

Internet Access Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast to 2027

インターネットアクセス市場の概要、競合分析、2027年までの予測 概要 世界のインターネットアクセス産業プロファイルは、市場規模(金額、数量2018-22年、2027年予測)を含むトップラインの定性的および定... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 ページ数 言語
2023年7月25日 US$1,495
467 英語







- インターネットアクセス市場には、消費者およびビジネスチャネルを通じてナローバンドおよびブロードバンドのインターネットアクセスを提供するために収集されたすべてのインターネットサービス収入が含まれます。算出される収入はすべて税抜きの小売収入である。固定通信のみが含まれ、携帯電話接続は考慮されていない。
- 市場は、xDSL、ケーブル、固定無線アクセス、光ファイバー(FTTH/B)、その他のセグメントに分類される。
- デジタル加入者線(xDSL)とは、ADSL、SDSL、HDSLを含むすべてのタイプのデジタル加入者線を総称する。DSL技術は、銅線にデータをパックする変調方式を使用する。xDSLは既存の銅線電話回線を利用するため、中央電話局までの距離が短い。この技術はインターネット、データ、ビデオに利用できる。音声を伝送できるものもある。
- ケーブル・サービスは、アクセス・ネットワークでテレビ放送、インターネット、音声を伝送する際に、同軸ケーブルと連続した技術(HFCなど)を使用するシステムを指す。同軸ケーブルは750Mbpsを超える帯域幅を実現できるが、アナログのテレビ画像には8Mbps程度の帯域幅が必要で、インターネットや音声信号の伝送はもっと低い速度で行われる。
- 固定無線アクセスは、固定無線リンクを介したローカルアクセスを指す。モバイルと認識される技術と固定と認識される技術の融合が進んでいるため、当社の定義では、デバイスまたは顧客宅内機器の可動性に重点を置いている。固定無線アクセス契約は、顧客の敷地内または狭く制限された区域内の固定機器付き回線のみを含む。近隣や町内での移動が制限されるサービスは、当社の予測ではモバイルとみなされる。ナローバンドでもブロードバンドでもよい。
- 光ファイバー(FTTH/B)の予測では、家庭への光ファイバーだけでなく、ビルへの光ファイバー接続にも焦点を当てる。言い換えれば、顧客の敷地に直接接続する光ファイバーアクセス回線を含む。この定義は、いわゆるFTTH(家庭への光ファイバー)と、接続がさまざまな異なる技術である可能性がある建物への光ファイバー(FTTB - 建物への光ファイバー)を包含する。FTTC(fiber to the curb)は当社の推定には含まれていない。
- その他のセグメントには、ISDN、WiMAX、衛星や電力線などその他のアクセス媒体によるアクセスが含まれる。
- ISDN(Integrated Services Digital Network)はデジタル電話接続のシステムで、エンド・ツー・エンドのデジタル接続を利用して音声、データ、インターネット通信を同時に伝送することができる。
- WiMAXは、WiMAX技術を使用した無線アクセス回線、いわゆるWiMAX以前の固定無線ソリューションを指す。WiMAX技術の進化に伴い、モバイルWiMAXソリューションが出現しているが、これは当社の固定予測には含まれていない(ただし、GlobalDataの世界モバイル予測には含まれている)。従来の固定無線技術と同様に、当社の定義の重要な要素は、この文脈におけるデバイスまたは顧客構内設備の可動性の程度である。固定ベースに取り付けられ、据え置きで使用するように設計されたデバイスは「固定」であると考える。したがって、当社の定義には、(モバイルではなく)主に据え置きで使用される、いわゆるポータブルWiMAXも含まれる。
- 市場規模はインターネット・ユーザーの総数を表す。すべての市場データおよび予測は名目ベース(すなわちインフレ調整なし)で表され、本レポートの作成に使用されたすべての通貨換算は、恒常為替レート(2022年年間平均レート)を用いて計算されている。
- 世界のインターネットアクセス市場の2022年の総収入は5,253億ドルで、2017年から2022年の年間平均成長率(CAGR)は5.5%であった。
- 市場の消費量は2017年から2022年にかけてCAGR 10.3%で増加し、2022年のインターネット利用者数は44億人に達した。
- 携帯電話によるインターネットの日常利用の増加とモバイルブロードバンド契約の増加が、同国のインターネットアクセス市場の成長を牽引している。社内調査によると、中国のモバイルインターネット加入者数は2021年の102,874,000人から2022年には110,401,200人に増加する。


- 世界のインターネットアクセス市場の規模、成長、主要セグメント、主要プレイヤーを明らかにすることで、エントリーレベルの調査にかかる時間を節約できます。
- ファイブフォース分析により、世界のインターネットアクセス市場の競争激化と魅力度を測定
- 主要企業のプロフィールから、インターネットアクセス市場の主要企業の世界的な事業展開と財務実績の詳細を明らかにします。
- 世界のインターネットアクセス市場の今後の成長見通しを、金額と数量の両方による5年間の予測で理解することで、プレゼンテーションやピッチに重みを加えることができます。


- 2022年のインターネットアクセスの世界市場規模(金額ベース)は?
- 2027年の世界のインターネットアクセス市場規模は?
- 世界のインターネットアクセス市場の競争力に影響を与える要因は何か?
- 過去5年間の市場の推移は?
- 世界のインターネットアクセス市場を構成する主要セグメントは?



Table of Contents
1.1. Market value
1.2. Market value forecast
1.3. Market volume
1.4. Market volume forecast
1.5. Category segmentation
1.6. Geography segmentation
1.7. Competitive landscape
2 Introduction
2.1. What is this report about?
2.2. Who is the target reader?
2.3. How to use this report
2.4. Definitions
3 Global Internet Access
3.1. Market Overview
3.2. Market Data
3.3. Market Segmentation
3.4. Market outlook
3.5. Five forces analysis
4 Macroeconomic Indicators
4.1. Country data
5 Internet Access in Asia-Pacific
5.1. Market Overview
5.2. Market Data
5.3. Market Segmentation
5.4. Market outlook
5.5. Five forces analysis
6 Internet Access in Europe
6.1. Market Overview
6.2. Market Data
6.3. Market Segmentation
6.4. Market outlook
6.5. Five forces analysis
7 Macroeconomic Indicators
7.1. Country data
8 Internet Access in France
8.1. Market Overview
8.2. Market Data
8.3. Market Segmentation
8.4. Market outlook
8.5. Five forces analysis
9 Macroeconomic Indicators
9.1. Country data
10 Internet Access in Germany
10.1. Market Overview
10.2. Market Data
10.3. Market Segmentation
10.4. Market outlook
10.5. Five forces analysis
11 Macroeconomic Indicators
11.1. Country data
12 Internet Access in Italy
12.1. Market Overview
12.2. Market Data
12.3. Market Segmentation
12.4. Market outlook
12.5. Five forces analysis
13 Macroeconomic Indicators
13.1. Country data
14 Internet Access in Japan
14.1. Market Overview
14.2. Market Data
14.3. Market Segmentation
14.4. Market outlook
14.5. Five forces analysis
15 Macroeconomic Indicators
15.1. Country data
16 Internet Access in Australia
16.1. Market Overview
16.2. Market Data
16.3. Market Segmentation
16.4. Market outlook
16.5. Five forces analysis
17 Macroeconomic Indicators
17.1. Country data
18 Internet Access in Canada
18.1. Market Overview
18.2. Market Data
18.3. Market Segmentation
18.4. Market outlook
18.5. Five forces analysis
19 Macroeconomic Indicators
19.1. Country data
20 Internet Access in China
20.1. Market Overview
20.2. Market Data
20.3. Market Segmentation
20.4. Market outlook
20.5. Five forces analysis
21 Macroeconomic Indicators
21.1. Country data
22 Internet Access in The Netherlands
22.1. Market Overview
22.2. Market Data
22.3. Market Segmentation
22.4. Market outlook
22.5. Five forces analysis
23 Macroeconomic Indicators
23.1. Country data
24 Internet Access in Spain
24.1. Market Overview
24.2. Market Data
24.3. Market Segmentation
24.4. Market outlook
24.5. Five forces analysis
25 Macroeconomic Indicators
25.1. Country data
26 Internet Access in The United Kingdom
26.1. Market Overview
26.2. Market Data
26.3. Market Segmentation
26.4. Market outlook
26.5. Five forces analysis
27 Macroeconomic Indicators
27.1. Country data
28 Internet Access in The United States
28.1. Market Overview
28.2. Market Data
28.3. Market Segmentation
28.4. Market outlook
28.5. Five forces analysis
29 Macroeconomic Indicators
29.1. Country data
30 Company Profiles
30.1. China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd
30.2. AT&T Inc
30.3. Deutsche Telekom AG
30.4. Comcast Corporation
30.5. China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited
30.6. Bharti Airtel Limited
30.7. NTT DOCOMO Inc
30.8. Telenor ASA
30.9. BT Group plc
30.10. Iliad SA
30.11. Telefonica, S.A.
30.12. Orange SA
30.13. SFR SA
30.14. Bouygues Telecom SA
30.15. United Internet AG
30.16. Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG
30.17. Vodafone GmbH
30.18. TIM S.p.A.
30.19. Swisscom, Ltd.
30.20. Tessellis SpA
30.21. KDDI Corporation
30.22. NIFTY Corporation
30.23. Telstra Group Limited
30.24. TPG Telecom Ltd
30.25. Singtel Optus Pty Ltd
30.26. Vocus Group Ltd
30.27. BCE Inc.
30.28. Rogers Communications, Inc.
30.29. Shaw Communications Inc
30.30. TELUS Corporation
30.31. China Telecom Corporation Limited
30.32. Ziggo Bond Company B.V.
30.33. T-Mobile Netherlands Holding B.V.
30.34. Koninklijke KPN NV
30.35. Vodafone Group Plc
30.36. Masmovil Ibercom SA
30.37. Sky Limited
30.38. Liberty Global plc
30.39. Talktalk Telecom Group Ltd
30.40. Verizon Communications Inc.
30.41. Charter Communications, Inc.
31 Appendix
31.1. Methodology
31.2. About MarketLine



List of Tables
Table 1: Global internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 2: Global internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 3: Global internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 4: Global internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 5: Global internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 6: Global internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 7: Global internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 8: Global size of population (million), 2018-22
Table 9: Global gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 10: Global gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 11: Global inflation, 2018-22
Table 12: Global consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22
Table 13: Global exchange rate, 2018-22
Table 14: Asia-Pacific internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 15: Asia-Pacific internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 16: Asia-Pacific internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 17: Asia-Pacific internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 18: Asia-Pacific internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 19: Asia-Pacific internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 20: Asia-Pacific internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 21: Europe internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 22: Europe internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 23: Europe internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 24: Europe internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 25: Europe internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 26: Europe internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 27: Europe internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 28: Europe size of population (million), 2018-22
Table 29: Europe gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 30: Europe gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 31: Europe inflation, 2018-22
Table 32: Europe consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22
Table 33: Europe exchange rate, 2018-22
Table 34: France internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 35: France internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 36: France internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 37: France internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 38: France internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 39: France internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 40: France internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 41: France size of population (million), 2018-22
Table 42: France gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 43: France gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 44: France inflation, 2018-22
Table 45: France consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22
Table 46: France exchange rate, 2018-22
Table 47: Germany internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 48: Germany internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 49: Germany internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 50: Germany internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 51: Germany internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 52: Germany internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 53: Germany internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 54: Germany size of population (million), 2018-22
Table 55: Germany gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 56: Germany gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 57: Germany inflation, 2018-22
Table 58: Germany consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22
Table 59: Germany exchange rate, 2018-22
Table 60: Italy internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 61: Italy internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 62: Italy internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 63: Italy internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 64: Italy internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 65: Italy internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 66: Italy internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 67: Italy size of population (million), 2018-22
Table 68: Italy gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 69: Italy gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 70: Italy inflation, 2018-22
Table 71: Italy consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22
Table 72: Italy exchange rate, 2018-22
Table 73: Japan internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 74: Japan internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 75: Japan internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 76: Japan internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 77: Japan internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 78: Japan internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 79: Japan internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 80: Japan size of population (million), 2018-22
Table 81: Japan gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 82: Japan gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 83: Japan inflation, 2018-22
Table 84: Japan consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22
Table 85: Japan exchange rate, 2018-22
Table 86: Australia internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 87: Australia internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 88: Australia internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 89: Australia internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 90: Australia internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022





Internet Access Market Summary, Competitive Analysis and Forecast to 2027


Global Internet Access industry profile provides top-line qualitative and quantitative summary information including: market size (value and volume 2018-22, and forecast to 2027). The profile also contains descriptions of the leading players including key financial metrics and analysis of competitive pressures within the market.

Key Highlights

- The Internet access market includes all Internet service revenues collected to provide narrowband and broadband Internet access through consumer and business channels. All revenues calculated are retail revenues that are exclusive of taxes. Only fixed communication is included, and mobile phone connections are not considered.
- The market is categorized into segments such as xDSL, cable, fixed wireless access, fiber optic (FTTH/B), and others segment.
- Digital subscriber lines (xDSL) refer collectively to all types of digital subscriber lines, including ADSL and SDSL, and HDSL. DSL technologies use modulation schemes to pack data onto copper wires. They are used only for connections from a telephone switching station to a home or office, not between switching stations. xDSL operates over existing copper telephone lines and requires short runs to a central telephone office. The technology can be used for the Internet, data, and video. Some varieties are also able to carry voice.
- Cable services refer to systems using coaxial cable and successive technologies (e.g., HFC) in transporting television broadcasts, Internet, and voice in the access network. Coaxial cable can achieve bandwidth speeds faster than 750 Mbps, but analog TV pictures require some 8 Mbps of bandwidth, and transmission of Internet and voice signals takes place at much lower rates.
- Fixed wireless access refers to local access via fixed wireless links. Owing to the increasing convergence of technologies perceived as mobile and those perceived as fixed, part of the focus in our definition is on the mobility of the device or customer premise equipment. Fixed wireless access subscriptions only include lines with fixed devices, within the customer’s premises or a narrow, restrained zone. Services allowing restrained mobility within a neighborhood or a town are considered mobile for the purposes of our forecasts. It can be either narrowband or broadband.
- Fiber Optic (FTTH/B) estimates focus on fiber to the home as well as fiber to the building connections. In other words, we include fiber access lines connecting directly to the customer’s premises, a definition that encompasses so-called FTTH (fiber to the home) and to a building (FTTB - fiber to the building) within which the connection could be a range of different technologies. FTTC (fiber to the curb) is not included in our estimates.
- The others segment includes access through ISDN, WiMAX, and other access mediums, such as satellite and powerline.
- Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) is a system of digital phone connections, which allows voice, data, and Internet communications to be transmitted simultaneously using end-to-end digital connectivity.
- WiMAX refers to wireless access lines using WiMAX technology, or so-called pre-WiMAX fixed wireless solutions. As WiMAX technology evolves, mobile WiMAX solutions are emerging that are not captured in our fixed forecasts (but are captured in GlobalData’s global mobile forecasts). As with traditional fixed wireless technologies, a key element of our definition is the degree of mobility of the device or customer premises equipment in this context. We consider a device attached to a fixed base and designed for stationary usage to be “fixed”. Hence, our definition also includes so-called portable WiMAX, in which usage is primarily stationary (rather than mobile).
- The market volumes represent the total number of internet users. All market data and forecasts are represented in nominal terms (i.e., without adjustment for inflation) and all currency conversions used in the creation of this report have been calculated using constant 2022 annual average exchange rates.
- The global internet access market had total revenues of $525.3 billion in 2022, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.5% between 2017 and 2022.
- Market consumption volume increased with a CAGR of 10.3% between 2017 and 2022, to reach a total of 4.4 billion Internet Users in 2022.
- The increased daily usage of internet via mobile phones and increase in mobile broadband subscriptions is driving the market growth of the internet access market in the country. According to in-house research, the number of mobile internet subscribers in the China increased from 102,874,000 in 2021 to 110,401,200 in 2022.


- Save time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the size, growth, major segments, and leading players in the global internet access market
- Use the Five Forces analysis to determine the competitive intensity and therefore attractiveness of the global internet access market
- Leading company profiles reveal details of key internet access market players’ global operations and financial performance
- Add weight to presentations and pitches by understanding the future growth prospects of the global internet access market with five year forecasts by both value and volume

Reasons to Buy

- What was the size of the global internet access market by value in 2022?
- What will be the size of the global internet access market in 2027?
- What factors are affecting the strength of competition in the global internet access market?
- How has the market performed over the last five years?
- What are the main segments that make up the global internet access market?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1.1. Market value
1.2. Market value forecast
1.3. Market volume
1.4. Market volume forecast
1.5. Category segmentation
1.6. Geography segmentation
1.7. Competitive landscape
2 Introduction
2.1. What is this report about?
2.2. Who is the target reader?
2.3. How to use this report
2.4. Definitions
3 Global Internet Access
3.1. Market Overview
3.2. Market Data
3.3. Market Segmentation
3.4. Market outlook
3.5. Five forces analysis
4 Macroeconomic Indicators
4.1. Country data
5 Internet Access in Asia-Pacific
5.1. Market Overview
5.2. Market Data
5.3. Market Segmentation
5.4. Market outlook
5.5. Five forces analysis
6 Internet Access in Europe
6.1. Market Overview
6.2. Market Data
6.3. Market Segmentation
6.4. Market outlook
6.5. Five forces analysis
7 Macroeconomic Indicators
7.1. Country data
8 Internet Access in France
8.1. Market Overview
8.2. Market Data
8.3. Market Segmentation
8.4. Market outlook
8.5. Five forces analysis
9 Macroeconomic Indicators
9.1. Country data
10 Internet Access in Germany
10.1. Market Overview
10.2. Market Data
10.3. Market Segmentation
10.4. Market outlook
10.5. Five forces analysis
11 Macroeconomic Indicators
11.1. Country data
12 Internet Access in Italy
12.1. Market Overview
12.2. Market Data
12.3. Market Segmentation
12.4. Market outlook
12.5. Five forces analysis
13 Macroeconomic Indicators
13.1. Country data
14 Internet Access in Japan
14.1. Market Overview
14.2. Market Data
14.3. Market Segmentation
14.4. Market outlook
14.5. Five forces analysis
15 Macroeconomic Indicators
15.1. Country data
16 Internet Access in Australia
16.1. Market Overview
16.2. Market Data
16.3. Market Segmentation
16.4. Market outlook
16.5. Five forces analysis
17 Macroeconomic Indicators
17.1. Country data
18 Internet Access in Canada
18.1. Market Overview
18.2. Market Data
18.3. Market Segmentation
18.4. Market outlook
18.5. Five forces analysis
19 Macroeconomic Indicators
19.1. Country data
20 Internet Access in China
20.1. Market Overview
20.2. Market Data
20.3. Market Segmentation
20.4. Market outlook
20.5. Five forces analysis
21 Macroeconomic Indicators
21.1. Country data
22 Internet Access in The Netherlands
22.1. Market Overview
22.2. Market Data
22.3. Market Segmentation
22.4. Market outlook
22.5. Five forces analysis
23 Macroeconomic Indicators
23.1. Country data
24 Internet Access in Spain
24.1. Market Overview
24.2. Market Data
24.3. Market Segmentation
24.4. Market outlook
24.5. Five forces analysis
25 Macroeconomic Indicators
25.1. Country data
26 Internet Access in The United Kingdom
26.1. Market Overview
26.2. Market Data
26.3. Market Segmentation
26.4. Market outlook
26.5. Five forces analysis
27 Macroeconomic Indicators
27.1. Country data
28 Internet Access in The United States
28.1. Market Overview
28.2. Market Data
28.3. Market Segmentation
28.4. Market outlook
28.5. Five forces analysis
29 Macroeconomic Indicators
29.1. Country data
30 Company Profiles
30.1. China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd
30.2. AT&T Inc
30.3. Deutsche Telekom AG
30.4. Comcast Corporation
30.5. China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited
30.6. Bharti Airtel Limited
30.7. NTT DOCOMO Inc
30.8. Telenor ASA
30.9. BT Group plc
30.10. Iliad SA
30.11. Telefonica, S.A.
30.12. Orange SA
30.13. SFR SA
30.14. Bouygues Telecom SA
30.15. United Internet AG
30.16. Telefonica Deutschland Holding AG
30.17. Vodafone GmbH
30.18. TIM S.p.A.
30.19. Swisscom, Ltd.
30.20. Tessellis SpA
30.21. KDDI Corporation
30.22. NIFTY Corporation
30.23. Telstra Group Limited
30.24. TPG Telecom Ltd
30.25. Singtel Optus Pty Ltd
30.26. Vocus Group Ltd
30.27. BCE Inc.
30.28. Rogers Communications, Inc.
30.29. Shaw Communications Inc
30.30. TELUS Corporation
30.31. China Telecom Corporation Limited
30.32. Ziggo Bond Company B.V.
30.33. T-Mobile Netherlands Holding B.V.
30.34. Koninklijke KPN NV
30.35. Vodafone Group Plc
30.36. Masmovil Ibercom SA
30.37. Sky Limited
30.38. Liberty Global plc
30.39. Talktalk Telecom Group Ltd
30.40. Verizon Communications Inc.
30.41. Charter Communications, Inc.
31 Appendix
31.1. Methodology
31.2. About MarketLine


List of Tables/Graphs

List of Tables
Table 1: Global internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 2: Global internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 3: Global internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 4: Global internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 5: Global internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 6: Global internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 7: Global internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 8: Global size of population (million), 2018-22
Table 9: Global gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 10: Global gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 11: Global inflation, 2018-22
Table 12: Global consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22
Table 13: Global exchange rate, 2018-22
Table 14: Asia-Pacific internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 15: Asia-Pacific internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 16: Asia-Pacific internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 17: Asia-Pacific internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 18: Asia-Pacific internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 19: Asia-Pacific internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 20: Asia-Pacific internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 21: Europe internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 22: Europe internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 23: Europe internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 24: Europe internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 25: Europe internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 26: Europe internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 27: Europe internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 28: Europe size of population (million), 2018-22
Table 29: Europe gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 30: Europe gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 31: Europe inflation, 2018-22
Table 32: Europe consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22
Table 33: Europe exchange rate, 2018-22
Table 34: France internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 35: France internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 36: France internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 37: France internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 38: France internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 39: France internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 40: France internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 41: France size of population (million), 2018-22
Table 42: France gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 43: France gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 44: France inflation, 2018-22
Table 45: France consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22
Table 46: France exchange rate, 2018-22
Table 47: Germany internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 48: Germany internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 49: Germany internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 50: Germany internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 51: Germany internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 52: Germany internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 53: Germany internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 54: Germany size of population (million), 2018-22
Table 55: Germany gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 56: Germany gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 57: Germany inflation, 2018-22
Table 58: Germany consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22
Table 59: Germany exchange rate, 2018-22
Table 60: Italy internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 61: Italy internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 62: Italy internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 63: Italy internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 64: Italy internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 65: Italy internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 66: Italy internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 67: Italy size of population (million), 2018-22
Table 68: Italy gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 69: Italy gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 70: Italy inflation, 2018-22
Table 71: Italy consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22
Table 72: Italy exchange rate, 2018-22
Table 73: Japan internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 74: Japan internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 75: Japan internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 76: Japan internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 77: Japan internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022
Table 78: Japan internet access market value forecast: $ million, 2022-27
Table 79: Japan internet access market volume forecast: thousand Internet Users, 2022-27
Table 80: Japan size of population (million), 2018-22
Table 81: Japan gdp (constant 2005 prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 82: Japan gdp (current prices, $ billion), 2018-22
Table 83: Japan inflation, 2018-22
Table 84: Japan consumer price index (absolute), 2018-22
Table 85: Japan exchange rate, 2018-22
Table 86: Australia internet access market value: $ million, 2017-22
Table 87: Australia internet access market volume: thousand Internet Users, 2017-22
Table 88: Australia internet access market category segmentation: % share, by value, 2017-2022
Table 89: Australia internet access market category segmentation: $ million, 2017-2022
Table 90: Australia internet access market geography segmentation: $ million, 2022








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