1. Executive Summary
1.1 Market Update
1.2 RESS Market Drivers
1.3 Market Forecasts
2. Market Issues
2.1 Drivers for Residential Energy Storage
2.1.1 Increasing Demand for Resiliency
2.1.2 Growing Use of Solar PV and Self-Consumption Declining Battery Prices
2.1.3 Changing Rate Structures
2.1.4 Emerging RESS VPPs
2.1.5 Developing New Market Participation Models
2.2 Business Models and Financial Innovation
2.3 Barriers for RESS
2.3.1 Installed Cost
2.3.2 Regulatory Barriers
2.3.3 Lack of Awareness of RESS Benefits
3. Regional Trends
3.1 North America
3.1.1 California
3.1.2 Hawaii
3.1.3 Arizona
3.1.4 Massachusetts
3.2 Western Europe
3.2.1 Germany
3.2.2 Italy
3.2.3 UK
3.2.4 Ireland
3.3 Asia Pacific
3.3.1 Australia
3.3.2 Japan
4. Market Forecasts
4.1 Methodology and Assumptions
4.4.1 RESS Pricing
4.2 Forecasts by Region
4.3 Leading Countries for RESS
4.4 Forecasts by Technology
4.5 Revenue Forecasts
4.6 Conclusions and Recommendations
5. Acronym and Abbreviation List
6. Table of Contents
7. Table of Charts and Figures
8. Scope of Study, Sources and Methodology, Notes