


Mexico Blister Packaging Market Overview, 2028

近年、メキシコのブリスター・パッケージング市場は、消費者の嗜好の変化、技術の進歩、医薬品、ヘルスケア、消費者製品などの重要産業の台頭により、大幅な成長と変遷を遂げている。ブリスターパッケージングは... もっと見る



出版社 出版年月 電子版価格 納期 ページ数 言語
Bonafide Research & Marketing Pvt. Ltd.
2023年10月6日 US$2,250
2-3営業日以内 64 英語




近年、メキシコのブリスター・パッケージング市場は、消費者の嗜好の変化、技術の進歩、医薬品、ヘルスケア、消費者製品などの重要産業の台頭により、大幅な成長と変遷を遂げている。ブリスターパッケージングはその適応性、製品保護、簡便性からメキシコのパッケージングシーンに定着している。メキシコの消費者の都市化が進み、ライフスタイルが変化しているため、パッケージ商品に対する需要が増加している。製品の視認性を向上させ、改ざん防止機能を提供し、湿気や汚染などの環境影響から製品を保護する能力を考慮すると、ブリスター包装は多くのメーカーにとって好ましい選択肢となっている。さらに、メキシコの製薬・ヘルスケアセクターはブリスターパッケージの成長を支える重要な存在となっている。安全でコンプライアンスに準拠した医薬品包装への需要が市場の成長に拍車をかけている。この容器形態は医薬品の安全性を確保し、患者の服薬アドヒアランスを促進し、厳格な規制基準に準拠している。メキシコのブリスター包装業界を前進させている要因はいくつかある。重要な点は、正しい投与量と患者のコンプライアンスを保証するための単位用量包装に対する製薬業界の需要の高まりである。製薬業界は製品の純度と安全性を重視しており、ブリスター包装の改ざん防止機能とバリア機能がマッチしています。さらに、消費財業界では電子機器、化粧品、小型電化製品 などにブリスター包装を使用するケースが増えています。この容器形式は優れた視認性を提供するため、商品の陳列や消費者体験の向上に魅力的な選択肢となっています。小売業者はブリスターパッケージの盗難抑止効果や高額商品の保護効果を高く評価しています。

Bonafide Research社の調査レポート「メキシコのブリスターパッケージ市場の概要、2028年」によると、メキシコのブリスターパッケージ市場は2022年に4億米ドル以上と評価されています。メキシコのブリスターパッケージング市場は、顧客の期待の変化と業界力学の結果として、大きな変化と革新が起こっています。こうしたトレンドの中で、RFIDやQRコードなどの技術をブリスターパックに組み込んだスマートパッケージングソリューションの利用が拡大している。これらの技術は製品のトレーサビリティを向上させ、ブランドとの結びつきを促進し、消費者に重要な情報を提供し、透明性への要求と調和する。もうひとつの発展傾向は、ブリスターパッケージの製造にお いて持続可能で生態系に配慮した手法を用いることである。環境への影響を軽減するため、メキシコのメー カー各社はリサイクル可能な素材を模索し、プラスチック使用量 を最小限に抑え、環境に配慮したデザインを導入している。消費者の環境意識が高まるにつれ、市場は環境に優しいブリスター・パッケージのソリューションを提供することで対応しています。ブリスター包装は製品の視認性を最大限に高め、ブランディン グ・オプションを可能にする。メーカーは製品を明確に陳列できるため、視覚的な魅力が増し、効率的なブランド・マーケティングが可能になります。改ざん防止特性はメキシコのブリスター包装の特徴です。この特性は、特に製薬業界や食品業界において、消費者に購入する製品が改ざんされていないことを確信させるために非常に重要です。メキシコは臨床試験でよく使われる場所であり、ブリスター包装はこの環境では不可欠です。治験薬やプラセボの改ざん防止や安全な包装に使用され、二重盲検試験における盲検性が維持され、臨床試験の完全性が維持されます。メキシコのブリスター・パッケージング・ビジネスは、電子商取引とオンライン・ショッピングの出現に対応して進化している。ブリスターパッケージは、配送中に製品を保護し、オンライン顧客が製品を見ることができるため、オンラインで販売される製品にとって優れたソリューションです。医療ツーリズムの目的地としてメキシコが台頭してきたことで、 医療業界におけるブリスター・パッケージの需要が高まっています。医療機器、手術器具、ヘルスケア用品の安全性と無菌性を確保するために使用されます。

タイプ別では、市場はカード型とクラムシェル型に分けられる。カードタイプは予測期間中、メキシコのブリスターパッケージ市場をリードすると予想されている。カード式ブリスター包装は、製品の差別化とブランディングに理想的なプラットフォームである。カード入りバッカーカードの巨大で平坦な表面積は、目立つブランディング、製品情報、グラフィックを可能にする。この特性は、特に消費者間の競争が激しい業界において、マーケティングやブランド識別の構築に有効です。環境に優しく持続可能なパッケージング・ソリューションに対するメキシコの市場は拡大している。カード入りブリスター包装は、リサイクル可能な材料から作ることができ、持続可能性の要素を取り入れることで、よりエコロジーに配慮した包装ソリューションを求める顧客の需要に応えることができる。その結果、エコロジーを意識する顧客や企業にアピールすることができる。カード式ブリスター包装は、開封や再封が容易であるなど、 消費者にやさしい特性でよく知られています。製品の使い勝手が向上するため、外出先での消費や多忙なライフスタイルが一般的な市場では特に有益である。素材別に見ると、市場はプラスチック、アルミニウム、紙・板紙、その他に区分される。メキシコのブリスター包装市場では、紙・板紙素材が最も速い成長率を示すと予測されている。メキシコ政府の法律や政策により、包装に持続可能な素材を使用することが奨励されている。紙・板紙材料の使用は、企業が環境に配慮した意思決定を行うよう促す規制支援やインセンティブから恩恵を受けている。メキシコの消費者の嗜好は、より持続可能で生態系に配慮したものへと変化している。環境に配慮する消費者は、紙や板紙で包装された製品を好むことがあり、これは売上やブランド・ロイヤルティの向上につながる。紙や板紙の素材は、様々な分野でブリスター包装に使用されるようになってきている。例えば医薬品では、規制基準を満たしながら製品の完全性を保持する必要性から、持続可能な包装ソリューションの採用が進んでいます。

技術によって、市場は熱成形と冷間成形に区分される。熱成形技術はメキシコのブリスター包装に広く使用されており、同様に市場を支配すると予想される。熱成形は低コストのパッケージング・ソリューションであるため、生産コストとパッケージング・コストを削減しようとする組織にとって魅力的である。熱成形は他の包装技術に比べ単位当たりのコストが低く、これが普及に寄与している。大量生産は熱成形技術に適している。大量の包装ユニットを効率的に生産できるため、迅速でコスト効率の高い包装ソリューションを求める部門にとって望ましい選択肢となる。熱成形技術の絶え間ない開発には、材料適合性の向上、シール工程の改善、スマート・パッケージング機能の組み込みなどが含まれる。こうした技術革新により、熱成形は競争力のある先進的な包装オプションとなっている。市場のエンドユーザーには、ヘルスケア、消費財、食品、工業製品、その他が含まれる。ヘルスケア産業はメキシコにおけるブリスター包装の主要なエンドユーザーであり、予想される期間中に大きな市場シェアを獲得する見込みである。メキシコでは、製薬およびヘルスケア産業は厳しい規制の対象となっている。製造業者はブリスターパッケージングによってこれらの基準をよりうまく達成することができる。ブリスターパッケージングには、開封防止機能、小児用包装、明確なラベリングが含まれ、業界基準や法的要件に沿った包装やラベリングが行われることを保証します。ブリスター・パッケージの半透明のプラスチック面により、 中の製品を簡単に視覚的に確認することができます。医療従事者や患者は投与される薬を迅速に識別し、認証する必要があるため、この透明性は医療において非常に重要です。ブリスター・パッキングのカスタマイズ機能は、製薬会社や医療機関にとって在庫管理を容易にします。多くの製品サイズや品種に単一のパッケージ・フォーマットを採用できるため、複雑さとコストを削減することができます。

- 地域メキシコ
- 歴史的な年2017
- 基準年2022
- 推定年2023
- 予測年2028

- メキシコのブリスターパッケージング市場:その価値とセグメント別予測
- 様々な促進要因と課題
- 進行中のトレンドと開発
- 注目企業
- 戦略的提言

- カードタイプ
- クラムシェル

- プラスチック
- アルミニウム
- 紙・板紙
- その他

- 熱成形
- コールドフォーミング

- ヘルスケア
- 消費財
- 食品
- 工業製品
- その他





Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Structure
2.1. Market Considerate
2.2. Assumptions
2.3. Limitations
2.4. Abbreviations
2.5. Sources
2.6. Definitions
2.7. Geography
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. Mexico Macro Economic Indicators
5. Market Dynamics
5.1. Key Findings
5.2. Key Developments - 2021
5.3. Market Drivers & Opportunities
5.4. Market Restraints & Challenges
5.5. Market Trends
5.6. Covid-19 Effect
5.7. Supply chain Analysis
5.8. Policy & Regulatory Framework
5.9. Industry Experts Views
6. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Overview
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Type
6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Materials
6.4. Market Size and Forecast By Technology
6.5. Market Size and Forecast By End User
7. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Segmentations
7.1. Mexico Blister Packaging Market, By Type
7.1.1. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Carded, 2017-2028
7.1.2. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Clamshell, 2017-2028
7.2. Mexico Blister Packaging Market, By Materials
7.2.1. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Plastic, 2017-2028
7.2.2. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Aluminium, 2017-2028
7.2.3. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Paper & Paper board, 2017-2028
7.2.4. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Others, 2017-2028
7.3. Mexico Blister Packaging Market, By Technology
7.3.1. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Thermoforming, 2017-2028
7.3.2. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Cold Forming, 2017-2028
7.4. Mexico Blister Packaging Market, By End User
7.4.1. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Healthcare, 2017-2028
7.4.2. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Consumer Goods, 2017-2028
7.4.3. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Food, 2017-2028
7.4.4. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Industrial Goods, 2017-2028
7.4.5. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Others, 2017-2028
8. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Opportunity Assessment
8.1. By Type, 2023 to 2028
8.2. By Materials, 2023 to 2028
8.3. By Technology, 2023 to 2028
8.4. By End User, 2023 to 2028
9. Competitive Landscape
9.1. Porter's Five Forces
9.2. Company Profile
9.2.1. Company 1 Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
9.2.2. Company 2
9.2.3. Company 3
9.2.4. Company 4
9.2.5. Company 5
9.2.6. Company 6
9.2.7. Company 7
9.2.8. Company 8
10. Strategic Recommendations
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 2: Market Attractiveness Index, By Type
Figure 3: Market Attractiveness Index, By Materials
Figure 4: Market Attractiveness Index, By Technology
Figure 5: Market Attractiveness Index, By End User
Figure 6: Porter's Five Forces of Mexico Blister Packaging Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Influencing Factors for Global Blister Packaging Market, 2022
Table 2: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Type (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 3: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Materials (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 4: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Technology (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 5: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size and Forecast By End User (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 6: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Carded (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 7: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Clamshell (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 8: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Plastic (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 9: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Aluminium (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 10: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Paper & Paper board (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 11: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Others (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 12: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Thermoforming (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 13: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Cold Forming (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 14: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Healthcare (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 15: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Consumer Goods (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 16: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Food (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 17: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Industrial Goods (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 18: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Others (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion





In recent years, the Mexican blister packaging market has seen substantial growth and transition, driven by changing consumer tastes, technical advancements, and the rise of important industries like pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and consumer products. Blister packaging has been a fixture in the Mexican packaging scene because of its adaptability, product protection, and simplicity. Mexican consumers' increasing urbanisation and changing lifestyles have resulted in an increase in demand for packaged goods. Considering its capacity to improve product visibility, provide tamper-evident features, and protect things from environmental effects such as humidity and contamination, blister packaging has become the preferred choice for many manufacturers. Furthermore, the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors in Mexico have been critical in supporting blister packaging growth. The demand for secure and compliant pharmaceutical packaging has fueled the market's rise. The container format ensures pharmaceutical safety, promotes patient adherence, and complies with strict regulatory criteria. Several factors are propelling the blister packaging industry in Mexico forward. An important aspect is the pharmaceutical industry's increased demand for unit-dose packaging to assure correct dosage and patient compliance. The pharmaceutical industry's emphasis on product purity and safety matches the tamper-evident features and barrier capabilities of blister packaging. Furthermore, the consumer goods industry is increasingly using blister packaging for items such as electronics, cosmetics, and small appliances. The container format provides exceptional visibility, making it an appealing alternative for displaying items and improving the consumer experience. Retailers respect the theft-deterrent properties of blister packaging as well as the protection it provides for high-value merchandise.

According to the research report "Mexico Blister Packaging Market Overview, 2028," published by Bonafide Research, the Mexico Blister Packaging market was valued more than USD 400 Million in 2022. The blister packaging market in Mexico is undergoing significant changes and innovations as a result of shifting customer expectations and industry dynamics. Among these trends is the growing usage of smart packaging solutions, which incorporate technology such as RFID and QR codes into blister packs. These technologies improve product traceability, facilitate brand connection, and deliver vital information to consumers, harmonising with the demand for transparency. Another developing trend is the use of sustainable and ecologically responsible practices in the creation of blister packaging. To reduce environmental impact, Mexican manufacturers are exploring recyclable materials, minimising plastic usage, and introducing eco-conscious designs. As consumers grow more environmentally conscious, the market responds by providing environmentally friendly blister packaging solutions. Blister packaging allows for maximum product visibility and branding options. Manufacturers may clearly display their products, increasing their visual attractiveness and enabling efficient brand marketing. Tamper-evident properties are a feature of blister packaging in Mexico. This characteristic is critical for giving consumers confidence that the product they are buying has not been tampered with, especially in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Mexico is a popular location for clinical studies, and blister packaging is essential in this setting. It is used for tamper-evident and secure packaging of investigational medications and placebos, ensuring the blindness in double-blind trials are maintained and the clinical trial's integrity is maintained. Mexico's blister packaging business is evolving in response to the advent of e-commerce and online shopping. Blister packaging is an excellent solution for products sold online since it protects the product during shipping and allows online customers to see the product. The rise of Mexico as a medical tourism destination has raised demand for blister packaging in the healthcare industry. It is used to ensure the safety and sterility of medical devices, surgical instruments, and healthcare supplies, ensuring the safety and sterility of these items.

In terms of type market is divided into carded, and clamshell. Carded type is expected to lead the market of Mexico blister packaging market during the forecast period. Carded blister packaging is an ideal platform for product differentiation and branding. The carded backer card's enormous, flat surface area enables conspicuous branding, product information, and graphics. This characteristic is useful for marketing and building brand identification, particularly in industries with a high level of consumer rivalry. Mexico's market for eco-friendly and sustainable packaging solutions is expanding. Carded blister packaging can be made from recyclable materials, with sustainability elements incorporated to meet customer demand for more ecologically responsible packaging solutions. As a result, it appeals to ecologically aware customers and businesses. Carded blister packaging is well-known for its consumer-friendly characteristics, such as easy opening and resealing. It improves product usability, making it especially beneficial in a market where on-the-go consumption and busy lifestyles are common. Based on materials market is segmented into plastic, aluminium, paper and paper board and others. Paper and paper board materials are predicted to grow at fastest rate in Mexico blister packaging market. Mexico's government legislation and policies have encouraged the use of sustainable materials in packaging. The use of paper and paperboard materials benefits from regulatory assistance and incentives that encourage firms to make environmentally conscious decisions. Consumer preferences in Mexico are evolving towards more sustainable and ecologically responsible items. Environmentally concerned consumers sometimes favour products wrapped in paper or paperboard, which can lead to greater sales and brand loyalty. Paper and paperboard materials are increasingly being used in blister packaging in a variety of sectors. The adoption of sustainable packaging solutions in medicines, for example, is significant, driven by the need to retain product integrity while meeting regulatory standards.

Based on technology market is segmented into thermoforming and cold forming. Thermoforming technology is widely used in blister packaging in Mexico and is expected to dominate the market as well. Thermoforming is a low-cost packaging solution, making it appealing to organisations trying to reduce production and packaging costs. It has a lower cost per unit than other packaging technologies, which contributes to its widespread use. High-volume production is well-suited to thermoforming technology. Its efficiency in producing large volumes of packaging units makes it a desirable choice for sectors that seek quick and cost-effective packaging solutions. Continuous developments in thermoforming technology have included greater material compatibility, improved sealing processes, and the incorporation of smart packaging features. These innovations make it a competitive and forward-thinking packaging option. The end user of the market includes healthcare, consumer goods, food, industrial goods and others. Healthcare industry is key end user of blister packaging in Mexico and is expected to gain significant market share during the anticipated time frame. In Mexico, the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries are subject to severe regulatory norms. Manufacturers can achieve these standards more successfully with blister packaging. It includes tamper-evident features, child-resistant packaging, and clear labelling to ensure that items are packed and labelled in line with industry standards and legal requirements. Blister packaging's translucent plastic face enables easy visual confirmation of the product inside. This transparency is critical in healthcare because healthcare providers and patients must rapidly identify and authenticate the medication being given. The customization capabilities of blister packing make inventory management easier for pharmaceutical and healthcare organisations. It enables them to employ a single package format for many product sizes and varieties, thereby lowering complexity and costs.

Considered in this report:
• Geography: Mexico
• Historic year: 2017
• Base year: 2022
• Estimated year: 2023
• Forecast year: 2028

Aspects covered in this report:
• Mexico Blister Packaging market with its value and forecast along with its segments
• Various drivers and challenges
• On-going trends and developments
• Top profiled companies
• Strategic recommendation

By Type:
• Carded
• Clamshell

By Materials:
• Plastic
• Aluminium
• Paper and Paper Board
• Others

By Technology:
• Thermoforming
• Cold Forming

By End Users:
• Healthcare
• Consumer Goods
• Food
• Industrial Goods
• Others

The approach of the report:
This report consists of a combined approach of primary as well as secondary research. Initially, secondary research was used to get an understanding of the market and list out the companies that are present in the market. The secondary research consists of third-party sources such as press releases, and annual reports of companies, analyzing the government-generated reports and databases. After gathering the data from secondary sources primary research was conducted by making telephonic interviews with the leading players about how the market is functioning and then conducting trade calls with dealers and distributors of the market. Post this we have started doing primary calls to consumers by equally segmenting consumers into regional aspects, tier aspects, age groups, and gender. Once we have primary data with us we started verifying the details obtained from secondary sources.

Intended audience:
This report can be useful to industry consultants, manufacturers, suppliers, associations & organizations related to the Blister Packaging industry, government bodies, and other stakeholders to align their market-centric strategies. In addition to marketing & presentations, it will also increase competitive knowledge about the industry.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Structure
2.1. Market Considerate
2.2. Assumptions
2.3. Limitations
2.4. Abbreviations
2.5. Sources
2.6. Definitions
2.7. Geography
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Secondary Research
3.2. Primary Data Collection
3.3. Market Formation & Validation
3.4. Report Writing, Quality Check & Delivery
4. Mexico Macro Economic Indicators
5. Market Dynamics
5.1. Key Findings
5.2. Key Developments - 2021
5.3. Market Drivers & Opportunities
5.4. Market Restraints & Challenges
5.5. Market Trends
5.6. Covid-19 Effect
5.7. Supply chain Analysis
5.8. Policy & Regulatory Framework
5.9. Industry Experts Views
6. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Overview
6.1. Market Size By Value
6.2. Market Size and Forecast By Type
6.3. Market Size and Forecast By Materials
6.4. Market Size and Forecast By Technology
6.5. Market Size and Forecast By End User
7. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Segmentations
7.1. Mexico Blister Packaging Market, By Type
7.1.1. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Carded, 2017-2028
7.1.2. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Clamshell, 2017-2028
7.2. Mexico Blister Packaging Market, By Materials
7.2.1. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Plastic, 2017-2028
7.2.2. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Aluminium, 2017-2028
7.2.3. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Paper & Paper board, 2017-2028
7.2.4. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Others, 2017-2028
7.3. Mexico Blister Packaging Market, By Technology
7.3.1. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Thermoforming, 2017-2028
7.3.2. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Cold Forming, 2017-2028
7.4. Mexico Blister Packaging Market, By End User
7.4.1. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Healthcare, 2017-2028
7.4.2. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Consumer Goods, 2017-2028
7.4.3. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Food, 2017-2028
7.4.4. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Industrial Goods, 2017-2028
7.4.5. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size, By Others, 2017-2028
8. Mexico Blister Packaging Market Opportunity Assessment
8.1. By Type, 2023 to 2028
8.2. By Materials, 2023 to 2028
8.3. By Technology, 2023 to 2028
8.4. By End User, 2023 to 2028
9. Competitive Landscape
9.1. Porter's Five Forces
9.2. Company Profile
9.2.1. Company 1 Company Snapshot Company Overview Financial Highlights Geographic Insights Business Segment & Performance Product Portfolio Key Executives Strategic Moves & Developments
9.2.2. Company 2
9.2.3. Company 3
9.2.4. Company 4
9.2.5. Company 5
9.2.6. Company 6
9.2.7. Company 7
9.2.8. Company 8
10. Strategic Recommendations
11. Disclaimer

List of Figures
Figure 1: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size By Value (2017, 2022 & 2028F) (in USD Billion)
Figure 2: Market Attractiveness Index, By Type
Figure 3: Market Attractiveness Index, By Materials
Figure 4: Market Attractiveness Index, By Technology
Figure 5: Market Attractiveness Index, By End User
Figure 6: Porter's Five Forces of Mexico Blister Packaging Market

List of Table
Table 1 : Influencing Factors for Global Blister Packaging Market, 2022
Table 2: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Type (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 3: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Materials (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 4: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size and Forecast By Technology (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 5: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size and Forecast By End User (2017, 2022 & 2028F)
Table 6: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Carded (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 7: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Clamshell (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 8: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Plastic (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 9: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Aluminium (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 10: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Paper & Paper board (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 11: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Others (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 12: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Thermoforming (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 13: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Cold Forming (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 14: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Healthcare (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 15: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Consumer Goods (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 16: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Food (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 17: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Industrial Goods (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion
Table 18: Mexico Blister Packaging Market Size of Others (2017 to 2028) in USD Billion







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