
5G IoTモジュールの世界市場インサイト、2028年までの予測

Global 5G IoT Modules Market Insights, Forecast to 2028

5Gは、マルチギガビットのスピードと超低遅延を実現します。信頼性が高く、安全で、統合が容易な5Gモジュールは、顧客構内設備(CPE)、固定無線アクセス(FWA)、企業ネットワーク機器、分岐ルーター、カメラ、... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 言語
2022年4月15日 US$4,900





市場の分析と洞察5G IoTモジュールの世界市場
世界の5G IoTモジュールの市場規模は、2021年の100万米ドルから、2022年から2028年の間に年平均成長率%で100万米ドルに達すると予測されます。

この健康危機による経済変化を十分に考慮し、2021年に5G IoTモジュールの世界市場の%を占めたLGAパッケージは、2022年から2028年まで改訂された%のCAGRで成長し、2028年までに百万米ドルを値すると予測されます。一方、アセットトラッキングセグメントは、この予測期間を通して%CAGRに変更されています。
中国の5G IoTモジュールの市場規模は2021年に100万米ドル、北米と欧州の5G IoTモジュールはそれぞれ100万米ドル、100万米ドルとなっています。北米の比率は2021年に%、中国とヨーロッパはそれぞれ%、%であり、中国の比率は2028年に%に達すると予測され、分析期間2022-2028年を通じてCAGRは%であることが追跡されています。日本、韓国、東南アジアは、アジアの注目すべき市場であり、今後6年間のCAGRはそれぞれ%、%、%である。ヨーロッパの5G IoTモジュールの展望については、ドイツは2028年までに100万米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間2022-2028年を通じてCAGR %を推移している。

本レポートは、業界標準の分析精度と高いデータ整合性により、世界の5G IoTモジュール市場で利用可能な主要機会を明らかにし、プレイヤーが市場での強力な地位を獲得するのに役立つ素晴らしい試みを行っています。本レポートの購入者は、世界の5G IoTモジュール市場の全体規模(収益ベース)を含む、検証済みで信頼できる市場予測にアクセスすることができます。
全体として、本レポートは、プレイヤーが競合他社に対する競争力を獲得し、世界の5G IoTモジュール市場における持続的な成功を確保するために使用できる効果的なツールであることが証明されています。レポートで提供されるすべての調査結果、データ、情報は、信頼できる情報源の助けを借りて検証され、再確認されています。レポートを執筆したアナリストは、世界の5G IoTモジュール市場を詳細に調査するために、ユニークで業界最高の調査・分析アプローチをとりました。

世界の5G IoTモジュールの範囲と市場規模
5G IoTモジュール市場は、プレイヤー別、地域(国)別、タイプ別、用途別に分類されています。世界の5G IoTモジュール市場におけるプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、本レポートを強力なリソースとして利用することで、優位に立つことができます。セグメント別分析では、2017年から2028年までのタイプ別、アプリケーション別の収益と予測に焦点を当てます。

Mini PCIeパッケージ


Sequans Communications SA
Cavli Wireless
GosuncnWelink Technology




1 Report Business Overview
1.1 Study Scope
1.2 Market Analysis by Type
1.2.1 Global 5G IoT Modules Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
1.2.2 LGA Package
1.2.3 Mini PCIe Package
1.2.4 M.2 Package
1.2.5 Others
1.3 Market by Application
1.3.1 Global 5G IoT Modules Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
1.3.2 Asset Tracking
1.3.3 Automotive
1.3.4 Commercial Telematics
1.3.5 Payment
1.3.6 Remote Monitoring and Control
1.3.7 Smart Grid and Metering
1.3.8 Telehealth
1.3.9 Others
1.4 Study Objectives
1.5 Years Considered
2 Global Growth Trends
2.1 Global 5G IoT Modules Market Perspective (2017-2028)
2.2 5G IoT Modules Growth Trends by Region
2.2.1 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
2.2.2 5G IoT Modules Historic Market Size by Region (2017-2022)
2.2.3 5G IoT Modules Forecasted Market Size by Region (2023-2028)
2.3 5G IoT Modules Market Dynamics
2.3.1 5G IoT Modules Industry Trends
2.3.2 5G IoT Modules Market Drivers
2.3.3 5G IoT Modules Market Challenges
2.3.4 5G IoT Modules Market Restraints
3 Competition Landscape by Key Players
3.1 Global Top 5G IoT Modules Players by Revenue
3.1.1 Global Top 5G IoT Modules Players by Revenue (2017-2022)
3.1.2 Global 5G IoT Modules Revenue Market Share by Players (2017-2022)
3.2 Global 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3)
3.3 Players Covered: Ranking by 5G IoT Modules Revenue
3.4 Global 5G IoT Modules Market Concentration Ratio
3.4.1 Global 5G IoT Modules Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)
3.4.2 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by 5G IoT Modules Revenue in 2021
3.5 5G IoT Modules Key Players Head office and Area Served
3.6 Key Players 5G IoT Modules Product Solution and Service
3.7 Date of Enter into 5G IoT Modules Market
3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
4 5G IoT Modules Breakdown Data by Type
4.1 Global 5G IoT Modules Historic Market Size by Type (2017-2022)
4.2 Global 5G IoT Modules Forecasted Market Size by Type (2023-2028)
5 5G IoT Modules Breakdown Data by Application
5.1 Global 5G IoT Modules Historic Market Size by Application (2017-2022)
5.2 Global 5G IoT Modules Forecasted Market Size by Application (2023-2028)
6 North America
6.1 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size (2017-2028)
6.2 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type
6.2.1 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2017-2022)
6.2.2 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2023-2028)
6.2.3 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
6.3 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application
6.3.1 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2017-2022)
6.3.2 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2023-2028)
6.3.3 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
6.4 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country
6.4.1 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2017-2022)
6.4.2 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2023-2028)
6.4.3 United States
6.4.4 Canada
7 Europe
7.1 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size (2017-2028)
7.2 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type
7.2.1 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2017-2022)
7.2.2 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2023-2028)
7.2.3 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
7.3 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application
7.3.1 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2017-2022)
7.3.2 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2023-2028)
7.3.3 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
7.4 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country
7.4.1 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2017-2022)
7.4.2 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2023-2028)
7.4.3 Germany
7.4.4 France
7.4.5 U.K.
7.4.6 Italy
7.4.7 Russia
7.4.8 Nordic Countries
8 Asia-Pacific
8.1 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size (2017-2028)
8.2 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type
8.2.1 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2017-2022)
8.2.2 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2023-2028)
8.2.3 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
8.3 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application
8.3.1 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2017-2022)
8.3.2 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2023-2028)
8.3.3 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
8.4 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Region
8.4.1 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Region (2017-2022)
8.4.2 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Region (2023-2028)
8.4.3 China
8.4.4 Japan
8.4.5 South Korea
8.4.6 Southeast Asia
8.4.7 India
8.4.8 Australia
9 Latin America
9.1 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size (2017-2028)
9.2 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type
9.2.1 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2017-2022)
9.2.2 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2023-2028)
9.2.3 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
9.3 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application
9.3.1 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2017-2022)
9.3.2 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2023-2028)
9.3.3 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
9.4 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country
9.4.1 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2017-2022)
9.4.2 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2023-2028)
9.4.3 Mexico
9.4.4 Brazil
10 Middle East & Africa
10.1 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size (2017-2028)
10.2 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type
10.2.1 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2017-2022)
10.2.2 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2023-2028)
10.2.3 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
10.3 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application
10.3.1 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2017-2022)
10.3.2 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2023-2028)
10.3.3 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
10.4 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country
10.4.1 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2017-2022)
10.4.2 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2023-2028)
10.4.3 Turkey
10.4.4 Saudi Arabia
10.4.5 UAE
11 Key Players Profiles
11.1 Sierra Wireless
11.1.1 Sierra Wireless Company Details
11.1.2 Sierra Wireless Business Overview
11.1.3 Sierra Wireless 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.1.4 Sierra Wireless Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.1.5 Sierra Wireless Recent Developments
11.2 Telit
11.2.1 Telit Company Details
11.2.2 Telit Business Overview
11.2.3 Telit 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.2.4 Telit Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.2.5 Telit Recent Developments
11.3 Thales
11.3.1 Thales Company Details
11.3.2 Thales Business Overview
11.3.3 Thales 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.3.4 Thales Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.3.5 Thales Recent Developments
11.4 U-blox
11.4.1 U-blox Company Details
11.4.2 U-blox Business Overview
11.4.3 U-blox 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.4.4 U-blox Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.4.5 U-blox Recent Developments
11.5 Sequans Communications SA
11.5.1 Sequans Communications SA Company Details
11.5.2 Sequans Communications SA Business Overview
11.5.3 Sequans Communications SA 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.5.4 Sequans Communications SA Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.5.5 Sequans Communications SA Recent Developments
11.6 Cavli Wireless
11.6.1 Cavli Wireless Company Details
11.6.2 Cavli Wireless Business Overview
11.6.3 Cavli Wireless 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.6.4 Cavli Wireless Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.6.5 Cavli Wireless Recent Developments
11.7 Sony
11.7.1 Sony Company Details
11.7.2 Sony Business Overview
11.7.3 Sony 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.7.4 Sony Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.7.5 Sony Recent Developments
11.8 Rolling Wireless
11.8.1 Rolling Wireless Company Details
11.8.2 Rolling Wireless Business Overview
11.8.3 Rolling Wireless 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.8.4 Rolling Wireless Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.8.5 Rolling Wireless Recent Developments
11.9 Quectel Wireless Solutions
11.9.1 Quectel Wireless Solutions Company Details
11.9.2 Quectel Wireless Solutions Business Overview
11.9.3 Quectel Wireless Solutions 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.9.4 Quectel Wireless Solutions Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.9.5 Quectel Wireless Solutions Recent Developments
11.10 Sunsea AIoT
11.10.1 Sunsea AIoT Company Details
11.10.2 Sunsea AIoT Business Overview
11.10.3 Sunsea AIoT 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.10.4 Sunsea AIoT Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.10.5 Sunsea AIoT Recent Developments
11.11 Fibocom Wirelessinc
11.11.1 Fibocom Wirelessinc Company Details
11.11.2 Fibocom Wirelessinc Business Overview
11.11.3 Fibocom Wirelessinc 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.11.4 Fibocom Wirelessinc Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.11.5 Fibocom Wirelessinc Recent Developments
11.12 Neoway Technology
11.12.1 Neoway Technology Company Details
11.12.2 Neoway Technology Business Overview
11.12.3 Neoway Technology 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.12.4 Neoway Technology Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.12.5 Neoway Technology Recent Developments
11.13 MeiG Smart Technology
11.13.1 MeiG Smart Technology Company Details
11.13.2 MeiG Smart Technology Business Overview
11.13.3 MeiG Smart Technology 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.13.4 MeiG Smart Technology Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.13.5 MeiG Smart Technology Recent Developments
11.14 GosuncnWelink Technology
11.14.1 GosuncnWelink Technology Company Details
11.14.2 GosuncnWelink Technology Business Overview
11.14.3 GosuncnWelink Technology 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.14.4 GosuncnWelink Technology Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.14.5 GosuncnWelink Technology Recent Developments
11.15 China Mobile Communications Group
11.15.1 China Mobile Communications Group Company Details
11.15.2 China Mobile Communications Group Business Overview
11.15.3 China Mobile Communications Group 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.15.4 China Mobile Communications Group Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.15.5 China Mobile Communications Group Recent Developments
11.16 Huawei
11.16.1 Huawei Company Details
11.16.2 Huawei Business Overview
11.16.3 Huawei 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.16.4 Huawei Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.16.5 Huawei Recent Developments
11.17 Lierda Science & Technology Group
11.17.1 Lierda Science & Technology Group Company Details
11.17.2 Lierda Science & Technology Group Business Overview
11.17.3 Lierda Science & Technology Group 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.17.4 Lierda Science & Technology Group Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.17.5 Lierda Science & Technology Group Recent Developments
11.18 ZTE
11.18.1 ZTE Company Details
11.18.2 ZTE Business Overview
11.18.3 ZTE 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.18.4 ZTE Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.18.5 ZTE Recent Developments
11.19 TD Tech
11.19.1 TD Tech Company Details
11.19.2 TD Tech Business Overview
11.19.3 TD Tech 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.19.4 TD Tech Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.19.5 TD Tech Recent Developments
11.20 Sichuan Ai-link Technology
11.20.1 Sichuan Ai-link Technology Company Details
11.20.2 Sichuan Ai-link Technology Business Overview
11.20.3 Sichuan Ai-link Technology 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.20.4 Sichuan Ai-link Technology Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.20.5 Sichuan Ai-link Technology Recent Developments
11.21 GosuncnWelink
11.21.1 GosuncnWelink Company Details
11.21.2 GosuncnWelink Business Overview
11.21.3 GosuncnWelink 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.21.4 GosuncnWelink Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.21.5 GosuncnWelink Recent Developments
11.22 Wingtech Technology
11.22.1 Wingtech Technology Company Details
11.22.2 Wingtech Technology Business Overview
11.22.3 Wingtech Technology 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.22.4 Wingtech Technology Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.22.5 Wingtech Technology Recent Developments
12 Analyst's Viewpoints/Conclusions
13 Appendix
13.1 Research Methodology
13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach
13.1.2 Data Source
13.2 Author Details
13.3 Disclaimer





5G delivers multi-gigabit speeds and ultra-low latency. Reliable, secure, and easy-to-integrate 5G modules help you design 5G into customer premises equipment (CPE), fixed wireless access (FWA), enterprise network equipment, branch routers, cameras, security appliances, and other bandwidth-intensive applications.
Market Analysis and Insights: Global 5G IoT Modules Market
The global 5G IoT Modules market size is projected to reach US$ million by 2028, from US$ million in 2021, at a CAGR of % during 2022-2028.

Fully considering the economic change by this health crisis, LGA Package accounting for % of the 5G IoT Modules global market in 2021, is projected to value US$ million by 2028, growing at a revised % CAGR from 2022 to 2028. While Asset Tracking segment is altered to an % CAGR throughout this forecast period.
China 5G IoT Modules market size is valued at US$ million in 2021, while the North America and Europe 5G IoT Modules are US$ million and US$ million, severally. The proportion of the North America is % in 2021, while China and Europe are % and % respectively, and it is predicted that China proportion will reach % in 2028, trailing a CAGR of % through the analysis period 2022-2028. Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia are noteworthy markets in Asia, with CAGR %, %, and % respectively for the next 6-year period. As for the Europe 5G IoT Modules landscape, Germany is projected to reach US$ million by 2028 trailing a CAGR of % over the forecast period 2022-2028.

With industry-standard accuracy in analysis and high data integrity, the report makes a brilliant attempt to unveil key opportunities available in the global 5G IoT Modules market to help players in achieving a strong market position. Buyers of the report can access verified and reliable market forecasts, including those for the overall size of the global 5G IoT Modules market in terms of revenue.
Overall, the report proves to be an effective tool that players can use to gain a competitive edge over their competitors and ensure lasting success in the global 5G IoT Modules market. All of the findings, data, and information provided in the report are validated and revalidated with the help of trustworthy sources. The analysts who have authored the report took a unique and industry-best research and analysis approach for an in-depth study of the global 5G IoT Modules market.

Global 5G IoT Modules Scope and Market Size
5G IoT Modules market is segmented by players, region (country), by Type and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global 5G IoT Modules market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on revenue and forecast by Type and by Application for the period 2017-2028.

Segment by Type
LGA Package
Mini PCIe Package
M.2 Package

Segment by Application
Asset Tracking
Commercial Telematics
Remote Monitoring and Control
Smart Grid and Metering

By Company
Sierra Wireless
Sequans Communications SA
Cavli Wireless
Rolling Wireless
Quectel Wireless Solutions
Sunsea AIoT
Fibocom Wirelessinc
Neoway Technology
MeiG Smart Technology
GosuncnWelink Technology
China Mobile Communications Group
Lierda Science & Technology Group
TD Tech
Sichuan Ai-link Technology
Wingtech Technology

By Region
North America
United States
Nordic Countries
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Southeast Asia
Rest of Asia
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
Rest of MEA


Table of Contents

1 Report Business Overview
1.1 Study Scope
1.2 Market Analysis by Type
1.2.1 Global 5G IoT Modules Market Size Growth Rate by Type, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
1.2.2 LGA Package
1.2.3 Mini PCIe Package
1.2.4 M.2 Package
1.2.5 Others
1.3 Market by Application
1.3.1 Global 5G IoT Modules Market Size Growth Rate by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
1.3.2 Asset Tracking
1.3.3 Automotive
1.3.4 Commercial Telematics
1.3.5 Payment
1.3.6 Remote Monitoring and Control
1.3.7 Smart Grid and Metering
1.3.8 Telehealth
1.3.9 Others
1.4 Study Objectives
1.5 Years Considered
2 Global Growth Trends
2.1 Global 5G IoT Modules Market Perspective (2017-2028)
2.2 5G IoT Modules Growth Trends by Region
2.2.1 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
2.2.2 5G IoT Modules Historic Market Size by Region (2017-2022)
2.2.3 5G IoT Modules Forecasted Market Size by Region (2023-2028)
2.3 5G IoT Modules Market Dynamics
2.3.1 5G IoT Modules Industry Trends
2.3.2 5G IoT Modules Market Drivers
2.3.3 5G IoT Modules Market Challenges
2.3.4 5G IoT Modules Market Restraints
3 Competition Landscape by Key Players
3.1 Global Top 5G IoT Modules Players by Revenue
3.1.1 Global Top 5G IoT Modules Players by Revenue (2017-2022)
3.1.2 Global 5G IoT Modules Revenue Market Share by Players (2017-2022)
3.2 Global 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3)
3.3 Players Covered: Ranking by 5G IoT Modules Revenue
3.4 Global 5G IoT Modules Market Concentration Ratio
3.4.1 Global 5G IoT Modules Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)
3.4.2 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by 5G IoT Modules Revenue in 2021
3.5 5G IoT Modules Key Players Head office and Area Served
3.6 Key Players 5G IoT Modules Product Solution and Service
3.7 Date of Enter into 5G IoT Modules Market
3.8 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
4 5G IoT Modules Breakdown Data by Type
4.1 Global 5G IoT Modules Historic Market Size by Type (2017-2022)
4.2 Global 5G IoT Modules Forecasted Market Size by Type (2023-2028)
5 5G IoT Modules Breakdown Data by Application
5.1 Global 5G IoT Modules Historic Market Size by Application (2017-2022)
5.2 Global 5G IoT Modules Forecasted Market Size by Application (2023-2028)
6 North America
6.1 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size (2017-2028)
6.2 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type
6.2.1 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2017-2022)
6.2.2 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2023-2028)
6.2.3 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
6.3 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application
6.3.1 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2017-2022)
6.3.2 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2023-2028)
6.3.3 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
6.4 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country
6.4.1 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2017-2022)
6.4.2 North America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2023-2028)
6.4.3 United States
6.4.4 Canada
7 Europe
7.1 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size (2017-2028)
7.2 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type
7.2.1 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2017-2022)
7.2.2 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2023-2028)
7.2.3 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
7.3 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application
7.3.1 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2017-2022)
7.3.2 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2023-2028)
7.3.3 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
7.4 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country
7.4.1 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2017-2022)
7.4.2 Europe 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2023-2028)
7.4.3 Germany
7.4.4 France
7.4.5 U.K.
7.4.6 Italy
7.4.7 Russia
7.4.8 Nordic Countries
8 Asia-Pacific
8.1 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size (2017-2028)
8.2 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type
8.2.1 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2017-2022)
8.2.2 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2023-2028)
8.2.3 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
8.3 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application
8.3.1 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2017-2022)
8.3.2 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2023-2028)
8.3.3 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
8.4 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Region
8.4.1 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Region (2017-2022)
8.4.2 Asia-Pacific 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Region (2023-2028)
8.4.3 China
8.4.4 Japan
8.4.5 South Korea
8.4.6 Southeast Asia
8.4.7 India
8.4.8 Australia
9 Latin America
9.1 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size (2017-2028)
9.2 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type
9.2.1 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2017-2022)
9.2.2 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2023-2028)
9.2.3 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
9.3 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application
9.3.1 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2017-2022)
9.3.2 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2023-2028)
9.3.3 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
9.4 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country
9.4.1 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2017-2022)
9.4.2 Latin America 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2023-2028)
9.4.3 Mexico
9.4.4 Brazil
10 Middle East & Africa
10.1 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size (2017-2028)
10.2 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type
10.2.1 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2017-2022)
10.2.2 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Type (2023-2028)
10.2.3 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
10.3 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application
10.3.1 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2017-2022)
10.3.2 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Application (2023-2028)
10.3.3 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
10.4 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country
10.4.1 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2017-2022)
10.4.2 Middle East & Africa 5G IoT Modules Market Size by Country (2023-2028)
10.4.3 Turkey
10.4.4 Saudi Arabia
10.4.5 UAE
11 Key Players Profiles
11.1 Sierra Wireless
11.1.1 Sierra Wireless Company Details
11.1.2 Sierra Wireless Business Overview
11.1.3 Sierra Wireless 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.1.4 Sierra Wireless Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.1.5 Sierra Wireless Recent Developments
11.2 Telit
11.2.1 Telit Company Details
11.2.2 Telit Business Overview
11.2.3 Telit 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.2.4 Telit Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.2.5 Telit Recent Developments
11.3 Thales
11.3.1 Thales Company Details
11.3.2 Thales Business Overview
11.3.3 Thales 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.3.4 Thales Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.3.5 Thales Recent Developments
11.4 U-blox
11.4.1 U-blox Company Details
11.4.2 U-blox Business Overview
11.4.3 U-blox 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.4.4 U-blox Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.4.5 U-blox Recent Developments
11.5 Sequans Communications SA
11.5.1 Sequans Communications SA Company Details
11.5.2 Sequans Communications SA Business Overview
11.5.3 Sequans Communications SA 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.5.4 Sequans Communications SA Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.5.5 Sequans Communications SA Recent Developments
11.6 Cavli Wireless
11.6.1 Cavli Wireless Company Details
11.6.2 Cavli Wireless Business Overview
11.6.3 Cavli Wireless 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.6.4 Cavli Wireless Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.6.5 Cavli Wireless Recent Developments
11.7 Sony
11.7.1 Sony Company Details
11.7.2 Sony Business Overview
11.7.3 Sony 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.7.4 Sony Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.7.5 Sony Recent Developments
11.8 Rolling Wireless
11.8.1 Rolling Wireless Company Details
11.8.2 Rolling Wireless Business Overview
11.8.3 Rolling Wireless 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.8.4 Rolling Wireless Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.8.5 Rolling Wireless Recent Developments
11.9 Quectel Wireless Solutions
11.9.1 Quectel Wireless Solutions Company Details
11.9.2 Quectel Wireless Solutions Business Overview
11.9.3 Quectel Wireless Solutions 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.9.4 Quectel Wireless Solutions Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.9.5 Quectel Wireless Solutions Recent Developments
11.10 Sunsea AIoT
11.10.1 Sunsea AIoT Company Details
11.10.2 Sunsea AIoT Business Overview
11.10.3 Sunsea AIoT 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.10.4 Sunsea AIoT Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.10.5 Sunsea AIoT Recent Developments
11.11 Fibocom Wirelessinc
11.11.1 Fibocom Wirelessinc Company Details
11.11.2 Fibocom Wirelessinc Business Overview
11.11.3 Fibocom Wirelessinc 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.11.4 Fibocom Wirelessinc Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.11.5 Fibocom Wirelessinc Recent Developments
11.12 Neoway Technology
11.12.1 Neoway Technology Company Details
11.12.2 Neoway Technology Business Overview
11.12.3 Neoway Technology 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.12.4 Neoway Technology Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.12.5 Neoway Technology Recent Developments
11.13 MeiG Smart Technology
11.13.1 MeiG Smart Technology Company Details
11.13.2 MeiG Smart Technology Business Overview
11.13.3 MeiG Smart Technology 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.13.4 MeiG Smart Technology Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.13.5 MeiG Smart Technology Recent Developments
11.14 GosuncnWelink Technology
11.14.1 GosuncnWelink Technology Company Details
11.14.2 GosuncnWelink Technology Business Overview
11.14.3 GosuncnWelink Technology 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.14.4 GosuncnWelink Technology Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.14.5 GosuncnWelink Technology Recent Developments
11.15 China Mobile Communications Group
11.15.1 China Mobile Communications Group Company Details
11.15.2 China Mobile Communications Group Business Overview
11.15.3 China Mobile Communications Group 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.15.4 China Mobile Communications Group Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.15.5 China Mobile Communications Group Recent Developments
11.16 Huawei
11.16.1 Huawei Company Details
11.16.2 Huawei Business Overview
11.16.3 Huawei 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.16.4 Huawei Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.16.5 Huawei Recent Developments
11.17 Lierda Science & Technology Group
11.17.1 Lierda Science & Technology Group Company Details
11.17.2 Lierda Science & Technology Group Business Overview
11.17.3 Lierda Science & Technology Group 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.17.4 Lierda Science & Technology Group Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.17.5 Lierda Science & Technology Group Recent Developments
11.18 ZTE
11.18.1 ZTE Company Details
11.18.2 ZTE Business Overview
11.18.3 ZTE 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.18.4 ZTE Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.18.5 ZTE Recent Developments
11.19 TD Tech
11.19.1 TD Tech Company Details
11.19.2 TD Tech Business Overview
11.19.3 TD Tech 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.19.4 TD Tech Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.19.5 TD Tech Recent Developments
11.20 Sichuan Ai-link Technology
11.20.1 Sichuan Ai-link Technology Company Details
11.20.2 Sichuan Ai-link Technology Business Overview
11.20.3 Sichuan Ai-link Technology 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.20.4 Sichuan Ai-link Technology Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.20.5 Sichuan Ai-link Technology Recent Developments
11.21 GosuncnWelink
11.21.1 GosuncnWelink Company Details
11.21.2 GosuncnWelink Business Overview
11.21.3 GosuncnWelink 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.21.4 GosuncnWelink Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.21.5 GosuncnWelink Recent Developments
11.22 Wingtech Technology
11.22.1 Wingtech Technology Company Details
11.22.2 Wingtech Technology Business Overview
11.22.3 Wingtech Technology 5G IoT Modules Introduction
11.22.4 Wingtech Technology Revenue in 5G IoT Modules Business (2017-2022)
11.22.5 Wingtech Technology Recent Developments
12 Analyst's Viewpoints/Conclusions
13 Appendix
13.1 Research Methodology
13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach
13.1.2 Data Source
13.2 Author Details
13.3 Disclaimer






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