非電離放射線の電磁波検出・測定・安全市場Non-ionizing Radiation EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market 非電離放射線の電磁波検出、測定、安全市場。世界の産業分析 2016-2021年および機会評価 2022-2032年 FMIが発行した非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全に関する最近の市場調査は、2016-2021年の世界の産業分析と20... もっと見る
サマリー非電離放射線の電磁波検出、測定、安全市場。世界の産業分析 2016-2021年および機会評価 2022-2032年FMIが発行した非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全に関する最近の市場調査は、2016-2021年の世界の産業分析と2022-2032年の機会評価を提供しています。本調査では、最も重要な市場力学の包括的な評価を提供しています。過去と現在の成長パラメータを徹底的に調査した後、市場の成長見通しを最大限の精度で得ています。 市場細分化 世界の非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全市場は、市場のあらゆる側面をカバーし、読者に完全な市場情報を提示するために詳細にセグメント化されています。 検出器別 - 高周波 - 低周波 - その他 デバイス別 - 個人用モニタリングデバイス - ハンドヘルドモニタリング機器 - エリアモニタリング 用途別 - 住宅用 - ヘルスケア - 軍事・国土安全保障 - 製造業 - 研究室・教育機関 - テレコミュニケーション - その他 地域別 - 北米 - ラテンアメリカ - 欧州 - 中近東・アフリカ - 東アジア - 南アジア レポートの章立て エグゼクティブサマリー 非電離放射線の電磁波検出、測定、および安全性市場のエグゼクティブサマリーは、世界市場の展望、需要側動向、供給側動向、さらに非電離放射線の電磁波検出、測定、および安全性のFMI分析および推奨事項が含まれています。 第01章 市場の概要 読者は、本章で非電離放射線電磁波検出、測定、および安全性市場の詳細なセグメントと定義を見つけることができ、非電離放射線電磁波検出、測定、および安全性の基本情報を理解するのに役立ちます。また、非電離放射線電磁波検出、測定、安全性市場レポートの市場範囲を読者が理解するのに役立つ、市場範囲、分類、制限をハイライトします。 第02章 市場の背景 本章では、製品加工方法の概要、消費者の購買パターン&傾向、政策展開と規制シナリオの詳細な分析を含んでいます。また、マクロ経済要因の詳細な分析も含まれており、世界のGDP成長見通し、世界の産業付加価値、個人消費、支出、現代貿易の普及、消費者物価指数などのトピックを取り上げています。本章では、市場をより深く理解するために、予測要因-関連性と影響、バリューチェーン分析、市場力学(推進要因、抑制要因、機会)についても取り上げています。 第03章 世界の非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全市場の需要分析2016-2021年および予測、2022-2032年 本章では、過去の市場価値(630億米ドル)分析(2016-2021年)、現在および将来の市場価値(945億米ドル)および数量(3.6%)の予測(2022-2031年)を掲載しています。予測は、前年比成長トレンド分析および絶対ドル機会分析国に基づいています。 第04章 非電離放射線の電磁波検出、測定、安全性の世界市場 - 価格設定分析 検出器別に、地域別価格分析(USD/MT)、世界平均価格分析ベンチマーク、価格に影響を与える主要因を含む価格分析章を掲載。 第05章 非電離放射線電磁波検出・測定・安全市場の世界分析2016-2021年および予測2022-2032年、検出器別 非電離放射線電磁波検出・測定・安全市場は、検出器別に、高周波、低周波、その他に分類されます。また、By Detectorに基づいた市場魅力度分析も行っています。また、上記の検出器別の価値予測やYoY成長率比較も提供されます。 第06章 非電離放射線の電磁波検出、測定、安全の世界市場分析2016-2021年および予測2022-2032年:デバイス別 非電離放射線電磁波検出・測定・安全市場は、デバイス別に、パーソナルモニタリングデバイス、ハンドヘルドモニタリングデバイス、エリアモニタリングデバイスに分類されます。また、By Deviceに基づいた市場魅力度分析も行っています。また、上記のBy Deviceに基づく価値予測やYoY成長率比較も提供します。 第07章 非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全の世界市場分析2016-2021年および予測2022-2032年:エンドユース別 非電離放射線の電磁波検出、測定、安全性の市場は、エンドユーザー別に、住宅、ヘルスケア、軍事・国土安全保障、製造、研究所・教育、電気通信、その他に分類されます。また、エンドユーズ別による市場魅力度分析も行っています。また、上記の最終用途別の価値予測や前年比成長率比較も提供します。 第08章 非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全の世界市場分析2016-2021年および予測2022-2032年(地域別 地域別では、非電離放射線電磁波検出・測定・安全市場は、北米、中南米、ヨーロッパ、中東・アフリカ、東アジア、南アジア、オセアニアに区分されます。このセクションでは、地域別の市場魅力度分析も行っています。また、上記地域別の金額予測や前年比成長率比較も掲載しています。 第09章 北米の非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全市場の分析2016-2021年と予測2022-2032年 本章では、北米地域における非電離放射線電磁波検出・測定・安全性の成長について、米国とカナダを含む国別の評価とともに詳細に分析しています。読者はまた、北米地域の異なるセグメントと国に基づく地域動向、規制、市場成長を見つけることができます。 第10章 ラテンアメリカの非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全市場の分析2016-2021年および予測2022-2032年 本章では、ブラジル、メキシコ、チリ、アルゼンチン、ペルー、その他の中南米を含む国別評価とともに、中南米地域における非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全性の成長に関する詳細な分析を掲載しています。読者は、ラテンアメリカ地域における非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、および安全市場の成長に影響を与える価格分析や地域動向などのいくつかの要因についての詳細情報を見つけることができます。 第11章 欧州の非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全性市場の分析2016-2021年および予測2022-2032年 本章では、ドイツ、イタリア、フランス、イギリス、スペイン、ロシア、北欧、ベネルクス、その他のヨーロッパを含む国別評価とともに、ヨーロッパ地域における非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全性の成長に関する詳細な分析を掲載します。読者は、地域市場における非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、および安全市場の成長に影響を与える価格分析や地域動向などのいくつかの要因についての詳細情報を見つけることができます。 第12章 東アジアの非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全性市場の分析2016-2021年および予測2022-2032年 本章では、中国、日本、韓国を含む国別評価とともに、東アジア地域における非電離放射線の電磁波検出、測定、安全性の成長に関する詳細な分析を掲載します。読者は、地域市場における非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、および安全市場の成長に影響を与えている価格分析や地域動向などのいくつかの要因についての詳細な情報を見つけることができます。 第13章 南アジアの非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全性市場分析2016-2021年および予測2022-2032年 本章では、インド、インドネシア、マレーシア、タイ、南アジアのその他の地域を含む国別評価とともに、南アジア地域における非電離放射線の電磁波検出、測定、安全性の成長に関する詳細な分析を掲載します。読者は、地域市場における非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、および安全市場の成長に影響を与える価格分析や地域動向などのいくつかの要因についての詳細な情報を見つけることができます。 第14章 中東およびアフリカの非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、および安全市場の分析2016-2021年および予測2022-2032年 本章では、GCC諸国、南アフリカ、北アフリカ、トルコ、その他のMEAを含む国別評価とともに、MEA地域における非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全性の成長に関する詳細な分析を掲載します。読者は、地域市場における非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、および安全市場の成長に影響を与える価格分析や地域動向などのいくつかの要因についての詳細情報を見つけることができます。 第15章 主要国の非電離放射線EMF検出、測定、安全性市場の分析2016-2021年と予測2022-2032年 本章では、世界の主要国において非電離放射線電磁波検出・測定・安全市場がどのように成長すると予想されるかについての洞察を提供します。 第16章 市場構造分析-グローバルアセスメント 本章では、企業ダッシュボード、企業の階層別産業構造分析、2022E、トッププレイヤーの企業シェア分析、2022E、競合ベンチマーキング-マトリクスを掲載しています。 第17章 競合のディープダイブ(暫定リスト) 本章では、レポートで調査している企業の会社概要、企業の製品ポートフォリオ、市場セグメント別の収益性、売上高フットプリント、SWOT分析、戦略概要などを紹介しています。レポートで紹介されている市場プレイヤーは、LAURUS Systems Inc,Sper Scientific,Spectris Plc,TECPEL Co, Ltd,TES Electrical Electronic Corporation,General Tools & Instruments LLC,Brightsandz Pvt Ltd,Mirion Technologies Inc,Narda Safety Test Solutions,Wavecontrol. 第18章 前提条件と頭字語 この章では、非電離放射線の電磁波検出、測定、および安全性レポートに含まれる情報と統計に基礎を提供する略語と仮定をリストアップしています。 第19章 調査方法 この章では、非電離放射線の電磁波検出、測定、および安全性市場に関する様々な結論や重要な定性的および定量的情報を得るために実施した調査方法について読者に理解していただくことを目的としています。 目次1. Preface1.1. Market Definition and Scope 1.2. Market Segmentation 1.3. Key Research Objectives 1.4. Research Highlights 2. Assumptions and Research Methodology 3. Executive Summary: Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market 4. Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Overview 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Market Dynamics 4.2.1. Drivers 4.2.2. Restraints 4.2.3. Opportunities 4.3. Key Market Indicators 4.3.1. Demand Analysis of Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Equipment 4.4. Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecasts, 2022 – 2032 4.4.1. Market Revenue Projections (US$ Mn) 4.4.2. Market Volume Projections (Million Units) 4.5. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Value Chain Analysis 4.6. Market Outlook 5. Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecasts, by Detector 5.1. Overview & Definitions 5.2. Key Trends 5.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 - 2032 5.3.1. High-frequency 5.3.2. Low-frequency 5.3.3. Others 5.4. Detector Comparison Matrix 5.5. Market Attractiveness by Detector 6. Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecasts, by Device 6.1. Overview & Definition 6.2. Key Trends 6.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 6.3.1. Personal Monitoring Devices 6.3.2. Handheld Monitoring Devices 6.3.3. Area Monitoring Devices 6.4. Device Comparison Matrix 6.5. Market Attractiveness by Device 7. Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecasts, by End-use 7.1. Overview & Definition 7.2. Key Trends 7.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 7.3.1. Residential 7.3.2. Healthcare 7.3.3. Military and Homeland Security 7.3.4. Manufacturing 7.3.5. Laboratory and Education 7.3.6. Telecommunication 7.3.7. Others 7.4. End-use Comparison Matrix 7.5. Market Attractiveness by End-use 8. Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecasts, by Region 8.1. Key Findings 8.2. Policies and Regulations 8.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast By Region, 2022 - 2032 8.3.1. North America 8.3.2. Europe 8.3.3. Asia Pacific 8.3.4. Middle East and Africa 8.3.5. South America 8.4. Market Attractiveness by Region 9. North America Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecast 9.1. Key Findings 9.2. Key Trends 9.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 - 2032 9.3.1. High-frequency 9.3.2. Low-frequency 9.3.3. Others 9.4. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 9.4.1. Personal Monitoring Devices 9.4.2. Handheld Monitoring Devices 9.4.3. Area Monitoring Devices 9.5. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 9.5.1. Residential 9.5.2. Healthcare 9.5.3. Military and Homeland Security 9.5.4. Manufacturing 9.5.5. Laboratory and Education 9.5.6. Telecommunication 9.5.7. Others 9.6. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Country, 2022 - 2032 9.6.1. The U.S. 9.6.2. Canada 9.6.3. Rest of North America 9.7. Market Attractiveness Analysis 9.7.1. By Country 9.7.2. By Detector 9.7.3. By Device 9.7.4. By End-use 10. Europe Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecast 10.1. Key Findings 10.2. Key Trends 10.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 - 2032 10.3.1. High-frequency 10.3.2. Low-frequency 10.3.3. Others 10.4. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 10.4.1. Personal Monitoring Devices 10.4.2. Handheld Monitoring Devices 10.4.3. Area Monitoring Devices 10.5. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 10.5.1. Residential 10.5.2. Healthcare 10.5.3. Military and Homeland Security 10.5.4. Manufacturing 10.5.5. Laboratory and Education 10.5.6. Telecommunication 10.5.7. Others 10.6. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Country, 2022 - 2032 10.6.1. Germany 10.6.2. France 10.6.3. UK 10.6.4. Italy 10.6.5. Rest of Europe 10.7. Market Attractiveness Analysis 10.7.1. By Country 10.7.2. By Detector 10.7.3. By Device 10.7.4. By End-use 11. Asia Pacific Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecast 11.1. Key Findings 11.2. Key Trends 11.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 - 2032 11.3.1. High-frequency 11.3.2. Low-frequency 11.3.3. Others 11.4. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 11.4.1. Personal Monitoring Devices 11.4.2. Handheld Monitoring Devices 11.4.3. Area Monitoring Devices 11.5. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 11.5.1. Residential 11.5.2. Healthcare 11.5.3. Military and Homeland Security 11.5.4. Manufacturing 11.5.5. Laboratory and Education 11.5.6. Telecommunication 11.5.7. Others 11.6. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Country, 2022 - 2032 11.6.1. China 11.6.2. Japan 11.6.3. India 11.6.4. Australia 11.6.5. Rest of Asia Pacific 11.7. Market Attractiveness Analysis 11.7.1. By Country 11.7.2. By Detector 11.7.3. By Device 11.7.4. By End-use 11.8. India Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecast 11.8.1. Key Findings 11.8.2. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 – 2032 High-frequency Low-frequency Others 11.8.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 Personal Monitoring Devices Handheld Monitoring Devices Area Monitoring Devices 11.8.4. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 Residential Healthcare Military and Homeland Security Manufacturing Laboratory and Education Telecommunication Others 12. Middle East and Africa (MEA) Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecast 12.1. Key Findings 12.2. Key Trends 12.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 - 2032 12.3.1. High-frequency 12.3.2. Low-frequency 12.3.3. Others 12.4. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 12.4.1. Personal Monitoring Devices 12.4.2. Handheld Monitoring Devices 12.4.3. Area Monitoring Devices 12.5. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 12.5.1. Residential 12.5.2. Healthcare 12.5.3. Military and Homeland Security 12.5.4. Manufacturing 12.5.5. Laboratory and Education 12.5.6. Telecommunication 12.5.7. Others 12.6. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Country, 2022 - 2032 12.6.1. UAE 12.6.2. Saudi Arabia 12.6.3. South Africa 12.6.4. Rest of MEA 12.7. Market Attractiveness Analysis 12.7.1. By Country 12.7.2. By Detector 12.7.3. By Device 12.7.4. By End-use 13. South America Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecast 13.1. Key Findings 13.2. Key Trends 13.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 - 2032 13.3.1. High-frequency 13.3.2. Low-frequency 13.3.3. Others 13.4. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 13.4.1. Personal Monitoring Devices 13.4.2. Handheld Monitoring Devices 13.4.3. Area Monitoring Devices 13.5. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 13.5.1. Residential 13.5.2. Healthcare 13.5.3. Military and Homeland Security 13.5.4. Manufacturing 13.5.5. Laboratory and Education 13.5.6. Telecommunication 13.5.7. Others 13.6. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Country, 2022 - 2032 13.6.1. Brazil 13.6.2. Rest of South America 13.7. Market Attractiveness Analysis 13.7.1. By Country 13.7.2. By Detector 13.7.3. By Device 13.7.4. By End-use 14. Competition Landscape 14.1. Market Player – Competition Matrix 14.2. Market Positioning Analysis By Company (2021) 14.3. Company Profiles 14.3.1. Wavecontrol Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 14.3.2. Narda Safety Test Solutions Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Financials Strategic overview 14.3.3. Mirion Technologies, Inc. Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 14.3.4. Brightsandz Pvt Ltd. Company details Company description Business Overview 14.3.5. General Tools & Instruments LLC Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 14.3.6. TES Electrical Electronic Corp. Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 14.3.7. TECPEL Co., Ltd. Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 14.3.8. Spectris plc Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Financials Strategic overview 14.3.9. Sper Scientific Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 14.3.10. LAURUS Systems, Inc. Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 15. Key Takeaways
SummaryNon-ionizing Radiation EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market: Global Industry Analysis 2016-2021 and Opportunity Assessment 2022-2032 Table of Contents1. Preface1.1. Market Definition and Scope 1.2. Market Segmentation 1.3. Key Research Objectives 1.4. Research Highlights 2. Assumptions and Research Methodology 3. Executive Summary: Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market 4. Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Overview 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Market Dynamics 4.2.1. Drivers 4.2.2. Restraints 4.2.3. Opportunities 4.3. Key Market Indicators 4.3.1. Demand Analysis of Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Equipment 4.4. Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecasts, 2022 – 2032 4.4.1. Market Revenue Projections (US$ Mn) 4.4.2. Market Volume Projections (Million Units) 4.5. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Value Chain Analysis 4.6. Market Outlook 5. Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecasts, by Detector 5.1. Overview & Definitions 5.2. Key Trends 5.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 - 2032 5.3.1. High-frequency 5.3.2. Low-frequency 5.3.3. Others 5.4. Detector Comparison Matrix 5.5. Market Attractiveness by Detector 6. Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecasts, by Device 6.1. Overview & Definition 6.2. Key Trends 6.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 6.3.1. Personal Monitoring Devices 6.3.2. Handheld Monitoring Devices 6.3.3. Area Monitoring Devices 6.4. Device Comparison Matrix 6.5. Market Attractiveness by Device 7. Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecasts, by End-use 7.1. Overview & Definition 7.2. Key Trends 7.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size (US$ Mn) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 7.3.1. Residential 7.3.2. Healthcare 7.3.3. Military and Homeland Security 7.3.4. Manufacturing 7.3.5. Laboratory and Education 7.3.6. Telecommunication 7.3.7. Others 7.4. End-use Comparison Matrix 7.5. Market Attractiveness by End-use 8. Global Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecasts, by Region 8.1. Key Findings 8.2. Policies and Regulations 8.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast By Region, 2022 - 2032 8.3.1. North America 8.3.2. Europe 8.3.3. Asia Pacific 8.3.4. Middle East and Africa 8.3.5. South America 8.4. Market Attractiveness by Region 9. North America Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecast 9.1. Key Findings 9.2. Key Trends 9.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 - 2032 9.3.1. High-frequency 9.3.2. Low-frequency 9.3.3. Others 9.4. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 9.4.1. Personal Monitoring Devices 9.4.2. Handheld Monitoring Devices 9.4.3. Area Monitoring Devices 9.5. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 9.5.1. Residential 9.5.2. Healthcare 9.5.3. Military and Homeland Security 9.5.4. Manufacturing 9.5.5. Laboratory and Education 9.5.6. Telecommunication 9.5.7. Others 9.6. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Country, 2022 - 2032 9.6.1. The U.S. 9.6.2. Canada 9.6.3. Rest of North America 9.7. Market Attractiveness Analysis 9.7.1. By Country 9.7.2. By Detector 9.7.3. By Device 9.7.4. By End-use 10. Europe Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecast 10.1. Key Findings 10.2. Key Trends 10.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 - 2032 10.3.1. High-frequency 10.3.2. Low-frequency 10.3.3. Others 10.4. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 10.4.1. Personal Monitoring Devices 10.4.2. Handheld Monitoring Devices 10.4.3. Area Monitoring Devices 10.5. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 10.5.1. Residential 10.5.2. Healthcare 10.5.3. Military and Homeland Security 10.5.4. Manufacturing 10.5.5. Laboratory and Education 10.5.6. Telecommunication 10.5.7. Others 10.6. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Country, 2022 - 2032 10.6.1. Germany 10.6.2. France 10.6.3. UK 10.6.4. Italy 10.6.5. Rest of Europe 10.7. Market Attractiveness Analysis 10.7.1. By Country 10.7.2. By Detector 10.7.3. By Device 10.7.4. By End-use 11. Asia Pacific Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecast 11.1. Key Findings 11.2. Key Trends 11.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 - 2032 11.3.1. High-frequency 11.3.2. Low-frequency 11.3.3. Others 11.4. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 11.4.1. Personal Monitoring Devices 11.4.2. Handheld Monitoring Devices 11.4.3. Area Monitoring Devices 11.5. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 11.5.1. Residential 11.5.2. Healthcare 11.5.3. Military and Homeland Security 11.5.4. Manufacturing 11.5.5. Laboratory and Education 11.5.6. Telecommunication 11.5.7. Others 11.6. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Country, 2022 - 2032 11.6.1. China 11.6.2. Japan 11.6.3. India 11.6.4. Australia 11.6.5. Rest of Asia Pacific 11.7. Market Attractiveness Analysis 11.7.1. By Country 11.7.2. By Detector 11.7.3. By Device 11.7.4. By End-use 11.8. India Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecast 11.8.1. Key Findings 11.8.2. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 – 2032 High-frequency Low-frequency Others 11.8.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 Personal Monitoring Devices Handheld Monitoring Devices Area Monitoring Devices 11.8.4. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 Residential Healthcare Military and Homeland Security Manufacturing Laboratory and Education Telecommunication Others 12. Middle East and Africa (MEA) Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecast 12.1. Key Findings 12.2. Key Trends 12.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 - 2032 12.3.1. High-frequency 12.3.2. Low-frequency 12.3.3. Others 12.4. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 12.4.1. Personal Monitoring Devices 12.4.2. Handheld Monitoring Devices 12.4.3. Area Monitoring Devices 12.5. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 12.5.1. Residential 12.5.2. Healthcare 12.5.3. Military and Homeland Security 12.5.4. Manufacturing 12.5.5. Laboratory and Education 12.5.6. Telecommunication 12.5.7. Others 12.6. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Country, 2022 - 2032 12.6.1. UAE 12.6.2. Saudi Arabia 12.6.3. South Africa 12.6.4. Rest of MEA 12.7. Market Attractiveness Analysis 12.7.1. By Country 12.7.2. By Detector 12.7.3. By Device 12.7.4. By End-use 13. South America Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Analysis and Forecast 13.1. Key Findings 13.2. Key Trends 13.3. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Detector, 2022 - 2032 13.3.1. High-frequency 13.3.2. Low-frequency 13.3.3. Others 13.4. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Device, 2022 - 2032 13.4.1. Personal Monitoring Devices 13.4.2. Handheld Monitoring Devices 13.4.3. Area Monitoring Devices 13.5. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by End-use, 2022 - 2032 13.5.1. Residential 13.5.2. Healthcare 13.5.3. Military and Homeland Security 13.5.4. Manufacturing 13.5.5. Laboratory and Education 13.5.6. Telecommunication 13.5.7. Others 13.6. Non-ionizing Radiation/ EMF Detection, Measurement, and Safety Market Size and Volume (US$ Mn and Million Units) Forecast by Country, 2022 - 2032 13.6.1. Brazil 13.6.2. Rest of South America 13.7. Market Attractiveness Analysis 13.7.1. By Country 13.7.2. By Detector 13.7.3. By Device 13.7.4. By End-use 14. Competition Landscape 14.1. Market Player – Competition Matrix 14.2. Market Positioning Analysis By Company (2021) 14.3. Company Profiles 14.3.1. Wavecontrol Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 14.3.2. Narda Safety Test Solutions Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Financials Strategic overview 14.3.3. Mirion Technologies, Inc. Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 14.3.4. Brightsandz Pvt Ltd. Company details Company description Business Overview 14.3.5. General Tools & Instruments LLC Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 14.3.6. TES Electrical Electronic Corp. Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 14.3.7. TECPEL Co., Ltd. Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 14.3.8. Spectris plc Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Financials Strategic overview 14.3.9. Sper Scientific Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 14.3.10. LAURUS Systems, Inc. Company details Company description Business Overview SWOT analysis Strategic overview 15. Key Takeaways
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