


Intravenous Equipment Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2030

点滴装置の動向と予測 世界の静脈内注射器市場の将来は、病院・診療所、在宅医療、外来医療センター市場におけるビジネスチャンスで有望視されている。世界の静脈注射器市場は、2024年から2030年までの年平均... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月29日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測では、製品カテゴリーでは、外科手術の増加により、カテーテルが予測期間中最大のセグメントであり続ける。
- このエンドユースカテゴリーの中では、ICU、救急部、手術室、一般病棟など、静脈内治療が主に行われる専門的な病棟が利用可能であり、アクセスも容易であることから、病院が引き続き最大セグメントとなる。
- 地域別では、北米が外科手術件数の増加、技術の進歩、同地域の整備された医療インフラにより、予測期間中最大の地域であり続けるだろう。




- スマート輸液ポンプ:スマート輸液ポンプは、投与ミス削減システムを搭載し、モニタリング機能を備えているため、投薬ミスを最小限に抑え、患者の安全性を高めることができる。このようなポンプは、安全な静脈内薬剤投与の一環として、今や病院では必需品となっている。
- 強化された静脈カテーテル:より優れた静脈カテーテルは、より快適で、感染の可能性が少なく、挿入が容易であることを目標に設計されている。カテーテルの技術的向上は、患者満足度の向上と静脈内治療の強化に貢献している。
- デジタルヘルス技術との統合:デジタルヘルスの統合により、モニタリング、採血、点滴療法などのサービスを遠隔で提供できるようになりました。この傾向により、医療従事者はリアルタイムの情報にアクセスできるようになり、治療の意思決定が容易になるため、患者ケアの質が向上します。
- 手頃な価格のオプションの重視:より安価な点滴装置のニーズは、特に発展途上国において、手頃な価格の医療ソリューションを求める声に応えるものです。費用対効果の高い機器は、安全な静脈内治療を実践に取り入れ、医療へのアクセスの公平性を向上させます。
- 患者体験の向上:快適性の向上には、より優れた人間工学的装置や侵襲の少ない手技が含まれます。快適性の向上により、患者のストレスや不快感が軽減または解消されるため、点滴療法に対する患者のフィードバックが改善されます。




- スマート輸液ポンプ:スマート輸液ポンプには、患者の安全性を高め、薬剤使用量を削減する投与エラー削減機能とリアルタイムモニタリング機能が搭載されている。このような変化は医療施設では当たり前になりつつあり、点滴治療の正確性と有効性を高めています。
- 改良された点滴カテーテル:新しい点滴カテーテルは、患者に与える苦痛を最小限に抑え、感染症発症の可能性を低減することを目的としています。デザインや素材が改善されたことで、点滴治療の体験が向上し、患者の満足度も高まります。
- 安価なソリューション:手ごろな価格の点滴ソリューションは、特に低資源環境において、利用しやすい医療技術の必要性に応えるものです。このような進歩により、質の高い点滴療法が利用しやすくなり、患者さんのニーズも拡大します。
- デジタル統合:デジタル統合により、モニタリングやデータ収集など、遠隔地からの点滴治療管理が可能になります。これにより、治療の意思決定を改善するためのリアルタイムのデータが提供され、患者ケアの向上につながります。
- 患者の快適性の重視:点滴治療を受ける患者にとってより快適な機器の設計に重点を置いた研究が行われています。人間工学に基づいて設計された機器や侵襲性の低い器具は、患者にとってストレスが少なく、点滴療法をより快適に受けることができます。




- 新興市場での拡大:新興市場における市場は、高度な点滴療法が急増しており、成長機会を提供する重要な市場です。このような背景は、輸液ツールや技術の市場や利用者の開拓に役立ちます。
- 高度輸液システムの開発:輸液療法を受ける患者は、スマートテクノロジーを搭載し、より安全な、より高度な輸液システムから恩恵を受ける可能性があり、潜在顧客の転換の可能性が高まる。テクノロジーへの投資は、輸液市場における競争に対抗する一つの方法である。
- 患者の快適性の向上:人間工学に基づいて設計され、侵襲性を最小限に抑えた機器は、患者の満足度を高め、不安を最小限に抑える可能性がある。このような焦点は、点滴治療の体験を向上させるだけでなく、市場成長の起爆剤となる可能性がある。
- 遠隔医療ソリューションとの統合:点滴療法を遠隔医療ソリューションと組み合わせることで、遠隔で治療を管理・監視することが可能になる。このような統合により、患者の治療や治療へのアドヒアランスが向上し、結果として良好な健康アウトカムが得られます。
- 費用対効果の改善:点滴製剤のコストに対処することは、貧しい人々が医療技術にアクセスするためのソリューションを生み出すことを意味します。このような費用対効果の高いソリューションは、製品の幅広い使用を可能にし、市場への浸透を後押しします。




- 技術の進歩:技術的進歩:スマート輸液ポンプや改良型点滴カテーテルなどの技術的進歩により、治療の安全性と有効性が向上している。より優れた点滴療法ソリューションは、こうした進歩により市場の成長を刺激している。
- 医療費の増加:疾病の蔓延と全体的な健康障害は、より高度な点滴アクセサリーの需要を増大させている。こうした需要が市場の成長と創造性に拍車をかけている。
- 規制支援:有利な規制措置は、輸液に関連する新製品や新技術の参入促進に役立っている。新製品や技術革新の承認を早めることを目的とした的を絞った政策が市場を刺激している。
- 医療インフラの拡大:特に発展途上国における医療インフラの拡大傾向は、点滴装置の利用や応用に対する障壁を弱める。バーチャル・ヘルスケア・サービスの利用拡大が市場の成長を後押しする。
- 患者の安全性の重視:エラーを減らしつつ安全性を高めることを強調する広告や宣伝の必要性が、高度な機器への需要を生み出している。患者の安全を重視する姿勢が、市場の成長と受容を後押ししている。

- 初期コストの高さ:特に資源が乏しい地域では、高額な技術コストが導入の障壁となる可能性がある。これは、先進的な静脈注射機器の利用可能性と使用率の向上という目標を達成する上で大きな障害となる。
- 規制上のハードル:規制上の問題は、新技術の進展を遅らせることがあります。新しい点滴技術の導入を成功させ、市場での存在感を高めるためには、企業はこれらの障害を克服しなければなりません。
- 認知度の低下:認知度やトレーニングの不足は、高度な点滴装置の効果的な使用に悪影響を及ぼします。点滴療法を最大限に活用し、患者の予後を向上させるためには、医療従事者に対する教育とトレーニングが不可欠です。




- ベクトン・アンド・ディッキンソン
- B.ブラウン
- ICUメディカル
- バイゴン
- バクスターインターナショナル
- テレフレックス・インコーポレイテッド
- 3M
- アンギオダイナミクス
- テルモ株式会社
- ポリメディキュア




- 輸液ポンプ
- カテーテル
- 輸液・輸血セット
- 固定装置
- カニューレストップコック
- ニードルレスコネクター
- その他


- 病院・診療所
- 在宅医療
- 外来ケアセンター


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国多くの国と同様、米国でも最近の点滴機器の改良には、投与エラー削減システムやバーコードなどの安全対策が組み込まれたスマート輸液ポンプが含まれます。これらの技術革新は、投薬ミスを防ぎ、患者を保護することを目的としている。さらに、感染を引き起こしにくく、患者に優しい輸液アクセス機器の設計への注目も高まっています。デジタルヘルス技術も、静脈内治療の管理とモニタリングを改善するために統合されつつある。
- 中国中国は点滴機器市場でより発展しており、生産能力と品質の向上に取り組んでいます。最近では、需要の増加に対応するため、ハイエンドの輸液ポンプや点滴カテーテルの国産化を推進している。中国政府も、病院や診療所の点滴機器のアップグレードに多額の投資を行っている。また、より安価な代替品を提供し、高品質の輸液機器を入手しやすい地域を拡大する取り組みも行われている。
- ドイツドイツは点滴機器市場において顕著な進歩を遂げており、患者の安全性向上に重点を置いたスマートな設計を点滴機器に取り入れています。具体的には、自動輸液システムとモニタリングツールがドイツ国内の病院で広く採用されています。同国の高度な医療制度は、点滴技術の継続的な研究開発を支援し、より新しく優れた機器の開発を目指しています。
- インドインドでは、輸液機器市場のトレンドは、手頃な価格の機器の普及とコスト削減に集中しています。手頃な価格の輸液ポンプや輸液カテーテルが市場に参入し、あらゆる患者層に対応しています。また、都市部と農村部の両方の医療施設において、点滴器具の品質向上に重点が置かれている。
- 日本日本では、輸液の精度を大幅に向上させ、物理的影響を軽減する技術革新に焦点が当てられている。最近の技術には、特に投与精度と安全性において高度な機能を備えた輸液システムがある。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.3.5: カニューレストップコック
3.3.7: その他
3.4.2: ホームケア

4.5: ROWの静脈内装置市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーション統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.5: バクスター・インターナショナル
7.7: 3M
7.9: テルモ・コーポレーション
7.10: ポリメディキュア





Intravenous Equipment Trends and Forecast

The future of the global intravenous equipment market looks promising with opportunities in the hospitals & clinics, homecare, and ambulatory care center markets. The global intravenous equipment market is expected to reach an estimated $22.8 billion by 2030 with a CAGR of 5.7% from 2024 to 2030. The major drivers for this market are the rising prevalence of chronic diseases, the surge in the geriatric population, the growing number of surgical procedures, and ongoing advancements in technology.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product category, catheters will remain the largest segment over the forecast period due to the increasing number of surgical procedures.
• Within this end-use category, hospitals will remain the largest segment due to the availability and access to specialized units, such as ICUs, emergency departments, surgical suites, and general wards, where intravenous therapy is largely deployed.
• In terms of regions, North America will remain the largest region over the forecast period due to the rising number of surgical procedures, technological advancements, and well-developed healthcare infrastructure in the region.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Intravenous Equipment Market

The intravenous equipment market is reshaping the geography of technological development, safety, and patient care. These trends indicate where the action is in the IV therapy market and where attention is being directed for change.

• Smart Infusion Pumps: Smart infusion pumps are equipped with dose error reduction systems and have monitoring capabilities, minimizing medication errors and enhancing patient safety. Such pumps are now a necessity in hospitals as part of the safe administration of intravenous drugs.
• Enhanced IV Catheters: Better IV catheters are designed with the goal of greater comfort, fewer chances of infection, and easier insertion. Technological improvements in catheters have contributed to better patient satisfaction and enhanced IV therapy.
• Incorporation with Digital Health Technology: The integration of digital health enables the remote delivery of services such as monitoring, collection, and administration of IV therapies. This trend improves the quality of patient care by allowing healthcare providers to access real-time information, making it easier to make treatment decisions.
• Emphasis on Affordable Options: The need for cheaper IV apparatus is a response to the demand for affordable healthcare solutions, especially in developing countries. Cost-effective devices serve to integrate safe IV therapy into practice and improve equity of access to care.
• Patient Experience Improvement: Improved comfort features include better ergonomic devices and less invasive techniques. Enhancing comfort helps reduce or eliminate patient stress and discomfort, thus improving patient feedback toward IV therapy.

Some of these trends include the introduction of smart infusion pumps, better IV catheters, integration of digital health, development of effective solutions, and improvement of patient comfort. These trends promote the development of new products, enhance the safety and effectiveness of existing products, and increase the scope of IV therapies.

Recent Developments in the Intravenous Equipment Market

The recent trends emerging in the intravenous equipment market are indications of technology, safety, and patient improvement. These changes are shaping the industry and altering the forces of the market.

• Smart Infusion Pumps: Smart infusion pumps come with dose error reduction and real-time monitoring features that increase patient safety and reduce medication usage. These changes are becoming commonplace in health facilities, making IV therapy more accurate and effective.
• Improved IV Catheters: The new IV catheters aim to minimize the pain caused to the patient and reduce the chances of developing infections. Improved designs and materials enhance the IV therapy experience and increase patient satisfaction.
• Cheap Solutions: Affordable IV solutions address the need for accessible healthcare technologies, particularly in low-resource environments. Such advancements improve the availability of high-quality IV therapy and extend patient reach.
• Digital Integration: With digital integration, it is possible to manage IV therapies remotely, including the monitoring and collection of data. This improves patient care by providing real-time data to improve treatment decisions.
• Focus on Patient Comfort: Studies are focused on the design of devices that are more comfortable for patients undergoing intravenous therapy. Ergonomically designed devices and less invasive instruments create less stress for the patient, ensuring a better overall experience of IV therapy.

Recent developments, such as smart infusion pumps, improved IV catheters, low-cost intravenous delivery systems, digital integration, and consideration for patient comfort, are greatly changing the intravenous equipment market. These improvements increase safety, efficacy, and availability, which influence market growth.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Intravenous Equipment Market

The vision of how the intravenous equipment market is poised for growth opportunities highlights the possibilities of growth, innovation, and the diversification of applications. Taking such initiatives can facilitate market growth while improving care for patients.

• Expanding in Emerging Markets: The market within emerging markets is significant, as there is an upsurge for advanced IV therapy, offering growth opportunities. This context aids in developing a market and an audience for IV tools and technologies.
• Developing Advanced Infusion Systems: Patients undergoing infusion therapy could benefit from more advanced infusion systems that contain smart technology and are safer, which could increase the likelihood of converting potential customers. Investing in technology is one way to counter competition in the IV market.
• Enhancing Patient Comfort: Devices that are ergonomically designed with minimal invasiveness could lead to better patient satisfaction and minimal anxiety. This focus could be a catalyst for market growth as well as improving the IV therapy experience.
• Integrating with Telehealth Solutions: It is possible to manage and monitor therapy remotely when IV therapy is combined with telehealth solutions. This integration results in better patient treatment, and adherence to therapy, and consequently facilitates positive health outcomes.
• Improving Cost-Effectiveness: Addressing the cost of IV products means creating solutions for accessing healthcare technologies for the poorer sections of the population. These cost-effective solutions will enable wider use of the products and boost market penetration.

Foreign market entry, improvement of infusion systems, enhancement of patient comfort, integration with telehealth facilities, and cost-effectiveness initiatives are some of the strategic growth opportunities that are changing the intravenous equipment market. These opportunities must be capitalized upon to enhance market growth and improve patient care services.

Intravenous Equipment Market Driver and Challenges

The intravenous equipment market is influenced by technology, policies, and health system changes. Some of the major drivers and challenges govern the growth of IV products and influence their use and new developments.

The factors responsible for driving the intravenous equipment market include:
• Technological Advancements: The incorporation of smart infusion pumps, and improved IV catheters, among other technological advancements, enhances both the safety and efficacy of therapies. Better intravenous therapy solutions have stimulated the growth of the market due to these advancements.
• Increased Healthcare Expenditures: The prevalence of diseases and overall health impairment increases the demand for more advanced IV accessories. These demands have spurred growth and creativity in the market.
• Regulatory Support: Favorable regulatory measures help promote the entry of new products and technologies associated with IV. Targeted policies aimed at speeding up the approval of new products and innovations stimulate the market.
• Expansion of Healthcare Infrastructure: The trend of expanding healthcare infrastructure, particularly in developing countries, weakens the barriers to the availability and application of IV apparatus. Enhanced utilization of virtual healthcare services boosts market growth.
• Focus on Patient Safety: The need for ads and advertisements emphasizing the enhancement of safety while reducing errors has generated a demand for advanced equipment. The focus on patient safety aids in the growth and acceptance of the market.

Challenges in the intravenous equipment market include:
• High Initial Costs: The high cost of technology can be a barrier to adoption, especially in low-resource communities. This is a significant obstacle in achieving the goal of enhancing the availability and usage of advanced IV equipment.
• Regulatory Hurdles: Regulatory challenges sometimes slow the progress of new technologies. To successfully introduce new IV technologies and increase their market presence, companies must overcome these obstacles.
• Limited Awareness: Limited awareness and training are detrimental to the effective use of advanced IV equipment. To ensure the best use of IV therapy and enhance patient outcomes, education and training for healthcare professionals are crucial.

Technological changes, increasing needs for healthcare services, availability of regulatory support, development of healthcare systems, and patient safety have been key factors driving the intravenous equipment market. Challenges like high costs, regulatory issues, and lack of awareness must be addressed to open up the market and ensure patient care. These drivers and challenges must be reconciled to progress IV therapy and expand its role in healthcare.

List of Intravenous Equipment Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies intravenous equipment companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the intravenous equipment companies profiled in this report include-

• Becton and Dickinson
• B. Braun
• ICU Medical
• Vygon
• Baxter International
• Teleflex Incorporated
• 3M
• AngioDynamics
• Terumo Corporation
• Poly Medicure

Intravenous Equipment by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global intravenous equipment by product, end use, and region.

Intravenous Equipment Market by Product [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Infusion Pump
• Catheter
• Solution And Blood Administration Set
• Securement Device
• Cannula Stopcock
• Needleless Connector
• Others

Intravenous Equipment Market by End Use [Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• Hospitals & Clinics
• Homecare
• Ambulatory Care Center

Intravenous Equipment Market by Region [Shipment Analysis by Value from 2018 to 2030]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Intravenous Equipment Market

The intravenous (IV) equipment market is shaped by technological advancements, growing demand for medical services, and changes in the way patient care is delivered. Innovations in this space point to significant strides made in improving safety, practicality, and outcomes associated with the administration of IVs. Efforts are being made in all major markets like the USA, China, Germany, India, and Japan.

• United States: As in many countries, the recent improvements in IV equipment in the United States include the smart infusion pump, which features inbuilt safety measures such as dose error reduction systems and barcoding. These innovations aim to prevent medication errors and protect patients. Additionally, there is growing attention to designing IV access devices that are less likely to cause infections and more patient-friendly. Digital health technologies are also being integrated to improve the management and monitoring of intravenous therapies.
• China: China has developed more in the IV equipment market and is working towards increasing production capacity and quality. Recently, there has been a push for more local production of high-end infusion pumps and IV catheters to meet the growing demand. The Chinese government is also investing heavily in upgrading IV equipment in hospitals and clinics. There are also efforts to provide cheaper alternatives and expand the regions with better access to quality IV devices.
• Germany: Germany has made noticeable progress in the IV equipment market, incorporating smart designs into IV devices with a focus on improving patient safety. More specifically, automated infusion systems and monitoring tools have seen wider adoption in hospitals across Germany. The country’s advanced healthcare system supports ongoing research and development in IV technologies, aiming for newer and better equipment.
• India: In India, the trend in the IV equipment market has been focused on increasing the reach of affordable devices and lowering costs. Affordable infusion pumps and IV catheters have entered the market, catering to all patient classes. There is also an emphasis on improving the quality of intravenous devices across both urban and rural health facilities.
• Japan: In Japan, the focus is on innovations that will significantly improve accuracy and reduce the physical effects of infusion. Recent technologies include infusion systems with advanced features, particularly in dosing accuracy and security.

Features of the Global Intravenous Equipment Market

Market Size Estimates: Intravenous equipment market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2018 to 2023) and forecast (2024 to 2030) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Intravenous equipment market size by product, end use, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Intravenous equipment market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different products, end uses, and regions for the intravenous equipment market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the intravenous equipment market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the intravenous equipment market by product (infusion pump, catheter, solution and blood administration set, securement device, cannula stopcock, needleless connector, and others), end use (hospitals & clinics, homecare, and ambulatory care center), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Intravenous Equipment Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2018 to 2030
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.2. Global Intravenous Equipment Market Trends (2018-2023) and Forecast (2024-2030)
3.3: Global Intravenous Equipment Market by Product
3.3.1: Infusion Pump
3.3.2: Catheter
3.3.3: Solution and Blood Administration Set
3.3.4: Securement Device
3.3.5: Cannula Stopcock
3.3.6: Needleless Connector
3.3.7: Others
3.4: Global Intravenous Equipment Market by End Use
3.4.1: Hospitals & Clinics
3.4.2: Homecare
3.4.3: Ambulatory Care Center

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2018 to 2030
4.1: Global Intravenous Equipment Market by Region
4.2: North American Intravenous Equipment Market
4.2.1: North American Intravenous Equipment Market by Product: Infusion Pump, Catheter, Solution and Blood Administration Set, Securement Device, Cannula Stopcock, Needleless Connector, and Others
4.2.2: North American Intravenous Equipment Market by End Use: Hospitals & Clinics, Homecare, and Ambulatory Care Center
4.3: European Intravenous Equipment Market
4.3.1: European Intravenous Equipment Market by Product: Infusion Pump, Catheter, Solution and Blood Administration Set, Securement Device, Cannula Stopcock, Needleless Connector, and Others
4.3.2: European Intravenous Equipment Market by End Use: Hospitals & Clinics, Homecare, and Ambulatory Care Center
4.4: APAC Intravenous Equipment Market
4.4.1: APAC Intravenous Equipment Market by Product: Infusion Pump, Catheter, Solution and Blood Administration Set, Securement Device, Cannula Stopcock, Needleless Connector, and Others
4.4.2: APAC Intravenous Equipment Market by End Use: Hospitals & Clinics, Homecare, and Ambulatory Care Center
4.5: ROW Intravenous Equipment Market
4.5.1: ROW Intravenous Equipment Market by Product: Infusion Pump, Catheter, Solution and Blood Administration Set, Securement Device, Cannula Stopcock, Needleless Connector, and Others
4.5.2: ROW Intravenous Equipment Market by End Use: Hospitals & Clinics, Homecare, and Ambulatory Care Center

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Intravenous Equipment Market by Product
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Intravenous Equipment Market by End Use
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Intravenous Equipment Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Intravenous Equipment Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Intravenous Equipment Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Intravenous Equipment Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Becton and Dickinson
7.2: B. Braun
7.3: ICU Medical
7.4: Vygon
7.5: Baxter International
7.6: Teleflex Incorporated
7.7: 3M
7.8: AngioDynamics
7.9: Terumo Corporation
7.10: Poly Medicure








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