
Wind Power Equipment – Global Markets, Products, Technologies & Competition: Analysis & Forecasts


この調査レポートは世界の風力発電装置市場を調査し、2017年から2024年までの予測を含む年毎のデータと分析を提供しています。 Dedalus Consulting's intelligence coverage offers a comprehensive a... もっと見る



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Dedalus Consulting
2019年3月1日 お問い合わせください
100 100 英語




Dedalus Consulting's intelligence coverage offers a comprehensive analysis of growing wind energy industry. Our Published Intelligence Report and the new Ulysses™ database both build on our wealth of accumulated knowledge.

The 2019 wind energy dataset provides quantitative data and qualitative analysis on the global market by country, end-user industry, equipment type, application, and competitors. Expanded coverage includes additional producer profiles, and pivot table capabilities within the Ulysses™ platform.

Data and analysis is available for the years 2017 to 2024 with actuals through 2018, annual market to 2024 by year and long-term forecasts to 2030.


Table of Contents

Summary of Report Contents

Section One: Technology Overview

Types of Energy Defined
•Natural Gas
•Renewable Energy

Comparison of Types

Process of Energy Generation Using Wind Technology
•Energy Generation
•Transmission & Distribution

Wind Energy Equipment Defined
◾Horizontal Axis (HAWT) ◾Upwind

◾Vertical Axis (VAWTS) ◾Darrieus
◾Flapping Panel

◾Turbine Blades
◾Pitch Control
◾Mechanical Brakes
◾Rotor Shaft
◾Pitch Control
◾Yaw Systems
◾Tubular Steel
◾Guyed pole
◾Electrical Systems
◾Balance of Station

Cost of the Wind Turbine
◦Advanced Materials Used
◾Lightweight/Durable Materials
◾Core material
◾Skin material
◾Root material
◾Other Materials

Transmission and Distribution

Technology Advancements/Research and Development
◾Off-Shore R&D
◾Next Generation
◾Mechanical Components
◾Drive Train

Section Two: Market Overview

Executive Summary
◾Factors Affecting the Demand for Wind Energy
◾Trends by Product Type
◾Trends by Region
◾Trends by Technology
◾Future Outlook: 2018-2030

Production of Wind Energy by Country (GW): 2017-2024

Global Consumption of Wind Energy by Country ($MM): 2017-2024

Global Wind Energy Added Capacity by Region, Difference in Projections– Low, Medium, High Projections (GW): 2017-2024

Global Wind Energy Added Capacity by Country – Low, Medium, High Projections (GW): 2017-2024

Global Wind Energy Cumulative Capacity by Region – Low, Medium, High Projections (GW): 2017-2024

Global Wind Energy Cumulative Capacity by Country – Low, Medium, High Projections (GW): 2015-2021

Global Wind Energy Equipment Market by Region – Low, Medium, High Projections ($MM): 2017-2024

Global Wind Energy Equipment Market by Country – Low, Medium, High Projections ($MM): 2017-2024

Global Consumption of Wind Energy by Equipment Type ($MM): 2017-2024
•Electrical Systems
•Mechanical Systems
•Control Systems/Nacelle

Global Wind Energy Added Capacity by End-User – Low, Medium, High Projections (GW): 2017-2024

Global Consumption of Wind Energy by End-User (GW): 2017-2024

Global Wind Energy Equipment Market by End-User – Low, Medium, High Projections ($MM): 2017-2024

Global Wind Energy Added Capacity by Application – Low, Medium, High Projections (GW): 2017-2024
•On Shore
•Off Shore

Global Wind Energy Equipment Market by Application – Low, Medium, High Projections ($MM): 2017-2024

Competitive Environment
•Competitive Market Factors (e.g., pricing, product development...)
•Major Equipment Supplier Sales and Market Share ($MM): 2017-2018
•Marketing Strategies
•Competitive Landscape Moving Forward

Future Outlook for Wind Energy
•Demand Trends: 2018-2030
•Technological Advancement/R&D
•Social/Political Factor

Section Three: Electrical Systems

Global Demand of Wind Turbines by Region

Global Demand of Wind Turbines by Country

Turbine Market by Construction Location

Turbine Market by End-User

Turbine Companies and Market Share

Future Outlook

Section Four: Turbines

Global Demand of Wind Turbines by Region

Global Demand of Wind Turbines by Country

Turbine Market by Construction Location

Turbine Market by End-User

Turbine Companies and Market Share

Future Outlook

Section Five: Mechanical Systems

Global Demand of Mechanical Systems by Region

Mechanical Systems Market by Type of Product
•Mechanical Brakes

Mechanical Systems Market by End-User

Mechanical Systems Market by Construction Location

Mechanical Systems Sales and Market Share

Future Outlook

Section Six: Control Systems

Global Demand of Control Systems by Country

Control Systems by Type of Product
•Rotor Shaft
•Pitch Control
•Yaw Systems

Control Systems Market by End-User

Sales and Market Share

Future Outlook

Section Seven: Towers

Global Demand of Towers by Region

Towers by Type Product
•Tubular Steel
•Guyed pole

Tower Market by End-User

Sales and Market Share

Future Outlook

Section Eight: Balance of Systems (BOS)

Global Demand of BOS by Country

BOS by Type of Product
•Transmission Lines
•Operations and Maintenance facilities
•Shipping logistics
•Engineering and Construction

BOS Market by End-User

Sales and Market Share

Future Outlook

List of Tables

Section One: Technology Overview
•Table 1.1 Comparison of Types of Electricity ($/kW-hr)
•Table 1.2 Comparison of Types of Electricity (% Efficiency)
•Table 1.3 Comparison of Electrical Plants Cost ($/kW)
•Table 1.4 Capital Cost/Capacity Comparison
•Table 1.5 Wind Turbine Main Components (% of cost)

Section Two: Market Overview
•Table 2.1 Global Demand of Energy by Region 2010-2040 (Quadrillion BTU)
•Table 2.1a Global Demand of Energy 2010-2040 (%)
•Table 2.2 Global Demand of Energy by Type 2010-2040 (Quadrillion BTU)
•Table 2.2a Global Demand of Energy by Type 2010-2040 (%)
•Table 2.3 Energy Demand Projections Africa by Type 2010-2040 (Quadrillion BTU)
•Table 2.3a Energy Demand Projections Africa by Type 2010-2040 (%)
•Table 2.4 Energy Demand Projections Asia by Type 2010-2040 (Quadrillion BTU)
•Table 2.4a Energy Demand Projections Asia by Type 2010-2040 (%)
•Table 2.5 Energy Demand Projections Europe by Type 2010-2040 (Quadrillion BTU)
•Table 2.5a Energy Demand Projections Europe by Type 2010-2040 (%)
•Table 2.6 Energy Demand Projections Latin America by Type 2010-2040 (Quadrillion BTU)
•Table 2.6a Energy Demand Projections Latin America by Type 2010-2040 (%)
•Table 2.7 Energy Demand Projections North America by Type 2010-2040 (Quadrillion BTU)
•Table 2.7a Energy Demand Projections North America by Type 2010-2040 (%)
•Table 2.8 Energy Demand Projections Middle East by Type 2010-2040 (Quadrillion BTU)
•Table 2.8a Energy Demand Projections Middle East by Type 2010-2040 (%)
•Table 2.9: Wind Added Capacity (GW): 2017-2024
•Table 2.9a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 2.10b: Wind Added Capacity (%): 2017-2024
•Table 2.10c: Wind Capacity (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 2.11: Wind Energy Cumulative Capacity by Region (GW): 2017-2024
•Table 2.12: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 2.12b: Wind Cumulative Capacity (%): 2017-2024
•Table 2.12c: Wind Cumulative Capacity (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 2.13: Wind Energy Equipment Market by Region (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 2.13a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 2.13b: Wind Energy Equipment Market (%): 2017-2024
•Table 2.13c: Wind Energy Market (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 2.14: Wind Added Capacity by Country (GW): 2017-2024
•Table 2.14a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 2.14b: Added Capacity by Country (%): 2017-2024
•Table 2.14c: Added Capacity by Country (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 2.15: Wind Cumulative Capacity by Country (GW): 2017-2024
•Table 2.15a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 2.15b: Cumulative Capacity by Country (%): 2017-2024
•Table 2.15c: Cumulative Capacity by Country (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 2.16: Wind Equipment Market Country (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 2.16a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 2.16b: Wind Energy Equipment Market by Country (%): 2017-2024
•Table 2.16c: Wind Energy Equipment Market by Country (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 2.17: Wind Energy by End-User (GW Added Capacity): 2017-2024
•Table 2.7a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 2.17b: Wind Energy by End-User (%): 2017-2024
•Table 2.17c: Wind Energy by End-User (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 2.18: Wind Energy by End-User (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 2.18a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 2.18b: Wind Energy by End-User (%): 2017-2024
•Table 2.18c: Wind Energy by End-User (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 2.19: Wind Energy by Application (GW): 2017-2024
•Table 2.19a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 2.19b: Wind Energy by Application (%): 2017-2024
•Table 2.19c: Wind Energy by Application (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 2.20: Wind Energy by Application (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 2.20a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 2.20b: Wind Energy by Application (%): 2017-2024
•Table 2.20c: Wind Energy by Application (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 2.21: Total Equipment Market (Bn USD)
•Table 2.21a: Total Equipment Market (%)

Section Three: Electrical Systems
•Table 3.1: Electrical Systems by Region (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 3.1a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 3.1b: Electrical Systems by Region (%): 2017-2024
•Table 3.1c: Electrical Systems by Region (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 3.2: Electrical Systems by Key Country (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 3.2a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 3.2b: Electrical Systems by Country (%): 2017-2024
•Table 3.2c: Electrical System by Country (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 3.3: Electrical Systems by End-User (GW Added Capacity): 2017-2024
•Table 3.3a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 3.3b: Electrical Systems by End-User (%): 2017-2024
•Table 3.3c: Electrical System by End-User (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 3.4: Electrical Systems by Application (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 3.4a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 3.4b: Electrical Systems by Application (%): 2017-2024
•Table 3.4c: Electrical Systems by Application (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 3.5: Electrical Systems by Technology (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 3.5a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 3.5b: Electrical Systems by Technology (%): 2017-2024
•Table 3.5c: Electrical Systems by Technology (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 3.6: Electrical Systems Sales and Market Share

Section Four: Turbines
•Table 4.1: Turbines by Type of Product (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 4.1a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 4.1b: Turbines by Type of Product (%): 2017-2024
•Table 4.1c: Turbine by Type of Product (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 4.2: Blades by Region (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 4.2a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 4.2b: Blades by Region (%): 2017-2024
•Table 4.2c: Blades by Region (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 4.3: Towers by Region (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 4.3a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 4.3b: Towers by Region (%): 2017-2024
•Table 4.3c: Towers by Region (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 4.4: Towers by Key Country (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 4.4a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 4.4b: Towers by Country (%): 2017-2024
•Table 4.4c: Towers by Country (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 4.5: Blades by Key Country (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 4.5a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 4.5b: Blades by Country (%): 2017-2024
•Table 4.5c: Blades by Country (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 4.6: Blades by End-User (GW Added Capacity): 2017-2024
•Table 4.6a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 4.6b: Blades by End-User (%): 2017-2024
•Table 4.6c: Blades by End-User (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 4.7: Towers by End-User (GW Added Capacity): 2017-2024
•Table 4.7a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 4.7b: Blades by End-User (%): 2017-2024
•Table 4.7c: Blades by End-User (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 4.8: Blades by Application (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 4.8a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 4.8b: Blades by Application (%): 2017-2024
•Table 4.8c: Blades by Application (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 4.9: Towers by Application (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 4.9a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 4.9b: Towers by Application (%): 2017-2024
•Table 4.9c: Towers by Application (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 4.10: Turbine Major Companies-Revenue and Marketshare

Section Five: Mechanical Systems
•Table 5.1: Mechanical Systems by Region (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 5.1a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 5.1b: Mechanical by Region (%): 2017-2024
•Table 5.1c: Mechanical Systems by Region (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 5.2: Mechanical Systems Key Country (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 5.2a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 5.2b: Mechanical Systems by Country (%): 2017-2024
•Table 5.2c: Mechanical Systems by Country (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 5.3: Mechanical Systems by End-User (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 5.3a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 5.3b: Mechanical Systems by End-User (%): 2017-2024
•Table 5.3c: Mechanical Systems by End-User (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 5.4: Mechanical Systems by Application (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 5.4a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 5.4b: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 5.4c: Mechanical Systems by Application (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 5.5: Mechanical Systems by Technology (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 5.5a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 5.5b: Mechanical Systems by Technology (%): 2017-2024
•Table 5.5c: Mechanical Systems by Technology (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 5.6: Mechanical Systems Sales and Market Share

Section Six: Control Systems
•Table 6.1: Control Systems by Region (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 6.1a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 6.1b: Control Systems by Region (%): 2017-2024
•Table 6.1c: Control Systems by Region (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 6.2: Control Systems by Key Country (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 6.2a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 6.2b: Control Systems by Country (%): 2017-2024
•Table 6.2c: Control Systems by Country (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 6.3: Control Systems by End-User (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 6.3a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 6.3b: Control Systems by End-User (%): 2017-2024
•Table 6.3c: Control Systems by End-User (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 6.4: Control Systems by Application (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 6.4a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 6.4b: Control Systems by Application (%): 2017-2024
•Table 6.4c: Control Systems by Application (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 6.5: Control Systems by Technology (Bn USD): 2017-2024
•Table 6.5a: % Change in Projections: 2017-2024
•Table 6.5b: Control Systems by Technology (%): 2017-2024
•Table 6.5c: Control Systems by Technology (Yr-Yr): 2017-2024
•Table 6.6 Control Systems Companies Sales and Marketshare: 2016-2017





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2024/10/04 10:27

147.72 円

163.39 円

196.69 円
