
オーストラリア今すぐ購入後払いビジネスと投資機会データブック BNPL市場規模、エンドユーザー部門、市場シェア、製品分析、ビジネスモデル、人口統計に関する75以上のKPI - 2023年第2四半期最新版

Australia Buy Now Pay Later Business and Investment Opportunities Databook 75+ KPIs on BNPL Market Size, End-Use Sectors, Market Share, Product Analysis, Business Model, Demographics - Q2 2023 Update

PayNXT360によると、オーストラリアにおけるBNPL決済は年率18.2%成長し、2023年には147億米ドルに達すると予想されている。 オーストラリアにおけるBNPL業界の中長期的な成長ストーリーは依然として力強い。B... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2023年8月25日 US$1,900
87 英語





オーストラリアのBNPL(Buy Now Pay Later)業界は、これまで繁栄のための最適な条件を享受してきたが、規制当局からの新たなハードルの連続に直面している。金利がかからないため、BNPLのビジネスモデルはクレジット法から除外されている。しかし、規制当局が消費者保護を追加することを検討しているため、この分野は近いうちに国家消費者信用保護法の下で規制されるかもしれない。




- 2022年11月、オーストラリア財務省はこの業界を規制するための3つの選択肢を発表した。1つ目の選択肢は、BNPL業者に対するアフォーダビリティ・チェックの強化と自主規制である。2つ目の選択肢は、この業界を部分的にクレジット法の下に置くというもので、つまり、事業者は事業継続のためにクレジットライセンスを取得しなければならなくなる。第3の選択肢は、この業界全体をクレジットカード会社と同じ傘下に置くというものである。




- 2022年11月、オーストラリア最大のBNPLプロバイダーであるZip社は、低料金の大手航空会社であるジェットスターと戦略的提携を結んだと発表した。
- この提携により、ジップは旅行者により柔軟な航空券の支払い方法を提供する。旅行分野では、Zipは2022年5月にカンタス航空とも戦略的提携を結んだ。顧客は旅行活動を活発化させており、ホリデーシーズンを目前に控えた戦略的提携は、同社にとってより多くの取引量を促進することが期待される。
- ジップ同様、ライバルのアフターペイも2022年11月にエクスペディアと戦略的提携を結んだ。旅行予約プラットフォームとの提携により、Afterpayのユーザーは航空券、ホテル予約、その他の旅行関連費用の支払いが可能になる。





本レポートは、Buy Now Pay Later(BNPL)業界の詳細なデータ中心の分析を提供し、様々な小売カテゴリーにおける市場機会とリスクを網羅しています。国レベルで75以上のKPIを掲載し、BNPL市場のダイナミクス、市場規模および予測、市場シェア統計を包括的に理解することができます。





1 About this Report
1.1 Summary
1.2 Methodology
1.3 BNPL Definitions
1.4 Disclaimer

2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Industry Attractiveness
2.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.4 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Market Share Analysis by Key Players

3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Operational KPIs
3.1 Buy Now Pay Later Revenues, 2019 - 2028
3.2 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Revenue Segments
3.2.1 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Merchant Commission, 2019 - 2028
3.2.2 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Missed Payment Fee Revenue, 2019 - 2028
3.2.3 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Pay Now & Other Income, 2019 - 2028
3.3 Buy Now Pay Later Active Consumer Base, 2019 - 2028
3.4 Buy Now Pay Later Bad Debt, 2020 - 2024 - 2028

4 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Business Model, 2022 vs 2028
4.1 Buy Now Pay Later Two party, 2019 - 2028
4.2 Buy Now Pay Later Third party, 2019 - 2028

5 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Purpose, 2022 vs 2028
5.1 Buy Now Pay Later Convenience, 2019 - 2028
5.2 Buy Now Pay Later Credit, 2019 - 2028

6 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Merchant ecosystem, 2022 vs 2028
6.1 Buy Now Pay Later by Open loop system, 2019 - 2028
6.2 Buy Now Pay Later by Closed loop system, 2019 - 2028

7 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Distribution Model, 2022 vs 2028
7.1 Buy Now Pay Later by Standalone, 2019 - 2028
7.2 Buy Now Pay Later by Banks & Payment Service Providers, 2019 - 2028
7.3 Buy Now Pay Later by Marketplaces, 2019 - 2028

8 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Channel
8.1 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share by Channel, 2019 - 2028
8.2 Buy Now Pay Later Online Channel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
8.3 Buy Now Pay Later POS Channel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

9 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Snapshot by End-Use Sector
9.1 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share by End-Use Sector - Emerging Avenues and Future Growth Prospects
9.2 Buy Now Pay Later Sales Uplift by End-Use Segment
9.3 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Retail Product Category
9.4 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Apparel, Footwear & Accessories - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.5 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Consumer Electronics - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.6 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Toys, Kids, and Babies - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.7 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Jewellery - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.8 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Sporting Goods - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.9 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Entertainment & Gaming - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.10 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Others - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

10 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Retail Shopping: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
10.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
10.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
10.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

11 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Home Improvement: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
11.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
11.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
11.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

12 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Travel/Entertainment: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
12.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
12.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
12.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

13 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Service: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
13.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Service - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
13.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Service - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
13.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Service - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

14 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Automotive: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
14.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
14.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
14.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

15 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Healthcare and Wellness: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
15.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
15.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
15.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

16 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Groceries: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
16.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
16.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
16.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

17 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Analysis by Consumer Attitude and Behaviour
17.1 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Share by Age Group
17.1.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen Z (15-27) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.1.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Millennials (28-44) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.1.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen X (45 - 60) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.1.4 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Baby Boomers (60+) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.2 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Income
17.2.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 1 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.2.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 2 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.2.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 3 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.3 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Share by Default Rate by Age Group
17.4 Buy Now Pay Later Gross Merchandise Value Share by Gender
17.5 Buy Now Pay Later Adoption Rationale

18 Further Reading
18.1 About PayNXT360
18.2 Related Research



Table 1: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 2: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 3: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 4: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Revenues (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 5: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Merchant Commission (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 6: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Missed Payment Fee Revenue (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 7: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Pay Now & Other Income (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 8: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Active Consumer Base (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 9: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Bad Debt (US$ Million), 2020-2024-2028
Table 10: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Two party (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 11: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Third party (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 12: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Convenience (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 13: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Credit (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 14: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Open loop system (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 15: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Closed loop system (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 16: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Standalone (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 17: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Banks & Payment Service Providers (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 18: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Marketplaces (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 19: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value by Online Channel (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 20: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value by POS Channel (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 21: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Apparel, Footwear & Accessories - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 22: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Consumer Electronics - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 23: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Toys, Kids, and Babies - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 24: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Jewellery - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 25: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Sporting Goods - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 26: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Entertainment & Gaming - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 27: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Others - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 28: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 29: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 30: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 31: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 32: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 33: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping Home Improvement - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 34: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 35: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 36: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 37: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Service - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 38: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Service- Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 39: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Service - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 40: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 41: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 42: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 43: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 44: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 45: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 46: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 47: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 48: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 49: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen Z (15-27) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 50: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Millennials (28-44) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 51: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen X (45 - 60) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 52: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Baby Boomers (60+) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 53: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 1 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 54: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 2 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 55: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 3 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028





According to PayNXT360, BNPL payments in the Australia are expected to grow by 18.2% on an annual basis to reach US$14.7 billion in 2023.

Medium to long term growth story of BNPL industry in Australia remains strong. BNPL payment adoption is expected to grow steadily over the forecast period, recording a CAGR of 10.9% during 2023-2028. The BNPL Gross Merchandise Value in the Australia will increase from US$12.4 billion in 2022 to reach US$24.7 billion by 2028.

The Australian buy now pay later (BNPL) industry, which has until now enjoyed optimum conditions to thrive, is facing a series of fresh hurdles from the regulators. The absence of interest charges has exempted the BNPL business model from the Credit Act. However, as the regulators look at adding consumer protection, the sector might soon be regulated under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act.

Furthermore, the operations of the BNPL firms have been hit significantly amid the high-interest rate environment. The surge in the cost of living is also affecting the consumers' ability to repay BNPL loans. In the short-term, spike in the usage of BNPL loans is expected as cash-constrained consumers move into the Christmas period. However, the market is projected to remain under pressure due to macroeconomic and regulatory factors.

Australia considers regulating BNPL firms like credit card providers

A senate inquiry into fintech firms in 2020 concluded that there was no need to treat BNPL providers like credit card firms. Both the Reserve Bank and Australian Securities and Investments Commission had multiple looks at the sector and reached a similar conclusion. However, the hardship faced by customers and the increasing noise from consumer groups has forced the hand of regulators in Australia.

• In November 2022, the Australian Treasury announced three options for regulating the industry. The first approach implies stronger affordability checks and self-regulation for BNPL firms. The second option would bring the industry partially under the Credit Act, meaning that the providers will have to obtain credit licenses to remain operational. The third option would bring the entire sector under the same umbrella as credit card firms.

While Zip is expected to prefer the second option as it already has a credit license, Afterpay would prefer the first, and lesser restrictive option. The sector will be regulated in Australia, just the road the government will take to impose regulation on the BNPL industry is not clear.

BNPL providers are looking to tap into the growing travel spending through strategic alliances

Travel and tourism activities have recorded a strong rebound in Australia, after the pandemic-induced slump and travel restrictions. With consumers increasingly spending on travel, despite the current macroeconomic factors that have forced many to cut down on their expenses, BNPL providers forging alliances to tap into the potentially high-growth market.

• In November 2022, Zip, the largest BNPL provider in Australia, announced that the firm had entered into a strategic collaboration with Jetstar, the leading low fare airline.
• Under the alliance, Zip will provide travellers with a more flexible way to pay for their airfares. In the travel segment, Zip also entered into a strategic partnership with Qantas in May 2022. With customers ramping up their travel activities, the strategic collaboration just ahead of the holiday season is expected to drive more volume for the firm.
• Like Zip, rival Afterpay also entered into a strategic collaboration with Expedia in November 2022. The alliance with the travel booking platform will allow Afterpay users to pay for airfare, hotel booking, and other travel-related expenses.

With travellers becoming increasingly budget-conscious, the demand for BNPL products is expected to remain strong in the travel and tourism sector from the short to medium-term perspective. Consequently, PayNXT360 foresees more such strategic alliances in the Australian market.

Cost of living pressure drives consumers to fund groceries and petrol bills through BNPL options

Amid the current macroeconomic environment, consumers are struggling to fund their food, petrol, and other bills. This has prompted many Australians to fund their purchases using BNPL payment options. While the economic challenges might have driven volume for providers, the financial situation of consumers has become worse than before they started using BNPL to fund their daily expenses.

Many have termed their BNPL usage as a revolving door of debt. Consumers use BNPL to fund grocery and petrol purchases because they have no money in the bank, and when they receive the salary at month's end, BNPL firms debit the borrowed amount from the account, leaving consumers with no money again. This further prompts them to turn their heads to BNPL providers one more time and the process continues. As the cost-of-living pressure continues to mount in the short term, PayNXT360 expects a further increase in consumers that turn to the BNPL payment method.

This report provides a detailed data centric analysis of Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) industry, covering market opportunities and risks across a range of retail categories. With over 75 KPIs at country level, this report provides a comprehensive understanding of BNPL market dynamics, market size and forecast, and market share statistics.

It breaks down market opportunity by type of business model, sales channels (offline and online), and distribution models. In addition, it provides a snapshot of consumer behaviour and retail spend dynamics in Australia . KPIs in both value and volume term help in getting in-depth understanding of end market dynamics.

PayNXT360’s research methodology is based on industry best practices. Its unbiased analysis leverages a proprietary analytics platform to offer a detailed view on emerging business and investment market opportunities.


Table of Contents

1 About this Report
1.1 Summary
1.2 Methodology
1.3 BNPL Definitions
1.4 Disclaimer

2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Industry Attractiveness
2.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
2.4 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Market Share Analysis by Key Players

3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Operational KPIs
3.1 Buy Now Pay Later Revenues, 2019 - 2028
3.2 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Revenue Segments
3.2.1 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Merchant Commission, 2019 - 2028
3.2.2 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Missed Payment Fee Revenue, 2019 - 2028
3.2.3 Buy Now Pay Later Revenue by Pay Now & Other Income, 2019 - 2028
3.3 Buy Now Pay Later Active Consumer Base, 2019 - 2028
3.4 Buy Now Pay Later Bad Debt, 2020 - 2024 - 2028

4 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Business Model, 2022 vs 2028
4.1 Buy Now Pay Later Two party, 2019 - 2028
4.2 Buy Now Pay Later Third party, 2019 - 2028

5 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Purpose, 2022 vs 2028
5.1 Buy Now Pay Later Convenience, 2019 - 2028
5.2 Buy Now Pay Later Credit, 2019 - 2028

6 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Merchant ecosystem, 2022 vs 2028
6.1 Buy Now Pay Later by Open loop system, 2019 - 2028
6.2 Buy Now Pay Later by Closed loop system, 2019 - 2028

7 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Distribution Model, 2022 vs 2028
7.1 Buy Now Pay Later by Standalone, 2019 - 2028
7.2 Buy Now Pay Later by Banks & Payment Service Providers, 2019 - 2028
7.3 Buy Now Pay Later by Marketplaces, 2019 - 2028

8 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Spend Analysis by Channel
8.1 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share by Channel, 2019 - 2028
8.2 Buy Now Pay Later Online Channel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
8.3 Buy Now Pay Later POS Channel Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028

9 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Snapshot by End-Use Sector
9.1 Buy Now Pay Later Market Share by End-Use Sector - Emerging Avenues and Future Growth Prospects
9.2 Buy Now Pay Later Sales Uplift by End-Use Segment
9.3 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Retail Product Category
9.4 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Apparel, Footwear & Accessories - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.5 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Consumer Electronics - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.6 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Toys, Kids, and Babies - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.7 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Jewellery - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.8 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Sporting Goods - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.9 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Entertainment & Gaming - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
9.10 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Others - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

10 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Retail Shopping: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
10.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
10.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
10.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

11 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Home Improvement: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
11.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
11.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
11.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

12 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Travel/Entertainment: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
12.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
12.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
12.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

13 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Service: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
13.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Service - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
13.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Service - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
13.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Service - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

14 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Automotive: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
14.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
14.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
14.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

15 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Healthcare and Wellness: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
15.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
15.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
15.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

16 Australia Buy Now Pay Later in Groceries: Market Size and Forecast, 2019 - 2028
16.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
16.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
16.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis, 2019-2028

17 Australia Buy Now Pay Later Analysis by Consumer Attitude and Behaviour
17.1 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Share by Age Group
17.1.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen Z (15-27) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.1.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Millennials (28-44) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.1.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen X (45 - 60) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.1.4 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Baby Boomers (60+) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.2 Buy Now Pay Later Share by Income
17.2.1 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 1 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.2.2 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 2 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.2.3 Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 3 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis, 2019-2028
17.3 Buy Now Pay Later Spend Share by Default Rate by Age Group
17.4 Buy Now Pay Later Gross Merchandise Value Share by Gender
17.5 Buy Now Pay Later Adoption Rationale

18 Further Reading
18.1 About PayNXT360
18.2 Related Research


List of Tables/Graphs

Table 1: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 2: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 3: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 4: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Revenues (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 5: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Merchant Commission (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 6: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Missed Payment Fee Revenue (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 7: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Pay Now & Other Income (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 8: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Active Consumer Base (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 9: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Bad Debt (US$ Million), 2020-2024-2028
Table 10: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Two party (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 11: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Third party (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 12: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Convenience (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 13: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Credit (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 14: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Open loop system (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 15: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Closed loop system (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 16: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Standalone (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 17: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Banks & Payment Service Providers (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 18: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Marketplaces (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 19: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value by Online Channel (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 20: Australia Buy Now Pay Later - Gross Merchandise Value by POS Channel (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 21: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Apparel, Footwear & Accessories - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 22: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Consumer Electronics - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 23: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Toys, Kids, and Babies - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 24: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Jewellery - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 25: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Sporting Goods - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 26: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Entertainment & Gaming - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 27: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Others - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 28: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 29: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 30: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 31: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 32: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Home Improvement - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 33: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Retail Shopping Home Improvement - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 34: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 35: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 36: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Travel/Entertainment - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 37: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Service - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 38: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Service- Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 39: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Service - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 40: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 41: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 42: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Automotive - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 43: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 44: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 45: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Healthcare and Wellness - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 46: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 47: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Average Value Per Transaction Trend Analysis (US$), 2019-2028
Table 48: Australia Buy Now Pay Later Groceries - Transaction Volume Trend Analysis (Thousand), 2019-2028
Table 49: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen Z (15-27) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 50: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Millennials (28-44) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 51: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Gen X (45 - 60) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 52: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Age Group - Baby Boomers (60+) - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 53: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 1 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 54: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 2 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028
Table 55: Australia Buy Now Pay Later by Income Level - Tire 3 - Gross Merchandise Value Trend Analysis (US$ Million), 2019-2028






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2024/09/27 10:27

146.53 円

164.06 円

199.13 円
