世界のインターロイキン産業調査レポートの成長動向と競争分析 2024-2030Global Interleukin Industry Research Report Growth Trends and Competitive Analysis 2024-2030 インターロイキンの世界市場規模は、2023年には4,344万米ドルであり、予測期間2024-2030年のCAGRは9.88%で、2030年には8,274万米ドルに再調整されると予測されている。 この調査レポートは、世界のインターロ... もっと見る
サマリーインターロイキンの世界市場規模は、2023年には4,344万米ドルであり、予測期間2024-2030年のCAGRは9.88%で、2030年には8,274万米ドルに再調整されると予測されている。この調査レポートは、世界のインターロイキン市場の成長に影響を与えるあらゆる要因について、メーカー、利害関係者、意思決定者、その他の市場参加者が熟知するのに役立つ非常に有用な資料です。本レポートを執筆しているアナリストは、世界のインターロイキン市場のトップ企業が採用している主要戦略を綿密に調査しています。本レポートには、世界のインターロイキン市場の重要な側面を明確かつ深く理解するためのSWOTやその他の市場分析が含まれています。本レポートの読者は、世界のインターロイキン市場の現在および将来の動向と、それらが予測期間中の市場成長にどのような影響を与えるかを知ることができます。 市場区分 企業別 バイオテクネ Cytiva社 ロンザ ザルトリウス・セルジェニックス サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック ミルテニ・バイオテック アクロン・バイオテック シノバイオロジカル クリエイティブバイオアレイ タイプ別セグメント 医薬品グレード その他 用途別セグメント 医療用 培地サプリメント 科学研究 地域別 北米 アメリカ カナダ メキシコ アジア太平洋 中国 日本 韓国 インド 東南アジア オーストラリア その他のアジア太平洋地域 欧州 ドイツ 英国 フランス ロシア イタリア その他のヨーロッパ ラテンアメリカ ブラジル アルゼンチン その他のラテンアメリカ 中東・アフリカ 中東 アフリカ 各章の概要 第1章:報告書のスコープ、各市場セグメント(製品タイプ、用途など)の市場規模、将来的な発展可能性などを含むエグゼクティブサマリーを紹介。 第2章:世界および地域レベルでのインターロイキンの収益。 第3章:インターロイキン企業の競争環境、収益、市場シェア、業界ランキング、最新の開発計画、合併・買収情報などを詳細に分析。 第4章:読者が異なる市場セグメントでブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのを助けるために、各市場セグメントの収益、発展の可能性をカバーし、タイプ別に様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供します。 第5章:アプリケーション別の様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供し、各市場セグメントの収益、発展の可能性をカバーし、読者が異なる下流市場のブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのを助ける。 第6章:北米(米国・カナダ):タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別の収益。 第7章:ヨーロッパ:タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別収益 第8章:アジア太平洋地域:タイプ別、用途別、地域別、セグメント別収益 第9章:ラテンアメリカ:タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別収益。 第10章: 中東・アフリカ: タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別収益。 第11章:主要企業のプロファイルを提供し、製品の説明や仕様、インターロイキンの収益、売上総利益率、最近の開発など、市場の主要企業の基本的な状況を詳細に紹介します。 第12章:市場ダイナミクス、市場の最新動向、市場の促進要因と制限要因、業界のメーカーが直面する課題とリスク、業界の関連政策の分析を紹介します。 第13章 調査結果と結論 目次1 Report Overview 11.1 Study Scope 1 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Interleukin Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 1 1.2.2 Pharmaceutical Grade 3 1.2.3 Other 3 1.3 Market by Application 3 1.3.1 Global Interleukin Market Growth by Application: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 4 1.3.2 Medical 5 1.3.3 Culture Medium Supplement 5 1.3.4 Scientific Research 6 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 6 1.5 Study Objectives 7 1.6 Years Considered 7 2 Market Perspective 9 2.1 Global Interleukin Market Size 2019-2030 9 2.2 Interleukin Market Size across Key Geographies Worldwide: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 10 2.3 Global Interleukin Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 10 2.4 Global Interleukin Market Size Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 11 2.5 Global Major Interleukin Countries Ranking by Market Size 12 3 Interleukin Competition by Company 14 3.1 Global Interleukin Revenue by Players 14 3.1.1 Global Interleukin Revenue by Players (2019-2024) 14 3.1.2 Global Interleukin Market Share by Players (2019-2024) 15 3.2 Global Interleukin Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 16 3.3 Company Covered: Ranking by Interleukin Revenue 16 3.4 Global Interleukin Market Concentration Ratio 17 3.5 Global Key Players of Interleukin Head office and Area Served 18 3.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 18 4 Global Interleukin Breakdown Data by Type 20 4.1 Global Interleukin Historic Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 20 4.2 Global Interleukin Forecasted Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 21 5 Global Interleukin Breakdown Data by Application 22 5.1 Global Interleukin Historic Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 22 5.2 Global Interleukin Forecasted Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 23 6 North America 24 6.1 North America Interleukin Revenue by Company (2022-2024) 24 6.2 North America Interleukin Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 25 6.3 North America Interleukin Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 26 6.4 North America Interleukin Revenue by Country (2019-2030) 27 6.4.1 United States 29 6.4.2 Canada 29 6.4.3 Mexico 30 7 Europe 31 7.1 Europe Interleukin Revenue by Company (2022-2024) 31 7.2 Europe Interleukin Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 32 7.3 Europe Interleukin Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 33 7.4 Europe Interleukin Revenue by Country (2019-2030) 34 7.4.1 Germany 36 7.4.2 France 37 7.4.3 U.K. 37 7.4.4 Italy 38 7.4.5 Russia 38 8 Asia Pacific 39 8.1 Asia Pacific Interleukin Revenue by Company (2022-2024) 39 8.2 Asia Pacific Interleukin Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 40 8.3 Asia Pacific Interleukin Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 41 8.4 Asia Pacific Interleukin Revenue by Region (2019-2030) 42 8.4.1 China 44 8.4.2 Japan 44 8.4.3 South Korea 45 8.4.4 India 45 8.4.5 Southeast Asia 46 8.4.6 Australia 46 9 Latin America 47 9.1 Latin America Interleukin Revenue by Company (2022-2024) 47 9.2 Latin America Interleukin Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 48 9.3 Latin America Interleukin Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 49 9.4 Latin America Interleukin Revenue by Country (2019-2030) 50 9.4.1 Brazil 52 9.4.2 Argentina 52 10 Middle East and Africa 53 10.1 Middle East and Africa Interleukin Revenue by Company (2022-2024) 53 10.2 Middle East and Africa Interleukin Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 54 10.3 Middle East and Africa Interleukin Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 55 10.4 Middle East and Africa Interleukin Revenue by Country (2019-2030) 56 10.4.1 Middle East 57 10.4.2 Africa 58 11 Company Profiles 59 11.1 Bio-Techne 59 11.1.1 Bio-Techne Company Details 59 11.1.2 Bio-Techne Business Overview 59 11.1.3 Bio-Techne Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 60 11.1.4 Bio-Techne Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 61 11.1.5 Bio-Techne Interleukin SWOT Analysis 61 11.1.6 Bio-Techne Recent Development 62 11.2 Cytiva 63 11.2.1 Cytiva Company Details 63 11.2.2 Cytiva Business Overview 64 11.2.3 Cytiva Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 64 11.2.4 Cytiva Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 65 11.2.5 Cytiva Interleukin SWOT Analysis 65 11.2.6 Cytiva Recent Development 66 11.3 Lonza 67 11.3.1 Lonza Company Details 67 11.3.2 Lonza Business Overview 68 11.3.3 Lonza Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 68 11.3.4 Lonza Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 68 11.3.5 Lonza Interleukin SWOT Analysis 69 11.3.6 Lonza Recent Development 70 11.4 Sartorius CellGenix 71 11.4.1 Sartorius CellGenix Company Details 71 11.4.2 Sartorius CellGenix Business Overview 71 11.4.3 Sartorius CellGenix Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 72 11.4.4 Sartorius CellGenix Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 73 11.4.5 Sartorius CellGenix Interleukin SWOT Analysis 73 11.4.6 Sartorius CellGenix Recent Development 75 11.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific 75 11.5.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Company Details 75 11.5.2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Business Overview 76 11.5.3 Thermo Fisher Scientific Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 76 11.5.4 Thermo Fisher Scientific Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 77 11.5.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Interleukin SWOT Analysis 77 11.5.6 Thermo Fisher Scientific Recent Development 78 11.6 Miltenyi Biotec 80 11.6.1 Miltenyi Biotec Company Details 80 11.6.2 Miltenyi Biotec Business Overview 80 11.6.3 Miltenyi Biotec Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 80 11.6.4 Miltenyi Biotec Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 81 11.6.5 Miltenyi Biotec Interleukin SWOT Analysis 81 11.6.6 Miltenyi Biotec Recent Development 83 11.7 Akron Biotech 83 11.7.1 Akron Biotech Company Details 83 11.7.2 Akron Biotech Business Overview 84 11.7.3 Akron Biotech Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 84 11.7.4 Akron Biotech Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 85 11.7.5 Akron Biotech Interleukin SWOT Analysis 85 11.7.6 Akron Biotech Recent Development 87 11.8 Sino Biological 88 11.8.1 Sino Biological Company Details 88 11.8.2 Sino Biological Business Overview 88 11.8.3 Sino Biological Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 88 11.8.4 Sino Biological Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 89 11.8.5 Sino Biological Interleukin SWOT Analysis 89 11.8.6 Sino Biological Recent Development 90 11.9 Creative Bioarray 91 11.9.1 Creative Bioarray Company Details 91 11.9.2 Creative Bioarray Business Overview 91 11.9.3 Creative Bioarray Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 92 11.9.4 Creative Bioarray Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 93 11.9.5 Creative Bioarray Interleukin SWOT Analysis 93 11.9.6 Creative Bioarray Recent Development 94 12 Interleukin Market Dynamics 96 12.1 Interleukin Industry Trends 96 12.2 Interleukin Market Drivers 97 12.3 Interleukin Market Challenges 98 12.4 Interleukin Market Restraints 99 13 Research Findings and Conclusion 100 14 Appendix 101 14.1 Research Methodology 101 14.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 101 14.1.2 Data Source 104 14.2 Author Details 107 14.3 Disclaimer 108
SummaryThe global Interleukin market size was US$ 43.44 million in 2023 and is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ 82.74 million by 2030 with a CAGR of 9.88% during the forecast period 2024-2030. Table of Contents1 Report Overview 11.1 Study Scope 1 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Interleukin Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 1 1.2.2 Pharmaceutical Grade 3 1.2.3 Other 3 1.3 Market by Application 3 1.3.1 Global Interleukin Market Growth by Application: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 4 1.3.2 Medical 5 1.3.3 Culture Medium Supplement 5 1.3.4 Scientific Research 6 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 6 1.5 Study Objectives 7 1.6 Years Considered 7 2 Market Perspective 9 2.1 Global Interleukin Market Size 2019-2030 9 2.2 Interleukin Market Size across Key Geographies Worldwide: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 10 2.3 Global Interleukin Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 10 2.4 Global Interleukin Market Size Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 11 2.5 Global Major Interleukin Countries Ranking by Market Size 12 3 Interleukin Competition by Company 14 3.1 Global Interleukin Revenue by Players 14 3.1.1 Global Interleukin Revenue by Players (2019-2024) 14 3.1.2 Global Interleukin Market Share by Players (2019-2024) 15 3.2 Global Interleukin Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 16 3.3 Company Covered: Ranking by Interleukin Revenue 16 3.4 Global Interleukin Market Concentration Ratio 17 3.5 Global Key Players of Interleukin Head office and Area Served 18 3.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 18 4 Global Interleukin Breakdown Data by Type 20 4.1 Global Interleukin Historic Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 20 4.2 Global Interleukin Forecasted Market Size by Type (2025-2030) 21 5 Global Interleukin Breakdown Data by Application 22 5.1 Global Interleukin Historic Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 22 5.2 Global Interleukin Forecasted Market Size by Application (2025-2030) 23 6 North America 24 6.1 North America Interleukin Revenue by Company (2022-2024) 24 6.2 North America Interleukin Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 25 6.3 North America Interleukin Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 26 6.4 North America Interleukin Revenue by Country (2019-2030) 27 6.4.1 United States 29 6.4.2 Canada 29 6.4.3 Mexico 30 7 Europe 31 7.1 Europe Interleukin Revenue by Company (2022-2024) 31 7.2 Europe Interleukin Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 32 7.3 Europe Interleukin Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 33 7.4 Europe Interleukin Revenue by Country (2019-2030) 34 7.4.1 Germany 36 7.4.2 France 37 7.4.3 U.K. 37 7.4.4 Italy 38 7.4.5 Russia 38 8 Asia Pacific 39 8.1 Asia Pacific Interleukin Revenue by Company (2022-2024) 39 8.2 Asia Pacific Interleukin Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 40 8.3 Asia Pacific Interleukin Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 41 8.4 Asia Pacific Interleukin Revenue by Region (2019-2030) 42 8.4.1 China 44 8.4.2 Japan 44 8.4.3 South Korea 45 8.4.4 India 45 8.4.5 Southeast Asia 46 8.4.6 Australia 46 9 Latin America 47 9.1 Latin America Interleukin Revenue by Company (2022-2024) 47 9.2 Latin America Interleukin Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 48 9.3 Latin America Interleukin Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 49 9.4 Latin America Interleukin Revenue by Country (2019-2030) 50 9.4.1 Brazil 52 9.4.2 Argentina 52 10 Middle East and Africa 53 10.1 Middle East and Africa Interleukin Revenue by Company (2022-2024) 53 10.2 Middle East and Africa Interleukin Revenue by Type (2019-2030) 54 10.3 Middle East and Africa Interleukin Revenue by Application (2019-2030) 55 10.4 Middle East and Africa Interleukin Revenue by Country (2019-2030) 56 10.4.1 Middle East 57 10.4.2 Africa 58 11 Company Profiles 59 11.1 Bio-Techne 59 11.1.1 Bio-Techne Company Details 59 11.1.2 Bio-Techne Business Overview 59 11.1.3 Bio-Techne Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 60 11.1.4 Bio-Techne Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 61 11.1.5 Bio-Techne Interleukin SWOT Analysis 61 11.1.6 Bio-Techne Recent Development 62 11.2 Cytiva 63 11.2.1 Cytiva Company Details 63 11.2.2 Cytiva Business Overview 64 11.2.3 Cytiva Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 64 11.2.4 Cytiva Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 65 11.2.5 Cytiva Interleukin SWOT Analysis 65 11.2.6 Cytiva Recent Development 66 11.3 Lonza 67 11.3.1 Lonza Company Details 67 11.3.2 Lonza Business Overview 68 11.3.3 Lonza Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 68 11.3.4 Lonza Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 68 11.3.5 Lonza Interleukin SWOT Analysis 69 11.3.6 Lonza Recent Development 70 11.4 Sartorius CellGenix 71 11.4.1 Sartorius CellGenix Company Details 71 11.4.2 Sartorius CellGenix Business Overview 71 11.4.3 Sartorius CellGenix Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 72 11.4.4 Sartorius CellGenix Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 73 11.4.5 Sartorius CellGenix Interleukin SWOT Analysis 73 11.4.6 Sartorius CellGenix Recent Development 75 11.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific 75 11.5.1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Company Details 75 11.5.2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Business Overview 76 11.5.3 Thermo Fisher Scientific Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 76 11.5.4 Thermo Fisher Scientific Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 77 11.5.5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Interleukin SWOT Analysis 77 11.5.6 Thermo Fisher Scientific Recent Development 78 11.6 Miltenyi Biotec 80 11.6.1 Miltenyi Biotec Company Details 80 11.6.2 Miltenyi Biotec Business Overview 80 11.6.3 Miltenyi Biotec Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 80 11.6.4 Miltenyi Biotec Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 81 11.6.5 Miltenyi Biotec Interleukin SWOT Analysis 81 11.6.6 Miltenyi Biotec Recent Development 83 11.7 Akron Biotech 83 11.7.1 Akron Biotech Company Details 83 11.7.2 Akron Biotech Business Overview 84 11.7.3 Akron Biotech Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 84 11.7.4 Akron Biotech Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 85 11.7.5 Akron Biotech Interleukin SWOT Analysis 85 11.7.6 Akron Biotech Recent Development 87 11.8 Sino Biological 88 11.8.1 Sino Biological Company Details 88 11.8.2 Sino Biological Business Overview 88 11.8.3 Sino Biological Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 88 11.8.4 Sino Biological Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 89 11.8.5 Sino Biological Interleukin SWOT Analysis 89 11.8.6 Sino Biological Recent Development 90 11.9 Creative Bioarray 91 11.9.1 Creative Bioarray Company Details 91 11.9.2 Creative Bioarray Business Overview 91 11.9.3 Creative Bioarray Interleukin Products and Servicess and Services 92 11.9.4 Creative Bioarray Revenue in Interleukin Business (2019-2024) 93 11.9.5 Creative Bioarray Interleukin SWOT Analysis 93 11.9.6 Creative Bioarray Recent Development 94 12 Interleukin Market Dynamics 96 12.1 Interleukin Industry Trends 96 12.2 Interleukin Market Drivers 97 12.3 Interleukin Market Challenges 98 12.4 Interleukin Market Restraints 99 13 Research Findings and Conclusion 100 14 Appendix 101 14.1 Research Methodology 101 14.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 101 14.1.2 Data Source 104 14.2 Author Details 107 14.3 Disclaimer 108
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