![]() 世界の小麦粉市場概要、2024-29年Global Flour Market Overview, 2024-29 小麦粉の国際市場は食品ビジネスの基本要素であり、世界中の様々な料理に使用されている。小麦、トウモロコシ、米などの穀物が小麦粉の主な原料であり、世界中のベーカリー、キッチン、食品加工施設で使用されて... もっと見る
サマリー小麦粉の国際市場は食品ビジネスの基本要素であり、世界中の様々な料理に使用されている。小麦、トウモロコシ、米などの穀物が小麦粉の主な原料であり、世界中のベーカリー、キッチン、食品加工施設で使用されている。小麦粉は、パン、パスタ、ペストリーといった基本的な必需品の製造から、独創的なグルメ作品の数々まで、世界中の人々の幅広い嗜好や好みを反映した柔軟性を持っている。小麦粉へのニーズは、人口増加、都市化、幅広い食生活の受容とともに高まっており、ダイナミックで絶えず変化する市場環境を生み出している。さらに、地域の料理、料理の伝統、文化的習慣はすべて小麦粉の消費パターンに影響を与える。結局のところ、世界のどの地域も、世界の料理のモザイクに独自の特別な風味と調理法を加えているのだ。小麦粉市場は、食品の生産と消費において重要な役割を担っているにもかかわらず、気候の不安定さ、サプライチェーンの混乱、規制の複雑さ、食生活の変化といった困難に直面している。しかし、世界の小麦粉市場関係者は、創意工夫、協力、調整によってこれらの障害を粘り強く克服し、世界中の顧客に小麦粉製品への絶え間ないアクセス、卓越性、多様性を保証している。小麦粉市場は、世界の人口が増加し、都市化が進む中で、まだまだ発展し、革新する立場にある。小麦粉は、多様化し連鎖する世界の変化する食生活に対応する上で重要な役割を果たすだろう。Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「小麦粉の世界市場概要、2029年」によると、市場は2023年の2,641億7,000万米ドルから2029年には3,900億米ドルを超えると予測されている。同市場は2024-29年までに年平均成長率6.76%で成長すると予測されている。世界の人口が増え続けるにつれ、小麦粉のような主食用食品の需要も増加している。口数が増えるにつれて、パン、パスタ、麺類、焼き菓子など小麦粉を使った製品の消費量も増加する。都市化、グローバル化、健康志向の高まりといった要因によって、食生活は世界的に進化している。消費者はより健康的な選択肢を求め、多様な料理を探求しており、こうした嗜好に対応する小麦粉ベースの製品に対する需要の高まりにつながっている。多くの地域で経済的繁栄が可処分所得の増加をもたらし、消費者はコンビニエンス・フードや高級小麦粉製品により多くの支出をすることができるようになった。この傾向は、特殊小麦粉、有機小麦粉、より高品質な小麦粉製品の需要を押し上げる。世界的な都市化の加速により、人々は多忙な生活を送るようになり、コンビニエンス・フードへの依存度が高まっている。パン、ペストリー、調理済み食品など、小麦をベースとした商品が都市生活者にとって便利なため、小麦粉の需要が増加している。グローバル化によって料理のアイデアや食材の交流が促進され、食の消費パターンが多様化している。小麦粉は世界中の料理に使われる万能の食材であり、多様な文化的背景の中で広く需要がある一因となっている。小麦粉は多くの加工食品に必要な成分であるため、食品加工セクターは小麦粉の需要を大きく牽引している。小麦粉は、朝食用シリアルやスナック菓子からソースやスープに至るまで、多種多様な包装食品の製造に使用されている。市場促進要因- パン作りと料理への熱意:世界中の人々のパン作りや料理に対する情熱が、世界の小麦粉ビジネスの大部分を支えている。料理番組、ソーシャル・メディアのインフルエンサー、インターネットのレシピによって、消費者が手作りの焼き菓子、パスタ、その他小麦粉を必要とする食品を作ることに挑戦する人気はますます高まっている。万能粉からアーモンド粉やひよこ豆粉のような特殊粉まで、さまざまな種類の小麦粉の需要は、人々の料理への関心の高まりと、お気に入りのレシピの材料を探す必要性によって煽られている。小麦粉へのニーズは、余暇の娯楽や創作活動の場としてのお菓子作りの人気の高まりによってさらに高まっており、これが世界的な小麦粉市場の拡大を支えている:持続可能な農業:食糧安全保障、気候変動、環境破壊への懸念から、小麦粉のサプライチェーンに持続可能な農法を採用する国が増えている。顧客は、食品の選択が環境に与える影響をより意識するようになり、生態学的に責任ある方法で生産された商品を求めるようになっている。これを受けて、小麦粉生産者は、生態系への影響を軽減するため、輪作、土壌保全、化学物質の低投入といった持続可能な農業技術を導入している。さらに、社会正義、環境保全、長期的な持続可能性に重点を置いて作られたフェアトレードや認定オーガニック小麦粉の市場も拡大している。市場の課題-気候変動と天候不順:気候変動は、気象パターン、降水量、極端な気温に影響を及ぼし、小麦粉生産に重大な脅威をもたらす。干ばつ、洪水、熱波などの不規則な気象現象は、作物栽培を混乱させ、収量を減少させ、小麦粉生産に使用される穀物の品質に影響を与える可能性がある。気候関連の課題は、世界の小麦粉市場における供給不足、価格変動、不確実性の一因となっている。-農業の制約:技術の進歩にもかかわらず、限られた耕作地、土壌劣化、水不足、害虫の発生といった農業上の制約が、世界的に小麦粉生産への挑戦を続けている。こうした制約は農業生産性を阻害し、生産コストを上昇させ、製粉に使用される穀物の入手可能性と価格に影響を与える。報告書に基づき、種類は小麦、トウモロコシ、米、オート麦、その他に区分される。レポートでは、自然は慣行と有機に区分される。世界レベルでは、オーツ麦市場は成長しており、消費者がオーツ麦の健康上の利点をより意識するようになったため、オーツ麦粉などオーツ麦をベースにした商品の需要が高まっている。オーツ麦には繊維質、ビタミン、ミネラル、抗酸化物質が豊富に含まれているため、健康を気遣う消費者にとっては栄養価の高い選択肢となる。オーツ麦粉は、健康と幸福を重視する人が増えるにつれ、通常の小麦粉の代用品としてますます人気が高まっている。オーツ麦はもともとグルテンフリーなので、セリアック病やグルテン過敏症の方にも適しています。グルテン・フリーの食生活が、特にグルテン関連疾患を持つ人々の間で広まるにつれ、オーツ麦粉のようなグルテン・フリー小麦粉の代替品への需要が高まっている。さらに、オーツ麦には小麦などの一般的なアレルゲンが含まれていないため、食物アレルギーや不耐性を持つ人にも魅力的です。オーツ麦は非常に適応性が高く、パン作りや料理など、様々な料理に使用することができる。パンやクッキー、パンケーキなど、さまざまなレシピで小麦粉の代わりにオーツ麦粉を使うことができます。マイルドな風味で、焼き上がりにしっとりとした食感をもたらすため、グルテンフリーや健康志向の消費者が代替粉を探す際の選択肢として好まれている。自然の種類という点では、有機小麦粉は成長市場である。消費者の健康志向が高まるにつれて、より健康的で自然なものとして認識されるオーガニック食品への嗜好が高まっている。オーガニック小麦粉は、合成農薬、除草剤、遺伝子組み換え作物(GMO)を使用せずに生産されるため、食事に含まれる有害な化学物質への曝露を減らしたい消費者にとって魅力的な選択肢となる。消費者の間では、食品の原産地や生産方法に対する関心が高まっている。オーガニック認証は、生産プロセス全体の透明性とトレーサビリティを確保し、製品が農場から食卓まで厳格なオーガニック基準を満たしていることを消費者に保証する。この透明性は、有機小麦粉製品に対する信頼と信用を育み、世界市場での需要を促進している。同レポートによると、市場はパン・ベーカリー製品、パスタ・麺類、スナック菓子、ベビーフード、動物性食品、その他に二分される。さらに、販売チャネルは直接販売と間接販売に分けられる。スナック菓子は小麦粉市場に大きく貢献しており、小麦粉を主原料または成分として使用した様々なスナック菓子が販売されている。チップス、クラッカー、プレッツェル、香ばしいビスケットなど、多くのスナック菓子の食感や構造は小麦粉に由来することが多い。また、魅惑的なスイーツを求める人は、ケーキ、ブラウニー、クッキーなど、小麦粉を使った食品をよく選ぶ。スナック菓子はその利便性と携帯性から、外出先での喫食や間食に適している。小麦粉ベースのスナック菓子は、一日を通して手っ取り早くエネルギーを補給したり風味豊かな一口を食べたりしたい消費者にとって、満足感のある持ち運び可能な選択肢となる。販売チャネルでは、間接市場が成長市場となっている。都市化によって消費者の買い物行動が変化し、都市部に住む人が増え、食料品のニーズをスーパーマーケット、ハイパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストアに頼る人が増えている。都市部の小売インフラが拡大することで、小麦粉メーカーは間接的な販売チャネルを通じて、より幅広い消費者層にリーチする機会が生まれる。グローバリゼーションは、国際貿易の拡大と国境を越えた商品の移動を促進した。間接的な販売チャネルは、輸入小麦粉製品を地元市場に流通させる上で重要な役割を果たし、消費者は世界中の多種多様な小麦粉ブランドや製品にアクセスすることができる。報告書に基づくと、主要な対象国は北米、欧州、アジア太平洋、南米、中東、アフリカである。 The Middle East and Africa significantly contribute to the flour market. Many nations in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) area depend heavily on flour in their diets since bread, flatbreads, and other goods made from flour are staple foods. Everyday use of traditional bread variants such as pita, naan, and injera throughout the area is indicative of the significance of flour in local culinary customs and cultural legacies. The MEA region is home to a large and rapidly growing population with diverse dietary preferences and consumption habits. The sheer size of the population contributes to substantial flour consumption, as flour-based products are consumed by millions of people on a daily basis. The MEA region's economic expansion and urbanisation have changed lifestyle and consumption habits, driving up demand for processed goods and convenience meals. Bread, pasta, and pastries are examples of items made with flour that are widely available in cities, which increases consumption and propels the expansion of the flour market. Many countries in the MEA region provide government subsidies for wheat production and flour milling, ensuring the availability of affordable flour for their citizens. Government support for the agricultural sector helps maintain stable flour prices and stimulates consumption, further contributing to the growth of the flour market.Companies launch new products to increase their market penetration. About 38% of the studied strategies were product launches in the flour industry. Bread & bakery products, noodles & pasta, animal feed (including pet food), wafers, crackers & biscuits, non-food applications (including bio-plastics, biomaterials and glue) are gaining increased traction across world, which has led to increased number of flour manufacturers. Key players such as Ardent Mills, Archer Daniels Midland Co., Associated British Foods plc, ConAgra Foods, Inc., General Mills Inc., Hindustan Unilever Limited, Willmar International Limited, and Cargill enhance their product portfolios by launching flour with different qualities for different applications. For instance, in 2016, Ardent Mills announced its intent to acquire the Mondelz Canada flour mill, located in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. The mill produces hard and soft wheat flour for its Canadian bakeries and a number of food manufacturing customers. The transaction is expected to close in the next few weeks. In addition, in 2015, Ardent Mills, the premier flour-milling and Ingredients Company, partnered with the Colorado Rapids of Major League Soccer (MLS) for a season-long giving program to benefit Food Bank of the Rock. Increased number of consumers is on the lookout for healthier foods that are made with natural ingredients, and have a good taste. ADM is already helping customers meet that growing demand with its comprehensive portfolio of ingredients and flavors. Currently, it is expanding its portfolio even further by offering customers worldwide with a wide array of great stevia and monk fruit sweeteners. They are pleased to partner with GLG, which has a demonstrated advantage in developing non-GMO stevia varietals and a pipeline of future innovative products.Recent Developments-In March 2023, Bay State Milling Company launched Wingold® Wellness multi-purpose flour.-In May 2022, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited (GCMMF), known for its products under the Amul brand, introduced organic whole wheat flour. Amul organic wheat flour will be offered in two different pack sizes and will be launched at Amul Parlors and prominent retail stores throughout Gujarat, India.-In June 2022, Archer Daniels Midland Company acquired Prairie Pulse Inc., the owners of a milling, pulse crop cleaning, and packaging facility in Vanscoy, Saskatchewan. This acquisition effectively doubles its regional pulse footprint.Considered in this report-Historic year: 2018-Base year: 2023-Estimated year: 2024-Forecast year: 2029Aspects covered in this report-Flour market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments-Various drivers and challenges-On-going trends and developments-Top profiled companies-Strategic recommendationBy Type -Wheat-Maize-Rice-Oats-Others (Chickpea flour, Lentil flour, Coconut flour, Almond flour) By Nature-Conventional-Organic By Application-Bread and Bakery Products-Pasta and Noodles-Snacks-Baby Food-Animal Food-Others By Sales Channel-Direct-Indirect The approach of the report:This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.Intended audienceThis report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Flour industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.***Please Note: It will take 48 hours (2 Business days) for delivery of the report upon order confirmation.目次目次1.要旨 2.市場ダイナミクス 2.1.市場促進要因と機会 2.2.市場の阻害要因と課題 2.3.市場動向 2.3.1.XXXX 2.3.2.XXXX 2.3.3.XXXX 2.3.4.XXXX 2.3.5.XXXX 2.4.コビッド19効果 2.5.サプライチェーン分析 2.6.政策と規制の枠組み 2.7.業界専門家の見解 3.調査方法 3.1.二次調査 3.2.一次データ収集 3.3.市場形成と検証 3.4.レポート作成、品質チェック、納品 4.市場構造 4.1.市場への配慮 4.2.前提条件 4.3.制限事項 4.4.略語 4.5.出典 4.6.定義 5.経済・人口統計 6.世界の小麦粉市場の展望 6.1.市場規模(金額ベース 6.2.地域別市場シェア 6.3.地域別市場規模および予測 6.4.市場規模・予測:タイプ別 6.5.市場規模・予測:性状別 6.6.市場規模・予測:用途別 6.7.市場規模・予測:販売チャネル別 7.北米小麦粉市場の展望 7.1.市場規模:金額別 7.2.国別市場シェア 7.3.タイプ別市場規模および予測 7.4.市場規模・予測、性状別 7.5.市場規模・予測:用途別 7.6.市場規模・予測:販売チャネル別 8.欧州小麦粉市場の展望 8.1.市場規模:金額別 8.2.国別市場シェア 8.3.タイプ別市場規模および予測 8.4.市場規模・予測、性状別 8.5.市場規模・予測:用途別 8.6.市場規模・予測:販売チャネル別 9.アジア太平洋地域の小麦粉市場展望 9.1.市場規模:金額別 9.2.国別市場シェア 9.3.タイプ別市場規模および予測 9.4.市場規模・予測、性状別 9.5.市場規模・予測:用途別 9.6.市場規模・予測:販売チャネル別 10.南米の小麦粉市場展望 10.1.市場規模:金額別 10.2.国別市場シェア 10.3.タイプ別市場規模および予測 10.4.市場規模・予測、性状別 10.5.市場規模・予測:用途別 10.6.市場規模・予測:販売チャネル別 11.中東・アフリカ小麦粉市場の展望 11.1.市場規模:金額別 11.2.国別市場シェア 11.3.タイプ別市場規模および予測 11.4.市場規模・予測、性状別 11.5.市場規模・予測:用途別 11.6.市場規模・予測:販売チャネル別 12.競争環境 12.1.競合ダッシュボード 12.2.主要企業の事業戦略 12.3.主要プレーヤーの市場シェアの洞察と分析、2022年 12.4.主要プレーヤーの市場ポジショニングマトリックス 12.5.ポーターの5つの力 12.6.企業プロフィール 12.6.1.ゼネラル・ミルズ社会社概要会社概要財務ハイライト地理的洞察事業セグメントと業績製品ポートフォリオ主要役員戦略的な動きと展開 12.6.2.カーギル社 12.6.3.ITCリミテッド 12.6.4.アーチャー・ダニエルズ・ミッドランド・カンパニー 12.6.5.ブンジ・グローバルSA 12.6.6.イングレディオン社 12.6.7.アンダーソンズ社 12.6.8.キング・アーサー・ベイキング・カンパニー 12.6.9.アソシエイテッド・ブリティッシュ・フーズ・ピーエルシー 12.6.10.タイガー・ブランズ・リミテッド 13.戦略的提言 14.付録 14.1.よくある質問 14.2.注意事項 14.3.関連レポート 15.免責事項 図表一覧 図1:小麦粉の世界市場規模(10億ドル)、地域別、2023年・2029年 図2:市場魅力度指数(2029年地域別 図3:市場魅力度指数(2029年セグメント別 図4:小麦粉の世界市場規模(金額ベース)(2018年、2023年、2029年)(単位:億米ドル 図5:小麦粉の世界市場地域別シェア(2023年) 図6:北米の小麦粉市場規模:金額(2018年、2023年、2029年)(単位:億米ドル) 図7:北米の小麦粉市場国別シェア(2023年) 図8:欧州の小麦粉市場規模:金額(2018年、2023年、2029年)(単位:億米ドル) 図9:ヨーロッパの小麦粉市場国別シェア(2023年) 図10:アジア太平洋地域の小麦粉市場規模:金額(2018年、2023年、2029年)(単位:億米ドル) 図11:アジア太平洋地域の小麦粉市場国別シェア(2023年) 図12:南米の小麦粉市場規模:金額(2018年、2023年、2029年)(単位:億米ドル) 図13:南米の小麦粉市場国別シェア(2023年) 図14:中東・アフリカ小麦粉市場規模:金額(2018年、2023年、2029年)(単位:億米ドル) 図15:中東・アフリカの小麦粉市場 国別シェア(2023年) 図16:上位5社の競争ダッシュボード(2023年 図17:主要企業の市場シェア(2023年 図18:小麦粉世界市場のポーターの5つの力 表一覧 表1:小麦粉の世界市場スナップショット、セグメント別(2023年・2029年)(単位:億米ドル) 表2:小麦粉市場の影響要因(2023年 表3:上位10カ国の経済スナップショット(2022年 表4:その他の主要国の経済スナップショット(2022年 表5:外国通貨から米ドルへの平均為替レート 表6:小麦粉の世界市場規模・地域別予測(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表7:小麦粉の世界市場規模・予測:種類別(2018年~2029年)(単位:億米ドル) 表8:小麦粉の世界市場規模・予測:性状別(2018年~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表9:小麦粉の世界市場規模・予測:用途別(2018年~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表10:小麦粉の世界市場規模・予測:販売チャネル別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表11:北米の小麦粉市場規模・予測:種類別(2018年~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表12:北米の小麦粉市場規模・予測:性状別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表13:北米の小麦粉市場規模・予測:用途別(2018~2029F)(単位:USD Billion) 表14:北米の小麦粉市場規模・予測:販売チャネル別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表15:欧州の小麦粉市場規模・予測:種類別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表16:欧州の小麦粉市場規模・予測:性状別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表17:欧州の小麦粉市場規模・予測:用途別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表18:欧州の小麦粉市場規模・予測:販売チャネル別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表19:アジア太平洋地域の小麦粉市場規模・予測:種類別(2018年~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表20:アジア太平洋地域の小麦粉市場規模・予測:性状別(2018年~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表21:アジア太平洋地域の小麦粉市場規模・予測:用途別(2018年~2029年)(単位:億米ドル) 表22:アジア太平洋地域の小麦粉市場規模・予測:販売チャネル別(2018年~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表23:南米の小麦粉市場規模・予測:種類別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表24:南米の小麦粉市場規模・予測:性状別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表25:南米の小麦粉市場規模・予測:用途別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表26:南米の小麦粉市場規模・予測:販売チャネル別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表27:中東・アフリカの小麦粉市場規模・予測:種類別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表28:中東・アフリカの小麦粉市場規模・予測:性状別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表29:中東・アフリカの小麦粉市場規模・予測:用途別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル) 表30:中東・アフリカの小麦粉市場規模・予測:販売チャネル別(2018~2029F)(単位:億米ドル)
SummaryThe international market for flour is a fundamental component of the food business and is used in many different cuisines all over the world. Grains like wheat, maize, rice, and others are the main sources of flour, which is used in bakeries, kitchens, and food processing facilities all over the world. Its flexibility reflects the vast range of tastes and preferences of people globally and ranges from the production of basic essentials like bread, pasta, and pastries to an assortment of creative gourmet creations. The need for flour is increasing along with population growth, urbanisation, and acceptance of a wider range of dietary choices, creating a dynamic and constantly changing market environment. Furthermore, regional cuisines, culinary traditions, and cultural customs all have an impact on patterns of flour consumption; after all, every part of the world adds its own special flavours and cooking methods to the global culinary mosaic. The flour market confronts difficulties due to climatic instability, supply chain disruptions, regulatory complications, and shifting dietary habits, despite its crucial role in food production and consumption. Notwithstanding, global flour market stakeholders persistently surmount these obstacles through inventiveness, cooperation, and adjustment, guaranteeing uninterrupted accessibility, excellence, and variety of flour goods for customers around the globe. The flour market is still in a position to develop and innovate as the world's population continues to rise and become more urbanised. It will play a crucial role in supplying the changing dietary requirements of a varied and linked globe. According to the research report, “Global Flour Market Overview, 2029,” published by Bonafide Research, the market is anticipated to cross USD 390 Billion by 2029, increasing from USD 264.17 Billion in 2023. The market is expected to grow at a 6.76% CAGR by 2024–29. As the global population continues to grow, so does the demand for staple food products like flour. With more mouths to feed, there is a corresponding increase in the consumption of flour-based products such as bread, pasta, noodles, and baked goods. Dietary habits are evolving worldwide, driven by factors such as urbanization, globalization, and increasing health consciousness. Consumers are seeking healthier alternatives and exploring diverse cuisines, leading to a greater demand for flour-based products that cater to these preferences. Economic prosperity in many regions has led to higher disposable incomes, allowing consumers to spend more on convenience foods and premium flour products. This trend drives demand for specialty flours, organic flours, and higher-quality flour-based products. Global urbanisation is speeding up, which causes people to lead busy lives and depend more on convenience meals. The convenience of wheat-based items such as bread, pastries, and ready-to-eat meals for city people has led to a rise in the demand for flour. Globalisation has facilitated the exchange of culinary ideas and ingredients, leading to greater diversity in food consumption patterns. Flour is a versatile ingredient used in cuisines from around the world, contributing to its widespread demand across diverse cultural contexts. Since flour is a necessary component of many processed foods, the food processing sector is a major driver of the demand for flour. Flour is used in the creation of a broad variety of packaged meals, from breakfast cereals and snacks to sauces and soups. Market Drivers • Baking and Cooking Enthusiasm: The passion that people throughout the world have for baking and cooking drives a large portion of the global flour business. Cooking programmes, social media influencers, and internet recipes have made it increasingly popular for consumers to experiment with making handmade baked goods, pastas, and other foods that need flour. The demand for different types of flour, from all-purpose to specialty flours like almond flour or chickpea flour, is fueled by people's increased interest in culinary pursuits and their need to find ingredients for their favourite recipes. The need for flour is further fueled by the growing popularity of baking as a pastime or creative outlet during free time, which supports the expansion of the worldwide flour market. • Sustainable Agriculture: A growing number of countries are adopting sustainable agriculture methods in their flour supply chains due to worries about food security, climate change, and environmental damage. Customers are looking for items that are produced in an ecologically responsible manner as they become more conscious of the effects of their food choices on the environment. In response, in an effort to lessen their ecological impact, flour producers are implementing sustainable agriculture techniques such as crop rotation, soil conservation, and lower chemical input levels. Furthermore, there is a rising market for fair-trade and certified organic flours, which are made with an emphasis on social justice, environmental conservation, and long-term sustainability. Market Challenges • Climate Change and Weather Volatility: Climate change poses a significant threat to flour production by affecting weather patterns, precipitation levels, and temperature extremes. Erratic weather events such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves can disrupt crop cultivation, reduce yields, and impact the quality of grains used for flour production. Climate-related challenges contribute to supply shortages, price volatility, and uncertainty in the global flour market. • Agricultural Constraints: Despite technological advancements, agricultural constraints such as limited arable land, soil degradation, water scarcity, and pest infestations continue to pose challenges to flour production worldwide. These constraints hinder agricultural productivity, increase production costs, and affect the availability and affordability of grains used for flour milling. Based on the report, the types are segmented into wheat, maize, rice, oats, and others. In terms of the report, nature is segmented into conventional and organic. At the global level, the oats market is growing, and the demand for oat-based goods, such as oat flour, is rising as consumers become more conscious of the health advantages of oats. Because they are high in fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, oats are a nutrient-dense option for customers who are concerned about their health. Oat flour is becoming more and more popular as a healthier substitute for regular flour as more people place a higher priority on their health and well-being. Oats are naturally gluten-free, making them suitable for individuals with celiac disease or gluten sensitivities. As gluten-free diets gain popularity, particularly among those with gluten-related disorders, there is a growing demand for gluten-free flour alternatives like oat flour. Additionally, oats are free from common allergens such as wheat, making them appealing to individuals with food allergies or intolerances. Oats are quite adaptable and may be used in baking and cooking, among other culinary uses. In a variety of recipes, such as those for bread, cookies, pancakes, and more, oat flour can be used in place of wheat flour. It is a well-liked option for gluten-free and health-conscious consumers looking for alternative flours because of its mild flavour and capacity to bring moisture and texture to baked items. In terms of the nature types, organic flour is a growing market. As consumers become more health-conscious, there is a growing preference for organic food products perceived as healthier and more natural. Organic flour is produced without the use of synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs), making it an attractive option for those seeking to reduce exposure to potentially harmful chemicals in their diet. Consumers are increasingly interested in the origins of their food and the production practices involved. Organic certification ensures transparency and traceability throughout the production process, providing consumers with assurance that the product meets strict organic standards from farm to table. This transparency fosters trust and confidence in organic flour products, driving demand for them in the global market. According to the report, the market is bifurcated into bread and bakery products, pasta and noodles, snacks, baby food, animal food, and others. Furthermore, the sales channels are divided into direct and indirect. Snacks significantly contribute to the flour market; there are many different snacks available on the market that use flour as a main ingredient or component. The texture and structure of many snack foods, including chips, crackers, pretzels, and savoury biscuits, are frequently derived from flour. Additionally, those looking for decadent sweets frequently choose flour-based foods like cakes, brownies, and cookies. Snack foods are favoured for their convenience and portability, making them suitable for on-the-go consumption and snacking occasions. Flour-based snacks provide a satisfying and portable option for consumers looking for quick energy boosts or flavorful bites throughout the day. In terms of the sales channel, the indirect is the growing market. Urbanisation is leading to changes in consumer shopping behaviours, with more people living in urban areas and relying on supermarkets, hypermarkets, and convenience stores for their grocery needs. The expansion of urban retail infrastructure creates opportunities for flour producers to reach a wider consumer base through indirect sales channels. Globalisation has facilitated the expansion of international trade and the movement of goods across borders. Indirect sales channels play a crucial role in distributing imported flour products to local markets, allowing consumers to access a wide variety of flour brands and products from around the world. Based on the report, the major countries covered include North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, South America, the Middle East, and Africa. The Middle East and Africa significantly contribute to the flour market. Many nations in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) area depend heavily on flour in their diets since bread, flatbreads, and other goods made from flour are staple foods. Everyday use of traditional bread variants such as pita, naan, and injera throughout the area is indicative of the significance of flour in local culinary customs and cultural legacies. The MEA region is home to a large and rapidly growing population with diverse dietary preferences and consumption habits. The sheer size of the population contributes to substantial flour consumption, as flour-based products are consumed by millions of people on a daily basis. The MEA region's economic expansion and urbanisation have changed lifestyle and consumption habits, driving up demand for processed goods and convenience meals. Bread, pasta, and pastries are examples of items made with flour that are widely available in cities, which increases consumption and propels the expansion of the flour market. Many countries in the MEA region provide government subsidies for wheat production and flour milling, ensuring the availability of affordable flour for their citizens. Government support for the agricultural sector helps maintain stable flour prices and stimulates consumption, further contributing to the growth of the flour market. Companies launch new products to increase their market penetration. About 38% of the studied strategies were product launches in the flour industry. Bread & bakery products, noodles & pasta, animal feed (including pet food), wafers, crackers & biscuits, non-food applications (including bio-plastics, biomaterials and glue) are gaining increased traction across world, which has led to increased number of flour manufacturers. Key players such as Ardent Mills, Archer Daniels Midland Co., Associated British Foods plc, ConAgra Foods, Inc., General Mills Inc., Hindustan Unilever Limited, Willmar International Limited, and Cargill enhance their product portfolios by launching flour with different qualities for different applications. For instance, in 2016, Ardent Mills announced its intent to acquire the Mondelz Canada flour mill, located in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. The mill produces hard and soft wheat flour for its Canadian bakeries and a number of food manufacturing customers. The transaction is expected to close in the next few weeks. In addition, in 2015, Ardent Mills, the premier flour-milling and Ingredients Company, partnered with the Colorado Rapids of Major League Soccer (MLS) for a season-long giving program to benefit Food Bank of the Rock. Increased number of consumers is on the lookout for healthier foods that are made with natural ingredients, and have a good taste. ADM is already helping customers meet that growing demand with its comprehensive portfolio of ingredients and flavors. Currently, it is expanding its portfolio even further by offering customers worldwide with a wide array of great stevia and monk fruit sweeteners. They are pleased to partner with GLG, which has a demonstrated advantage in developing non-GMO stevia varietals and a pipeline of future innovative products. Recent Developments • In March 2023, Bay State Milling Company launched Wingold® Wellness multi-purpose flour. • In May 2022, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited (GCMMF), known for its products under the Amul brand, introduced organic whole wheat flour. Amul organic wheat flour will be offered in two different pack sizes and will be launched at Amul Parlors and prominent retail stores throughout Gujarat, India. • In June 2022, Archer Daniels Midland Company acquired Prairie Pulse Inc., the owners of a milling, pulse crop cleaning, and packaging facility in Vanscoy, Saskatchewan. This acquisition effectively doubles its regional pulse footprint. Considered in this report • Historic year: 2018 • Base year: 2023 • Estimated year: 2024 • Forecast year: 2029 Aspects covered in this report • Flour market Outlook with its value and forecast along with its segments • Various drivers and challenges • On-going trends and developments • Top profiled companies • Strategic recommendation By Type • Wheat • Maize • Rice • Oats • Others (Chickpea flour, Lentil flour, Coconut flour, Almond flour) By Nature • Conventional • Organic By Application • Bread and Bakery Products • Pasta and Noodles • Snacks • Baby Food • Animal Food • Others By Sales Channel • Direct • Indirect The approach of the report: This report consists of a combined approach of primary and secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list the companies that are present in it. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, annual reports of companies, and government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources, primary research was conducted by conducting telephone interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this; we have started making primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting them in regional aspects, tier aspects, age group, and gender. Once we have primary data with us, we can start verifying the details obtained from secondary sources. Intended audience This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations, and organizations related to the Flour industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing and presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry. ***Please Note: It will take 48 hours (2 Business days) for delivery of the report upon order confirmation.Table of ContentsTable of Contents
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.社のFood & Beverages 分野での最新刊レポート本レポートと同じKEY WORD(flour)の最新刊レポート
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