生分解性マルチフィルムの市場規模、シェア、動向分析レポート:作物別(穀物・油糧種子、花・植物)、原材料別(TPS、PLA、PHA、AAC)、地域別(APAC、北米)、およびセグメント予測、2022年~2030年Biodegradable Mulch Films Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Crop (Grains & Oilseeds, Flowers & Plants), By Raw Material (TPS, PLA, PHA, AAC), By Region (APAC, North America), And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030 生分解性マルチフィルムの市場成長とトレンド グランドビューリサーチ社の最新レポートによると、生分解性マルチフィルムの世界市場規模は2030年までに82,822.0千米ドルに達すると予測されています。また、予... もっと見る
サマリー生分解性マルチフィルムの市場成長とトレンドグランドビューリサーチ社の最新レポートによると、生分解性マルチフィルムの世界市場規模は2030年までに82,822.0千米ドルに達すると予測されています。また、予測期間中はCAGR7.8%で拡大すると予測されています。温室用アプリケーションの採用の増加や、合成相手に対する環境問題の高まりが、予測期間中の市場需要を促進すると予想されます。人口増加や工業化・都市化に伴う農地の減少により、農家は既存の土地で生産性を向上させる必要に迫られています。 雑草の繁殖を抑えることで作物の生産性を向上させ、環境への影響を抑え、土壌の温度や水分レベルを維持することが、これらのフィルムが提供する利点であり、製品需要を促進すると予想されます。北米と欧州では、環境に配慮した製品に関する政府の規制が、当面の間、市場の成長にプラスの影響を与えると予想されます。土壌に残ったプラスチックマルチに関する懸念の高まりは、今後数年間で製品の普及を促進すると予想されます。生分解性マルチフィルムは、プラスチック堆肥の利点を提供し、廃棄&除去のための要件を根絶し、環境への悪影響を軽減します。 現在市場に出回っているマルチフィルムは、完全なバイオベースではなく、10%以上の合成成分を含んでいます。また、土壌への耕起から2年以内に90%の生分解を達成できない生分解性マルチに関する懸念が、市場成長の妨げになると予想されています。生分解性マルチフィルムの使用に関する規制は、欧州、北米、アジアなどの地域で進められており、市場の成長を後押ししています。生分解性とバイオベースのポリマーフィルムの開発は、今後数年間で市場参加者に機会を創出すると予想されます。 生分解性マルチフィルム市場のレポートハイライト - 2021年の原料セグメントは熱可塑性デンプン(TPS)が支配的で、2022年から2030年までのCAGRは最も速いと予想される - 需要が高いのは、低コストでデンプンの入手性が高いためと思われる。でんぷんは豊富にあり、安価な天然ポリマーで、フィルム構造を作ることができるため、TPSマルチフィルムの普及につながった - 穀物および油糧作物の需要は、今後数年間で平均を上回る成長を遂げると予想されます。 - アジア太平洋地域における穀物および油糧種子の生産量の増加が、今後数年間におけるバイオフィルムの需要を促進すると予想されます。 - 2021年の世界市場において、アジア太平洋地域は最大のシェアを占めていました。中国は、都市化と工業化の進展により生活水準が向上し、食品需要が増加しているため、APAC地域市場の主要なバイオフィルム消費国であった - 2021年は果物・野菜作物分野が市場を支配し、予測期間中もその優位性を維持すると予想される 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Methodology and Scope 1.1 Research methodology 1.2 Research scope and assumptions 1.3 List of data sources Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Biodegradable mulch films - Industry snapshot, 2019 - 2030 Chapter 3 Biodegradable Mulch Films Market Variables, Trends, and Scope 3.1 Market Segmentation and scope 3.2 Penetration and growth prospects mapping 3.3 Biodegradable mulch films market value chain analysis 3.3.1 Vendor landscape 3.4 Technology outlook 3.5 Regulations outlook 3.6 Biodegradable mulch films market dynamics 3.6.1 Increasing demand for high-quality food crops 3.6.2 Government regulations 3.6.3 Lack of availability of fully bio-based mulch films 3.7 Industry analysis - Porter’s 3.8 Biodegradable mulch films market- PESTEL analysis Chapter 4 Biodegradable Mulch Films Market: Raw Material Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1 Biodegradable mulch films market share by raw material, 2021 & 2030 4.1.1 Thermoplastic starch (TPS) Global TPS biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global TPS biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 4.1.2 Starch blended with polylactic acid (PLA) Global PLA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global PLA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 4.1.3 Starch blended with polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Global PHA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global PHA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 4.1.4 Aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters (AAC) Global AAC biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global AAC biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 4.1.5 Others Global other biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global other biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Chapter 5 Biodegradable Mulch Films Market: Crop Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1 Biodegradable mulch films market share by crop, 2021 & 2030 5.1.1 Fruits & vegetables Global biodegradable mulch film estimates and forecast in fruits & vegetables, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast in fruits & vegetable by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 5.1.2 Grains & oilseeds Global biodegradable mulch film estimates and forecast in grains & oilseeds, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast in grains & oilseeds by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 5.1.3 Flowers & plants Global biodegradable mulch film estimates and forecast in flowers & plants, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast in flowers & plants by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Chapter 6 Biodegradable Mulch Films Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 6.1 Biodegradable mulch films market share by region, 2021 & 2030 6.2 Global biodegradable mulch films market estimates and forecast, by region 2019 - 2030, (USD Thousand) 6.3 North America 6.3.1 North America biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.3.2 North America biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.3.3 North America biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.3.4 U.S U.S. biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) U.S. biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) U.S. biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.3.5 Canada Canada biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Canada biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousands) Canada biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousands) 6.3.6 Mexico Mexico biodegradable mulch film market estimates & forecast, 2014–2025 (USD Thousand) Mexico biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Mexico biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.4 Europe 6.4.1 Europe biodegradable mulch film market estimates & forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.4.2 Europe biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.4.3 Europe biodegradable mulch film market estimates & forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.4.4 Germany Germany biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Germany biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Germany biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.4.5 U.K. U.K. biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) U.K. biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) U.K. biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.4.6 France France biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) France biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) France biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.5 Asia Pacific 6.5.1 Asia Pacific biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.5.2 Asia Pacific biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.5.3 Asia Pacific biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.5.4 China China biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) China biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) China biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.5.5 India India biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) India biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) India biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.5.6 Japan Japan biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Japan biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Japan biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.6 Middle East & Africa (MEA) 6.6.1 MEA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.6.2 MEA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.6.3 MEA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.6.4 South Africa South Africa biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) South Africa biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) South Africa biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.7 Central & South America (CSA) 6.7.1 CSA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.7.2 CSA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.7.3 CSA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.7.4 Brazil Brazil biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Brazil biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Brazil biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.7.5 Argentina Argentina biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Argentina biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Argentina biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Chapter 7 Company Profiles 7.1 Ab Rani Plast Oy 7.1.1 Company overview 7.1.2 Industries and services catered 7.1.3 Product benchmarking 7.1.4 Strategic initiatives 7.2 Grupo Armando Alvarez S.A. 7.2.1 Company overview 7.2.2 Industries and services catered 7.2.3 Product benchmarking 7.3 BASF SE 7.3.1 Company overview 7.3.2 Financial performance 7.3.3 Industries and services catered 7.3.4 Product benchmarking 7.4 Novamont S.p.A. Ltd. 7.4.1 Company overview 7.4.2 Industries and services catered 7.4.3 Product benchmarking 7.4.4 Strategic initiatives 7.5 RPC bpi 7.5.1 Company overview 7.5.2 Financial performance 7.5.3 Industries and services catered 7.5.4 Product benchmarking 7.6 Al-Pack Enterprises Ltd. 7.6.1 Company overview 7.6.2 Industries and services catered 7.6.3 Product benchmarking 7.7 Kingfa Sci. & Tec. Co. Ltd. 7.7.1 Company overview 7.7.2 Industries and services catered 7.7.3 Product benchmarking 7.8 BioBag International AS 7.8.1 Company overview 7.8.2 Industries and services catered 7.8.3 Product benchmarking 7.9 AEP Industries, Inc. 7.9.1 Company overview 7.9.2 Financial performance 7.9.3 Industries and services catered 7.9.4 Product benchmarking 7.10 RKW SE 7.10.1 Company overview 7.10.2 Industries and services catered 7.10.3 Product benchmarking 7.10.4 Strategic initiatives
SummaryBiodegradable Mulch Films Market Growth & Trends Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Methodology and Scope 1.1 Research methodology 1.2 Research scope and assumptions 1.3 List of data sources Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Biodegradable mulch films - Industry snapshot, 2019 - 2030 Chapter 3 Biodegradable Mulch Films Market Variables, Trends, and Scope 3.1 Market Segmentation and scope 3.2 Penetration and growth prospects mapping 3.3 Biodegradable mulch films market value chain analysis 3.3.1 Vendor landscape 3.4 Technology outlook 3.5 Regulations outlook 3.6 Biodegradable mulch films market dynamics 3.6.1 Increasing demand for high-quality food crops 3.6.2 Government regulations 3.6.3 Lack of availability of fully bio-based mulch films 3.7 Industry analysis - Porter’s 3.8 Biodegradable mulch films market- PESTEL analysis Chapter 4 Biodegradable Mulch Films Market: Raw Material Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1 Biodegradable mulch films market share by raw material, 2021 & 2030 4.1.1 Thermoplastic starch (TPS) Global TPS biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global TPS biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 4.1.2 Starch blended with polylactic acid (PLA) Global PLA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global PLA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 4.1.3 Starch blended with polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Global PHA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global PHA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 4.1.4 Aliphatic-aromatic copolyesters (AAC) Global AAC biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global AAC biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 4.1.5 Others Global other biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global other biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Chapter 5 Biodegradable Mulch Films Market: Crop Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1 Biodegradable mulch films market share by crop, 2021 & 2030 5.1.1 Fruits & vegetables Global biodegradable mulch film estimates and forecast in fruits & vegetables, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast in fruits & vegetable by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 5.1.2 Grains & oilseeds Global biodegradable mulch film estimates and forecast in grains & oilseeds, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast in grains & oilseeds by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 5.1.3 Flowers & plants Global biodegradable mulch film estimates and forecast in flowers & plants, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Global biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast in flowers & plants by region, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Chapter 6 Biodegradable Mulch Films Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 6.1 Biodegradable mulch films market share by region, 2021 & 2030 6.2 Global biodegradable mulch films market estimates and forecast, by region 2019 - 2030, (USD Thousand) 6.3 North America 6.3.1 North America biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.3.2 North America biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.3.3 North America biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.3.4 U.S U.S. biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) U.S. biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) U.S. biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.3.5 Canada Canada biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Canada biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousands) Canada biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousands) 6.3.6 Mexico Mexico biodegradable mulch film market estimates & forecast, 2014–2025 (USD Thousand) Mexico biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Mexico biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.4 Europe 6.4.1 Europe biodegradable mulch film market estimates & forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.4.2 Europe biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.4.3 Europe biodegradable mulch film market estimates & forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.4.4 Germany Germany biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Germany biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Germany biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.4.5 U.K. U.K. biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) U.K. biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) U.K. biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.4.6 France France biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) France biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) France biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.5 Asia Pacific 6.5.1 Asia Pacific biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.5.2 Asia Pacific biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.5.3 Asia Pacific biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.5.4 China China biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) China biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) China biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.5.5 India India biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) India biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) India biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.5.6 Japan Japan biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Japan biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Japan biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.6 Middle East & Africa (MEA) 6.6.1 MEA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.6.2 MEA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.6.3 MEA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.6.4 South Africa South Africa biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) South Africa biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) South Africa biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.7 Central & South America (CSA) 6.7.1 CSA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.7.2 CSA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.7.3 CSA biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.7.4 Brazil Brazil biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Brazil biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Brazil biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) 6.7.5 Argentina Argentina biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Argentina biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by raw material 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Argentina biodegradable mulch film market estimates and forecast, by crop type 2019 - 2030 (USD Thousand) Chapter 7 Company Profiles 7.1 Ab Rani Plast Oy 7.1.1 Company overview 7.1.2 Industries and services catered 7.1.3 Product benchmarking 7.1.4 Strategic initiatives 7.2 Grupo Armando Alvarez S.A. 7.2.1 Company overview 7.2.2 Industries and services catered 7.2.3 Product benchmarking 7.3 BASF SE 7.3.1 Company overview 7.3.2 Financial performance 7.3.3 Industries and services catered 7.3.4 Product benchmarking 7.4 Novamont S.p.A. Ltd. 7.4.1 Company overview 7.4.2 Industries and services catered 7.4.3 Product benchmarking 7.4.4 Strategic initiatives 7.5 RPC bpi 7.5.1 Company overview 7.5.2 Financial performance 7.5.3 Industries and services catered 7.5.4 Product benchmarking 7.6 Al-Pack Enterprises Ltd. 7.6.1 Company overview 7.6.2 Industries and services catered 7.6.3 Product benchmarking 7.7 Kingfa Sci. & Tec. Co. Ltd. 7.7.1 Company overview 7.7.2 Industries and services catered 7.7.3 Product benchmarking 7.8 BioBag International AS 7.8.1 Company overview 7.8.2 Industries and services catered 7.8.3 Product benchmarking 7.9 AEP Industries, Inc. 7.9.1 Company overview 7.9.2 Financial performance 7.9.3 Industries and services catered 7.9.4 Product benchmarking 7.10 RKW SE 7.10.1 Company overview 7.10.2 Industries and services catered 7.10.3 Product benchmarking 7.10.4 Strategic initiatives
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