
世界のBuy Now Pay Laterビジネスと投資機会データブック BNPL市場規模、エンドユーザー部門、市場シェア、製品分析、ビジネスモデル、人口統計に関する75以上のKPI - 2023年第2四半期最新版

Global Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities Databook 75+ KPIs on BNPL Market Size, End-Use Sectors, Market Share, Product Analysis, Business Model, Demographics - Q2 2023 Update

PayNXT360によると、世界のBNPL決済は年率21.7%成長し、2023年には5279億米ドルに達すると予想されている。 世界のBNPL業界の中長期的な成長ストーリーは依然として力強い。BNPL決済の導入は予測期間中着実に... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2023年8月25日 US$10,900
1,914 英語






BNPL(Buy Now Pay Later)決済は、世界的なオンラインショッピングの急増に加え、Covid-19の大流行時に主流となった。この結果、BNPLプロバイダーは取引量と取引額が増加した。

Walmartなどの大手小売業者も独自のBNPL決済ソリューションの導入を計画していることから、世界のBNPLユーザー数も今後5年間で大幅に増加すると予測されている。このことは、B2B BNPL市場の立ち上がりとともに、短中期的な観点から業界の成長を後押しすると予想される。



- 2022年11月、アジア太平洋地域の大手BNPLプロバイダーの一つであるAtomeは、Trip.comと戦略的提携を結んだと発表した。この提携により、Trip.comは旅行者がAtomeが提供するBNPL決済サービスを利用して航空券や宿泊施設を予約できるようになる。このサービスはまずシンガポールで開始され、その後2023年にアジア太平洋地域全体で展開される。



- 2022年12月、中東地域の大手BNPLプロバイダーの1つであるTabbyは、Al-Futtaim Mallsと戦略的提携を結んだと発表した。この提携により、Tabbyはドバイ・フェスティバル・シティ・モールとフェスティバル・プラザで、店頭での買い物客に柔軟な支払い方法を提供する。
- 2022年10月、オーストラリアを拠点とするBNPLプロバイダーであるZip社は、WebBank社と戦略的提携を結び、店舗内ショッピングの拡大傾向への進出を目指し、物理的なBNPLカードを発売した。この物理的な決済カードにより、消費者はVisaが使えるところならどこでもBNPL決済ができるようになる。



- 2022年12月、英国を拠点とするフィンテック企業Curveは、戦略的契約を締結し、クレディ・スイスから10億米ドルの資金を調達したと発表した。この融資枠により、カーブは英国、欧州連合、米国でBNPL製品をさらに拡大することができる。また2023年には、アプリ内とブラウザ内の両方で消費者向けのBNPL融資商品と同様の新機能を開始する予定だ。現在、同社は全世界で400万人以上のユーザーを抱えている。

B2B BNPLの分野も2022年に急速に勢いを増している。Mondu、Billie、Playter、Kontempoといった大手B2B BNPLプロバイダーの多くは、ベンチャー・キャピタルやプライベート・エクイティ企業から数百万ドルの投資を調達している。パンデミックの波及効果、不安定なマクロ経済状況、継続的なサプライチェーンの問題により資金繰りに苦慮している企業の間で信用需要がさらに高まると予想されるため、PayNXT360はB2B BNPL企業が短期的・中期的な観点から資金調達ラウンドをさらに引き上げると予想している。

本レポートは、Buy Now Pay Later(BNPL)業界を世界および国レベルで詳細に分析し、さまざまな小売カテゴリーにおける市場機会とリスクを網羅しています。国レベルで75以上のKPIを掲載し、BNPL市場のダイナミクス、市場規模と予測、市場シェア統計を包括的に理解することができます。




1.グローバルBuy Now Pay Laterインサイトブリーフ
2.世界のBuy Now Pay Laterビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028)データブック
4.オーストラリアのBuy Now Pay Laterビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028)データブック
5.ブラジルのBuy Now Pay Laterビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028)データブック
6.カナダBuy Now Pay Laterビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028)データブック
8.フランスのBuy Now Pay Laterビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028)データブック
9.ドイツのBuy Now Pay Laterビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028)データブック
10.インドのBuy Now Pay Laterビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028)データブック
11.インドネシアのBuy Now Pay Laterビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028)データブック
14.メキシコBuy Now Pay Laterビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028)データブック
15.ナイジェリアBuy Now Pay Laterビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028)データブック
20.アラブ首長国連邦 今すぐお金を払うビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028年)データブック
21.イギリス Buy Now Pay Laterのビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028)データブック
22.米国のBuy Now Pay Laterビジネスと投資機会(2019-2028)データブック



This title from PayNXT360 is a bundled offering, combining the following 22 reports, covering 1210 tables and 1540 figures:

1. Global Buy Now Pay Later Insight Brief
2. Global Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
3. Argentina Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
4. Australia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
5. Brazil Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
6. Canada Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
7. China Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
8. France Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
9. Germany Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
10. India Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
11. Indonesia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
12. Italy Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
13. Kenya Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
14. Mexico Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
15. Nigeria Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
16. Philippines Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
17. Russia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
18. South Africa Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
19. Thailand Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
20. United Arab Emirates Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
21. United Kingdom Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
22. United States Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook

All global, regional, and country reports mentioned above will have the following tables of contents:

1 About this Report
1.1 Summary
1.2 Methodology
1.3 BNPL Definitions
1.4 Disclaimer

2 Buy Now Pay Later Industry Attractiveness
2.1 Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.2 Buy Now Pay Later - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.3 Buy Now Pay Later - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.4 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share Analysis by Key Players

3 Buy Now Pay Later Operational KPIs
3.1 Buy Now Pay Later Revenues, 2019 - 2028
3.2 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Streams, 2022 vs 2028
3.2.1 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Consumer driven, 2019 - 2028
3.2.2 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Merchant driven, 2019 - 2028
3.3 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Revenue Segments
3.3.1 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Merchant Commission, 2019 - 2028
3.3.2 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Missed Payment Fee Revenue, 2019 - 2028
3.3.3 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Pay Now & Other Income, 2019 - 2028
3.4 Buy Now Pay Later Active Consumer Base, 2019 - 2028
3.5 Buy Now Pay Later Bad Debt, 2020 - 2024 - 2028

4 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Business Model, 2022 vs 2028
4.1 Buy Now Pay Later Two party, 2019 - 2028
4.2 Buy Now Pay Later Third party, 2019 - 2028

5 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Purpose, 2022 vs 2028
5.1 Buy Now Pay Later Convenience, 2019 - 2028
5.2 Buy Now Pay Later Credit, 2019 - 2028

6 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Merchant ecosystem, 2022 vs 2028
6.1 Buy Now Pay Later by Open loop system, 2019 - 2028
6.2 Buy Now Pay Later by Closed loop system, 2019 - 2028

7 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Distribution Model, 2022 vs 2028
7.1 Buy Now Pay Later by Standalone, 2019 - 2028
7.2 Buy Now Pay Later by Payments, 2019 - 2028
7.3 Buy Now Pay Later by Ecommerce, 2019 - 2028

8 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Channel
8.1 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share by Channel, 2019 - 2028
8.2 Buy Now Pay Later Online Channel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
8.3 Buy Now Pay Later POS Channel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

9 Buy Now Pay Later Snapshot by End-Use Sector
9.1 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share by End-Use Sector - Emerging Avenues and Future Growth Prospects
9.2 Buy Now Pay Later Sales Uplift by End-Use Segment
9.3 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Retail Product Category
9.4 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Apparel, Footwear & Accessories - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.5 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Consumer Electronics - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.6 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Toys, Kids, and Babies - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.7 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Jewellery - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.8 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Sporting Goods - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.9 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Entertainment & Gaming - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.10 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Others - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

10 Buy Now Pay Later in Retail Shopping: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
10.1 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
10.2 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
10.3 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

11 Buy Now Pay Later in Home Improvement: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
11.1 Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
11.2 Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
11.3 Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

12 Buy Now Pay Later in Travel/Entertainment: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
12.1 Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
12.2 Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
12.3 Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

13 Buy Now Pay Later in Service: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
13.1 Buy Now Pay Later Service - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
13.2 Buy Now Pay Later Service - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
13.3 Buy Now Pay Later Service - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

14 Buy Now Pay Later in Automotive: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
14.1 Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
14.2 Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
14.3 Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

15 Buy Now Pay Later in Healthcare and Wellness: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
15.1 Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
15.2 Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
15.3 Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

16 Buy Now Pay Later in Groceries: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
16.1 Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
16.2 Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
16.3 Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

17 Buy Now Pay Later Analysis by Consumer Attitude and Behaviour
17.1 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Share by Age Group
17.2 Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen Z (15-27) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.3 Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Millennials (28-44) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.4 Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen X (45 - 60) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.5 Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Baby Boomers (60+) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.6 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Share by Default Rate by Age Group
17.7 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Income
17.8 Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 1 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.9 Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 2 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.10 Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 3 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.11 Buy Now Pay Later Gross Merchandise Value Share by Gender
17.12 Buy Now Pay Later Adoption Rationale

18 Further Reading
18.1 About PayNXT360
18.2 Related Research



This bundled offering has 55 tables across 22 regional and country reports. All regional and country reports will have the following tables:

Table 1: Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 2: Buy Now Pay Later - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 3: Buy Now Pay Later - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 4: Buy Now Pay Later - Revenues (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 5: Buy Now Pay Later - Merchant Commission (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 6: Buy Now Pay Later - Missed Payment Fee Revenue (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 7: Buy Now Pay Later Pay Now & Other Income (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 8: Buy Now Pay Later - Active Consumer Base (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 9: Buy Now Pay Later - Bad Debt (US$ Million), 2020-2024-2028
Table 10: Buy Now Pay Later - Two party (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 11: Buy Now Pay Later - Third party (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 12: Buy Now Pay Later - Convenience (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 13: Buy Now Pay Later - Credit (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 14: Buy Now Pay Later - Open loop system (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 15: Buy Now Pay Later - Closed loop system (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 16: Buy Now Pay Later - Standalone (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 17: Buy Now Pay Later - Banks & Payment Service Providers (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 18: Buy Now Pay Later - Marketplaces (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 19: Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value by Online Channel (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 20: Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value by POS Channel (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 21: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Apparel, Footwear & Accessories - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 22: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Consumer Electronics - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 23: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Toys, Kids, and Babies - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 24: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Jewelry - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 25: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Sporting Goods - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 26: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Entertainment & Gaming - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 27: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Others - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 28: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 29: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 30: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 31: Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 32: Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 33: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping Home Improvement - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 34: Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 35: Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 36: Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 37: Buy Now Pay Later Service - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 38: Buy Now Pay Later Service- Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 39: Buy Now Pay Later Service - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 40: Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 41: Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 42: Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 43: Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 44: Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 45: Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 46: Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 47: Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 48: Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 49: Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen Z (15-27) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 50: Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Millennials (28-44) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 51: Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen X (45 - 60) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 52: Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Baby Boomers (60+) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 53: Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 1 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 54: Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 2 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 55: Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 3 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028





According to PayNXT360, Global BNPL payments are expected to grow by 21.7% on an annual basis to reach US$527.9 billion in 2023.

Medium to long term growth story of Global BNPL industry remains strong. BNPL payment adoption is expected to grow steadily over the forecast period, recording a CAGR of 12.7% during 2023-2028. The Global BNPL Gross Merchandise Value will increase from US$433.7 billion in 2022 to reach US$960.6 billion by 2028.

Global BNPL Payment industry has recorded strong growth over the last four quarters, supported by increased ecommerce penetration.

The buy now pay later payment method garnered mainstream adoption during the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak, along with the surging trend of online shopping globally. This has resulted in high transaction volume and value for BNPL providers.

The number of global BNPL users is also projected to increase significantly over the next five years, as major retailers such as Walmart are also planning to use introduce their own BNPL payment solutions. This along with the rising market for B2B BNPL is expected to assist the industry growth from the short to medium-term perspective.

The macroeconomic environment, while impacting the profit margins for BNPL firms, have again driven the demand for flexible payment solution among consumers. As the trend continues in 2023, PayNXT360 expects robust growth for the global BNPL industry over the next three to four years.

Firms are forging strategic alliances to offer BNPL services to travelers in the Asia Pacific region

After two years of pandemic-induced restrictions, travel and tourism have recorded a strong rebound in 2022 and the trend is expected to further continue in 2023. Amid this pent-up travel demand, BNPL providers and travel-focused platforms are entering into strategic partnerships. For instance,
• In November 2022, Atome, one of the leading BNPL providers in the Asia Pacific region, announced that the firm had entered into a strategic collaboration with Under the partnership, will allow travelers to book flights and accommodations using the BNPL payment service offered by Atome. Initially, the service will be launched in Singapore, before rolling out across the Asia Pacific region in 2023.

These trends are visible across the world. In November 2022, Afterpay also forged a similar collaboration with Expedia, allowing travelers to fund their travel activities through the BNPL payment method. In 2023, more such strategic collaborations are expected to take place globally.

BNPL providers are targeting in-store transactions to drive the next growth phase in the segment

The online BNPL space has saturated with several providers fighting for the same consumer. With the competition in the space increasing, firms are now targeting in-store BNPL transactions globally.
• In December 2022, Tabby, one of the leading BNPL providers in the Middle East region, announced that the firm had entered into a strategic collaboration with Al-Futtaim Malls. Under the partnership, Tabby will offer flexible payment methods to in-store shoppers at Dubai Festival City Mall and Festival Plaza.
• In October 2022, Zip, an Australia-based BNPL provider, forged a strategic partnership with WebBank to launch a physical BNPL card as it seeks to make inroads into the growing in-store shopping trends. The physical payment card allows consumers to make BNPL payments wherever Visa is accepted.

The move to drive market share through capturing in-store transactions comes at a time when online BNPL space is saturating. With little to no-differentiating factor, more BNPL players are projected to refocus their efforts on driving growth through in-store transactions from the short to medium-term perspective.

Fintech firms continue to raise funding to expand their BNPL products globally

Despite the regulatory hurdles faced by BNPL providers around the world, fintech firms have continued to raise funding rounds from investors amid the growing consumer demand for flexible payment solutions. For instance,
• In December 2022, Curve, the UK-based fintech firm, announced that the firm had entered into a strategic agreement and landed US$1 billion in funding from Credit Suisse. The credit facility will enable Curve to further expand its BNPL product across the United Kingdom, the European Union, and the United States. In 2023, the firm is also planning to launch a new feature, similar to the BNPL lending product for consumers both in-app and in-browser. Currently, the firm has more than 4 million users globally.

The B2B BNPL space has also gained rapid momentum in 2022. Many of the leading B2B BNPL providers, such as Mondu, Billie, Playter, and Kontempo, have raised multi-million dollars in investment from venture capital and private equity firms. With the demand for credit expected to further increase among businesses, that are struggling with cash flow due to the pandemic ripple effects, unstable macroeconomic conditions, and ongoing supply chain issues, PayNXT360 expects B2B BNPL firms to further raise funding rounds from the short to medium-term perspective.

This global report provides a detailed analysis of Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) industry at global and country level, covering market opportunities and risks across a range of retail categories. With over 75 KPIs at country level, this report provides a comprehensive understanding of BNPL market dynamics, market size and forecast, and market share statistics.

It breaks down market opportunity by type of business model, sales channels (offline and online), and distribution models. In addition, it provides a snapshot of consumer behaviour and retail spend dynamics. KPIs in both value and volume term help in getting in-depth understanding of end market dynamics.

PayNXT360’s research methodology is based on industry best practices. Its unbiased analysis leverages a proprietary analytics platform to offer a detailed view on emerging business and investment market opportunities.

This title from PayNXT360 is a bundled offering, combining the following 22 reports (1210 tables and 1540 charts):

1. Global Buy Now Pay Later Insight Brief
2. Global Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
3. Argentina Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
4. Australia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
5. Brazil Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
6. Canada Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
7. China Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
8. France Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
9. Germany Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
10. India Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
11. Indonesia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
12. Italy Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
13. Kenya Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
14. Mexico Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
15. Nigeria Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
16. Philippines Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
17. Russia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
18. South Africa Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
19. Thailand Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
20. United Arab Emirates Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
21. United Kingdom Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
22. United States Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook


Table of Contents

This title from PayNXT360 is a bundled offering, combining the following 22 reports, covering 1210 tables and 1540 figures:

1. Global Buy Now Pay Later Insight Brief
2. Global Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
3. Argentina Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
4. Australia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
5. Brazil Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
6. Canada Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
7. China Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
8. France Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
9. Germany Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
10. India Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
11. Indonesia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
12. Italy Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
13. Kenya Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
14. Mexico Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
15. Nigeria Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
16. Philippines Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
17. Russia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
18. South Africa Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
19. Thailand Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
20. United Arab Emirates Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
21. United Kingdom Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook
22. United States Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities (2019-2028) Databook

All global, regional, and country reports mentioned above will have the following tables of contents:

1 About this Report
1.1 Summary
1.2 Methodology
1.3 BNPL Definitions
1.4 Disclaimer

2 Buy Now Pay Later Industry Attractiveness
2.1 Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.2 Buy Now Pay Later - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.3 Buy Now Pay Later - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.4 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share Analysis by Key Players

3 Buy Now Pay Later Operational KPIs
3.1 Buy Now Pay Later Revenues, 2019 - 2028
3.2 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Streams, 2022 vs 2028
3.2.1 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Consumer driven, 2019 - 2028
3.2.2 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Merchant driven, 2019 - 2028
3.3 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Revenue Segments
3.3.1 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Merchant Commission, 2019 - 2028
3.3.2 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Missed Payment Fee Revenue, 2019 - 2028
3.3.3 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Pay Now & Other Income, 2019 - 2028
3.4 Buy Now Pay Later Active Consumer Base, 2019 - 2028
3.5 Buy Now Pay Later Bad Debt, 2020 - 2024 - 2028

4 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Business Model, 2022 vs 2028
4.1 Buy Now Pay Later Two party, 2019 - 2028
4.2 Buy Now Pay Later Third party, 2019 - 2028

5 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Purpose, 2022 vs 2028
5.1 Buy Now Pay Later Convenience, 2019 - 2028
5.2 Buy Now Pay Later Credit, 2019 - 2028

6 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Merchant ecosystem, 2022 vs 2028
6.1 Buy Now Pay Later by Open loop system, 2019 - 2028
6.2 Buy Now Pay Later by Closed loop system, 2019 - 2028

7 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Distribution Model, 2022 vs 2028
7.1 Buy Now Pay Later by Standalone, 2019 - 2028
7.2 Buy Now Pay Later by Payments, 2019 - 2028
7.3 Buy Now Pay Later by Ecommerce, 2019 - 2028

8 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Channel
8.1 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share by Channel, 2019 - 2028
8.2 Buy Now Pay Later Online Channel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
8.3 Buy Now Pay Later POS Channel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

9 Buy Now Pay Later Snapshot by End-Use Sector
9.1 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share by End-Use Sector - Emerging Avenues and Future Growth Prospects
9.2 Buy Now Pay Later Sales Uplift by End-Use Segment
9.3 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Retail Product Category
9.4 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Apparel, Footwear & Accessories - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.5 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Consumer Electronics - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.6 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Toys, Kids, and Babies - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.7 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Jewellery - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.8 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Sporting Goods - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.9 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Entertainment & Gaming - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.10 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Others - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

10 Buy Now Pay Later in Retail Shopping: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
10.1 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
10.2 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
10.3 Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

11 Buy Now Pay Later in Home Improvement: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
11.1 Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
11.2 Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
11.3 Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

12 Buy Now Pay Later in Travel/Entertainment: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
12.1 Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
12.2 Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
12.3 Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

13 Buy Now Pay Later in Service: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
13.1 Buy Now Pay Later Service - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
13.2 Buy Now Pay Later Service - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
13.3 Buy Now Pay Later Service - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

14 Buy Now Pay Later in Automotive: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
14.1 Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
14.2 Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
14.3 Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

15 Buy Now Pay Later in Healthcare and Wellness: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
15.1 Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
15.2 Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
15.3 Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

16 Buy Now Pay Later in Groceries: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
16.1 Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
16.2 Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
16.3 Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

17 Buy Now Pay Later Analysis by Consumer Attitude and Behaviour
17.1 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Share by Age Group
17.2 Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen Z (15-27) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.3 Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Millennials (28-44) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.4 Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen X (45 - 60) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.5 Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Baby Boomers (60+) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.6 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Share by Default Rate by Age Group
17.7 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Income
17.8 Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 1 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.9 Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 2 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.10 Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 3 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.11 Buy Now Pay Later Gross Merchandise Value Share by Gender
17.12 Buy Now Pay Later Adoption Rationale

18 Further Reading
18.1 About PayNXT360
18.2 Related Research


List of Tables/Graphs

This bundled offering has 55 tables across 22 regional and country reports. All regional and country reports will have the following tables:

Table 1: Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 2: Buy Now Pay Later - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 3: Buy Now Pay Later - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 4: Buy Now Pay Later - Revenues (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 5: Buy Now Pay Later - Merchant Commission (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 6: Buy Now Pay Later - Missed Payment Fee Revenue (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 7: Buy Now Pay Later Pay Now & Other Income (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 8: Buy Now Pay Later - Active Consumer Base (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 9: Buy Now Pay Later - Bad Debt (US$ Million), 2020-2024-2028
Table 10: Buy Now Pay Later - Two party (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 11: Buy Now Pay Later - Third party (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 12: Buy Now Pay Later - Convenience (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 13: Buy Now Pay Later - Credit (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 14: Buy Now Pay Later - Open loop system (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 15: Buy Now Pay Later - Closed loop system (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 16: Buy Now Pay Later - Standalone (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 17: Buy Now Pay Later - Banks & Payment Service Providers (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 18: Buy Now Pay Later - Marketplaces (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 19: Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value by Online Channel (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 20: Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value by POS Channel (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 21: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Apparel, Footwear & Accessories - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 22: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Consumer Electronics - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 23: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Toys, Kids, and Babies - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 24: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Jewelry - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 25: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Sporting Goods - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 26: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Entertainment & Gaming - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 27: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Others - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 28: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 29: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 30: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 31: Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 32: Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 33: Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping Home Improvement - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 34: Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 35: Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 36: Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 37: Buy Now Pay Later Service - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 38: Buy Now Pay Later Service- Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 39: Buy Now Pay Later Service - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 40: Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 41: Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 42: Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 43: Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 44: Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 45: Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 46: Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 47: Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 48: Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 49: Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen Z (15-27) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 50: Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Millennials (28-44) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 51: Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen X (45 - 60) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 52: Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Baby Boomers (60+) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 53: Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 1 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 54: Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 2 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 55: Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 3 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028






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2024/09/09 10:27

143.78 円

159.73 円

191.51 円
