
先進創傷ケア技術 2020-2030年:診断、治療、モニタリング、慢性非治癒性創傷の市場機会

先進創傷ケア技術 2020-2030年:診断、治療、モニタリング、慢性非治癒性創傷の市場機会

Advanced Wound Care Technologies 2020 - 2030

このレポートでは先進創傷ケア技術の技術市場は2030年には220億ドルに上ると予測されています。糖尿病性足部潰瘍(DFU)、静脈性下腿潰瘍(VLU)、褥瘡(PU)、やけど、その他(外傷性損傷や手術跡)などのセ... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 価格 納期 ページ数 言語
2019年8月13日 お問い合わせください
お問合わせください 222 英語




主な掲載内容 ※目次より抜粋
  1. エグゼクティブサマリー
  2. イントロダクション
  3. デブリドマン(壊死組織切除)
  4. 除圧と免荷
  5. 圧迫
  6. 菌の負荷管理
  7. 治療デバイス
  8. 陰圧閉鎖療法
  9. 免疫療法
  10. 創傷のトラッキングとモニタリング
  11. 電子皮膚パッチ
  12. 市場と予測
Report Details

Though the human body has a tremendous capability to heal itself, wound healing can stall and create chronic non-healing wounds due to a variety of reasons such as ischemia, bacterial contamination and chronic inflammation.
Common chronic wounds include diabetic foot ulcers (DFU), venous leg ulcers (VLU) and pressure ulcers (PU). Advanced wound care is often required in the treatment of these chronic ulcers - less than 25% of DFUs and less than 30% of VLUs are successfully treated by the current standard of care treatments.
Diabetes, patient age, and obesity are critical risk factors to developing the common non-healing wounds of DFUs, VLUs and PUs. Populations with these risk factors will rise drastically in the next 10 years, especially in comparison to the last 10 years. Thus, the incidence of chronic wounds around the world is expected to rise with the increasing elderly population, as well as the increase in obesity and diabetes. Already there are close to 1 billion persons aged 60 and above, over 2 billion adults who are overweight, and over 500 million persons with diabetes worldwide.
In this report, the market for advanced wound care technologies is forecast to exceed $22 billion by the year 2030. The 10-year forecast is also broken down by the wound types of DFU, VLU, PU, burns and other (for example, traumatic injuries and surgical wounds). Key trends in technological development to watch out for in the next 10 years include:
  • Kits and devices to streamline and decrease the difficulty of wound care
  • Diagnostics for early detection of pathological bacterial infection
  • Connected devices and sensors to improve patient monitoring and care effectiveness
  • Connected devices and sensors for the prevention of ulcers
  • Devices to bring improved healing rates into the home
The report includes a breakdown of the wound care market by wound type.
The report covers a broad spectrum of wound care technologies under the following categories:
  • Debridement
  • Dressings for autolytic debridement
  • Pressure management
  • Compression
  • Bacterial burden management
  • Therapeutic devices
  • Negative pressure wound therapy
  • Biological therapies
  • Extracellular matrix substitutes
  • Amniotic therapies
  • Wound monitoring and tracking devices
  • Electronic skin patches
Examples of technologies covered in this report include ultrasonic probes for debridement, smart beds and shoes for ulcer prevention, sensors for compression pressure monitoring, point-of-care imaging devices for bacterial management, bioelectronic devices for improving healing rates, negative pressure wound therapy with instillation and 3D wound imaging cameras. An entire chapter of the report is dedicated to current state of electronic skin patches for the monitoring of wound status.
Examples of wound care products covered in this report.




Table of Contents

1.1. Advanced Wounds
1.2. Need for Advanced Wound Care
1.3. Growing Wound Care Market
1.4. Wound Care Market Problem
1.5. Treatment of Advanced Wounds
1.6. Key Trends in Wound Management
1.7. Debridement
1.8. Pressure Management
1.9. Bacterial Burden Management
1.10. Therapeutic Devices
1.11. Biological Therapies
1.12. Wound Monitoring
1.13. Key Companies
1.14. Acquisitions 2018 - 2019
1.15. Advanced Wound Care Market 2020-2030
1.16. Advanced Wound Care Market 2020-2030: By Indication
2.1. Report Scope
2.2. Function of Skin
2.3. Wound Care Problem
2.4. Wound Healing Process
2.5. Wound Healing Process: Advanced Wounds
2.6. Common Types of Advanced Wounds
2.7. Diabetic Foot Ulcers
2.8. The Diabetes Epidemic
2.9. Diabetic Amputations are on the Rise Again
2.10. Venous Leg Ulcers
2.11. Pressure Ulcers
2.12. Burns
2.13. Treatment of Advanced Wounds
2.14. Wound Bed Preparation
2.15. Traditional vs Advanced Wound Care Products
3.1. The Importance of Debridement
3.2. Types of Debridement
3.3. Hydrosurgery
3.4. Enzymatic
3.5. Mechanical
3.6. Ultrasound
3.7. Ultrasound: Products
3.8. Water Jet
3.9. Oxygen Jet
3.10. Monofilament Pad
3.11. Biosurgical
3.12. Autolytic Debridement
3.13. Gelling Fibers
3.14. Hydrocolloids
3.15. Calcium Alginate
3.16. Hydrogel Dressings
3.17. Concentrated Surfactants
3.18. Honey
3.19. Trends in Debridement
4.1. Pressure Relief and Offloading
4.2. Pressure Ulcers
4.3. Immersion
4.4. Inflation
4.5. Remote Patient Monitoring
4.6. Remote Patient Monitoring: Sensable Care
4.7. Remote Patient Monitoring: EarlySense
4.8. Remote Patient Monitoring: Sensing Tex
4.9. Remote Patient Monitoring: Leaf Healthcare
4.10. Polyurethane Foam for Pressure Ulcer Prevention
4.11. Total Contact Cast
4.12. Removable Offloading Shoes
4.13. Remote Patient Monitoring: Motus Smart
4.14. Connected Devices for DFU Prevention
4.15. Trends in Pressure Management
5.1. Compression
5.2. Types of Compression Fabrics
5.3. Multi-Component Compression Kits: Examples
5.4. Adjustable Compression Wraps
5.5. Pneumatic Compression
5.6. Pneumatic Compression: Tactile Medical
5.7. Compression Monitoring
5.8. Textile Sensors
5.9. Trends in Compression
6.1. All Wounds Contain Bacteria
6.2. Biofilm
6.3. Silver
6.4. Silver: Microlyte Ag
6.5. Silver: UrgoClean Ag
6.6. Cationic Molecules as Biocides
6.7. PHMB
6.8. PolyDADMAC
6.9. Methylene Blue and Gentian Violet
6.10. Biofilm Degradation
6.11. DACC
6.12. Advanced Microcurrent Technology
6.13. Iodine
6.14. Nitric Oxide
6.15. Bacterial Detection: DNA-Based Tests
6.16. Bacterial Detection: Point-of-Care Visualization
6.17. Bacterial Detection: Rapid Diagnostics
6.18. Biofilm Monitoring: Fluorescence
6.19. Biofilm Monitoring: RFID
6.20. Trends in Antimicrobial Management
7.1. Therapeutic Devices
7.2. Compression
7.3. Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
7.4. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation: Tennant Biomodulator
7.5. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation: Grapheal
7.6. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field
7.7. Noncontact Low Frequency Ultrasound
7.8. Acoustic Shockwave Therapy
7.9. Light Therapy: Lumiheal
7.10. Light Therapy: MILTA
7.11. Oxygen Therapy
7.12. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
7.13. Topical Oxygen
7.14. Portable Topical Oxygen Therapy: Electrolysis
7.15. Portable Topical Oxygen Therapy: H2O2 Decomposition
7.16. Portable Topical Oxygen Therapy: Oxygen Reservoir
7.17. Hemoglobin Spray
8.1. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
8.2. Portable NPWT Devices: Examples
8.3. Ultraportable NPWT
8.4. Single-Use Canister-Free NPWT: PICO
8.5. Single-Use Canister-Free NPWT: Avelle
8.6. Single-Use NPWT: Prevena
8.7. Mechanical NPWT
8.8. Mechanical NPWT: SNAP
8.9. Mechanical NPWT: NANOVA
8.10. Mechanical NPWT: SIMO
8.11. NPWT with Instillation
8.12. NPWTi: Cleanse Choice
8.13. Multi-site NPWT
8.14. Trends in Therapeutic Devices
9.1. Biological Therapies
9.2. Bilayered Living Cell Construct
9.3. Cultured Autografts
9.4. 3D Bioprinting In Situ
9.5. Stem Cells
9.6. Stem Cell Paste
9.7. Living Cell Sprays
9.8. Extracellular Matrices
9.9. Human Dermal Allografts
9.10. Xenogeneic Collagen
9.11. Xenografts: Examples of Products
9.12. Xenografts: Recombinant Human Collagen
9.13. Xenografts: Porcine Urinary Bladder Matrix
9.14. Xenografts: Piscine Skin
9.15. Bioengineered Scaffolds: Dermagraft
9.16. Synthetic: Glass Fibers
9.17. Synthetic: Electrospun Mats
9.18. Amniotic Therapies
9.19. Amniotic Sac and Placenta
9.20. Harvesting and Preparation Process
9.21. Amniotic Tissue Preservation
9.22. Lack of Clarity and Differentiation
9.23. Key Products
9.24. Amniotic Mesenchymal Stem Cell Media
9.25. Trends in Biological Therapies
10.1. Trends in Wound Monitoring
10.2. Hyperspectral Technology: HyperMed
10.3. Near-Infrared: Kent Imaging
10.4. Thermography: WoundVision
10.5. Bioimpedance: Bruin Biometrics
10.6. 3D Imaging: Infrared from Tablets
10.7. 3D Imaging: Imaging in Stereo
10.8. 3D Imaging: Point Tracking
10.9. 3D Imaging: Laser Lines
10.10. Connected Foot Scanner and Scale
10.11. Smartphone Apps
10.12. Smartphone Apps: Swift Medical
10.13. Remote Patient Monitoring
10.14. Trends in Wound Monitoring
11.1. Electronic Skin Patches
11.2. Electronic Skin Patches: Examples
11.3. Electronic Skin Patches: History
11.4. Temperature Monitoring
11.5. Heart Rate Monitoring
11.6. Stretchable Chemical Sensors
11.7. Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring
11.8. Smart Insulin Patch
11.9. Cosmetic Skin Patches
11.10. Wound Monitoring
11.11. Wound Monitoring: KAUST
11.12. Wound Monitoring: Purdue University
11.13. Wound Monitoring: Tufts University
11.14. Wound Monitoring: Tyndall National Institute
11.15. Wound Monitoring: UC Berkeley
11.16. Wound Monitoring: UCSD
11.17. Wound Monitoring: University of Illinois
11.18. Wound Monitoring: University of Nottingham
11.19. Wound Monitoring: VTT
11.20. Wound Treatment
12.1. Growing Wound Care Market
12.2. Costs of Advanced Wound Care
12.3. Product and Cost Effectiveness
12.4. Cost Effectiveness: Amniotic Tissue
12.5. Prevention and Compliance
12.6. Medical Practice by Geography
12.7. Cost Reduction in the US
12.8. Key Companies
12.9. Acquisitions 2018-2019
12.10. Market Forecast
12.11. Advanced Wound Care Market 2020-2030
12.12. Advanced Wound Care Market 2020-2030: By Indication
12.13. List of Abbreviations






主な掲載内容 ※目次より抜粋
  1. エグゼクティブサマリー
  2. イントロダクション
  3. デブリドマン(壊死組織切除)
  4. 除圧と免荷
  5. 圧迫
  6. 菌の負荷管理
  7. 治療デバイス
  8. 陰圧閉鎖療法
  9. 免疫療法
  10. 創傷のトラッキングとモニタリング
  11. 電子皮膚パッチ
  12. 市場と予測
Report Details

Though the human body has a tremendous capability to heal itself, wound healing can stall and create chronic non-healing wounds due to a variety of reasons such as ischemia, bacterial contamination and chronic inflammation.
Common chronic wounds include diabetic foot ulcers (DFU), venous leg ulcers (VLU) and pressure ulcers (PU). Advanced wound care is often required in the treatment of these chronic ulcers - less than 25% of DFUs and less than 30% of VLUs are successfully treated by the current standard of care treatments.
Diabetes, patient age, and obesity are critical risk factors to developing the common non-healing wounds of DFUs, VLUs and PUs. Populations with these risk factors will rise drastically in the next 10 years, especially in comparison to the last 10 years. Thus, the incidence of chronic wounds around the world is expected to rise with the increasing elderly population, as well as the increase in obesity and diabetes. Already there are close to 1 billion persons aged 60 and above, over 2 billion adults who are overweight, and over 500 million persons with diabetes worldwide.
In this report, the market for advanced wound care technologies is forecast to exceed $22 billion by the year 2030. The 10-year forecast is also broken down by the wound types of DFU, VLU, PU, burns and other (for example, traumatic injuries and surgical wounds). Key trends in technological development to watch out for in the next 10 years include:
  • Kits and devices to streamline and decrease the difficulty of wound care
  • Diagnostics for early detection of pathological bacterial infection
  • Connected devices and sensors to improve patient monitoring and care effectiveness
  • Connected devices and sensors for the prevention of ulcers
  • Devices to bring improved healing rates into the home
The report includes a breakdown of the wound care market by wound type.
The report covers a broad spectrum of wound care technologies under the following categories:
  • Debridement
  • Dressings for autolytic debridement
  • Pressure management
  • Compression
  • Bacterial burden management
  • Therapeutic devices
  • Negative pressure wound therapy
  • Biological therapies
  • Extracellular matrix substitutes
  • Amniotic therapies
  • Wound monitoring and tracking devices
  • Electronic skin patches
Examples of technologies covered in this report include ultrasonic probes for debridement, smart beds and shoes for ulcer prevention, sensors for compression pressure monitoring, point-of-care imaging devices for bacterial management, bioelectronic devices for improving healing rates, negative pressure wound therapy with instillation and 3D wound imaging cameras. An entire chapter of the report is dedicated to current state of electronic skin patches for the monitoring of wound status.
Examples of wound care products covered in this report.



Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1.1. Advanced Wounds
1.2. Need for Advanced Wound Care
1.3. Growing Wound Care Market
1.4. Wound Care Market Problem
1.5. Treatment of Advanced Wounds
1.6. Key Trends in Wound Management
1.7. Debridement
1.8. Pressure Management
1.9. Bacterial Burden Management
1.10. Therapeutic Devices
1.11. Biological Therapies
1.12. Wound Monitoring
1.13. Key Companies
1.14. Acquisitions 2018 - 2019
1.15. Advanced Wound Care Market 2020-2030
1.16. Advanced Wound Care Market 2020-2030: By Indication
2.1. Report Scope
2.2. Function of Skin
2.3. Wound Care Problem
2.4. Wound Healing Process
2.5. Wound Healing Process: Advanced Wounds
2.6. Common Types of Advanced Wounds
2.7. Diabetic Foot Ulcers
2.8. The Diabetes Epidemic
2.9. Diabetic Amputations are on the Rise Again
2.10. Venous Leg Ulcers
2.11. Pressure Ulcers
2.12. Burns
2.13. Treatment of Advanced Wounds
2.14. Wound Bed Preparation
2.15. Traditional vs Advanced Wound Care Products
3.1. The Importance of Debridement
3.2. Types of Debridement
3.3. Hydrosurgery
3.4. Enzymatic
3.5. Mechanical
3.6. Ultrasound
3.7. Ultrasound: Products
3.8. Water Jet
3.9. Oxygen Jet
3.10. Monofilament Pad
3.11. Biosurgical
3.12. Autolytic Debridement
3.13. Gelling Fibers
3.14. Hydrocolloids
3.15. Calcium Alginate
3.16. Hydrogel Dressings
3.17. Concentrated Surfactants
3.18. Honey
3.19. Trends in Debridement
4.1. Pressure Relief and Offloading
4.2. Pressure Ulcers
4.3. Immersion
4.4. Inflation
4.5. Remote Patient Monitoring
4.6. Remote Patient Monitoring: Sensable Care
4.7. Remote Patient Monitoring: EarlySense
4.8. Remote Patient Monitoring: Sensing Tex
4.9. Remote Patient Monitoring: Leaf Healthcare
4.10. Polyurethane Foam for Pressure Ulcer Prevention
4.11. Total Contact Cast
4.12. Removable Offloading Shoes
4.13. Remote Patient Monitoring: Motus Smart
4.14. Connected Devices for DFU Prevention
4.15. Trends in Pressure Management
5.1. Compression
5.2. Types of Compression Fabrics
5.3. Multi-Component Compression Kits: Examples
5.4. Adjustable Compression Wraps
5.5. Pneumatic Compression
5.6. Pneumatic Compression: Tactile Medical
5.7. Compression Monitoring
5.8. Textile Sensors
5.9. Trends in Compression
6.1. All Wounds Contain Bacteria
6.2. Biofilm
6.3. Silver
6.4. Silver: Microlyte Ag
6.5. Silver: UrgoClean Ag
6.6. Cationic Molecules as Biocides
6.7. PHMB
6.8. PolyDADMAC
6.9. Methylene Blue and Gentian Violet
6.10. Biofilm Degradation
6.11. DACC
6.12. Advanced Microcurrent Technology
6.13. Iodine
6.14. Nitric Oxide
6.15. Bacterial Detection: DNA-Based Tests
6.16. Bacterial Detection: Point-of-Care Visualization
6.17. Bacterial Detection: Rapid Diagnostics
6.18. Biofilm Monitoring: Fluorescence
6.19. Biofilm Monitoring: RFID
6.20. Trends in Antimicrobial Management
7.1. Therapeutic Devices
7.2. Compression
7.3. Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
7.4. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation: Tennant Biomodulator
7.5. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation: Grapheal
7.6. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field
7.7. Noncontact Low Frequency Ultrasound
7.8. Acoustic Shockwave Therapy
7.9. Light Therapy: Lumiheal
7.10. Light Therapy: MILTA
7.11. Oxygen Therapy
7.12. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
7.13. Topical Oxygen
7.14. Portable Topical Oxygen Therapy: Electrolysis
7.15. Portable Topical Oxygen Therapy: H2O2 Decomposition
7.16. Portable Topical Oxygen Therapy: Oxygen Reservoir
7.17. Hemoglobin Spray
8.1. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
8.2. Portable NPWT Devices: Examples
8.3. Ultraportable NPWT
8.4. Single-Use Canister-Free NPWT: PICO
8.5. Single-Use Canister-Free NPWT: Avelle
8.6. Single-Use NPWT: Prevena
8.7. Mechanical NPWT
8.8. Mechanical NPWT: SNAP
8.9. Mechanical NPWT: NANOVA
8.10. Mechanical NPWT: SIMO
8.11. NPWT with Instillation
8.12. NPWTi: Cleanse Choice
8.13. Multi-site NPWT
8.14. Trends in Therapeutic Devices
9.1. Biological Therapies
9.2. Bilayered Living Cell Construct
9.3. Cultured Autografts
9.4. 3D Bioprinting In Situ
9.5. Stem Cells
9.6. Stem Cell Paste
9.7. Living Cell Sprays
9.8. Extracellular Matrices
9.9. Human Dermal Allografts
9.10. Xenogeneic Collagen
9.11. Xenografts: Examples of Products
9.12. Xenografts: Recombinant Human Collagen
9.13. Xenografts: Porcine Urinary Bladder Matrix
9.14. Xenografts: Piscine Skin
9.15. Bioengineered Scaffolds: Dermagraft
9.16. Synthetic: Glass Fibers
9.17. Synthetic: Electrospun Mats
9.18. Amniotic Therapies
9.19. Amniotic Sac and Placenta
9.20. Harvesting and Preparation Process
9.21. Amniotic Tissue Preservation
9.22. Lack of Clarity and Differentiation
9.23. Key Products
9.24. Amniotic Mesenchymal Stem Cell Media
9.25. Trends in Biological Therapies
10.1. Trends in Wound Monitoring
10.2. Hyperspectral Technology: HyperMed
10.3. Near-Infrared: Kent Imaging
10.4. Thermography: WoundVision
10.5. Bioimpedance: Bruin Biometrics
10.6. 3D Imaging: Infrared from Tablets
10.7. 3D Imaging: Imaging in Stereo
10.8. 3D Imaging: Point Tracking
10.9. 3D Imaging: Laser Lines
10.10. Connected Foot Scanner and Scale
10.11. Smartphone Apps
10.12. Smartphone Apps: Swift Medical
10.13. Remote Patient Monitoring
10.14. Trends in Wound Monitoring
11.1. Electronic Skin Patches
11.2. Electronic Skin Patches: Examples
11.3. Electronic Skin Patches: History
11.4. Temperature Monitoring
11.5. Heart Rate Monitoring
11.6. Stretchable Chemical Sensors
11.7. Non-Invasive Glucose Monitoring
11.8. Smart Insulin Patch
11.9. Cosmetic Skin Patches
11.10. Wound Monitoring
11.11. Wound Monitoring: KAUST
11.12. Wound Monitoring: Purdue University
11.13. Wound Monitoring: Tufts University
11.14. Wound Monitoring: Tyndall National Institute
11.15. Wound Monitoring: UC Berkeley
11.16. Wound Monitoring: UCSD
11.17. Wound Monitoring: University of Illinois
11.18. Wound Monitoring: University of Nottingham
11.19. Wound Monitoring: VTT
11.20. Wound Treatment
12.1. Growing Wound Care Market
12.2. Costs of Advanced Wound Care
12.3. Product and Cost Effectiveness
12.4. Cost Effectiveness: Amniotic Tissue
12.5. Prevention and Compliance
12.6. Medical Practice by Geography
12.7. Cost Reduction in the US
12.8. Key Companies
12.9. Acquisitions 2018-2019
12.10. Market Forecast
12.11. Advanced Wound Care Market 2020-2030
12.12. Advanced Wound Care Market 2020-2030: By Indication
12.13. List of Abbreviations






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2025/03/12 10:26

149.08 円

163.03 円

195.53 円
