パスタとヌードル市場の概要、競合分析、予測、2016-2025年Pasta and Noodles Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast, 2016-2025 パスタとヌードル市場の概要、競合分析、予測、2016-2025年 概要 世界のパスタと麺の産業プロファイルは、市場シェア、市場規模(2016-20年の金額と数量、2025年までの予測)など、定性的および定量的なト... もっと見る
サマリーパスタとヌードル市場の概要、競合分析、予測、2016-2025年概要 世界のパスタと麺の産業プロファイルは、市場シェア、市場規模(2016-20年の金額と数量、2025年までの予測)など、定性的および定量的なトップライン情報を提供します。また、主要な財務指標や市場内の競争圧力の分析など、主要企業に関する記述も含まれています。 主要なハイライト - パスタ・麺市場は、乾燥パスタ、乾燥麺・即席麺、チルドパスタ、チルド麺、常温パスタ、常温麺の小売販売で構成されています。市場は小売販売価格(RSP)に基づき評価され、適用される税金を含んでいます。本レポートの編集に使用されたすべての通貨換算は、2020年の年間平均為替レートを使用して計算されています。 - 世界のパスタ・麺類市場の2020年の総売上は668億2680万ドルで、2016年から2020年の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は5.7%でした。 - 市場の消費量は2016年から2020年の間にCAGR3.4%で増加し、2020年には合計239億440万kgに達しました。 - 可処分所得の増加と急速な都市化が、この市場の成長を支える主な要因となっています。 対象範囲 - 世界のパスタおよび麺類市場の規模、成長、主要セグメント、主要企業を特定することで、初歩的な調査にかかる時間を短縮することができます。 - ファイブフォース分析を用いて、世界のパスタおよび麺類市場の競争力および魅力度を決定します。 - 主要企業のプロファイルから、パスタ&ヌードル市場の主要企業の世界的な事業展開と財務実績の詳細を明らかにします。 - 世界のパスタ&ヌードル市場の今後の成長見込みを金額と数量の両方で5年間予測することにより、プレゼンテーションやピッチに重みを持たせることができます。 購入の理由 - 2020年のパスタと麺の世界市場規模(金額ベース)は? - 2025年のパスタ&麺の世界市場規模は? - パスタ・麺類の世界市場における競争力に影響を与える要因は何か? - 過去5年間の市場の推移は? - パスタ・麺の世界市場における上位競合企業はどこか? 目次Table of Contents1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Market value 1.2. Market value forecast 1.3. Market volume 1.4. Market volume forecast 1.5. Category segmentation 1.6. Geography segmentation 1.7. Market share 1.8. Competitive Landscape 2 Introduction 2.1. What is this report about? 2.2. Who is the target reader? 2.3. How to use this report 2.4. Definitions 3 Global Pasta & Noodles 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Data 3.3. Market Segmentation 3.4. Market outlook 3.5. Five forces analysis 4 Macroeconomic Indicators 4.1. Country data 5 Pasta & Noodles in Asia-Pacific 5.1. Market Overview 5.2. Market Data 5.3. Market Segmentation 5.4. Market outlook 5.5. Five forces analysis 6 Pasta & Noodles in Europe 6.1. Market Overview 6.2. Market Data 6.3. Market Segmentation 6.4. Market outlook 6.5. Five forces analysis 7 Macroeconomic Indicators 7.1. Country data 8 Pasta & Noodles in France 8.1. Market Overview 8.2. Market Data 8.3. Market Segmentation 8.4. Market outlook 8.5. Five forces analysis 9 Macroeconomic Indicators 9.1. Country data 10 Pasta & Noodles in Germany 10.1. Market Overview 10.2. Market Data 10.3. Market Segmentation 10.4. Market outlook 10.5. Five forces analysis 11 Macroeconomic Indicators 11.1. Country data 12 Pasta & Noodles in Italy 12.1. Market Overview 12.2. Market Data 12.3. Market Segmentation 12.4. Market outlook 12.5. Five forces analysis 13 Macroeconomic Indicators 13.1. Country data 14 Pasta & Noodles in Japan 14.1. Market Overview 14.2. Market Data 14.3. Market Segmentation 14.4. Market outlook 14.5. Five forces analysis 15 Macroeconomic Indicators 15.1. Country data 16 Pasta & Noodles in Australia 16.1. Market Overview 16.2. Market Data 16.3. Market Segmentation 16.4. Market outlook 16.5. Five forces analysis 17 Macroeconomic Indicators 17.1. Country data 18 Pasta & Noodles in Canada 18.1. Market Overview 18.2. Market Data 18.3. Market Segmentation 18.4. Market outlook 18.5. Five forces analysis 19 Macroeconomic Indicators 19.1. Country data 20 Pasta & Noodles in China 20.1. Market Overview 20.2. Market Data 20.3. Market Segmentation 20.4. Market outlook 20.5. Five forces analysis 21 Macroeconomic Indicators 21.1. Country data 22 Pasta & Noodles in The Netherlands 22.1. Market Overview 22.2. Market Data 22.3. Market Segmentation 22.4. Market outlook 22.5. Five forces analysis 23 Macroeconomic Indicators 23.1. Country data 24 Pasta & Noodles in Spain 24.1. Market Overview 24.2. Market Data 24.3. Market Segmentation 24.4. Market outlook 24.5. Five forces analysis 25 Macroeconomic Indicators 25.1. Country data 26 Pasta & Noodles in The United Kingdom 26.1. Market Overview 26.2. Market Data 26.3. Market Segmentation 26.4. Market outlook 26.5. Five forces analysis 27 Macroeconomic Indicators 27.1. Country data 28 Pasta & Noodles in The United States 28.1. Market Overview 28.2. Market Data 28.3. Market Segmentation 28.4. Market outlook 28.5. Five forces analysis 29 Macroeconomic Indicators 29.1. Country data 30 Company Profiles 31 Appendix 31.1. Methodology 31.2. About MarketLine List of Tables Table 1: Global pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 2: Global pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 3: Global pasta & noodles market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 4: Global pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 5: Global pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 6: Global pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 7: Global pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 8: Global pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 9: Global size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 10: Global gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 11: Global gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 12: Global inflation, 2016-20 Table 13: Global consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 14: Global exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 15: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 16: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 17: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 18: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 19: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 20: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 21: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 22: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 23: Europe pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 24: Europe pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 25: Europe pasta & noodles market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 26: Europe pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 27: Europe pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 28: Europe pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 29: Europe pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 30: Europe pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 31: Europe size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 32: Europe gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 33: Europe gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 34: Europe inflation, 2016-20 Table 35: Europe consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 36: Europe exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 37: France pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 38: France pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 39: France pasta & noodles market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 40: France pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 41: France pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 42: France pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 43: France pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 44: France pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 45: France size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 46: France gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 47: France gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 48: France inflation, 2016-20 Table 49: France consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 50: France exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 51: Germany pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 52: Germany pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 53: Germany pasta & noodles market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 54: Germany pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 55: Germany pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 56: Germany pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 57: Germany pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 58: Germany pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 59: Germany size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 60: Germany gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 61: Germany gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 62: Germany inflation, 2016-20 Table 63: Germany consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 64: Germany exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 65: Italy pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 66: Italy pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 67: Italy pasta & noodles market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 68: Italy pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 69: Italy pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 70: Italy pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 71: Italy pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 72: Italy pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 73: Italy size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 74: Italy gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 75: Italy gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 76: Italy inflation, 2016-20 Table 77: Italy consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 78: Italy exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 79: Japan pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 80: Japan pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 List of Figures Figure 1: Global pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 2: Global pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 3: Global pasta & noodles market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 4: Global pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 5: Global pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 6: Global pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 7: Global pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 8: Global pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 9: Forces driving competition in the global pasta & noodles market, 2020 Figure 10: Drivers of buyer power in the global pasta & noodles market, 2020 Figure 11: Drivers of supplier power in the global pasta & noodles market, 2020 Figure 12: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the global pasta & noodles market, 2020 Figure 13: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the global pasta & noodles market, 2020 Figure 14: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the global pasta & noodles market, 2020 Figure 15: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 16: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 17: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 18: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 19: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 20: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 21: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 22: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 23: Forces driving competition in the pasta & noodles market in Asia-Pacific, 2020 Figure 24: Drivers of buyer power in the pasta & noodles market in Asia-Pacific, 2020 Figure 25: Drivers of supplier power in the pasta & noodles market in Asia-Pacific, 2020 Figure 26: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the pasta & noodles market in Asia-Pacific, 2020 Figure 27: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the pasta & noodles market in Asia-Pacific, 2020 Figure 28: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the pasta & noodles market in Asia-Pacific, 2020 Figure 29: Europe pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 30: Europe pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 31: Europe pasta & noodles market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 32: Europe pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 33: Europe pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 34: Europe pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 35: Europe pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 36: Europe pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 37: Forces driving competition in the pasta & noodles market in Europe, 2020 Figure 38: Drivers of buyer power in the pasta & noodles market in Europe, 2020 Figure 39: Drivers of supplier power in the pasta & noodles market in Europe, 2020 Figure 40: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the pasta & noodles market in Europe, 2020 Figure 41: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the pasta & noodles market in Europe, 2020 Figure 42: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the pasta & noodles market in Europe, 2020 Figure 43: France pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 44: France pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 45: France pasta & noodles market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 46: France pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 47: France pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 48: France pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 49: France pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 50: France pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 51: Forces driving competition in the pasta & noodles market in France, 2020 Figure 52: Drivers of buyer power in the pasta & noodles market in France, 2020 Figure 53: Drivers of supplier power in the pasta & noodles market in France, 2020 Figure 54: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the pasta & noodles market in France, 2020 Figure 55: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the pasta & noodles market in France, 2020 Figure 56: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the pasta & noodles market in France, 2020 Figure 57: Germany pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 58: Germany pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 59: Germany pasta & noodles market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 60: Germany pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 61: Germany pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 62: Germany pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 63: Germany pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 64: Germany pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 65: Forces driving competition in the pasta & noodles market in Germany, 2020 Figure 66: Drivers of buyer power in the pasta & noodles market in Germany, 2020 Figure 67: Drivers of supplier power in the pasta & noodles market in Germany, 2020 Figure 68: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the pasta & noodles market in Germany, 2020 Figure 69: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the pasta & noodles market in Germany, 2020 Figure 70: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the pasta & noodles market in Germany, 2020 Figure 71: Italy pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 72: Italy pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 73: Italy pasta & noodles market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 74: Italy pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 75: Italy pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 76: Italy pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 77: Italy pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 78: Italy pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 79: Forces driving competition in the pasta & noodles market in Italy, 2020 Figure 80: Drivers of buyer power in the pasta & noodles market in Italy, 2020
SummaryPasta and Noodles Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast, 2016-2025 Table of ContentsTable of Contents1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1. Market value 1.2. Market value forecast 1.3. Market volume 1.4. Market volume forecast 1.5. Category segmentation 1.6. Geography segmentation 1.7. Market share 1.8. Competitive Landscape 2 Introduction 2.1. What is this report about? 2.2. Who is the target reader? 2.3. How to use this report 2.4. Definitions 3 Global Pasta & Noodles 3.1. Market Overview 3.2. Market Data 3.3. Market Segmentation 3.4. Market outlook 3.5. Five forces analysis 4 Macroeconomic Indicators 4.1. Country data 5 Pasta & Noodles in Asia-Pacific 5.1. Market Overview 5.2. Market Data 5.3. Market Segmentation 5.4. Market outlook 5.5. Five forces analysis 6 Pasta & Noodles in Europe 6.1. Market Overview 6.2. Market Data 6.3. Market Segmentation 6.4. Market outlook 6.5. Five forces analysis 7 Macroeconomic Indicators 7.1. Country data 8 Pasta & Noodles in France 8.1. Market Overview 8.2. Market Data 8.3. Market Segmentation 8.4. Market outlook 8.5. Five forces analysis 9 Macroeconomic Indicators 9.1. Country data 10 Pasta & Noodles in Germany 10.1. Market Overview 10.2. Market Data 10.3. Market Segmentation 10.4. Market outlook 10.5. Five forces analysis 11 Macroeconomic Indicators 11.1. Country data 12 Pasta & Noodles in Italy 12.1. Market Overview 12.2. Market Data 12.3. Market Segmentation 12.4. Market outlook 12.5. Five forces analysis 13 Macroeconomic Indicators 13.1. Country data 14 Pasta & Noodles in Japan 14.1. Market Overview 14.2. Market Data 14.3. Market Segmentation 14.4. Market outlook 14.5. Five forces analysis 15 Macroeconomic Indicators 15.1. Country data 16 Pasta & Noodles in Australia 16.1. Market Overview 16.2. Market Data 16.3. Market Segmentation 16.4. Market outlook 16.5. Five forces analysis 17 Macroeconomic Indicators 17.1. Country data 18 Pasta & Noodles in Canada 18.1. Market Overview 18.2. Market Data 18.3. Market Segmentation 18.4. Market outlook 18.5. Five forces analysis 19 Macroeconomic Indicators 19.1. Country data 20 Pasta & Noodles in China 20.1. Market Overview 20.2. Market Data 20.3. Market Segmentation 20.4. Market outlook 20.5. Five forces analysis 21 Macroeconomic Indicators 21.1. Country data 22 Pasta & Noodles in The Netherlands 22.1. Market Overview 22.2. Market Data 22.3. Market Segmentation 22.4. Market outlook 22.5. Five forces analysis 23 Macroeconomic Indicators 23.1. Country data 24 Pasta & Noodles in Spain 24.1. Market Overview 24.2. Market Data 24.3. Market Segmentation 24.4. Market outlook 24.5. Five forces analysis 25 Macroeconomic Indicators 25.1. Country data 26 Pasta & Noodles in The United Kingdom 26.1. Market Overview 26.2. Market Data 26.3. Market Segmentation 26.4. Market outlook 26.5. Five forces analysis 27 Macroeconomic Indicators 27.1. Country data 28 Pasta & Noodles in The United States 28.1. Market Overview 28.2. Market Data 28.3. Market Segmentation 28.4. Market outlook 28.5. Five forces analysis 29 Macroeconomic Indicators 29.1. Country data 30 Company Profiles 31 Appendix 31.1. Methodology 31.2. About MarketLine List of Tables Table 1: Global pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 2: Global pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 3: Global pasta & noodles market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 4: Global pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 5: Global pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 6: Global pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 7: Global pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 8: Global pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 9: Global size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 10: Global gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 11: Global gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 12: Global inflation, 2016-20 Table 13: Global consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 14: Global exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 15: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 16: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 17: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 18: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 19: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 20: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 21: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 22: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 23: Europe pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 24: Europe pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 25: Europe pasta & noodles market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 26: Europe pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 27: Europe pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 28: Europe pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 29: Europe pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 30: Europe pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 31: Europe size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 32: Europe gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 33: Europe gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 34: Europe inflation, 2016-20 Table 35: Europe consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 36: Europe exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 37: France pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 38: France pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 39: France pasta & noodles market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 40: France pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 41: France pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 42: France pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 43: France pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 44: France pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 45: France size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 46: France gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 47: France gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 48: France inflation, 2016-20 Table 49: France consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 50: France exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 51: Germany pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 52: Germany pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 53: Germany pasta & noodles market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 54: Germany pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 55: Germany pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 56: Germany pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 57: Germany pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 58: Germany pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 59: Germany size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 60: Germany gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 61: Germany gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 62: Germany inflation, 2016-20 Table 63: Germany consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 64: Germany exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 65: Italy pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 66: Italy pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Table 67: Italy pasta & noodles market category segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 68: Italy pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: $ million, 2020 Table 69: Italy pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Table 70: Italy pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Table 71: Italy pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Table 72: Italy pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Table 73: Italy size of population (million), 2016-20 Table 74: Italy gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 75: Italy gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2016-20 Table 76: Italy inflation, 2016-20 Table 77: Italy consumer price index (absolute), 2016-20 Table 78: Italy exchange rate, 2016-20 Table 79: Japan pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Table 80: Japan pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 List of Figures Figure 1: Global pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 2: Global pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 3: Global pasta & noodles market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 4: Global pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 5: Global pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 6: Global pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 7: Global pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 8: Global pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 9: Forces driving competition in the global pasta & noodles market, 2020 Figure 10: Drivers of buyer power in the global pasta & noodles market, 2020 Figure 11: Drivers of supplier power in the global pasta & noodles market, 2020 Figure 12: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the global pasta & noodles market, 2020 Figure 13: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the global pasta & noodles market, 2020 Figure 14: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the global pasta & noodles market, 2020 Figure 15: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 16: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 17: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 18: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 19: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 20: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 21: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 22: Asia-Pacific pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 23: Forces driving competition in the pasta & noodles market in Asia-Pacific, 2020 Figure 24: Drivers of buyer power in the pasta & noodles market in Asia-Pacific, 2020 Figure 25: Drivers of supplier power in the pasta & noodles market in Asia-Pacific, 2020 Figure 26: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the pasta & noodles market in Asia-Pacific, 2020 Figure 27: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the pasta & noodles market in Asia-Pacific, 2020 Figure 28: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the pasta & noodles market in Asia-Pacific, 2020 Figure 29: Europe pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 30: Europe pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 31: Europe pasta & noodles market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 32: Europe pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 33: Europe pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 34: Europe pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 35: Europe pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 36: Europe pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 37: Forces driving competition in the pasta & noodles market in Europe, 2020 Figure 38: Drivers of buyer power in the pasta & noodles market in Europe, 2020 Figure 39: Drivers of supplier power in the pasta & noodles market in Europe, 2020 Figure 40: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the pasta & noodles market in Europe, 2020 Figure 41: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the pasta & noodles market in Europe, 2020 Figure 42: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the pasta & noodles market in Europe, 2020 Figure 43: France pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 44: France pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 45: France pasta & noodles market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 46: France pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 47: France pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 48: France pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 49: France pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 50: France pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 51: Forces driving competition in the pasta & noodles market in France, 2020 Figure 52: Drivers of buyer power in the pasta & noodles market in France, 2020 Figure 53: Drivers of supplier power in the pasta & noodles market in France, 2020 Figure 54: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the pasta & noodles market in France, 2020 Figure 55: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the pasta & noodles market in France, 2020 Figure 56: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the pasta & noodles market in France, 2020 Figure 57: Germany pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 58: Germany pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 59: Germany pasta & noodles market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 60: Germany pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 61: Germany pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 62: Germany pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 63: Germany pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 64: Germany pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 65: Forces driving competition in the pasta & noodles market in Germany, 2020 Figure 66: Drivers of buyer power in the pasta & noodles market in Germany, 2020 Figure 67: Drivers of supplier power in the pasta & noodles market in Germany, 2020 Figure 68: Factors influencing the likelihood of new entrants in the pasta & noodles market in Germany, 2020 Figure 69: Factors influencing the threat of substitutes in the pasta & noodles market in Germany, 2020 Figure 70: Drivers of degree of rivalry in the pasta & noodles market in Germany, 2020 Figure 71: Italy pasta & noodles market value: $ million, 2016-20 Figure 72: Italy pasta & noodles market volume: million kg, 2016-20 Figure 73: Italy pasta & noodles market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 74: Italy pasta & noodles market geography segmentation: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 75: Italy pasta & noodles market share: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 76: Italy pasta & noodles market distribution: % share, by value, 2020 Figure 77: Italy pasta & noodles market value forecast: $ million, 2020-25 Figure 78: Italy pasta & noodles market volume forecast: million kg, 2020-25 Figure 79: Forces driving competition in the pasta & noodles market in Italy, 2020 Figure 80: Drivers of buyer power in the pasta & noodles market in Italy, 2020
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