


CF Textile in the Construction Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

建設業界におけるCF繊維の動向と予測 世界の建設市場におけるCF繊維の将来性は、外部補強とパイプ更生市場での機会により有望視されている。世界の建設市場におけるCF繊維は、2025年から2031年にかけて年平均... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月1日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelでは、製品タイプ別では不織布テキスタイルが予測期間中に高い成長を遂げると予測している。
- 用途別では、外部補強がより高い成長が見込まれる。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間で最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- 持続可能性に関する取り組み:持続可能な建築資材の需要は、CF繊維業界を変革しつつある。各企業は環境に優しい炭素繊維を開発し、リサイクルの選択肢を研究している。この傾向は、低炭素排出とエネルギー効率の高い設計を強調する世界的な規制の枠組みと一致している。このような持続可能性への傾斜は、企業の社会的責任を高めるだけでなく、環境に優しい建築慣行に対する消費者の期待の高まりを補完するのにも役立っている。
- 長年にわたるCF材料の成長の理由:製造工程の進歩により、CF繊維のコストと品質が向上した。自動化された繊維配置や3D印刷などのプロセスにより、より複雑で迅速な製造工程が可能になりつつある。このような新たな開発により、材料の品質が向上し、廃棄物も削減されるため、CF繊維は効率的かつ効果的な性能を持つ建設工事に適している。
- スマート・テキスタイルの統合:CF繊維にスマート機能を統合する傾向が強まっている。センサーを使って炭素繊維複合材料に組み込まれた構造健全性監視システムは、材料に作用する応力やひずみの量をリアルタイムで報告することができる。これにより、注文の耐用年数が延びるだけでなく、特に重要な構造物のメンテナンス計画にも役立つ。スマート技術を取り入れた建設活動が一般的になるにつれ、多機能素材、特にCF繊維素材へのニーズが高まるだろう。
- 法的保護が建設のイノベーションを促進:新しい建設方法を支援する既存の政府政策が、CF繊維の使用を後押ししている。公共事業の建設において優れた素材の利用を支援する政策は、科学者と企業のパートナーシップを可能にする。このような規制は新しいデザインを刺激し、従来の建設様式へのCF繊維の吸収を加速させている。
- サプライ・チェーン・ネットワークの変化:CFテキスタイル市場のサプライチェーンには、増大する需要に対応するため、いくつかの変化が起きている。建設市場の成長に伴い、メーカーはサプライチェーンを拡大し、より迅速に対応できるよう業務を地域化している。このような調整は、世界的な混乱の危険性を減らし、資材が手頃な価格で入手可能な状態を維持する上で非常に重要である。




- 技術の進歩:技術面におけるCF繊維の新たな発展は、技術製品の機械的・製造的特性を向上させた。樹脂トランスファー成形と最新の織物技術は、複合材料の性能を向上させ、その結果、建設における炭素繊維複合材料の用途が拡大した。このような開発により、現代建築の要件である強度の向上と軽量化の両方が実現されている。
- 持続可能な製造慣行:CF繊維の製造業者は、持続可能な製造方法を実践している。これには、リサイクル炭素繊維からなる複合繊維の使用とエネルギー効率の高い工程が含まれる。このような対策は、社会の持続可能性の目標を達成するためであると同時に、炭素材料に関する規制要件を達成するためのものであり、気候に配慮し、排出量の最小化を目指す建設業者にとって、炭素繊維材料の市場参入障壁を低下させるものである。
- 高まる市場需要:建設市場では、インフラ整備や都市開発に関するCF繊維の需要が増加している。これは特にアジア太平洋地域などの成長地域で顕著である。構造物の性能とエネルギー効率を高めるため、軽くて丈夫な建設資材への需要が高まっており、多くの用途で炭素繊維の採用が進んでいる。
- 研究開発における協力:業界内の様々な利害関係者は、CF繊維の新しい用途につながる学術研究機関との関係を深めている。また、新しい複合材料や建築への利用についても、共同活動の中で検討され、知識を増やし、進歩を促している。このような共生関係は、新しいアイデアを刺激し、変化するニーズに対応してこの分野を発展させるために不可欠である。
- 政治的・法的規制の強化:各国政府は、建設における高性能材料の適用を推進するため、規制を強化している。革新的な素材に対する建設的な支援は、特にインフラ整備のような中規模の建設工事でCF繊維を使用するよう建設業者を説得している。このような規制の推進により、建設慣行における炭素繊維技術の積極的な利用が促進される可能性が高い。




- インフラ修復は何でもあり:CF繊維を使用したインフラ損傷修復市場が厚みを増している。既存のインフラには必ず問題があり、CF繊維はその強度と耐久性から、その解決策を見出すことができる。このような素材を活用することで、すでに最適な性能を発揮している構造物の利用が向上するだけでなく、構造物のメンテナンス費用も最小限に抑えることができるため、地方自治体にとっては効果的な解決策となる。
- 軽量建築部品:建築業界では軽量部材の必要性がますます高まっており、CF繊維はこの点で際立った競争力を持っている。重量に対する強度の比率が高いおかげで、設計効率、材料利用率の比率が高い。この傾向は、エネルギー効率の高い新しい革新的な建築物を建設・設計するという現代建築の目的に合致しているため、建築家や建設業者はCF繊維の使用により熱心に取り組んでいる。
- 耐震・耐風用途:特に地震リスクの高い地域では、主に衝撃と風に焦点を当てた用途でCF繊維を使用することで、改善を図ることができる。このような素材を使用することで、構造物に強度を加えることができ、特定の自然条件から生じる損害に対して脆弱でなくすることができる。地球温暖化の結果、天候がより激しくなるにつれて、より強固な構造物を開発する必要性が切迫しており、CFテキスタイルにとって格好のニッチが生まれている。
- グリーンビルディングの認証:グリーンビルディングの認証取得への注目とは別に、CF繊維は高い環境要件に適合する幅広い可能性を秘めている。その特性は、LEEDや同様の認定を取得するのに役立つ。このような認証取得を目指すプロジェクトが増えれば、CFテキスタイルのようなグリーン製品への需要が高まり、メーカーやサプライヤーにとって有利な環境が生まれるだろう。
- スマート・インテグレーション:CFテキスタイルのスマート技術への応用には興味深い機会がある。スマート繊維織物に内蔵された構造ヘルス・モニタリング・システム(SHMS)は、メンテナンスの方法を変えると期待されている。建設分野がIoTやスマートビルディング技術を取り入れるにつれ、多機能CF繊維への需要が高まり、先発メーカーに余裕が生まれる。




- 技術力:CF繊維市場は、炭素繊維の製造におけるトレンドの変化や科学的な冶金学的研究によってプラスの影響を受けている。機械プロセスの使用など、より優れた生産方法は、炭素繊維複合材料の生産において品質を向上させ、コストを削減する。特に建設業者は軽量で強度が高く、耐久性の高い材料を常に求めているため、このことは建設における使用量の増加の必要性を促している。
- インフラ整備への投資:特に低開発地域では、インフラ整備が盛んに行われているため、CF繊維の需要は大きい。政府は構造物の近代化と維持に力を入れているため、炭素繊維材料は理想的な重量を増加させ、建設のバランスを操作する上でますます関連性が高まっている。炭素繊維材料は、新規建設や更新改修プロジェクトで需要が高まっている。
- 持続可能性への取り組み:持続可能性に向けた世界的な建設トレンドに後押しされ、建設分野でのCF繊維の需要が大幅に増加している。一部の建設業者は、環境に配慮した建物の必要性を損なわないよう、より厳格な建築政策をとっているため、より環境に優しい素材に目を向けている。炭素繊維はリサイクルが容易で、建設プロジェクトにおける二酸化炭素排出量の削減に役立つ。そのため、炭素繊維は持続可能性の目標に合致し、その市場範囲を広げている。
- 軽量材料の使用の増加:軽量建材への需要の高まりがCF繊維の使用を促進している。これらの素材は建築全体の軽量化に貢献し、ひいては大規模な基礎や構造支持の必要性を低減する。建設業者は効率と性能を向上させる新たな機会を求めており、CF繊維はこうした目的との関連性がますます高まっている。
- より優れた性能特性:CF繊維の引張強度や耐食性などの性能向上は、CF繊維市場を強化する。炭素繊維によるこれらの特性は、インフラの補強や高応力用途など、耐久性と長寿命が求められる分野で有用である。これにより、建設資材におけるCF繊維の使用範囲が広がる。

- 初期コストの高さ:その利点にもかかわらず、CF繊維の初期コストの高さは依然として大きな懸念事項である。炭素繊維の製造コストとその使用制限は、特に価格に敏感なプロジェクトでは、建設業者にとって大きな欠点となりうる。この経済的な障害は、コスト削減のために製造工程を継続的に改善する必要がある。
- 限られた認識と理解:CFテキスタイルの利点に対する業界関係者の認識や理解が限定的であることが、市場成長の妨げとなる可能性がある。建設専門家の中には、従来の素材に対する炭素繊維の利点を十分に理解していない者もいる。市場拡大のためには、教育やアウトリーチ活動を通じてこの知識のギャップに対処する必要がある。
- 規制上のハードル:CF繊維の製造業者や施工業者は、ほとんどの市場で複雑な規制への対応にしばしば困難に直面する。建設には、地域によって異なる基準や要件の対象となる材料を使用する必要があり、コンプライアンスを複雑にしている。この障害を克服し、炭素繊維技術の幅広い利用を促進するために、これらの要件を簡素化し、明確なガイドラインを提供する必要がある。




- 東レ
- ヘクセル・コーポレーション
- 三菱化学株式会社
- Syensqo
- SGLカーボングループ
- 帝人株式会社
- フォルモサ・プラスチック・コーポレーション
- ダウアクサ
- ヒョーソン
- 日本グラファイトファイバー株式会社




- 織物テキスタイル
- 不織布テキスタイル


- 外部補強
- パイプ補修
- その他


- 北米
- ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:米国では、さまざまな分野で炭素繊維複合材料の使用が始まっており、その潜在能力を十分に評価するためにはさらなる評価が必要である。建設市場では、特にビルや橋のインフラ補強にCF繊維の採用が進んでいる。炭素繊維の使用を支援する新しい政府プログラムは、強力な政策に後押しされ、炭素繊維の外部配置法を用いた古い建物の補強を促進している。さらに、製造技術の進歩により製造コストが削減され、CF繊維の材料特性も向上している。さらに、複合材産業と協力する学校への助成金やプログラムによって支援される産業も成長している。
- 中国中国のCFテキスタイル市場は、インフラストラクチャーとインテリジェント建設技術への多額の投資により、飛躍的に成長している。軽量で高強度の建築材料は、環境に優しい建築を好む人々の嗜好により人気を集めている。新たな生産部門が設立され、地域の供給を後押ししている。さらに、中国の産業界は、炭素繊維複合材料を環境にやさしく、世界基準に適合させることを目指して、産業研究開発に投資している。
- ドイツドイツは、持続可能性と革新へのコミットメントを原動力として、建設産業でCF繊維を最初に採用した国である。エネルギー効率の高い建設への取り組みを通じて、構造製品への炭素繊維の利用が推進されている。学術界と産業界の連携により、構造システムを感知・保護するスマート繊維システムの革新が進んでいる。持続可能な建設方法を奨励する政府の政策により、CF繊維は新しいプロジェクトで実行可能なソリューションとなっている。
- インドインドの建設市場では、強度の向上と軽量化を目的に、構造用途にCF繊維が採用され始めている。急速な都市化とインフラの成長に伴い、こうした先端素材に対する需要が高まっている。生産と研究開発への最近の投資により、国内の能力は向上している。さらに、政府が建物の保存と再建に重点を置いていることも、気候条件の変化に建物が耐えられるよう、炭素繊維複合材料のような材料の使用を後押ししている。
- 日本:日本では、耐震性に優れた建築物の設計にCF繊維を活用することが重要な課題となっている。新技術により、炭素繊維から作られた軽量かつ強靭な素材が開発され、新しい構造物の建設や既存の構造物の補強に使用できるようになった。災害に強いインフラに対する政府の支援は、CF繊維の応用への投資を促進している。現在進行中の研究プロジェクトでは、炭素繊維複合材料の寿命と有効性を向上させることに重点を置き、将来の建設事業で確実に使用できるようにしている。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題


4.5: ROW建設市場におけるCF繊維

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.1.3: 世界の建設市場におけるCF繊維の地域別成長機会
6.3: 戦略的分析

7.2: ヘクセル株式会社
7.3: 三菱化学株式会社
7.4: Syensqo
7.5: SGLカーボングループ
7.6: 帝人株式会社
7.7: フォルモサ・プラスチック・コーポレーション
7.8: ダウアクサ
7.9: ヒョースンコーポレーション
7.10: 日本グラファイトファイバー株式会社





CF Textile in the Construction Trends and Forecast

The future of CF textile in the global construction market looks promising with opportunities in the external reinforcement and pipe rehabilitation markets. CF textile in the global construction market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 5.0% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the increasing demand for sustainable and high-performance building materials, growing emphasis on cost-efficiency and eco-friendly solutions, and advancements in carbon fiber textile technology.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product type category, non-woven textiles are expected to witness higher growth over the forecast period.
• Within the application category, external reinforcement is expected to witness a higher growth.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends of CF Textile in the Construction Market

The emerging trends in the construction market such as sustainable construction, technological advancement, and performance improvement are also developing the CF textile in the construction market. These trends are addressing material requirements and the applications that are used within the construction industry as more companies in the construction industry aim for cost efficiency and conservation of the environment.

• Initiatives Concerning Sustainability: The demand for sustainable building materials is transforming the CF textile industry. Companies are coming up with environmentally friendly carbon fiber and researching recycling options. It can be noted that this trend is consistent with the global regulatory frameworks that stress low carbon emissions and energy-efficient designs. This inclination toward sustainability not only elevates corporate social responsibility but also helps to complement the rising consumer expectations towards environmentally friendly building practices.
• Reasons for the Growth of CF Materials Over the Years: The advances in the manufacturing process have improved the cost and quality of CF textiles. Processes such as automated fiber placement, as well as 3D printing, are enabling more intricate and quicker manufacturing processes. These new developments result in improved qualities of materials while cutting down on waste, making CF textiles suitable for construction works that are efficient yet effective in performance.
• Smart Textiles Integration: There is an increasing trend of integrating smart functionalities into CF textiles. A structural health monitoring system that is embedded within carbon fiber composites using sensors can report the amount of stress or strain acting on the material in real-time. This extends not only the operating life of order but also helps to plan maintenance, especially for essential structures. As construction activities that incorporate smart technologies become more common, there will be a greater need for multifunctional materials, especially CF textile materials.
• Legal Protection Drives Innovation in Construction: The existing government policies that support new methods of construction are pushing for the use of CF textiles. Policies that support the utilization of superior materials in the construction of public works enable partnerships between scientists and businesses. Such regulations are stimulating new designs and speeding up the absorption of CF textiles into the conventional modes of construction.
• Changes in Supply Chain Networks: Some changes are taking place in the supply chains of the CF textile market to cut the growing demand. With the growth of construction markets, manufacturers are expanding their supply chains and localizing their operations to be more responsive. Such adjustments are very important in reducing the dangers of global disruptions and ensuring that the materials remain affordable and available.

These trends are redefining the CF textile in the construction market towards sustainability, modern resources, and smart technologies. With these changes in the economy, carbon fiber textiles are becoming crucial to the building of efficient, effective, and sustainable innovative solutions.

Recent Developments in CF Textile in the Construction Market

CF textile in the construction market can be said to be maturing over several regions particularly as for the technology, economic and environmental trends. This growth in different regions will be due to the changing material properties, applying techniques, and the overall market of construction.

• Technological Advancements: New developments in CF textiles in terms of technology have enhanced the mechanical and manufacturing characteristics of the technological products. Resin transfer molding and modern weaving techniques enhance the performance of composites thus increasing the application of carbon fiber composites in construction. Such developments result in both improved strength and lighter weight, which are requirements in modern construction.
• Sustainable Manufacturing Practices: Sustainable manufacturing practices are being implemented by the manufacturers of CF textiles. This entails the use of composite fibers comprising recycled carbon fiber and energy-efficient processes. Such measures are meant to achieve the sustainability objectives of the society as well as regulatory requirements of carbon materials decreasing the market entry barriers for carbon fiber materials for the builders who are conscious of the climate and aim at minimizing emissions.
• Growing Market Demand: The trend in construction markets for CF textiles is increasing regarding infrastructure improvement and urban development. This is particularly the case in growth regions, such as Asia-Pacific. The growing demand for construction materials that are both light and strong to enhance the performance of structures and their energy efficiency is effective in increasing the incorporation of carbon fibers in many applications.
• Cooperation in Research and Development: The various stakeholders within the industry are deepening their relations with academic and research institutions leading to novel uses of CF textiles. New composite materials and their use in construction are also examined in joint activities, increasing knowledge and fostering progress. Such symbiosis is essential for stimulating new ideas and for the development of the sector in response to changing needs.
• Increase in Political and Legal Controls: Governments are tightening regulations to push the application of high-performance materials in construction. Constructive support for innovative material is persuading builders to use CF textiles, especially in medium-sized construction works like infrastructural development. This regulatory thrust is likely to foster the active usage of carbon fiber technologies in the customary practices of construction.

These trends are greatly affecting the market for CF textile in the construction, championing new ways of operating. With the evolution of technologies and the transition of regulations, the use of carbon fiber composites in particular is transforming to a new phase that fills major requirements of the construction industry for sustainability, efficiency, and performance.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for CF Textile in the Construction Market

CF textile in the construction market possesses various strategic growth options in terms of applications owing to innovations and the construction sector needing advanced materials. Realization of these opportunities enables interested parties to pursue strategies that are consistent with the market and the consumers.

• Infrastructure Rehabilitation Anything Goes in This One: There is a thickening market in infrastructure damage restoration that uses CF textiles. Existing infrastructure will always have problems that CF textiles can come up with solutions because of the strength and durability that is offered. Utilizing these kinds of materials not only improves the use of the already achieved optimum performance of the structures but also minimizes the cost of maintenance of the structures, adding to an effective resolution to local governments.
• Lightweight Building Components: Lightweight Components are becoming more and more required in the construction industry and CF textiles have a distinctive competitive edge in this regard. Thanks to their high ratio of strength against weight, the ratio of efficiency to design, and material utilization is high. This tendency is in line with the modern architectural objectives to construct and design new innovative forms of energy-efficient buildings hence making architects and builders more keen towards the use of CF textiles.
• Seismic and Wind Resistance Applications: Improvements can be made in the use of CF textiles in applications focusing mostly on shocks and winds, especially in areas of high earthquake risks. Such materials can be used to add strength to structures making them less vulnerable to damages resulting from certain natural conditions. As the weather becomes more violent as a result of global warming, the need to develop more strong structures is dire creating a good niche for CF textiles.
• Certification for Green Buildings: Apart from the focus on obtaining green building certifications, CF textiles also have a broad potential of conforming to high environmental requirements. Their properties help in achieving LEED and similar accreditation. There would be a rise in demand for green products like CF textiles as more projects aspire to get these certifications creating a favorable environment for manufacturers and suppliers.
• Smart Integration: There are interesting opportunities in the application of CF textiles in smart technologies. Built-in Structural Health Monitoring Systems (SHMS) inside the smart textile fabrics are expected to change the way maintenance is carried out. As the construction domain embraces IoT and smart building technologies, there will be demand for multi-functional CF textiles creating a leeway for first movers.

These strategic growth opportunities are changing the CF textile in the construction market. Inventions can be developed given these trends to meet the market need and enhance the performance and sustainability of construction applications by using emerging technologies.

CF Textile in the Construction Market Driver and Challenges

CF textiles in the construction market are influenced by several trends and forces that can either enhance or hinder its growth. These drivers and challenges cover technology, the economy, and the legal environment, which, in turn, affect the market structure and the strategies of players in the market.

The factors responsible for driving CF textile in the construction market include:
• Technological Capabilities: The CF textile market is positively impacted by changing trends in the manufacture of carbon fabrics and scientific metallurgical studies. Better production methods, such as the use of machine processes, improve the quality and reduce costs in the production of carbon fiber composites. This promotes the need for higher usage in construction, especially since builders are always looking for materials that are lightweight, stronger, and more durable.
• Investments in Infrastructure Development: There is a great demand for CF textiles due to significant infrastructure development activities, especially in underdeveloped regions. Since governments are focusing more on modernizing and maintaining structures, carbon fiber materials have become increasingly relevant in increasing the ideal weight and manipulating the balance of construction. They are in demand for new construction and replacement refurbishment projects.
• Initiatives on Sustainability: There is a considerable increase in demand for CF textiles in the construction sector, driven by global construction trends toward sustainability. Some builders are turning toward greener materials due to stricter building policies that do not compromise the need for green buildings. Carbon fibers are easy to recycle and help reduce the carbon footprint in construction projects. Hence, they align with sustainability goals, extending their market scope.
• Increase in the Use of Lightweight Materials: The growing demand for lightweight construction materials is driving the use of CF textiles. These materials contribute to reducing the overall weight of construction, which, in turn, reduces the need for extensive foundations and structural supports. With builders seeking new opportunities to increase efficiency and performance, CF textiles become increasingly relevant to these objectives.
• Better Performance Properties: The improved performance of CF textiles, such as tensile strength and corrosion resistance, strengthens the CF textile market. These properties, due to carbon fibers, make them useful in areas where durability and long life are required, such as infrastructure reinforcement and high-stress applications. This expands the scope of CF textile use in construction materials.

Challenges in CF Textile in the Construction Market are:
• High Initial Costs: Despite their advantages, the high initial costs of CF textiles remain a major concern. The cost of carbon fiber manufacturing and its usage limitations can be a significant drawback for builders, particularly in price-sensitive projects. This financial obstacle requires continuous improvements in production processes to reduce costs.
• Limited Awareness and Understanding: Limited awareness and understanding of the benefits of CF textiles among industry stakeholders can hinder market growth. Some construction professionals may not fully understand the advantages of carbon fiber over traditional materials. This knowledge gap must be addressed through education and outreach initiatives to expand the market.
• Regulatory Hurdles: Manufacturers and builders of CF textiles often face difficulty handling the complex regulations in most markets. Construction requires the use of materials subject to varying standards and requirements across regions, complicating compliance. There is a need to simplify these requirements and provide clear guidelines to assist in overcoming this obstacle, which will facilitate the wider use of carbon fiber technologies.

The interplay of these drivers and challenges significantly impacts the CF textile market in construction. The use of offshore construction technology in development management offers significant benefits; however, the high costs and regulatory complexity present challenges. These factors are crucial for stakeholders who, considering the growing potential of the market, wish to enter this industry.

List of CF Textile in the Construction Industry

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies CF textile companies in the construction industry cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the CF textile companies in the construction industry profiled in this report include-

• Toray Industries
• Hexcel Corporation
• Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
• Syensqo
• SGL Carbon Group
• Teijin Limited
• Formosa Plastics Corporation
• DowAksa
• Hyosung Corporation
• Nippon Graphite Fiber Corporation

CF Textile in the Construction Market by Segment

The study includes a forecast for CF textile in the construction market by product type, application, and region.

CF Textile in the Construction Market by Product Type [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Woven Textiles
• Non-Woven Textiles

CF Textile in the Construction Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• External Reinforcement
• Pipe Rehabilitation
• Others

CF Textile in the Construction Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for CF Textile in the Construction Market

The construction carbon fiber textile market has been experiencing remarkable developments, particularly due to increased sustainability efforts, new technologies, and regulatory frameworks. These trends are altering construction methods, enhancing materials, and addressing the rising demand for green construction solutions in regions like the US, China, Germany, India, and Japan. As demand for CF textiles increases, industry players are adapting by embracing new materials and expanding into new areas of application with a focus on better strength, longer lifespan, and improved efficiency of materials.

• United States: In the United States, the use of carbon fiber composites in various fields has begun, and further evaluation is needed to assess their full potential. The construction market is increasingly adopting CF textiles, especially for infrastructure reinforcement in buildings and bridges. New government programs that support the use of carbon fiber, bolstered by strong policies, are encouraging the reinforcement of older buildings using external carbon fiber placement methods. Additionally, advancements in manufacturing technology have led to a reduction in production costs and improved the material properties of CF textiles. Furthermore, there is growth in industries supported by grants and programs for schools that collaborate with the composite industry.
• China: The CF textile market in China is growing exponentially, driven by significant investments in infrastructure and intelligent construction technologies. Lightweight, high-strength building materials are gaining popularity due to the public’s preference for environmentally friendly construction. New production units have been established, boosting regional supply. Moreover, Chinese industries are investing in industrial research and development, aiming to make carbon fiber composites environmentally friendly and compliant with global standards.
• Germany: Germany was the first to adopt CF textiles in the construction industry, driven by its commitment to sustainability and innovation. The use of carbon fibers in structural products is being promoted through energy-efficient construction initiatives. Academic and industrial partnerships have led to innovations in smart textile systems that can sense and protect structural systems. Government policies encouraging sustainable construction methods have made CF textiles a viable solution for new projects.
• India: In India, the construction market is beginning to adopt CF textiles in structural applications to increase strength and reduce weight. With rapid urbanization and infrastructure growth, there is more demand for these advanced materials. Recent investments in production and R&D are advancing domestic capabilities. Additionally, the government’s focus on building preservation and reconstruction is driving the use of materials like carbon fiber composites to help buildings withstand changing climate conditions.
• Japan: Japan has utilized CF textiles in architectural designs for earthquake-resistant buildings, a crucial issue in the country. New technologies have developed lightweight yet strong materials made from carbon fiber, which can be used to construct new structures and reinforce existing ones. Government support for disaster-resilient infrastructure is promoting investments in the application of CF textiles. Ongoing research projects are focused on enhancing the lifespan and efficacy of carbon fiber composites to ensure they will be used in future construction endeavors.

Features of CF Textile in the Global Construction Market

Market Size Estimates: CF textile in the construction market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: CF textile in the construction market size by product type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: CF textile in the construction market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different product type, application, and regions for the CF textile in the construction market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the CF textile in the construction market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for CF textile in the construction market by product type (woven textiles and non-woven textiles), application (external reinforcement, pipe rehabilitation, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. CF Textile in the Global Construction Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. CF Textile in the Global Construction Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: CF Textile in the Global Construction Market by Product Type
3.3.1: Woven Textiles
3.3.2: Non-Woven Textiles
3.4: CF Textile in the Global Construction Market by Application
3.4.1: External Reinforcement
3.4.2: Pipe Rehabilitation
3.4.3: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: CF Textile in the Global Construction Market by Region
4.2: CF Textile in the North American Construction Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Product Type: Woven Textiles and Non-Woven Textiles
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: External Reinforcement, Pipe Rehabilitation, and Others
4.3: CF Textile in the European Construction Market
4.3.1: European Market by Product Type: Woven Textiles and Non-Woven Textiles
4.3.2: European Market by Application: External Reinforcement, Pipe Rehabilitation, and Others
4.4: CF Textile in the APAC Construction Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Product Type: Woven Textiles and Non-Woven Textiles
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: External Reinforcement, Pipe Rehabilitation, and Others
4.5: CF Textile in the ROW Construction Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Product Type: Woven Textiles and Non-Woven Textiles
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: External Reinforcement, Pipe Rehabilitation, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for CF Textile in the Global Construction Market by Product Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for CF Textile in the Global Construction Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for CF Textile in the Global Construction Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in CF Textile in the Global Construction Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of CF Textile in the Global Construction Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in CF Textile in the Global Construction Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Toray Industries
7.2: Hexcel Corporation
7.3: Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
7.4: Syensqo
7.5: SGL Carbon Group
7.6: Teijin Limited
7.7: Formosa Plastics Corporation
7.8: DowAksa
7.9: Hyosung Corporation
7.10: Nippon Graphite Fiber Corporation







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