![]() 北米鉄筋市場の規模、シェア、動向分析レポート:用途別(建設、インフラ、産業)、地域別(米国、カナダ、メキシコ)、セグメント別予測、2022年~2030年North America Steel Rebar Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Application (Construction, Infrastructure, Industrial), By Region (U.S., Canada, Mexico), And Segment Forecasts, 2022 - 2030 北米の鉄筋市場の成長と動向 Grand View Research, Inc.の最新レポートによると、北米の鉄筋市場規模は2030年までに139億9000万米ドルに達し、予測期間中にCAGR4.8%で拡大すると予測されています。建設やイン... もっと見る
サマリー北米の鉄筋市場の成長と動向Grand View Research, Inc.の最新レポートによると、北米の鉄筋市場規模は2030年までに139億9000万米ドルに達し、予測期間中にCAGR4.8%で拡大すると予測されています。建設やインフラ開発プロジェクトへの投資の増加が、予測期間中の市場成長に貢献すると予想されます。北米の経済成長を後押しするための様々なインフラ開発プロジェクトが、予測期間中に同地域の鉄筋の需要を増大させると予測されます。例えば、2022年5月、メキシコ政府は、メキシコ南東部のインフラ開発に300億米ドルを割り当てることを発表しました。 この投資は、メキシコ南東部の空港、鉄道、港湾の整備、税関の近代化に役立つと期待されています。また、産業ユニットへの投資により、今後数年間、同地域の市場成長はさらに高まると予想されます。例えば、2022年6月、米国国防総省(DoD)は、テキサス州でレアアース精製所を開発するため、Lynas Rare Earths Ltd.と1億7300万米ドル相当の契約に調印しました。この精製所では、ジスプロシウムとテルビウムを製造する予定です。2021年には米国が最大の収益シェアを占め、公共インフラの再生のための投資の増加が予測期間中の製品需要を促進すると予想されます。 例えば、Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Actの下、橋や道路の再建に1100億米ドルが割り当てられている。さらに、政府は空港に250億米ドル、水路・港湾インフラに170億米ドルの投資を計画しています。市場は多数のプレーヤーが存在するため、競争力があります。これらのプレーヤーは、競争力を維持するために合併や買収にふける。例えば、2022年1月に、ナイトの会社は、ソブリンスチール、鉄筋と鉄筋ファブリケーターの買収を完了しました。この買収は、ナイトカンパニーズが顧客に追加の製品ラインを提供し、また、今後のインフラプロジェクトに参加するために役立つと予想される。 北米の鉄筋市場レポートハイライト - 2021年には建設部門が最大の収益シェアを占め、建設活動の活発化によりこの傾向は予測期間中も継続すると予想される - 例えば、米国国勢調査局によると、2022年3月の米国アリゾナ州の住宅建設許可件数は6,772.13件であり、2021年3月の同件数は4,930.57件であった。 - 国別では、2021年に米国が最大の売上高シェアを占めています。インフラ再建プロジェクトや建設活動の増加が製品消費を促進すると予測 - 建設およびインフラ産業への投資の増加により、鉄筋メーカーが製造能力を拡大する必要に迫られています - 例えば、2022年4月、Nucor社は、米国ノースカロライナ州にある新しい鉄筋マイクロミルに3億5000万米ドルを投資すると発表しました。 - 繊維強化ポリマー鉄筋(FRP)は、軽量、高強度、高耐食性、耐熱性に優れているため、鉄筋の代替品として使用されています。 - 鉄筋は腐食しやすく、鉄筋コンクリート構造物の寿命に影響を与えるため、FRPへの置き換えが進んでいます。 目次Table of ContentsChapter 1. Methodology and Scope 1.1. Market Segmentation & Scope 1.2. Market Definition 1.3. Research Methodology 1.4. Research Scope and Assumptions 1.5. Information Procurement 1.5.1. Purchased database 1.5.2. GVR’s Internal Database 1.5.3. Secondary Sources 1.5.4. Third Party Perspective 1.5.5. Primary Research 1.6. Information Analysis 1.6.1. Data Analysis Models 1.7. Market Formulation and Data Visualization 1.8. Data Validation and Publishing Chapter 2. Executive Summary 2.1. Market Insights 2.2. Market Snapshot 2.3. Segmental Outlook Chapter 3. Market Variables, Trends & Scope 3.1. Global Steel Rebar Industry Trends 3.2. Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3. Value Chain Analysis 3.3.1. Raw Material Trends Iron Ore Crude steel Ferrous scrap 3.3.2. Price Trend Analysis 3.3.3. Equipment Used in the Production of Steel Rebar 3.4. Technology Overview 3.5. Regulatory Framework 3.6. Market Dynamics 3.6.1. Market Driver Analysis 3.6.2. Market Restraint Analysis 3.6.3. Industry Challenges 3.7. Industry Analysis- Porter’s 3.8. PESTEL Analysis 3.9. Trade Analysis (in accordance with HS CODE 721420) Chapter 4. North America Steel Rebar Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1. Definition & Scope 4.2. Application Movement Analysis & Market Share, 2021 & 2030 4.3. Construction 4.3.1. North America steel rebar market estimates and forecast, by construction, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.4. Infrastructure 4.4.1. North America steel rebar market estimates and forecast, by infrastructure, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.5. Industrial 4.5.1. North America steel rebar market estimates and forecast, by industrial, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Chapter 5. Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1. Definition & Scope 5.2. Regional Movement Analysis & Market Share, 2021 & 2030 5.3. North America 5.3.1. North America steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.3.2. North America steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.3.3. U.S. U.S. steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) U.S. steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) California California steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) California steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Texas Texas steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Texas steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Arizona Arizona steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Arizona steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Rest of the U.S. Rest of the U.S. steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Rest of the U.S. steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.3.4. Canada Canada steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Canada steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.3.5. Mexico Mexico steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Mexico steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Chapter 6. Competitive Analysis 6.1. Recent Developments & Impact Analysis, By Key Market Participants 6.1.1. Major Deals & Strategic Alliances 6.2. Company /Competition Categorization 6.3. Production Details of Steel Rebar Mills in the U.S., By Key Companies 6.4. Vendor Landscape 6.4.1. List of Prospective End-Users 6.4.2. List of Raw Material Suppliers/Distributors Chapter 7. North America Steel Rebar Market: Company Profiles 7.1. Gerdau S.A. 7.1.1. Company Overview 7.1.2. Financial Performance 7.1.3. Product Benchmarking 7.1.4. Strategic Initiatives 7.2. CMC Steel 7.2.1. Company Overview 7.2.2. Financial Performance 7.2.3. Product Benchmarking 7.2.4. Strategic Initiatives 7.3. Steel Dynamics, Inc. 7.3.1. Company Overview 7.3.2. Financial Performance 7.3.3. Product Benchmarking 7.3.4. Strategic Initiatives 7.4. Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. 7.4.1. Company Overview 7.4.2. Financial Performance 7.4.3. Product Benchmarking 7.5. Acerinox S.A. 7.5.1. Company Overview 7.5.2. Financial Performance 7.5.3. Product Benchmarking 7.6. EVRAZ North America, Inc. 7.6.1. Company Overview 7.6.2. Product Benchmarking 7.7. Pacific Steel Group 7.7.1. Company Overview 7.7.2. Product Benchmarking 7.8. ArcelorMittal 7.8.1. Company Overview 7.8.2. Financial Performance 7.8.3. Product Benchmarking 7.9. Nucor 7.9.1. Company Overview 7.9.2. Financial Performance 7.9.3. Product Benchmarking 7.10. Ternium 7.10.1. Company Overview 7.10.2. Financial Performance 7.10.3. Product Benchmarking
SummaryNorth America Steel Rebar Market Growth & Trends Table of ContentsTable of ContentsChapter 1. Methodology and Scope 1.1. Market Segmentation & Scope 1.2. Market Definition 1.3. Research Methodology 1.4. Research Scope and Assumptions 1.5. Information Procurement 1.5.1. Purchased database 1.5.2. GVR’s Internal Database 1.5.3. Secondary Sources 1.5.4. Third Party Perspective 1.5.5. Primary Research 1.6. Information Analysis 1.6.1. Data Analysis Models 1.7. Market Formulation and Data Visualization 1.8. Data Validation and Publishing Chapter 2. Executive Summary 2.1. Market Insights 2.2. Market Snapshot 2.3. Segmental Outlook Chapter 3. Market Variables, Trends & Scope 3.1. Global Steel Rebar Industry Trends 3.2. Penetration & Growth Prospect Mapping 3.3. Value Chain Analysis 3.3.1. Raw Material Trends Iron Ore Crude steel Ferrous scrap 3.3.2. Price Trend Analysis 3.3.3. Equipment Used in the Production of Steel Rebar 3.4. Technology Overview 3.5. Regulatory Framework 3.6. Market Dynamics 3.6.1. Market Driver Analysis 3.6.2. Market Restraint Analysis 3.6.3. Industry Challenges 3.7. Industry Analysis- Porter’s 3.8. PESTEL Analysis 3.9. Trade Analysis (in accordance with HS CODE 721420) Chapter 4. North America Steel Rebar Market: Application Estimates & Trend Analysis 4.1. Definition & Scope 4.2. Application Movement Analysis & Market Share, 2021 & 2030 4.3. Construction 4.3.1. North America steel rebar market estimates and forecast, by construction, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.4. Infrastructure 4.4.1. North America steel rebar market estimates and forecast, by infrastructure, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 4.5. Industrial 4.5.1. North America steel rebar market estimates and forecast, by industrial, 2017 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Chapter 5. Market: Regional Estimates & Trend Analysis 5.1. Definition & Scope 5.2. Regional Movement Analysis & Market Share, 2021 & 2030 5.3. North America 5.3.1. North America steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.3.2. North America steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.3.3. U.S. U.S. steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) U.S. steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) California California steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) California steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Texas Texas steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Texas steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Arizona Arizona steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Arizona steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Rest of the U.S. Rest of the U.S. steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Rest of the U.S. steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.3.4. Canada Canada steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Canada steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) 5.3.5. Mexico Mexico steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Mexico steel rebar market estimates and forecasts, by application, 20217 - 2030 (USD Million) (Kilotons) Chapter 6. Competitive Analysis 6.1. Recent Developments & Impact Analysis, By Key Market Participants 6.1.1. Major Deals & Strategic Alliances 6.2. Company /Competition Categorization 6.3. Production Details of Steel Rebar Mills in the U.S., By Key Companies 6.4. Vendor Landscape 6.4.1. List of Prospective End-Users 6.4.2. List of Raw Material Suppliers/Distributors Chapter 7. North America Steel Rebar Market: Company Profiles 7.1. Gerdau S.A. 7.1.1. Company Overview 7.1.2. Financial Performance 7.1.3. Product Benchmarking 7.1.4. Strategic Initiatives 7.2. CMC Steel 7.2.1. Company Overview 7.2.2. Financial Performance 7.2.3. Product Benchmarking 7.2.4. Strategic Initiatives 7.3. Steel Dynamics, Inc. 7.3.1. Company Overview 7.3.2. Financial Performance 7.3.3. Product Benchmarking 7.3.4. Strategic Initiatives 7.4. Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. 7.4.1. Company Overview 7.4.2. Financial Performance 7.4.3. Product Benchmarking 7.5. Acerinox S.A. 7.5.1. Company Overview 7.5.2. Financial Performance 7.5.3. Product Benchmarking 7.6. EVRAZ North America, Inc. 7.6.1. Company Overview 7.6.2. Product Benchmarking 7.7. Pacific Steel Group 7.7.1. Company Overview 7.7.2. Product Benchmarking 7.8. ArcelorMittal 7.8.1. Company Overview 7.8.2. Financial Performance 7.8.3. Product Benchmarking 7.9. Nucor 7.9.1. Company Overview 7.9.2. Financial Performance 7.9.3. Product Benchmarking 7.10. Ternium 7.10.1. Company Overview 7.10.2. Financial Performance 7.10.3. Product Benchmarking
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