAC Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Product: Ventilation System, Cage System, and Waste Treatment System
4.4.2: APAC Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Application: Layer Breeding Equipment and Broiler Breeding Equipment
4.5: ROW Poultry Breeding Equipment Market
4.5.1: ROW Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Product: Ventilation System, Cage System, and Waste Treatment System
4.5.2: ROW Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Application: Layer Breeding Equipment and Broiler Breeding Equipment

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Product
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Poultry Breeding Equipment Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Poultry Breeding Equipment Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Poultry Breeding Equipment Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Poultry Breeding Equipment Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Big Dutchman
7.2: Big Herdsman Machinery
7.3: Henan Jinfeng Poultry Equipment
7.4: Yanbei Animal Husbandry Machinery Group
7.5: Guangzhou Huanan Poultry Equipment








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