
腐植物質ベースのバイオ活性剤市場市場セグメント市場区分:剤型(液体、水溶性粉末、水溶性顆粒、その他)、タイプ(フミン酸、フルボ酸、フミン酸カリウム)、用途(葉面処理、種子処理、土壌処理)、地域別 - 2014〜2020年の市場規模、シェア、動向、2030年までの予測についての分析

腐植物質ベースのバイオ活性剤市場市場セグメント市場区分:剤型(液体、水溶性粉末、水溶性顆粒、その他)、タイプ(フミン酸、フルボ酸、フミン酸カリウム)、用途(葉面処理、種子処理、土壌処理)、地域別 - 2014〜2020年の市場規模、シェア、動向、2030年までの予測についての分析

Humic-based Bio stimulants Market: Market Segments: By Formulation (Liquid, Water-soluble powders, Water-soluble granules and Other); By Type (Humic acid, Fulvic acid and Potassium humate); By Application (Foliar treatment, Seed treatment and Soil treatment); and Region – Analysis of Market Size, Share & Trends for 2014 – 2020 and Forecasts to 2030

製品概要 バイオ活性剤は、栄養効率、生物学的ストレス耐性、作物の品質を向上させるために作物に適用される天然由来の添加物または微生物である。バイオ活性剤は、果物や野菜、油糧種子や豆類、穀物や穀類、芝... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Fatpos Global
Fatpos グローバル
2022年4月26日 US$4,350
3-5営業日程度 161 英語



バイオ活性剤は、栄養効率、生物学的ストレス耐性、作物の品質を向上させるために作物に適用される天然由来の添加物または微生物である。バイオ活性剤は、果物や野菜、油糧種子や豆類、穀物や穀類、芝生や観葉植物などの植物に適用されます。植物へのバイオ刺激剤の散布には、葉面散布、土壌散布、種子散布などさまざまな方法がある。葉面散布では、Bio stimulantsは地面から見える部分に使用され、特に園芸作物では作物生産に不可欠な部分と考えられています。土壌処理は、農業に必要な土壌の質を向上させるために、劣化した土壌にBio stimulantsを投与します。種子処理は、種子の生存率や発芽能力に影響を与えることなく、種子内に存在する種子伝染性菌による病気の発生を抑えることを目的としている。バイオ活性剤には、腐植物質、海藻抽出物、アミノ酸、微生物改良剤など、さまざまな有効成分が使用されています。

腐植物質ベースのBio stimulants市場は2030年に10.6%の顕著なCAGRを予測
腐植物質ベースのバイオ活性剤市場は、2020年から30年の予測期間を通してCAGR10.6%で成長し、金額ベースで502百万米ドルから2030年には900百万米ドルを超えると予測されます。持続可能な農業の必要性と従来の合成肥料の浪費を減らすために、腐植物質ベースのバイオ活性剤産業は勢いを増しています。フミン酸のような腐植ベースのBio stimulantsの原料が簡単に入手できることも、市場の主要プレーヤーによるBio stimulantsの新しい有効成分の生産と成功に注目される理由です。予測期間中、生産性の向上が重視され、土壌の劣化が急速に進んでいることが、需要を後押しするものと思われます。

腐植系バイオ刺激剤市場は、用途別に葉面処理、種子処理、意味、土壌処理に分類されます。葉面散布技術セグメントは、2019年にXX.X%のシェアを獲得し、市場をリードすると推定されます。植物の葉面処理では、養分の吸収を促進するために、葉に直接薬剤を塗布します。表皮や気孔からの吸収が行われ、提出しやすくするために、葉面処理用に宣伝されているBio stimulantsは、主に液状で販売されています。これらの製品の葉面散布に使用される主な有効成分の1つは、グリシンベタイン、キレート化栄養素、およびIPA分子です。この処理により、葉が栄養素をより早く消費するのを助け、栄養吸収を向上させ、細胞の活性を高める。従来の散布方法とは対照的に、種子処理は最も費用対効果の高いアプリケーションの一つです。この治療法は、他の治療法ほど労力を必要とせず、かつ性能的にも優れています。




Koppert B.V. (オランダ)


チャイナ・デイリー Co.(中国)
Arysta Lifescience Corporation (インド)
Agrinos AS(アメリカ)
BASF SE(ドイツ)
Isagro SpA(イタリア)
Bayer Ag(ドイツ)
Biolchim SpA(イタリア)
Koppert Biological Systems (オランダ)


腐植系バイオ活性剤市場は競争が激しく、Bayer AG(ドイツ)、FMC Corporation(米国)、UPL Ltd(インド)、Borregaard(ノルウェー)、Koppert Biological Systems(オランダ)、Valagro SpA(イタリア)、Biolchim SpA(イタリア)、Haifa Group(イスラエル)など複数の大手企業が腐植系バイオ活性剤市場でかなりの市場シェアを有しています。このレポートで分析した他のプレイヤーは、Sikko International Ltd(インド)、Novihum Technologies GMBH(ドイツ)、Humintech GMBH(ドイツ)、Qingdao Future Group(中国)、Promisol(スペイン)、Bioline(カナダ)、Umic Growth Solutions(フロリダ)、Actagro(米国)、Rovensa(ポルトガル)、Tagrow(中国)、CIFO(イタリア)、Loveland(米国)などです。

主要企業は、世界の栄養補助食品市場において、製品上市などの無機的成長戦略を採用しています。例えば、2019年7月、Valagro社はMarrone Bio Innovations社(米国)との研究提携を発表し、両社の資産を活用して、厳しい条件下でも成長でき、より元気に育ち、より良い根系を持つ植物を開発することを発表しました。

北米市場規模、シェア、トレンド、機会、YoY成長、CAGR - 米国、カナダ
中南米市場規模、シェア、トレンド、機会、前年比成長率、CAGR - メキシコ、アルゼンチン、ブラジル、中南米の残りの地域
APAC市場規模、シェア、トレンド、機会、YoY成長率、CAGR - インド、中国、韓国、日本、マレーシア、インドネシア、ニュージーランド、オーストラリア、APACのその他地域
MENA市場規模、シェア、動向、機会、YoY成長率、CAGR - 北アフリカ、イスラエル、GCC、南アフリカ、その他のMENA地域

エクセルユーザーライセンス $3000
シングルユーザーライセンス $500010
エンタープライズライセンス $750010% OFF
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1. Executive Summary
2. Humic-based Biostimulants Market
2.1. Product Overview
2.2. Market Definition
2.3. Segmentation
2.4. Assumptions and Acronyms
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Research Objectives
3.2. Primary Research
3.3. Secondary Research
3.4. Forecast Model
3.5. Market Size Estimation
4. Average Pricing Analysis
5. Macro-Economic Indicators
6. Market Dynamics
6.1. Growth Drivers
6.2. Restraints
6.3. Opportunity
6.4. Trends
7. Correlation & Regression Analysis
7.1. Correlation Matrix
7.2. Regression Matrix
8. Recent Development, Policies & Regulatory Landscape
9. Risk Analysis
9.1. Demand Risk Analysis
9.2. Supply Risk Analysis
10. Humic-based Bio stimulants Analysis
10.1. Porters Five Forces
10.1.1. Threat of New Entrants
10.1.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
10.1.3. Threat of Substitutes
10.1.4. Rivalry
10.2. PEST Analysis
10.2.1. Political
10.2.2. Economic
10.2.3. Social
10.2.4. Technological
11. Humic-based Bio stimulants Market
11.1. Market Size & forecast, 2019A-2030F
11.1.1. By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
11.1.2. By Volume (Million Units) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12. Humic-based Biostimulants: Market Segmentation
12.1. By Regions
12.1.1. North America: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.2. Europe: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.3. Asia-Pacific: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.4. MEA: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.5. Latin America: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2. By formulation: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.2.1. Liquid, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.2. Water-soluble powders, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.3. Water-soluble granules, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3. By type: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.3.1. Humic acid, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3.2. Fulvic acid, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3.3. Potassium humate, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4. By Application: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.4.1. Foliar treatment, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.2. Seed treatment, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.3. Soil treatment, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
Company Profile
1. Koppert B.V. (Netherland).
1. Company Overview
2. Company Total Revenue (Financials)
3. Market Potential
4. Global Presence
5. Key Performance Indicators
6. SWOT Analysis
7. Product Launch
2. China Daily Co., Ltd. (China)
3. Agriculture Solutions Inc. (Canada)
4. Eastman Chemical Company (US)
5. Arysta Lifescience Corporation (India)
6. Agrinos AS (US)
7. BASF SE(Germany)
8. Isagro SpA (Italy)
9. Valagro SpA (Italy)
10. Bayer Ag (Germany)
11. Italpollina SpA (Italy)
12. Biolchim SpA (Italy)
13. Koppert Biological Systems (Netherland)
14. Acadian Seaplants Ltd. (India)
15. FMC Corporation (US)
Consultant Recommendation
**The above-given segmentations and companies could be subjected to further modification based on in-depth feasibility studies conducted for the final deliverable.





Product Overview
Bio stimulant is a naturally derived additive or microorganism applied to crops to enhance nutrition efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance, and crop quality. Bio stimulants are applied to plants such as fruits & vegetables, oilseeds & pulses, cereals & grains, and turfs & ornamentals. There are different methods to apply Bio stimulants to the plants, including foliar treatment, soil treatment, and seed treatment. During foliar feeding, Bio stimulants are used to parts that are visible above the ground and are considered an essential part of crop production, especially on horticultural crops. Soil treatment with Bio stimulants is provided to the degraded soil to enhance the soil quality for agriculture. Seed treatment aims to reduce disease development from seed-borne fungi, that are present within seeds, without affecting the viability and germination capacity of the seed. There numberers of active ingredients used in Bio stimulants such as humic substances, seaweed extracts, amino acids, microbial amendments, and many more.

Market Highlights
Humic-based Bio stimulants Market is expected to project a notable CAGR of 10.6% in 2030.
Humic-based Bio stimulants Market to surpass USD 900 million by 2030 from USD 502 million in terms of value growing at a CAGR of 10.6% throughout the forecast period, i.e., 2020-30. Due to associated benefits and an increase in the need for sustainable agriculture and reduced exploitation and wastage of traditional synthetic fertilizers, the humic-based Bio stimulants industry has been gaining momentum. The simple availability of raw materials for humic-based Bio stimulants such as humic acid also draws attention to the production of new and successful active ingredients in Bio stimulants by key players on the market. Over the forecast period, increased emphasis on improving productivity, coupled with rapid soil degradation, is likely to drive the demand.

Humic-based bio stimulants Market: Segments
Foliar treatment segment to grow with the highest CAGR during 2020-30
Humic-based Bio stimulants Market is segmented by application as Foliar treatment, Seed treats, meant, and Soil treatment. The foliar application technique segment is estimated to lead the market with a share of XX.X% in 2019. In the foliar treatment of plants, to promote easier absorption of nutrients, the chemical is directly applied to the leaves. Absorption through the epidermis and stomata is carried oTor to make it easier to submit, Bio stimulants advertised for foliar treatment are mainly sold in liquid form. One of the main active ingredients used for foliar application in these products is glycine betaine, chelated nutrients, and IPA molecules. The treatment helps leaves to consume nutrients faster, improves nutrient absorption, and increases cellular activity. As opposed to traditional spraying methods, seed treatment is among the most cost-effective applications. The therapy is both performance-efficient and not as labor-intensive as other therapies.

Fulvic acid Segment to grow with the highest CAGR during 2020-30
Humic-based Bio stimulants Market is segmented by type into Humic acid, Fulvic, acid, and Potassium humate. The SaaS model segment accounted for the largest revenue share of XX.X% in 2019. Humic acid is readily available in the soil's humic content. This improves the soil's microbial activity, increasing the health of the soil. It also helps nutrient uptake, water absorption, and also battles against different pests. It is therefore expected that the segment of humic acid will expand in the future. Fulvic, humic, and amino acid-based products are included in the acid-based section. Amino acids are among the key originators of phytohormones and help to stimulate plant metabolic processes and germinate seeds. Fretting, flowering, pollination, and fruit production in the plant are stimulated by them. Naturally occurring humic compounds are end products arising from the decomposition of microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi and the chemical degradation of soil residues of animals and plants.

Humic-based bio stimulants Market: Market Dynamics
Demand for the adoption of sustainable solutions
There is tremendous pressure exerted to grow crops with high-quality yields to satisfy the growing demand for food. By offering protection against stress and thus promoting the growth of the plant, humic-based Bio stimulants can resolve this problem sustainably. Due to rising consumer awareness of the benefits of organic foods, the introduction of organic legislation, and the adoption of Global Sustainable Agricultural Practices policies, the demand for Bio stimulants is expected to rise in the coming years. In improving the physicochemical, chemical, and biological properties of the soil, humic-based Bio stimulants can play an important role.

Lack the authenticity of bio stimulant products
In different countries, the lack of clarity in patent security laws has contributed to the proliferation of low-quality goods. The regulatory structure for Bio stimulants, which was ambiguous among several regulatory bodies worldwide, allowed these duplicate products to be launched. Although the market for humic-based Bio stimulants has reduced entry barriers and has allowed many competitors to begin operations, the nature of the market has become fragmented into smaller market holding pockets

Humic-based bio stimulants Market: Key Players
Koppert B.V. (Netherland)

Company Overview, Business Strategy, Key Product Offerings, Financial Performance, Key Performance Indicators, Risk Analysis, Recent Development, Regional Presence, and SWOT Analysis.

China Daily Co., Ltd. (China)
Agriculture Solutions Inc. (Canada)
Eastman Chemical Company (US)
Arysta Lifescience Corporation (India)
Agrinos AS (US)
BASF SE(Germany)
Isagro SpA (Italy)
Valagro SpA (Italy)
Bayer Ag (Germany)
Italpollina SpA (Italy)
Biolchim SpA (Italy)
Koppert Biological Systems (Netherland)
Acadian Seaplants Ltd. (India)
FMC Corporation (US)
Humic-based Bio stimulants Market: Regions
Humic-based Bio stimulants Market is segmented based on regional analysis into five major regions. These include North America, Latin America, Europe, APAC, and MENA.

Humic-based Bio stimulants Market in North America led the market with a lion share of XX.X in 2019 and is projected to maintain its lead over the forecast period. Due to various technological advances, the agricultural industry in Asia especially in the countries of Southeast Asia, is witnessing an effective transformation. The factors that are projected to drive the market for humic-based Bio stimulants in this area are the increase in agricultural practices and the demand for agricultural products that can meet international standards. High-quality Bio stimulants have been developed and different new bioactive molecules have been patented. Asian countries are turning to sustainable agriculture, such as China, Japan, and the southeast. The demand for humic-based Bio stimulants in the area is therefore strong.

Competitive Landscape:
The Humic-based Bio stimulants market, which is highly competitive, consists of several major players such as Bayer AG (Germany), FMC Corporation (US), UPL Ltd (India), Borregaard (Norway), Koppert Biological Systems (Netherlands), Valagro SpA (Italy), Biolchim SpA (Italy), Haifa Group (Israel) hold a substantial market share in the Humic-based Bio stimulants market. Other players analyzed in this report are Sikko International Ltd (India), Novihum Technologies GMBH (Germany), Humintech GMBH (Germany), Qingdao Future Group (China), Promisol (Spain), Bioline (Canada), Humic Growth Solutions (Florida), Actagro (US), Rovensa (Portugal), Tagrow (China), CIFO (Italy), Loveland (US) among others.

Key players are adopting in-organic growth strategies such as product launches in the global nutritional supplement market. For instance, In July 2019, Valagro announced a research collaboration with Marrone Bio Innovations (US) to leverage their assets to develop plants that can thrive under harsh conditions, grow with more vigor, and have better root systems.

Humic-based Bio stimulants Market is further segmented by region into:
North America Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – United States and Canada
Latin America Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and Rest of Latin America
Europe Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, NORDIC, Russia, Turkey, and Rest of Europe
APAC Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – India, China, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Australia, and Rest of APAC
MENA Market Size, Share, Trends, Opportunities, Y-o-Y Growth, CAGR – North Africa, Israel, GCC, South Africa, and Rest of MENA
Humic-based bio stimulants Market report also contains analysis on:
Humic-based bio stimulants Market Segments:

By formulation:
Water-soluble powders
Water-soluble granules
By type:
Humic acid
Fulvic acid
Potassium humate
By Application:
Foliar treatment
Seed treatment
Soil treatment
Humic-based Bio stimulants Market Dynamics
Humic-based Bio stimulants Market Size
Supply & Demand
Current Trends/Issues/Challenges
Competition & Companies Involved in the Market
Value Chain of the Market
Market Drivers and Restraints
FAQs on Humic-based Bio stimulants Market
Which segment is anticipated to hold the largest market share?
At what CAGR is the market anticipated to grow between 2020 and 2030?
Who are the key players in the Humic-based Bio stimulants Market?
What could be the challenging factors in the growth of the Humic-based Bio stimulants Market?
What are the growth drivers for the Humic-based Bio stimulants Market?
Excel User License $3000
Single User License $500010%
Enterprise License $750010%
Group License $1000010%


Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary
2. Humic-based Biostimulants Market
2.1. Product Overview
2.2. Market Definition
2.3. Segmentation
2.4. Assumptions and Acronyms
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Research Objectives
3.2. Primary Research
3.3. Secondary Research
3.4. Forecast Model
3.5. Market Size Estimation
4. Average Pricing Analysis
5. Macro-Economic Indicators
6. Market Dynamics
6.1. Growth Drivers
6.2. Restraints
6.3. Opportunity
6.4. Trends
7. Correlation & Regression Analysis
7.1. Correlation Matrix
7.2. Regression Matrix
8. Recent Development, Policies & Regulatory Landscape
9. Risk Analysis
9.1. Demand Risk Analysis
9.2. Supply Risk Analysis
10. Humic-based Bio stimulants Analysis
10.1. Porters Five Forces
10.1.1. Threat of New Entrants
10.1.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
10.1.3. Threat of Substitutes
10.1.4. Rivalry
10.2. PEST Analysis
10.2.1. Political
10.2.2. Economic
10.2.3. Social
10.2.4. Technological
11. Humic-based Bio stimulants Market
11.1. Market Size & forecast, 2019A-2030F
11.1.1. By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
11.1.2. By Volume (Million Units) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12. Humic-based Biostimulants: Market Segmentation
12.1. By Regions
12.1.1. North America: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.2. Europe: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.3. Asia-Pacific: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.4. MEA: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.1.5. Latin America: By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2. By formulation: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.2.1. Liquid, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.2. Water-soluble powders, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.2.3. Water-soluble granules, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3. By type: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.3.1. Humic acid, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3.2. Fulvic acid, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.3.3. Potassium humate, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4. By Application: Market Share (2020-2030F)
12.4.1. Foliar treatment, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.2. Seed treatment, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
12.4.3. Soil treatment, By Value (USD Million) 2019-2030F; Y-o-Y Growth (%) 2020-2030F
Company Profile
1. Koppert B.V. (Netherland).
1. Company Overview
2. Company Total Revenue (Financials)
3. Market Potential
4. Global Presence
5. Key Performance Indicators
6. SWOT Analysis
7. Product Launch
2. China Daily Co., Ltd. (China)
3. Agriculture Solutions Inc. (Canada)
4. Eastman Chemical Company (US)
5. Arysta Lifescience Corporation (India)
6. Agrinos AS (US)
7. BASF SE(Germany)
8. Isagro SpA (Italy)
9. Valagro SpA (Italy)
10. Bayer Ag (Germany)
11. Italpollina SpA (Italy)
12. Biolchim SpA (Italy)
13. Koppert Biological Systems (Netherland)
14. Acadian Seaplants Ltd. (India)
15. FMC Corporation (US)
Consultant Recommendation
**The above-given segmentations and companies could be subjected to further modification based on in-depth feasibility studies conducted for the final deliverable.





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