世界のバーチャルリハビリテーションとテレリハビリテーションシステムの市場調査レポート2021年版Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Research Report 2021 市場分析と洞察。バーチャルリハビリテーションと遠隔リハビリテーションシステムの世界市場 仮想リハビリテーションと遠隔リハビリテーションシステムの世界市場規模は、2020年の3億5444万米ドルから、2021年か... もっと見る
サマリー市場分析と洞察。バーチャルリハビリテーションと遠隔リハビリテーションシステムの世界市場仮想リハビリテーションと遠隔リハビリテーションシステムの世界市場規模は、2020年の3億5444万米ドルから、2021年から2027年の間に20.32%のCAGRで、2027年には1億40010万米ドルに達すると予測しています。 本レポートは、業界標準の正確な分析と高いデータの整合性により、世界のバーチャルリハビリテーション・遠隔リハビリテーションシステム市場で得られる主要な機会を明らかにし、プレイヤーが市場での確固たる地位を獲得するのに役立つ見事な試みを行っています。本レポートの購入者は、検証された信頼性の高い市場予測にアクセスすることができます。その中には、収益面での仮想リハビリテーションおよび遠隔リハビリテーションシステムの世界市場全体のサイズに関する予測も含まれています。 全体として、本レポートは、プレイヤーが競合他社に対して優位に立ち、世界の仮想リハビリテーション・遠隔リハビリテーションシステム市場で永続的な成功を収めるための効果的なツールであることを証明しています。本レポートに掲載されているすべての調査結果、データ、情報は、信頼できる情報源の助けを借りて検証、再検証されています。本レポートを執筆したアナリストは、世界の仮想リハビリテーション・遠隔リハビリテーションシステム市場を詳細に調査するために、独自の業界最高水準の調査・分析手法を用いています。 世界のバーチャルリハビリテーション・遠隔リハビリテーションシステムの範囲と市場規模 バーチャルリハビリテーション・遠隔リハビリテーションシステム市場は、プレイヤー別、地域(国)別、タイプ別、アプリケーション別に分類されています。世界のバーチャルリハビリテーションと遠隔リハビリテーションシステム市場に参加するプレイヤー、ステークホルダー、その他の参加者は、本レポートを強力なリソースとして活用することで、優位に立つことができるでしょう。セグメント分析では、2016年から2027年までの期間で、タイプ別とアプリケーション別の収益と予測に焦点を当てています。 企業別 ジェスチャーテックヘルス ブロント・プロセッシング Motek Medical (DIHメディカルグループ) バーチャルウェアグループ モトレーカ ブリッジウェイ・シニア・ヘルスケア ライトゲイト マインドメイズ ドクターキネティック ジェミナス・クォーム リハメトリクス ヒンジ・ヘルス スウォード・ヘルス CoRehab Srl 270ビジョン(BPMパスウェイ) ミラ リハビリ リミテッド タイプ別セグメント 身体的リハビリテーション 神経系リハビリテーション 認知的リハビリテーション その他 用途別セグメント 病院 介護施設 ホーム その他 地域別 北アメリカ アメリカ カナダ アジア太平洋 中国 日本 韓国 東南アジア インド オーストラリア その他のアジア諸国 ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス イギリス イタリア ロシア その他のヨーロッパ諸国 ラテンアメリカ メキシコ ブラジル アルゼンチン その他のラテンアメリカ 中近東・アフリカ サウジアラビア アラブ首長国連邦 イサール トルコ 南アフリカ共和国 その他のMEA 目次1 REPORT OVERVIEW 1 1.1 Study Scope 1 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 2 1.2.1 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 2 1.2.2 Physical Rehabilitation 3 1.2.3 Neuro Rehabilitation 4 1.2.4 Cognitive Rehabilitation 5 1.2.5 Others 5 1.3 Market by Application 6 1.3.1 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Share by Application: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 6 1.3.2 Hospitals 7 1.3.3 Care Homes 8 1.3.4 Home 9 1.3.5 Other 10 1.4 Study Objectives 11 1.5 Years Considered 11 2 GLOBAL GROWTH TRENDS 12 2.1 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Perspective (2016-2027) 12 2.2 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Growth Trends by Regions 13 2.2.1 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Regions: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 13 2.2.2 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Historic Market Size by Regions (2016-2021) 14 2.2.3 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Forecasted Market Size by Regions (2022-2027) 15 2.3 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Industry Dynamic 16 2.3.1 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Trends 16 2.3.2 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Drivers 17 2.3.3 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Challenges 17 2.3.4 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Restraints 17 3 COMPETITION LANDSCAPE BY KEY PLAYERS 19 3.1 Global Top Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Players by Revenue 19 3.1.1 Global Top Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Players by Revenue (2016-2021) 19 3.1.2 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Revenue Market Share by Players (2016-2021) 20 3.2 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 21 3.3 Players Covered: Ranking by Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Revenue 22 3.4 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Concentration Ratio 23 3.4.1 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 23 3.4.2 Global Top 3 and Top 5 Companies by Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Revenue in 2020 24 3.5 Key Players Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Area Served 25 3.6 Key Players Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Product Solution and Service 26 3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 26 4 VIRTUAL REHABILITATION AND TELEREHABILITATION SYSTEMS BREAKDOWN DATA BY TYPE 28 4.1 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Historic Market Size by Type (2016-2021) 28 4.2 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Forecasted Market Size by Type (2022-2027) 29 5 VIRTUAL REHABILITATION AND TELEREHABILITATION SYSTEMS BREAKDOWN DATA BY APPLICATION 31 5.1 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Historic Market Size by Application (2016-2021) 31 5.2 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Forecasted Market Size by Application (2022-2027) 32 6 NORTH AMERICA 33 6.1 North America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size (2016-2027) 33 6.2 North America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country 34 6.2.1 North America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2016-2021) 34 6.2.2 North America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2022-2027) 34 6.2.3 United States 36 6.2.4 Canada 37 7 EUROPE 38 7.1 Europe Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size (2016-2027) 38 7.2 Europe Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country 39 7.2.1 Europe Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2016-2021) 39 7.2.2 Europe Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2022-2027) 39 7.2.3 Germany 41 7.2.4 France 42 7.2.5 U.K. 43 7.2.6 Italy 44 7.2.7 Russia 45 8 ASIA-PACIFIC 46 8.1 Asia-Pacific Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size (2016-2027) 46 8.2 Asia-Pacific Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Region 47 8.2.1 Asia-Pacific Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Region (2016-2021) 47 8.2.2 Asia-Pacific Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Region (2022-2027) 47 8.2.3 China 49 8.2.4 Japan 50 8.2.5 South Korea 51 8.2.6 Southeast Asia 52 8.2.7 India 53 8.2.8 Australia 54 9 LATIN AMERICA 55 9.1 Latin America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size (2016-2027) 55 9.2 Latin America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country 56 9.2.1 Latin America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2016-2021) 56 9.2.2 Latin America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2022-2027) 56 9.2.3 Mexico 58 9.2.4 Brazil 59 10 MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA 60 10.1 Middle East & Africa Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size (2016-2027) 60 10.2 Middle East & Africa Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country 61 10.2.1 Middle East & Africa Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2016-2021) 61 10.2.2 Middle East & Africa Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2022-2027) 61 10.2.3 Turkey 63 10.2.4 Saudi Arabia 64 10.2.5 UAE 65 11 KEY PLAYERS PROFILES 66 11.1 GestureTek Health 66 11.1.1 GestureTek Health Company Details 66 11.1.2 GestureTek Health Business Overview 67 11.1.3 GestureTek Health Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 67 11.1.4 GestureTek Health Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 68 11.2 Brontes Processing 69 11.2.1 Brontes Processing Company Details 69 11.2.2 Brontes Processing Business Overview 70 11.2.3 Brontes Processing Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 70 11.2.4 Brontes Processing Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 71 11.3 Motek Medical (DIH Medical Group) 72 11.3.1 Motek Medical (DIH Medical Group) Company Details 72 11.3.2 Motek Medical (DIH Medical Group) Business Overview 73 11.3.3 Motek Medical (DIH Medical Group) Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 73 11.3.4 Motek Medical (DIH Medical Group) Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 74 11.4 Virtualware Group 75 11.4.1 Virtualware Group Company Details 75 11.4.2 Virtualware Group Business Overview 76 11.4.3 Virtualware Group Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 76 11.4.4 Virtualware Group Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 77 11.5 Motorika 77 11.5.1 Motorika Company Details 77 11.5.2 Motorika Business Overview 78 11.5.3 Motorika Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 79 11.5.4 Motorika Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 80 11.6 Bridgeway Senior Healthcare 81 11.6.1 Bridgeway Senior Healthcare Company Details 81 11.6.2 Bridgeway Senior Healthcare Business Overview 81 11.6.3 Bridgeway Senior Healthcare Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 82 11.6.4 Bridgeway Senior Healthcare Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 83 11.7 LiteGait 83 11.7.1 LiteGait Company Details 83 11.7.2 LiteGait Business Overview 84 11.7.3 LiteGait Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 84 11.7.4 LiteGait Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 85 11.8 Mindmaze 86 11.8.1 Mindmaze Company Details 86 11.8.2 Mindmaze Business Overview 87 11.8.3 Mindmaze Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 87 11.8.4 Mindmaze Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 88 11.9 Doctor Kinetic 88 11.9.1 Doctor Kinetic Company Details 88 11.9.2 Doctor Kinetic Business Overview 89 11.9.3 Doctor Kinetic Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 89 11.9.4 Doctor Kinetic Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 91 11.10 Geminus-Qhom 92 11.10.1 Geminus-Qhom Company Details 92 11.10.2 Geminus-Qhom Business Overview 92 11.10.3 Geminus-Qhom Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 92 11.10.4 Geminus-Qhom Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 93 11.11 Rehametrics 94 11.11.1 Rehametrics Company Details 94 11.11.2 Rehametrics Business Overview 95 11.11.3 Rehametrics Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 95 11.11.4 Rehametrics Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 96 11.12 Hinge Health 97 11.12.1 Hinge Health Company Details 97 11.12.2 Hinge Health Business Overview 98 11.12.3 Hinge Health Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 98 11.12.4 Hinge Health Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 99 11.13 SWORD Health 99 11.13.1 SWORD Health Company Details 99 11.13.2 SWORD Health Business Overview 100 11.13.3 SWORD Health Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 100 11.13.4 SWORD Health Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 101 11.14 CoRehab Srl 102 11.14.1 CoRehab Srl Company Details 102 11.14.2 CoRehab Srl Business Overview 103 11.14.3 CoRehab Srl Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 104 11.14.4 CoRehab Srl Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 104 11.15 270 Vision (BPMpathway) 105 11.15.1 270 Vision (BPMpathway) Company Details 105 11.15.2 270 Vision (BPMpathway) Business Overview 106 11.15.3 270 Vision (BPMpathway) Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 107 11.15.4 270 Vision (BPMpathway) Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 108 11.16 MIRA Rehab Limited 109 11.16.1 MIRA Rehab Limited Company Details 109 11.16.2 MIRA Rehab Limited Business Overview 110 11.16.3 MIRA Rehab Limited Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 110 11.16.4 MIRA Rehab Limited Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 111 12 ANALYST'S VIEWPOINTS/CONCLUSIONS 112 13 APPENDIX 114 13.1 Research Methodology 114 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 114 13.1.2 Data Source 117 13.2 Disclaimer 120 13.3 Author Details 120
SummaryMarket Analysis and Insights: Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Table of Contents1 REPORT OVERVIEW 1 1.1 Study Scope 1 1.2 Market Analysis by Type 2 1.2.1 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 2 1.2.2 Physical Rehabilitation 3 1.2.3 Neuro Rehabilitation 4 1.2.4 Cognitive Rehabilitation 5 1.2.5 Others 5 1.3 Market by Application 6 1.3.1 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Share by Application: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 6 1.3.2 Hospitals 7 1.3.3 Care Homes 8 1.3.4 Home 9 1.3.5 Other 10 1.4 Study Objectives 11 1.5 Years Considered 11 2 GLOBAL GROWTH TRENDS 12 2.1 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Perspective (2016-2027) 12 2.2 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Growth Trends by Regions 13 2.2.1 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Regions: 2016 VS 2021 VS 2027 13 2.2.2 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Historic Market Size by Regions (2016-2021) 14 2.2.3 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Forecasted Market Size by Regions (2022-2027) 15 2.3 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Industry Dynamic 16 2.3.1 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Trends 16 2.3.2 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Drivers 17 2.3.3 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Challenges 17 2.3.4 Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Restraints 17 3 COMPETITION LANDSCAPE BY KEY PLAYERS 19 3.1 Global Top Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Players by Revenue 19 3.1.1 Global Top Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Players by Revenue (2016-2021) 19 3.1.2 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Revenue Market Share by Players (2016-2021) 20 3.2 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3) 21 3.3 Players Covered: Ranking by Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Revenue 22 3.4 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Concentration Ratio 23 3.4.1 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI) 23 3.4.2 Global Top 3 and Top 5 Companies by Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Revenue in 2020 24 3.5 Key Players Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Area Served 25 3.6 Key Players Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Product Solution and Service 26 3.7 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans 26 4 VIRTUAL REHABILITATION AND TELEREHABILITATION SYSTEMS BREAKDOWN DATA BY TYPE 28 4.1 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Historic Market Size by Type (2016-2021) 28 4.2 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Forecasted Market Size by Type (2022-2027) 29 5 VIRTUAL REHABILITATION AND TELEREHABILITATION SYSTEMS BREAKDOWN DATA BY APPLICATION 31 5.1 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Historic Market Size by Application (2016-2021) 31 5.2 Global Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Forecasted Market Size by Application (2022-2027) 32 6 NORTH AMERICA 33 6.1 North America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size (2016-2027) 33 6.2 North America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country 34 6.2.1 North America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2016-2021) 34 6.2.2 North America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2022-2027) 34 6.2.3 United States 36 6.2.4 Canada 37 7 EUROPE 38 7.1 Europe Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size (2016-2027) 38 7.2 Europe Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country 39 7.2.1 Europe Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2016-2021) 39 7.2.2 Europe Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2022-2027) 39 7.2.3 Germany 41 7.2.4 France 42 7.2.5 U.K. 43 7.2.6 Italy 44 7.2.7 Russia 45 8 ASIA-PACIFIC 46 8.1 Asia-Pacific Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size (2016-2027) 46 8.2 Asia-Pacific Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Region 47 8.2.1 Asia-Pacific Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Region (2016-2021) 47 8.2.2 Asia-Pacific Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Region (2022-2027) 47 8.2.3 China 49 8.2.4 Japan 50 8.2.5 South Korea 51 8.2.6 Southeast Asia 52 8.2.7 India 53 8.2.8 Australia 54 9 LATIN AMERICA 55 9.1 Latin America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size (2016-2027) 55 9.2 Latin America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country 56 9.2.1 Latin America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2016-2021) 56 9.2.2 Latin America Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2022-2027) 56 9.2.3 Mexico 58 9.2.4 Brazil 59 10 MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA 60 10.1 Middle East & Africa Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size (2016-2027) 60 10.2 Middle East & Africa Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country 61 10.2.1 Middle East & Africa Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2016-2021) 61 10.2.2 Middle East & Africa Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Market Size by Country (2022-2027) 61 10.2.3 Turkey 63 10.2.4 Saudi Arabia 64 10.2.5 UAE 65 11 KEY PLAYERS PROFILES 66 11.1 GestureTek Health 66 11.1.1 GestureTek Health Company Details 66 11.1.2 GestureTek Health Business Overview 67 11.1.3 GestureTek Health Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 67 11.1.4 GestureTek Health Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 68 11.2 Brontes Processing 69 11.2.1 Brontes Processing Company Details 69 11.2.2 Brontes Processing Business Overview 70 11.2.3 Brontes Processing Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 70 11.2.4 Brontes Processing Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 71 11.3 Motek Medical (DIH Medical Group) 72 11.3.1 Motek Medical (DIH Medical Group) Company Details 72 11.3.2 Motek Medical (DIH Medical Group) Business Overview 73 11.3.3 Motek Medical (DIH Medical Group) Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 73 11.3.4 Motek Medical (DIH Medical Group) Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 74 11.4 Virtualware Group 75 11.4.1 Virtualware Group Company Details 75 11.4.2 Virtualware Group Business Overview 76 11.4.3 Virtualware Group Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 76 11.4.4 Virtualware Group Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 77 11.5 Motorika 77 11.5.1 Motorika Company Details 77 11.5.2 Motorika Business Overview 78 11.5.3 Motorika Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 79 11.5.4 Motorika Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 80 11.6 Bridgeway Senior Healthcare 81 11.6.1 Bridgeway Senior Healthcare Company Details 81 11.6.2 Bridgeway Senior Healthcare Business Overview 81 11.6.3 Bridgeway Senior Healthcare Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 82 11.6.4 Bridgeway Senior Healthcare Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 83 11.7 LiteGait 83 11.7.1 LiteGait Company Details 83 11.7.2 LiteGait Business Overview 84 11.7.3 LiteGait Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 84 11.7.4 LiteGait Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 85 11.8 Mindmaze 86 11.8.1 Mindmaze Company Details 86 11.8.2 Mindmaze Business Overview 87 11.8.3 Mindmaze Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 87 11.8.4 Mindmaze Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 88 11.9 Doctor Kinetic 88 11.9.1 Doctor Kinetic Company Details 88 11.9.2 Doctor Kinetic Business Overview 89 11.9.3 Doctor Kinetic Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 89 11.9.4 Doctor Kinetic Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 91 11.10 Geminus-Qhom 92 11.10.1 Geminus-Qhom Company Details 92 11.10.2 Geminus-Qhom Business Overview 92 11.10.3 Geminus-Qhom Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 92 11.10.4 Geminus-Qhom Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 93 11.11 Rehametrics 94 11.11.1 Rehametrics Company Details 94 11.11.2 Rehametrics Business Overview 95 11.11.3 Rehametrics Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 95 11.11.4 Rehametrics Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 96 11.12 Hinge Health 97 11.12.1 Hinge Health Company Details 97 11.12.2 Hinge Health Business Overview 98 11.12.3 Hinge Health Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 98 11.12.4 Hinge Health Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 99 11.13 SWORD Health 99 11.13.1 SWORD Health Company Details 99 11.13.2 SWORD Health Business Overview 100 11.13.3 SWORD Health Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 100 11.13.4 SWORD Health Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 101 11.14 CoRehab Srl 102 11.14.1 CoRehab Srl Company Details 102 11.14.2 CoRehab Srl Business Overview 103 11.14.3 CoRehab Srl Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 104 11.14.4 CoRehab Srl Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 104 11.15 270 Vision (BPMpathway) 105 11.15.1 270 Vision (BPMpathway) Company Details 105 11.15.2 270 Vision (BPMpathway) Business Overview 106 11.15.3 270 Vision (BPMpathway) Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 107 11.15.4 270 Vision (BPMpathway) Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 108 11.16 MIRA Rehab Limited 109 11.16.1 MIRA Rehab Limited Company Details 109 11.16.2 MIRA Rehab Limited Business Overview 110 11.16.3 MIRA Rehab Limited Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Introduction 110 11.16.4 MIRA Rehab Limited Revenue in Virtual Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation Systems Business (2016-2021) 111 12 ANALYST'S VIEWPOINTS/CONCLUSIONS 112 13 APPENDIX 114 13.1 Research Methodology 114 13.1.1 Methodology/Research Approach 114 13.1.2 Data Source 117 13.2 Disclaimer 120 13.3 Author Details 120
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