グリーン水素の市場規模、シェア、動向分析レポート:技術別(PEM電解槽、アルカリ電解槽)、用途別(発電、輸送)、流通チャネル別、地域別、セグメント別予測、2022年~2030年Green Hydrogen Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Technology (PEM Electrolyzer, Alkaline Electrolyzer), By Application (Power Generation, Transportation), By Distribution Channel, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030 グリーン水素市場の成長とトレンド グランドビューリサーチ社の最新レポートによると、グリーン水素の世界市場規模は2030年に605億6000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。2022年から2030年にかけて、年平均... もっと見る
サマリーグリーン水素市場の成長とトレンドグランドビューリサーチ社の最新レポートによると、グリーン水素の世界市場規模は2030年に605億6000万米ドルに達すると予測されています。2022年から2030年にかけて、年平均成長率39.5%で市場が拡大すると予測されています。化石燃料経済に対する環境に優しい代替手段として注目されている水素経済とともに、クリーン燃料の使用に有利な政府投資や補助金の増加が、予測期間中の需要を強化する可能性があります。 市場は、さまざまな最終用途産業における再生可能エネルギー源の普及によって牽引されています。グリーン水素は、風力エネルギー、太陽光エネルギーなどの再生可能な発電源で、水の電気分解によって製造されます。さらに、再生可能エネルギーの規模が拡大することで、クリーンな発電のコストが低下し、予測期間中の市場成長にプラスの影響を与えると推測されます。 アルカリ性電解槽は、グリーン水素プロジェクトで使用される従来の電解槽技術であることから、2021年の市場シェアは66.18%でした。アルカリ電解槽は、電解質として水酸化カリウムまたは水酸化ナトリウムのアルカリ性液体溶液を使用し、PEM電解槽よりも稼働時間が長いのが特徴です。しかし、予測期間においては、PEM型電解槽の方がアルカリ型電解槽よりも高い成長率を示すと予想されます。 用途別では運輸分野が最大で、2021年の世界のグリーン水素市場の約40.61%を占めています。輸送産業が化石燃料から太陽エネルギーやグリーン水素などの再生可能エネルギーにシフトしていることが、予測期間において同セグメントを押し上げると予想されます。また、発電分野は、グリーン水素の製造コストの削減により、安定したペースで成長することが期待されています。 流通経路におけるパイプライン分野は、2021年に市場の63.11%を占めています。パイプラインは、長距離で大量に輸送するための最も経済的に実行可能な方法である。カーゴセグメントは、グリーン水素の需要増により、予測期間中にCAGR40.9%で成長すると予想されます。 北米の市場は、クリーンエネルギー政策の実施により、米国とカナダがリードしており、予測期間中に顕著な成長率を達成すると予想されます。米国では、カリフォルニア州が市場シェアの大半を占めており、2040年までにガスまたはディーゼルエンジン駆動の公共バスを廃止するなどの積極的な脱炭化水素目標が市場成長を牽引しています。 業界の主要企業は、電解槽ユニットの高コスト削減のための技術革新に注力しており、グリーン水素製造の商業化を後押ししています。さらに、市場参加者は、今後数年間、市場での足場を強化するために、合弁事業、パートナーシップ、M&Aなど、いくつかの戦略的イニシアチブを実践することに重点を置いています。 水素市場における未開拓の可能性を実現する国々は、今後数年にわたり業界の展望を強化すると予想されます。2019年10月、シーメンスは、オーストラリアにおける5GWの風力・太陽光複合エネルギープロジェクトに関する技術提携を発表しました。同社は、再生可能エネルギーによる電気分解でグリーン水素を生成するための電解槽技術を提供する見込みです。製造されたクリーンな水素は、アジア市場に輸出される予定である。 グリーン水素市場のレポートハイライト - アルカリ電解槽は、PEM電解槽技術と比較して、低資本コストと高い運転期間能力により、2021年に66.18%の最大の収益シェアを占めた - 高分子電解質膜(PEM)電解槽は、膜厚が薄く、プロトン伝導率が高く、ガス透過性が低いため、予測期間中に最も速い成長率を示すと予想される - 2021年の売上高シェアは輸送部門が40.61%で最大となった。輸送業界における再生可能エネルギー源の採用が増加していることが、予測期間中の成長を後押しすると予想される - パイプライン流通チャネルセグメントは、2021年に62.07%の収益シェアを占めた。既存のパイプラインインフラと相まって、パイプライン流通の低コスト化が予測期間中の市場を押し上げると予想される - 欧州は、地域全体で多くのグリーン水素製造プラントが存在するため、2021年の収益シェアは49.03%と圧倒的でした。また、政府による大規模な投資が市場成長の原動力となることが期待されています。 - 北米は、クリーンエネルギー目標の実施と、燃料電池自動車の燃料として使用されるグリーン水素などの最終市場アプリケーションの増加により、予測期間中に大きなCAGRで成長すると推定される。 - アジア太平洋地域は、オーストラリアや日本などのAPAC諸国で発表された支援政策や大規模なグリーン水素プロジェクトにより、予測期間中に最も速いCAGRで成長すると予測されています。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Methodology & Scope 1.1 Market Segmentation & Scope 1.2 Assumptions 1.3 Information Procurement 1.3.1 Purchased Database 1.3.2 GVR’s Internal Database 1.3.3 Secondary Sources 1.3.4 Third-Party Perspective 1.3.5 Primary Research 1.4 Information Analysis 1.4.1 Data Analysis Models 1.5 Market Formulation and Data Visualization 1.6 Data Validation and Publishing Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Market Outlook Chapter 3 Market Variables, Trends & Scope 3.1 Penetration and Growth Prospects 3.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis 3.3 Regulatory Framework 3.3.1 Policies & Plans for Hydrogen by Major Countries 3.3.2 Standards and Compliances 3.4 Market Dynamics 3.4.1 Market Driver Analysis Supporting government policies 3.4.2 Growing Penetration Of Renewable Energy 3.4.3 Market Restraint Analysis High cost associated 3.4.4 Market Opportunities 3.5 Business Environment Analysis: Green Hydrogen Market 3.5.1 Industry Analysis - Porter’s 3.5.2 PESTEL analysis 3.6 Impact of Corona Virus on Green Hydrogen Market 3.6.1 Challenges 3.6.2 Impact Verdict - Medium 3.7 Comparative market share analysis of blue hydrogen, grey hydrogen, and green hydrogen, (2021, Volume Basis) 3.8 Comparative price point analysis of blue hydrogen, grey hydrogen, and green hydrogen (2021, USD/kg) 3.9 Production Cost and components of blue hydrogen, grey hydrogen, and green hydrogen 3.9.1 Blue hydrogen Component Distribution 3.9.2 Grey Hydrogen Component Distribution 3.9.3 Green Hydrogen Component Distribution 3.9.4 Blue Hydrogen Case Study 3.9.5 Grey Hydrogen Case study 3.9.6 Green Hydrogen Case study 3.10 Overview of the Yellow Hydrogen Chapter 4 Green Hydrogen Market: Technology Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 4.1 Green Hydrogen Market: Technology Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 4.2 Market size & forecasts and trend analysis, 2019 to 2030 for the following: 4.2.1 Alkaline Electrolyzer Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by alkaline electrolyzer technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 4.2.2 Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Electrolyzer Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by PEM electrolyzer technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 5 Green Hydrogen Market: Application Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 5.1 Green Hydrogen Market: Application Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 5.2 Market size & forecasts and trend analysis, 2019 to 2030 for the following: 5.2.1 Power Generation Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Power Generation, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 5.2.2 Transport Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Transport, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 5.2.3 Others Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Others, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 6 Green Hydrogen Market: Distribution Channel Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 6.1 Green Hydrogen Market: Distribution Channel Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 6.2 Market size & forecasts and trend analysis, 2019 to 2030 for the following: 6.2.1 Pipeline Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Pipeline, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.2.2 Cargo Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Cargo, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 7 Green Hydrogen Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 7.1 Green Hydrogen Market: Regional Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 7.2 North America 7.2.1 North America green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.2.2 U.S. U.S. green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.2.3 Canada 7.2.3..1 Canada green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Europe green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology Type, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.3.2 Europe green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.3.3 Europe green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.3.4 Germany Germany green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Germany green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Germany green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.3.5 France France green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) France green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) France green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.3.6 U.K. U.K. green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) U.K. green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by APPLICATION, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) U.K. green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4 Asia Pacific 7.4.1 Asia Pacific green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4.2 Asia Pacific green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4.3 Asia Pacific green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4.4 Australia Australia green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology TYPE, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Australia green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Australia green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4.5 China China green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) China green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) China green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4.6 India India green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) India green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) India green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4.7 Japan Japan green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Japan green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Japan green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.5 Central and South America 7.5.1 Central and South America green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.5.2 Central and South America green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.5.3 Central and South America green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.5.4 Brazil Brazil green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Brazil green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Brazil green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.6 Middle East and Africa 7.6.1 Middle east and Africa green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.6.2 Middle east and Africa green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.6.3 Middle east and Africa green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 8 Green Hydrogen Market: Hydrogen Refueling Stations 8.1 Market overview 8.2 Segmentation Overview 8.3 Recent development and strategies 8.3.1 Cost analysis for setting up refueling infrastructure Chapter 9 Green Hydrogen Market - Competitive Landscape 9.1 Key Global Players, Recent Market Developments & Their Impact on the Industry 9.2 Vendor landscape 9.3 Public Companies 9.3.1 Competitive Dashboard Analysis 9.4 Private Company 9.4.1 List of Key Emerging Companies/Technology Disruptors/Innovators 9.5 Global Market Share Analysis (2021) Chapter 10 Company Profiles 10.1 Linde plc 10.1.1 Company Overview 10.1.2 Financial Performance 10.1.3 Product Benchmarking 10.2 Air Products Inc. 10.2.1 Company Overview 10.2.2 Financial Performance 10.2.3 Product Benchmarking 10.2.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.3 Air Liquide 10.3.1 Company Overview 10.3.2 Financial Performance 10.3.3 Product Benchmarking 10.3.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.4 Cummins Inc. 10.4.1 Company Overview 10.4.2 Financial Performance 10.4.3 Product Benchmarking 10.4.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.5 Engie 10.5.1 Company Overview 10.5.2 Financial Performance 10.5.3 Product Benchmarking 10.5.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.6 Nel ASA 10.6.1 Company Overview 10.6.2 Financial Performance 10.6.3 Product Benchmarking 10.6.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.7 Siemens Energy 10.7.1 Company Profiles 10.7.2 Financial Performance 10.7.3 Product Benchmarking 10.7.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.8 Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation 10.8.1 Company Overview 10.8.2 Product Benchmarking 10.8.3 Strategic Initiatives 10.9 Uniper SE 10.9.1 Company Overview 10.9.2 Financial Performance 10.9.3 Product Benchmarking 10.9.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.10 Bloom Energy 10.10.1 Company Overview 10.10.2 Financial Performance 10.10.3 Product Benchmarking 10.10.4 Strategic Initiatives
SummaryGreen Hydrogen Market Growth & Trends Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Methodology & Scope 1.1 Market Segmentation & Scope 1.2 Assumptions 1.3 Information Procurement 1.3.1 Purchased Database 1.3.2 GVR’s Internal Database 1.3.3 Secondary Sources 1.3.4 Third-Party Perspective 1.3.5 Primary Research 1.4 Information Analysis 1.4.1 Data Analysis Models 1.5 Market Formulation and Data Visualization 1.6 Data Validation and Publishing Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Market Outlook Chapter 3 Market Variables, Trends & Scope 3.1 Penetration and Growth Prospects 3.2 Industry Value Chain Analysis 3.3 Regulatory Framework 3.3.1 Policies & Plans for Hydrogen by Major Countries 3.3.2 Standards and Compliances 3.4 Market Dynamics 3.4.1 Market Driver Analysis Supporting government policies 3.4.2 Growing Penetration Of Renewable Energy 3.4.3 Market Restraint Analysis High cost associated 3.4.4 Market Opportunities 3.5 Business Environment Analysis: Green Hydrogen Market 3.5.1 Industry Analysis - Porter’s 3.5.2 PESTEL analysis 3.6 Impact of Corona Virus on Green Hydrogen Market 3.6.1 Challenges 3.6.2 Impact Verdict - Medium 3.7 Comparative market share analysis of blue hydrogen, grey hydrogen, and green hydrogen, (2021, Volume Basis) 3.8 Comparative price point analysis of blue hydrogen, grey hydrogen, and green hydrogen (2021, USD/kg) 3.9 Production Cost and components of blue hydrogen, grey hydrogen, and green hydrogen 3.9.1 Blue hydrogen Component Distribution 3.9.2 Grey Hydrogen Component Distribution 3.9.3 Green Hydrogen Component Distribution 3.9.4 Blue Hydrogen Case Study 3.9.5 Grey Hydrogen Case study 3.9.6 Green Hydrogen Case study 3.10 Overview of the Yellow Hydrogen Chapter 4 Green Hydrogen Market: Technology Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 4.1 Green Hydrogen Market: Technology Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 4.2 Market size & forecasts and trend analysis, 2019 to 2030 for the following: 4.2.1 Alkaline Electrolyzer Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by alkaline electrolyzer technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 4.2.2 Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) Electrolyzer Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by PEM electrolyzer technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 5 Green Hydrogen Market: Application Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 5.1 Green Hydrogen Market: Application Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 5.2 Market size & forecasts and trend analysis, 2019 to 2030 for the following: 5.2.1 Power Generation Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Power Generation, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 5.2.2 Transport Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Transport, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 5.2.3 Others Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Others, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 6 Green Hydrogen Market: Distribution Channel Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 6.1 Green Hydrogen Market: Distribution Channel Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 6.2 Market size & forecasts and trend analysis, 2019 to 2030 for the following: 6.2.1 Pipeline Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Pipeline, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 6.2.2 Cargo Global green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Cargo, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 7 Green Hydrogen Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 7.1 Green Hydrogen Market: Regional Movement Analysis, 2021 & 2030 7.2 North America 7.2.1 North America green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.2.2 U.S. U.S. green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.2.3 Canada 7.2.3..1 Canada green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.3 Europe 7.3.1 Europe green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology Type, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.3.2 Europe green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.3.3 Europe green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.3.4 Germany Germany green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Germany green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Germany green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.3.5 France France green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) France green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) France green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.3.6 U.K. U.K. green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) U.K. green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by APPLICATION, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) U.K. green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4 Asia Pacific 7.4.1 Asia Pacific green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4.2 Asia Pacific green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4.3 Asia Pacific green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4.4 Australia Australia green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology TYPE, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Australia green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Australia green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4.5 China China green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) China green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) China green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4.6 India India green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) India green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) India green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.4.7 Japan Japan green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Japan green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Japan green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.5 Central and South America 7.5.1 Central and South America green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.5.2 Central and South America green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.5.3 Central and South America green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.5.4 Brazil Brazil green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Brazil green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Brazil green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.6 Middle East and Africa 7.6.1 Middle east and Africa green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by technology, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.6.2 Middle east and Africa green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) 7.6.3 Middle east and Africa green hydrogen market estimates and forecasts, by Distribution Channel, 2019 - 2030 (Kilotons) (USD Million) Chapter 8 Green Hydrogen Market: Hydrogen Refueling Stations 8.1 Market overview 8.2 Segmentation Overview 8.3 Recent development and strategies 8.3.1 Cost analysis for setting up refueling infrastructure Chapter 9 Green Hydrogen Market - Competitive Landscape 9.1 Key Global Players, Recent Market Developments & Their Impact on the Industry 9.2 Vendor landscape 9.3 Public Companies 9.3.1 Competitive Dashboard Analysis 9.4 Private Company 9.4.1 List of Key Emerging Companies/Technology Disruptors/Innovators 9.5 Global Market Share Analysis (2021) Chapter 10 Company Profiles 10.1 Linde plc 10.1.1 Company Overview 10.1.2 Financial Performance 10.1.3 Product Benchmarking 10.2 Air Products Inc. 10.2.1 Company Overview 10.2.2 Financial Performance 10.2.3 Product Benchmarking 10.2.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.3 Air Liquide 10.3.1 Company Overview 10.3.2 Financial Performance 10.3.3 Product Benchmarking 10.3.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.4 Cummins Inc. 10.4.1 Company Overview 10.4.2 Financial Performance 10.4.3 Product Benchmarking 10.4.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.5 Engie 10.5.1 Company Overview 10.5.2 Financial Performance 10.5.3 Product Benchmarking 10.5.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.6 Nel ASA 10.6.1 Company Overview 10.6.2 Financial Performance 10.6.3 Product Benchmarking 10.6.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.7 Siemens Energy 10.7.1 Company Profiles 10.7.2 Financial Performance 10.7.3 Product Benchmarking 10.7.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.8 Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation 10.8.1 Company Overview 10.8.2 Product Benchmarking 10.8.3 Strategic Initiatives 10.9 Uniper SE 10.9.1 Company Overview 10.9.2 Financial Performance 10.9.3 Product Benchmarking 10.9.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.10 Bloom Energy 10.10.1 Company Overview 10.10.2 Financial Performance 10.10.3 Product Benchmarking 10.10.4 Strategic Initiatives
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