


Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

画像誘導手術装置とナビゲーション支援手術装置の動向と予測 画像誘導手術装置およびナビゲーション支援手術装置の世界市場の将来性は、病院、外来手術センター、心臓カテラボ、診療所市場でのビジネスチャン... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2025年2月27日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測では、アプリケーションカテゴリーでは、画像誘導システムによる心臓関連手術の増加や画像分野における医療技術革新により、心臓病学が予測期間中に最も高い成長を遂げる見込みである。
- エンドユースカテゴリーでは、病院での手術件数の増加、技術的に先進的な機器に対する意識の高まり、医療インフラへの投資の増加により、病院が引き続き最大セグメントとなる。
- 地域別では、侵襲性の低い手術に対する需要の高まりと、同地域における画像処理システムの継続的な技術開発により、北米が予測期間中最大の地域であり続けるだろう。




- 人工知能と機械学習:人工知能と機械学習システムを画像処理システムに統合し、リアルタイムの分析と予測を容易にする能力も上昇している。この技術革新は、微妙な解剖学的詳細を提供し、術前処置を支援することで手術精度を向上させる。エラーの可能性を低減することで、実施される手技の質を高めることができる。
- 自律型システム:画像誘導手術にロボットシステムを組み込んで、精度と制御性を高める傾向が高まっている。このような外科手術の自動化により、精度の向上、侵襲の軽減、回復時間の短縮が可能になる。外科手術におけるロボット支援は、ロボット技術の性質とコストの低さから増加している。
- ターゲティング技術:高精細でリアルタイムの画像処理技術の向上は、外科手術の手技を改善し続けている。4D画像や術中CTなどの新しい技術は、外科医に迅速な視覚情報を提供し、より的を絞った手技とより良い結果を可能にする。
- より侵襲の少ないアプローチ:画像誘導の改善により、低侵襲手術の採用が増加している。これらの手技は患者の回復時間と手術リスクを軽減し、従来の開腹手術に対する利点が明らかになるにつれ、ますます人気が高まっている。
- 遠隔医療と遠隔支援:遠隔医療と遠隔支援技術は、外科手術中であってもリアルタイムの相談や指導を可能にしている。




- 人工知能を強化した手術用ナビゲーション・システム:外科手術用ナビゲーション・システムは現在、AIと組み合わされ、より広範な精度を提供し、より優れた手術戦略を可能にしている。AI主導のシステムはリアルタイムで画像データをモニターし、手術検査を支援することで、追加のデータと洞察を通じて臨床医の能力を向上させる。これは、手術の失敗の可能性を制限する外科手術に関連するもう一つの肯定的な発展である。
- 高度な画像処理:新たな発展には、4Dや術中MRIなどの高精細画像やライブビュー画像技術の導入が含まれる。これらの技術により、外科手術中のより良い画像診断が可能となり、手術の精度と患者の転帰が改善される。
- ロボット支援手術:外科手術に使用できるロボットシステムの数が増え、手術の有効性が向上している。最新のロボットシステムは機動性に優れ、切開創を小さくできるため、回復期間が短縮され、手術成績も向上している。
- 低侵襲手術:高度な画像診断機器の使用により、より低侵襲な手技が採用されるようになってきている。このような手技は、手術の危険性が少なく、回復に要する時間も短く、入院期間も短縮されるため、手術の安全性と効率が向上する。
- 遠隔医療の統合:遠隔医療システムは現在、手術中に稼働しており、さまざまなプラットフォームを介して手術を行いながら、原則を緩和するのに役立っている。手術業界におけるこうした変化により、遠距離や人口の少ない地域でも、複雑な外科技術や手技を利用することが可能になっている。




- 拡大するAI搭載ソリューションの範囲:手術精度を向上させ、手術判断を改善するAI搭載ソリューションには大きな成長の可能性がある。画像診断ツールと統合されたAIの能力は、より良い健康診断と最適な個別健康治療アプローチにつながり、それによって外科手術の成功率とサービスの生産性が向上する。
- ロボットシステムの強化:外科手術におけるロボットシステムの使用は急速に増加しており、成長の可能性をもたらしている。ロボットアームを再設計することで、手術器具の精度と制御が向上し、より低侵襲な手技が普及し、受け入れられるようになる。
- 画像技術の向上:4D画像や高精細画像など、次世代画像機器の開発がさらなる可能性をもたらす。この段階では、実際の画像処理を強化することで、画質を向上させ、より多くの患者がアクセスできるようにする。
- 低侵襲手術の採用拡大:高度な画像誘導技術に対する需要の高まりは、低侵襲手術の増加傾向に起因している。こうした技術を可能にするツールを開発・販売することで、手術や回復に関連するリスクにもかかわらず、市場規模の拡大が見込まれるニッチ市場を獲得することができる。
- 遠隔医療の統合:外科診療に遠隔医療を取り入れることで、アクセス性の向上やサービスの強化など、明らかな利点が得られる。遠隔支援や協議といった要素は、特に専門的なサービスが不足している発展途上国において、外科チームを強化することができる。




- 技術開発:技術開発:画像技術や手術ナビゲーションシステムの継続的な開発が重要な促進要因である。高精細画像へのAIなどの先端技術の統合は、手技にプラスの影響を与え、市場成長に寄与する。
- 低侵襲手技に対する需要の増加:低侵襲手術への傾向の高まりは、次世代画像誘導手技への需要に拍車をかけている。このような方法は回復までの時間が短く、リスクも少ないため、市場への浸透を促進する。
- 医療インフラ投資:医療インフラへの投資、特に新興市場では、高度な外科技術へのアクセスが拡大している。こうした投資により、画像誘導システムやナビゲーション支援システムの導入が進んでいる。
- 人口の高齢化:外科手術のニーズが高まる高齢化社会は、高度な外科手術技術に対する需要を促進している。高齢者は、手術を必要とする疾患の有病率が増加しているため、精密で高度な画像技術を必要とする処置を必要とすることが多い。
- 医療費の増加:世界的な医療費の増加は、高度な手術技術の獲得を可能にし、画像誘導手術市場の成長を促進する技術を購入するための十分な予算を生み出している。

- 機器の高コスト:先進的な画像誘導手術機器やナビゲーション支援手術機器のコストが高いため、特に発展途上地域での普及が制限される可能性がある。コストの制約は、市場の拡大や参入の妨げとなる。
- 規制上のハードル:医療機器に対する厳しい規制要件は、製品の承認や市場参入を遅らせる可能性がある。先進技術の導入を目指す企業は、複雑な規制を遵守する負担に直面する。
- 既存システムとの統合:新しい技術を旧式の手術システムに適合させるには、一般的に時間とコストがかかる。追加的なシステムアップグレードの必要性や互換性の問題は、しばしば導入の現実的な障壁となる。




- ブレインラボ
- ゼネラルエレクトリック
- メドロボティクス
- メディオン
- ステレオタクシス
- タイタン・メディカル
- PSメドテック
- レニショー
- インテュイティブ・サージカル
- ジンマー・バイオメット

画像誘導手術装置およびナビゲーション支援手術装置 セグメント別推移



- システム
- 器具&アクセサリー
- サービス&ソフトウェア


- ポータブル
- コンパクト
- スタンドアロン
- ハンドヘルド


- 神経学
- 耳鼻咽喉科
- 心臓外科
- 脊椎外科
- 整形外科外傷外科
- 泌尿器科
- 口腔顎顔面医学・歯科学
- 腫瘍学
- その他


- 病院
- 外来手術センター
- 心臓カテーテル検査室
- クリニック
- その他


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国市場は、意思決定プロセスや手術のタイミングを改善するAIを搭載した手術ナビゲーションシステムの開発から恩恵を受けている。一部のメーカーは、この画像技術を機械学習アルゴリズムと組み合わせることで、効率性の向上と手術時間の短縮を実現している。さらに、FDAは低侵襲手術の拡大を促進する新しい機器を認可した。
- 中国中国では、手術における新しい画像技術の普及が急速に進んでいる。政府の新政策と医療施設への投資が変化を促している。地元企業は高度な手術ナビゲーション技術のための手頃なソリューションを開発しており、国際企業とのパートナーシップの強化がこれらの技術の開発と受容を促進している。
- ドイツ:ドイツは自動車運転支援カメラシステム開発の最前線にあり続け、機能の統合と相互運用性に重点を置いている。こうした進歩には、手術器具のさらなる開発、MRIガイド下手術の改善、リアルタイムの3次元画像化などが含まれる。強力な研究開発基盤に加え、発達した医療制度がこうした開発を後押ししている。
- インド:インドでは、最新の手術機器や手術手技へのアクセシビリティの向上が重要な目標になりつつある。画像誘導手術の手順やソリューションは、多文化患者への画像導入拡大を目指す現地メーカーの間で絶大な人気を博している。大手テクノロジー企業の存在により、こうした技術や外科手術への応用が向上している。
- 日本:日本は、画像誘導手術に手術用ロボットを取り入れるリーダーとして台頭してきた。最近の進歩には、より高い精度と制御を提供するロボットシステムが含まれる。日本の企業はまた、低侵襲技術を開発し、手術の成功と回復時間の短縮を支援する画像システムを効果的に活用している。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題

3.5: 画像誘導手術機器とナビゲーション支援手術機器の世界市場:用途別
3.5.4: 脊椎外科
3.5.8: 腫瘍学
3.5.9: その他
3.6.1: 病院
3.6.2: 外来手術センター
3.6.3: 心臓カテーテル検査室
3.6.5: その他

4.5: ROW 画像誘導手術装置およびナビゲーション支援手術装置市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーション統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: メドロボティクス
7.4: メディオン
7.5: ステレオタクシス
7.7: PSメドテック
7.8: レニショー
7.9: インテュイティブ・サージカル
7.10: ジマー・バイオメット





Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Trends and Forecast

The future of the global image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market looks promising with opportunities in the hospital, ambulatory surgical center, cardiac cath lab, and clinic markets. The global image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market is expected to reach an estimated $15 billion by 2031 with a CAGR of 8.3% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the increasing demand for surgical navigation systems for minimally invasive surgeries, rising research and development activities for image-guided surgical equipment, and improved healthcare infrastructure.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the application category, cardiology is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period due to the increasing heart-related surgeries being performed by image-guided systems and medical innovation in the field of imaging.
• Within the end use category, hospitals will remain the largest segment due to the increasing number of surgeries in hospitals, growing awareness towards technologically advanced equipment, and rising investments in healthcare infrastructure.
• In terms of region, North America will remain the largest region over the forecast period due to growing demand for less invasive procedures and ongoing technical developments in imaging systems in the region.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market

While this area faces some emerging trends, the image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market has no shortage of innovative developments. These trends are attributed to technological features as well as changes in needs that generally seek to improve therapeutic efficiency, and surgical accuracy and enhance patient experience.

• Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: The ability to integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning systems into imaging systems to facilitate real-time analysis and forecasting is also on the rise. This innovation improves surgical accuracy by providing nuanced anatomical detail and assisting with preoperative procedures. It reduces the possibility of errors, thereby enhancing the quality of performed procedures.
• Autonomous Systems: There is a rising trend to incorporate robotic systems in image-guided surgery to enhance precision and control. Such automation of surgical procedures allows for greater accuracy, reduced invasiveness, and improved recovery times. Robotic assistance in surgical procedures is increasing due to the nature of robotic technology and its lower costs.
• Targeting Technologies: The enhancement of high-definition and real-time imaging technologies continues to improve surgical procedures. Newer technologies, including 4D imaging and intraoperative CT, provide rapid visual information to surgeons, allowing for more targeted procedures and better results.
• Less Invasive Approaches: There has been an increase in the adoption of minimally invasive surgical procedures facilitated by improved image-guided interventions. These techniques reduce patient recovery time and surgical risks and are becoming increasingly popular as their advantages over conventional open surgeries become apparent.
• Telemedicine and Remote Assistance: Telemedicine and remote assistance technologies are enabling real-time consultations and guidance even during surgical procedures.

The quality of care and the availability of advanced surgical procedures in developing countries are enhanced as surgeons receive all the necessary assistance remotely.
These trends are impacting and reshaping the image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment industry by encouraging creativity, enhancing accuracy, and widening the reach of these services. They are making surgeries safer, more efficient, and more effective, thereby achieving satisfactory outcomes and enhancing the uptake of modern surgical technologies.

Recent Developments in the Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market

There are major changes taking place in the image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment sector, catalyzed by the use of technology and the growing demand in the healthcare sector. These new technologies are changing the way surgery is performed and improving the health of surgical patients.

• Surgical Navigation Systems Enriched with Artificial Intelligence: Surgical navigation systems are now being incorporated with AI, providing a wider degree of accuracy and enabling better operative strategies. AI-driven systems monitor imaging data in real-time and assist in surgical inspections to enhance clinicians' capabilities through additional data and insights. This is another positive development associated with surgical operations that limits the chances of surgical failure.
• Advanced Imaging Modalities: New developments include the incorporation of high-definition and live-view imaging techniques, such as 4D and intraoperative MRI. These technologies enable better imaging during surgical operations, improving intervention accuracy and patient outcomes.
• Robotic-Assisted Surgery: The number of robotic systems available for surgical operations has increased, enhancing the efficacy of procedures. The newer robotic systems have better mobility and allow for smaller incisions, thus shortening recovery periods and improving surgical results.
• Minimally Invasive Procedures: As a result of the use of advanced imaging devices, more minimally invasive procedures are being adopted. Such techniques pose less surgical insult, require less recovery time, and lead to shorter hospital admissions, thereby increasing the safety and efficiency of surgeries.
• Integration of Telemedicine: Telemedicine systems are now operational during surgeries, aiding in the relief of principles while performing procedures via various platforms. These changes in the surgery industry are making it possible for long-distance or less populated areas to access complex surgical skills and procedures.

These changes are influencing the size and dynamism of the image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment markets. They are improving the precision of surgeries, outcomes for patients, and the availability of advanced surgical techniques, transforming the surgery industry.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market

The market for image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment provides numerous strategic growth opportunities. These opportunities arise from advancements in technologies, changing needs in the healthcare system, and the growing demand for accuracy in surgical operations.

• Widening Scope of AI-Powered Solutions: There is enormous growth potential for AI-powered solutions that refine surgical accuracy and improve surgical judgment. The capability of AI to be integrated with imaging tools will lead to better health diagnoses and optimal individual health treatment approaches, thereby improving surgical success rates and service productivity.
• Enhancement of Robotic Systems: The use of robotic systems for surgical procedures is rapidly increasing, presenting avenues for growth. Redesigning robotic arms will improve the accuracy and control of surgical instruments, enabling even less invasive techniques to become popular and accepted.
• Improvement of Imaging Technologies: The development of next-generation imaging equipment, such as 4D imaging and high-definition imaging, presents further opportunities. This stage involves enhancing the actual processing of images to improve quality and access for more patients.
• Increased Adoption of Minimally Invasive Surgery: The increased demand for advanced image-guided technologies results from the growing trend in minimally invasive surgeries. Tools that enable these techniques can be developed and marketed, capturing a niche in a market expected to grow in size, despite surgical and recovery-related risks.
• Telemedicine Integration: The incorporation of telemedicine in surgical practices offers evident benefits, such as increased accessibility and enhanced services. Factors such as remote assistance and consultations can strengthen surgical teams, especially in developing countries that lack specialized services.

These systematic growth strategies are changing the landscape of the market for image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment by supporting the development of new concepts and improving operational efficiency and accessibility in surgery. They help businesses capitalize on new developments and the requirements of the healthcare market.

Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market Driver and Challenges

The image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market is influenced by various drivers and challenges, including shifts in technology, economic changes, and political environments, among other factors affecting market dynamics.

The factors driving the image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market include:
• Technological Developments: The continuous development of imaging techniques and surgical navigation systems is a crucial driver. The integration of advanced technologies, such as AI, into high-definition imaging positively impacts procedures and contributes to market growth.
• Increased Demand for Minimally Invasive Procedures: The growing trend toward minimally invasive surgeries is spurring demand for next-generation image-guided techniques. Such methods promote quick recovery times and entail fewer risks, thereby enhancing market penetration.
• Healthcare Infrastructure Investments: Investments in healthcare infrastructure, particularly in emerging markets, are expanding access to advanced surgical technologies. These investments are increasing the adoption of image-guided and navigation-assisted systems.
• Aging Population: An aging population with higher surgical needs is driving demand for advanced surgical technologies. Older adults often require procedures that necessitate precision and advanced imaging technology due to their increasing prevalence of conditions requiring surgery.
• Rising Healthcare Expenditures: Increased healthcare spending globally is enabling the acquisition of advanced surgical technologies, creating sufficient budgets for purchasing technologies that will drive growth in the image-guided surgery market.

Challenges in the image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market include:
• High Cost of Equipment: The high cost of advanced image-guided and navigation-assisted surgical equipment can limit their uptake, particularly in developing regions. Cost constraints can hinder market expansion and access.
• Regulatory Hurdles: Stringent regulatory requirements for medical devices can delay product approvals and market entry. Companies aiming to introduce advanced technologies face the burden of complying with complex regulations.
• Integration with Existing Systems: Fitting new technologies into outdated surgical systems is typically time-consuming and expensive. The need for additional system upgrades and compatibility issues often present real barriers to adoption.

These drivers and challenges collectively have both positive and negative impacts on the image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment markets. Advanced technological trends and increased demand for surgical innovations contribute to market growth. However, high costs and restrictive regulations can impede desired progress. These aspects must be carefully considered to support market growth and encourage the adoption of modern surgical technologies.

List of Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. With these strategies image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment companies profiled in this report include-

• Brainlab
• General Electric
• Medrobotics
• Medion
• Stereotaxis
• Titan Medical
• PS-Medtech
• Renishaw
• Intuitive Surgical
• Zimmer Biomet

Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market by type, modality, application, end use, and region.

Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Type [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Systems
• Instruments & Accessories
• Services & Software

Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Modality [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Portable
• Compact
• Standalone
• Handheld

Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Neurology
• Otorhinolaryngology
• Cardiology
• Spine Surgery
• Orthopedic Trauma Surgery
• Urology
• Oral-Maxillofacial Medicine and Dentistry
• Oncology
• Others

Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by End Use [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Hospitals
• Ambulatory Surgical Centers
• Cardiac Cath Lab
• Clinics
• Others

Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market

The image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market is transforming due to technological advancements and the constant quest for accuracy in surgery. These changes represent real enhancements in patient safety, process improvement, and performance levels achieved in surgery. Let’s explore new trends in major global markets.

• United States: The market in the US has benefited from the development of AI-powered surgical navigation systems that improve decision-making processes and timing of procedures. Some manufacturers have combined this imaging technology with machine learning algorithms to facilitate enhanced efficiency and reduced surgical time. Additionally, the FDA has authorized new devices that further encourage the expansion of minimally invasive surgery.
• China: China is experiencing rapid increases in the penetration of new imaging technologies in surgery. New government policies and investments in health facilities are driving change. Local firms are developing affordable solutions for advanced surgical navigation technologies, and increased partnerships with international companies are fostering the development and acceptance of these technologies.
• Germany: Germany remains at the forefront of automobile driver assistance camera systems development, focusing on feature integration and interoperability. These advancements encompass further development of surgical instruments, improved MRI-guided surgeries, and real-time three-dimensional imaging. Strong research and development foundations, along with a well-developed healthcare system, drive these developments.
• India: Enhanced accessibility to modern surgical devices and procedures is becoming a key objective in India. Picture-guided surgery procedures and solutions are gaining immense popularity among local manufacturers aiming to increase imaging adoption in multicultural patients. The presence of large technology players is improving these technologies and their applications in surgery.
• Japan: Japan has emerged as a leader in incorporating surgical robotics into image-guided surgery. Recent advancements include robotic systems that provide greater accuracy and control. Companies in Japan are also developing minimally invasive techniques and effectively utilizing imaging systems to assist in conducting successful surgeries and reducing recovery times.

Features of the Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market

Market Size Estimates: Image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market size by various segments, such as by type, modality, application, end use, and region in terms of ($B).
Regional Analysis: Image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different types, modalities, applications, end uses, and regions for the image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the image-guided surgery equipment and navigation-assisted surgical equipment market by type (systems, instruments & accessories, and services & software), modality (portable, compact, standalone, and handheld), application (neurology, otorhinolaryngology, cardiology, spine surgery, orthopedic trauma surgery, urology, oral-maxillofacial medicine and dentistry, oncology, and others), end use (hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, cardiac cath lab, clinics, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by modality or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Type
3.3.1: Systems
3.3.2: Instruments & Accessories
3.3.3: Services & Software
3.4: Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Modality
3.4.1: Portable
3.4.2: Compact
3.4.3: Standalone
3.4.4: Handheld
3.5: Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Application
3.5.1: Neurology
3.5.2: Otorhinolaryngology
3.5.3: Cardiology
3.5.4: Spine Surgery
3.5.5: Orthopedic Trauma Surgery
3.5.6: Urology
3.5.7: Oral-Maxillofacial Medicine and Dentistry
3.5.8: Oncology
3.5.9: Others
3.6: Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by End Use
3.6.1: Hospitals
3.6.2: Ambulatory Surgical Centers
3.6.3: Cardiac Cath Lab
3.6.4: Clinics
3.6.5: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Region
4.2: North American Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market
4.2.1: North American Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Application: Neurology, Otorhinolaryngology, Cardiology, Spine Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma Surgery, Urology, Oral-Maxillofacial Medicine and Dentistry, Oncology, and Others
4.2.2: North American Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by End Use: Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Cardiac Cath Lab, Clinics, and Others
4.3: European Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market
4.3.1: European Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Application: Neurology, Otorhinolaryngology, Cardiology, Spine Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma Surgery, Urology, Oral-Maxillofacial Medicine and Dentistry, Oncology, and Others
4.3.2: European Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by End Use: Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Cardiac Cath Lab, Clinics, and Others
4.4: APAC Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market
4.4.1: APAC Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Application: Neurology, Otorhinolaryngology, Cardiology, Spine Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma Surgery, Urology, Oral-Maxillofacial Medicine and Dentistry, Oncology, and Others
4.4.2: APAC Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by End Use: Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Cardiac Cath Lab, Clinics, and Others
4.5: ROW Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market
4.5.1: ROW Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Application: Neurology, Otorhinolaryngology, Cardiology, Spine Surgery, Orthopedic Trauma Surgery, Urology, Oral-Maxillofacial Medicine and Dentistry, Oncology, and Others
4.5.2: ROW Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by End Use: Hospitals, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Cardiac Cath Lab, Clinics, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Modality
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Application
6.1.4: Growth Opportunities for the Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by End Use
6.1.5: Growth Opportunities for the Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Image-Guided Surgery Equipment and Navigation-Assisted Surgical Equipment Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Brainlab
7.2: General Electric
7.3: Medrobotics
7.4: Medion
7.5: Stereotaxis
7.6: Titan Medical
7.7: PS-Medtech
7.8: Renishaw
7.9: Intuitive Surgical
7.10: Zimmer Biomet







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