


Global Cranberry Sauce Market Insights, Forecast to 2030

クランベリーソースは、クランベリー、砂糖、水から作られる調味料で、柑橘類の皮やスパイスで味付けされることが多い。クランベリーの実が破裂し、とろみがつくまで煮込んだこのソースは、特に感謝祭やクリスマ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年2月16日 US$4,900
5-7営業日 英語









365 ホールフーズマーケット
中国 台湾

第2章 クランベリーソースの世界、地域レベル、国レベルでの販売(消費)、収益。各地域とその主要国の市場規模と発展の可能性を定量的に分析し、世界各国の市場発展、今後の発展見通し、市場スペース、生産能力などを紹介しています。
第6章 北米(米国・カナダ):タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別の売上高、収益。



1 Study Coverage
1.1 Cranberry Sauce Product Introduction
1.2 Market by Type
1.2.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
1.2.2 Metal Jar
1.2.3 Glass Jar
1.3 Market by Application
1.3.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
1.3.2 Online Sales
1.3.3 Offline Sales
1.4 Assumptions and Limitations
1.5 Study Objectives
1.6 Years Considered
2 Executive Summary
2.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2019-2030
2.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Region
2.2.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
2.2.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Region (2019-2024)
2.2.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Region (2025-2030)
2.2.4 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue Market Share by Region (2019-2030)
2.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2019-2030
2.4 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Region
2.4.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
2.4.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Region (2019-2024)
2.4.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Region (2025-2030)
2.4.4 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Market Share by Region (2019-2030)
2.5 US & Canada
2.6 Europe
2.7 China
2.8 Asia (excluding China)
2.9 Middle East, Africa and Latin America
3 Competition by Manufactures
3.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Manufacturers
3.1.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Manufacturers (2019-2024)
3.1.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2019-2024)
3.1.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of Cranberry Sauce in 2023
3.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Manufacturers
3.2.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Manufacturers (2019-2024)
3.2.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2019-2024)
3.2.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Cranberry Sauce Revenue in 2023
3.3 Global Key Players of Cranberry Sauce, Industry Ranking, 2022 VS 2023 VS 2024
3.4 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Price by Manufacturers
3.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape
3.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)
3.5.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3)
3.6 Global Key Manufacturers of Cranberry Sauce, Manufacturing Base Distribution and Headquarters
3.7 Global Key Manufacturers of Cranberry Sauce, Product Offered and Application
3.8 Global Key Manufacturers of Cranberry Sauce, Date of Enter into This Industry
3.9 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
4 Market Size by Type
4.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Type
4.1.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Historical Sales by Type (2019-2024)
4.1.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Forecasted Sales by Type (2025-2030)
4.1.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Market Share by Type (2019-2030)
4.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Type
4.2.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Historical Revenue by Type (2019-2024)
4.2.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Forecasted Revenue by Type (2025-2030)
4.2.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue Market Share by Type (2019-2030)
4.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Price by Type
4.3.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Price by Type (2019-2024)
4.3.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Price Forecast by Type (2025-2030)
5 Market Size by Application
5.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Application
5.1.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Historical Sales by Application (2019-2024)
5.1.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Forecasted Sales by Application (2025-2030)
5.1.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Market Share by Application (2019-2030)
5.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Application
5.2.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Historical Revenue by Application (2019-2024)
5.2.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Forecasted Revenue by Application (2025-2030)
5.2.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue Market Share by Application (2019-2030)
5.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Price by Application
5.3.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Price by Application (2019-2024)
5.3.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Price Forecast by Application (2025-2030)
6 US & Canada
6.1 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Type
6.1.1 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Sales by Type (2019-2030)
6.1.2 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Type (2019-2030)
6.2 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Application
6.2.1 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Sales by Application (2019-2030)
6.2.2 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Application (2019-2030)
6.3 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Country
6.3.1 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
6.3.2 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Sales by Country (2019-2030)
6.3.3 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Country (2019-2030)
6.3.4 US
6.3.5 Canada
7 Europe
7.1 Europe Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Type
7.1.1 Europe Cranberry Sauce Sales by Type (2019-2030)
7.1.2 Europe Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Type (2019-2030)
7.2 Europe Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Application
7.2.1 Europe Cranberry Sauce Sales by Application (2019-2030)
7.2.2 Europe Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Application (2019-2030)
7.3 Europe Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Country
7.3.1 Europe Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
7.3.2 Europe Cranberry Sauce Sales by Country (2019-2030)
7.3.3 Europe Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Country (2019-2030)
7.3.4 Germany
7.3.5 France
7.3.6 U.K.
7.3.7 Italy
7.3.8 Netherlands
8 China
8.1 China Cranberry Sauce Market Size
8.1.1 China Cranberry Sauce Sales (2019-2030)
8.1.2 China Cranberry Sauce Revenue (2019-2030)
8.2 China Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Application
8.2.1 China Cranberry Sauce Sales by Application (2019-2030)
8.2.2 China Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Application (2019-2030)
9 Asia (excluding China)
9.1 Asia Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Type
9.1.1 Asia Cranberry Sauce Sales by Type (2019-2030)
9.1.2 Asia Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Type (2019-2030)
9.2 Asia Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Application
9.2.1 Asia Cranberry Sauce Sales by Application (2019-2030)
9.2.2 Asia Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Application (2019-2030)
9.3 Asia Cranberry Sauce Sales by Region
9.3.1 Asia Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
9.3.2 Asia Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Region (2019-2030)
9.3.3 Asia Cranberry Sauce Sales by Region (2019-2030)
9.3.4 Japan
9.3.5 South Korea
9.3.6 China Taiwan
9.3.7 Southeast Asia
9.3.8 India
10 Middle East, Africa and Latin America
10.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Type
10.1.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Sales by Type (2019-2030)
10.1.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Type (2019-2030)
10.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Application
10.2.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Sales by Application (2019-2030)
10.2.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Application (2019-2030)
10.3 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Sales by Country
10.3.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
10.3.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Country (2019-2030)
10.3.3 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Sales by Country (2019-2030)
10.3.4 Brazil
10.3.5 Mexico
10.3.6 Turkey
10.3.7 Israel
10.3.8 GCC Countries
11 Company Profiles
11.1 Farmer's Market Foods
11.1.1 Farmer's Market Foods Company Information
11.1.2 Farmer's Market Foods Overview
11.1.3 Farmer's Market Foods Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.1.4 Farmer's Market Foods Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.1.5 Farmer's Market Foods Recent Developments
11.2 Ocean Spray
11.2.1 Ocean Spray Company Information
11.2.2 Ocean Spray Overview
11.2.3 Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.2.4 Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.2.5 Ocean Spray Recent Developments
11.3 New England Cranberry
11.3.1 New England Cranberry Company Information
11.3.2 New England Cranberry Overview
11.3.3 New England Cranberry Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.3.4 New England Cranberry Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.3.5 New England Cranberry Recent Developments
11.4 Partridges
11.4.1 Partridges Company Information
11.4.2 Partridges Overview
11.4.3 Partridges Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.4.4 Partridges Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.4.5 Partridges Recent Developments
11.5 Dickinson's
11.5.1 Dickinson's Company Information
11.5.2 Dickinson's Overview
11.5.3 Dickinson's Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.5.4 Dickinson's Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.5.5 Dickinson's Recent Developments
11.6 Mrs Bridges
11.6.1 Mrs Bridges Company Information
11.6.2 Mrs Bridges Overview
11.6.3 Mrs Bridges Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.6.4 Mrs Bridges Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.6.5 Mrs Bridges Recent Developments
11.7 Adolf Darbo AG
11.7.1 Adolf Darbo AG Company Information
11.7.2 Adolf Darbo AG Overview
11.7.3 Adolf Darbo AG Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.7.4 Adolf Darbo AG Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.7.5 Adolf Darbo AG Recent Developments
11.8 365 Whole Foods Market
11.8.1 365 Whole Foods Market Company Information
11.8.2 365 Whole Foods Market Overview
11.8.3 365 Whole Foods Market Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.8.4 365 Whole Foods Market Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.8.5 365 Whole Foods Market Recent Developments
11.9 Kroger
11.9.1 Kroger Company Information
11.9.2 Kroger Overview
11.9.3 Kroger Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.9.4 Kroger Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.9.5 Kroger Recent Developments
11.10 Trader Joe's
11.10.1 Trader Joe's Company Information
11.10.2 Trader Joe's Overview
11.10.3 Trader Joe's Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.10.4 Trader Joe's Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.10.5 Trader Joe's Recent Developments
11.11 Stonewall Kitchen
11.11.1 Stonewall Kitchen Company Information
11.11.2 Stonewall Kitchen Overview
11.11.3 Stonewall Kitchen Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.11.4 Stonewall Kitchen Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.11.5 Stonewall Kitchen Recent Developments
11.12 Simple Truth Organic
11.12.1 Simple Truth Organic Company Information
11.12.2 Simple Truth Organic Overview
11.12.3 Simple Truth Organic Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.12.4 Simple Truth Organic Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.12.5 Simple Truth Organic Recent Developments
11.13 Gefen
11.13.1 Gefen Company Information
11.13.2 Gefen Overview
11.13.3 Gefen Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.13.4 Gefen Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.13.5 Gefen Recent Developments
12 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis
12.1 Cranberry Sauce Industry Chain Analysis
12.2 Cranberry Sauce Key Raw Materials
12.2.1 Key Raw Materials
12.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers
12.3 Cranberry Sauce Production Mode & Process
12.4 Cranberry Sauce Sales and Marketing
12.4.1 Cranberry Sauce Sales Channels
12.4.2 Cranberry Sauce Distributors
12.5 Cranberry Sauce Customers
13 Market Dynamics
13.1 Cranberry Sauce Industry Trends
13.2 Cranberry Sauce Market Drivers
13.3 Cranberry Sauce Market Challenges
13.4 Cranberry Sauce Market Restraints
14 Key Findings in The Global Cranberry Sauce Study
15 Appendix
15.1 Research Methodology
15.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach
15.1.2 Data Source
15.2 Author Details
15.3 Disclaimer





Cranberry sauce is a condiment made from cranberries, sugar, and water, often flavored with citrus zest or spices. Cooked until the berries burst and the mixture thickens, it's a staple during holiday meals, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas. The sauce can be served as a sweet and tart accompaniment to poultry or as a versatile ingredient in various dishes, desserts, and cocktails, adding a burst of flavor and vibrant color.
The global Cranberry Sauce market is projected to grow from US$ million in 2024 to US$ million by 2030, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of % during the forecast period.

The industry trend for cranberry sauce includes an expansion of flavor profiles to cater to diverse consumer preferences. Manufacturers are experimenting with infused flavors such as orange, cinnamon, or ginger, offering unique variations. Additionally, there's a focus on creating healthier options by reducing sugar content or introducing natural sweeteners. Convenience and packaging innovations, such as resealable pouches or single-serve packets, are gaining popularity, aligning with the demand for easy-to-use and sustainable packaging. As cranberry sauce evolves beyond a traditional holiday item, the market is adapting to consumer expectations for both versatility and health-conscious choices.

Report Covers:
This report presents an overview of global market for Cranberry Sauce, sales, revenue and price. Analyses of the global market trends, with historic market revenue/sales data for 2019 - 2023, estimates for 2024, and projections of CAGR through 2030.
This report researches the key producers of Cranberry Sauce, also provides the sales of main regions and countries. Highlights of the upcoming market potential for Cranberry Sauce, and key regions/countries of focus to forecast this market into various segments and sub-segments. Country specific data and market value analysis for the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, China, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, India, Germany, the U.K., Italy, Middle East, Africa, and Other Countries.

This report focuses on the Cranberry Sauce sales, revenue, market share and industry ranking of main manufacturers, data from 2019 to 2024. Identification of the major stakeholders in the global Cranberry Sauce market, and analysis of their competitive landscape and market positioning based on recent developments and segmental revenues. This report will help stakeholders to understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights and position their businesses and market strategies in a better way.
This report analyzes the segments data by Type, and by Application, sales, revenue, and price, from 2019 to 2030. Evaluation and forecast the market size for Cranberry Sauce sales, projected growth trends, production technology, application and end-user industry.

Market Segmentation
By Company
New England Cranberry
Mrs Bridges
Adolf Darbo AG
365 Whole Foods Market
Trader Joe's
Stonewall Kitchen
Simple Truth Organic
Segment by Type
Metal Jar
Glass Jar
Segment by Application
Online Sales
Offline Sales
Segment by Region
US & Canada
Asia (excluding China)
South Korea
China Taiwan
Southeast Asia
Latin America, Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries

Chapter Outline
Chapter 1: Introduces the report scope of the report, executive summary of different market segments (by Type, and by Application, etc), including the market size of each market segment, future development potential, and so on. It offers a high-level view of the current state of the market and its likely evolution in the short to mid-term, and long term.
Chapter 2: Sales (consumption), revenue of Cranberry Sauce in global, regional level and country level. It provides a quantitative analysis of the market size and development potential of each region and its main countries and introduces the market development, future development prospects, market space, and capacity of each country in the world.
Chapter 3: Detailed analysis of Cranberry Sauce manufacturers competitive landscape, price, sales, revenue, market share and industry ranking, latest development plan, merger, and acquisition information, etc.
Chapter 4: Provides the analysis of various market segments by Type, covering the sales, revenue, average price, and development potential of each market segment, to help readers find the blue ocean market in different market segments.
Chapter 5: Provides the analysis of various market segments by Application, covering the sales, revenue, average price, and development potential of each market segment, to help readers find the blue ocean market in different downstream markets.
Chapter 6: North America (US & Canada) by Type, by Application and by country, sales, and revenue for each segment.
Chapter 7: Europe by Type, by Application and by country, sales, and revenue for each segment.
Chapter 8: China by Type, and by Application, sales, and revenue for each segment.
Chapter 9: Asia (excluding China) by Type, by Application and by region, sales, and revenue for each segment.
Chapter 10: Middle East, Africa, and Latin America by Type, by Application and by country, sales, and revenue for each segment.
Chapter 11: Provides profiles of key manufacturers, introducing the basic situation of the main companies in the market in detail, including product descriptions and specifications, Cranberry Sauce sales, revenue, price, gross margin, and recent development, etc.
Chapter 12: Analysis of industrial chain, sales channel, key raw materials, distributors and customers.
Chapter 13: Introduces the market dynamics, latest developments of the market, the driving factors and restrictive factors of the market, the challenges and risks faced by manufacturers in the industry, and the analysis of relevant policies in the industry.
Chapter 14: The main points and conclusions of the report.


Table of Contents

1 Study Coverage
1.1 Cranberry Sauce Product Introduction
1.2 Market by Type
1.2.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
1.2.2 Metal Jar
1.2.3 Glass Jar
1.3 Market by Application
1.3.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
1.3.2 Online Sales
1.3.3 Offline Sales
1.4 Assumptions and Limitations
1.5 Study Objectives
1.6 Years Considered
2 Executive Summary
2.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2019-2030
2.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Region
2.2.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
2.2.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Region (2019-2024)
2.2.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Region (2025-2030)
2.2.4 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue Market Share by Region (2019-2030)
2.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2019-2030
2.4 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Region
2.4.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
2.4.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Region (2019-2024)
2.4.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Region (2025-2030)
2.4.4 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Market Share by Region (2019-2030)
2.5 US & Canada
2.6 Europe
2.7 China
2.8 Asia (excluding China)
2.9 Middle East, Africa and Latin America
3 Competition by Manufactures
3.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Manufacturers
3.1.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Manufacturers (2019-2024)
3.1.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2019-2024)
3.1.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of Cranberry Sauce in 2023
3.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Manufacturers
3.2.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Manufacturers (2019-2024)
3.2.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2019-2024)
3.2.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Cranberry Sauce Revenue in 2023
3.3 Global Key Players of Cranberry Sauce, Industry Ranking, 2022 VS 2023 VS 2024
3.4 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Price by Manufacturers
3.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape
3.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)
3.5.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3)
3.6 Global Key Manufacturers of Cranberry Sauce, Manufacturing Base Distribution and Headquarters
3.7 Global Key Manufacturers of Cranberry Sauce, Product Offered and Application
3.8 Global Key Manufacturers of Cranberry Sauce, Date of Enter into This Industry
3.9 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
4 Market Size by Type
4.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Type
4.1.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Historical Sales by Type (2019-2024)
4.1.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Forecasted Sales by Type (2025-2030)
4.1.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Market Share by Type (2019-2030)
4.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Type
4.2.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Historical Revenue by Type (2019-2024)
4.2.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Forecasted Revenue by Type (2025-2030)
4.2.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue Market Share by Type (2019-2030)
4.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Price by Type
4.3.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Price by Type (2019-2024)
4.3.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Price Forecast by Type (2025-2030)
5 Market Size by Application
5.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales by Application
5.1.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Historical Sales by Application (2019-2024)
5.1.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Forecasted Sales by Application (2025-2030)
5.1.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Sales Market Share by Application (2019-2030)
5.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Application
5.2.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Historical Revenue by Application (2019-2024)
5.2.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Forecasted Revenue by Application (2025-2030)
5.2.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Revenue Market Share by Application (2019-2030)
5.3 Global Cranberry Sauce Price by Application
5.3.1 Global Cranberry Sauce Price by Application (2019-2024)
5.3.2 Global Cranberry Sauce Price Forecast by Application (2025-2030)
6 US & Canada
6.1 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Type
6.1.1 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Sales by Type (2019-2030)
6.1.2 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Type (2019-2030)
6.2 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Application
6.2.1 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Sales by Application (2019-2030)
6.2.2 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Application (2019-2030)
6.3 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Country
6.3.1 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
6.3.2 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Sales by Country (2019-2030)
6.3.3 US & Canada Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Country (2019-2030)
6.3.4 US
6.3.5 Canada
7 Europe
7.1 Europe Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Type
7.1.1 Europe Cranberry Sauce Sales by Type (2019-2030)
7.1.2 Europe Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Type (2019-2030)
7.2 Europe Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Application
7.2.1 Europe Cranberry Sauce Sales by Application (2019-2030)
7.2.2 Europe Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Application (2019-2030)
7.3 Europe Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Country
7.3.1 Europe Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
7.3.2 Europe Cranberry Sauce Sales by Country (2019-2030)
7.3.3 Europe Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Country (2019-2030)
7.3.4 Germany
7.3.5 France
7.3.6 U.K.
7.3.7 Italy
7.3.8 Netherlands
8 China
8.1 China Cranberry Sauce Market Size
8.1.1 China Cranberry Sauce Sales (2019-2030)
8.1.2 China Cranberry Sauce Revenue (2019-2030)
8.2 China Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Application
8.2.1 China Cranberry Sauce Sales by Application (2019-2030)
8.2.2 China Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Application (2019-2030)
9 Asia (excluding China)
9.1 Asia Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Type
9.1.1 Asia Cranberry Sauce Sales by Type (2019-2030)
9.1.2 Asia Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Type (2019-2030)
9.2 Asia Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Application
9.2.1 Asia Cranberry Sauce Sales by Application (2019-2030)
9.2.2 Asia Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Application (2019-2030)
9.3 Asia Cranberry Sauce Sales by Region
9.3.1 Asia Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Region: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
9.3.2 Asia Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Region (2019-2030)
9.3.3 Asia Cranberry Sauce Sales by Region (2019-2030)
9.3.4 Japan
9.3.5 South Korea
9.3.6 China Taiwan
9.3.7 Southeast Asia
9.3.8 India
10 Middle East, Africa and Latin America
10.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Type
10.1.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Sales by Type (2019-2030)
10.1.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Type (2019-2030)
10.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Market Size by Application
10.2.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Sales by Application (2019-2030)
10.2.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Application (2019-2030)
10.3 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Sales by Country
10.3.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Country: 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030
10.3.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Revenue by Country (2019-2030)
10.3.3 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Cranberry Sauce Sales by Country (2019-2030)
10.3.4 Brazil
10.3.5 Mexico
10.3.6 Turkey
10.3.7 Israel
10.3.8 GCC Countries
11 Company Profiles
11.1 Farmer's Market Foods
11.1.1 Farmer's Market Foods Company Information
11.1.2 Farmer's Market Foods Overview
11.1.3 Farmer's Market Foods Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.1.4 Farmer's Market Foods Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.1.5 Farmer's Market Foods Recent Developments
11.2 Ocean Spray
11.2.1 Ocean Spray Company Information
11.2.2 Ocean Spray Overview
11.2.3 Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.2.4 Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.2.5 Ocean Spray Recent Developments
11.3 New England Cranberry
11.3.1 New England Cranberry Company Information
11.3.2 New England Cranberry Overview
11.3.3 New England Cranberry Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.3.4 New England Cranberry Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.3.5 New England Cranberry Recent Developments
11.4 Partridges
11.4.1 Partridges Company Information
11.4.2 Partridges Overview
11.4.3 Partridges Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.4.4 Partridges Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.4.5 Partridges Recent Developments
11.5 Dickinson's
11.5.1 Dickinson's Company Information
11.5.2 Dickinson's Overview
11.5.3 Dickinson's Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.5.4 Dickinson's Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.5.5 Dickinson's Recent Developments
11.6 Mrs Bridges
11.6.1 Mrs Bridges Company Information
11.6.2 Mrs Bridges Overview
11.6.3 Mrs Bridges Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.6.4 Mrs Bridges Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.6.5 Mrs Bridges Recent Developments
11.7 Adolf Darbo AG
11.7.1 Adolf Darbo AG Company Information
11.7.2 Adolf Darbo AG Overview
11.7.3 Adolf Darbo AG Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.7.4 Adolf Darbo AG Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.7.5 Adolf Darbo AG Recent Developments
11.8 365 Whole Foods Market
11.8.1 365 Whole Foods Market Company Information
11.8.2 365 Whole Foods Market Overview
11.8.3 365 Whole Foods Market Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.8.4 365 Whole Foods Market Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.8.5 365 Whole Foods Market Recent Developments
11.9 Kroger
11.9.1 Kroger Company Information
11.9.2 Kroger Overview
11.9.3 Kroger Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.9.4 Kroger Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.9.5 Kroger Recent Developments
11.10 Trader Joe's
11.10.1 Trader Joe's Company Information
11.10.2 Trader Joe's Overview
11.10.3 Trader Joe's Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.10.4 Trader Joe's Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.10.5 Trader Joe's Recent Developments
11.11 Stonewall Kitchen
11.11.1 Stonewall Kitchen Company Information
11.11.2 Stonewall Kitchen Overview
11.11.3 Stonewall Kitchen Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.11.4 Stonewall Kitchen Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.11.5 Stonewall Kitchen Recent Developments
11.12 Simple Truth Organic
11.12.1 Simple Truth Organic Company Information
11.12.2 Simple Truth Organic Overview
11.12.3 Simple Truth Organic Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.12.4 Simple Truth Organic Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.12.5 Simple Truth Organic Recent Developments
11.13 Gefen
11.13.1 Gefen Company Information
11.13.2 Gefen Overview
11.13.3 Gefen Cranberry Sauce Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2019-2024)
11.13.4 Gefen Cranberry Sauce Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
11.13.5 Gefen Recent Developments
12 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis
12.1 Cranberry Sauce Industry Chain Analysis
12.2 Cranberry Sauce Key Raw Materials
12.2.1 Key Raw Materials
12.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers
12.3 Cranberry Sauce Production Mode & Process
12.4 Cranberry Sauce Sales and Marketing
12.4.1 Cranberry Sauce Sales Channels
12.4.2 Cranberry Sauce Distributors
12.5 Cranberry Sauce Customers
13 Market Dynamics
13.1 Cranberry Sauce Industry Trends
13.2 Cranberry Sauce Market Drivers
13.3 Cranberry Sauce Market Challenges
13.4 Cranberry Sauce Market Restraints
14 Key Findings in The Global Cranberry Sauce Study
15 Appendix
15.1 Research Methodology
15.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach
15.1.2 Data Source
15.2 Author Details
15.3 Disclaimer





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2025/03/14 10:26

149.35 円

162.52 円

196.23 円
