


Global Vinyl Acetate Monomer Market Analysis: Plant Capacity, Location, Process, Technology, Production, Operating Efficiency, Demand & Supply, End Use, Regional Demand, Foreign Trade, Sales Channel, Company Share, Industry Market Size, Manufacturing Process, 2015-2032

H1 2023:2023年上半期、酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)の主な生産者はCelanese Corporation、Dairen Chemical Corp、Sinopec Sichaun Vinylon worksであった。2023年1月、Asian Paints Limitedがインドの小規模製造施... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2023年10月1日 US$6,000
ご注文後2-3営業日前後でアクセス可能です 英語




H1 2023:2023年上半期、酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)の主な生産者はCelanese Corporation、Dairen Chemical Corp、Sinopec Sichaun Vinylon worksであった。2023年1月、Asian Paints Limitedがインドの小規模製造施設にKBR独自の酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)技術を採用した。年産10万トンのVAM施設では、契約条件に基づき、KBRによる技術供与、基本エンジニアリング、特殊設備、触媒が使用される。日本の昭和電工株式会社と共同で、KBRはアジアペイントズ社にVAM技術を提供する。地域別では、アジア太平洋地域がVAMの消費でリードしており、2023年の初めには、アジア太平洋地域のVAM価格は上昇傾向を示した。中国のVAM市場は、塗料やコーティングのような川下分野からの購入が増加した結果、製品の需要が急増し、2023年の初めから市場が成長した。市場参加者は旧正月の休暇後に在庫を補充し、これが価格上昇につながった。さらに、酢酸とエチレンの価格が中国のVAM市場を押し上げた。しかし、2023年3月には、川下の塗料・コーティング業界の需要減退により、アジアや欧州諸国の購買活動が鈍化した結果、価格が下落した。

2022年上半期:2022年上半期、酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)の総生産量は320万トンに達した。酢酸ビニルモノマーの主要生産者はDairen Chemical Corp.、Celanese、Sinopec Sichaun Vinylon worksである。2022年上半期には、Dairen Chemical Corp.が単独でVAM市場の約20%を生産していた。地域別では、アジア太平洋地域が消費の面でリードしており、北米とヨーロッパがそれに続いている。アジア太平洋地域は、2022年上半期にVAMの約60%を消費した。アジア市場は、まず中国を中心に弱気となった。中国地域の市場における供給過剰と需要減退により、エチレンと酢酸の価格も下落した。この傾向は、市場感情の弱さと商品の十分な供給によって引き起こされた。酢酸原料価格は、余剰が最悪の事態に直面したため、大きく下落した。しかし、すぐに市場は勢いを取り戻した。原油価格の上昇に伴う原材料費の高騰は、接着剤・シーラント部門の成長を阻害した。さらに、太陽光発電における太陽電池の使用量の増加に伴い、EVA市場の拡大が見られ、2022年上半期の市場成長にさらにつながった。このように、2022年上半期の市場動向は間違いなく興味深いものであった。

2022年下半期:2022年下半期、インドの大手塗料メーカーであるAsian Paintsは、インドでVAMとVAEを製造する契約をKBRと締結した。Asian Paintsは、インド・グジャラート州Dahejに酢酸ビニルエチレンエマルジョン(VAE)と酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)の製造施設を設立すると説明した。VAM製造施設の建設は、米国KBR社とのライセンス技術契約に基づくものである。このプロジェクトには約2億5,500万米ドル(210億インドルピー)が投じられ、年間生産能力はVAMが10万トン、VAEが15万トンである。消費量を見ると、アジア太平洋地域が依然としてVAMの大半を消費している。しかし、2022年下半期にはアジア市場全体で市場は低迷を続けた。消費率が低く、引き合いも限られているため、市場の購買意欲はあまり高まらなかった。北東アジアの韓国と西日本の港湾が台風の被害を受け、9月の港湾業務に支障が出た。港湾の動きが減少したことで、輸送時間が増加し、出荷の遅れが報告され、港湾活動だけでなく供給力にも影響を与えた。さらに、原料価格、すなわち酢酸価格の低迷が続いたため、川下の酢酸ビニルモノマーに対するコスト圧力は平凡であった。

世界の酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)需要は2022年に約660万トンとなり、2032年までの予測期間中、年平均成長率4.41%で安定的に成長すると予想されている。最近、Asian Paints社はインドにVAM(酢酸ビニルモノマー)とVAE(酢酸ビニルエチレンエマルジョン)を生産する新しい製造拠点を設立すると発表した。このプロジェクトは2億5,500万米ドル(210億インドルピー)相当のもので、年間生産能力はVAMが10万トン、VAEが15万トンになると予想されている。





世界の酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)市場の主要プレーヤーは、Dairen Chemical Corp.、Celanese、Sinopec Sichaun Vinylon Works、Sinopec Greatwall Energy、INEOS Group、LyondellBasell Industries、Millenium Petorchemicals、Dow Chemicals、Du Pont、Sipchem IVC、Wacker-Chemei、昭和電工、その他である。


基準年: 2022
予測年: 2023
予測期間: 2024-2032



- 世界中の酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)の生産、需要、供給を網羅する酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)の需給シナリオを評価する。
- 酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)の市場規模を分析・予測する。
- 世界の酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)市場を最終用途と地域分布に基づいて分類し予測する。
- 酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)市場の新増設、合併・買収などの世界的な競争展開を調査する。



- 酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)メーカーおよびその他の関係者
- 酢酸ビニルモノマー(VAM)流通に関連する団体、フォーラム、アライアンス
- 規制当局や政策立案者などの政府機関
- 市場調査機関およびコンサルティング会社






市場規模 2022年の数量
市場規模 2032年の数量
2015 - 2022
2024 - 2032





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Table of Content

1. Industry Market Size
It is an essential metric for market analysis, as it provides insights into the overall size and growth potential of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market in terms of value and volume.

2. Capacity By Company
On our online platform, you can stay up to date with essential manufacturers and their current and future operation capacity on a practically real-time basis for Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM).

3. Capacity By Location
To better understand the regional supply of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) by analyzing its manufacturers' location-based capacity.

4. Plant Operating Efficiency [Quarterly Update]
To determine what percentage manufacturers are operating their plants or how much capacity is being currently used.

5. Production By Company [Quarterly Update]
Study the historical annual production of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) by the leading players and forecast how it will grow in the coming years.

6. Demand by End- Use [Quarterly Update]
Discover which end-user industry (Packaging, Construction, Textile, Adhesives & Sealants, Paints & Coatings, and Others) are creating a market and the forecast for the growth of the Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market.

7. Demand by Region
Analyzing the change in demand of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) in different regions, i.e., North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America, that can direct you in mapping the regional demand.

8. Demand by Sales Channel (Direct and Indirect)
Multiple channels are used to sell Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM). Our sales channel will help in analyzing whether distributors and dealers or direct sales make up most of the industry's sales.

9. Demand-Supply Gap
Determine the supply-demand gap to gain information about the trade surplus or deficiency of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM).

10. Company Share
Figure out what proportion of the market share of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) is currently held by leading players across the globe.

11. Country-wise Export
Get details about quantity of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) exported by major countries.

12. Country-wise Import
Get details about quantity of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) imported by major countries.

13. Manufacturing Process
Discover insights into the intricate manufacturing process of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM).

14. Capacity By Process
To evaluate the demand of various methods and their capacities while looking for the future growth of each process.

15. Capacity By Technology
To better assess the manufacturing capacities with different technologies as well as understand which technology is more in demand.

16. Pricing Analysis & Forecast
Analyze historical prices since 2015 & Forecast on three months rolling period for next 12 months.

Years considered for this report:

Historical Period: 2015- 2022
Base Year: 2022
Estimated Year: 2023
Forecast Period: 2024-2032








H1 2023: During H1 2023, major producers of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) were Celanese Corporation, Dairen Chemical Corp., and Sinopec Sichaun Vinylon works. In January 2023, Asian Paints Limited chosen KBR's exclusive Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) technology for a small-scale manufacturing facility in India. A 100 thousand tonnes per annum VAM facility will use the technology licensing, fundamental engineering, specialised equipment, and catalyst, by KBR under the conditions of the contract. In collaboration with the Japanese company Showa Denko K.K., KBR offers its VAM technology to Asian Paints. Based on region, Asia Pacific was leading in terms of consumption of VAM, In the beginning of 2023, VAM prices in the Asia Pacific region showed an upward trend. The VAM market in China saw growth of market from the beginning of 2023 as the demand for the product surged as a result of an increase in purchases from downstream sectors like paints & coatings. Participants in the market refilled the inventory after the Lunar New Year holiday which led to hike in prices. Additionally, prices for acetic acid and ethylene boosted the VAM market in China. Although, there was a drop in price in March 2023 as a result of a slowdown in purchasing activity from Asian and European nations due to weaker demand from their downstream paint and coatings industries.

H1 2022: During H1 2022, the total production of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) had reached 3.2 million tonnes. The key producers of Vinyl Acetate Monomer were Dairen Chemical Corp., Celanese, and Sinopec Sichaun Vinylon works. In H1 2022, Dairen Chemical Corp. solely produced approximately 20% of the VAM market. Based on region, Asia Pacific was leading in terms of consumption followed by North America and Europe. Asia Pacific region consumed roughly 60% of the VAM in H1 2022. The Asian market was first bearish, especially in China. Due to excess supply materials and weakening demand in the Chinese regional market, the prices of ethylene and acetic acid were also lowered. This trend was caused by weak market emotions and an adequate supply of the commodity. Acetic acid feedstock prices fell majorly as the surplus faced the worst. But soon, the market gained some momentum. The rising cost of raw materials as a result of rising oil prices impeded the growth of the adhesive and sealant sector. Additionally, there was high expansion of the EVA market with the growth in the use of photovoltaic cells in solar power generation that further led to market growth in H1 2022. Thus, the market trend was definitely interesting during H1 2022.

H2 2022: In H2 2022, Asian Paints, one of the leading paint manufacturers of India, signed a contract with KBR for manufacturing VAM and VAE in India. Asian Paints elaborated that it would establish a Vinyl Acetate Ethylene Emulsion (VAE) and Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) manufacturing facility in Dahej, Gujarat, India. The construction of the VAM manufacturing facility would be based on a licenced technology agreement with KBR, USA. This project costs around USD 255 million (INR 21 billion) along with an annual production capacity of 100 thousand tonnes per annum of VAM and 150 thousand tonnes of VAE. Based on consumption, Asia Pacific still consumed the majority of VAM. However, the market remained sluggish in H2 2022 across Asian market. Owing to the low consumption rates and limited inquiries, the buying sentiment in the market was not so lucrative. Due to the typhoon damage to the ports of South Korea and western Japan in Northeast Asia hampered port operations during the month of September. Reduced port movements increased transit times and reported delays in shipments, had an effect on supply dynamics as well as port activities. Additionally, the cost pressure on downstream Vinyl Acetate Monomer was mediocre due to the continued stagnancy in feedstock pricing, i.e., acetic acid prices.

The global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) demand stood at approximately 6.6 million tonnes in 2022 and is expected to grow at a steady CAGR of 4.41% during the forecast period until 2032. Recently, Asian Paints have announced about setting a new manufacturing site in India to produce VAM (Vinyl Acetate Monomer) and VAE (Vinyl Acetate Ethylene Emulsion). This project is worth USD 255 million (INR 21 billion) and the plant is anticipated to have an annual production capacity of 100 thousand tonnes per annum of VAM along with 150 thousand tonnes of VAE.

Vinyl Acetate Monomer is a colorless organic monomer. It is produced by the acetylation of ethylene with acetic acid and oxygen. It finds application in the manufacturing numerous chemicals including polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl acetate, ethylene vinyl acetate, ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH). Out of these, the polyvinyl acetate segment holds the highest share of global demand for Vinyl Acetate Monomer. EVOH is a barrier resin used in food containers, plastic water bottles, fuel tanks, and thermoplastic elastomers, is one of the applications of VAM that is on the upswing. Vinyl Acetate Monomer has several properties like adhesion, optical clarity, fiber forming, etc. Due to these properties, it has several end-use industries including packaging, construction, textile, and cosmetics. Polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) are primarily made using vinyl acetate monomer. Paints, adhesives, paper coatings, and textile procedures all use polyvinyl acetate, whereas polyvinyl alcohol is used to make adhesives, coatings, water-soluble packaging, and textile warp sizing. Polyvinyl butyral (PVB), is also made using VAM, which is used in laminated safety glass for cars and buildings. Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) resin, which is produced from VAM, is employed for the production of packaging film, heavy-duty bags, extrusion coating, wire and cable jacketing, hot-melt adhesives, and cross-linked foam. Furthermore, EVA Resin possess crack and puncture resistance, is frequently copolymerized with LDPE and LLDPE to increase the copolymer's flexibility and low temperature performance. VAM is prominently used for manufacturing ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH), a barrier resin used in food packaging, plastic bottles, petrol tanks and industrial plastics.

VAM is a vital component of the emulsion polymers, resins, and intermediates that are used in paints, textiles, wire and cable polyethylene (PE) compounds, laminated safety glass, and packaging materials. EVOH and EVA resins are used in food packaging to help keep food fresh by preventing the penetration of gas, vapour, or liquid. Increasing demand for resins, adhesives, and construction materials coupled with fast-paced industrialization is projected to drive the demand for Vinyl Acetate Monomer during the forecast period. Moreover, the with the rise in the demand from other end-use industries such as textile and cosmetics is also a factor propelling the demand for Vinyl Acetate Monomer. The global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market will swell to reach approximately 10 million tonnes by 2032.

Based on region, Asia Pacific is dominating the global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market all across the globe. In 2022, this region has consumed roughly 64% of the global VAM market. The reason behind the demand of VAM is mainly due to the construction and packaging purpose. Moreover, the increasing population and per capita income in emerging economies like India and China coupled with the growing number of industries using Vinyl Acetate Monomer is another factor influencing demand growth in the Asia Pacific region. Although, the USA is the leading producer of Vinyl Acetate Monomer with major players like Dow Chemical and Celanese located in this region.

Based on the end-user industry, the Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market is bifurcated into Packaging, Construction, Textile, Adhesives & Sealants, Paints & Coatings, and Others. Although, Adhesives & Sealants industry is leading industry and accounted approximately 28% of the market share of net Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) demand in 2022. This industry is expected to maintain its dominance over the global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market in the forthcoming years.

Major players in the global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market are Dairen Chemical Corp., Celanese, Sinopec Sichaun Vinylon Works, Sinopec Greatwall Energy, INEOS Group, LyondellBasell Industries, Millenium Petorchemicals, Dow Chemicals, DuPont, Sipchem IVC, Wacker-Chemei, Showa Denko, and Others.

Years considered for this report:

Historical Period: 2015- 2022
Base Year: 2022
Estimated Year: 2023
Forecast Period: 2024-2032

This report will be delivered on an online digital platform with one-year subscription and quarterly update.

The objective of the Study:

• To assess the demand-supply scenario of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM), which covers the production, demand, and supply of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) around the globe.
• To analyze and forecast the market size of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM).
• To classify and forecast the Global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market based on end-use and regional distribution.
• To examine global competitive developments such as new capacity expansions, mergers & acquisitions, etc., of the Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market.

To extract data for the Global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market, primary research surveys were conducted with Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, wholesalers, and Traders. While interviewing, the respondents were also inquired about their competitors. Through this technique, ChemAnalyst was able to include manufacturers that could not be identified due to the limitations of secondary research. Moreover, ChemAnalyst analyzed various segments and projected a positive outlook for the Global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market over the coming years.

ChemAnalyst calculated Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) demand in the globe by analyzing the historical data and demand forecast which was carried out considering the historical extraction and supply and demand of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) across the globe. ChemAnalyst sourced these values from industry experts, and company representatives and externally validated through analyzing historical sales data of respective manufacturers to arrive at the overall market size. Various secondary sources such as company websites, association reports, annual reports, etc., were also studied by ChemAnalyst.

Key Target Audience:
• Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) manufacturers and other stakeholders
• Organizations, forums and alliances related to Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) distribution
• Government bodies such as regulating authorities and policy makers
• Market research organizations and consulting companies

The study is useful in providing answers to several critical questions that are important for industry stakeholders such as Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) manufacturers, customers and policy makers. The study would also help them to target the growing segments over the coming years, thereby aiding the stakeholders in taking investment decisions and facilitating their expansion.

Report Scope:

In this report, Global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market has been segmented into following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:



Market size Volume in 2022
6.6 million tonnes
Market size Volume by 2032
10 million tonnes
Growth Rate
CAGR of 4.41% from 2023 to 2032
Base year for estimation
Historic Data
2015 – 2022
Forecast period
2024 – 2032
Quantitative units
Demand in thousand tonnes and CAGR from 2023 to 2032

Report coverage
Industry Market Size, Capacity by Company, Capacity by Location, Production by Company, Demand by End- Use, Demand by Region, Demand by Sales Channel, Demand-Supply Gap, Company Share, Foreign Trade, Manufacturing Process, Policy and Regulatory Landscape.

Segments covered
By End-Use: (Packaging, Construction, Textile, Adhesives & Sealants, Paints & Coatings, and Others)
By Sales Channel: (Direct Sale and Indirect Sale)
Regional scope
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America.
Pricing and purchase options
Avail customized purchase options to meet your exact research needs. Explore purchase options

Available Customizations:

With the given market data, ChemAnalyst offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs.

In case you do not find what, you are looking for, please get in touch with our custom research team at


Table of Contents

Table of Content

1. Industry Market Size
It is an essential metric for market analysis, as it provides insights into the overall size and growth potential of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market in terms of value and volume.

2. Capacity By Company
On our online platform, you can stay up to date with essential manufacturers and their current and future operation capacity on a practically real-time basis for Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM).

3. Capacity By Location
To better understand the regional supply of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) by analyzing its manufacturers' location-based capacity.

4. Plant Operating Efficiency [Quarterly Update]
To determine what percentage manufacturers are operating their plants or how much capacity is being currently used.

5. Production By Company [Quarterly Update]
Study the historical annual production of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) by the leading players and forecast how it will grow in the coming years.

6. Demand by End- Use [Quarterly Update]
Discover which end-user industry (Packaging, Construction, Textile, Adhesives & Sealants, Paints & Coatings, and Others) are creating a market and the forecast for the growth of the Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) market.

7. Demand by Region
Analyzing the change in demand of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) in different regions, i.e., North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America, that can direct you in mapping the regional demand.

8. Demand by Sales Channel (Direct and Indirect)
Multiple channels are used to sell Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM). Our sales channel will help in analyzing whether distributors and dealers or direct sales make up most of the industry's sales.

9. Demand-Supply Gap
Determine the supply-demand gap to gain information about the trade surplus or deficiency of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM).

10. Company Share
Figure out what proportion of the market share of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) is currently held by leading players across the globe.

11. Country-wise Export
Get details about quantity of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) exported by major countries.

12. Country-wise Import
Get details about quantity of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) imported by major countries.

13. Manufacturing Process
Discover insights into the intricate manufacturing process of Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM).

14. Capacity By Process
To evaluate the demand of various methods and their capacities while looking for the future growth of each process.

15. Capacity By Technology
To better assess the manufacturing capacities with different technologies as well as understand which technology is more in demand.

16. Pricing Analysis & Forecast
Analyze historical prices since 2015 & Forecast on three months rolling period for next 12 months.

Years considered for this report:

Historical Period: 2015- 2022
Base Year: 2022
Estimated Year: 2023
Forecast Period: 2024-2032



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