![]() テクニカルグレードのアゼライン酸の世界市場の洞察と2028年までの予測Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Insights and Forecast to 2028 アゼライン酸は、結晶性の不透明な白色固体で、熱水、アルコール、ジエチルエーテルなどの極性溶媒に溶ける。アゼライン酸の2つのカルボキシル基は、ナフサや四塩化炭素などの非極性溶媒への溶解性を制限する。ア... もっと見る
サマリーアゼライン酸は、結晶性の不透明な白色固体で、熱水、アルコール、ジエチルエーテルなどの極性溶媒に溶ける。アゼライン酸の2つのカルボキシル基は、ナフサや四塩化炭素などの非極性溶媒への溶解性を制限する。アゼライン酸は炭素数9の直鎖の飽和二塩基酸で、主にオレイン酸のオゾン酸化によって商業的に生産される。また、プラスチック、潤滑油、電子機器、医薬品、化粧品などの製造に使用される化学原料である。世界のテクニカルグレードアゼライン酸市場COVID-19のパンデミックにより、世界のテクニカルグレードアゼライン酸市場規模は2022年に百万米ドルと推定され、検討期間中のCAGRは%で2028年までに百万米ドルに再調整されると予測されています。この健康危機による経済的変化を十分に考慮して。<80% accounting for % of the Technical Grade Azelaic Acid global market in 2021, is projected to value US$ million by 2028, growing at a revised % CAGR in the post-COVID-19 period. While Plastics segment is altered to an % CAGR throughout this forecast period.China Technical Grade Azelaic Acid market size is valued at US$ million in 2021, while the US and Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid are US$ million and US$ million, severally. The proportion of the US is % in 2021, while China and Europe are % and % respectively, and it is predicted that China proportion will reach % in 2028, trailing a CAGR of % through the analysis period. Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia are noteworthy markets in Asia, with CAGR %, %, and % respectively for the next 6-year period. As for the Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid landscape, Germany is projected to reach US$ million by 2028 trailing a CAGR of % over the forecast period.The global key manufacturers of Technical Grade Azelaic Acid include Emery Oleochemicals, Matrica SpA, BASF, Croda Sipo, Ninghai Zhonglong, Jiangsu Senxuan, Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials, Shandong Clearwill and Hubei Tuochu. etc. In 2021, the global top five players have a share approximately % in terms of revenue.In terms of production side, this report researches the Technical Grade Azelaic Acid capacity, production, growth rate, market share by manufacturers and by region (region level and country level), from 2017 to 2022, and forecast to 2028.In terms of sales side, this report focuses on the sales of Technical Grade Azelaic Acid by region (region level and country level), by company, by Type and by Application. from 2017 to 2022 and forecast to 2028.Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Scope and SegmentTechnical Grade Azelaic Acid market is segmented by Type and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on production capacity, revenue and forecast by Type and by Application for the period 2017-2028.Segment by Type <80% 80%-90% >90%用途別セグメント プラスチック 潤滑油 エレクトロニクス その他会社名 Emery Oleochemicals Matrica SpA BASF Croda Sipo Ninghai Zhonglong Jiangsu Senxuan Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials Shandong Clearwill Hubei Tuochu生産地域別 北米 欧州 中国 日本 消費地域別 北米 U. S. Canada Europe Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Asia-Pacific China Japan South Korea India Taiwan Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Vietnam Latin America Mexico Argentina Middle East & Africa Turkey Saudi UAE U.K.I. Russia米国 カナダ 欧州 ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア ロシア アジア太平洋 中国 日本 韓国 インド オーストラリア 台湾 インドネシア タイ マレーシア フィリピン ベトナム 中南米 メキシコ ブラジル アルゼンチン 中東・アフリカ トルコ サウジアラビア UAE目次1 Study Coverage 1.1 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Introduction 1.2 Market by Type 1.2.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Type, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1.2.2 <80% 1.2.3 80%-90% 1.2.4 >90% 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1.3.2 Plastics 1.3.3 Lubricants 1.3.4 Electronics 1.3.5 Others 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Production 2.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Production Capacity (2017-2028) 2.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Production by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 2.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Production by Region 2.3.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Historic Production by Region (2017-2022) 2.3.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Forecasted Production by Region (2023-2028) 2.4 North America 2.5 Europe 2.6 China 2.7 Japan 3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales in Volume & Value Estimates and Forecasts 3.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 3.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 3.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 3.4 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Region 3.4.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Region (2017-2022) 3.4.2 Global Sales Technical Grade Azelaic Acid by Region (2023-2028) 3.5 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Region 3.5.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Region (2017-2022) 3.5.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Region (2023-2028) 3.6 North America 3.7 Europe 3.8 Asia-Pacific 3.9 Latin America 3.10 Middle East & Africa 4 Competition by Manufactures 4.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Production Capacity by Manufacturers 4.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Manufacturers 4.2.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.2.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.2.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of Technical Grade Azelaic Acid in 2021 4.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Manufacturers 4.3.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.3.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.3.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue in 2021 4.4 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales Price by Manufacturers 4.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 4.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 4.5.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 4.5.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Manufacturers Geographical Distribution 4.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 5 Market Size by Type 5.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Type 5.1.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Historical Sales by Type (2017-2022) 5.1.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Forecasted Sales by Type (2023-2028) 5.1.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 5.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Type 5.2.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Historical Revenue by Type (2017-2022) 5.2.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Forecasted Revenue by Type (2023-2028) 5.2.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 5.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Price by Type 5.3.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Price by Type (2017-2022) 5.3.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 6 Market Size by Application 6.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Application 6.1.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Historical Sales by Application (2017-2022) 6.1.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Forecasted Sales by Application (2023-2028) 6.1.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 6.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Application 6.2.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Historical Revenue by Application (2017-2022) 6.2.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Forecasted Revenue by Application (2023-2028) 6.2.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 6.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Price by Application 6.3.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Price by Application (2017-2022) 6.3.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 7 North America 7.1 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Type 7.1.1 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Type (2017-2028) 7.1.2 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 7.2 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Application 7.2.1 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Application (2017-2028) 7.2.2 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 7.3 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country 7.3.1 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country (2017-2028) 7.3.2 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 7.3.3 U.S. 7.3.4 Canada 8 Europe 8.1 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Type 8.1.1 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Type (2017-2028) 8.1.2 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 8.2 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Application 8.2.1 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Application (2017-2028) 8.2.2 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 8.3 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country 8.3.1 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country (2017-2028) 8.3.2 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 8.3.3 Germany 8.3.4 France 8.3.5 U.K. 8.3.6 Italy 8.3.7 Russia 9 Asia Pacific 9.1 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Type 9.1.1 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Type (2017-2028) 9.1.2 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 9.2 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Application 9.2.1 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Application (2017-2028) 9.2.2 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 9.3 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Region 9.3.1 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Region (2017-2028) 9.3.2 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Region (2017-2028) 9.3.3 China 9.3.4 Japan 9.3.5 South Korea 9.3.6 India 9.3.7 Australia 9.3.8 Taiwan 9.3.9 Indonesia 9.3.10 Thailand 9.3.11 Malaysia 9.3.12 Philippines 10 Latin America 10.1 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Type 10.1.1 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Type (2017-2028) 10.1.2 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 10.2 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Application 10.2.1 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Application (2017-2028) 10.2.2 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 10.3 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country 10.3.1 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country (2017-2028) 10.3.2 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 10.3.3 Mexico 10.3.4 Brazil 10.3.5 Argentina 11 Middle East and Africa 11.1 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Type 11.1.1 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Type (2017-2028) 11.1.2 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 11.2 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Application 11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Application (2017-2028) 11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 11.3 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country 11.3.1 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country (2017-2028) 11.3.2 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 11.3.3 Turkey 11.3.4 Saudi Arabia 11.3.5 UAE 12 Corporate Profiles 12.1 Emery Oleochemicals 12.1.1 Emery Oleochemicals Corporation Information 12.1.2 Emery Oleochemicals Overview 12.1.3 Emery Oleochemicals Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.1.4 Emery Oleochemicals Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.1.5 Emery Oleochemicals Recent Developments 12.2 Matrica SpA 12.2.1 Matrica SpA Corporation Information 12.2.2 Matrica SpA Overview 12.2.3 Matrica SpA Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.2.4 Matrica SpA Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.2.5 Matrica SpA Recent Developments 12.3 BASF 12.3.1 BASF Corporation Information 12.3.2 BASF Overview 12.3.3 BASF Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.3.4 BASF Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.3.5 BASF Recent Developments 12.4 Croda Sipo 12.4.1 Croda Sipo Corporation Information 12.4.2 Croda Sipo Overview 12.4.3 Croda Sipo Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.4.4 Croda Sipo Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.4.5 Croda Sipo Recent Developments 12.5 Ninghai Zhonglong 12.5.1 Ninghai Zhonglong Corporation Information 12.5.2 Ninghai Zhonglong Overview 12.5.3 Ninghai Zhonglong Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.5.4 Ninghai Zhonglong Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.5.5 Ninghai Zhonglong Recent Developments 12.6 Jiangsu Senxuan 12.6.1 Jiangsu Senxuan Corporation Information 12.6.2 Jiangsu Senxuan Overview 12.6.3 Jiangsu Senxuan Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.6.4 Jiangsu Senxuan Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.6.5 Jiangsu Senxuan Recent Developments 12.7 Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials 12.7.1 Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials Corporation Information 12.7.2 Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials Overview 12.7.3 Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.7.4 Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.7.5 Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials Recent Developments 12.8 Shandong Clearwill 12.8.1 Shandong Clearwill Corporation Information 12.8.2 Shandong Clearwill Overview 12.8.3 Shandong Clearwill Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.8.4 Shandong Clearwill Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.8.5 Shandong Clearwill Recent Developments 12.9 Hubei Tuochu 12.9.1 Hubei Tuochu Corporation Information 12.9.2 Hubei Tuochu Overview 12.9.3 Hubei Tuochu Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.9.4 Hubei Tuochu Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.9.5 Hubei Tuochu Recent Developments 13 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 13.1 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Industry Chain Analysis 13.2 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Key Raw Materials 13.2.1 Key Raw Materials 13.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 13.3 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Production Mode & Process 13.4 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales and Marketing 13.4.1 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales Channels 13.4.2 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Distributors 13.5 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Customers 14 Market Drivers, Opportunities, Challenges and Risks Factors Analysis 14.1 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Industry Trends 14.2 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Drivers 14.3 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Challenges 14.4 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Restraints 15 Key Finding in The Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Study 16 Appendix 16.1 Research Methodology 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 16.1.2 Data Source 16.2 Author Details 16.3 Disclaimer
SummaryAzelaic acid is a crystalline, opaque-white solid, soluble in hot water, alcohols, diethyl ether, and other polar solvents. The two carboxyl groups of azelaic acid limit its solubility in nonpolar solvents such as naphtha or carbon tetrachloride. It is a 9-carbon, straight chain, saturated, dibasic acid mainly produced commercially by the ozone oxidation of oleic acid. It is chemical raw material used in the production of plastics, lubricants, electronics, pharmaceuticals & cosmetics, etc. Market Analysis and Insights: Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid market size is estimated to be worth US$ million in 2022 and is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ million by 2028 with a CAGR of % during the review period. Fully considering the economic change by this health crisis, <80% accounting for % of the Technical Grade Azelaic Acid global market in 2021, is projected to value US$ million by 2028, growing at a revised % CAGR in the post-COVID-19 period. While Plastics segment is altered to an % CAGR throughout this forecast period. China Technical Grade Azelaic Acid market size is valued at US$ million in 2021, while the US and Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid are US$ million and US$ million, severally. The proportion of the US is % in 2021, while China and Europe are % and % respectively, and it is predicted that China proportion will reach % in 2028, trailing a CAGR of % through the analysis period. Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia are noteworthy markets in Asia, with CAGR %, %, and % respectively for the next 6-year period. As for the Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid landscape, Germany is projected to reach US$ million by 2028 trailing a CAGR of % over the forecast period. The global key manufacturers of Technical Grade Azelaic Acid include Emery Oleochemicals, Matrica SpA, BASF, Croda Sipo, Ninghai Zhonglong, Jiangsu Senxuan, Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials, Shandong Clearwill and Hubei Tuochu. etc. In 2021, the global top five players have a share approximately % in terms of revenue. In terms of production side, this report researches the Technical Grade Azelaic Acid capacity, production, growth rate, market share by manufacturers and by region (region level and country level), from 2017 to 2022, and forecast to 2028. In terms of sales side, this report focuses on the sales of Technical Grade Azelaic Acid by region (region level and country level), by company, by Type and by Application. from 2017 to 2022 and forecast to 2028. Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Scope and Segment Technical Grade Azelaic Acid market is segmented by Type and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on production capacity, revenue and forecast by Type and by Application for the period 2017-2028. Segment by Type <80% 80%-90% >90% Segment by Application Plastics Lubricants Electronics Others By Company Emery Oleochemicals Matrica SpA BASF Croda Sipo Ninghai Zhonglong Jiangsu Senxuan Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials Shandong Clearwill Hubei Tuochu Production by Region North America Europe China Japan Consumption by Region North America U.S. Canada Europe Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Asia-Pacific China Japan South Korea India Australia Taiwan Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Philippines Vietnam Latin America Mexico Brazil Argentina Middle East & Africa Turkey Saudi Arabia UAETable of Contents1 Study Coverage 1.1 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Introduction 1.2 Market by Type 1.2.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Type, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1.2.2 <80% 1.2.3 80%-90% 1.2.4 >90% 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Application, 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 1.3.2 Plastics 1.3.3 Lubricants 1.3.4 Electronics 1.3.5 Others 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Production 2.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Production Capacity (2017-2028) 2.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Production by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 2.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Production by Region 2.3.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Historic Production by Region (2017-2022) 2.3.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Forecasted Production by Region (2023-2028) 2.4 North America 2.5 Europe 2.6 China 2.7 Japan 3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales in Volume & Value Estimates and Forecasts 3.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 3.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue Estimates and Forecasts 2017-2028 3.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Region: 2017 VS 2021 VS 2028 3.4 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Region 3.4.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Region (2017-2022) 3.4.2 Global Sales Technical Grade Azelaic Acid by Region (2023-2028) 3.5 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Region 3.5.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Region (2017-2022) 3.5.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Region (2023-2028) 3.6 North America 3.7 Europe 3.8 Asia-Pacific 3.9 Latin America 3.10 Middle East & Africa 4 Competition by Manufactures 4.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Production Capacity by Manufacturers 4.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Manufacturers 4.2.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.2.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.2.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Largest Manufacturers of Technical Grade Azelaic Acid in 2021 4.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Manufacturers 4.3.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.3.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2017-2022) 4.3.3 Global Top 10 and Top 5 Companies by Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue in 2021 4.4 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales Price by Manufacturers 4.5 Analysis of Competitive Landscape 4.5.1 Manufacturers Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 4.5.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 4.5.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Manufacturers Geographical Distribution 4.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 5 Market Size by Type 5.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Type 5.1.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Historical Sales by Type (2017-2022) 5.1.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Forecasted Sales by Type (2023-2028) 5.1.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 5.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Type 5.2.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Historical Revenue by Type (2017-2022) 5.2.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Forecasted Revenue by Type (2023-2028) 5.2.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue Market Share by Type (2017-2028) 5.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Price by Type 5.3.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Price by Type (2017-2022) 5.3.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Price Forecast by Type (2023-2028) 6 Market Size by Application 6.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Application 6.1.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Historical Sales by Application (2017-2022) 6.1.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Forecasted Sales by Application (2023-2028) 6.1.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 6.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Application 6.2.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Historical Revenue by Application (2017-2022) 6.2.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Forecasted Revenue by Application (2023-2028) 6.2.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue Market Share by Application (2017-2028) 6.3 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Price by Application 6.3.1 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Price by Application (2017-2022) 6.3.2 Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Price Forecast by Application (2023-2028) 7 North America 7.1 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Type 7.1.1 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Type (2017-2028) 7.1.2 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 7.2 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Application 7.2.1 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Application (2017-2028) 7.2.2 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 7.3 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country 7.3.1 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country (2017-2028) 7.3.2 North America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 7.3.3 U.S. 7.3.4 Canada 8 Europe 8.1 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Type 8.1.1 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Type (2017-2028) 8.1.2 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 8.2 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Application 8.2.1 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Application (2017-2028) 8.2.2 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 8.3 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country 8.3.1 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country (2017-2028) 8.3.2 Europe Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 8.3.3 Germany 8.3.4 France 8.3.5 U.K. 8.3.6 Italy 8.3.7 Russia 9 Asia Pacific 9.1 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Type 9.1.1 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Type (2017-2028) 9.1.2 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 9.2 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Application 9.2.1 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Application (2017-2028) 9.2.2 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 9.3 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Region 9.3.1 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Region (2017-2028) 9.3.2 Asia Pacific Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Region (2017-2028) 9.3.3 China 9.3.4 Japan 9.3.5 South Korea 9.3.6 India 9.3.7 Australia 9.3.8 Taiwan 9.3.9 Indonesia 9.3.10 Thailand 9.3.11 Malaysia 9.3.12 Philippines 10 Latin America 10.1 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Type 10.1.1 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Type (2017-2028) 10.1.2 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 10.2 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Application 10.2.1 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Application (2017-2028) 10.2.2 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 10.3 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country 10.3.1 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country (2017-2028) 10.3.2 Latin America Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 10.3.3 Mexico 10.3.4 Brazil 10.3.5 Argentina 11 Middle East and Africa 11.1 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Type 11.1.1 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Type (2017-2028) 11.1.2 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Type (2017-2028) 11.2 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Size by Application 11.2.1 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Application (2017-2028) 11.2.2 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Application (2017-2028) 11.3 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country 11.3.1 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales by Country (2017-2028) 11.3.2 Middle East and Africa Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Revenue by Country (2017-2028) 11.3.3 Turkey 11.3.4 Saudi Arabia 11.3.5 UAE 12 Corporate Profiles 12.1 Emery Oleochemicals 12.1.1 Emery Oleochemicals Corporation Information 12.1.2 Emery Oleochemicals Overview 12.1.3 Emery Oleochemicals Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.1.4 Emery Oleochemicals Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.1.5 Emery Oleochemicals Recent Developments 12.2 Matrica SpA 12.2.1 Matrica SpA Corporation Information 12.2.2 Matrica SpA Overview 12.2.3 Matrica SpA Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.2.4 Matrica SpA Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.2.5 Matrica SpA Recent Developments 12.3 BASF 12.3.1 BASF Corporation Information 12.3.2 BASF Overview 12.3.3 BASF Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.3.4 BASF Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.3.5 BASF Recent Developments 12.4 Croda Sipo 12.4.1 Croda Sipo Corporation Information 12.4.2 Croda Sipo Overview 12.4.3 Croda Sipo Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.4.4 Croda Sipo Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.4.5 Croda Sipo Recent Developments 12.5 Ninghai Zhonglong 12.5.1 Ninghai Zhonglong Corporation Information 12.5.2 Ninghai Zhonglong Overview 12.5.3 Ninghai Zhonglong Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.5.4 Ninghai Zhonglong Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.5.5 Ninghai Zhonglong Recent Developments 12.6 Jiangsu Senxuan 12.6.1 Jiangsu Senxuan Corporation Information 12.6.2 Jiangsu Senxuan Overview 12.6.3 Jiangsu Senxuan Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.6.4 Jiangsu Senxuan Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.6.5 Jiangsu Senxuan Recent Developments 12.7 Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials 12.7.1 Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials Corporation Information 12.7.2 Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials Overview 12.7.3 Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.7.4 Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.7.5 Nantong Hengxing Electronic Materials Recent Developments 12.8 Shandong Clearwill 12.8.1 Shandong Clearwill Corporation Information 12.8.2 Shandong Clearwill Overview 12.8.3 Shandong Clearwill Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.8.4 Shandong Clearwill Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.8.5 Shandong Clearwill Recent Developments 12.9 Hubei Tuochu 12.9.1 Hubei Tuochu Corporation Information 12.9.2 Hubei Tuochu Overview 12.9.3 Hubei Tuochu Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales, Price, Revenue and Gross Margin (2017-2022) 12.9.4 Hubei Tuochu Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Product Model Numbers, Pictures, Descriptions and Specifications 12.9.5 Hubei Tuochu Recent Developments 13 Industry Chain and Sales Channels Analysis 13.1 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Industry Chain Analysis 13.2 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Key Raw Materials 13.2.1 Key Raw Materials 13.2.2 Raw Materials Key Suppliers 13.3 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Production Mode & Process 13.4 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales and Marketing 13.4.1 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Sales Channels 13.4.2 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Distributors 13.5 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Customers 14 Market Drivers, Opportunities, Challenges and Risks Factors Analysis 14.1 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Industry Trends 14.2 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Drivers 14.3 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Challenges 14.4 Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Market Restraints 15 Key Finding in The Global Technical Grade Azelaic Acid Study 16 Appendix 16.1 Research Methodology 16.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 16.1.2 Data Source 16.2 Author Details 16.3 Disclaimer
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