
包装機械市場レポート:機械タイプ別(充填機、FFS(Form, Fill and Seal)機、カートニング機、パレタイジング機、ラベリング機、包装機、洗浄・殺菌機、その他)、技術別(一般包装、変成雰囲気包装、真空包装)、エンドユーザー別(食品、飲料、医薬品・パーソナルケア、化学品、その他)、地域別 2025-2033

包装機械市場レポート:機械タイプ別(充填機、FFS(Form, Fill and Seal)機、カートニング機、パレタイジング機、ラベリング機、包装機、洗浄・殺菌機、その他)、技術別(一般包装、変成雰囲気包装、真空包装)、エンドユーザー別(食品、飲料、医薬品・パーソナルケア、化学品、その他)、地域別 2025-2033

Packaging Machinery Market Report by Machine Type (Filling Machines, FFS (Form, Fill and Seal) Machines, Cartoning Machines, Palletizing Machines, Labeling Machines, Wrapping Machines, Cleaning and Sterilizing Machines, and Others), Technology (General Packaging, Modified Atmosphere Packaging, Vacuum Packaging), End-Use (Food, Beverages, Pharmaceutical and Personal Care, Chemicals, and Others), and Region 2025-2033

世界の包装機械市場規模は2024年に572億米ドルに達した。今後、IMARC Groupは、市場は2033年までに788億米ドルに達し、2025年から2033年にかけて4.07%の成長率(CAGR)を示すと予測している。パッケージ商品の需... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
IMARC Services Private Limited.
2025年2月10日 US$2,999
3-5営業日以内 147 英語




世界の包装機械市場規模は2024年に572億米ドルに達した。今後、IMARC Groupは、市場は2033年までに788億米ドルに達し、2025年から2033年にかけて4.07%の成長率(CAGR)を示すと予測している。パッケージ商品の需要増加、eコマースプラットフォームの増加、大幅な技術進歩、製品安全性に関する国際基準の進化、持続可能性への注目の高まり、ヘルスケア分野での機械利用率の上昇などが、市場を推進している主な要因の一部である。









IMARC Groupは、世界の包装機械市場レポートの各セグメントにおける主要動向の分析を、2025年から2033年までの世界レベルおよび地域レベルの予測とともに提供しています。当レポートでは、機械タイプ、技術、最終用途に基づいて市場を分類しています。


- 充填機
- FFS(フォーム、フィル、シール)マシン
- カートニング・マシン
- パレタイジング機
- ラベル貼り機
- 包装機
- 洗浄・殺菌機
- その他


本レポートでは、機械タイプ別に市場を詳細に分類・分析している。これには、充填機、FFS(form, fill and seal)機、カートニング機、パレタイジング機、ラベリング機、包装機、洗浄・殺菌機、その他が含まれる。報告書によると、充填機が最大のセグメントを占めている。



- 一般包装
- 改質雰囲気包装
- 真空包装





- 食品
- 飲料
- 医薬品・パーソナルケア
- 化学品
- その他





- 北米
- アジア太平洋
- 欧州
- 中東・アフリカ
- 中南米






- バリー・ウェミラー社
- GEAグループ
- イリノイ・ツール・ワークス
- クロネス
- ロバート・ボッシュGmbH
- アデルフィ・パッケージング・マシナリー
- エトナグループ
- B&H ラベリングシステム
- ボッシュ包装機械
- ブラッドマンレイクグループ
- CKDグループ
- Coesia SpA
- 富士機械
- ハーランドマシンシステムズ




1 序文
2 調査範囲と方法論
2.1 調査の目的
2.2 利害関係者
2.3 データソース
2.3.1 一次情報源
2.3.2 二次情報源
2.4 市場推定
2.4.1 ボトムアップアプローチ
2.4.2 トップダウンアプローチ
2.5 予測方法
3 エグゼクティブ・サマリー
4 はじめに
4.1 概要
4.2 主要産業動向
5 世界の包装機械市場
5.1 市場概要
5.2 市場パフォーマンス
5.3 COVID-19の影響
5.4 機械タイプ別市場構成
5.5 技術別市場構成
5.6 用途別市場構成比
5.7 地域別市場構成比
5.8 市場予測
6 機械タイプ別市場構成比
6.1 充填機
6.1.1 市場動向
6.1.2 市場予測
6.2 FFS(フォーム、フィル、シール)マシン
6.2.1 市場動向
6.2.2 市場予測
6.3 カートニングマシン
6.3.1 市場動向
6.3.2 市場予測
6.4 パレタイジングマシン
6.4.1 市場動向
6.4.2 市場予測
6.5 ラベリングマシン
6.5.1 市場動向
6.5.2 市場予測
6.6 包装機
6.6.1 市場動向
6.6.2 市場予測
6.7 洗浄・殺菌機
6.7.1 市場動向
6.7.2 市場予測
6.8 その他
6.8.1 市場動向
6.8.2 市場予測
7 技術別市場構成
7.1 一般包装
7.1.1 市場動向
7.1.2 市場予測
7.2 変性雰囲気包装
7.2.1 市場動向
7.2.2 市場予測
7.3 真空包装
7.3.1 市場動向
7.3.2 市場予測
8 用途別市場
8.1 食品
8.1.1 市場動向
8.1.2 市場予測
8.2 飲料
8.2.1 市場動向
8.2.2 市場予測
8.3 医薬品とパーソナルケア
8.3.1 市場動向
8.3.2 市場予測
8.4 化学品
8.4.1 市場動向
8.4.2 市場予測
8.5 その他
8.5.1 市場動向
8.5.2 市場予測
9 地域別市場構成
9.1 北米
9.1.1 市場動向
9.1.2 市場予測
9.2 アジア太平洋
9.2.1 市場動向
9.2.2 市場予測
9.3 ヨーロッパ
9.3.1 市場動向
9.3.2 市場予測
9.4 中東・アフリカ
9.4.1 市場動向
9.4.2 市場予測
9.5 中南米
9.5.1 市場動向
9.5.2 市場予測
10 SWOT分析
10.1 概要
10.2 長所
10.3 弱点
10.4 機会
10.5 脅威
11 バリューチェーン分析
12 ポーターズファイブフォース分析
12.1 概要
12.2 買い手の交渉力
12.3 サプライヤーの交渉力
12.4 競争の程度
12.5 新規参入の脅威
12.6 代替品の脅威
13 価格分析
14 競争環境
14.1 市場構造
14.2 主要プレーヤー
14.3 主要プレーヤーのプロフィール
14.3.1 バリー・ウェミラー社
14.3.2 GEAグループ
14.3.3 イリノイ・ツール・ワークス
14.3.4 クロネス
14.3.5 ロバート・ボッシュGmbH
14.3.6 Adelphi Packaging Machinery
14.3.7 エトナ・グループ
14.3.8 B&H ラベリングシステム
14.3.9 ボッシュ・パッケージング・マシナリー
14.3.10 ブラッドマンレイクグループ
14.3.11 CKD グループ
14.3.12 Coesia SpA
14.3.13 富士機械
14.3.14 Harland Machine Systems Ltd.


図9: 世界の包装機械産業:SWOT分析バリューチェーン分析
図 10: 世界の包装機械産業: バリューチェーン分析ポーターのファイブフォース分析
図 47:ヨーロッパ:包装機械の市場予測包装機械市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 48:欧州:包装機械の市場予測:2019年および2024年包装機械の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年
図 49:中東およびアフリカ:包装機械の市場:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2019年および2024年
図 52:中南米: 包装機械市場予測: 2019年および2024年包装機械の市場予測:販売額(単位:百万米ドル)、2025年~2033年







The global packaging machinery market size reached USD 57.2 Billion in 2024. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach USD 78.8 Billion by 2033, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 4.07% during 2025-2033. The increasing demand for packaged goods, rising number of e-commerce platforms, significant technological advancements, evolving international standards for product safety, growing focus on sustainability, and rising machinery utilization in the healthcare sector are some of the major factors propelling the market.

Packaging machinery refers to equipment specifically designed for the sealing, wrapping, filling, and labeling of goods in various types of packaging materials. It includes filling machines, capping machines, labeling machines, and cartoning machines, among others. Packaging machinery is widely used across diverse sectors, such as food and beverages (F&B), pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, chemicals, and consumer goods. It aids in increasing productivity, improving cost-efficiency, enhancing product safety, and extending shelf life. In addition, packaging machinery provides numerous advantages, such as labor reduction, waste minimization, greater accuracy, scalability, ease of use, and quality control.

The evolving international standards for product safety and environmental sustainability that are prompting manufacturers to invest in advanced machinery capable of producing compliant packaging is propelling the market growth. Additionally, rapid globalization, which necessitates standardized packaging solutions for multinational distribution, is acting as another growth-inducing factor. Furthermore, the increasing focus on sustainability is facilitating the demand for machinery compatible with eco-friendly, biodegradable packaging materials. Apart from this, the widespread machinery adoption due to changing consumer preferences towards innovative and convenient packaging designs is positively influencing the market growth. Moreover, the rising machinery utilization in the healthcare sector to produce precise and sterile packaging is favoring the market growth. Along with this, the growing machinery demand owing to the escalating competition among businesses to reduce operational costs and enhance productivity is strengthening the market growth.

Packaging Machinery Market Trends/Drivers:
The increasing demand for packaged goods

The growing demand for packaged goods, especially in the food and beverage (F&B) industry, is a dominant factor propelling the packaging machinery market. Individuals are increasingly consuming packaged food products due to lifestyle changes, urbanization, and increasing disposable incomes. These packaged products often require specialized packaging for preservation, shelf stability, and compliance with food safety regulations. In line with this, manufacturers are using a wide range of machinery that offer features, such as vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging, to extend the shelf life of products. In addition, the shifting trend toward convenience foods, such as ready-to-eat (RTE) meals and snack foods, is prompting manufacturers to seek packaging solutions that are not just efficient but also aesthetically appealing to consumers. This confluence of consumer preference and regulatory requirements is facilitating the demand for sophisticated, faster, and highly automated packaging machinery.

The rising number of e-commerce platforms

The exponential growth of e-commerce is a vital factor driving the need for efficient and robust packaging machinery. Online shopping is becoming more prevalent, which, in turn, is facilitating the demand for packaging that can protect products during shipping while also being easy to unpack. Furthermore, e-commerce often involves a diversified range of products being shipped to various destinations, which necessitates flexible and adaptable packaging solutions. In line with this, machinery that can quickly change between different types of packaging materials and sizes becomes invaluable. Additionally, automation within these machines ensures that the packaging process is quicker, more reliable, and less prone to errors. Furthermore, efficient packaging is key to reducing shipping costs, which is a significant consideration for e-commerce businesses operating on thin margins. As a result, the continued expansion of online retail is expected to fuel investments in packaging machinery that can meet the sector's unique demands.

The significant technological advancements

Technological innovations are significantly influencing the packaging machinery market. In line with this, the integration of automation technologies to enable high-speed operations, minimize manual labor, and reduce human error is propelling the market growth. Additionally, the incorporation of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, which adds intelligent capabilities to these machines, enabling predictive maintenance, real-time monitoring, and remote control, is contributing to the market growth. Furthermore, IoT integration not only improves the efficiency of the machines but also allows for seamless connectivity within a smart factory setup, thus enhancing overall productivity. Moreover, the advent of robotics in packaging machinery is revolutionizing tasks like sorting, orienting, and placing items, thereby increasing the accuracy and efficiency of the packaging process. Along with this, innovations in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are also expected to bring about next-level customizations and operational efficiencies.

Packaging Machinery Industry Segmentation:
IMARC Group provides an analysis of the key trends in each segment of the global packaging machinery market report, along with forecasts at the global and regional levels for 2025-2033. Our report has categorized the market based on machine type, technology, and end-use.

Breakup by Machine Type:

• Filling Machines
• FFS (Form, Fill and Seal) Machines
• Cartoning Machines
• Palletizing Machines
• Labeling Machines
• Wrapping Machines
• Cleaning and Sterilizing Machines
• Others

Filling machines dominates the market

The report has provided a detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on machine type. This includes filling machines, FFS (form, fill and seal) machines, cartoning machines, palletizing machines, labeling machines, wrapping machines, cleaning and sterilizing machines, and others. According to the report, filling machines represented the largest segment.

Filling machines are dominating the market owing to their versatility and critical role in the packaging process. These machines serve as the backbone of production lines across various industries, including food and beverage (F&B), pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and cosmetics. Their primary function is to efficiently fill containers, such as bottles, jars, and pouches, with precise amounts of product. Furthermore, the recent technological advancements in filling machinery, which have led to higher levels of automation, thereby increasing throughput and reducing labor costs, are fueling the market growth. Additionally, modern filling machines are equipped with sensors and control systems that allow for precise volume control, ensuring minimal wastage of products and materials. Moreover, manufacturers can easily adapt these machines to handle a variety of container shapes and products.

Breakup by Technology:

• General Packaging
• Modified Atmosphere Packaging
• Vacuum Packaging

General packaging holds the largest share in the market

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on technology has also been provided in the report. This includes general packaging, modified atmosphere packaging, and vacuum packaging. According to the report, general packaging represented the largest segment.

General packaging technology is dominating the market owing to its broad applicability across various industries, including food and beverage (F&B), pharmaceuticals, consumer goods, and chemicals, making it a versatile choice for manufacturers. Furthermore, it can handle a wide array of tasks such as sealing, labeling, wrapping, and filling, making it suitable for diverse packaging needs. Additionally, general packaging machinery tends to be more cost-effective in terms of initial investment and operational costs. These machines often incorporate modular designs, allowing for easier upgrades and adaptability to different packaging types and sizes. This modularity enables companies to scale their operations without the need for extensive overhauls, thus saving on capital expenditure. Moreover, they are compatible with a variety of systems and can be easily incorporated into automated lines, thus streamlining the entire production process.

Breakup by End-Use:

• Food
• Beverages
• Pharmaceutical and Personal Care
• Chemicals
• Others

Food holds the largest share in the market

A detailed breakup and analysis of the market based on end-use has also been provided in the report. This includes food, beverages, pharmaceutical and personal care, chemicals, and others. According to the report, food accounted for the largest market share.

Food is dominating the market owing to its rising consumption across the globe. This increasing demand necessitates high-speed, efficient packaging solutions to meet the growing consumption rates. Packaging machinery enables food manufacturers to increase throughput while maintaining or improving quality standards. Furthermore, the imposition of stringent food safety regulations is facilitating the machinery demand to ensure that food products are packaged in a controlled, hygienic environment. In addition, these machines often feature mechanisms for vacuum or inert gas filling to extend shelf life and preserve product quality, which is a crucial factor in meeting regulatory guidelines. Moreover, consumer preferences are evolving toward convenience and ready-to-eat (RTE) food products. This trend demands specialized packaging solutions, such as single-serve packs, resealable packaging, and microwaveable containers. Advanced packaging machinery can adapt to these varying needs, providing manufacturers with the flexibility to cater to shifting consumer preferences.

Breakup by Region:

• North America
• Asia Pacific
• Europe
• Middle East and Africa
• Latin America

Asia Pacific exhibits a clear dominance, accounting for the largest packaging machinery market share

The market research report has also provided a comprehensive analysis of all the major regional markets, which include North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Latin America. According to the report, Asia Pacific accounted for the largest market share.

The Asia-Pacific region is undergoing rapid industrialization, leading to an increase in manufacturing activities across multiple sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, food and beverage (F&B), and consumer goods. This industrial growth inherently creates a higher demand for advanced packaging solutions, thereby driving the packaging machinery market. Furthermore, the region is experiencing significant population growth, coupled with a rising middle class that has more disposable income. This shift has resulted in a heightened demand for packaged goods, further fueling the need for sophisticated packaging machinery. Additionally, Asia-Pacific countries are becoming export-centric economies, shipping goods to various parts of the world. This creates a robust demand for packaging machinery to provide efficient packaging solutions that can withstand long transportation times and varying environmental conditions.

Competitive Landscape:
Top companies are focusing on sustainability, IoT integration, and enhanced user interfaces to create advanced machinery that offers greater efficiency, automation, and customization capabilities. Additionally, several key players are engaging in mergers and acquisitions to strengthen their position and offer more comprehensive solutions to their clients. Furthermore, leading companies are developing machinery that supports sustainable packaging materials, such as bioplastics or recycled materials, to align their offerings with market demand for eco-friendly solutions. Besides this, they are expanding their operations into emerging markets by establishing local manufacturing units or distribution centers. Moreover, companies are collaborating with suppliers, distributors, and even competitors to share expertise, distribution networks, and marketing initiatives. Along with this, leading firms are offering extensive after-sales services, including maintenance, parts replacement, and ongoing support.

The report has provided a comprehensive analysis of the competitive landscape in the market. Detailed profiles of all major companies have also been provided. Some of the key players in the market include:

• Barry-Wehmiller Companies
• GEA Group
• Illinois Tool Works
• Krones
• Robert Bosch GmbH
• Adelphi Packaging Machinery
• Aetna Group
• B&H Labelling Systems
• Bosch Packaging Machinery
• Bradman Lake Group
• CKD Group
• Coesia SpA
• Fuji Machinery Company
• Harland Machine Systems Ltd.

Key Questions Answered in This Report
1.What was the size of the global packaging machinery market in 2024?
2.What is the expected growth rate of the global packaging machinery market during 2025-2033?
3.What are the key factors driving the global packaging machinery market?
4.What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the global packaging machinery market?
5.What is the breakup of the global packaging machinery market based on the machine type?
6.What is the breakup of the global packaging machinery market based on the technology?
7.What is the breakup of the global packaging machinery market based on the end-use?
8.What are the key regions in the global packaging machinery market?
9.Who are the key players/companies in the global packaging machinery market?


Table of Contents

1 Preface
2 Scope and Methodology
2.1 Objectives of the Study
2.2 Stakeholders
2.3 Data Sources
2.3.1 Primary Sources
2.3.2 Secondary Sources
2.4 Market Estimation
2.4.1 Bottom-Up Approach
2.4.2 Top-Down Approach
2.5 Forecasting Methodology
3 Executive Summary
4 Introduction
4.1 Overview
4.2 Key Industry Trends
5 Global Packaging Machinery Market
5.1 Market Overview
5.2 Market Performance
5.3 Impact of COVID-19
5.4 Market Breakup by Machine Type
5.5 Market Breakup by Technology
5.6 Market Breakup by End-Use
5.7 Market Breakup by Region
5.8 Market Forecast
6 Market Breakup by Machine Type
6.1 Filling Machines
6.1.1 Market Trends
6.1.2 Market Forecast
6.2 FFS (Form, Fill and Seal) Machines
6.2.1 Market Trends
6.2.2 Market Forecast
6.3 Cartoning Machines
6.3.1 Market Trends
6.3.2 Market Forecast
6.4 Palletizing Machines
6.4.1 Market Trends
6.4.2 Market Forecast
6.5 Labeling Machines
6.5.1 Market Trends
6.5.2 Market Forecast
6.6 Wrapping Machines
6.6.1 Market Trends
6.6.2 Market Forecast
6.7 Cleaning & Sterilizing Machines
6.7.1 Market Trends
6.7.2 Market Forecast
6.8 Others
6.8.1 Market Trends
6.8.2 Market Forecast
7 Market Breakup by Technology
7.1 General Packaging
7.1.1 Market Trends
7.1.2 Market Forecast
7.2 Modified Atmosphere Packaging
7.2.1 Market Trends
7.2.2 Market Forecast
7.3 Vacuum Packaging
7.3.1 Market Trends
7.3.2 Market Forecast
8 Market Breakup by End-Use
8.1 Food
8.1.1 Market Trends
8.1.2 Market Forecast
8.2 Beverages
8.2.1 Market Trends
8.2.2 Market Forecast
8.3 Pharmaceutical and Personal Care
8.3.1 Market Trends
8.3.2 Market Forecast
8.4 Chemicals
8.4.1 Market Trends
8.4.2 Market Forecast
8.5 Others
8.5.1 Market Trends
8.5.2 Market Forecast
9 Market Breakup by Region
9.1 North America
9.1.1 Market Trends
9.1.2 Market Forecast
9.2 Asia Pacific
9.2.1 Market Trends
9.2.2 Market Forecast
9.3 Europe
9.3.1 Market Trends
9.3.2 Market Forecast
9.4 Middle East and Africa
9.4.1 Market Trends
9.4.2 Market Forecast
9.5 Latin America
9.5.1 Market Trends
9.5.2 Market Forecast
10 SWOT Analysis
10.1 Overview
10.2 Strengths
10.3 Weaknesses
10.4 Opportunities
10.5 Threats
11 Value Chain Analysis
12 Porters Five Forces Analysis
12.1 Overview
12.2 Bargaining Power of Buyers
12.3 Bargaining Power of Suppliers
12.4 Degree of Competition
12.5 Threat of New Entrants
12.6 Threat of Substitutes
13 Price Analysis
14 Competitive Landscape
14.1 Market Structure
14.2 Key Players
14.3 Profiles of Key Players
14.3.1 Barry-Wehmiller Companies
14.3.2 GEA Group
14.3.3 Illinois Tool Works
14.3.4 Krones
14.3.5 Robert Bosch GmbH
14.3.6 Adelphi Packaging Machinery
14.3.7 Aetna Group
14.3.8 B&H Labelling Systems
14.3.9 Bosch Packaging Machinery
14.3.10 Bradman Lake Group
14.3.11 CKD Group
14.3.12 Coesia SpA
14.3.13 Fuji Machinery Company
14.3.14 Harland Machine Systems Ltd.

List of Figures

Figure 1: Global: Packaging Machinery Market: Major Drivers and Challenges
Figure 2: Global: Packaging Machinery Market: Sales Value (in Billion USD), 2019-2024
Figure 3: Global: Packaging Machinery Market: Breakup by Machine Type (in %), 2024
Figure 4: Global: Packaging Machinery Market: Breakup by Technology (in %), 2024
Figure 5: Global: Packaging Machinery Market: Breakup by End-Use (in %), 2024
Figure 6: Global: Packaging Machinery Market: Breakup by Region (in %), 2024
Figure 7: Global: Packaging Machinery Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Billion USD), 2025-2033
Figure 8: Global: Packaging Machinery Industry: SWOT Analysis
Figure 9: Global: Packaging Machinery Industry: Value Chain Analysis
Figure 10: Global: Packaging Machinery Industry: Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Figure 11: Global: Packaging Machinery (Filling Machines) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 12: Global: Packaging Machinery (Filling Machines) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 13: Global: Packaging Machinery (FFS Machines) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 14: Global: Packaging Machinery (FFS Machines) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 15: Global: Packaging Machinery (Cartoning Machines) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 16: Global: Packaging Machinery (Cartoning Machines) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 17: Global: Packaging Machinery (Palletizing Machines) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 18: Global: Packaging Machinery (Palletizing Machines) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 19: Global: Packaging Machinery (Labeling Machines) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 20: Global: Packaging Machinery (Labeling Machines) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 21: Global: Packaging Machinery (Wrapping Machines) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 22: Global: Packaging Machinery (Wrapping Machines) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 23: Global: Packaging Machinery (Cleaning & Sterilizing Machines) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 24: Global: Packaging Machinery (Cleaning & Sterilizing Machines) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 25: Global: Packaging Machinery (Other Machine Types) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 26: Global: Packaging Machinery (Other Machine Types) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 27: Global: Packaging Machinery (General Packaging Technology) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 28: Global: Packaging Machinery (General Packaging Technology) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 29: Global: Packaging Machinery (Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 30: Global: Packaging Machinery (Modified Atmosphere Packaging Technology) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 31: Global: Packaging Machinery (Vacuum Packaging Technology) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 32: Global: Packaging Machinery (Vacuum Packaging Technology) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 33: Global: Packaging Machinery (Food) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 34: Global: Packaging Machinery (Food) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 35: Global: Packaging Machinery (Beverages) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 36: Global: Packaging Machinery (Beverages) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 37: Global: Packaging Machinery (Pharmaceutical and Personal Care) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 38: Global: Packaging Machinery (Pharmaceutical and Personal Care) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 39: Global: Packaging Machinery (Chemicals) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 40: Global: Packaging Machinery (Chemicals) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 41: Global: Packaging Machinery (Other End-Uses) Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 42: Global: Packaging Machinery (Other End-Uses) Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 43: North America: Packaging Machinery Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 44: North America: Packaging Machinery Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 45: Asia Pacific: Packaging Machinery Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 46: Asia Pacific: Packaging Machinery Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 47: Europe: Packaging Machinery Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 48: Europe: Packaging Machinery Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 49: Middle East and Africa: Packaging Machinery Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 50: Middle East and Africa: Packaging Machinery Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Figure 51: Latin America: Packaging Machinery Market: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2019 & 2024
Figure 52: Latin America: Packaging Machinery Market Forecast: Sales Value (in Million USD), 2025-2033

List of Tables

Table 1: Global: Packaging Machinery Market: Key Industry Highlights, 2024 and 2033
Table 2: Global: Packaging Machinery Market Forecast: Breakup by Machine Type (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Table 3: Global: Packaging Machinery Market Forecast: Breakup by Technology (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Table 4: Global: Packaging Machinery Market Forecast: Breakup by End-Use (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Table 5: Global: Packaging Machinery Market Forecast: Breakup by Region (in Million USD), 2025-2033
Table 6: Global: Packaging Machinery Market Structure
Table 7: Global: Packaging Machinery Market: Key Players






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