


Woven Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

航空宇宙・防衛分野における織物の動向と予測 世界の航空宇宙・防衛市場における織物の将来は、航空機の内装、ダクト、ローターブレード市場における機会で有望視されている。世界の航空宇宙・防衛市場におけ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月1日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelでは、製品タイプ別では織物ロービングが予測期間中に高い成長を遂げると予測している。
- 用途別では、航空機内装が最も高い成長が見込まれる。
- 地域別では、APACが予測期間中に最も高い成長が見込まれる。




- 軽量素材が主役に:現代の軍用車両は、いわゆる「通常の」繊維製品よりも総重量を低く抑えるために、ほとんどすべての表面に非ラミネート繊維を重ね合わせている。軽量化された素材は、燃料の使用を最小限に抑え、当社の運用経済効率を最大化し、性能を向上させる。この傾向は主に航空機や軍用車両に見られ、スピードの向上と排出ガスの最小化に極めて重要だからである。また、活発な活動中であっても保護性能を損なうことなく、織られた軽量素材が利用される身体保護具の改良も進んでいる。
- 耐火・耐熱機能の開発:耐火性と耐熱性を向上させるような方法で、最新の織物への試みがなされており、その応用は航空宇宙と防衛構造において非常に重要である。また、航空機の断熱材、防火壁、兵士の防護服など、さまざまな用途がある。防火安全規制の強化に伴い、革新的な難燃性織物への需要が高まっている。この傾向は、非友好的な環境における軍隊や航空機の安全性と生存性の向上を促進している。
- スマート・テキスタイルの高度な統合:センサーやその他の技術を織物に組み込んだ繊維製品は、航空宇宙・防衛産業でますます利用されるようになっている。このようなテキスタイルは、温度、圧力、湿度、さらには素材の多孔性の度合いや擦り傷を感知することができる。メンテナンスのための情報を積極的に収集し、より良い決断を下し、軍事・航空宇宙システムの運用効率を向上させることができるテキスタイルを生成するためのプロセスが進行中である。
- 環境に優しいソリューションと持続可能性:環境に配慮した建築資材に対するニーズは高まっており、織物はリサイクル可能な素材や生物分解性繊維から生産されるようになっている。航空宇宙・防衛産業では、産業用温室効果ガスの排出量を削減し、より厳しい宇宙基準を満たすために、より持続可能な方法を採用することが、先端の情報源によって定義されている。この傾向は、航空機の内装、防衛装備品の包装、軍用の安全服など、明確な分野で使用される環境に優しい織物の製造へとつながっている。
- 化学的・物理的特性の向上:織物繊維は、高圧、紫外線、化学薬品などの過酷な環境にさらされることに耐える性能の点で向上している。このような素材は、日常業務だけでなく、軍事や航空宇宙産業においても非常に重要である。テキスタイル製造の進歩により、織物素材は悪環境下でも無傷で性能を発揮することが可能になり、その結果、製品はさらに適用可能な運用条件に対してより耐久性が高くなっている。




- 航空機内装用複合織物の進化:近代主義的なデザインにおいて、織物テキスタイルは、航空機の内装を目的とした複合材料の製造において、より多くの用途を獲得しつつある。これらの複合材料は、織物やその他の繊維で作られた材料で、強度を高め、重量を軽くし、炎を避けるのに役立つ。これらの複合材料を使用することで、航空宇宙メーカーは、運用コストと使用燃料量を最適化しながら、より厳しい安全要件を達成することが容易になります。
- 最先端の軍事用耐火織物:最近の織物は耐火性と耐熱性が向上しており、装甲服やヘルメット、車両の保護カバーなどの防衛用途に役立っている。これらのニーガードや手袋は、危険な地域で兵士をより保護するために、高熱条件にも耐えられるように製造されている。
- 機能的特性を可能にするスマート・ファブリックの主な特徴:スマート・ファブリックの使用は、布に埋め込まれたセンサーを組み込むことで機能し、この使用が航空宇宙システムと防衛における意味と傾向を与えている。温度、圧力、構造の健全性など、すべての重要な性能は織物を通して測定することができ、その結果、メンテナンスや効率的な運用に利用できる情報を伝えることができる。この変革は、運用の安全性と運用中の意思決定を大きな課題としている航空宇宙・防衛システムの利用に向けて重要な進歩である。
- 環境に優しい織物の開発:持続可能性は航空宇宙・防衛分野で不可欠な要素になりつつあり、環境に優しい織物への傾向が強まっているようだ。これらの織物は、世界的な持続可能な開発コンセプトにより、リサイクル可能な繊維や生分解性繊維で構成されている。この変化は、産業界から発生する副産物を減少させるだけでなく、廃棄物処理と材料使用に関する新たに確立された制限を遵守するものでもある。
- 防音・防振用新素材の開発:織物は、航空宇宙分野での防音・防振の強化に役立っている。最新の織物素材は、航空機のキャビンや軍用車両に利用され始めており、乗客や乗組員の快適な空間のために騒音レベルを低減している。この場合、これらの改良は、長距離飛行や任務を遂行する際に、活動の有効性を失うことなく、生活の質を高めるために不可欠である。




- 航空機内装:航空機の内装には、高い強度と難燃性を備えた軽量素材が使用されるため、不織布にビジネスチャンスがある。具体的には、断熱材、座席システム、難燃性バリアなどに使用され、重量を減らし、乗客の安全性と快適性を向上させることができる。航空輸送の世界的な成長と合理化政策が、この用途におけるこれらの織物素材のニーズの高まりを完全に裏付けている。
- ボディアーマーと保護具:織物は、軍人のボディアーマーやその他の保護具の生産にますますその用途を見出している。実際、これらの素材は軽量でありながら高い強度と柔軟性を持ち、弾道弾の脅威から身を守ることを特徴としている。防衛力の近代化という側面への注目の高まりは、この分野に素晴らしい市場成長の可能性をもたらしている。
- 航空宇宙産業における騒音と振動の制御:騒音と振動の制御に応用される織物は、航空宇宙産業で関連性を増し続けている。この感覚は、航空機キャビンの全体的な騒音を下げ、乗員の快適性を向上させる可能性があるため、軍事および商業航空宇宙市場からの需要を増加させる。この成長市場は、効率的で軽量な材料を作ることができるメーカーにとって有利になる。
- 環境に優しい航空宇宙要素:航空宇宙分野における持続可能性の要請から、顧客は環境に優しい織物を求めている。これらの素材は、エレメント、ライニング、ラップなどの部品に利用できる。メーカーがリサイクル可能な素材や分解可能な素材に焦点を当てた織物テキスタイルにおいて、こうした自然で有機的な進歩を支配しようとするにつれ、持続可能な航空宇宙産業の成長の前に簒奪されることになるだろう。
- メンテナンスとモニタリングを支援するスマート・テキスタイル:この素晴らしいチャンスの重要な部分は、センサーを組み込んだスマート・テキスタイルの進化と、コンディションのリアルタイム・モニタリングである。このようなテキスタイルは、温度、圧力、力などの作業条件を把握するために、航空・軍事分野で採用することができる。これは、計画外の稼働停止を減らし、生産性を向上させるのに役立つだろう。




- 素材の技術的進歩:素材の技術的進歩:繊維技術と製造工程の進歩により、より強く、より軽く、より柔軟な織物の生産が可能になった。こうした技術革新により、織物の断熱性、騒音低減、保護機能が強化され、これらの織物は航空宇宙・防衛分野で不可欠なものとなっている。
- 軽量素材に対する需要の増加:航空宇宙産業は、燃料消費量の削減と作業効率の向上を推進しており、軽量素材に対する大きな需要につながっている。この傾向は、航空機部品、断熱材、内装工事における織物の使用を後押ししている。
- 国防予算の増加と近代化:ほぼすべての国が国防軍のアップグレードを始めており、その多くが防護服、防護服、軍用車両での織物の使用を含む先進技術を採用している。軍事費の増加に伴い、さまざまな軍事用途の最先端素材に対する需要は増加の一途をたどっている。
- 持続可能性の重視:環境への影響を低減するための規制圧力は、不織布のようなリサイクル可能で生分解性のある素材の使用を奨励している。このシフトは、航空宇宙および防衛用途におけるより環境に優しい素材の開発を後押ししている。
- より多くの安全機能への顕著なニーズ:安全性は、航空宇宙および防衛システムの設計における中心的な考慮事項である。不織布は、耐火性や防弾性など、高性能の安全要件を満たすように設計されており、航空機の旅や軍事作戦での使用を高めている。

- 高機能織物の高コスト:高機能織物の高コスト:高機能織物、特に先端繊維や環境に優しい繊維から作られた織物の生産にはコストがかかる。こうしたコストは、特に価格に敏感な地域では生産量を制限する可能性がある。
- 素材の耐久性と性能:航空機などの航空宇宙用途に使用される織物は、強度、耐久性、耐候性などの厳しい性能基準を満たさなければならない。重要な課題は、航空宇宙・防衛用途の過酷な環境に耐え、かつ長期間にわたってその特性を維持できる織物を開発することである。
- 規制と認証プロセス:航空宇宙・防衛用途は厳しい安全規格に準拠しなければならず、こうした規制要件を満たすには多くの場合、さらなる時間と投資が必要となる。新しい織物が業界基準を満たしていることを証明することは、市場参入を遅らせる可能性がある。




- 帝人株式会社
- ヘクセル・コーポレーション
- ボーイング
- 3M




- 織物ロービング
- 織糸


- 航空機内装
- ダクト
- ローターブレード
- その他


- 北米
- ヨーロッパ
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国不織布は、その強度対重量比と悪条件に耐える能力により、米国の航空宇宙・防衛産業でますます進歩している。米国の企業は、断熱材、難燃性バリア、航空機内装の内装材に高度な複合材料を使用しようとしている。さらに、米国の軍需産業や航空宇宙産業が持続可能性の目標達成を目指していることから、グリーン素材の使用にも強い注目が集まっている。国防総省も、軍用車両、無人機、航空宇宙構造物用の不織布に新技術を取り入れ、研究開発を通じて設計と開発を改善することに取り組んでいる。
- 中国中国では航空宇宙・防衛分野が急成長しており、この成長にとって不織布の重要性が増している。不織布素材は、航空機の内部構造、断熱パネル、防衛要員の防護服の製造に使用されている。中国の生産者は、ポリエステルや炭素繊維の技術を取り入れることで不織布の性能を高め、より環境に優しい布にすることを目指している。政府の軍事・航空宇宙技術強化政策により、過酷な条件下でも耐えうる高品位・軽量・難燃性素材の需要が高まり、防衛・軍事用途への採用が急速に進んでいる。
- ドイツドイツは精密工学と技術開発で知られ、航空宇宙・防衛用途の高性能不織布開発の最前線にあると考えられている。ドイツ企業は、航空機内装の構造体や、構造体から伝わる騒音や振動を低減する素材を開発するリーダー的存在である。防衛分野では、不織布は防護服、医療機器、迷彩服に使用されている。さらに、ドイツの航空宇宙産業は、生分解性繊維やリサイクル繊維から作られた不織布を含む航空機部品を製造することで、環境への配慮に力を入れている。
- インドインドの航空宇宙・防衛産業は増加傾向にあり、再生可能な不織布がこの成長に貢献している。国内企業は、陸上システム、航空機内装、個人用保護具向けの軽量で高性能な不織布複合材の製造にますます力を入れている。政府の自立政策により、インドでは不織布製造技術の開発が進んでいる。これらの不織布材料は現在、航空機の断熱材やアラミド防護服の熱保護布など、さまざまな用途に使用されている。
- 日本日本には最先端の航空宇宙技術があり、不織布は航空宇宙・防衛産業の発展に重要な役割を果たしてきました。不織布材料は現在、座席カバー、防音、断熱を含む航空機内装部品に使用されている。さらに、防護服やその他の人員保護具用の不織布は、日本の防衛分野で一般的になりつつある。日本のメーカーはまた、熱管理やリアルタイムのデータ取得といった機能性を向上させるために、航空宇宙分野に組み込むことができるスマート・ファブリックを設計している。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題


4.5: ROWの航空宇宙・防衛市場における織物市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.3: 戦略的分析

7.2: ヘクセル・コーポレーション
7.3: BASF SE
7.4: ボーイング
7.5: 3M





Woven Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Trends and Forecast

The future of woven textile in the global aerospace & defense market looks promising with opportunities in the aircraft interior, ducting, and rotor blade markets. Woven textile in the global aerospace & defense market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 6.8% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the rising demand for lightweight materials for fuel efficiency, growing aircraft production, and the increasing demand for aerospace textiles.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product type category, woven roving is expected to witness higher growth over the forecast period.
• Within the application category, aircraft interiors are expected to witness the highest growth.
• In terms of regions, APAC is expected to witness the highest growth over the forecast period.

Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in Woven Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market

Woven textile in the aerospace and defense market domain progresses at an extremely fast pace with clear signs of the emergence of specific trends, including the use of woven textiles. These trends underscore the growing importance of high-performance materials, environmental performance, and more intelligent technologies for the design and operational effectiveness of aerospace and defense systems.

• Lightweight Materials Take Center Stage: Modern military vehicles superimpose non-laminated textiles on almost every surface in a bid to keep their combined weight lower than so-called ‘regular’ textiles. Lesser weight materials empower minimization of fuel usage, maximizing the Company’s operational economy efficiency and improving performance. This trend is primarily seen in aircraft and military vehicles, as it is crucial in enhancing speed and minimizing emissions. There is also improvement in body protection equipment where woven lightweight material is utilized without compromising protection even during active operations.
• Developments in Fire and Heat Resistant Features: An attempt is being made to the modern fabrics in such a way that they enhance fire and heat degradation resistance, their application is critical in aerospace and defense structures. There are also various uses of these materials in the insulation of airplanes, fireproof walls, and protective clothing for soldiers. With the tightening of fire safety regulations, there is an increasing appeal for innovative woven fire-retardant fabrics. This trend is facilitating enhancement in the safety and survivability of the armed forces and aircraft in unfriendly environments.
• Advanced Integration of Smart Textiles: Textiles incorporating devices with sensors or other technologies integrated into the woven are being increasingly utilized in the aerospace and defense industries. Such textiles can sense temperature, pressure, humidity, and even the degree of porosity of the materials, as well as their scuffs. Processes are underway to generate textiles that will be able to gather information for maintenance proactively, aid in making better decisions, and improve operational efficiencies in military and aerospace systems.
• Eco-Friendly Solutions and Sustainability: There is a growing need for green building materials, and woven textiles are in turn being produced from recyclable materials or bio-degradable fibers. Incipient sources define employing more sustainable practices to lower industrial greenhouse output and meet tougher space standards in the aerospace and defense industries. This trend is leading towards the making of environmentally friendly woven textiles for use in definite areas such as aircraft interiors, defense equipment packaging, and safety wear for the military.
• Chemical and Physical Properties are Improved: The woven textiles are improving in terms of performance to withstand extreme environmental exposure to harsh elements like high pressures, UV rays, and chemicals. Such materials are very important in the military as well as the aerospace industry besides the everyday business, since equipment is likely to be subjected to extreme environmental conditions. Progress in the manufacturing of textiles is making it possible for the woven materials to still be intact and perform in adverse environments, hence the resulting products are more durable for further applicable operational conditions.

On the one hand, these trends are changing the performance and sustainability of the aerospace and defense market and introducing more innovation into them. It is projected that woven textiles will remain central in changing the future of aerospace and defense applications as the demand for lightweight, durable, and environmentally friendly materials increases.

Recent Developments in Woven Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market

In recent developments in woven textile in the aerospace and defense market, there was a need to explore the developments that would improve the efficiency safety, and sustainability of such engineering materials in critical uses.

• Evolution of Composite Woven Textiles for Aircraft Interiors: In modernist designs, woven textiles are getting more applications in the manufacture of composite materials intended for aircraft interiors. These composites are materials made of woven and some other fibers that help in enhancing strength, lowering weight, and averting flames. The use of these composite materials makes it easier for aerospace manufacturers in abiding to achieve more stringent safety requirements while optimally using the operational costs and the amount of fuel used.
• State-of-the-art fire-resistant woven Textiles for Military Use: Recent values of woven textiles have been improved in fire resistance and heat also which makes them useful for defense purposes in items like armored suits and helmets as well as protective coverings for vehicles. These knee guards and gloves are manufactured to endure high and hot conditions providing more protection to soldiers in dangerous regions.
• Main Features of Smart Fabric Enabling its Functional Properties: The use of smart fabrics works in that they incorporate sensors that are embedded in cloth, giving this use a meaning and trend in the aerospace system and defense. All key performances such as temperature, pressure, and structural health can be measured through the textiles, thus relaying information that can be used for maintenance and efficiency of operation. This transformation is an important advancement toward the use of aerospace and defense systems that makes the safety of operations and decision-making during operations a great challenge.
• Development of Eco-Friendly Woven Textiles: Sustainability is becoming an essential aspect in the aerospace and defense sector, and there seem to be increasing trends towards woven textiles that are environmentally friendly. These fabrics consist of recyclable or biodegradable fiber by sustainable development concepts worldwide. This change not only decreases the by-products generated by the industry but also adheres to the newly established restrictions on waste disposal and material usage.
• Development of New Materials for Sound and Vibration Suppression: woven textiles are assisting in the enhancement of noise and vibration control in the area of aerospace applications. Modern woven materials are starting to be utilized in aircraft cabins and military vehicles to cut down noise levels for the sake of passenger and crew feeling within the space. In this case, those improvements are essential for quality of living when performing long-distance flights or missions without losing the effectiveness of the activity.

These include recent results that follow a clear path toward performance enhancement, sustainability, and safety within the using advanced woven textile in the aerospace and defense. The manufacturing sector has appreciated this growth and hence continues to bring forth changes and creativity in the field by the needs of the industry.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Woven Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market

The woven textiles markets provide exceptional opportunities for aerospace and defense with increased scope for improvement in performance and safety as well as in sustainability factors.

• Aircraft Interiors: Considering the usage of lightweight materials that have high strength and flame retardant features in the construction of aircraft's interior, there lies an opportunity for nonwoven textiles. Addressing the specifics, these materials are used in thermal insulation, seating systems, and fire retardant barriers, and they can decrease its weight, and improve the safety and comfort of passengers. The worldwide growth of air transportation and streamlining policies fully support the increasing need for these woven materials for this application.
• Body Armor and Protective Gear: woven fabrics more and more find their application in the production of body armor and other protective gear for military personnel. Indeed these materials are characterized by light weight but high strength and flexibility as well as protection against ballistic threats. The increasing attention on the aspect of modernizing defense forces provides a wonderful market growth potential in this segment.
• Noise and Vibration Control in Aerospace: woven textiles applied for noise and vibration control continue to gain relevance within the aerospace industry. This sensation can potentially lower the overall noise in aircraft cabins and improve the comfort of the occupants thereby increasing demand from the military and commercial aerospace markets. This growing market will be advantageous to manufacturers who will be able to make materials that are efficient and lightweight.
• Aerospace Elements that are Environment Friendly: Customers are requesting environmentally friendly woven textiles because of the call for sustainability in aerospace. These materials can be utilized in parts such as elements, linings, and wraps. As manufacturers look to dominate these natural and organic advances in woven textiles focused on recyclable or degradable materials they will usurp before the growth of the sustainable aerospace industry.
• Smart Textiles that will Assist Maintenance and Monitoring: A key part of this fantastic opportunity is the evolution of smart textiles embedded with sensors and real-time monitoring of one’s conditions. Such textiles can be adopted in the aviation and military sectors to keep track of the working conditions like temperature, pressure, and force. This will help in reducing unplanned outages and improve productivity.

Each of these growth areas talks of the need for modern woven textile in the aerospace and defense market that are high in performance, have high levels of sustainability and have high levels of technology integration. This market seems to have a bright future as innovations are being made on the changes in the materials and applications used in the market.

Woven Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market Driver and Challenges

The woven textile in the aerospace and defense market is governed by a host of operational, socio-political, fiscal, and technological drivers and restraints that influence the industry.

The factors responsible for driving the woven textile market in aerospace and defense include:
• Technological Advancements in Materials: Advancements in fiber technologies and manufacturing processes have resulted in the production of stronger, lighter, and more flexible woven textiles. These innovations have enhanced the ability of woven textiles to provide insulation, reduce noise, and offer protection, making these fabrics essential in the aerospace and defense sectors.
• Increasing Demand for Lightweight Materials: The aerospace industry’s drive to cut fuel consumption and improve operational efficiency has led to a significant demand for lightweight materials. This trend is boosting the use of woven textiles in aircraft components, insulating materials, and interior works.
• Rising Defense Budgets and Modernization: Nearly all countries have begun to upgrade their defense forces, with many adopting advanced technologies, including the use of woven textiles in body armor, protective wear, and military vehicles. As military expenditure rises, the demand for cutting-edge materials for various military applications continues to increase.
• Focus on Sustainability: Regulatory pressures to reduce environmental impact have encouraged the use of recyclable and biodegradable materials, such as nonwoven fabrics. This shift is driving the development of greener materials in aerospace and defense applications.
• Glaring Need for More Safety Features: Safety is a core consideration in the design of aerospace and defense systems. Woven textiles are being engineered to meet high-performance safety requirements, including fire resistance and protection against bullets, which enhances their use in air travel and military operations.

Challenges in the woven textile market in aerospace and defense include:
• High Cost of Advanced Woven Textiles: Producing high-performance woven textiles, especially those made from advanced or eco-friendly fibers, can be expensive. These costs can limit production volumes, particularly in price-sensitive regions.
• Material Durability and Performance: Woven textiles used in aerospace applications, such as in aircraft, must meet rigorous performance standards, including strength, durability, and resistance to weather and other extreme conditions. A key challenge is developing textiles that can withstand the harsh environments of aerospace and defense applications while retaining their properties over time.
• Regulatory and Certification Processes: Aerospace and defense applications must comply with stringent safety standards, and meeting these regulatory requirements often requires additional time and investment. Demonstrating that new woven textiles meet industry standards can delay their market entry.

Technological improvements, successful sustainability measures, and the growing demand for lightweight and high-performance fabrics are the major drivers of the growth of woven textile in the aerospace and defense market. However, high production costs, the need to comply with various regulations, and the challenges of ensuring durability in harsh conditions continue to impact the development of the market.

List of Woven Textile Companies in the Aerospace & Defense Industry

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies woven textile companies in the aerospace & defense industry cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the woven textile companies in the aerospace & defense industry profiled in this report include-

• Teijin Limited
• Hexcel Corporation
• Boeing
• 3M

Woven Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market by Segment

The study includes a forecast for woven textile in the aerospace & defense market by product type, application, and region.

Woven Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market by Product Type [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Woven Roving
• Woven Yarn

Woven Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market by Application [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Aircraft Interior
• Ducting
• Rotor Blades
• Others

Woven Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for Woven Textile in the Aerospace & Defense Market

The use of woven textiles has traditionally been employed in aircraft engineering, but the use of nonwoven fabrics in the aerospace market is also steadily growing. These materials have a wide range of applications, from the interiors of aerospace vehicles to defense materials, as they are lightweight, strong, and inexpensive. Nonwoven textiles are a unique combination of strength, softness, fireproofing, and thermal insulation, all of which are essential in enhancing performance under difficult conditions. The dollar amount spent on innovation has been increasing, particularly in new powder and water connecting methods, which are improving material density in thin-walled combustor components.

• United States: Nonwoven textiles are increasingly advancing in the U.S. aerospace and defense industries due to their strength-to-weight ratios and ability to withstand adverse conditions. Companies in the U.S. are looking to use advanced composite materials for insulation, flame-resistant barriers, and upholstery in aircraft interiors. Additionally, there is a strong focus on using green materials, as the military and aerospace industries in the U.S. aim to achieve their sustainability goals. The Department of Defense has also been working on incorporating new technology in nonwoven textiles for military vehicles, drones, and aerospace structures, improving design and development through R&D.
• China: China has a rapidly growing aerospace and defense sector, and nonwoven textiles are becoming increasingly important for this growth. Nonwoven materials are used in the manufacturing of internal structures of aircraft, insulation panels, and protective clothing for defense personnel. Producers in China are working to enhance the performance of nonwoven textiles by incorporating polyester and carbon fiber technologies, aiming to make the fabrics more eco-friendly. The government’s policy to enhance military and aerospace technologies has contributed to the demand for high-grade, lightweight, fire-resistant materials that can endure extreme conditions, leading to the rapid adoption of these materials in defense and military applications.
• Germany: Germany is known for its precision engineering and technological development, and it is considered to be at the forefront of high-performance nonwoven fabric development for aerospace and defense applications. German companies are leaders in creating structures for aircraft interiors, as well as materials for reducing structure-borne noise and vibrations. In defense, nonwoven textiles are used in personnel armor, medical devices, and camouflage. Additionally, the German aerospace industry is focused on environmental stewardship by producing aircraft parts that contain nonwoven materials made from biodegradable or recycled fibers.
• India: The Indian aerospace and defense industry has been on the rise, with renewable nonwoven textiles contributing to this growth. Domestic players are increasingly focused on manufacturing lightweight, high-performance nonwoven composites for land systems, aircraft interiors, and personal protective equipment. The government’s self-reliance policy has led to the development of nonwoven fabrication technologies in India. These nonwoven materials are now used in various applications, such as insulation materials in aircraft and heat-protective fabrics in aramid protective clothing.
• Japan: Japan is home to some of the most advanced aerospace technologies, and nonwoven fabrics have played a key role in advancing certain aspects of their aerospace and defense industries. Nonwoven materials are now used in aircraft interior components, including seat coverings, soundproofing, and insulation. Moreover, nonwoven fabrics for body armor and other personnel protective equipment are becoming commonplace in Japan’s defense sector. Manufacturers in Japan are also designing smart fabrics that can be incorporated into the aerospace sector to improve functionalities such as thermal management and real-time data acquisition.

Features of Woven Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market

Market Size Estimates: Woven textile in the aerospace & defense market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Woven textile in the aerospace & defense market size by product type, application, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Woven textile in the aerospace & defense market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different product type, application, and regions for the woven textile in the aerospace & defense market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the woven textile in the aerospace & defense market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for woven textile in the aerospace & defense market by product type (woven roving and woven yarn), application (aircraft interior, ducting, rotor blades, and others), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Woven Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Woven Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Woven Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market by Product Type
3.3.1: Woven Roving
3.3.2: Woven Yarn
3.4: Woven Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market by Application
3.4.1: Aircraft Interior
3.4.2: Ducting
3.4.3: Rotor Blades
3.4.4: Others

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Woven Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market by Region
4.2: Woven Textile in the North American Aerospace & Defense Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Product Type: Woven Roving and Woven Yarn
4.2.2: North American Market by Application: Aircraft Interior, Ducting, Rotor Blades, and Others
4.3: Woven Textile in the European Aerospace & Defense Market
4.3.1: European Market by Product Type: Woven Roving and Woven Yarn
4.3.2: European Market by Application: Aircraft Interior, Ducting, Rotor Blades, and Others
4.4: Woven Textile in the APAC Aerospace & Defense Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Product Type: Woven Roving and Woven Yarn
4.4.2: APAC Market by Application: Aircraft Interior, Ducting, Rotor Blades, and Others
4.5: Woven Textile in the ROW Aerospace & Defense Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Product Type: Woven Roving and Woven Yarn
4.5.2: ROW Market by Application: Aircraft Interior, Ducting, Rotor Blades, and Others

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for Woven Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market by Product Type
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for Woven Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market by Application
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for Woven Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in Woven Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of Woven Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in Woven Textile in the Global Aerospace & Defense Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: Teijin Limited
7.2: Hexcel Corporation
7.3: BASF SE
7.4: Boeing
7.5: 3M







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