


Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market Report: Trends, Forecast and Competitive Analysis to 2031

セントラルフィルファーマシーオートメーションの動向と予測 世界のセントラルフィルファーマシーオートメーション市場の将来性は、機器ベンダーとコンサルティングベンダー市場にビジネスチャンスがありそう... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2024年11月1日 US$4,850
オンデマンドレポート:ご注文後3-4週間 英語






- Lucintelの予測では、製品・サービスカテゴリーでは、手作業による製品の取り扱い、費用対効果、顧客満足度の向上、コミュニケーションの改善、顧客サービスの向上など、医薬品分野で幅広く活用されていることから、予測期間中も機器が最大セグメントであり続ける。
- ベンダーのカテゴリーでは、機器ベンダーが最大セグメントであり続けるだろう。機器の維持管理、純利益の向上、契約条件の強化、監査コストの削減、ベンダーの業績向上への動機付けに有益だからである。
- 地域別では、米国では肥満と高齢者患者が多く、政府が医療施設の改善に力を入れていることから、予測期間中も北米が最大地域であり続けると思われる。



- EHRとの統合の増加:ほとんどの中央充填自動化システムは、EHRとの統合を開始している。セントラルフィルオートメーションとEHRの店舗内統合は、患者情報と処方箋データを確実に統合することで、調剤精度を向上させる成長トレンドです。よりスマートな情報フローはミスの可能性を減らし、薬局のワークフローを整理し、患者の転帰と効率を高めます。 2.ロボット調剤システムの成長:
- ロボット調剤システムの普及:これらのシステムは、薬剤の分散と包装を完全に自動化し、手作業によるミスを最小限に抑えます。処方箋枚数は増加の一途をたどっており、ロボットの導入は処理可能枚数を増やすだけでなく、薬局での処理に関する全体的な効率を高め、高い精度と生産性を実現する。
- データ分析とレポーティングの重視:中央調剤薬局では、さらなる業務改善のため、データ分析とレポーティングツールの活用が進んでいます。高度なアナリティクスは、処方パターン、在庫管理、業務実績に関する洞察を提供し、意思決定を強化することで、薬局がリソースを効果的に活用してサービス提供を改善するプロセスを改善します。
- 患者の安全とエラー削減の重視:投薬ミスの削減を通じて患者の安全性を向上させるため、自動化の推進が強く求められている。自動化は正確な調剤を意味するため、人為的ミスの可能性を減らすことができる。従って、この傾向は、患者の安全性を向上させ、医療提供の質を高めるという、医療におけるより広範な目標に合致するものである。
- 医薬品包装とラベリングの自動化の拡大:薬剤の充填と包装、ラベル貼付の自動化は、中央充填薬局にまで拡大している。自動包装システムは、薬剤の正しい包装とラベルの正確性を促進し、投薬ミスを減らし、規制要件へのコンプライアンスを向上させます。この傾向は業務効率を向上させ、医薬品の管理を強化します。




- 高度なロボットシステムの導入:多くの調剤薬局では、高度なロボットシステムを導入している。このシステムは、正確性と効率性を提供するだけでなく、処方箋の選択、計数、包装を自動化します。このようなシステムを導入することで、大量の処方箋を処理し、手作業によるミスをなくすことができるため、業務効率が向上します。
- 薬局管理ソフトウェアとの統合:中央充填自動化システムは、薬局管理ソフトウェアとの統合が進んでいます。この統合により、調剤システムと薬局管理プラットフォーム間のデータ交換がシームレスに行われ、調剤精度の向上や在庫・患者情報管理の改善に役立ちます。
- 安全機能の強化:最近の開発には、バーコードやリアルタイム検証などの高度な安全機能をオートメーションシステムに追加することも含まれます。これらの機能は、適切な患者に適切な薬剤が投与されることを保証し、エラーの可能性を減らし、患者の安全性を向上させます。
- パーソナライゼーションとスケーラビリティの重視:最近では、さまざまなソリューションが、カスタマイズや拡張性などの機能を強化し、薬局の多様な環境の多様なニーズを満たすように設計されています。スケーラブルなシステムにより、薬局は処方量の増加に応じて自動化機能を拡張することができます。これにより、業務ニーズの変化に柔軟に対応することができます。
- クラウドベースのソリューションの採用:クラウドベースのソリューションは、中央調剤薬局の自動化に採用されつつあります。遠隔地へのアクセス、リアルタイム更新、データ管理などの利点があります。また、他の医療システムとの統合や連携が進み、全体的な効率化が図れます。




- 新興市場:さらに、医療においてインフラ整備が行われている新興市場においても、これらの市場は大きな成長の可能性を秘めている。そのため、中央調剤薬局向けの自動化ソリューションに投資することで、処方箋量の増加や業務効率の向上を管理することができる。これらの市場における医療ニーズの高まりは、市場浸透と発展の機会を開く。
- 高度なロボットソリューションの開発:先進的で多機能なロボットシステムを使用することで、市場シェアを拡大することができます。より優れた精度と柔軟性を含む革新的なロボット工学は、中央調剤薬局の様々なニーズに応え、調剤精度を高めることができる。先進技術への投資により、組織は自動化ソリューションのトップレベルに位置づけられるだろう。
- 遠隔医療や遠隔介護との統合:中央調剤薬局の自動化と遠隔医療・遠隔介護システムとの統合は、遠隔服薬管理の新たな機会を提供します。このように統合することで、調剤の円滑化と、患者による重要な薬への最終的なアクセスが可能になり、遠隔医療ソリューションに対する需要の高まりに応えることができる。
- カスタマイズされた自動化ソリューションの重視:薬局のニーズに応じてカスタマイズされた自動化ソリューションは、薬局を他の同業他社から際立たせることができます。処方箋枚数や業務量を処理するための柔軟でスケーラブルなシステムの開発は、より多くのタイプの薬局が製品を検討できるように設計されるべきであり、それによって市場全体への浸透を高めることができる。
- データ分析とAIへの投資:このように、データ分析とAIに投資することで、中央調剤薬局の自動化のオペレーションと意思決定プロセスがさらに最適化される。AI主導の洞察と予測分析は、より効率的で効果的な薬局業務の実施において、在庫管理、ワークフローの円滑化、エラーの削減に改善をもたらすことができる。








- RxSafe
- TCGRX 薬局ワークフローソリューション
- オムニセル
- マッケソンコーポレーション
- スクリプトプロ
- クカ




- 機器
- ソフトウェア
- サービス


- 機器ベンダー
- コンサルティングベンダー


- 北米
- 欧州
- アジア太平洋
- その他の地域



- 米国:中央調剤自動化システムは、米国で最近になって大きな普及を記録し始めた。ロボット調剤の進歩とEHRシステムへの統合が相まって、効率性と正確性が向上している。処方量の増加と投薬ミスに対抗するため、大手小売チェーンや医療システムによって自動化への投資が行われている。さらに、技術導入に対する規制当局のサポートがインセンティブとなり、小売店や病院の薬局における自動化ソリューションのさらなる拡大の原動力となっている。
- 中国中国では、中央医療部門の急速な近代化と拡大の中で、中央調剤薬局の自動化が高成長を遂げている。政府による医療改革の目標と技術アップグレード普及への投資拡大により、自動化技術の採用プロセスが加速している。中国の製薬会社は、医薬品需要の増加により、業務効率を管理する自動調剤システムを開発している。医療インフラが改善され、調剤の品質と安全性が重視されるようになったことで、自動調剤システムの導入はさらに進んでいる。
- ドイツドイツでは、中央調剤薬局に最先端の自動化技術を全面的に導入している。その背景には、精度と効率への強いこだわりがある。医療システムは、調剤と包装のプロセスを自動化する改良型ロボットシステムから恩恵を受けている。精度を高め、業務を合理化するために、自動化を既存の医療ITシステムと統合する動きが加速している。ドイツでは規制の枠組みも自動化技術の採用を支援しており、薬局の自動化における技術革新を奨励する雰囲気がある。
- インドインドでは、医療提供者がより高いレベルの効率性と正確な調剤を実現するために、中心充填薬局の自動化が勢いを増している。処方箋枚数の増加による薬局業務への負担が、より良い薬剤管理の必要性の高まりとともに成長を後押ししていると考えられる。インドの製薬会社は、手作業によるミスや業務の非効率性など、様々な課題に対処するために自動化に注目している。しかし、導入率は地域によってばらつきがあり、都市部ではより高度なソリューションが導入されている。
- 日本:日本は、中央調剤薬局の自動化に先進技術を取り入れた先駆的な国の一つである。日本の薬局では、業務効率の向上と患者の安全性向上のため、多機能自動化システムの導入が進んでいる。薬局管理ソフトウェアと統合された高精度のロボットシステムの構築が重視されている。日本では、医療におけるテクノロジーとイノベーションが重視され、中央調剤薬局における自動化の成長を支えている。そのため、エラー率を低減した調剤プロセスの改善につながる。










2.3: 産業の推進要因と課題


4.5: ROWのセントラルフィル薬局自動化市場

5.1: 製品ポートフォリオ分析
5.2: オペレーションの統合

6.1.3: セントラルフィルファーマシーオートメーションの世界市場成長機会(地域別
6.3: 戦略的分析

7.3: TCGRXファーマシーワークフローソリューションズ
7.4: オムニセル
7.5: マッケソンコーポレーション
7.6: スクリプトプロ
7.7: Kuka





Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Trends and Forecast

The future of the global central fill pharmacy automation market looks promising with opportunities in the equipment vendor and consulting vendor markets. The global central fill pharmacy automation market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 11.3% from 2025 to 2031. The major drivers for this market are the rise in the dispensing of specialty drugs, the growing demand to reduce pharmaceutical errors and expand the patient base, along with rapid technological progress and increased investment in research & development.
• Lucintel forecasts that, within the product and service category, equipment will remain the largest segment over the forecast period because it is extensively utilized in the pharmaceutical sector for manual product handling, cost-effectiveness, enhanced customer satisfaction, improved communication, and better customer service.
• Within the vendor category, equipment vendors will remain the largest segment because they are beneficial for equipment upkeep, boost net profits, enhance contract conditions, lower audit costs, and motivate vendors to perform better.
• In terms of regions, North America will remain the largest region over the forecast period due to the significant prevalence of obesity and elderly patients in the United States, along with the government’s focus on improving healthcare facilities.
Gain valuable insights for your business decisions with our comprehensive 150+ page report.

Emerging Trends in the Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market

The market of central fill pharmacy automation is many emerging trends emanating from changes in technology, regulations, and healthcare needs. These changes have mirrored an increase in the drive for improved efficiency, accuracy, and safety for patients via automation. Understanding these trends sheds light on how the market is evolving and the factors shaping its future.

• Increased Integration with EHRs: Most central fill automation systems have begun integrating with EHRs. The in-store integration of central fill automation and EHRs is a growing trend that extends the capability for medication dispensing accuracy by making sure patient information and prescription data are well integrated. Smarter information flow cuts down on the potential for mistakes and helps organize the workflow in pharmacies, enhancing patient outcomes and efficiency. 2. Robotic Dispensing Systems Growth:
• Adoption of Robotic Dispensing Systems in Greater Numbers: These systems fully automate the dispersion and packaging of drugs, making manual errors minimal. With the volume of prescriptions continuing to grow, the adoption of robotics will not only increase the volumes that can be processed but also enhance overall efficiencies related to processing in a pharmacy, enabling high accuracy and productivity.
• Emphasis on Data Analytics and Reporting: Central fill pharmacies are increasingly using data analytics and reporting tools to further improve their operations. Advanced analytics provide insights on prescription patterns, inventory management, and operational performance that enhance decision-making, thus improving processes whereby pharmacies can use resources effectively to improve service delivery.
• Emphasis on Patient Safety and Error Reduction: Increasing automation is strongly emphasized for improving patient safety through reducing medication errors. Automation means accurate medication dispensing, and thus it reduces the possibility of human error. This trend, therefore, falls within the broader goals in healthcare related to improving patient safety and enhancing quality in their provision of care.
• Growing Automation of Drug Packaging and Labeling: Automation in filling and packaging of drugs, as well as labeling, has expanded into the central fill pharmacies. An automated packaging system facilitates the right package of medication and label accuracy for reduced medication errors and increased compliance with regulatory requirements. This trend increases operational efficiency and offers enhanced management of the medication.

These emerging trends are reshaping the central fill pharmacy automation market, driving forces of innovation and enhancement in operational efficiency. Integrations with EHR systems and the growth of robotic dispensing systems promote accuracy and streamlining of processes. Emphasis on data analytics and patient safety supports better decision-making and error reduction. Expanding the automation process for packaging and labeling further helps in enhancing overall efficiency and compliance. These trends have a converging effect on the automation landscape as a whole, translating into efficient, more precise, patient-centric operations within the pharmacy.

Recent Developments in the Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market

Recent developments in central fill pharmacy automation reflect upgraded technology, changing regulatory environments, and an increase in demand for efficient and accurate medication dispensing solutions. These recent developments outline how the industry players are grappling with increasing prescription volumes, operational efficiency pressures, and injunctions for improved patient safety.

• Implementation of Advanced Robotic Systems: Many central fill pharmacies incorporate sophisticated robotic systems that dispense medications. The systems not only provide accuracy and efficiency but also automate the selection, counting, and packaging of prescriptions. The implementation of such systems will help to resolve high prescription volumes and eliminate manual errors, hence improving operational effectiveness.
• Integration with Pharmacy Management Software: Central fill automation systems are increasingly integrated with pharmacy management software. The integration helps in the seamless facilitation of data interchange between the dispensing system and the pharmacy management platform for better accuracy in medication dispensing and improved inventory and patient information management.
• Enhanced Safety Features: Recent developments also include adding advanced safety features to automation systems, including barcoding and real-time verification. These features serve to ensure that the right patient receives the right medication, reducing the possibility of error and improving patient safety.
• Increased Emphasis on Personalization and Scalability: These days, different solutions have been designed to meet the diversified needs of diverse settings of the pharmacy with increased features such as customization and scalability. Scalable systems enable pharmacies to expand their automation capabilities when there is growth in prescription volumes. This provides flexibility and adaptability in changing operational needs.
• Adoption of Cloud-Based Solutions: Cloud-based solutions are now increasingly being adopted for central fill pharmacy automation. Advantages include access to remote locations, real-time updates, and data management. This development will also help in better integration and collaboration with other healthcare systems for overall efficiency.

The effect on the central fill pharmacy automation market has been to further technological advancement and enhance operational efficiency. Advanced robotic systems integrated with pharmacy management software increase the level of accuracy and productivity. Enhanced safety features and customization options for specific pharmacy needs contribute to improving patient safety. Adaptation of cloud-based solutions provides greater flexibility and management of data.

Strategic Growth Opportunities for Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market

The central fill pharmacy automation market offers several strategic growth opportunities inspired by advances in technology, greater efficiency, and changing healthcare needs. The identification and capitalization of these opportunities by the manufacturers and other stakeholders can be instrumental in expanding their presence in the marketplace and meeting the demands that may be emerging.

• Emerging Markets: In addition, these markets also hold much potential for growth in emerging markets where infrastructure development is taking place in healthcare. Thus, investing in automation solutions for central fill pharmacies can help them manage growing prescription volumes and operational efficiency. Growing healthcare needs in these markets open up opportunities for market penetration and development.
• Development of Advanced Robotic Solutions: This also allows for a better reach toward having an increased market share with the use of advanced and multi-functional robotic systems. Innovating robotics, including better precision and flexibility, can answer various needs of central fill pharmacies and increase dispensing accuracy. The investment in advanced technology will place the organizations at the top level of automation solutions.
• Integration with Telehealth and Remote Care: The integration of central fill pharmacy automation with telehealth and remote care systems offers new opportunities for remote medication management. In such a way, integration will create better facilitation of medication dispensing and eventual access to vital medications by patients, thus responding to the rising demand for remote healthcare solutions.
• Emphasis on Solutions for Customized Automation: Customized automation solutions that are tailor-made according to the needs of a pharmacy can surely make them stand apart from the rest of their peers. The development of flexible and scalable systems to handle volumes of prescriptions and operations should be designed in such a way that more types of pharmacy settings could consider the products, thereby increasing penetration in the market as a whole.
• Investment in Data Analytics and AI: Thus, investing in data analytics and AI will further optimize the operations and decision-making process of central fill pharmacy automation. AI-driven insights and predictive analytics can bring improvements to inventory management, workflow smoothing, and the reduction of errors in the conduct of more efficient and effective pharmacy operations.

These emerging strategic growth opportunities are shaping the central fill pharmacy automation market by driving innovation and expanding market reach. Expansions into growing emerging markets and the development of advanced robotic solutions address growing demands and enhance operational efficiencies. Integrations with telehealth and remote care systems meet the needs of remote patients, while customized solutions and investments in data analytics and AI optimize pharmacy operations. By leveraging these opportunities, the market is subjected to dynamism and evolution, opening new frontiers of growth and success.

Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market Driver and Challenges

A couple of drivers and challenges prevail over the growth and development of the market in central fill pharmacy automation: These include drivers and challenges emanating from technological, economic, and regulatory considerations. Stakeholders will have to understand these drivers and challenges to know where to conduct their activities successfully in the said market and consequently capitalize on the opportunities provided.

The factors responsible for driving the central fill pharmacy automation market include:
1. Growth in Prescription Volumes: With the increasing number of prescriptions and the need to handle them with speed, the adoption of automation solutions is on the increase. Central fill pharmacies adopt automation for high prescription volumes to reduce the time taken to process these, and with increased accuracy as part of the challenge to handle large-scale medication dispensing operations.
2. Technological Advancement: Automation technology has continued to evolve and integrates other technologies, such as pharmacy management software and robotic systems. With the advancement in technology, there has been a great improvement in efficiency, precision, and safety, which means a greater demand from pharmacists to have some automation solutions implemented for their benefit.
3. Regulatory Support and Incentives: Encouragement through regulatory frameworks and governmental incentives about the adoption of technologies of automation acts in support of the growth of the market. Such policies encourage state-of-the-art technologies in healthcare to reduce barriers to its adoption and invest in central fill pharmacy automation.
4. Focus on Patient Safety: Growing focus on patient safety and related error reduction also justifies the demand for automation solutions. Central fill pharmacies adopt automation to reduce medication errors, increase accuracy, and improve patient safety to fall in line with the broader goals of healthcare.
5. Demand for Operational Efficiency: The driving forces are primarily the increasing demand to enhance operational efficiency and reduce the operational cost of pharmacy operations. This solution automates workflow conditions to reduce manual labor and ultimately lowers operational costs. Thus, they have emerged as an option that can guarantee Central Fill Pharmacies a return on investments while boosting their efficiency.
Challenges in the central fill pharmacy automation market are:
1. High Initial Cost of Investment: Some may even consider the high price of implementing the automation system, hence acting as a big barrier to some pharmacies. Factors to be considered are the initial investment costs that include the purchase of equipment and integration with the prevailing systems, which might affect the affordability and accessibility of automation solutions.
2. Integration with Existing Systems: However, automation solutions face the challenge of incompatibility and difficulty in integrating with prevailing pharmacy management and IT systems. This might make it hard to implement automation technologies effectively, hence affecting general efficiency.
3. Training and Workforce Adaptation: Specialized training of the workforce is needed and adaptation of a workforce to new automation technologies can prove to be challenging. The success of its implementation and continued effectiveness depends on the pharmacy staff training for operating and maintaining automation systems.

Increasing volumes of prescriptions, coupled with technological development, are factors that lead to demand for automation solutions, while support from regulatory bodies and concern for patient safety enhance the attractiveness of the market. On the other hand, high upfront investment costs resist the adoption, integration complexity, and workforce training. Overcoming these barriers to facilitate growth will depend very much on how stakeholders will address such obstacles, capitalizing on these market drivers in the increasingly developing central fill pharmacy automation market.

List of Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Companies

Companies in the market compete on the basis of product quality offered. Major players in this market focus on expanding their manufacturing facilities, R&D investments, infrastructural development, and leverage integration opportunities across the value chain. Through these strategies central fill pharmacy automation companies cater increasing demand, ensure competitive effectiveness, develop innovative products & technologies, reduce production costs, and expand their customer base. Some of the central fill pharmacy automation companies profiled in this report include-

• RxSafe
• TCGRX Pharmacy Workflow Solutions
• Omnicell
• McKesson Corporation
• ScriptPro
• Kuka

Central Fill Pharmacy Automation by Segment

The study includes a forecast for the global central fill pharmacy automation market by product and services, vendor, and region.

Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market by Product and Services [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Equipment
• Software
• Services

Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market by Vendor [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• Equipment Vendors
• Consulting Vendors

Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market by Region [Analysis by Value from 2019 to 2031]:

• North America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• The Rest of the World

Country Wise Outlook for the Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market

The central fill pharmacy automation market is one of a dynamic nature, with healthcare systems trying to advance efficiency, accuracy, and patient safety in medication dispensing. Automation technologies in central fill pharmacies streamline procedures and reduce human error, hence enhancing the overall operational efficiency. Recent developments in automation technology, changes in regulations, and an increase in demand due to the need for efficient operations in the U.S., China, Germany, India, and Japan have impacted these markets differently. These changes reflect how regions are adopting and integrating various types of automation solutions to meet a range of healthcare needs and improve service delivery.

• United States: Central fill pharmacy automation systems have only recently started to record significant growth in adoption in the United States. Advances in robotic dispensing, coupled with integration into EHR systems, are improving efficiency and accuracy. To counter rising prescription volumes and medication errors, investments in automation are being made by large retail chains and health systems. Furthermore, regulatory support for adopting the technology provides incentives and acts as a driver for further expansion of automated solutions in retail and hospital pharmacy settings.
• China: Central fill pharmacy automation is on a high growth path in China amidst rapid modernization and expansion of the central healthcare sector. The goal of healthcare reform by the government and greater investment in technological upgrade proliferation is speeding up the process of adopting automated technologies. Chinese pharmaceutical companies are developing automated dispensing systems to manage their operational efficiency due to the rising demand for medications. It is further increased by improved healthcare infrastructure and enhanced focus on quality and safety in the dispensing of medication.
• Germany: Germany is fully integrating state-of-the-art automation technologies into central fill pharmacies. It is motivated by strong attention to precision and efficiency. The healthcare system benefits from improved robotic systems that automate processes for the dispensing and packaging of medication. There is increasing impetus for integrating automation with existing healthcare IT systems to enhance accuracy and streamline operations. The regulatory framework in Germany also supports the adoption of automation technologies and thus provides an atmosphere encouraging innovation in pharmacy automation.
• India: Central fill pharmacy automation is gaining momentum in India as the providers of healthcare look at achieving higher levels of efficiency and accuracy in medication dispensing. It is reasoned that the burden of rising volumes of prescriptions for pharmacy operations propels growth, together with an increasing need to manage medications better. Indian pharmaceuticals are looking at automation to deal with various challenges in the form of manual errors, and inefficiency in operations, among others. However, the rate of adoption remains uneven across regions, with more advanced solutions being implemented in urban areas.
• Japan: Japan is one of the pioneering countries to integrate advanced technology into central fill pharmacy automation. Japanese pharmacies are increasingly integrating multi-functional automated systems into operations to advance operational efficiency and improve patient safety. There is a strong emphasis on creating highly accurate robotic systems integrated with pharmacy management software. The strong emphasis on technology and innovation in health care within Japan supports automation growth in central fill pharmacies. Therefore, this leads to an improved medication dispensing process with reduced error rates.

Features of the Global Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market

Market Size Estimates: Central fill pharmacy automation market size estimation in terms of value ($B).
Trend and Forecast Analysis: Market trends (2019 to 2024) and forecast (2025 to 2031) by various segments and regions.
Segmentation Analysis: Central fill pharmacy automation market size by product and services, vendor, and region in terms of value ($B).
Regional Analysis: Central fill pharmacy automation market breakdown by North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Rest of the World.
Growth Opportunities: Analysis of growth opportunities in different product and services, vendor, and regions for the central fill pharmacy automation market.
Strategic Analysis: This includes M&A, new product development, and competitive landscape of the central fill pharmacy automation market.
Analysis of competitive intensity of the industry based on Porter’s Five Forces model.

If you are looking to expand your business in this market or adjacent markets, then contact us. We have done hundreds of strategic consulting projects in market entry, opportunity screening, due diligence, supply chain analysis, M & A, and more.

This report answers following 11 key questions:

Q.1. What are some of the most promising, high-growth opportunities for the central fill pharmacy automation market by product and services (equipment, software, and services), vendor (equipment vendors and consulting vendors), and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World)?
Q.2. Which segments will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.3. Which region will grow at a faster pace and why?
Q.4. What are the key factors affecting market dynamics? What are the key challenges and business risks in this market?
Q.5. What are the business risks and competitive threats in this market?
Q.6. What are the emerging trends in this market and the reasons behind them?
Q.7. What are some of the changing demands of customers in the market?
Q.8. What are the new developments in the market? Which companies are leading these developments?
Q.9. Who are the major players in this market? What strategic initiatives are key players pursuing for business growth?
Q.10. What are some of the competing products in this market and how big of a threat do they pose for loss of market share by material or product substitution?
Q.11. What M&A activity has occurred in the last 5 years and what has its impact been on the industry?


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Global Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market : Market Dynamics
2.1: Introduction, Background, and Classifications
2.2: Supply Chain
2.3: Industry Drivers and Challenges

3. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis from 2019 to 2031
3.1. Macroeconomic Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.2. Global Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market Trends (2019-2024) and Forecast (2025-2031)
3.3: Global Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market by Product and Services
3.3.1: Equipment
3.3.2: Software
3.3.3: Services
3.4: Global Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market by Vendor
3.4.1: Equipment Vendors
3.4.2: Consulting Vendors

4. Market Trends and Forecast Analysis by Region from 2019 to 2031
4.1: Global Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market by Region
4.2: North American Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market
4.2.1: North American Market by Product and Services: Equipment, Software, and Services
4.2.2: North American Market by Vendor: Equipment Vendors and Consulting Vendors
4.3: European Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market
4.3.1: European Market by Product and Services: Equipment, Software, and Services
4.3.2: European Market by Vendor: Equipment Vendors and Consulting Vendors
4.4: APAC Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market
4.4.1: APAC Market by Product and Services: Equipment, Software, and Services
4.4.2: APAC Market by Vendor: Equipment Vendors and Consulting Vendors
4.5: ROW Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market
4.5.1: ROW Market by Product and Services: Equipment, Software, and Services
4.5.2: ROW Market by Vendor: Equipment Vendors and Consulting Vendors

5. Competitor Analysis
5.1: Product Portfolio Analysis
5.2: Operational Integration
5.3: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

6. Growth Opportunities and Strategic Analysis
6.1: Growth Opportunity Analysis
6.1.1: Growth Opportunities for the Global Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market by Product and Services
6.1.2: Growth Opportunities for the Global Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market by Vendor
6.1.3: Growth Opportunities for the Global Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market by Region
6.2: Emerging Trends in the Global Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market
6.3: Strategic Analysis
6.3.1: New Product Development
6.3.2: Capacity Expansion of the Global Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market
6.3.3: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Joint Ventures in the Global Central Fill Pharmacy Automation Market
6.3.4: Certification and Licensing

7. Company Profiles of Leading Players
7.1: ARxIUM
7.2: RxSafe
7.3: TCGRX Pharmacy Workflow Solutions
7.4: Omnicell
7.5: McKesson Corporation
7.6: ScriptPro
7.7: Kuka







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