
Foeniculum Vulgare Oilの世界市場に関する洞察、2028年までの予測

Foeniculum Vulgare Oilの世界市場に関する洞察、2028年までの予測

Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Insights, Forecast to 2028

Foeniculum Vulgareはハーブの一種で、独特の香りとすっきりとした味わいが特徴です。フェンネルの種子はそのまま、または砕いてエキスとして、また水蒸気蒸留して揮発性オイルとして使用されます。薬用としても... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2022年3月4日 US$4,900
5-7営業日 英語





Foeniculum Vulgareはハーブの一種で、独特の香りとすっきりとした味わいが特徴です。フェンネルの種子はそのまま、または砕いてエキスとして、また水蒸気蒸留して揮発性オイルとして使用されます。薬用としても非常に有用である。主にフェンコンとアネトール、d-ピネン、ペランドレン、アニスアルデヒド、アニス酸が含まれています。フェンネルシードエキスは、通常水溶液で、淡い琥珀色の液体である。フェンネルには2つの品種があり、1つはスイートフェンネルで、フェンネルの味と香りの原因であるアネトールという成分です。もう1つはビターフェンネルで、精油は野生のフェンネル植物から採取されますが、アネトールという成分が不足しており、そのため苦い味になっています。しかし、α-フェランドレンという別の成分を持っています。

Foeniculum Vulgareのエッセンシャルオイル/エキスは、これらの有効成分をすべて含んでおり、素早く吸収されるため、肌に栄養を与えることができるのです。また、薬用、美容用としても有効な成分です。表皮の一番上の層から古い角質を取り除くことで、肌を清潔にするのを助けます。この古い角質にはゴミや汚れも含まれているので、この不要な角質層が剥がれ落ちると、明るい新しい肌が表面に現れるのを助けます。また、ビターフェンネルオイルは、その皮膚保護効果から化粧品にも使用されています。皮膚の微小循環を改善し、毒素を早く排出するのを助けます。エッセンシャルオイル/エキスは、多くのテルペンまたはトリテルペンによって、肌を若返らせる効果もあります。オイルもエキスも、ローション、化粧水、バス用品、アイセラムに使用されます。
市場分析および洞察。Foeniculum Vulgareオイルの世界市場

COVID-19の流行により、世界のFoeniculum Vulgare Oilの市場規模は2022年に百万米ドルと推定され、レビュー期間中にCAGR %で2028年までに百万米ドルの再調整サイズになると予測されています。この健康危機による経済変化を十分に考慮し、2021年にFoeniculum Vulgare Oil世界市場の%を占める有機オイルは、2028年までに100万米ドルの価値を持ち、ポストCOVID-19期間に改訂された%のCAGRで成長すると予測されます。一方、化粧品セグメントは、この予測期間を通して%CAGRに変更されています。
中国のFoeniculum Vulgare Oilの市場規模は2021年に百万米ドルと評価され、米国と欧州のFoeniculum Vulgare Oilはそれぞれ百万米ドルと百万米ドルです。2021年の米国の割合は%、中国とヨーロッパはそれぞれ%と%であり、中国の割合は2028年には%に達すると予測され、分析期間を通じてCAGR%で推移しています。日本、韓国、東南アジアはアジアで注目すべき市場であり、今後6年間のCAGRはそれぞれ%、%、%となっています。ヨーロッパのFoeniculum Vulgare Oilの風景については、ドイツは2028年までに100万米ドルに達すると予測され、予測期間を通じてCAGR %を推移しています。

Foeniculum Vulgare Oilの世界的な主要メーカーは、光栄興業、Ayaliグループ、Esperis、LLUCH ESSENCE、ELIXENS、Mountain Rose Herbs、Sustainable Baby Steps、Aromantic、Nhr Organic Oilsなどです。2021年、世界の上位5社は売上高で約 %のシェアを占めています。
生産面では、2017年から2022年まで、2028年までの予測で、メーカー別、地域別(地域レベル、国レベル)のFoeniculum Vulgare Oilの容量、生産量、成長率、市場シェアを調査しています。
販売面では、2017年から2022年までと2028年までの予測で、地域別(地域レベル、国レベル)、企業別、タイプ別、用途別のFoeniculum Vulgare Oilの販売に焦点を当てます。

世界のFoeniculum Vulgare Oilの範囲とセグメント
Foeniculum Vulgare Oil市場は、タイプ別と用途別に分類されます。世界のFoeniculum Vulgare Oil市場におけるプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、このレポートを強力なリソースとして利用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント分析では、2017-2028年の期間、タイプ別およびアプリケーション別の生産能力、収益、予測に焦点を当てています。



中国 台湾



1 Study Coverage
1.1 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Introduction
1.2 Market by Type
1.2.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Type, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
1.2.2 Organic Oil
1.2.3 Common Oil
1.3 Market by Application
1.3.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
1.3.2 Cosmetics
1.3.3 Food
1.3.4 Pharmaceutical
1.4 Study Objectives
1.5 Years Considered
2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Production
2.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Production Capacity (2017-2028)
2.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Production by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
2.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Production by Region
2.3.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Historic Production by Region (2017-2022)
2.3.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Forecasted Production by Region (2023-2028)
2.4 North America
2.5 Europe
2.6 China
2.7 Japan
3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales in Volume & Value Estimates and Forecasts
3.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028
3.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028
3.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
3.4 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Region
3.4.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Region (2017-2022)
3.4.2 Global Sales Foeniculum Vulgare Oil by Region (2023-2028)
3.5 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Region
3.5.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Region (2017-2022)
3.5.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Region (2023-2028)
3.6 North America
3.7 Europe
3.8 Asia-Pacific
3.9 Latin America
3.10 Middle East & Africa
4 Competition by Manufactures
4.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Production Capacity by Manufacturers
4.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Manufacturers
4.2.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.2.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.2.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of Foeniculum Vulgare Oil in 2021
4.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Manufacturers
4.3.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.3.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.3.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue in 2021
4.4 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales Price by Manufacturers
4.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape
4.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)
4.5.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3)
4.5.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Manufacturers Geographical Distribution
4.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
5 Market Size by Type
5.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Type
5.1.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Historical Sales by Type (2017-2022)
5.1.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Forecasted Sales by Type (2023-2028)
5.1.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
5.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Type
5.2.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Historical Revenue by Type (2017-2022)
5.2.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Forecasted Revenue by Type (2023-2028)
5.2.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
5.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Price by Type
5.3.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Price by Type (2017-2022)
5.3.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028)
6 Market Size by Application
6.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Application
6.1.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Historical Sales by Application (2017-2022)
6.1.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Forecasted Sales by Application (2023-2028)
6.1.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
6.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Application
6.2.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Historical Revenue by Application (2017-2022)
6.2.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Forecasted Revenue by Application (2023-2028)
6.2.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
6.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Price by Application
6.3.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Price by Application (2017-2022)
6.3.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028)
7 North America
7.1 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Type
7.1.1 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Type (2017-2028)
7.1.2 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Type (2017-2028)
7.2 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Application
7.2.1 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Application (2017-2028)
7.2.2 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
7.3 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country
7.3.1 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country (2017-2028)
7.3.2 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
7.3.3 United States
7.3.4 Canada
8 Europe
8.1 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Type
8.1.1 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Type (2017-2028)
8.1.2 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Type (2017-2028)
8.2 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Application
8.2.1 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Application (2017-2028)
8.2.2 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
8.3 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country
8.3.1 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country (2017-2028)
8.3.2 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
8.3.3 Germany
8.3.4 France
8.3.5 U.K.
8.3.6 Italy
8.3.7 Russia
9 Asia Pacific
9.1 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Type
9.1.1 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Type (2017-2028)
9.1.2 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Type (2017-2028)
9.2 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Application
9.2.1 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Application (2017-2028)
9.2.2 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
9.3 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Region
9.3.1 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Region (2017-2028)
9.3.2 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Region (2017-2028)
9.3.3 China
9.3.4 Japan
9.3.5 South Korea
9.3.6 India
9.3.7 Australia
9.3.8 China Taiwan
9.3.9 Indonesia
9.3.10 Thailand
9.3.11 Malaysia
10 Latin America
10.1 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Type
10.1.1 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Type (2017-2028)
10.1.2 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Type (2017-2028)
10.2 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Application
10.2.1 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Application (2017-2028)
10.2.2 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
10.3 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country
10.3.1 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country (2017-2028)
10.3.2 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
10.3.3 Mexico
10.3.4 Brazil
10.3.5 Argentina
11 Middle East and Africa
11.1 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Type
11.1.1 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Type (2017-2028)
11.1.2 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Type (2017-2028)
11.2 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Application
11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Application (2017-2028)
11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
11.3 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country
11.3.1 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country (2017-2028)
11.3.2 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
11.3.3 Turkey
11.3.4 Saudi Arabia
11.3.5 UAE
12 Corporate Profiles
12.1.1 KOEI KOGYO Corporation Information
12.1.2 KOEI KOGYO Overview
12.1.3 KOEI KOGYO Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.1.4 KOEI KOGYO Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.1.5 KOEI KOGYO Recent Developments
12.2 Ayali Group
12.2.1 Ayali Group Corporation Information
12.2.2 Ayali Group Overview
12.2.3 Ayali Group Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.2.4 Ayali Group Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.2.5 Ayali Group Recent Developments
12.3 Esperis
12.3.1 Esperis Corporation Information
12.3.2 Esperis Overview
12.3.3 Esperis Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.3.4 Esperis Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.3.5 Esperis Recent Developments
12.4.1 LLUCH ESSENCE Corporation Information
12.4.2 LLUCH ESSENCE Overview
12.4.3 LLUCH ESSENCE Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.4.4 LLUCH ESSENCE Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.4.5 LLUCH ESSENCE Recent Developments
12.5.1 ELIXENS Corporation Information
12.5.2 ELIXENS Overview
12.5.3 ELIXENS Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.5.4 ELIXENS Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.5.5 ELIXENS Recent Developments
12.6 Mountain Rose Herbs
12.6.1 Mountain Rose Herbs Corporation Information
12.6.2 Mountain Rose Herbs Overview
12.6.3 Mountain Rose Herbs Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.6.4 Mountain Rose Herbs Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.6.5 Mountain Rose Herbs Recent Developments
12.7 Sustainable Baby Steps
12.7.1 Sustainable Baby Steps Corporation Information
12.7.2 Sustainable Baby Steps Overview
12.7.3 Sustainable Baby Steps Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.7.4 Sustainable Baby Steps Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.7.5 Sustainable Baby Steps Recent Developments
12.8 Aromantic
12.8.1 Aromantic Corporation Information
12.8.2 Aromantic Overview
12.8.3 Aromantic Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.8.4 Aromantic Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.8.5 Aromantic Recent Developments
12.9 Nhr Organic Oils
12.9.1 Nhr Organic Oils Corporation Information
12.9.2 Nhr Organic Oils Overview
12.9.3 Nhr Organic Oils Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.9.4 Nhr Organic Oils Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.9.5 Nhr Organic Oils Recent Developments
12.10 Eden Botanicals
12.10.1 Eden Botanicals Corporation Information
12.10.2 Eden Botanicals Overview
12.10.3 Eden Botanicals Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.10.4 Eden Botanicals Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.10.5 Eden Botanicals Recent Developments
12.11 Essential Oil Company
12.11.1 Essential Oil Company Corporation Information
12.11.2 Essential Oil Company Overview
12.11.3 Essential Oil Company Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.11.4 Essential Oil Company Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.11.5 Essential Oil Company Recent Developments
13 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis
13.1 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Industry Chain Analysis
13.2 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Key Raw Materials
13.2.1 Key Raw Materials
13.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers
13.3 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Production Mode & Process
13.4 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales and Marketing
13.4.1 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales Channels
13.4.2 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Distributors
13.5 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Customers
14 Market Drivers, Opportunities, Challenges and Risks Factors Analysis
14.1 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Industry Trends
14.2 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Drivers
14.3 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Challenges
14.4 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Restraints
15 Key Finding in The Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Study
16 Appendix
16.1 Research Methodology
16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach
16.1.2 Data Source
16.2 Author Details
16.3 Disclaimer





Foeniculum Vulgare is an herb and it has distinctive aroma and mouth refreshing taste. Fennel seeds are either used as a whole or crushed to either make an extract or they are steam distilled to get volatile oil. It is medicinally also very much useful. It mainly contains fenchone and anethol, d-pinene, phellandrene, anisaldehyde, and anisic acid. The fennel seed extract is usually in water, and light to amber colored liquid. There are two different varieties of fennel, one variety is sweet fennel and anethol is an ingredient responsible for fennel’s taste and fragrance; another variety is bitter fennel, and essential oil comes from wild fennel plants; they lack in the constituent anethol, and that’s the reason they are bitter in taste. However, they have another constituent called alpha-phellandrene.

Foeniculum Vulgare essential oil/extract has all those active constituents which can nourish skin as they can get absorbed quickly. It is also medicinally and cosmetically active constituent. It helps cleanse the skin, by mainly loosening of dead skin cells from the top epidermal layer. These dead skin cells also have debris and dirt embedded into them, so when this unwanted dead skin cell layer comes off the skin, helps the bright newer looking skin to show up on the surface. Bitter fennel oil is also used in cosmetics to provide its skin protective effect. It improves microcirculation in the skin, thus helps getting rid of toxins faster. Essential oil/extract also rejuvenates skin because of many terpenes or triterpenes. The oil and extract both are used in lotions, toners, bath products, and eye serums.
Market Analysis and Insights: Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil market size is estimated to be worth US$ million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ million by 2028 with a CAGR of % during the review period. Fully considering the economic change by this health crisis, Organic Oil accounting for % of the Foeniculum Vulgare Oil global market in 2021, is projected to value US$ million by 2028, growing at a revised % CAGR in the post-COVID-19 period. While Cosmetics segment is altered to an % CAGR throughout this forecast period.
China Foeniculum Vulgare Oil market size is valued at US$ million in 2021, while the US and Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil are US$ million and US$ million, severally. The proportion of the US is % in 2021, while China and Europe are % and % respectively, and it is predicted that China proportion will reach % in 2028, trailing a CAGR of % through the analysis period. Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia are noteworthy markets in Asia, with CAGR %, %, and % respectively for the next 6-year period. As for the Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil landscape, Germany is projected to reach US$ million by 2028 trailing a CAGR of % over the forecast period.

The global key manufacturers of Foeniculum Vulgare Oil include KOEI KOGYO, Ayali Group, Esperis, LLUCH ESSENCE, ELIXENS, Mountain Rose Herbs, Sustainable Baby Steps, Aromantic and Nhr Organic Oils, etc. In 2021, the global top five players have a share approximately % in terms of revenue.
In terms of production side, this report researches the Foeniculum Vulgare Oil capacity, production, growth rate, market share by manufacturers and by region (region level and country level), from 2017 to 2022, and forecast to 2028.
In terms of sales side, this report focuses on the sales of Foeniculum Vulgare Oil by region (region level and country level), by company, by Type and by Application. from 2017 to 2022 and forecast to 2028.

Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Scope and Segment
Foeniculum Vulgare Oil market is segmented by Type and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on production capacity, revenue and forecast by Type and by Application for the period 2017-2028.

Segment by Type
Organic Oil
Common Oil
Segment by Application

By Company
Ayali Group
Mountain Rose Herbs
Sustainable Baby Steps
Nhr Organic Oils
Eden Botanicals
Essential Oil Company

Production by Region
North America
Consumption by Region
North America
United States
South Korea
China Taiwan
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia


Table of Contents

1 Study Coverage
1.1 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Introduction
1.2 Market by Type
1.2.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Type, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
1.2.2 Organic Oil
1.2.3 Common Oil
1.3 Market by Application
1.3.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
1.3.2 Cosmetics
1.3.3 Food
1.3.4 Pharmaceutical
1.4 Study Objectives
1.5 Years Considered
2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Production
2.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Production Capacity (2017-2028)
2.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Production by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
2.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Production by Region
2.3.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Historic Production by Region (2017-2022)
2.3.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Forecasted Production by Region (2023-2028)
2.4 North America
2.5 Europe
2.6 China
2.7 Japan
3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales in Volume & Value Estimates and Forecasts
3.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028
3.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028
3.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028
3.4 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Region
3.4.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Region (2017-2022)
3.4.2 Global Sales Foeniculum Vulgare Oil by Region (2023-2028)
3.5 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Region
3.5.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Region (2017-2022)
3.5.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Region (2023-2028)
3.6 North America
3.7 Europe
3.8 Asia-Pacific
3.9 Latin America
3.10 Middle East & Africa
4 Competition by Manufactures
4.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Production Capacity by Manufacturers
4.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Manufacturers
4.2.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.2.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.2.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of Foeniculum Vulgare Oil in 2021
4.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Manufacturers
4.3.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.3.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022)
4.3.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue in 2021
4.4 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales Price by Manufacturers
4.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape
4.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)
4.5.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3)
4.5.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Manufacturers Geographical Distribution
4.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
5 Market Size by Type
5.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Type
5.1.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Historical Sales by Type (2017-2022)
5.1.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Forecasted Sales by Type (2023-2028)
5.1.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
5.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Type
5.2.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Historical Revenue by Type (2017-2022)
5.2.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Forecasted Revenue by Type (2023-2028)
5.2.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2028)
5.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Price by Type
5.3.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Price by Type (2017-2022)
5.3.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028)
6 Market Size by Application
6.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Application
6.1.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Historical Sales by Application (2017-2022)
6.1.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Forecasted Sales by Application (2023-2028)
6.1.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
6.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Application
6.2.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Historical Revenue by Application (2017-2022)
6.2.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Forecasted Revenue by Application (2023-2028)
6.2.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028)
6.3 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Price by Application
6.3.1 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Price by Application (2017-2022)
6.3.2 Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028)
7 North America
7.1 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Type
7.1.1 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Type (2017-2028)
7.1.2 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Type (2017-2028)
7.2 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Application
7.2.1 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Application (2017-2028)
7.2.2 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
7.3 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country
7.3.1 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country (2017-2028)
7.3.2 North America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
7.3.3 United States
7.3.4 Canada
8 Europe
8.1 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Type
8.1.1 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Type (2017-2028)
8.1.2 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Type (2017-2028)
8.2 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Application
8.2.1 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Application (2017-2028)
8.2.2 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
8.3 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country
8.3.1 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country (2017-2028)
8.3.2 Europe Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
8.3.3 Germany
8.3.4 France
8.3.5 U.K.
8.3.6 Italy
8.3.7 Russia
9 Asia Pacific
9.1 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Type
9.1.1 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Type (2017-2028)
9.1.2 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Type (2017-2028)
9.2 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Application
9.2.1 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Application (2017-2028)
9.2.2 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
9.3 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Region
9.3.1 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Region (2017-2028)
9.3.2 Asia Pacific Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Region (2017-2028)
9.3.3 China
9.3.4 Japan
9.3.5 South Korea
9.3.6 India
9.3.7 Australia
9.3.8 China Taiwan
9.3.9 Indonesia
9.3.10 Thailand
9.3.11 Malaysia
10 Latin America
10.1 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Type
10.1.1 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Type (2017-2028)
10.1.2 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Type (2017-2028)
10.2 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Application
10.2.1 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Application (2017-2028)
10.2.2 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
10.3 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country
10.3.1 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country (2017-2028)
10.3.2 Latin America Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
10.3.3 Mexico
10.3.4 Brazil
10.3.5 Argentina
11 Middle East and Africa
11.1 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Type
11.1.1 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Type (2017-2028)
11.1.2 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Type (2017-2028)
11.2 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Size by Application
11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Application (2017-2028)
11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Application (2017-2028)
11.3 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country
11.3.1 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales by Country (2017-2028)
11.3.2 Middle East and Africa Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Revenue by Country (2017-2028)
11.3.3 Turkey
11.3.4 Saudi Arabia
11.3.5 UAE
12 Corporate Profiles
12.1.1 KOEI KOGYO Corporation Information
12.1.2 KOEI KOGYO Overview
12.1.3 KOEI KOGYO Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.1.4 KOEI KOGYO Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.1.5 KOEI KOGYO Recent Developments
12.2 Ayali Group
12.2.1 Ayali Group Corporation Information
12.2.2 Ayali Group Overview
12.2.3 Ayali Group Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.2.4 Ayali Group Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.2.5 Ayali Group Recent Developments
12.3 Esperis
12.3.1 Esperis Corporation Information
12.3.2 Esperis Overview
12.3.3 Esperis Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.3.4 Esperis Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.3.5 Esperis Recent Developments
12.4.1 LLUCH ESSENCE Corporation Information
12.4.2 LLUCH ESSENCE Overview
12.4.3 LLUCH ESSENCE Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.4.4 LLUCH ESSENCE Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.4.5 LLUCH ESSENCE Recent Developments
12.5.1 ELIXENS Corporation Information
12.5.2 ELIXENS Overview
12.5.3 ELIXENS Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.5.4 ELIXENS Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.5.5 ELIXENS Recent Developments
12.6 Mountain Rose Herbs
12.6.1 Mountain Rose Herbs Corporation Information
12.6.2 Mountain Rose Herbs Overview
12.6.3 Mountain Rose Herbs Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.6.4 Mountain Rose Herbs Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.6.5 Mountain Rose Herbs Recent Developments
12.7 Sustainable Baby Steps
12.7.1 Sustainable Baby Steps Corporation Information
12.7.2 Sustainable Baby Steps Overview
12.7.3 Sustainable Baby Steps Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.7.4 Sustainable Baby Steps Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.7.5 Sustainable Baby Steps Recent Developments
12.8 Aromantic
12.8.1 Aromantic Corporation Information
12.8.2 Aromantic Overview
12.8.3 Aromantic Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.8.4 Aromantic Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.8.5 Aromantic Recent Developments
12.9 Nhr Organic Oils
12.9.1 Nhr Organic Oils Corporation Information
12.9.2 Nhr Organic Oils Overview
12.9.3 Nhr Organic Oils Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.9.4 Nhr Organic Oils Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.9.5 Nhr Organic Oils Recent Developments
12.10 Eden Botanicals
12.10.1 Eden Botanicals Corporation Information
12.10.2 Eden Botanicals Overview
12.10.3 Eden Botanicals Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.10.4 Eden Botanicals Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.10.5 Eden Botanicals Recent Developments
12.11 Essential Oil Company
12.11.1 Essential Oil Company Corporation Information
12.11.2 Essential Oil Company Overview
12.11.3 Essential Oil Company Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022)
12.11.4 Essential Oil Company Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications
12.11.5 Essential Oil Company Recent Developments
13 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis
13.1 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Industry Chain Analysis
13.2 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Key Raw Materials
13.2.1 Key Raw Materials
13.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers
13.3 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Production Mode & Process
13.4 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales and Marketing
13.4.1 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Sales Channels
13.4.2 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Distributors
13.5 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Customers
14 Market Drivers, Opportunities, Challenges and Risks Factors Analysis
14.1 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Industry Trends
14.2 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Drivers
14.3 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Challenges
14.4 Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Market Restraints
15 Key Finding in The Global Foeniculum Vulgare Oil Study
16 Appendix
16.1 Research Methodology
16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach
16.1.2 Data Source
16.2 Author Details
16.3 Disclaimer






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2025/02/21 10:27

150.86 円

158.69 円

193.74 円
