竹の市場規模、シェア、動向分析レポート:用途別(原料、工業製品、家具、シュート)、地域別(北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、中東・アフリカ、中南米)、セグメント別予測、2022年~2030年Bamboos Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Application (Raw Material, Industrial Products, Furniture, Shoots), By Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, Central & South America), And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030 竹の市場の成長と動向 グランドビューリサーチ社の最新レポートによると、世界の竹の市場規模は2030年までに884億3000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。この市場は、2022年から2030年にかけてCAGR4.5%で... もっと見る
サマリー竹の市場の成長と動向グランドビューリサーチ社の最新レポートによると、世界の竹の市場規模は2030年までに884億3000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。この市場は、2022年から2030年にかけてCAGR4.5%で拡大すると予測されています。この成長の背景には、持続可能で環境に優しい製品の使用に対する意識の高まり、インフラ整備への投資の増加、持続可能な建設資材の使用などが挙げられます。 環境に優しい天然素材を好む消費者が増えているため、持続可能な製品の製造に使用される竹の需要が増加しています。マスクなどの個人用衛生用品は、抗真菌・抗菌作用があることから、竹繊維を使用して製造されています。特にCOVID-19のように、個人の衛生状態が最も重要な時代には、非常に役立つものです。そのため、この要因が竹の需要を急増させ、市場の成長につながっているのです。 竹は、地球温暖化の抑制や気候変動対策に最も有効な植物の一つです。竹は空気中の二酸化炭素を吸収し、より多くの酸素を環境中に放出する。これは、二酸化炭素の排出に対処するのに役立ち、地球温暖化との戦いに確かな手段を提供するものです。また、竹は他の植物の代わりに産業用として利用できるため、森林破壊の速度を抑え、その成長の早さから森林の保護にも役立ちます。 業界の著名なプレーヤーは、新しい国際市場に参入するため、地元のメーカーの買収を進めています。これにより、これらの企業は他の市場においてより強い存在感を示すことができます。環境への配慮、耐久性、持続可能性から竹の人気が高まる中、メーカーは競争上の優位性を確保し、市場シェアを拡大するために製品ラインアップの拡充を試みています。 国内および海外市場において、竹製品はオフラインおよびオンラインのチャネルを通じて流通しています。市場参加者は、自社のウェブサイトを通じて、流通ネットワークの助けを借りながら顧客に直接製品を販売しています。一方、顧客にカスタマイズされた製品を提供するために地域オフィスを持つ企業もあり、小規模メーカーは通常、第三者の電子商取引ポータルを通じて製品を配布しています。 竹の市場レポートハイライト - 産業用途は2021年に約236億1000万米ドルを占め、予測期間中にCAGR5.0%超で拡大すると予測されています。これは、商業および住宅セクターにおいて、さまざまな用途で竹製品の使用量が増加していることに起因しています。さらに、竹製品の標準化と加工における技術的進歩が、パルプと紙、複合ボード、床材製品の開発における用途を後押ししている - アジア太平洋地域は、持続可能な製品の使用に関する消費者の意識の高まり、インフラ開発への投資の増加、持続可能な建設資源の使用の増加により、予測期間中に最も速いCAGRを目撃し、最大の地域セグメントを維持すると予想されます。アジアでは、中国が世界の産業を支配し、インド、日本、インドネシア、ベトナムがそれに続いています。 - 竹産業は、多様な竹製品を提供する国内外のプレーヤーによって構成されているため、業界内での競争が激しくなっています。主要なプレーヤーは、市場での競争力を得るために、M&Aや後方統合などの戦略を取っています。 - 2020年のCOVID-19の大流行により、需要が阻害されました。世界中の処理工場や製造工場が停止したため、多くの収穫された竹の備蓄が微生物や寄生虫の影響を受け、その結果、台無しになりました。小規模農家は、今後1年分の収穫を失い、大きな打撃を受けた。原材料の不足により、バリューチェーン全体の製品価格が大きく変動した。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1. Methodology and Scope 1.1. Research Methodology 1.2. Research Scope & Assumption 1.3. Information Procurement 1.3.1. Purchased Database 1.3.2. GVR’s Internal Database 1.3.3. Secondary Sources 1.3.4. Third-Party Perspectives 1.3.5. Primary Research 1.4. Information Analysis 1.4.1. Data Analysis Models 1.5. Market Formulation & Data Visualization 1.6. Data Validation & Publishing Chapter 2. Executive Summary 2.1. Market Outlook 2.2. Segmental Outlook 2.3. Competitive Insights Chapter 3. Bamboos Market Variables, Trends & Scope 3.1. Market Segmentation and Scope 3.2. Penetration and Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3. Value Chain Analysis 3.4. Product Price Trend Analysis 3.5. Regulatory Framework 3.6. Market Dynamics 3.6.1. Market Drivers Bamboo used as a replacement for conventional products Increasing adoption of bamboo in the pulp and paper industry 3.6.2. Market Restraint Lack of skilled labor 3.6.3. Market Opportunities Potential to replace steel in different industries Fighting climate change 3.6.4. Market Restraint The COVID-19 Pandemic 3.7. PESTEL Analysis 3.7.1. Political Landscape 3.7.2. Environmental Landscape 3.7.3. Social Landscape 3.7.4. Technology Landscape 3.7.5. Economic Landscape 3.7.6. Legal Landscape 3.8. Porter's Analysis 3.8.1. Bargaining power of Suppliers 3.8.2. Bargaining power of Buyers 3.8.3. Threat of Substitution 3.8.4. Threat from New Entrants 3.8.5. Intensity of Competitive Rivalry Chapter 4. Bamboos Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1. Definition & Scope 4.2. Bamboos market: Application Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 4.3. Raw Material 4.3.1. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for raw material application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.3.2. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for raw material application, by region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.4. Industrial Products 4.4.1. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for industrial products application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.4.2. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for industrial products application, by region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.5. Furniture 4.5.1. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for furniture application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.5.2. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for furniture application, by region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.6. Shoots 4.6.1. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for shoots application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.6.2. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for shoots application, by region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.7. Others 4.7.1. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for other applications, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.7.2. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for other applications, by region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Chapter 5. Bamboos Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1. Definition & Scope 5.2. Bamboos Market: Regional Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 5.3. North America 5.3.1. North America bamboos market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.3.2. North America bamboos market estimates and forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.3.3. U.S. U.S. bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) U.S. bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.3.4. Canada Canada. bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Canada bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.3.5. Mexico Mexico bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Mexico bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4. Europe 5.4.1. Europe bamboos market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4.2. Europe bamboos market estimates and forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4.3. Germany Germany bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Germany bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4.4. U.K. U.K. bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) U.K. bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4.5. France France bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) France bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4.6. Italy Italy bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Italy bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4.7. Benelux Benelux bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Benelux bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5. Asia Pacific 5.5.1. Asia Pacific bamboos market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5.2. Asia Pacific bamboos market estimates and forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5.3. China China bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) China bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5.4. India India bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) India bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5.5. Japan Japan bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Japan bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5.6. Indonesia Indonesia bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Indonesia bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5.7. Vietnam Vietnam bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Vietnam bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.6. Central & South America 5.6.1. Central & South America bamboos market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.6.2. Central & South America bamboos market estimates and forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.6.3. Brazil Brazil bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Brazil bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.7. Middle East & Africa 5.7.1. Middle East & Africa bamboos market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.7.2. Middle East & Africa bamboos market estimates and forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Chapter 6. Competitive Landscape 6.1. Recent Trends and Developments 6.2. Vendor Landscape 6.3. Company Market Positioning 6.4. Key Emerging Players Chapter 7. Company Profiles 7.1. MOSO International B.V. 7.1.1. Company Overview 7.1.2. Product Benchmarking 7.1.3. Strategic Initiatives 7.2. Bamboo Australia 7.2.1. Company Overview 7.2.2. Product Benchmarking 7.3. Bamboo Village Company Limited 7.3.1. Company Overview 7.3.2. Product Benchmarking 7.4. Shanghai Tenbro Bamboo Textile Co., Ltd 7.4.1. Company Overview 7.4.2. Product Benchmarking 7.5. Simply Bamboo PTY LTD 7.5.1. Company Overview 7.5.2. Product Benchmarking 7.6. Xiamen HBD Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. 7.6.1. Company Overview 7.6.2. Product Benchmarking 7.7. dassogroup 7.7.1. Company Overview 7.7.2. Product Benchmarking 7.7.3. Strategic Initiatives 7.8. Smith & Fong 7.8.1. Company Overview 7.8.2. Product Benchmarking 7.9. ANJI TIANZHEN BAMBOO FLOORING CO. LTD 7.9.1. Company Overview 7.9.2. Product Benchmarking 7.10. Fujian HeQiChang Bamboo Product Co., Ltd. 7.10.1. Company Overview 7.10.2. Product Benchmarking
SummaryBamboos Market Growth & Trends Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1. Methodology and Scope 1.1. Research Methodology 1.2. Research Scope & Assumption 1.3. Information Procurement 1.3.1. Purchased Database 1.3.2. GVR’s Internal Database 1.3.3. Secondary Sources 1.3.4. Third-Party Perspectives 1.3.5. Primary Research 1.4. Information Analysis 1.4.1. Data Analysis Models 1.5. Market Formulation & Data Visualization 1.6. Data Validation & Publishing Chapter 2. Executive Summary 2.1. Market Outlook 2.2. Segmental Outlook 2.3. Competitive Insights Chapter 3. Bamboos Market Variables, Trends & Scope 3.1. Market Segmentation and Scope 3.2. Penetration and Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3. Value Chain Analysis 3.4. Product Price Trend Analysis 3.5. Regulatory Framework 3.6. Market Dynamics 3.6.1. Market Drivers Bamboo used as a replacement for conventional products Increasing adoption of bamboo in the pulp and paper industry 3.6.2. Market Restraint Lack of skilled labor 3.6.3. Market Opportunities Potential to replace steel in different industries Fighting climate change 3.6.4. Market Restraint The COVID-19 Pandemic 3.7. PESTEL Analysis 3.7.1. Political Landscape 3.7.2. Environmental Landscape 3.7.3. Social Landscape 3.7.4. Technology Landscape 3.7.5. Economic Landscape 3.7.6. Legal Landscape 3.8. Porter's Analysis 3.8.1. Bargaining power of Suppliers 3.8.2. Bargaining power of Buyers 3.8.3. Threat of Substitution 3.8.4. Threat from New Entrants 3.8.5. Intensity of Competitive Rivalry Chapter 4. Bamboos Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1. Definition & Scope 4.2. Bamboos market: Application Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 4.3. Raw Material 4.3.1. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for raw material application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.3.2. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for raw material application, by region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.4. Industrial Products 4.4.1. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for industrial products application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.4.2. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for industrial products application, by region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.5. Furniture 4.5.1. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for furniture application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.5.2. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for furniture application, by region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.6. Shoots 4.6.1. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for shoots application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.6.2. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for shoots application, by region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.7. Others 4.7.1. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for other applications, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 4.7.2. Bamboos market estimates and forecasts for other applications, by region, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Chapter 5. Bamboos Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1. Definition & Scope 5.2. Bamboos Market: Regional Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 5.3. North America 5.3.1. North America bamboos market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.3.2. North America bamboos market estimates and forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.3.3. U.S. U.S. bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) U.S. bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.3.4. Canada Canada. bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Canada bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.3.5. Mexico Mexico bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Mexico bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4. Europe 5.4.1. Europe bamboos market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4.2. Europe bamboos market estimates and forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4.3. Germany Germany bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Germany bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4.4. U.K. U.K. bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) U.K. bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4.5. France France bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) France bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4.6. Italy Italy bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Italy bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.4.7. Benelux Benelux bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Benelux bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5. Asia Pacific 5.5.1. Asia Pacific bamboos market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5.2. Asia Pacific bamboos market estimates and forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5.3. China China bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) China bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5.4. India India bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) India bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5.5. Japan Japan bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Japan bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5.6. Indonesia Indonesia bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Indonesia bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.5.7. Vietnam Vietnam bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Vietnam bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.6. Central & South America 5.6.1. Central & South America bamboos market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.6.2. Central & South America bamboos market estimates and forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.6.3. Brazil Brazil bamboos market estimates & forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Brazil bamboos market estimates & forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.7. Middle East & Africa 5.7.1. Middle East & Africa bamboos market estimates and forecast, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) 5.7.2. Middle East & Africa bamboos market estimates and forecast, by application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Billion) Chapter 6. Competitive Landscape 6.1. Recent Trends and Developments 6.2. Vendor Landscape 6.3. Company Market Positioning 6.4. Key Emerging Players Chapter 7. Company Profiles 7.1. MOSO International B.V. 7.1.1. Company Overview 7.1.2. Product Benchmarking 7.1.3. Strategic Initiatives 7.2. Bamboo Australia 7.2.1. Company Overview 7.2.2. Product Benchmarking 7.3. Bamboo Village Company Limited 7.3.1. Company Overview 7.3.2. Product Benchmarking 7.4. Shanghai Tenbro Bamboo Textile Co., Ltd 7.4.1. Company Overview 7.4.2. Product Benchmarking 7.5. Simply Bamboo PTY LTD 7.5.1. Company Overview 7.5.2. Product Benchmarking 7.6. Xiamen HBD Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. 7.6.1. Company Overview 7.6.2. Product Benchmarking 7.7. dassogroup 7.7.1. Company Overview 7.7.2. Product Benchmarking 7.7.3. Strategic Initiatives 7.8. Smith & Fong 7.8.1. Company Overview 7.8.2. Product Benchmarking 7.9. ANJI TIANZHEN BAMBOO FLOORING CO. LTD 7.9.1. Company Overview 7.9.2. Product Benchmarking 7.10. Fujian HeQiChang Bamboo Product Co., Ltd. 7.10.1. Company Overview 7.10.2. Product Benchmarking
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