
世界のバイオディーゼル市場分析:プラント容量, 所在地, 生産, 操業効率, 需要と供給, 最終用途, 地域需要, 海外貿易, 販売チャネル, 企業シェア, 業界市場規模, 製造工程, 2015-2032

世界のバイオディーゼル市場分析:プラント容量, 所在地, 生産, 操業効率, 需要と供給, 最終用途, 地域需要, 海外貿易, 販売チャネル, 企業シェア, 業界市場規模, 製造工程, 2015-2032

Global Biodiesel Market Analysis: Plant Capacity, Location, Production, Operating Efficiency, Demand & Supply, End Use, Regional Demand, Foreign Trade, Sales Channel, Company Share, Industry Market Size, Manufacturing Process, 2015-2032

H1 2023:2023年上半期、世界のバイオディーゼル市場の有力企業はWilmar Bioenergi Indonesia、Diester Industrie、Ineos、Cargilであった。2023年1月、カリフォルニア州に再生可能ディーゼル(バイオディーゼルと... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 言語
2023年10月1日 US$6,000
ご注文後2-3営業日前後でアクセス可能です 英語




H1 2023:2023年上半期、世界のバイオディーゼル市場の有力企業はWilmar Bioenergi Indonesia、Diester Industrie、Ineos、Cargilであった。2023年1月、カリフォルニア州に再生可能ディーゼル(バイオディーゼルとエタノール混合バイオ燃料)を積み替えることができる新しいバイオ燃料ターミナルがUSD Clean Fuels LLC(USDCF)から発表された。カリフォルニア州は、国内最大級の貨物輸送会社であるBNSF鉄道がターミナルサービスも提供することで、中西部と米国メキシコ湾岸からのクリーン燃料を効率的に受け入れることになり、2024年までに稼働する見込みである。2023年6月、カウアイ島電力協同組合(KIUC)はパシフィック・バイオディーゼル・テクノロジーズ社からバイオディーゼルの最初の出荷を受ける。契約によると、KIUCはハワイ島でバイオディーゼル精製所を所有・運営するパシフィック・バイオディーゼル・テクノロジーズ社からバイオディーゼルを受け取り、27.5メガワットのカパイア発電所の一部燃料として利用する。2023年6月、Bunge社はViterra社の買収を提案。Bunge社によるViterra社の買収計画により、同社は再生可能ディーゼル市場での競争力を高め、世界最大の油糧種子粉砕業者としての地位を維持する。この買収により、Bunge社の破砕能力は約33%増加し、カナダ、ヨーロッパ、アルゼンチンのユニットからの年間生産量は7,500万トンとなる。2023年6月、再生可能天然ガスと燃料の生産者であるAemetis Inc.は、インドのUniversal Biofuels子会社から国営石油販売会社(OMC)3社の顧客へのバイオディーゼル出荷が、2023年第2四半期に2,700万米ドル(3,400万米ドルの80%)の契約納入が完了したことを明らかにした。インドの顧客は2023年5月初旬に約8百万ガロン(34百万米ドル相当)のバイオディーゼルを発注した。

2022年上半期:2022年上半期のバイオディーゼル総生産量は約2,400万トンに達した。世界のバイオディーゼル市場の主要プレーヤーは、Diester Industrie、Wilmar Bioenergi Indonesia、Ineosである。しかし、2022年上半期には、Diester Industrieが世界最大のバイオディーゼル生産者であった。2022年5月、英国の主要バイオディーゼル製造会社の1つであるArgent Energy社は、オランダのバイオディーゼル生産施設の増設を発表した。同社の生産能力拡大は、革新的で持続可能な開発への一歩であり、温室効果ガス排出削減のための効率的なプロセスの活用である。地域別では、2022年上半期に北米が最大のバイオディーゼル消費国となった。バイオディーゼル価格は2022年3月末に上昇した。主要な飼料生産国が地域市場でパーム油危機に直面したため、供給不足が米国市場でのバイオディーゼル生産率を妨げた。貿易ルートの混乱がバイオディーゼル価格に影響を与えた。さらに、北米市場ではヒマワリ油の価格が高騰し、それに比例してバイオディーゼル生産コストが上昇した。2022年5月、市場に食糧危機が発生し、インフレが起こった。食糧危機を克服するため、北米ではバイオディーゼルの生産が一時的に停止され、製品価格の下落につながった。






世界のバイオディーゼル生産の主要企業は、Infinita Renovables Castellón、Diester Industrie、Ineos、VERBIO's、PT Wilmar Bioenergi Indonesia、Argent Energy、Bio Oils Huelva、Harvest Energy、Iniciativas Bioenergéticas (Calahorra)、Greenergy's、PT Musim Mas、Simadan subsidiary Biodiesel、Petrotec AG、Ennovor Biofuels、PT Kutai Refinery Nusantara、その他である。


過去期間: 2015- 2022
基準年: 2022
予測年: 2023
予測期間: 2024-2032



- 世界のバイオディーゼル市場の生産、需要、供給をカバーするバイオディーゼルの需給シナリオを評価する。
- バイオディーゼルの市場規模の分析と予測
- バイオディーゼルの世界市場を用途別、地域別に分類・予測
- 世界におけるバイオディーゼル市場の拡大、M&Aなどの競争展開の調査




- バイオディーゼル製造業者および関係者
- バイオディーゼル流通に関連する団体、フォーラム、アライアンス
- 規制当局や政策立案者などの政府機関
- 市場調査機関、コンサルティング会社






市場規模 2022年の数量
2015 - 2022
2024 - 2032





お探しのものが見つからない場合は、カスタムリサーチチーム までご連絡ください。



Table of Content

1. Industry Market Size
It is an essential metric for market analysis, as it provides insights into the overall size and growth potential of Biodiesel market in terms of value and volume.

2. Capacity By Company
On our online platform, you can stay up to date with essential manufacturers and their current and future operation capacity on a practically real-time basis for Biodiesel.

3. Capacity By Location
To better understand the regional supply of Biodiesel by analyzing its manufacturers' location-based capacity.

4. Plant Operating Efficiency [Quarterly Update]
To determine what percentage manufacturers are operating their plants or how much capacity is being currently used.

5. Production By Company [Quarterly Update]
Study the historical annual production of Biodiesel by the leading players and forecast how it will grow in the coming years.

6. Demand by End- Use [Quarterly Update]
Discover which end-user industry (Fuel, Power Generation, and Others) are creating a market and the forecast for the growth of the Biodiesel market.

7. Demand by Region
Analyzing the change in demand of Biodiesel in different regions, i.e., North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America, that can direct you in mapping the regional demand.

8. Demand by Sales Channel (Direct and Indirect)
Multiple channels are used to sell Biodiesel. Our sales channel will help in analyzing whether distributors and dealers or direct sales make up most of the industry's sales.

9. Demand-Supply Gap
Determine the supply-demand gap to gain information about the trade surplus or deficiency of Biodiesel.

10. Company Share
Figure out what proportion of the market share of Biodiesel is currently held by leading players across the globe.

11. Country-wise Export
Get details about quantity of Biodiesel exported by major countries.

12. Country-wise Import
Get details about quantity of Biodiesel imported by major countries.

13. Manufacturing Process
Discover insights into the intricate manufacturing process of Biodiesel.

14. Pricing Analysis & Forecast
Analyze historical prices since 2015 & Forecast on three months rolling period for next 12 months.

Years considered for this report:

Historical Period: 2015- 2022
Base Year: 2022
Estimated Year: 2023
Forecast Period: 2024-2032








H1 2023: During H1 2023, the prominent players in the global Biodiesel market were Wilmar Bioenergi Indonesia, Diester Industrie, Ineos, and Cargil. In January 2023, a new biofuel terminal in California that can transload renewable diesel (biodiesel and ethanol blended biofuel) was announced by USD Clean Fuels LLC (USDCF). California will effectively receive clean fuels from the Midwest and US Gulf Coast thanks to BNSF Railway, one of the largest freight carriers in the country, which will also provide terminal service, and is likely to be operational by 2024. In June 2023, Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) received its very first shipment of biodiesel from Pacific Biodiesel Technologies. According to the agreement, KIUC would receive biodiesel from Pacific Biodiesel Technologies, the owner and operator of the biodiesel refinery on Hawai'i Island, to utilize as a partial fuel source for its 27.5-megawatt Kapaia Power Generation Station. In June 2023, Bunge proposed acquisition of Viterra. With the planned acquisition of Viterra by Bunge, the company would be better positioned to compete in the renewable diesel market and maintain its position as the largest oilseed crusher in the world. Bunge's crushing capacity will increase by roughly 33% as a result of the acquisition, resulting in an increase in annual production of 75 million metric tonnes from units in Canada, Europe, and Argentina. In June 2023, Aemetis Inc., a producer of renewable natural gas and fuels, revealed that biodiesel shipments from Universal Biofuels subsidiary in India to the three state-owned Oil Marketing Company (OMC) customers with USD 27 million (80% of the USD 34 million) in the second quarter of 2023 contracted deliveries being completed. About 8 million gallons of biodiesel, worth USD 34 million, was ordered in the beginning of May 2023 by the Indian customers.

H1 2022: During H1 2022, the total production of Biodiesel had reached approximately 24 million tonnes. The major players in the global Biodiesel market were Diester Industrie, Wilmar Bioenergi Indonesia, and Ineos. However, Diester Industrie was the biggest producer of Biodiesel globally in H1 2022. In May 2022, Argent Energy, one of the key biodiesel manufacturers in UK announced about adding capacity to their biodiesel production facility at Netherlands and total production capacity will reach to 540 thousand tonnes. The company’s decision of expanding the production capacity was a step towards innovative and sustainable development and make use of efficient processes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Based on region, North America acquired the position of the largest consumer of Biodiesel during H1 2022. The Biodiesel prices rose near the end of March 2022. Supply shortages had hampered biodiesel production rates in the US market as major feed producing countries faced a palm oil crisis in their regional markets. Disrupted trade routes had affected the biodiesel prices. Additionally, sunflower oil prices were skyrocketed in the North American market, which proportionally increased the cost of biodiesel production during this period. In May 2022, a food crisis occurred in the market and inflation happened. To overcome the food crisis, biodiesel production was temporarily halted in North America leading to a price decline of the product.

H2 2022: During H2 2022, the total production of Biodiesel had reached approximately 26 million tonnes. Throughout H2 2022, the prices of Biodiesel across North America fluctuated. The cost of raw materials like palm oil fell in July and August 2022 as demand from biodiesel production remained weak, impacting domestic biodiesel prices. Biodiesel prices saw a downward trend in the market due to volatile demand by the end-user industries. However, in September 2022, the price of commodity palm oil imports from major producers like Indonesia and Malaysia, was weak which correspondingly affected the production costs. In addition, the demand for biodiesel from the transport sector was weak and the inventory was less. As a ripple effect, the price of biodiesel fell in the North American market. In October 2022, biodiesel production decreased in the US market as there was sufficient inventory available in the domestic market to meet the demand of the consumers. By the end of December 2022, the biodiesel supply chain had to deal with disruptions caused by natural disaster (Hurricane Elliot) in several areas of North America. In the last three months of H2 2022, the biodiesel production cost had increased proportionally as energy costs were high in Europe. Biodiesel imports were lowered by the German government to focus on food services.

The global Biodiesel market has expanded to reach approximately 50 million tonnes in 2022 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.87% during the forecast period until 2032. Biodiesel is a type of fuel made from bio-based resources such as vegetable oil and animal fat. It is renewable in nature with a lesser carbon footprint. It can be used in existing diesel engines in vehicles without any modification.

Biodiesel is produced via transesterification whereby the glycerin is separated from animal fat or vegetable oil, leaving behind methyl esters and glycerin. Its major application areas are fuel and power generation. Lesser greenhouse gas emissions associated with biodiesel and its biodegradable nature combined with the growing need to replace fossil fuel with renewable fuel are projected to drive the demand for biodiesel for the forecast period. Moreover, the compatibility of biodiesel with the existing diesel engines is another factor prop demand growth for biodiesel during the forecast period. Increasing population and the subsequent growth in the number of vehicles and other industries using biodiesel is also expected to support demand rise for biodiesel. The global Biodiesel market is anticipated to reach 70 million tonnes by 2032.

By demand, North America dominates the global with most of the demand is come from USA. In 2022, approximately 40% of the global demand was accounted by North America. It is mainly driven by the use of renewable energy derived from agricultural and forestry areas across U.S. Biofuel holds a significant portion of the fuel used in the U.S. transportation industry. This region is anticipated to display similar consumption share in the forecast period owing to rapidly expanding automotive sector. Moreover, in the APAC region due to the expansion of the automotive and energy industries, which are the main consumers of eco-friendly fuel, biodiesel demand is anticipated to increase in the forecast period. Currently, U.S. holds the largest production capacity of Biodiesel.

Based on the end-use, the global Biodiesel market is segregated into Fuel, Power Generation, and Others. The Fuel sector is dominating the Biodiesel market. In 2022, this sector consumed roughly 80% of the global Biodiesel market and is anticipated its position in the forthcoming years. The demand of clean and green fuel is anticipated to swell up the demand of Biodiesel in the forecast period.

Major players in the production of Global Biodiesel are Infinita Renovables Castellón, Diester Industrie, Ineos, VERBIO's, PT Wilmar Bioenergi Indonesia, Argent Energy, Bio Oils Huelva, Harvest Energy, Iniciativas Bioenergéticas (Calahorra), Greenergy’s, PT Musim Mas, Simadan subsidiary Biodiesel, Petrotec AG, Ennovor Biofuels, PT Kutai Refinery Nusantara, and Others.

Years considered for this report:

Historical Period: 2015- 2022
Base Year: 2022
Estimated Year: 2023
Forecast Period: 2024-2032

This report will be delivered on an online digital platform with one-year subscription and quarterly update.

Objective of the Study:

• To assess the demand-supply scenario of Biodiesel which covers production, demand and supply of Biodiesel market in the globe.
• To analyse and forecast the market size of Biodiesel
• To classify and forecast Global Biodiesel market based on end-use and regional distribution.
• To examine competitive developments such as expansions, mergers & acquisitions, etc., of Biodiesel market in the globe.

To extract data for Global Biodiesel market, primary research surveys were conducted with Biodiesel manufacturers, suppliers, distributors, wholesalers and Traders. While interviewing, the respondents were also inquired about their competitors. Through this technique, ChemAnalyst was able to include manufacturers that could not be identified due to the limitations of secondary research. Moreover, ChemAnalyst analyzed various segments and projected a positive outlook for Global Biodiesel market over the coming years.

ChemAnalyst calculated Biodiesel demand in the globe by analyzing the historical data and demand forecast which was carried out considering the historical extraction and supply and demand of Biodiesel across the globe. ChemAnalyst sourced these values from industry experts, and company representatives and externally validated through analyzing historical sales data of respective manufacturers to arrive at the overall market size. Various secondary sources such as company websites, association reports, annual reports, etc., were also studied by ChemAnalyst.

Key Target Audience:

• Biodiesel manufacturers and other stakeholders
• Organizations, forums and alliances related to Biodiesel distribution
• Government bodies such as regulating authorities and policy makers
• Market research organizations and consulting companies

The study is useful in providing answers to several critical questions that are important for industry stakeholders such as Biodiesel manufacturers, customers and policy makers. The study would also help them to target the growing segments over the coming years (next two to five years), thereby aiding the stakeholders in taking investment decisions and facilitating their expansion.

Report Scope:

In this report, Global Biodiesel market has been segmented into following categories, in addition to the industry trends which have also been detailed below:



Market size Volume in 2022
50 million tonnes
Market size Volume by 2032
70 million tonnes
Growth Rate
CAGR of 3.87% from 2023 to 2032
Base year for estimation
Historic Data
2015 – 2022
Forecast period
2024 – 2032
Quantitative units
Demand in million tonnes and CAGR from 2023 to 2032

Report coverage
Industry Market Size, Capacity by Company, Capacity by Location, Operating Efficiency, Production by Company, Demand by End- Use, Demand by Region, Demand by Sales Channel, Demand-Supply Gap, Company Share, Foreign Trade, Manufacturing Process, Policy and Regulatory Landscape,

Segments covered
By End-Use: (Fuel, Power Generation, and Others)
By Sales Channel: (Direct Sale and Indirect Sale)
Regional scope
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America.
Pricing and purchase options
Avail customized purchase options to meet your exact research needs. Explore purchase options

Available Customizations:

With the given market data, ChemAnalyst offers customizations according to a company’s specific needs.

In case you do not find what, you are looking for, please get in touch with our custom research team at


Table of Contents

Table of Content

1. Industry Market Size
It is an essential metric for market analysis, as it provides insights into the overall size and growth potential of Biodiesel market in terms of value and volume.

2. Capacity By Company
On our online platform, you can stay up to date with essential manufacturers and their current and future operation capacity on a practically real-time basis for Biodiesel.

3. Capacity By Location
To better understand the regional supply of Biodiesel by analyzing its manufacturers' location-based capacity.

4. Plant Operating Efficiency [Quarterly Update]
To determine what percentage manufacturers are operating their plants or how much capacity is being currently used.

5. Production By Company [Quarterly Update]
Study the historical annual production of Biodiesel by the leading players and forecast how it will grow in the coming years.

6. Demand by End- Use [Quarterly Update]
Discover which end-user industry (Fuel, Power Generation, and Others) are creating a market and the forecast for the growth of the Biodiesel market.

7. Demand by Region
Analyzing the change in demand of Biodiesel in different regions, i.e., North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and South America, that can direct you in mapping the regional demand.

8. Demand by Sales Channel (Direct and Indirect)
Multiple channels are used to sell Biodiesel. Our sales channel will help in analyzing whether distributors and dealers or direct sales make up most of the industry's sales.

9. Demand-Supply Gap
Determine the supply-demand gap to gain information about the trade surplus or deficiency of Biodiesel.

10. Company Share
Figure out what proportion of the market share of Biodiesel is currently held by leading players across the globe.

11. Country-wise Export
Get details about quantity of Biodiesel exported by major countries.

12. Country-wise Import
Get details about quantity of Biodiesel imported by major countries.

13. Manufacturing Process
Discover insights into the intricate manufacturing process of Biodiesel.

14. Pricing Analysis & Forecast
Analyze historical prices since 2015 & Forecast on three months rolling period for next 12 months.

Years considered for this report:

Historical Period: 2015- 2022
Base Year: 2022
Estimated Year: 2023
Forecast Period: 2024-2032



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