![]() 世界の低侵襲性化粧品手順市場。製品別(脱毛レーザー、ボツリヌス毒素、マイクロダーマブレーション製品)、施術方法別(ボツリヌス毒素、ソフトティシューフィラー、ケミカルピール、レーザー脱毛、マイクロダーマブレーション)、用途別(ニキビ、外傷跡、色素沈着、脂肪組織再生)、エンドユーザー別(病院、皮膚科クリニック)、地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、その他の地域)の情報-2027年までの予測Global Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Procedures Market: Information by Products (Hair Removal Lasers, Botulinum Toxins, Microdermabrasion Products), Procedures (Botulinum Toxins, Soft Tissue Fillers, Chemical Peel, Laser Hair Removal, Microdermabrasion), Application (Acne, Trauma Scars, Hyperpigmentation, Adipose Tissue Regeneration), End User (Hospitals, Dermatology Clinics), and Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World)Forecast till 2027 Global Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Procedures Market—Forecast till 2027 Market Overview The minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market is estimated to surpass USD 8,400.33 million by 202... もっと見る
サマリーGlobal Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Procedures Market—Forecast till 2027Market Overview The minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market is estimated to surpass USD 8,400.33 million by 2027 with a significant CAGR of 8.68% during the assessment timeframe. The minimally invasive medical procedure referred to any surgery that is performed through little cuts rather than an enormous opening. Since your specialist will make more modest entry points, one will probably have a speedier recuperation time and less agony than customary open a medical procedure however with similar advantages as a conventional medical procedure. The global market growth is fuelled by the rising acceptance of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, growing healthcare expenditures and marketing strategies by key players, and the increasing medical tourism industry. The minimally invasive restorative systems market is fundamentally determined by the expanding interest for minimally invasive cosmetic surgeries in developing countries, the expanding clinical travel industry, rising medical services consumption, and powerful advertising methodologies by central members. The rising number of items dispatches, and endorsements are additionally driving the development of the minimally invasive restorative techniques market. However, troublesome repayment situations and the complexities identified with corrective systems are relied upon to confine the minimally invasive restorative methods market development during the review period. Segment Overview The minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market is classified into products, procedures, applications, and end-user. In terms of products, the minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market is categorized into hair removal lasers, botulinum toxins. The hair removal lasers segment is again divided into Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (Nd: YAG) laser, diode lasers, and others. The botulinum toxins type is again segregated into OnabotulinumtoxinA A, Incobotulinumtoxin A, Rimabotulinumtoxin B, and others. The other segment deals with micro-needling products, fruit acids, platelet-rich plasma, radiofrequency skin tightening wrinkle removal rejuvenation machine, and cellulite treatment products. In terms of procedures, the minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market is divided into botulinum toxins, soft tissue fillers, chemical peel, laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, and others. Based on application, the market is subdivided into acne, trauma scars, hyperpigmentation, adipose tissue regeneration, etc. The end-user segment segregates the minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market into hospitals, dermatology clinics, and others. Regional Analysis The region-specific analysis of the minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market is spread across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Rest of the World. North America is set to command the global market owing to the largest share of 34.0% in 2020. The region is anticipated to record a notable CAGR of 9.18% during the assessment period. The regional market growth is driven by the increasing demand for cosmetic procedures and the presence of a high number of cosmetic surgeons in North America. Europe exhibits the second largest market for minimally invasive cosmetic surgeries during the review period followed by Asia- Pacific. Major players The major players of the global minimally invasive cosmetics procedures are AbbVie Inc. (US), The Procter & Gamble Company (US), Koninklijke Philips N.V.(Netherlands), Altair Instruments (US), Silhouet-Tone Corporation (Canada), Advanced Microderm Inc. (US), Dermaglow(US), New Shining Image LLC (US), Lasertec Medical Services (Ireland), and Cutera, Inc. (US). COVID 19 Impacts We are continuously tracking the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on various industries and verticals within all domains. Our research reports include the same and help you understand the drop and rise, owing to the impact of COVID-19 on the industries. Also, we help you to identify the gap between the demand and supply of your interested market. Moreover, the report helps you with the analysis, amended government regulations, and many other useful insights. 目次目次1 エグゼクティブサマリー 2 市場の紹介 2.1 調査の範囲 2.2 研究目的 2.3 市場構造 2.4 仮定と限界 3 研究方法論 3.1 データマイニング 3.2 二次調査 3.3 一次調査 3.4 主要回答者の内訳 3.5 予測技術 3.6 市場規模推定のための調査方法 3.6.1 ボトムアップ・アプローチ 3.6.2 トップダウン・アプローチ 3.7 データの三角測量 3.8 バリデーション 4 マーケット・ダイナミクス 4.1 オーバービュー 4.2ドライバー 4.2.1 低侵襲な美容整形手術の導入拡大 4.2.2 医療費の高騰と主要プレーヤーのマーケティング戦略 4.2.3 成長する医療観光産業 4.3つの休息方法 4.3.1 美容整形における規制の欠如 4.3.2 美容整形にまつわる臨床的リスクと合併症 4.4 OPPORTUNITY 4.4.1 新興国での低侵襲美容整形手術の導入拡大 4.5 COVID-19のインパクト分析 4.5.1 GDP成長率への影響 4.5.2 サプライチェーンへの影響 4.5.3 需要と供給への影響 4.5.4 地域への影響 5 市場要因分析 5.1 バリューチェーン分析 5.1.1 研究開発 5.1.2製造 5.1.3 流通・販売 5.1.4 販売後のモニタリング 5.2 ポーターズファイブフォース分析 5.2.1 新規参入者の脅威 5.2.2 サプライヤーのバーゲニング・パワー 5.2.3 代替品の脅威 5.2.4 バイヤーのバーゲニング・パワー 5.2.5 ライバルの強さ 6 世界の低侵襲美容整形市場:製品別 6.1 オーバービュー 6.脱毛レーザー2台 6.2.1 ネオジム・ドープ・イットリウム・アルミニウム・ガーネット(ND:YAG)レーザー 6.2.2 ダイオードレーザー 6.2.3 その他 6.3 ボツリヌス菌の毒素 6.3.1 Onabotulinumtoxin A 6.3.2 インコボツリヌムトキシンA 6.3.3 リマボツリヌムトキシンB 6.3.4 その他 6.4 マイクロダーマブレージョン製品 6.4.1 マイクロダーマブレーションチップ 6.4.2 マイクロダーマブレーション用クリスタル 酸化アルミニウムの結晶 炭酸水素ナトリウムの結晶 その他(酸化マグネシウム、塩化ナトリウム、その他) 6.4.3 マイクロダーマブレーションのクリームとスクラブ 6.4.4 その他 6.5 OTHERS 7 世界の低侵襲美容整形市場:施術別 7.1 オーバービュー 7.2 ボツリヌス菌の毒素 7.3 ソフトティシューフィラー 7.4 ケミカルピーリング 7.5 レーザー脱毛 7.6 マイクロダーマブレージョン 7.7 OTHERS 8 世界の低侵襲美容整形市場:用途別 8.1 オーバービュー 8.2 ACNE 8.3 トラウマの傷 8.4 ハイパーピグメンテーション 8.5.脂肪組織の再生 8.6 OTHERS 9 世界の低侵襲美容整形市場:エンドユーザー別 9.1 オーバービュー 9.2 ホスピタル 9.3つの皮膚科医院 9.4 OTHERS 10 世界の低侵襲美容整形市場:地域別 10.1 オーバービュー 10.2 北アメリカ 10.2.1 US 10.2.2 CANADA 10.3 ヨーロッパ 10.3.1 ゲルマニウム 10.3.2 フランス 10.3.3 英国 10.3.4 イタリア 10.3.5 SPAIN 10.3.6 その他のヨーロッパ諸国 10.4 アジア・パシフィック 10.4.1 中国 10.4.2 日本 10.4.3 インド 10.4.4 南朝鮮 10.4.5 オーストラレーシア 10.4.6 その他のアジア・太平洋地域 10.5 その他の国・地域 10.5.1 中近東 10.5.2 アフリカ 10.5.3 ラテンアメリカ 11 競争環境 11.1 オーバービュー 11.2 競争力のあるベンチマーキング 11.3 世界の低侵襲美容整形市場における主要な成長戦略 11.4 世界の低侵襲美容整形市場における開発数でのリーディングプレイヤー 11.5 キーディベロップメント分析 11.6 重要な開発と成長戦略 11.6.1 製品発売/製品承認 11.6.2 合併・買収 11.6.3 パートナーシップ/合意 11.7 主要プレーヤーの財務マトリックス 11.7.1 販売 11.7.2 研究開発費 12社のプロフィール 12.1 ABBVIE INC. 12.1.1 会社概要 12.1.2 財務概要 12.1.3 提供する製品/サービス 12.1.4 主な進展 12.1.5 スウォット分析 12.1.6 主な戦略 12.2 ザ・プロクター・アンド・ギャンブル・カンパニー 12.2.1 会社概要 12.2.2 財務概要 12.2.3 提供する製品/サービス 12.2.4 重要な進展 12.2.5 スウォット分析 12.2.6 主要戦略 12.3 coninklijke philips nv 12.3.1 会社概要 12.3.2 財務概要 12.3.3 提供する製品/サービス 12.3.4 重要な進展 12.3.5 スウォット分析 12.3.6 主要戦略 12.4 アルテア技研 12.4.1 会社概要 12.4.2 財務概要 12.4.3 提供する製品/サービス 12.4.4 重要な進展 12.4.5 スウォット分析 12.4.6 主要戦略 12.5 シルエットトーン・コーポレーション 12.5.1 会社概要 12.5.2 財務概要 12.5.3 提供する製品/サービス 12.5.4 主な進展 12.5.5 スウォット分析 12.5.6 主要戦略 12.6 アドバンスド・マイクロダーム・インク 12.6.1 会社概要 12.6.2 財務概要 12.6.3 提供する製品/サービス 12.6.4 主な進展 12.6.5 スウォット分析 12.6.6 主要戦略 12.7 ダーマグロー(DERMAGLOW 12.7.1 会社概要 12.7.2 財務概要 12.7.3 提供する製品/サービス 12.7.4 重要な進展 12.7.5 スウォット分析 12.7.6 主要戦略 12.8 ニュー・シャイニング・イメージ・エルシー 12.8.1 会社概要 12.8.2 財務概要 12.8.3 提供する製品/サービス 12.8.4 重要な進展 12.8.5 スウォット分析 12.8.6 主要戦略 12.9 ラザーテックメディカルサービス 12.9.1 会社概要 12.9.2 財務概要 12.9.3 提供する製品/サービス 12.9.4 重要な進展 12.9.5 スウォット分析 12.9.6 主要戦略 12.10 CUTERA 12.10.1 会社概要 12.10.2 財務概要 12.10.3 提供する製品/サービス 12.10.4 重要な進展 12.10.5 スウォット分析 12.10.6 主要戦略 13 APPENDIX 13.1 参考文献 13.関連レポート2件
SummaryGlobal Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Procedures Market—Forecast till 2027Market Overview The minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market is estimated to surpass USD 8,400.33 million by 2027 with a significant CAGR of 8.68% during the assessment timeframe. The minimally invasive medical procedure referred to any surgery that is performed through little cuts rather than an enormous opening. Since your specialist will make more modest entry points, one will probably have a speedier recuperation time and less agony than customary open a medical procedure however with similar advantages as a conventional medical procedure. The global market growth is fuelled by the rising acceptance of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, growing healthcare expenditures and marketing strategies by key players, and the increasing medical tourism industry. The minimally invasive restorative systems market is fundamentally determined by the expanding interest for minimally invasive cosmetic surgeries in developing countries, the expanding clinical travel industry, rising medical services consumption, and powerful advertising methodologies by central members. The rising number of items dispatches, and endorsements are additionally driving the development of the minimally invasive restorative techniques market. However, troublesome repayment situations and the complexities identified with corrective systems are relied upon to confine the minimally invasive restorative methods market development during the review period. Segment Overview The minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market is classified into products, procedures, applications, and end-user. In terms of products, the minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market is categorized into hair removal lasers, botulinum toxins. The hair removal lasers segment is again divided into Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (Nd: YAG) laser, diode lasers, and others. The botulinum toxins type is again segregated into OnabotulinumtoxinA A, Incobotulinumtoxin A, Rimabotulinumtoxin B, and others. The other segment deals with micro-needling products, fruit acids, platelet-rich plasma, radiofrequency skin tightening wrinkle removal rejuvenation machine, and cellulite treatment products. In terms of procedures, the minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market is divided into botulinum toxins, soft tissue fillers, chemical peel, laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, and others. Based on application, the market is subdivided into acne, trauma scars, hyperpigmentation, adipose tissue regeneration, etc. The end-user segment segregates the minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market into hospitals, dermatology clinics, and others. Regional Analysis The region-specific analysis of the minimally invasive cosmetic procedures market is spread across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Rest of the World. North America is set to command the global market owing to the largest share of 34.0% in 2020. The region is anticipated to record a notable CAGR of 9.18% during the assessment period. The regional market growth is driven by the increasing demand for cosmetic procedures and the presence of a high number of cosmetic surgeons in North America. Europe exhibits the second largest market for minimally invasive cosmetic surgeries during the review period followed by Asia- Pacific. Major players The major players of the global minimally invasive cosmetics procedures are AbbVie Inc. (US), The Procter & Gamble Company (US), Koninklijke Philips N.V.(Netherlands), Altair Instruments (US), Silhouet-Tone Corporation (Canada), Advanced Microderm Inc. (US), Dermaglow(US), New Shining Image LLC (US), Lasertec Medical Services (Ireland), and Cutera, Inc. (US). COVID 19 Impacts We are continuously tracking the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on various industries and verticals within all domains. Our research reports include the same and help you understand the drop and rise, owing to the impact of COVID-19 on the industries. Also, we help you to identify the gap between the demand and supply of your interested market. Moreover, the report helps you with the analysis, amended government regulations, and many other useful insights. Table of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS
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