成形パルプ包装の市場規模、シェア、動向分析レポート:供給源別(木材パルプ、非木材パルプ)、成形タイプ別(熱成形、転写)、製品別、用途別、地域別、セグメント別予測、2022年~2030年Molded Pulp Packaging Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Source (Wood Pulp, Non-wood Pulp), By Molded Type (Thermoformed, Transfer), By Product, By Application, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030 成形パルプ包装の市場成長とトレンド グランドビューリサーチ社の最新レポートによると、世界の成形パルプ包装の市場規模は2030年までに91億1000万米ドルに達し、予測期間中にCAGR7.4%で拡大すると予測されて... もっと見る
サマリー成形パルプ包装の市場成長とトレンドグランドビューリサーチ社の最新レポートによると、世界の成形パルプ包装の市場規模は2030年までに91億1000万米ドルに達し、予測期間中にCAGR7.4%で拡大すると予測されています。エンドユーザーによる環境に優しい持続可能なパッケージングへの需要の高まり、廃棄物管理に対する意識の高まり、使い捨てプラスチックに対する環境問題などが、成形パルプパッケージング市場の主要な推進要因であると考えられています。 プラスチックの生産と消費の増大は、非効率な廃棄物管理システムにより、世界的に大きな環境問題になっています。国連責任投資原則(UNPRI)の報告書によると、世界で年間リサイクルされているプラスチックは全体の20%未満です。プラスチックは生分解性がないため、環境汚染の原因となり、世界のプラスチック廃棄物の40%は包装材から発生しています。そのため、最終消費者である産業界は、この世界的な問題を考慮し、持続可能なパッケージング・アプローチへと移行しています。 近年、パルプモールドは卵のトレーなど、基本的な包装に限定されていましたが、その持続可能な特性から、需要が大幅に増加しています。パルプモールドは、植物由来の繊維から作られているため、完全に再生可能で生分解性があります。 2020年のCOVID-19の大流行は、小売セグメントからの卵の需要増加、それに続く生鮮食品、果物・野菜の宅配需要の増加により、成型パルプ包装分野に好影響を与えた。外交問題評議会の報告によると、パンデミックの期間中、ウォルマートのオンライン売上は87%増加し、アマゾンは200%の利益増加を経験しました。 また、全米代表調査によると、パンデミック開始以降、食料品のオンラインショッピングを頻繁に行った世帯は34%に上り、そのうちの60%はパンデミック終了後もオンラインショッピングを続ける予定であるという。インターネットショッピングの増加により、安全な配送のための包装資材の需要が高まっています。しかし、サプライチェーンの混乱による原材料の不足が、包装製品の価格を上昇させています。 業界プレーヤーは、顧客ベースと個々の市場シェアを増加させるために、M&A、合弁事業、パートナーシップ契約を含むいくつかの戦略を採用しています。例えば、2020年1月、Sonoco Products Companyは、Plastique Holdings, Ltd.、およびThermoform Engineered Quality LLC(合わせてTEQと呼ばれる、熱成形包装製品メーカー)を買収しました。ESCO Technologies, Inc.から1億8,700万米ドルで買収した。この買収により、ソノコ・プロダクツ・カンパニーの製品ラインアップはさらに充実しました。 成形パルプ包装市場レポートハイライト - 2021年の原反セグメントの売上高シェアは86.2%で、木材パルプセグメントが市場を支配しています。バージン材や古紙が安価で豊富に入手できることが、2021年の同セグメントの最高シェアの要因となっている - 果実や卵の包装用のクラムシェルやトレイなど、パルプのトランスファー成形品の普及率が高いため、2021年のトランスファー型セグメントのシェアは57.3%と最も高かった - トレイは41.6%の売上高シェアで主要な製品セグメントに浮上した。飲料用ガラス瓶、ワインボトル、卵などのガラス製品を含む壊れやすい製品の輸送に広く利用できること、低コストであること、衝撃吸収性に優れていることが、同セグメントの高いシェアに寄与している - 電子機器向けは、予測期間中、最も高い年平均成長率(CAGR)8.8%で推移すると予想されます。モデム、セットアップボックス、冷蔵庫、インバーター、プリンターなど、いくつかの電子製品は、エンドキャップなどのパルプモールドパッケージング製品を使って包装されています。エンドキャップは、保管中や輸送中に電子製品を保護します。 - M&Aや生産能力の拡大と相まって、新製品の開発は、業界プレーヤーが採用する戦略の一部です。例えば、2019年12月、HuhtamakiはFuture Smart Duo Fiber Lidという、冷たい飲料と熱い飲料に適したパッケージング製品ラインを発売しました。これは、バガスと木質繊維の混合物を使用して製造された持続可能なパッケージングソリューションです 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1 Methodology And Scope 1.1 Information Procurement 1.1.1 Purchased Database 1.1.2 GVR’s Internal Database 1.1.3 Secondary Sources 1.1.4 Third Party Perspective 1.1.5 Primary Research 1.2 Information Analysis & Data Analysis Models 1.3 List of Data Sources Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Market Insights 2.2 Market Outlook 2.3 Segmental Outlook 2.4 Segmental Outlook (Contd.) 2.5 Competitive Outlook Chapter 3 Market Variables, Trends, And Scope 3.1 Market Lineage Outlook 3.1.1 Parent Market Outlook: Green Packaging Market 3.1.2 Related Market Outlook: Edible Packaging Market 3.1.3 Related Market Outlook: Other emerging sustainable packaging products 3.2 Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis 3.3.1 Raw Material Trends 3.3.2 MaJor Raw material Analysis 3.3.3 Procurement Best Practices 3.3.4 Manufacturing Trends 3.3.5 Technology Trends 3.3.6 Sales Channel Analysis 3.4 Technology Timeline 3.5 Regulatory Framework 3.5.1 U.S. Regulations The United States Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 3.5.2 Canada Regulations Food and Drugs Act Food and Drug Regulations 3.5.3 EU Regulations Framework Regulation (EC) 1935/2004 3.6 Market Dynamics 3.6.1 Market Driver Analysis Rising Consumption of Eggs And Fresh Fruits Growing Demand for Sustainable Packaging 3.6.2 Market Restraints Availability of substitute packaging products 3.6.3 Market Challenges Aesthetic limitation of molded pulp products 3.7 Business Environment Analysis: Molded Pulp Packaging Market 3.7.1 Industry Analysis: Porter’s five forces 3.7.2 Pestel Analysis 3.7.3 Major Deals & Strategic Alliances Joint Ventures Mergers & Acquisitions Technology Collaboration 3.8 Market Strategies 3.8.1 Impacts of COVID-19 Chapter 4 Molded Pulp Packaging Market: Source Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1 Definition & Scope 4.2 Source movement & market share analysis, 2021 & 2030 4.3 Wood Pulp 4.3.1 Molded Wood Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 4.4 Non-Wood Pulp 4.4.1 Molded Non-Wood Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Chapter 5 Molded Pulp Packaging Market: Molded Type Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1 Definition & Scope 5.2 Molded type movement & market share analysis, 2020 & 2028 5.3 Thick Wall 5.3.1 Thick Wall Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 5.4 Transfer 5.4.1 Transfer Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 5.5 Thermoformed 5.5.1 Thermoformed Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 5.6 Processed 5.6.1 Processed Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Chapter 6 Molded Pulp Packaging Market: Product Estimates & Trend Analysis 6.1 Definition & Scope 6.2 Product movement & market share analysis, 2021 & 2030 6.3 Trays 6.3.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Tray, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.4 End Caps 6.4.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By End Cap, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.5 Bowls & Cups 6.5.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Bowl & Cups Cap, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.6 Clamshells 6.6.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Clamshell, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.7 Plate 6.7.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Plate, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.8 Others 6.8.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Other, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Chapter 7 Molded Pulp Packaging Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 7.1 Definition & Scope 7.2 Application movement & market share analysis, 2020 & 2028 7.3 Food Packaging 7.3.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Food Packaging, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 7.4 Food Service 7.4.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Foodservice, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 7.5 Electronics 7.5.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Electronics, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 7.6 Healthcare 7.6.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Healthcare, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 7.7 Industrial 7.7.1 Molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, By Industrial, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 7.8 Others 7.8.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Others, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Chapter 8 Molded Pulp Packaging Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 8.1 Regional movement & market share analysis, 2021 & 2030 8.2 North America 8.2.1 North America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.2 North America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.3 North America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.4 North America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.5 North America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.6 U.S. U.S. molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) U.S. Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) U.S. Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) U.S. Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) U.S. molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.7 Canada Canada molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Canada molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Canada molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Canada molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Canada molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.8 Mexico Mexico molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Mexico molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Mexico molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Mexico molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Mexico molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3 Europe 8.3.1 Europe Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.2 Europe Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.3 Europe Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.4 Europe Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.5 Europe Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.6 Germany Germany molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Germany molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Germany molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Germany molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Germany molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.7 France France molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) France molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) France molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) France molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) France molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.8 UK UK molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) UK molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) UK molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) UK molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) UK molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.9 Italy Italy molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Italy molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Italy molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Italy molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Italy molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4 Asia Pacific 8.4.1 Asia Pacific Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.2 Asia Pacific Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.3 Asia Pacific Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.4 Asia Pacific Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.5 Asia Pacific Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.6 China China molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) China molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) China molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) China molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) China molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.7 Japan Japan molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Japan molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Japan molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Japan molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Japan molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.8 India India molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) India molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) India molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) India molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) India molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.5 Central & South America 8.5.1 Central & South America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.5.2 Central & South America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.5.3 Central & South America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.5.4 Central & South America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.5.5 Central & South America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.5.6 Brazil Brazil molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Brazil molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Brazil molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Brazil molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Brazil molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.6 Middle East & Africa 8.6.1 Middle East & Africa Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.6.2 Middle East & Africa Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.6.3 Middle East & Africa Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.6.4 Middle East & Africa Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.6.5 Middle East & Africa Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.6.6 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Saudi Arabia molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Saudi Arabia molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Saudi Arabia molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Saudi Arabia molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Chapter 9 Competitive Analysis 9.1 Key players & recent developments & their impact on the industry 9.2 Participant Categorization 9.3 Vendor Landscape 9.3.1 List of key distributors & channel partners 9.3.2 Key company Market Ranking Analysis, 2020 9.4 Public Companies 9.4.1 Company market position analysis 9.4.2 Competitive dashboard analysis 9.4.3 Synergy Analysis: Major Deals & Strategic Alliances 9.5 Private Companies 9.5.1 List of Key Emerging Companies/Technology Disruptors/Innovators 9.5.2 Company market position analysis Chapter 10 Company Profiles 10.1 Brødrene Hartmann A/S 10.1.1 Company Overview 10.1.2 Financial Performance 10.1.3 Product benchmarking 10.1.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.2 Huhtamäki Oyj 10.2.1 Company Overview 10.2.2 Financial Performance 10.2.3 Product benchmarking 10.2.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.3 UFP Technologies, Inc. 10.3.1 Company Overview 10.3.2 Financial Performance 10.3.3 Product benchmarking 10.4 Thermoform Engineered Quality LLC 10.4.1 Company Overview 10.4.2 Product benchmarking 10.4.3 Strategic Initiatives 10.5 Genpak, LLC 10.5.1 Company Overview 10.5.2 Product benchmarking 10.5.3 Strategic Initiatives 10.6 Eco-Products, Inc. 10.6.1 Company Overview 10.6.2 Product benchmarking 10.6.3 Strategic Initiatives 10.7 Pro-Pac Packaging Limited 10.7.1 Company Overview 10.7.2 Financial Performance 10.7.3 Product benchmarking 10.8 Fabri-Kal 10.8.1 Company Overview 10.8.2 Product benchmarking 10.8.3 Strategic Initiatives 10.9 Henry Molded Products, Inc. 10.9.1 Company Overview 10.9.2 Product benchmarking 10.10 Sabert Corporation 10.10.1 Company Overview 10.10.2 Product benchmarking 10.10.3 Strategic Initiatives
SummaryMolded Pulp Packaging Market Growth & Trends Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1 Methodology And Scope 1.1 Information Procurement 1.1.1 Purchased Database 1.1.2 GVR’s Internal Database 1.1.3 Secondary Sources 1.1.4 Third Party Perspective 1.1.5 Primary Research 1.2 Information Analysis & Data Analysis Models 1.3 List of Data Sources Chapter 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Market Insights 2.2 Market Outlook 2.3 Segmental Outlook 2.4 Segmental Outlook (Contd.) 2.5 Competitive Outlook Chapter 3 Market Variables, Trends, And Scope 3.1 Market Lineage Outlook 3.1.1 Parent Market Outlook: Green Packaging Market 3.1.2 Related Market Outlook: Edible Packaging Market 3.1.3 Related Market Outlook: Other emerging sustainable packaging products 3.2 Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3 Industry Value Chain Analysis 3.3.1 Raw Material Trends 3.3.2 MaJor Raw material Analysis 3.3.3 Procurement Best Practices 3.3.4 Manufacturing Trends 3.3.5 Technology Trends 3.3.6 Sales Channel Analysis 3.4 Technology Timeline 3.5 Regulatory Framework 3.5.1 U.S. Regulations The United States Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act 3.5.2 Canada Regulations Food and Drugs Act Food and Drug Regulations 3.5.3 EU Regulations Framework Regulation (EC) 1935/2004 3.6 Market Dynamics 3.6.1 Market Driver Analysis Rising Consumption of Eggs And Fresh Fruits Growing Demand for Sustainable Packaging 3.6.2 Market Restraints Availability of substitute packaging products 3.6.3 Market Challenges Aesthetic limitation of molded pulp products 3.7 Business Environment Analysis: Molded Pulp Packaging Market 3.7.1 Industry Analysis: Porter’s five forces 3.7.2 Pestel Analysis 3.7.3 Major Deals & Strategic Alliances Joint Ventures Mergers & Acquisitions Technology Collaboration 3.8 Market Strategies 3.8.1 Impacts of COVID-19 Chapter 4 Molded Pulp Packaging Market: Source Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1 Definition & Scope 4.2 Source movement & market share analysis, 2021 & 2030 4.3 Wood Pulp 4.3.1 Molded Wood Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 4.4 Non-Wood Pulp 4.4.1 Molded Non-Wood Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Chapter 5 Molded Pulp Packaging Market: Molded Type Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1 Definition & Scope 5.2 Molded type movement & market share analysis, 2020 & 2028 5.3 Thick Wall 5.3.1 Thick Wall Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 5.4 Transfer 5.4.1 Transfer Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 5.5 Thermoformed 5.5.1 Thermoformed Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 5.6 Processed 5.6.1 Processed Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Chapter 6 Molded Pulp Packaging Market: Product Estimates & Trend Analysis 6.1 Definition & Scope 6.2 Product movement & market share analysis, 2021 & 2030 6.3 Trays 6.3.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Tray, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.4 End Caps 6.4.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By End Cap, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.5 Bowls & Cups 6.5.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Bowl & Cups Cap, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.6 Clamshells 6.6.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Clamshell, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.7 Plate 6.7.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Plate, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 6.8 Others 6.8.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Other, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Chapter 7 Molded Pulp Packaging Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 7.1 Definition & Scope 7.2 Application movement & market share analysis, 2020 & 2028 7.3 Food Packaging 7.3.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Food Packaging, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 7.4 Food Service 7.4.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Foodservice, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 7.5 Electronics 7.5.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Electronics, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 7.6 Healthcare 7.6.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Healthcare, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 7.7 Industrial 7.7.1 Molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, By Industrial, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 7.8 Others 7.8.1 Molded Pulp Packaging Market Estimates And Forecasts, By Others, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Chapter 8 Molded Pulp Packaging Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 8.1 Regional movement & market share analysis, 2021 & 2030 8.2 North America 8.2.1 North America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.2 North America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.3 North America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.4 North America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.5 North America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.6 U.S. U.S. molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) U.S. Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) U.S. Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) U.S. Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) U.S. molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.7 Canada Canada molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Canada molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Canada molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Canada molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Canada molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.2.8 Mexico Mexico molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Mexico molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Mexico molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Mexico molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Mexico molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3 Europe 8.3.1 Europe Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.2 Europe Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.3 Europe Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.4 Europe Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.5 Europe Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.6 Germany Germany molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Germany molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Germany molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Germany molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Germany molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.7 France France molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) France molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) France molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) France molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) France molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.8 UK UK molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) UK molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) UK molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) UK molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) UK molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.3.9 Italy Italy molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Italy molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Italy molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Italy molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Italy molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4 Asia Pacific 8.4.1 Asia Pacific Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.2 Asia Pacific Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.3 Asia Pacific Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.4 Asia Pacific Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.5 Asia Pacific Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.6 China China molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) China molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) China molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) China molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) China molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.7 Japan Japan molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Japan molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Japan molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Japan molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Japan molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.4.8 India India molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) India molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) India molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) India molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) India molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.5 Central & South America 8.5.1 Central & South America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.5.2 Central & South America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.5.3 Central & South America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.5.4 Central & South America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.5.5 Central & South America Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.5.6 Brazil Brazil molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Brazil molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Brazil molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Brazil molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Brazil molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.6 Middle East & Africa 8.6.1 Middle East & Africa Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.6.2 Middle East & Africa Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.6.3 Middle East & Africa Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.6.4 Middle East & Africa Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.6.5 Middle East & Africa Molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) 8.6.6 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia molded pulp packaging market estimates and forecasts, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Saudi Arabia molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Source, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Saudi Arabia molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by type, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Saudi Arabia molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Product, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Saudi Arabia molded Pulp Packaging market estimates and forecasts, by Application, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) Chapter 9 Competitive Analysis 9.1 Key players & recent developments & their impact on the industry 9.2 Participant Categorization 9.3 Vendor Landscape 9.3.1 List of key distributors & channel partners 9.3.2 Key company Market Ranking Analysis, 2020 9.4 Public Companies 9.4.1 Company market position analysis 9.4.2 Competitive dashboard analysis 9.4.3 Synergy Analysis: Major Deals & Strategic Alliances 9.5 Private Companies 9.5.1 List of Key Emerging Companies/Technology Disruptors/Innovators 9.5.2 Company market position analysis Chapter 10 Company Profiles 10.1 Brødrene Hartmann A/S 10.1.1 Company Overview 10.1.2 Financial Performance 10.1.3 Product benchmarking 10.1.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.2 Huhtamäki Oyj 10.2.1 Company Overview 10.2.2 Financial Performance 10.2.3 Product benchmarking 10.2.4 Strategic Initiatives 10.3 UFP Technologies, Inc. 10.3.1 Company Overview 10.3.2 Financial Performance 10.3.3 Product benchmarking 10.4 Thermoform Engineered Quality LLC 10.4.1 Company Overview 10.4.2 Product benchmarking 10.4.3 Strategic Initiatives 10.5 Genpak, LLC 10.5.1 Company Overview 10.5.2 Product benchmarking 10.5.3 Strategic Initiatives 10.6 Eco-Products, Inc. 10.6.1 Company Overview 10.6.2 Product benchmarking 10.6.3 Strategic Initiatives 10.7 Pro-Pac Packaging Limited 10.7.1 Company Overview 10.7.2 Financial Performance 10.7.3 Product benchmarking 10.8 Fabri-Kal 10.8.1 Company Overview 10.8.2 Product benchmarking 10.8.3 Strategic Initiatives 10.9 Henry Molded Products, Inc. 10.9.1 Company Overview 10.9.2 Product benchmarking 10.10 Sabert Corporation 10.10.1 Company Overview 10.10.2 Product benchmarking 10.10.3 Strategic Initiatives
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