![]() 広告インテリジェンスソフトウェアの世界市場成長(現状と展望)2024-2030年Global Advertising Intelligence Software Market Growth (Status and Outlook) 2024-2030 広告インテリジェンス・ソフトウェアは、企業やマーケティング担当者がデジタル広告キャンペーンを分析するために使用するツールです。競合他社の戦略、広告のパフォーマンス、さまざまなプラットフォームの市場... もっと見る
サマリー広告インテリジェンス・ソフトウェアは、企業やマーケティング担当者がデジタル広告キャンペーンを分析するために使用するツールです。競合他社の戦略、広告のパフォーマンス、さまざまなプラットフォームの市場動向など、広告のさまざまな側面に関するデータを収集し、解釈します。このソフトウェアは、視聴者の属性や行動に関する詳細な洞察を提供し、ROIとコンバージョン率を追跡し、広告クリエイティブの効果を評価します。アドインテリジェンスソフトウェアの利点には、より多くの情報に基づいた広告戦略の策定、競合他社の戦術を理解することによる競争力の獲得、ROI向上のための広告費の最適化などがあります。ターゲットオーディエンスをより深く理解することができ、より効果的で的を絞った広告につながる。このソフトウェアを活用することで、データ駆動型の意思決定を支援し、広告コンテンツの創造性とエンゲージメントを高め、キャンペーンの継続的なパフォーマンス追跡と最適化を可能にします。広告インテリジェンス・ソフトウェアは、デジタル広告の効果と効率を最大化することを目指す企業にとって極めて重要である。世界の広告インテリジェンスソフトウェアの市場規模は、2023年の100万米ドルから2030年には100万米ドルに成長すると予測されており、2024年から2030年までの年平均成長率は%で推移すると予測されています。 LPI(エルピーアイ)の最新調査レポート「広告インテリジェンスソフトウェア産業予測」は、2023年の世界の広告インテリジェンスソフトウェアの総売上高を過去の売上高から検証し、2024年から2030年までの広告インテリジェンスソフトウェアの予測売上高を地域別・市場分野別に包括的に分析しています。広告情報ソフトウェアの売上高を地域別、市場分野別、サブセクター別に分類し、世界の広告情報ソフトウェア産業の詳細な分析を百万米ドル単位で提供しています。 この調査レポートは、世界のAdvertising Intelligence Software市場を包括的に分析し、製品区分、企業形成、収益、市場シェア、最新動向、M&A活動などに関する主要動向を明らかにしています。また、本レポートでは、Advertising Intelligence Softwareのポートフォリオと能力、市場参入戦略、市場での地位、地理的な足跡に焦点を当てて、主要グローバル企業の戦略を分析し、加速する世界のAdvertising Intelligence Software市場におけるこれらの企業の独自の地位をより深く理解しています。 この調査レポートは、Advertising Intelligence Softwareの世界的な見通しを形成する主要な市場動向、促進要因、影響要因を評価し、タイプ別、用途別、地域別、市場規模別に予測を細分化して、新たな機会のポケットを浮き彫りにします。何百ものボトムアップの定性的・定量的市場インプットに基づいた透明性の高い手法により、この調査予測は世界の広告インテリジェンスソフトウェアの現状と将来の軌道について非常にニュアンスのある見解を提供します。 アドバタイジングインテリジェンスソフトウェアの米国市場は、2023年の100万米ドルから2030年には100万米ドルに増加し、2024年から2030年までの年平均成長率は%と推定される。 広告インテリジェンスソフトウェアの中国市場は、2023年の100万米ドルから2030年には100万米ドルに増加し、2024年から2030年までの年平均成長率は%と推定される。 アドバタイジングインテリジェンスソフトウェアのヨーロッパ市場は、2023年の百万米ドルから2030年には百万米ドルに増加すると推定され、2024年から2030年までの年平均成長率は%である。 世界の主要な広告インテリジェンスソフトウェア企業は、AdClarity、Adwisely、SocialPeta、Poltio、data.aiなどをカバーしている。収益面では、世界の大手2社が2023年にほぼ%のシェアを占めている。 当レポートでは、広告インテリジェンスソフトウェア市場の包括的な概要、市場シェア、成長機会を、製品タイプ、用途、主要企業、主要地域、国別に紹介しています。 タイプ別セグメンテーション クラウドベース オンプレミス型 アプリケーション別 大企業 中小企業 本レポートでは、市場を地域別にも分割しています: 南北アメリカ アメリカ カナダ メキシコ ブラジル APAC 中国 日本 韓国 東南アジア インド オーストラリア ヨーロッパ ドイツ フランス 英国 イタリア ロシア 中東・アフリカ エジプト 南アフリカ イスラエル トルコ GCC諸国 以下の企業は、主要な専門家から収集した情報、および企業のカバレッジ、製品ポートフォリオ、市場浸透度の分析に基づいて選択されています。 アドクラリティ アドワイズリー SocialPeta Poltio data.ai Pathmatics by Sensor Tower メディアレーダー Numerator Insights アドメトリックス Apptopia Klue カンター・アドバタイジング・インサイト シミラーウェブ アドビート アドモビスパイ アイアンソース社のAdQuality Anstrex パワーアドスパイ iSpionage オラクルのMoat 目次1 Scope of the Report1.1 Market Introduction 1.2 Years Considered 1.3 Research Objectives 1.4 Market Research Methodology 1.5 Research Process and Data Source 1.6 Economic Indicators 1.7 Currency Considered 1.8 Market Estimation Caveats 2 Executive Summary 2.1 World Market Overview 2.1.1 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size 2019-2030 2.1.2 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size CAGR by Region 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 2.2 Advertising Intelligence Software Segment by Type 2.2.1 Cloud Based 2.2.2 On-Premises 2.3 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Type 2.3.1 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size CAGR by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 2.3.2 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Market Share by Type (2019-2024) 2.4 Advertising Intelligence Software Segment by Application 2.4.1 Large Enterprises 2.4.2 SMEs 2.5 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Application 2.5.1 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size CAGR by Application (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 2.5.2 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Market Share by Application (2019-2024) 3 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Player 3.1 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Market Share by Players 3.1.1 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue by Players (2019-2024) 3.1.2 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue Market Share by Players (2019-2024) 3.2 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Key Players Head office and Products Offered 3.3 Market Concentration Rate Analysis 3.3.1 Competition Landscape Analysis 3.3.2 Concentration Ratio (CR3, CR5 and CR10) & (2022-2024) 3.4 New Products and Potential Entrants 3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 4 Advertising Intelligence Software by Regions 4.1 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Regions (2019-2024) 4.2 Americas Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 4.3 APAC Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 4.4 Europe Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 4.5 Middle East & Africa Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 5 Americas 5.1 Americas Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 5.2 Americas Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 5.3 Americas Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 5.4 United States 5.5 Canada 5.6 Mexico 5.7 Brazil 6 APAC 6.1 APAC Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 6.2 APAC Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 6.3 APAC Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 6.4 China 6.5 Japan 6.6 Korea 6.7 Southeast Asia 6.8 India 6.9 Australia 7 Europe 7.1 Europe Advertising Intelligence Software by Country (2019-2024) 7.2 Europe Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 7.3 Europe Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 7.4 Germany 7.5 France 7.6 UK 7.7 Italy 7.8 Russia 8 Middle East & Africa 8.1 Middle East & Africa Advertising Intelligence Software by Region (2019-2024) 8.2 Middle East & Africa Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 8.3 Middle East & Africa Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 8.4 Egypt 8.5 South Africa 8.6 Israel 8.7 Turkey 8.8 GCC Countries 9 Market Drivers, Challenges and Trends 9.1 Market Drivers & Growth Opportunities 9.2 Market Challenges & Risks 9.3 Industry Trends 10 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.1 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Regions (2025-2030) 10.1.1 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Regions (2025-2030) 10.1.2 Americas Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast 10.1.3 APAC Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast 10.1.4 Europe Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast 10.1.5 Middle East & Africa Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast 10.2 Americas Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Country (2025-2030) 10.2.1 United States Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.2.2 Canada Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.2.3 Mexico Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.2.4 Brazil Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.3 APAC Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 10.3.1 China Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.3.2 Japan Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.3.3 Korea Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.3.4 Southeast Asia Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.3.5 India Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.3.6 Australia Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.4 Europe Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Country (2025-2030) 10.4.1 Germany Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.4.2 France Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.4.3 UK Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.4.4 Italy Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.4.5 Russia Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.5 Middle East & Africa Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 10.5.1 Egypt Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.5.2 South Africa Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.5.3 Israel Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.5.4 Turkey Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.5.5 GCC Countries Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.6 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Type (2025-2030) 10.7 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Application (2025-2030) 11 Key Players Analysis 11.1 AdClarity 11.1.1 AdClarity Company Information 11.1.2 AdClarity Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.1.3 AdClarity Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.1.4 AdClarity Main Business Overview 11.1.5 AdClarity Latest Developments 11.2 Adwisely 11.2.1 Adwisely Company Information 11.2.2 Adwisely Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.2.3 Adwisely Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.2.4 Adwisely Main Business Overview 11.2.5 Adwisely Latest Developments 11.3 SocialPeta 11.3.1 SocialPeta Company Information 11.3.2 SocialPeta Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.3.3 SocialPeta Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.3.4 SocialPeta Main Business Overview 11.3.5 SocialPeta Latest Developments 11.4 Poltio 11.4.1 Poltio Company Information 11.4.2 Poltio Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.4.3 Poltio Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.4.4 Poltio Main Business Overview 11.4.5 Poltio Latest Developments 11.5 data.ai 11.5.1 data.ai Company Information 11.5.2 data.ai Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.5.3 data.ai Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.5.4 data.ai Main Business Overview 11.5.5 data.ai Latest Developments 11.6 Pathmatics by Sensor Tower 11.6.1 Pathmatics by Sensor Tower Company Information 11.6.2 Pathmatics by Sensor Tower Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.6.3 Pathmatics by Sensor Tower Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.6.4 Pathmatics by Sensor Tower Main Business Overview 11.6.5 Pathmatics by Sensor Tower Latest Developments 11.7 MediaRadar 11.7.1 MediaRadar Company Information 11.7.2 MediaRadar Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.7.3 MediaRadar Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.7.4 MediaRadar Main Business Overview 11.7.5 MediaRadar Latest Developments 11.8 Numerator Insights 11.8.1 Numerator Insights Company Information 11.8.2 Numerator Insights Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.8.3 Numerator Insights Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.8.4 Numerator Insights Main Business Overview 11.8.5 Numerator Insights Latest Developments 11.9 Admetricks 11.9.1 Admetricks Company Information 11.9.2 Admetricks Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.9.3 Admetricks Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.9.4 Admetricks Main Business Overview 11.9.5 Admetricks Latest Developments 11.10 Apptopia 11.10.1 Apptopia Company Information 11.10.2 Apptopia Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.10.3 Apptopia Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.10.4 Apptopia Main Business Overview 11.10.5 Apptopia Latest Developments 11.11 Klue 11.11.1 Klue Company Information 11.11.2 Klue Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.11.3 Klue Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.11.4 Klue Main Business Overview 11.11.5 Klue Latest Developments 11.12 Kantar Advertising Insights 11.12.1 Kantar Advertising Insights Company Information 11.12.2 Kantar Advertising Insights Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.12.3 Kantar Advertising Insights Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.12.4 Kantar Advertising Insights Main Business Overview 11.12.5 Kantar Advertising Insights Latest Developments 11.13 SimilarWeb 11.13.1 SimilarWeb Company Information 11.13.2 SimilarWeb Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.13.3 SimilarWeb Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.13.4 SimilarWeb Main Business Overview 11.13.5 SimilarWeb Latest Developments 11.14 Adbeat 11.14.1 Adbeat Company Information 11.14.2 Adbeat Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.14.3 Adbeat Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.14.4 Adbeat Main Business Overview 11.14.5 Adbeat Latest Developments 11.15 AdMobiSpy 11.15.1 AdMobiSpy Company Information 11.15.2 AdMobiSpy Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.15.3 AdMobiSpy Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.15.4 AdMobiSpy Main Business Overview 11.15.5 AdMobiSpy Latest Developments 11.16 AdQuality by IronSource 11.16.1 AdQuality by IronSource Company Information 11.16.2 AdQuality by IronSource Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.16.3 AdQuality by IronSource Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.16.4 AdQuality by IronSource Main Business Overview 11.16.5 AdQuality by IronSource Latest Developments 11.17 Anstrex 11.17.1 Anstrex Company Information 11.17.2 Anstrex Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.17.3 Anstrex Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.17.4 Anstrex Main Business Overview 11.17.5 Anstrex Latest Developments 11.18 PowerAdSpy 11.18.1 PowerAdSpy Company Information 11.18.2 PowerAdSpy Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.18.3 PowerAdSpy Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.18.4 PowerAdSpy Main Business Overview 11.18.5 PowerAdSpy Latest Developments 11.19 iSpionage 11.19.1 iSpionage Company Information 11.19.2 iSpionage Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.19.3 iSpionage Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.19.4 iSpionage Main Business Overview 11.19.5 iSpionage Latest Developments 11.20 Moat by Oracle 11.20.1 Moat by Oracle Company Information 11.20.2 Moat by Oracle Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.20.3 Moat by Oracle Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.20.4 Moat by Oracle Main Business Overview 11.20.5 Moat by Oracle Latest Developments 12 Research Findings and Conclusion
SummaryAdvertising Intelligence Software is a tool used by businesses and marketers to analyze digital advertising campaigns. It collects and interprets data on various aspects of advertising, including competitor strategies, ad performance, and market trends across different platforms. This software provides detailed insights into audience demographics and behavior, tracks ROI and conversion rates, and evaluates the effectiveness of ad creatives. The benefits of ad intelligence software include the ability to develop more informed advertising strategies, gaining a competitive edge by understanding competitors' tactics, and optimizing ad spending for better ROI. It allows for a deeper understanding of the target audience, leading to more effective and targeted advertising. Utilizing this software aids in data-driven decision-making, enhancing the creativity and engagement of ad content, and allows for continuous performance tracking and optimization of campaigns. Ad intelligence software is crucial for businesses aiming to maximize the impact and efficiency of their digital advertising efforts. Table of Contents1 Scope of the Report1.1 Market Introduction 1.2 Years Considered 1.3 Research Objectives 1.4 Market Research Methodology 1.5 Research Process and Data Source 1.6 Economic Indicators 1.7 Currency Considered 1.8 Market Estimation Caveats 2 Executive Summary 2.1 World Market Overview 2.1.1 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size 2019-2030 2.1.2 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size CAGR by Region 2019 VS 2023 VS 2030 2.2 Advertising Intelligence Software Segment by Type 2.2.1 Cloud Based 2.2.2 On-Premises 2.3 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Type 2.3.1 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size CAGR by Type (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 2.3.2 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Market Share by Type (2019-2024) 2.4 Advertising Intelligence Software Segment by Application 2.4.1 Large Enterprises 2.4.2 SMEs 2.5 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Application 2.5.1 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size CAGR by Application (2019 VS 2023 VS 2030) 2.5.2 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Market Share by Application (2019-2024) 3 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Player 3.1 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Market Share by Players 3.1.1 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue by Players (2019-2024) 3.1.2 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue Market Share by Players (2019-2024) 3.2 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Key Players Head office and Products Offered 3.3 Market Concentration Rate Analysis 3.3.1 Competition Landscape Analysis 3.3.2 Concentration Ratio (CR3, CR5 and CR10) & (2022-2024) 3.4 New Products and Potential Entrants 3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion 4 Advertising Intelligence Software by Regions 4.1 Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Regions (2019-2024) 4.2 Americas Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 4.3 APAC Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 4.4 Europe Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 4.5 Middle East & Africa Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size Growth (2019-2024) 5 Americas 5.1 Americas Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Country (2019-2024) 5.2 Americas Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 5.3 Americas Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 5.4 United States 5.5 Canada 5.6 Mexico 5.7 Brazil 6 APAC 6.1 APAC Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Region (2019-2024) 6.2 APAC Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 6.3 APAC Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 6.4 China 6.5 Japan 6.6 Korea 6.7 Southeast Asia 6.8 India 6.9 Australia 7 Europe 7.1 Europe Advertising Intelligence Software by Country (2019-2024) 7.2 Europe Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 7.3 Europe Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 7.4 Germany 7.5 France 7.6 UK 7.7 Italy 7.8 Russia 8 Middle East & Africa 8.1 Middle East & Africa Advertising Intelligence Software by Region (2019-2024) 8.2 Middle East & Africa Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Type (2019-2024) 8.3 Middle East & Africa Advertising Intelligence Software Market Size by Application (2019-2024) 8.4 Egypt 8.5 South Africa 8.6 Israel 8.7 Turkey 8.8 GCC Countries 9 Market Drivers, Challenges and Trends 9.1 Market Drivers & Growth Opportunities 9.2 Market Challenges & Risks 9.3 Industry Trends 10 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.1 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Regions (2025-2030) 10.1.1 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Regions (2025-2030) 10.1.2 Americas Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast 10.1.3 APAC Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast 10.1.4 Europe Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast 10.1.5 Middle East & Africa Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast 10.2 Americas Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Country (2025-2030) 10.2.1 United States Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.2.2 Canada Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.2.3 Mexico Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.2.4 Brazil Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.3 APAC Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 10.3.1 China Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.3.2 Japan Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.3.3 Korea Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.3.4 Southeast Asia Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.3.5 India Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.3.6 Australia Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.4 Europe Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Country (2025-2030) 10.4.1 Germany Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.4.2 France Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.4.3 UK Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.4.4 Italy Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.4.5 Russia Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.5 Middle East & Africa Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Region (2025-2030) 10.5.1 Egypt Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.5.2 South Africa Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.5.3 Israel Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.5.4 Turkey Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.5.5 GCC Countries Advertising Intelligence Software Market Forecast 10.6 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Type (2025-2030) 10.7 Global Advertising Intelligence Software Forecast by Application (2025-2030) 11 Key Players Analysis 11.1 AdClarity 11.1.1 AdClarity Company Information 11.1.2 AdClarity Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.1.3 AdClarity Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.1.4 AdClarity Main Business Overview 11.1.5 AdClarity Latest Developments 11.2 Adwisely 11.2.1 Adwisely Company Information 11.2.2 Adwisely Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.2.3 Adwisely Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.2.4 Adwisely Main Business Overview 11.2.5 Adwisely Latest Developments 11.3 SocialPeta 11.3.1 SocialPeta Company Information 11.3.2 SocialPeta Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.3.3 SocialPeta Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.3.4 SocialPeta Main Business Overview 11.3.5 SocialPeta Latest Developments 11.4 Poltio 11.4.1 Poltio Company Information 11.4.2 Poltio Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.4.3 Poltio Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.4.4 Poltio Main Business Overview 11.4.5 Poltio Latest Developments 11.5 data.ai 11.5.1 data.ai Company Information 11.5.2 data.ai Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.5.3 data.ai Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.5.4 data.ai Main Business Overview 11.5.5 data.ai Latest Developments 11.6 Pathmatics by Sensor Tower 11.6.1 Pathmatics by Sensor Tower Company Information 11.6.2 Pathmatics by Sensor Tower Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.6.3 Pathmatics by Sensor Tower Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.6.4 Pathmatics by Sensor Tower Main Business Overview 11.6.5 Pathmatics by Sensor Tower Latest Developments 11.7 MediaRadar 11.7.1 MediaRadar Company Information 11.7.2 MediaRadar Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.7.3 MediaRadar Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.7.4 MediaRadar Main Business Overview 11.7.5 MediaRadar Latest Developments 11.8 Numerator Insights 11.8.1 Numerator Insights Company Information 11.8.2 Numerator Insights Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.8.3 Numerator Insights Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.8.4 Numerator Insights Main Business Overview 11.8.5 Numerator Insights Latest Developments 11.9 Admetricks 11.9.1 Admetricks Company Information 11.9.2 Admetricks Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.9.3 Admetricks Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.9.4 Admetricks Main Business Overview 11.9.5 Admetricks Latest Developments 11.10 Apptopia 11.10.1 Apptopia Company Information 11.10.2 Apptopia Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.10.3 Apptopia Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.10.4 Apptopia Main Business Overview 11.10.5 Apptopia Latest Developments 11.11 Klue 11.11.1 Klue Company Information 11.11.2 Klue Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.11.3 Klue Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.11.4 Klue Main Business Overview 11.11.5 Klue Latest Developments 11.12 Kantar Advertising Insights 11.12.1 Kantar Advertising Insights Company Information 11.12.2 Kantar Advertising Insights Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.12.3 Kantar Advertising Insights Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.12.4 Kantar Advertising Insights Main Business Overview 11.12.5 Kantar Advertising Insights Latest Developments 11.13 SimilarWeb 11.13.1 SimilarWeb Company Information 11.13.2 SimilarWeb Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.13.3 SimilarWeb Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.13.4 SimilarWeb Main Business Overview 11.13.5 SimilarWeb Latest Developments 11.14 Adbeat 11.14.1 Adbeat Company Information 11.14.2 Adbeat Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.14.3 Adbeat Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.14.4 Adbeat Main Business Overview 11.14.5 Adbeat Latest Developments 11.15 AdMobiSpy 11.15.1 AdMobiSpy Company Information 11.15.2 AdMobiSpy Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.15.3 AdMobiSpy Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.15.4 AdMobiSpy Main Business Overview 11.15.5 AdMobiSpy Latest Developments 11.16 AdQuality by IronSource 11.16.1 AdQuality by IronSource Company Information 11.16.2 AdQuality by IronSource Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.16.3 AdQuality by IronSource Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.16.4 AdQuality by IronSource Main Business Overview 11.16.5 AdQuality by IronSource Latest Developments 11.17 Anstrex 11.17.1 Anstrex Company Information 11.17.2 Anstrex Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.17.3 Anstrex Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.17.4 Anstrex Main Business Overview 11.17.5 Anstrex Latest Developments 11.18 PowerAdSpy 11.18.1 PowerAdSpy Company Information 11.18.2 PowerAdSpy Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.18.3 PowerAdSpy Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.18.4 PowerAdSpy Main Business Overview 11.18.5 PowerAdSpy Latest Developments 11.19 iSpionage 11.19.1 iSpionage Company Information 11.19.2 iSpionage Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.19.3 iSpionage Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.19.4 iSpionage Main Business Overview 11.19.5 iSpionage Latest Developments 11.20 Moat by Oracle 11.20.1 Moat by Oracle Company Information 11.20.2 Moat by Oracle Advertising Intelligence Software Product Offered 11.20.3 Moat by Oracle Advertising Intelligence Software Revenue, Gross Margin and Market Share (2019-2024) 11.20.4 Moat by Oracle Main Business Overview 11.20.5 Moat by Oracle Latest Developments 12 Research Findings and Conclusion
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