世界のディーゼル機関車用エンジン産業調査レポート、成長動向と競争分析 2023-2029Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Industry Research Report, Growth Trends and Competitive Analysis 2023-2029 世界のディーゼル機関車エンジン市場規模は2022年に5億8,514万米ドルであり、予測期間2023-2029年のCAGRは-4.90%で2029年には4億1,030万米ドルに再調整されると予測されている。 米国のディーゼル機関車エンジン... もっと見る
サマリー世界のディーゼル機関車エンジン市場規模は2022年に5億8,514万米ドルであり、予測期間2023-2029年のCAGRは-4.90%で2029年には4億1,030万米ドルに再調整されると予測されている。米国のディーゼル機関車エンジン市場は、2023年の6,044万米ドルから2029年には3,729万米ドルに達すると予測され、2023年から2029年の予測期間中のCAGRは-7.73%である。 ディーゼル機関車用エンジンの中国市場は、2023年の1億4,186万米ドルから2029年には1億1,020万米ドルに達すると予測され、2023年から2029年までの予測期間中のCAGRは-5.47%である。 ディーゼル機関車用エンジンのヨーロッパ市場は、2023年の2億5,158万米ドルから2029年には1億9,054万米ドルに減少し、2023年から2029年までの予測期間中のCAGRは-4.53%と予測されている。 ディーゼル機関車の世界主要メーカーは、CRRC Corporation、TMH、Wabtec (GE)、Rolls-Royce、Cummins、MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom)、Caterpillar (Progress Rail)、DEUTZなどである。2022年、世界の上位5社は販売台数で約81.6%のシェアを占め、ディーゼル機関車用エンジンの収益では、上位5社はほぼ83.24%のシェアを占めている。 生産面では、2018年から2023年までのディーゼル機関車用エンジンの生産能力、生産量、成長率、メーカー別市場シェア、地域別市場シェア、国別市場シェア、2029年までの予測について調査している。 販売(消費)面では、2018年から2023年までと2029年までの予測で、ディーゼル機関車用エンジンの地域(国)別、企業別、タイプ別、用途別の販売に焦点を当てています。 世界のディーゼル機関車用エンジン市場について、市場力学、市場競争、地域別成長、セグメント別分析、主要成長戦略に大きく焦点を当て、徹底的、正確かつ包括的に評価しています。本レポートの購入者は、収益および数量ベースの世界市場規模など、検証済みの市場数値にアクセスすることができます。生産分析の一環として、本レポートの執筆者らは、世界のディーゼル機関車用エンジン市場のタイプセグメント別の世界収益と数量について、信頼性の高い推定と計算を行っています。これらの数値は2018-2029年の期間について収益と数量の両方で提供されている。さらに、同期間における地域別の生産量についても、収益と数量の両面で正確な数値を提供している。また、同期間の生産能力統計も掲載しています。 企業別 CRRC株式会社 TMH ワブテック(GE) ロールスロイス カミンズ MAN トラック&バス(アルストム) キャタピラー(プログレス・レール) ドイツ タイプ別セグメント 12シリンダー 16シリンダー その他 用途別セグメント 旅客機関車 貨物用機関車 地域別生産 北米 欧州 中国 日本 地域別売上高 北米 米国 カナダ 中国 APAC(中国を除く) 日本 韓国 インド 欧州 ドイツ フランス 英国 ロシア 欧州 その他 中東・アフリカ、中南米 各章の概要 第1章: レポートのスコープ、各市場セグメント(タイプ別、用途別など)の市場規模、今後の発展可能性などのエグゼクティブサマリーを紹介。市場の現状と、短期・中期・長期的な展開の可能性について、ハイレベルな見解を提供しています。 第2章:ディーゼル機関車用エンジンの販売(消費)、収益(世界、地域レベル、国レベル)。各地域とその主要国の市場規模と発展の可能性を定量的に分析し、世界各国の市場発展、今後の発展見通し、市場空間を紹介します。 第3章:世界と主要生産者(地域/国)のディーゼル機関車生産/出力。各生産者の生産量、今後6年間の発展可能性を定量的に分析している。 第4章:ディーゼル機関車エンジンメーカーの競争環境、価格、売上高、市場シェア、業界ランキング、最新の開発計画、M&A情報などを詳細に分析。 第5章:各種市場セグメントをタイプ別に分析し、各市場セグメントの売上高、収益、平均価格、発展可能性などを網羅し、読者が各市場セグメントのブルーオーシャン市場を見つけやすくする。 第6章:アプリケーション別の様々な市場セグメントの分析を提供し、各市場セグメントの売上高、収益、平均価格、発展可能性をカバーし、読者が異なる下流市場のブルーオーシャン市場を見つけるのに役立ちます。 第7章:北米:企業別、タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別の売上高、収益。 第8章:ヨーロッパ:企業別、タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別の売上高と収益。 第9章:中国:企業別、タイプ別、用途別、セグメント別の売上高と収益。 第10章:APAC(中国を除く):企業別、タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別の売上高、収益。 第11章:中東、アフリカ、中南米:企業別、タイプ別、用途別、国別、セグメント別の売上高、収益。 第12章:主要メーカーのプロファイルを提供し、製品の説明と仕様、ディーゼル機関車の売上高、収益、価格、粗利益率、最近の開発など、市場の主要企業の基本的な状況を詳細に紹介する。 第13章:産業チェーン、販売チャネル、主要原材料、流通業者、顧客の分析。 第14章:市場力学、市場の最新動向、市場の推進要因と制限要因、業界のメーカーが直面する課題とリスク、業界の関連政策の分析を紹介する。 第15章:レポートの要点と結論。 目次1 Report Overview 11.1 Diesel Locomotive Engines Definition 1 1.2 Market by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 1 1.2.2 12 Cylinders 3 1.2.3 16 Cylinders 4 1.2.4 Others 5 1.3 Market by Application 6 1.3.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 6 1.3.2 Passenger Locomotive 7 1.3.3 Freight Locomotive 8 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 8 1.5 Study Objectives 9 1.6 Years Considered 10 2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales 11 2.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2018-2029 11 2.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 12 2.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Region 14 2.3.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Region (2018-2023) 14 2.3.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Region (2024-2029) 15 2.4 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity Estimates and Forecasts 2018-2029 15 2.5 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 16 2.6 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Region 17 2.6.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Region (2018-2023) 17 2.6.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Region (2024-2029) 19 2.7 North America 20 2.8 Europe 21 2.9 China 22 2.10 APAC (excluding China) 23 2.11 Middle East, Africa and Latin America 24 3 Global Production (Based on Production Site) 26 3.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Production Value by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 26 3.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Production Value by Region 28 3.2.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Historic Production Value by Region (2018-2023) 28 3.2.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Forecasted Production Value by Region (2024-2029) 29 3.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Production Capacity (2018-2029) 30 3.4 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Production by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 31 3.5 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Production by Region 33 3.5.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Historic Production by Region (2018-2023) 33 3.5.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Forecasted Production by Region (2024-2029) 34 3.5.3 North America 35 3.5.4 Europe 35 3.5.5 China 36 3.5.6 Japan 36 4 Competition by Manufacturers 37 4.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Manufacturers 37 4.1.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 37 4.1.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity Share by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 38 4.1.3 Global Top 5 Companies by Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales in 2022 38 4.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Manufacturers 39 4.2.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 39 4.2.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 40 4.2.3 Global Top 5 Companies by Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue in 2022 41 4.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Price by Manufacturers 41 4.4 Global Key Players of Diesel Locomotive Engines, Industry Ranking, 2021 VS 2022 42 4.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 43 4.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 43 4.5.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 44 4.6 Global Key Manufacturers of Diesel Locomotive Engines, Manufacturing Base Distribution and Headquarters 46 4.7 Global Key Manufacturers of Diesel Locomotive Engines, Product Offered and Application 47 4.8 Global Key Manufacturers of Diesel Locomotive Engines, Date of Enter into This Industry 47 4.9 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 48 5 Estimates and Forecasts by Type 49 5.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Type 49 5.1.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Historical Sales Quantity by Type (2018-2023) 49 5.1.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Forecasted Sales Quantity by Type (2024-2029) 49 5.1.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 50 5.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Type 51 5.2.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Historical Revenue by Type (2018-2023) 51 5.2.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Forecasted Revenue by Type (2024-2029) 51 5.2.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 52 5.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Price by Type 53 5.3.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Price by Type (2018-2023) 53 5.3.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Forecast by Type (2024-2029) 53 6 Market Size by Application 54 6.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Application 54 6.1.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Historical Sales Quantity by Application (2018-2023) 54 6.1.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Forecasted Sales Quantity by Application (2024-2029) 54 6.1.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 55 6.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Application 56 6.2.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Historical Revenue by Application (2018-2023) 56 6.2.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Forecasted Revenue by Application (2024-2029) 56 6.2.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 57 6.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Price by Application 58 6.3.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Price by Application (2018-2023) 58 6.3.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Forecast by Application (2024-2029) 58 7 North America 59 7.1 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Company 59 7.1.1 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 59 7.1.2 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Company (2018-2023) 60 7.2 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Type 61 7.2.1 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Type (2018-2029) 61 7.2.2 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 62 7.3 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Application 64 7.3.1 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Application (2018-2029) 64 7.3.2 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 65 7.4 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Country 66 7.4.1 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 66 7.4.2 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 67 7.4.3 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Country (2018-2029) 68 7.4.4 United States 69 7.4.5 Canada 69 8 Europe 70 8.1 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Company 70 8.1.1 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Company (2018-2023) 70 8.1.2 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 71 8.2 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Type 72 8.2.1 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Type (2018-2029) 72 8.2.2 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 73 8.3 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Application 74 8.3.1 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Application (2018-2029) 74 8.3.2 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 75 8.4 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Country 76 8.4.1 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 76 8.4.2 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 77 8.4.3 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Country (2018-2029) 78 8.4.4 Germany 80 8.4.5 France 80 8.4.6 U.K. 81 8.4.7 Russia 81 9 China 82 9.1 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Company 82 9.1.1 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Company (2018-2023) 82 9.1.2 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 82 9.2 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Type 83 9.2.1 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Type (2018-2029) 83 9.2.2 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 84 9.3 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Application 85 9.3.1 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Application (2018-2029) 85 9.3.2 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 86 10 APAC (excluding China) 88 10.1 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Company 88 10.1.1 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Company (2018-2023) 88 10.1.2 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 89 10.2 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Type 90 10.2.1 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Type (2018-2029) 90 10.2.2 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 91 10.3 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Application 92 10.3.1 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Application (2018-2029) 92 10.3.2 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 93 10.4 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Region 94 10.4.1 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 94 10.4.2 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Region (2018-2029) 95 10.4.3 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Region (2018-2029) 96 10.4.4 Japan 97 10.4.5 South Korea 97 10.4.6 India 98 11 Middle East, Africa and Latin America 99 11.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America 99 11.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Type 100 11.2.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Type (2018-2029) 100 11.2.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 101 11.3 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Application 103 11.3.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Application (2018-2029) 103 11.3.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 104 11.4 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Country 105 11.4.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 105 11.4.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 106 11.4.3 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Country (2018-2029) 107 11.4.4 Mexico 108 11.4.5 Middle East and Africa 108 12 Company Profiles 109 12.1 CRRC Corporation 109 12.1.1 CRRC Corporation Company Information 109 12.1.2 CRRC Corporation Overview 109 12.1.3 CRRC Corporation Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 110 12.1.4 CRRC Corporation Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 111 12.1.5 CRRC Corporation Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 111 12.1.6 CRRC Corporation Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 114 12.1.7 CRRC Corporation Recent Developments 115 12.2 TMH 117 12.2.1 TMH Company Information 117 12.2.2 TMH Overview 117 12.2.3 TMH Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 118 12.2.4 TMH Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 118 12.2.5 TMH Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 119 12.2.6 TMH Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 122 12.2.7 TMH Recent Developments 123 12.3 Webtec (GE) 125 12.3.1 Webtec (GE) Company Information 125 12.3.2 Webtec (GE) Overview 125 12.3.3 Webtec (GE) Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 126 12.3.4 Wabtec (GE) Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 127 12.3.5 Webtec (GE) Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 127 12.3.6 Webtec (GE) Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 127 12.3.7 Webtec (GE) Recent Developments 128 12.4 Rolls Royce 129 12.4.1 Rolls Royce Company Information 129 12.4.2 Rolls Royce Overview 129 12.4.3 Rolls Royce Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 130 12.4.4 Rolls-Royce Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 130 12.4.5 Rolls Royce Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 131 12.4.6 Rolls Royce Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 134 12.4.7 Rolls Royce Recent Developments 134 12.5 Cummins 136 12.5.1 Cummins Company Information 136 12.5.2 Cummins Overview 136 12.5.3 Cummins Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 137 12.5.4 Cummins Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 137 12.5.5 Cummins Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 138 12.5.6 Cummins Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 140 12.5.7 Cummins Recent Developments 140 12.6 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) 142 12.6.1 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) Company Information 142 12.6.2 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) Overview 142 12.6.3 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 143 12.6.4 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom)Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 144 12.6.5 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 144 12.6.6 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 145 12.6.7 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) Recent Developments 145 12.7 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) 147 12.7.1 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Company Information 147 12.7.2 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Overview 147 12.7.3 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 148 12.7.4 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 148 12.7.5 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 148 12.7.6 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 149 12.7.7 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Recent Developments 150 12.8 Deutz 151 12.8.1 Deutz Company Information 151 12.8.2 Deutz Overview 152 12.8.3 Deutz Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 153 12.8.4 DEUTZ Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 153 12.8.5 Deutz Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 153 12.8.6 Deutz Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 155 12.8.7 Deutz Recent Developments 156 13 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 158 13.1 Diesel Locomotive Engines Value Chain Analysis 158 13.2 Diesel Locomotive Engines Key Raw Materials 158 13.2.1 Key Raw Materials 158 13.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 159 13.3 Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales and Marketing 159 13.4 Diesel Locomotive Engines Customers 160 14 Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Dynamics 161 14.1 Diesel Locomotive Engines Industry Trends 161 14.2 Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Drivers 162 14.3 Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Challenges 163 14.4 Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Restraints 163 15 Key Findings 164 16 Appendix 166 16.1 Research Methodology 166 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 166 16.1.2 Data Source 169 16.2 Author Details 171 16.3 Disclaimer 174
SummaryThe global Diesel Locomotive Engines market size was US$ 585.14 million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ 410.30 million by 2029 with a CAGR of -4.90% during the forecast period 2023-2029. Table of Contents1 Report Overview 11.1 Diesel Locomotive Engines Definition 1 1.2 Market by Type 1 1.2.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 1 1.2.2 12 Cylinders 3 1.2.3 16 Cylinders 4 1.2.4 Others 5 1.3 Market by Application 6 1.3.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 6 1.3.2 Passenger Locomotive 7 1.3.3 Freight Locomotive 8 1.4 Assumptions and Limitations 8 1.5 Study Objectives 9 1.6 Years Considered 10 2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales 11 2.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2018-2029 11 2.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 12 2.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Region 14 2.3.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Region (2018-2023) 14 2.3.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Region (2024-2029) 15 2.4 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity Estimates and Forecasts 2018-2029 15 2.5 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 16 2.6 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Region 17 2.6.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Region (2018-2023) 17 2.6.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Region (2024-2029) 19 2.7 North America 20 2.8 Europe 21 2.9 China 22 2.10 APAC (excluding China) 23 2.11 Middle East, Africa and Latin America 24 3 Global Production (Based on Production Site) 26 3.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Production Value by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 26 3.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Production Value by Region 28 3.2.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Historic Production Value by Region (2018-2023) 28 3.2.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Forecasted Production Value by Region (2024-2029) 29 3.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Production Capacity (2018-2029) 30 3.4 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Production by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 31 3.5 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Production by Region 33 3.5.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Historic Production by Region (2018-2023) 33 3.5.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Forecasted Production by Region (2024-2029) 34 3.5.3 North America 35 3.5.4 Europe 35 3.5.5 China 36 3.5.6 Japan 36 4 Competition by Manufacturers 37 4.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Manufacturers 37 4.1.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 37 4.1.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity Share by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 38 4.1.3 Global Top 5 Companies by Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales in 2022 38 4.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Manufacturers 39 4.2.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 39 4.2.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue Share by Manufacturers (2018-2023) 40 4.2.3 Global Top 5 Companies by Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue in 2022 41 4.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Price by Manufacturers 41 4.4 Global Key Players of Diesel Locomotive Engines, Industry Ranking, 2021 VS 2022 42 4.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 43 4.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 43 4.5.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 44 4.6 Global Key Manufacturers of Diesel Locomotive Engines, Manufacturing Base Distribution and Headquarters 46 4.7 Global Key Manufacturers of Diesel Locomotive Engines, Product Offered and Application 47 4.8 Global Key Manufacturers of Diesel Locomotive Engines, Date of Enter into This Industry 47 4.9 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 48 5 Estimates and Forecasts by Type 49 5.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Type 49 5.1.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Historical Sales Quantity by Type (2018-2023) 49 5.1.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Forecasted Sales Quantity by Type (2024-2029) 49 5.1.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 50 5.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Type 51 5.2.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Historical Revenue by Type (2018-2023) 51 5.2.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Forecasted Revenue by Type (2024-2029) 51 5.2.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue Market Share by Type (2018-2029) 52 5.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Price by Type 53 5.3.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Price by Type (2018-2023) 53 5.3.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Forecast by Type (2024-2029) 53 6 Market Size by Application 54 6.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Application 54 6.1.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Historical Sales Quantity by Application (2018-2023) 54 6.1.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Forecasted Sales Quantity by Application (2024-2029) 54 6.1.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 55 6.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Application 56 6.2.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Historical Revenue by Application (2018-2023) 56 6.2.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Forecasted Revenue by Application (2024-2029) 56 6.2.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue Market Share by Application (2018-2029) 57 6.3 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Price by Application 58 6.3.1 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Price by Application (2018-2023) 58 6.3.2 Global Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Forecast by Application (2024-2029) 58 7 North America 59 7.1 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Company 59 7.1.1 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 59 7.1.2 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Company (2018-2023) 60 7.2 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Type 61 7.2.1 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Type (2018-2029) 61 7.2.2 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 62 7.3 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Application 64 7.3.1 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Application (2018-2029) 64 7.3.2 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 65 7.4 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Country 66 7.4.1 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 66 7.4.2 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 67 7.4.3 North America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Country (2018-2029) 68 7.4.4 United States 69 7.4.5 Canada 69 8 Europe 70 8.1 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Company 70 8.1.1 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Company (2018-2023) 70 8.1.2 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 71 8.2 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Type 72 8.2.1 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Type (2018-2029) 72 8.2.2 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 73 8.3 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Application 74 8.3.1 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Application (2018-2029) 74 8.3.2 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 75 8.4 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Country 76 8.4.1 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 76 8.4.2 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 77 8.4.3 Europe Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Country (2018-2029) 78 8.4.4 Germany 80 8.4.5 France 80 8.4.6 U.K. 81 8.4.7 Russia 81 9 China 82 9.1 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Company 82 9.1.1 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Company (2018-2023) 82 9.1.2 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 82 9.2 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Type 83 9.2.1 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Type (2018-2029) 83 9.2.2 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 84 9.3 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Application 85 9.3.1 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Application (2018-2029) 85 9.3.2 China Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 86 10 APAC (excluding China) 88 10.1 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Company 88 10.1.1 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Company (2018-2023) 88 10.1.2 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Company (2018-2023) 89 10.2 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Type 90 10.2.1 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Type (2018-2029) 90 10.2.2 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 91 10.3 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Application 92 10.3.1 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales by Application (2018-2029) 92 10.3.2 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 93 10.4 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Region 94 10.4.1 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Region: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 94 10.4.2 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Region (2018-2029) 95 10.4.3 APAC Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Region (2018-2029) 96 10.4.4 Japan 97 10.4.5 South Korea 97 10.4.6 India 98 11 Middle East, Africa and Latin America 99 11.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America 99 11.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Type 100 11.2.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Type (2018-2029) 100 11.2.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Type (2018-2029) 101 11.3 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Application 103 11.3.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Application (2018-2029) 103 11.3.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Application (2018-2029) 104 11.4 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Size by Country 105 11.4.1 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Country: 2018 VS 2022 VS 2029 105 11.4.2 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Revenue by Country (2018-2029) 106 11.4.3 Middle East, Africa and Latin America Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity by Country (2018-2029) 107 11.4.4 Mexico 108 11.4.5 Middle East and Africa 108 12 Company Profiles 109 12.1 CRRC Corporation 109 12.1.1 CRRC Corporation Company Information 109 12.1.2 CRRC Corporation Overview 109 12.1.3 CRRC Corporation Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 110 12.1.4 CRRC Corporation Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 111 12.1.5 CRRC Corporation Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 111 12.1.6 CRRC Corporation Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 114 12.1.7 CRRC Corporation Recent Developments 115 12.2 TMH 117 12.2.1 TMH Company Information 117 12.2.2 TMH Overview 117 12.2.3 TMH Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 118 12.2.4 TMH Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 118 12.2.5 TMH Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 119 12.2.6 TMH Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 122 12.2.7 TMH Recent Developments 123 12.3 Webtec (GE) 125 12.3.1 Webtec (GE) Company Information 125 12.3.2 Webtec (GE) Overview 125 12.3.3 Webtec (GE) Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 126 12.3.4 Wabtec (GE) Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 127 12.3.5 Webtec (GE) Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 127 12.3.6 Webtec (GE) Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 127 12.3.7 Webtec (GE) Recent Developments 128 12.4 Rolls Royce 129 12.4.1 Rolls Royce Company Information 129 12.4.2 Rolls Royce Overview 129 12.4.3 Rolls Royce Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 130 12.4.4 Rolls-Royce Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 130 12.4.5 Rolls Royce Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 131 12.4.6 Rolls Royce Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 134 12.4.7 Rolls Royce Recent Developments 134 12.5 Cummins 136 12.5.1 Cummins Company Information 136 12.5.2 Cummins Overview 136 12.5.3 Cummins Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 137 12.5.4 Cummins Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 137 12.5.5 Cummins Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 138 12.5.6 Cummins Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 140 12.5.7 Cummins Recent Developments 140 12.6 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) 142 12.6.1 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) Company Information 142 12.6.2 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) Overview 142 12.6.3 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 143 12.6.4 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom)Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 144 12.6.5 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 144 12.6.6 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 145 12.6.7 MAN Truck & Bus (Alstom) Recent Developments 145 12.7 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) 147 12.7.1 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Company Information 147 12.7.2 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Overview 147 12.7.3 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 148 12.7.4 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 148 12.7.5 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 148 12.7.6 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 149 12.7.7 Caterpillar (Progress Rail) Recent Developments 150 12.8 Deutz 151 12.8.1 Deutz Company Information 151 12.8.2 Deutz Overview 152 12.8.3 Deutz Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales Quantity, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2018-2023) 153 12.8.4 DEUTZ Diesel Locomotive Engines Price Data for Individual Engines 153 12.8.5 Deutz Diesel Locomotive Engines Products and Services 153 12.8.6 Deutz Diesel Locomotive Engines SWOT Analysis 155 12.8.7 Deutz Recent Developments 156 13 Value Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 158 13.1 Diesel Locomotive Engines Value Chain Analysis 158 13.2 Diesel Locomotive Engines Key Raw Materials 158 13.2.1 Key Raw Materials 158 13.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 159 13.3 Diesel Locomotive Engines Sales and Marketing 159 13.4 Diesel Locomotive Engines Customers 160 14 Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Dynamics 161 14.1 Diesel Locomotive Engines Industry Trends 161 14.2 Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Drivers 162 14.3 Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Challenges 163 14.4 Diesel Locomotive Engines Market Restraints 163 15 Key Findings 164 16 Appendix 166 16.1 Research Methodology 166 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 166 16.1.2 Data Source 169 16.2 Author Details 171 16.3 Disclaimer 174
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2024/12/23 10:26 157.72 円 164.94 円 201.11 円 |